The layout was made by Amy. I made the banner and I wrote the roleplay. Dont steal. Email or IM Amy at XxRawisAmyxX@aol.com.

Trinity's theme "Somewhere I Belong" by Linkin Park

Trinity is seen walking in the backstage doors wearing a black halter top with her name air-brushed across the front with in white lettering, black leather pants, a silver diamond cross on a silver chain around her neck, with a snakeskin coyboy hat with a white skull on the front. She pushes her gym bag back with her arm as she walks down the hallway on her way to the women's locker room, until Josh Matthews comes running up and grabs her arm. Trinity, not knowing who it is, turns around and grabs Josh by the throat, lifting him alittle off the ground.

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Who the hell are you?

[ : : ."I Wasn't Tough Enough" |Josh Matthews| . : : ]
*trys to talk* Jos.....Josh....Matt....Matthews.

Trinity drops Josh, and he falls to the floor from being lifted up alittle off the ground. He dust himself off and leans down to grabs his mic off the floor.

[ : : ."I Wasn't Tough Enough" |Josh Matthews| . : : ]
Hello, Josh Matthews here with The Female Phenom Trinity. Now Trinity may I ask you a few questions.

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Your here so I suppose.

[ : : ."I Wasn't Tough Enough" |Josh Matthews| . : : ]
How does it feel to be here in WWF/WCW and being on the side of WCW?

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
I feel great Josh, I mean it seems to be a great company and I will not let Shane Mcmahon down. I will beat whoever gets put in front of me til I make a name for myself.

[ : : ."I Wasn't Tough Enough" |Josh Matthews| . : : ]
It's great to have you Trinity, next question, this Monday on Raw you along with 7 other divas are going to be participating in the first ever Rock Pie Eatting contest, what are your thoughts on that?

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Personally I think Shane Mcmahon could have gave me something better for my debut then a pie eatting contest but I'll go along with this little contest. I'm not the best baker but I will make sure my pie is the best thing the rock has ever tasted.

[ : : ."I Wasn't Tough Enough" |Josh Matthews| . : : ]
Do you wanna say anything to your oppinents??

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Girls, bring your best pie but it wont matter because mine will be the best. I will win the pie eatting contest and there's nothing any of you bitches can do about it.

Trinity smiles as she pie faces Josh, pushing him to the floor and laughs as she walks down the hallway.

Trinity is seen walking down the hallway wearing a black top with one strap and tight black leather pants. She takes a sip of the water in her hand and is about to screw the top back on when someone bumps into her, making her spill it all over the front of her. She shakes the water off of her hands and looks into the eyes of The Game Triple H. Triple H has no idea who he just ran into..thinking it's someone that works at the arena.

[ : : ."The Game" |Triple H| . : : ]
Don't you think you should watch where you're going?!

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Excuse me Hunter but you bumped into me!

[ : : ."The Game" |Triple H| . : : ]
What difference does it make anyways?! Do I know you?

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Obviously not or you would have said atleast sorry. *flips her hair out of her face*

[ : : ."The Game" |Triple H| . : : ]
Sorry? I don't apologize to anybody for anything.

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
God arent you a rude little bastard.

Just then a crew worker walks by and says Trinity's name and says hi.Triple H scratches his forehead..smirking.

[ : : ."The Game" |Triple H| . : : ]
Yeah I guess I am. But did that guy just call you Trinity?

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Yea that is my name.

[ : : ."The Game" |Triple H| . : : ]
Hmm..you must be one of the new diva's then.

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Wow your so smart *rolls her eyes*

She walks over to one of the tables in the hallway and grabs a towel. She start to dry off her chest and arms.

[ : : ."The Game" |Triple H| . : : ]
Yeah you could say that. *Sarcasm on the part of Triple H as he smiles a bit.* So..uhh..what do you plan on doing here?!

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
*countinues to dry off her chest as Triple H trys not to look* Kicking ass what else would I be in wrestling for.

