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A Great Gimmick

~~Variation of match described
**Different rules for match described
++Tournament or other special event type match
Back History on match
Updated 1-9-03
Anything Goes Match--A match with no DQ and No Count Out
~~Other Names used for this match:
Hardcore Match
Bunkhouse Match/Bunkhouse Brawl
Street Fight(although sometimes does take place in a street)
Lights Out Match
Rest In Peace Match

Cage Match--We have all see this one, two(or more) Men fight it out in a ring surrounded by usually 15 foot cage. Win by pin fall/submission
~~**WWF Style Cage match--Cage is made of steel bars and the winner is the first man out of the cage.
~~ Chainlink Cage--Cage is made out of chainlink fencing
~~Barbedwire Cage Deathmatch(Japanese Style)--Ropes taken down and Steel bar cage surrounds the ring. Barbedwire is woven in and out of the bars. Small explosives or an electric current can be connected to the cage and barbedwire.
~~Barbedwire Cage Deathmatch(Mid-South Style)--Wooden frames with barbedwire run though the inside are set up on the ring apron. Rope can be taken down if desired
~~CZW’s Cage of Death--This a nice contraption thought up by the New Jersey based Hardcore group Combat Zone Wrestling. Can be a separate built unit or put on a ring with the ropes taken down. Two parallel sides of the cage are made of chain link fencing and the two others are made of steel bars. Inside of the cage is full of weapons(Axes, barbedwire, explosives, glass panes, etc.) There is a scaffold across the top of the cage and elevated barbedwire boards on the outside of the ring. Side of the cage can be electrified.
~~Covered Cage match--Chainlink cage with a matching roof
~~Hell in a Cell--A large cage surrounds the entire ring side area
~~Lion’s Den match--An octagonal pit made of chainlink fencing. Win by submission. Was used to show off Ken Shamrock’s UFC skills
~~Asylum match--circular chain link cage set up in the middle of the ring. Win by Submission. Used to gain heat for Scott Steiner
~~Triple Decker Cage match--Three cages stack on top of each other, each descending in size. The bottom cage is the size of the Hell in a Cell, the second around the size of a regular steel cage and the third about half the size of the second. Win by climbing to the top cage and grabbing whatever item is there.
**Win by grabbing the winning item and climbing back down to the arena floor
~~War Games--Two rings with one covered cage enclosing them both. Two teams of four with two men strating off and another joining every two min. Win by submission only after all men have joined the match.

Ladder match--A title or something of value(Money) is set up above the ring. The wrestlers much use a ladder that is either set in the middle of the ring or in the aisle way to get whatever is hung above the ring. Who ever gets the item first wins the match.
~~Barbedwire Ladder match--No DQ match with a ladder that is wrapped with Barbwire is used.
~~Stairway to Hell match-- Ladder match with a a weapon(Barbedwire, cane, Thumbtacks) hung above the ring. Win by Pin fall

Strap Match--Wrestlers are connected at the wrist by a ten foot leather strap. Winner is the man who carries his opponent around the ring and touches all four corners.
**Fully Loaded Strap Match--Win by pin fall or submission
~~Dog Collar match--Both men wear dog collars and are adjoined by a chain
~~Chain Match--Wrestlers attached to each other by the wrist by a chain
~~Ultra violent Strap Deathmatch--Instead of the strap both wrestlers are connected with strands of barbedwire.

Scaffold Match--A scaffold(platform between two ladders) is set up either in or above the ring.
~~Scaffold Match(Japanese)--A 10 - 15 ft scaffold is set up in the ring.Basically just a regular match with a scaffold involved, usually has another gimmic involved aswell(ie. No rope barbedwire and barbedwire boards)
~~Scaffold(American)A scaffold is set up above the ring. Both wrestler climb up and fight the first to fall is the loser.
~~Swing Scaffold Match-- A wooden platform held to the roof of the arena by chains.First to fall loses
~~High Incident Scaffold Match--A swinging scaffold match with a stack of tables below it.

Battle Royal--10 or more men battle it out in the ring at the same time, eliminating eachother by pin fall or throwing eachother over the top rope, last man standing wins
~~Royal Rumble--30 men- Two men start off with one man entering every two minutes. Over the top rope elimination.
~~World War 3--60 men:Three Rings-Over the top rope elimination.
~~King of the Mountain--Any number of men:two rings--Over the top rope elimination. Match starts off in one ring after some is eliminated they move into the second ring. Winner of the first ring then faces the winner of the second ring. The winner is King of the Mountain
~~Last Blood BR--Any number of men:One ring--Winner is the last man who is not bleeding
~~Bunk House Battle Royal--Any number of men--One ring:Over the top rope elimination. Each participant brings a weapong with them as they enter the match
~~Battle Zone--Any number of men:One ring-Over the toop rope elimination. Typical battle royal, except this one features tables covered with barbedwire, thuimbtacks, and light bulbs on the outside of the ring, ready to catch wrestlers as they are thrown out of the ring

