

Author: UtsSQ

Rated: NC-17 Language, graphic sex





Some people were born lucky.


Jinx was not one of those people.


Her real name was Jayce. Her cousin had dubbed her ‘Jinx’ at age six. The nickname stuck.


Now thirty, she had a good job, a good life. And except for the occasional odd accident things were going good. It was her first week of work. Randy had talked her into applying for the job. He was a wrestler with the WWE.


“Come on Jinx, tell ‘em how you got hired!” At the moment, Randy was being the proverbial pain in the ass. A few of his wrestler friends were eating lunch when she’d walked in. He’d called her over and began pestering her once again for the story.


“You know how I got hired. Why don’t you tell them?” Jinx looked at the three men with her cousin. If she had met them before she could not remember their names. She’d been so rushed, and stressed, that she hadn’t really had time to get to know any of the wrestlers she would be dealing with on a daily basis.


“It’s always funnier when you tell it.” Randy grouched, sitting back in his chair. The man on his right was grinning. His hair was a startling shade of blue.


“I’ve heard it. Hilarious.” He assured the other two men with a southern accented voice. He winked at her. Jinx sighed and rolled her eyes.


“All right, damn.” She chewed on her lip thoughtfully. She wished Randy would grow up and find some other form of amusement. “I went to Hartford for my interview. Into Mister…uh…Vince’s office.” She would never get used to calling the boss by his first name. It was just one of her things. “Anyway. We talked for about fifteen minutes, went over my work history. He said I got the job. He reached over to shake my hand…”


Randy was giggling. The blue-haired man looked like he was choking, trying to hold in his laughter. The other men were smiling, waiting with curiosity for the punch line.


“And I missed his hand and popped him in the crotch.” Jinx finished, face reddening at the male laughter that followed her statement. “Uh…then I jerked back and knocked a lamp off his desk.”  This got more laughter. “And…uh…knocked a full cup of coffee through the air. It hit him in the stomach and splashed all over his suit. I got the hell out of there before he could change his mind about the job.”


Randy was smacking his hand on the table. “It gets funnier every time I hear it.” He said between giggles. Blue hair was snorting, he was laughing so hard. The other two, an older guy and a huge guy that was more muscle than Jinx had ever seen were trying a bit better to hide their amusement.


“Don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll do something else that’s equally retarded and we can stop telling this story.” Jinx heaved a sigh. She did not find amusement at her own expense. It was just the way things were with her. She was clumsy. And that was putting it mildly.


“I know you will. We don’t call her Jinx for nothin’.” Randy informed his friends. Jinx sighed again and left them to their laughter.


Vince had given her this first week to travel and get to know some of the people she would be working with. After that she’d get to work at her real job-as an assistant to one of the bookers. She had been assigned to Michael Hayes, who had been a wrestler in his youth. He now booked matches and was a basic problem solver to some of the guys. Jinx would be assisting him, although she still was not entirely sure of what she’d be assisting him with. He seemed to know what he was doing.


Right now she was headed for conference room two. Wherever that was. Michael wanted her to sit in on a meeting with the wrestlers that he was responsible for. Just to meet them, supposedly. She planned on sitting in a corner, well away from trouble, and commit names to memory even if it killed her. It would be embarrassing to forget the names of the men she’d be working with in depth.


It took her fifteen minutes to find the conference room. In that small amount of time she’d managed to knock over a wardrobe rack, trip on lighting cables, and bump into-and knock down-one of the female wrestlers. She was assured there were no hard feelings. Jinx hoped that were true. Knowing her luck it wouldn’t be the first time she’d cause damage.


Michael was already in the room, talking quietly to a guy from the ring crew. Jinx was introduced and took a seat at the end of the table, farthest from Michael and his friend. The men looked at her for a moment before continuing their conversation.


It was not long before more people entered. The ring crew guy left. The first man to enter was huge by any standards. He had long dark hair, green eyes, and was dressed totally in black. He glanced at Jinx, his expression unchanged, before greeting Michael.


“Hey Taker.” Michael shook the large man’s hand. “Have a seat. And that’s Jayce. She’s our new assistant.” Michael motioned to where she was sitting. “Jayce, this is Taker.”


“Hi.” She said shyly.  She hated meeting new people. She was always tripping over herself to break the ice.


“Hi.” The man had a deep voice. It sent a shiver down her back. He was looking at her, studying her, curiosity in his eyes. “You can call me Mark if you want. Taker’s just the wrestling name.”


“All right. Mark.” She added his name, making a mental note to remember. “And I’m Jayce. Although as I’m sure you will hear sooner or later, most people just call me Jinx.”


“Jinx?” He moved closer and took the seat that was nearest her. Michael was on his cell phone, company apparently forgotten.