[ : : ."The Game" |Triple H| . : : ]
Hey..ya never know with women these days..some are just flat out bitches..like my ex-wife.

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Well I'm one of those women that actually can wrestle and will.

[ : : ."The Game" |Triple H| . : : ]
Good for you..but I should warn ya there is some pretty tough competition around here.

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
*grins* That's good to hear, I mean I hated it over in Nwa/Tna because all I fought was slutty little bitches.

[ : : ."The Game" |Triple H| . : : ]
Heh..there some of those around here..but I won't mention any names..I'm sure you could be a good judge of that.

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
I know who your talking about and yes Lita is a great wrestler.

Trinity sits the towel back on the table and straightens her top, showing alittle cleveage. Tripe H can't help but notice..with her doing that right there in front of him. He then laughs.

[ : : ."The Game" |Triple H| . : : ]
I'd be careful of what you say..Lita is a pretty tough woman.

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Did you hear me say anything bad about Lita, hell she's the women's champion, she must have some kind of talent.

[ : : ."The Game" |Triple H| . : : ]
Just making sure you know.

Triple H adjusts the wCw Championship on his shoulder..in the process showing off his massive arms.

Trinity smiles and looks down and see's her shoe is untied. She leans over infront of Triple H, with a perfect shot of her round ass right in front of the WCW Champion. Triple H puts his hand up..looking away but every so often checking her out.

[ : : ."The Game" |Triple H| . : : ]
Some pretty nice assets you got there..I'm sure you'll add to the company in no time.

Trinity, still bent over, looks up at Triple H.

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Well thank you.

[ : : ."The Game" |Triple H| . : : ]
No problem..glad to have checked you out.

Trinity stands up straight, and picks up her water bottle sitting on the table,takes the rest of her water and actually dumps in over Triple H's head. Ohhh boy..Triple H becomes angered and pulls back..but then doesn't do anything just calms down..shaking his head.

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
*smiles* I'm glad to have cooled you off.

[ : : ."The Game" |Triple H| . : : ]
Aren't you just the comedian?!

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
What did I do? I thought I was doing you a favor?

[ : : ."The Game" |Triple H| . : : ]
You wanna do me a favor?! GET LOST!

Triple H is still pissed off.

Trinity stands against the wall and just looks at Hunter with a evil glare.

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
How about you do me a favor and keep walking.

[ : : ."The Game" |Triple H| . : : ]
I'd be glad to.

Trips turns around and walks away from the scene.

Trinity stands there smiling

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
And he the Champ??

Trinity laughs as she walks down the hallway.

Trinity is sitting in the women's locker room, trying on some outfits for her contest tonight. Just then Trish walks out of the bathroom, scaring Trinity. She puts her hand over her heart as she see's Trish.

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
I thought I was the only one in here.

Jumps up in a shock

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
Oh my god I thought I was the only one here too!

Trinity goes back to looking though her bag as Trish walks over to the mirror and sorts her hair out..

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
So are you new here then?

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Yea name is Trinity.

Trish smiles and walks over and crosses her arms

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
Hey I'm Trish Stratus

Pulls hers hand out ready to shake....

Trinity looks at Trish's hand and glady shakes it.

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
So are you in wcw or wwf? or dont you know yet? *smiles*

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Im in WWF you?

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
I'm in WWF too.

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Cool, god I really can't stand that Triple H. He is so rude, he bumped into me, making me spill my water all over my shirt and wouldnt even say sorry. But i got him back *smiles*

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
Pfft me too, I dont like him neither he is such a big nose freak. And hes not a gentleman cos he didnt even say sorry?, Oh my god thats so rude! *smirks* and what do you mean you got him back? *smiles*

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Well he was checking out my "assets" as he called it and i stood up and poured my water over his head. *laughs* It was the highlight of my day.

