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Passion. It lies within us all. Unbidden. Unwelcome. But sooner or later, it will awaken. It will hunger. It opens it's toothy maul, and howls.

It speaks to us, guides us. It commands us, and we obey. What choice do we have? None, yet it dosen't care. It is a beast, and it demands to be fed.

Passion can be mistaken for ambition quite easily. The diffrence is that ambition is not all comsuming. Ambition usually will not cause other people pain and misery, whereas a person consumed with passion will do whatever it takes to feed that hunger. If that means unspeakavle acts of violence, then so be it.

My passion? I want to be the best. I want to leave every opponent laying in a pool of their own blood. I want to be better today than I was tomorrow. I want the gold belts that tells everyone who sees them that I am the man that was better..

Passion is the source of all our finest emotions. Te sweetness of love, the heat of anger and rage, the sour emptiness of greif. It is what makes us who we are everyday. It hurts us so bad sometimes that we feel than we can no longer go on. Sometimes it's more than we can bear. But with out it, what would we be. Empty, hollow shells.

Empty rooms, nothing. Without passion, we are truly dead.

(The scene opens up on Chris Rickter. He stands in the ring that is set up in the Compaq Center in Houston, Texas. The ring is set up for the upcoming ACW:Rampage show that is scheduled for Thursday. He leans over the side of the ropes, staring blankly out into the nearly empty arena. Stage hands are walking back and forth, still setting up seats for the event. Fiona emerges from the behind the curtain that is being hung at the top of the stage, and walks down the ramp to the ring.)

Fiona: What are you doing, Chris?

Chris: Just thinking. Wondering if I'm good enough to stand in this ring.

Fiona: Your good enough. ACW hired you, didn't they?

Chris: Yeah, but they put me in a ringer match with some loser and a couple of shmucks that mean nothing.

Fiona: This is just your first match since PSW. Don't worry. You'll do fine.

Chris: Oh, I'm not not worried about getting hurt. I'm not afraid of losing. I just don't want to be shoved into the back like WashDogg and the other two have. Washdogg thinks that he's the man who's gonna win this tournament, but I've got news for him, I didn't come here to lose, I came here to win.I don't care what I have to do to win, either. I don't give a damn about the fans, the ref's or the rules, I will not be pushed around by little people like him who think just because he's been here and he comes up with the dumbest match in the world that he's better than me. He's not, and on Thursday, I'm gonna prove it to him and the Campbell's.

Fiona: Your here to win titles, and thats what your going to do. Hell, they have a womens division here, maybe I'll wrestle too.

Chris: Your going to wrestle? Only if I can watch you wrestle other women and tape the whole thing.....

Fiona: Nah, my job is on the outside of the ring. I'm not a wrestler, never was, never will be. I'm just here to make sure you get your fair chance. That's it.

Chris: I had all of two title shots in Power Surge Wrestling, and I one one of those. I never got the chance to really show them what I could really do. It's not going to be that way here. Even if I have to cripple the entire roster to get my chance, I'll do it. I am not going to be set back and fight curtian jerkers forever. I finally got respect in PSW, and now it's closed. I plan on getting the same respect here that I had there. I am focused on one thing, and one thing only, and that is to hurt Washdogg. he thinks that I am focused on the wrong thing. That a personal life makes you weak. Well, I think you got it backwards. Family makes a person stronger. Anyways you look at it, I will not be like him. I never smoked crack, and if thats his little pastime, then this will be even easier than I though it would be.

Fiona: You ready to go? You need to train and get some rest before Thursday.

Chris: Yeah. I need to stop at the hardware store before we get to the hotel.

(Chris and Fiona step through the ropes of the ring and walk back up the ramp. Chris stops at the top of the stage, and turns to look at the empty arena one more time, and then continues through the curtain.)

(((Fade to Black)))