++Spin The Wheel, Make The Deal--A giant raffle type wheel is set up with names of various gimmic matches on it(Barbedwire match, Ladder match, Street Fight, etc). The wheel is spun and what ever match it lands on is the match the participants must compete in.
A good idea done in the early 90s. WCW, but was done incredibly wrong. This was held at Halloween Havoc ‘92 and ‘93(I could be off). The first one involved Sting vs Jake “the Drunken Snake” Roberts. The set up was ok , the real problem was the match that was choosen, A Coal Miner’s Glove match(will be added later). Ofcoarse the ending to the match wasn’t much either(go to the for that). The second STW,MTD was a littel better, involving Cactus Jack and Vader , ending their WCW fued I believe, the match choosen was A Texas Deathmatch(again will be added later) , again the ending was crappy but was IMO, a good match.

First Blood Match--A No Hold Barred match, with the only way to win is to make your opponent bleed. Also called a DNA match if your a big Final year WCW fan(David Flair vs Buff Bagwell)

Weapons Match-- All weapons(chairs, tables bats, etc) are legal in this match-up.Weapons are either brought out by wresters or spread around the ring before the match.
~~Good Housekeeping Match--All house hold item.appliances’ are legal.
~~Fans Bring the Weapons Match--The supply the weapons, to make the match even more insane
@@Fans Bring the Weapons was a big part in the early days of ECW ofter supplying the wrestlers with chairs and frying pans to add to the mayhem.
Today indy feds IWA Mid-South and CZW have incorparated this match into their agendas. Most notable CZW’s UnF’Nforgetable in which the fans brought hundreds of florescent light bulbs to the arena.(go to to get the tape)@@

Light Bulb Deathmatch--An insane hardcore match in which Light Bulbs(usually flourescent light tubes) are used. Ofter put on wooden boards or used individually like bats.
~~200(or more) Light Bulb Deathmatch-- Light bulb tubes at taped verically on to the ropes, set up in the corners and put on tables on the outside of the ring.
~~Bed of Light Bulbs Deathmatch--Shallow pit(s) of light bulbs are/ is set up in the middle of the ring or in the corners.
~~House of Pain Match--Done like a 200 Light Bulb Deathmatch but involves “Log Cabins made of Light Tubes(squares made up of bulbs, think violent lincoln logs)

Thumbtacks Deathmatch--Thumbtacks are placed into shallow pits placed either in the center of the ring or in the corners of the ring
~~Black Balloon Deathmatch--Six large black balloons are placed above the ring. Starts off as a regular no hold barred match but after 10 min. the balloons explode dropping thousands of thumbtacks everywhere.
~~Thumbtack Brawl--Thumbtacks are spread around the ring. Wrestle roll around and fight among the tacks, not very intertaining IMONOTE:Can be seen in JCW Vol 1. under the name Titties in the Thumb tacks Match.

Glass Deathmatch-- Usual Violent match this time involving Broken or panes of glass.
~~Glass Graves Deathmatch-- A pit slightly deeper than ones used in bed of.... Deathmatch are filled with broken glass and covered with a glass pane.
~~Bed of Broken Glass Deathmatch--A shallow pit is filled with broken bottle, light bulbs, etc and placed in the middle or the corners of the ring.

Item on a Pole Match--You have all probably seen something like this before. An item is placed on a pole set up on one of the poles in the ring and the wrestler must climb the pole and either get the item and use it use it as they will or use the item to win the match(ie. must get nightstick and hit use it on opponent to win)
Examples of Items that cpuld be on the pole:
Bag of Thumbtacks
Pink Slip and Viagra(stupid, stupid matches, please never book another one)
Coal Miner’s Glove(Glove with steel wrapeed around it)
Baseball Bat/Barbedwire Bat
Roll of Barbedwire

Barbedwire Deathmatch--There are several variations of this brutal match that involves the use of razor sharp barbedwire to inflict punishment on your opponent.
~~”Orginal” Barbedwire match-- Three strands of Barbedwire are wrapped horizantally between the ropes streatching around all four ring posts. Can Also have barbedwrei wrapped horzontally around each individual rope.
~~Spider-net Barbedwire-- barbedwire is wrapped Horizontally around arond the ropes, makeing access to the ring harder, becaue you can onlt get in by going under the bottom rope.
~~No-Rope Barbedwire Deathmatch-- The rope are completely taken down and replaced with barbedwire, usually three strands of barbedwire are strung up around all four ring posts then a two strands of babrbedwire are strung at an angle on each side so it looks like four large letter “X”s.Barbedwire can be rigged to small explosives or an electrical current.