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
*laughs out loud* You go girl!. I get that all the time but just looking at my *looks down* breasts but I seem to get them back but if they are I continue! *giggles* but if there freaks like HHH I would slap him one!. *smirks*

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
I was about to but I decided to "cool him off" instead. *laughs*

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
*giggles* I thought so....So have you got a match on RAW this week?

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Actually I'm in The Rock's pie eatting contest? I dont understand what that has to do with wrestling but whatever.

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
Well I'm in a match against Stephanie McMahon *roll eyes* pfft I cant stand that bitch the more I can throw her!.

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
*laughs* Yea she doesnt seem to be very liked around here, Triple H was talking about her too.

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
Who does like her!?, well except Bobbi billard and debra the most, and she's saying that I aint got no friends...pfft look at her! *laughs*

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
I dont know her so I wont judge, now you know who seems to be quite the little bitch?

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
I think I do...

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
LITA!! I mean she has talent I'll give her that but she dont need to walk around here like she fuckin walks on water because she has a friendship with Tripe H and she's the women's champion. There's a saying "You have to give respect to get respect" and I dont think Lita has heard of that saying before.

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
*roll eyes* Lita oh my god!!?. She thinks she so good around here carrying her title and being mates with all the guys, And I know she likes Hunter......And I dunno how, but hey I do respect her the way she fights and that but personly she aint a nice woman and that doesnt bother me and whateva she does in her cena debra love triangle is annoyin why cant they just sort it out!

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
God she wants all the dudes around here huh? Cena and Triple H, who's next The Rock?

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
I have no idea Trinty....no idea whateva she does here in the wwf/wcw is none of our business unless she tries it on with Jeff...

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Jeff Hardy?? Is that your boyfriend?

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
Yeah he is...Didn't you know that? *smiles* Yeah he got quiet pissed off with me cos I was kinda flirting with Cena and I called him gothic....

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
No I didnt know. *laughs* gothic he seems like a cool guy. Can I ask you do you know what The Rock's pie eatting contest is actually?

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
Well in WWE one time he went through that with the paint and that, but I still love him....And he is kool and as for the rock pie eating contest....I have no idea hun but It sounds like you will be eating pie!. *laughs*

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Well I asked Vince and he said the rock will eat the pie and see which one is better, I must say I cant bake for shit. *laughs*

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
I cooook good pie!. *laughs* but I didnt get put in that match, So I will be seeing who wins that one!, and I hope its you.

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Thanks but I dont know about that because I'm not a good baker, How on earth am I gonna bake a pie?

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
Erm look in the cook book? or I could show you how to make one....

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
I think I'll call my mom, she bakes all the time.

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
thats nice.....So what would that be then Trinty?

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
What? what kind of pie am I gonna bake? Well I was thinking Cherry or Blueberry I dont know yet.

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
Well I give you one thing.....I been with the rock before and I'm not sure if he likes Blueberry pie....

Trinity looks at Trish strangely

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Well then what kind of pie does he like?

Trish smirks and kinda blushes and then flicks her hair back...

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
Well I'm not sure what pie he likes but not blueberry.

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Ok you know something, clue me in, I dont get it??

Trinity sits there with a blank look on her face

Trish looks at Trinity weirdly....

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
What do you mean I know sumthing ? just dont make him blueberry pie.

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Ok maybe Cherry, everyone loves Cherry pie.

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
Great choice!

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Well I better go call my mom and she can walk me through it.

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
Ok then nice meeting you Trinity...I think there will be a great relationship with us two....

[ : : ."The Female Phenom" |Trinity| . : : ]
Yea me too. See ya around Trish.

Trinity stands up, waving bye to Trish, and walks out the door. Trish stands there looking at the door Trinity walked out.Trish smiles to herself and then whispers to herself..

[ : : ."The Queen Of Stratusfaction" |Trish Stratus| . : : ]
What a great gal!, I'm sure she will do great here!.

Trish smiles and walks off back into the bathroom.