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LL Cool J

The One and only

-.:::Disclaimer:::.- This Is A Layout made for me by Ryan AKA Angelica. So don't steal it event hough it totally reeks of awesomeness!
-.:::End Disclaimer:::.-

People Used:

People Mentioned:

Name Of Rp:



LL Cool J, Lilian, limo driver, the fans

Everyone I gusse

LL Cool J makes his dabut

None yet

Sorry it's kinda short. I suck at dabuts

LL Cool J

::Scene::The E.C.F comes back from it's normal commercials. The camera is panning threw the crowd showing all the many sighns that the people are holding up. Then the titan-tron lights up showing the parking lot. Then a long black stretch limo pulls into the parking lot. The limo
LL Cool J is here!
stops. The door of the front of the limo opens. The driver of the limo gets out and heads to the back of the limo. Once he's at the back he opens the back door but the camera is behind the driver so your not able to see who it is thats sitting in the limo. from under the door you can see two white sneakers. on one of the sides you can see the bottoms of pants but on the other leg you can't see the pants. The pants that you can see that they are very baggy jeans. On the other leg you can see that the leg has a dark complection. Then you can see that there is preasure being put on the feet as the person who is standing up. The person whos in the car then stands up and you can plainly see that it's LL Cool J. You can see from the uperhalf of his body that he is wearing a red shirt thats kind of see threw and underneath it he has a black muscel shirt.He also has on a brown Bandana that goes all the way around his head that has what seems to be little pebals in it. He also has on some red tinted sun glasses thats have something on the bottom of one if the lencess. The has a big smile and is noding his head slightly. He walks away from the door enough so that the driver can close it and he does.You can see that with LL Cool J's baggy jeans have one leg rolled up and the other going down The driver after closing the door walks to the very back of the limo and uses the keys that he has to unlock the trunk. He opens up the trunk and pulls out a backpack. The driver holds it by the top thing and walks over to LL Cool J and stands there in silance until LL Cool J starts talking::

LL Cool J-"Brother, if it aint that much truble would ya' bring my bag to my locker room. I'm not sure where that might be but I'm sure that there is some crew around here that will be able to help you."

Driver-"Yes Sir, Mr. LL, I'll get it there as fast as I can."

LL Cool J-"Bro. Just call me by my first name, thats James. I don't like none of that formal crap. But if thats what your into you can call me Mr. Smith my last name..Thanks and good luck. If you want and have nothing to do you can chill out in my locker room if not whatever floats your boat I guse se ya' later."

Driver-"Yes sir Mr. Smith"

::Scene::LL Cool laughs a little then shakes his head as he walks off. The camera shows the driver walking down the hall then switches to the inside of the arena. The camera is looking threw the crowd who are excited because they are sure that LL Cool J is about to come out. Then as the fans are waiting "Mama said knock you out" By LL Cool J blasts threw the P.A system. The lights of the arena turn a bunch of bight colors and multi-colored fireworks shoot out from the top of the ramp and the stage area. Then LL Cool J walks out from behind the curtin as the fireworks stop and the smoke from them stops filling the top of the stage. The lights of the arena are back to normal and LL Cool J gets a big cheer from the fans as he starts walking down the ramp. LL Cool J stops halfway down the ramp and and puts all his fingers down except his index finger and his pink finger. He hold the back part of his hand out to the crowd as they cheer more. LL then puts his hand becak down and in it's noral possition and walks down the rest on the ramp. LL Cool J jumps up onto the ring apron putting his hands on the top ropes. LL cool J then steps between the top and middle rope and gets into the ring. LL Cool J walks over to one of the turn-buckels and jumps up on the second rope arean and holds his fans out towords the fans pointing at them then the does the thumbs up. LL Cool J then starts moving his head back and forth as Lillian announces him::

Lilian-"Ladies and gentalmen the ECF prowdly presents to you, one of the newest members of the ECF roster and the known singer and actor LL Cool J!"

::Scene::LL Cool J Smiles as the cheers get louder. LL Cool J the jumps off the turn buckel and walks to the center of the ring and lilian hands him the mic. LL Cool J thanks her and she stands off in the corrner. LL Cool J holds the mic close to his lips and starts talking as his music stops and and the crowd setals down a little::

LL Cool J-"Damn, I didn't expect to get this kind of ovation! But I'm glad that I did. I know that you people say me and my good Friend DJ The Disk Jockey in Edges bet thing but I'm out here right now to make my official dabut here in the ECF. The reason I didn't do it sooner is because I was on tour with my singing and dat kinda stuff but now I have all the time in the world to do whatever I want. The thing that I have chosen to do is wrestle. I have been watching the ECF at home and I desided to give it a shot and thats what I'm here to do. Now I know what some people are probably thinking and for you people yes I did get propor training and I do know some good moves. I know some of the best actually. I know that there are alot of people here who have more talent then me and more alot of things then me but I aint about to back down from any challange even if I don't actually think I can win. I don't look as it as a loss and whoever does has to be a little hard on thereselfs don't you think? I mean there is no sence in being here and not taking challanges even though you can't win it's just stupid. There are some people who are better then me yeah but there are alot of people who are alotworce then me to. I'm not going to say I'm the greatest because I might not be but we'll just have to see. I'm hoping that all you fans are going to be behind me in this new carrer...I think I already know that you are going to. This federation has just got a bit better, and once DJ The Disk Jockey gets here and makes his dabut I'm sure that there wont be a team that we can't put up a fight agenct. There may be some tag-teams that can beat us but we'll always be putting up a fight. Well I will I'm not sure if that goes the same for DJ We'll just have to see jow things work out. I don't care who my dabut match is agenct or even if it's in a tag-team match but I am hoping to get a match soon so I can rock it up in the ring like I do on the mic. The people that doubt me are probably the ones that I can beat because I'll have the chance of opertunity when they think that I'm dowb and out, or even befor the match some people might not take it seriously but they will see that I'm not who some people might think I am. As I have already said I'm not the greatest and I don't wana clam to be because I don't wana lie to all you fans because you don't deserve it. So whenever I get a match it can't be to soon. Whoever I get my first match agenct good luck, you might just need it. I'll see all you great people later on!"

::Scene::"Mamma said knock you out" By LL Cool J blasts threw the P.A system. LL Cool J walks over to lilian and gives her back her mic thanking her. LL Cool J then walks over to the side of the ring that the ramp is at and rolls under the bottom rope. He lands on his feet and starts walking up the ramp. The crowd continues to cheer as LL Cool J walks into the back behind the curtian as the screen fades to commercial::

Mama said knock you out!!