Barbedwire Board Deathmatch-- 6x10 boards with barbedwire are set up in the corners, mat or outside the ring. ~~
Barbedwire Table Match-- Tables with barbedwire stapled to them are placed outside or in the ring.

Kendo Stick Match--Both men are given kendo sticks and they proceed to beat eachother with them. The first man to fall off his feet is the loser.This match was only done once in the WWF a few years ago during the Steve Blackman/Droz fued, it was quite boring.

Dueling Canes--Once again both men are give Singapore Cane(Kendo Sticks) and are legally allowed to use them in the match. Win by Pin fall or submission.
Loser Gets A Singapore Canning--A regular match but the loser gets Canned 10 times by the opponent.

??? VS ??? Match-- In these matches there is usually something at stake put up by both opponents here are some examples:
~~Hair VS Hair--Commonly done in Mexico, where the hair of a wwrestler can be looked at as sacred. The loser of the match has his head shaved often in the middel of the ring, this is looked at as a great embarassment to the loser.

~~Mask VS Mask--Also commonly done in Mexico with the losing wrestler removing his mask and revealing to the world and telling his real name.Once again this is considered a great embarrassment to the losing wrestler, mask are sacred in Mexico. Mexican Wrestler El Santo was buried with his maskk on after his death, having only family and close friends seeing his face. / after losing their masks in the States, Rey Mysterio Jr. and Psicosis returned to Mexico with their masks, nearly starting riots.

~~Title VS Title--Both wrestlers in the match are putting up their titles ina winner take all battle.

I DON’T REMEMBER THE NAME OF THE MATCH-- I recall it having to do with Gold Mining or something. There are four wooden boxes having off poles in all four corners. Inside one box is a title belt that is up for grabs, the othere three contain a weapon to use on your opponent. The winner is whoever finds the belt first. If you know please e-mail me.

Inter-Gender Match-- Match involving a Man VS a Woman
~~MIxed Tag Match-- Tag Team match involving teams consisting of one man and one woman. Rules for this can be only men VS men(and vice versa) or either sex can face eachother. This match can be done with regular size wrestlers and midgets aswell.

Casket Match--An anything goes match with the winner placing his oppoenent in a casket and locking it shut.Usually involves The Undertaker, although there have been some staged in Japan.

Buried Alive Match--A mock grave-site is set up in the arena. The object of the match is to drag your opponent and throw them in the grave and bury themAnother, Undertaker match, damn he has been around for awhile

Cat Fight--Generally a woman’s match that features no woman that are actaul wrestlers. So they roll around on the mat pulling eachothers hair and pulling their clothes off. It’s a T&A showI am in no way complaining

~~Following two matches are additions to the cage match entry and will be added up there soon
~~Kennel From Hell--You take a steel cage and put it on the ring and then lower the Hell in a Cell around it. Sound like a good match idea. Yes, but there is a down -side. Outside of the cage there are dogs with weak blatters(and the Big Boss Man too). To win you must escape the cage and the HIAC.
~~Reverse Cage match--A Cage is set up on the ring, but the match starts either in the aisle way or backstage. To win you fight your way to ringside and be the first man to climb over into the cage.

”Freaks of Nature” Deathmatches--The following matches all feature an exotic and deadly animal in some way, to add even more danger to this already deadly style of wrestling. To make a long story short the following usuallly include the creature in a shallow pit or tank somewhere in the ring or ringside area.
~~Alligator Deathmatch
~~Scorpion Deathmatch
~~Pirranah Deathmatch
~~Taranchula Deathmatch

Elimination Tag Team Match--Two teams consisiting of two to 6 men(can be more, especially if teams are made of different tag teams). After a member of your team is pinned they are eliminated from the match and must leave the ringside area. When tag teams are involved, once a member of an individual team is elimintaed the whole team is elimnated. The team who eliminates all member of the opposing team is the winner The most famous of these types of match is the WWF’s annual Survivor Series, although they have been quite sparse the last few years.

Three Way Dance-- Three men wrestle it out in the ring with only one becoming the victor. After one man is pinned he leaves the match and it continues oon with the two remaining participants, until there is a winner. One of the most famous three way dances was at ECW’s “The Night The Line Was Crossed” Show, featuring Sabu, Shane Douglas, and Terry Funk, battling to a one hour time limit draw
~~Four Way Dance-- Same as above but with a forth man added to the mix.

Triple Threat-- Similar to the Three Way Dance, but rules are sudden death. One fall ends the match. If there is a title involved, the champion does not have to be pinned in order to lose his title.

