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Goldust RP

Goldust RP

Passion, Drama, and Excitement
People Used People Mentioned OOC Win/Loss/Draw
Never Forget The Name Of Goldust


Match Type
Never Forget The Name Of Goldust
Weight Height Belt History Manager
The Following roleplay may contain some nasty stuff (may) i am not guaranteeing anything Enjoy, Goldust
.::(Disclaimer End)::.

The scene opens with Goldust and Andy standing backstage with Jonathan Coachman.

Coach: Goldust, Thursday you have a U.S. Title defense against a superstar that is quickly rising to the top, we heard some of your thoughts about this before, but I am confused about a few things. What are your exact thoughts about Kurt?

Andy: The champ is resting so I will answer for him. What are our thoughts well we have to admit he is a rising star but Goldust is going to show him that he is about to hit a glass ceiling name Goldust. We have come across bigger challengers before but we have knocked them down and Kurt is next. I have nothing but faith in Goldust he is truly the biggest superstar to ever hold this title. Kurt is a wannabe nothing more.

Coach: Well then what about the statement Goldust made about HHH and the “controversy” behind the T.V. Title match?

Andy: It's quite simple Goldust won the match and then the president Reversed the decision and awarded the title to HHH, and then HHH never gave my client a rematch, I am appalled and outraged at the actions of the president and I am going to get Goldust another Title match in the near future but until then we are going to focus on more important things such as the U.S. Title and of Course the World Title. Goldust is not the U.S. champ for so long because of cheating, but because of talent, I have said it before and I will say it again Goldust is the perfect Wrestler speed, agility, strength, and above all else brains. It's the intelligence that makes the man a great performer and Goldust has shown that he has the brains. All of the other things are just bonus points.

Coach: well then Andy what about you and Luna, what in the world is going on there. I heard she attacked you and taped you yo a chair?

Andy: that’s correct the woman is a psycho, she attacked me from behind and threw me into the chair I could have been killed but thank goodness I talked her out of it. I am going to get that bitch fired from the WFS once and for all. She is just another woman who thinks she can hang with men well I will show her it's a mans world and that she has no chance of keeping her job. Hey Luna how do you like that?

Coach: are you saying that the attack was un-provoked?

Andy: yes, I did nothing to deserve that.

Coach: what about all of those things you said about Luna and women in general?

Andy: everything I said was true every word of it, its Adam first. Why don’t you people get it? Oh I know why you don’t have the brains. You people are too stupid to get what I am saying; I don’t know why I waste me time. Maybe I should just never talk again.

The Crowd cheer wildly.

Andy: I wouldn’t give you all the satisfaction


I am from Hollywood you people need me.

Coach: well I can’t speak for everyone but I know I don’t need you.

Goldust steps in front of Andy and begins to speak

Goldust: you need him more then you know, he is the man with the plan, he will own the WFS soon enough. When it all said and done there will be only two names worth knowing Goldust and Andy Kaufman. And coach the way things are looking you will be the first to go. We are the unstoppable Duo there is no one who can beat us, and for anyone who thinks they can we are not hard to find just come but be careful what you wish for you might just get it. You know what I am done talking lets get out of here Andy.

Andy: I have a major surprise for everyone and I will let you all know next week.

With that Goldust and Andy turn and walk away.