“Family nickname.” Jinx shifted nervously in her seat, putting as much distance between them as she dared. She did not want anything bad to happen to this monster of a guy that had anything to do with her. She did not think he’d be nearly as forgiving as the female wrestler from earlier. “Randy Orton is my cousin. At least when I feel like claiming him.”


This got a low chuckle. “I wouldn’t admit to bein’ related to him either.”  His piercing eyes were drawn to the front of the room as the door opened. “Speakin’ of family…”


Jinx followed the direction of his gaze. Another huge man entered the room, ducking his head to clear the doorway. He was a bit bigger than Mark. And totally bald. At least he dressed normally in jeans and a T-shirt. Mark motioned him over. He gave Michael a bored wave and sat in the seat closest to Jinx on the other side of the table from Mark.


Great. Now Jinx sat straight up in her chair, unable to lean away from either man. Mark gave a half-smile. “Jinx…this is my brother Glen. Glen, Jinx.” He made introductions.


Glen smiled, and looked her over. “Jinx? Is that some kind of joke?”


“Not entirely.” Jinx looked at him and could not help but stare at his eyes. One was blue, the other hazel. It was kind of mesmerizing. Mark cleared his throat.


“Jinx is Michael’s new assistant.” Mark said as if an explanation was necessary. Glen looked at his brother.


“Poor kid.” They laughed. Jinx looked from one to the other, a bit wary. Before she could even begin to ask, two more men entered the room. One was wearing a cowboy hat. He seemed to be there just to chitchat with Michael. The other was tall, dark complected, and brooding. “That’s David.” Glen said, nodding at Jinx. “Or Dave.”


“I suck with names.” Jinx muttered, repeating their names in her head. “Ok, so who is Tex?”


“Tex?” Glen looked at the other man who had entered, a grin on his face. “That’s John. JBL. That’s his wrestling name. He prefers to be called that. We have a few Johns roaming around here.”


“I’ll never keep up.” Jinx was still muttering. Michael was rising to his feet. Their meeting was getting ready to start.


“Gentlemen…I’d like you all to meet Jayce.” He gestured to her. The men all looked at her curiously. Jinx felt herself blush and struggled to make eye contact. This was worse than getting in front of a class at school. “She’ll be our new assistant. Which means if you have issues, you’ll have to go through her to get to me.” This got a general chuckle. “Jayce, we only have four guys right now. Three actually since JBL here doesn’t wrestle anymore. We’ll have others join and leave, but this will be our core group. If somebody from outside the group comes to you, you send them packing. Got it?”


“I got it.” Yeah right. Like she was going to tell some three hundred pound muscle head to take a hike.


The door opened and a woman entered, carrying a tray with plastic cups and a pitcher on it. Michael went on as if there had not been an interruption. The woman went around the table, leaving cups of water in front of everyone gathered. The men were all taking turns talking, discussing heat, pops, gimmicks…Jinx could barely follow the conversation. Right that moment, she was more worried about keeping her distance from the two men that flanked her and the cup of water that seemed to be mocking her from the table. She knew better than to even try to pick it up. Her luck. Or her lack thereof.


Mark all but sprawled in his seat, sipping from his water, expression one of total boredom. Michael droned on, saying something about a storyline, shuffling through papers as he spoke. Glen was scribbling something on a piece of paper he’d found. With a smile he folded it and handed it to Jinx. She was careful not to touch his hand when she took it, lest she deal him a lethal paper cut. She had never done it, but she knew such things were possible when it came to her.


She unfolded the paper, trying to be quiet about it. Glen had written in capital block letters: MEETINGS ARE BORING. LUNCH IS FUN. HOW ABOUT SOME FOOD?


Jinx glanced at him but Glen seemed to be enthralled by whatever JBL was saying, something about a table and a monitor. Jinx should be paying attention to them, not to Glen’s attempt at a first grade note. She carefully reached out and took his pen from the table where it was laying and scribbled her reply. Again in block letters: FOOD DANGEROUS. PADDED CELL SAFER. She replaced the pen.


She held out the paper and Glen took it, using the same care she had used. Exaggerating it a bit. She watched as he opened the paper and read. And chuckled, so low Jinx was sure she was the only one to hear it. He took his pen back and took a few moments to compose a reply.


Jinx made sure no one was looking at them before accepting the note. With a slight smile curving her lips she opened the paper. HEARD THAT ABOUT YOU. WILLING TO RISK IT. DINNER?


So her reputation was preceding her. Great. Randy had a big mouth. At least Glen had been warned ahead of time that Jinx was…well…a jinx. Glen was holding the pen out to her, his eyes almost twinkling with humor. She took the pen carefully and wrote her response: WILL THINK ABOUT IT. UPGRADE YOUR INSURANCE.


Glen could not have grinned wider if he tried when he read it. Distracted by his humorous expression, Jinx went to put the pen back on the table. Her hand bumped the cup full of water. Barely bumped. If fact it seemed as if she hardly tapped the very edge of the plastic.