Tournament-- A series of matches with a bracket of wrestlers consisting of 4 to as high as 64 men.
~~Single Elimintaion- Series of one on one matches with the loser of each match being eliminated. The winners go on to face other winners, in the process eliminating eachother until there is one man as the victor(badly explained, I know) Examples:
WWF’s King of The Ring
King of the Death Match Tournaments
~~Round- Robin/League--Participants are scored on their matches with the rubrick consisting of:

Winning(pin/submisson) == 5------O
Winning (DQ/ Count out) ====== 4------^^
Draw(Time limit expired) ====== 2------##
Double Count -Out ========== 0------#
Lose (DQ/ Count- Out)======= 0------^
Lose(pin/ Submission)======== 0------X

Symbols ae short hand for the Tounament Bracket

Two of of Three Falls-- A regular match, involving a wrestler having to pin his opponenth twice to the win.
~~Stipulation 2 out of 3 falls-- For every fall there is a different gimmick involved, example: fall #1--regular match, fall#2--Strap Match, fall#3(if needed)-- Lightbulb deathmatch.

Four Corners of Pain-- On the outside of of eachside of the ring thsere is a pit consisting of, barbedwire, lightbulbs/glass, thumbtacks, or mousetraps.

NHW Deathmatch-- A combination of Four Corners of Pain and Carribean Barbedwire deathmatch. barbedwire is wrapped horizontally around the ring ropes. And on the outside of the ring there are barbedwire tables and lightbulb tables. Also pits of thumbtacks and barbedwire. NOTE: This is the default match for Deathmatch title bouts, unless another match is chosen by the champion or by NHW officials.

Texas Deathmatch-- Anything goes falls count anywhere. To win you must pin your opponent, and he must then get to his feet within a 10 sec count. If he does not get up he loses.
~~**Last Man Standing-- Anything goes you must knnock out your opponent, if he doesn't get to his feet withon a 10 sec count he loses.

Stable Gun Deathmatch-- No Holds Barred match with a Staple Gun in the middle of the ring to be used at will.
~~Lucky 21 Staple Gun Match-- the first wrestling to stable the most of 21 dollar bills to their opponent wins.

Balcony Match-- To win you must first throw you opponent off the balcony t han pin him.

Table Match-- To win you must put your opponent through a table.
~~Double Tables/ Tag Team Table Match-- To win youo have to put both members of the opposing team through tabels
~~Flaming Tables-- You must put you opponent that has been set on fire.

NHW ASYLUM-- A covered cage match. This is the match we use to settle undisputed champions or to kill off a fued. Can be equipped with weapons and other gimmicks for Deathmatches.

Three Stages of Hell-- A take on the two out of three fall match. Each fall is a different gimmick. Most of you are familiar with this match because of HHH vs Austin @ No Way Out last year

Three Stages of Death-- A another take on the thwo out of three falss match, but this time each fall is differnet type of deathmatch.

House of Mirrors-For this match 6x3 foot mirrors is placed in each corner of the ring and on carpenter horses on the outside of the ring(imagine a table but with a mirror in place of fake @$$ wood)

Light bulb cage deathmatch- Imagine a large cage structure built entirely out of florescent light bulbs. Now imagine the carnage that would be created as two wrestlers fight for their lives inside.

Gauntlet Match-Must face up to 5 wrestlers one at a time winning 3 out of five
~~Regular match- Wrestler(s) must face up to 5 wrestlers/teams, one at a time in a standard match(win by pinfall submission, countout or DQ)
~~Hardcore match- Wrestler(s) must face up to 5 wrestlers/teams, one at a time in a a hardcore rules match(No DQ - Falls count anywhere)
~~Gimmick Match-Wrestler(s) must face up to 5 wrestlers/teams, one at a time in a gimmic match(ie. Kendo Stick match)
~~Gimmick Match (Shape Shifting Remix)-Wrestler(s) must face up to 5 wrestlers/teams in 5 different gimmic matches in one night. (ie 1.Kendo stick match, 2.Table match, 3.Cage Match, 4.Strap match, 5.Ladder match)
~~Deathmatch-Wrestler(s) must face up to 5 wrestlers/teams, one at a time in a a deathmatch(ie.Thumbtack and barbedwire bat deathmatch)
~~Deathmatch (Massacre Remix)-Wrestler(s) must face up to 5 wrestlers/teams, one at a time in 5 different deathmatches in one night.(ie1.No rope barbedwire, 2.Light bulb cage deathmatch, 3.Bed of Nails and glass panes, 4.Barbedwire and lemon/ salt, 5.Stairway to Hell)

Weedwacker DeathmatchBoth wrestlers are giver a weedwacker to rip eachother apart

Buck Naked Match-- Held at XPW's Freefall show. To win you must strip your opponent well naked. Hope to God it's a women's match.
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