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..: “The Franchise Soldier” - EcKo :..

* Mentioned * * People Used * * Titles * * WCWF Record *
:: Disclaimer :: Yo... This layout was created by someone; but, I slightly modified it a bit. Anyway... I'm givin’ whoever created this credit! So… thanks, and stuff! :: End Disclaimer ::

[[The scene opens up in EcKo and Mr. Thursday Night’s locker-room. The two men are un-packing, while paying attention to the TV. On the TV are highlight reels from both cisco Kid, and Caretaker’s careers in the VWF.]]

"See, dude… there’s nothing to worry about! Caretaker’s just all special effects. If he didn’t use all that computer animated demons and crap… he’d be nothing but an Undertaker rip-off!”

Mr. Thursday Night
"Who the hell said I was worried?! I’ve got this match in the bag, man!”

"I know, dude. I was just tryin’ to re-assure you. Besides, I’ll be guest refereeing the match anyway! See?!”

[[EcKo pulls an official WCWF’s referee shirt out of his black duffle-bag. A smile comes across both men’s faces.]]

Mr. Thursday Night
"Oh yeah! And guess who the guest referee for your match is?!”

[[MTN also pulls an official WCWF’s referee shirt out of his black duffle-bag. EcKo’s smile gets bigger.]]

"No way! Are you freakin’ kidding me?! Yo, with both of us bein’ the ref for each other’s matches, there’s no way in hell we’re gonna’ lose!”

Mr. Thursday Night
"Well… I’m about ninety-nine point nine percent parched right now. I’m gonna’ go get something from the vending machines. You need anything?”

"No thanks, dawg. Brought a water!” *EcKo holds up a water-bottle, half-way empty*

Mr. Thursday Night
"Alright, cool. I’ll be back in a sec.”

"Alright, dawg.”

[[MTN exits through the door, and quietly shuts it behind him. EcKo stares down at the referee’s shirt for a few moments, before looking up into the camera.]]

"cisco Kid… we’re only about a few hours away from our debut matches here in the WCWF. While we’ve both been in the same federation, I don’t think we’ve ever stepped foot inside the ring with eachother. You don’t know much about me. And I sure as hell haven’t seen anything out of you, except for what I’m seein’ on these tapes. And to tell you something, dude… I’m not really impressed! You claim to be the “Toughest Little Son-of-a-Bitch” in wrestling entertainment. Not true! You’re just a little punk whose been on a pure streak of luck. Well, I’ve gotta’ little news for ya’ Crisco. That streak is about to run its coarse. ‘Cuz tonight, when my music hits… “The Franchise Soldier” is once again gonna’ prove to the wrestling world why he is one of the most dominating forces in sports entertainment today! So, Crisco… bring your “A-Game.” Bring your “Ro-gain.” Bring whatever it is that you need. ‘Cuz when that bell rings… nothing will save you from being New Found Power’s second victim! Second? Yeah… sorry you’re not the first! But that position has already been filled by Undertak… I mean… Caretaker! I’ll see your punk-ass later on tonight, boy!”

[[The scene fades to black, as EcKo tosses the referee shirt on the table, along with his other wrestling equipment.]]

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