The cup went flying as if she’d thrown it off the table. Right into Mark’s lap.  He jumped at the sensation of cold water soaking his clothing and made a sour face, tugging his shirt from his chest in disgust.


“I had a shower already today, thanks.” He said, voice low and full of sarcasm. Jinx was reaching for the cup, which had settled in his lap.  Mark caught her hand before she could more than make a halfhearted attempt to grab it. “I think I can get it myself.” There was a bit of humor in his voice at least. Jinx leaned back and became aware of the looks they had drawn. Her face reddened alarmingly.


“Sorry.” She squeaked out, ducking her head. Michael was laughing.


“It’s all right, hon. Taker could use a cold shower every now and then.” This got a chorus of laughter. Mark mumbled something under his breath, so low that Jinx could not hear it. Michael called their attention back to him and finished up his lecture.


She wished the floor would just open up and swallow her. That would be wonderful. An hour into her first meeting and she’d managed to bumble it. She risked a glance at Mark. He was dabbing at his shirt with a napkin that he’d found, expression full of a strange mix of thunder and humor. How he managed to pull both off was beyond amazing.


The men were rising to their feet. Jinx thought it would be best if she stayed back and let them leave. She did not want to accidentally trip one of them, or hit them with an errant chair or door. Those things had happened to her on numerous occasions. Glen hesitated before rising, following his brother’s lead. He gave Jinx one last look before heading back to the hallway.


Michael was shuffling his papers into order. She carefully made her way to him, full of questions. He looked at her and grinned. “Pretty boring, huh? I promise, it gets better.”


“Sorry for the interruption. I don’t know how I managed…”


“Nothing to worry about. Shit happens, right?” Michael put a hand on her shoulder. “Enjoy the rest of your day. Tomorrow I’m going to actually put you to work.” With that he gave her shoulder a squeeze and went back to his papers. Jinx decided it would be best to head to her hotel room and brave out the day alone. No one could get seriously injured if she were by herself. She knew she would not be able to do that for long, so it was best to enjoy it while she could.




“So what do you think?”


Mark’s question pulled Glen from his thoughts. They were driving away from the arena, heading out to attempt lunch at a restaurant. It was dangerous, considering they were celebrities, but they were willing to risk it. Especially this late in the day in the middle of the week.


“What do I think about what?” Glen finally turned his attention to his brother. Half brother really. Their family history was long and twisted, but they were still family. Mark was looking at him as he braked for a stoplight, his expression amused.


“About that new girl. Jayce.” Mark laughed. “Jinx. Now I believe it. I guess the rumors are true.” He shook his head. “She’s good lookin’. Even if she’s clumsy.”


Glen smiled. “Yeah. Agreed.” Jinx was a looker, with her light brown hair and grey eyes. Very striking. And something about her seemed so innocent…he just couldn’t put his finger on it.


“How long do you think this one will last?” Mark resumed driving. Glen was laughing.


“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe we should go easy on her for a change.”


“Easy? You are kidding, right?” Mark shot his brother a look. It was true, he and Glen were the reason none of the other assistants stuck around for more than a few weeks. There was really no reason for how they acted, they just enjoyed it. Brotherly bonding time, as Mark put it, as yet another dewy-eyed kid packed his bags and headed home.


This time the woman was a bit older. That did not change anything. She seemed nice enough, and Mark could tell she was nervous as hell. But…the lady would have to be tested. And the brothers were very good at administering the tests.


“It was just a thought.” Glen said looking out the window. “We’re getting a rep for being assholes. Just thought I’d let you in on it.”


Mark laughed again. “Hell, there’s worse things to be called.” He shook his head. “She did give me a shower back there.”


“You probably deserve it for something.” Glen said humorously.


“Probably.” Mark adjusted his sunglasses. “Payback is the proverbial bitch though.”


“What are you planning?” Glen asked, sounding a bit worried.


“Nothing. Yet.” Mark grinned. Not the good humor grin either, but the hard grin that said he was plotting something. “Calm down, bro. I’m not going to chase her off just yet.”


“Good. I think.” Glen frowned and resumed scrutinizing the scenery as Mark drove.


They found the restaurant. Once they were seated and had placed their lunch order, Mark resumed their conversation. “Saw you passing notes in there. What was that about?”


“Ehh…nothing really. Just bored.” Glen shrugged. He wondered if Jinx would seriously consider going to dinner with him. He’d meant it as a joke but in reality he would not mind spending a little time with her. She was good looking after all. And if Vince put her with Michael, she would have to be smart. That was a requirement just to keep up.


“Bored, huh?” Mark took a sip of the drink their waitress had left at the table. “Find out anything good?”


“Yeah. She’s probably as clumsy as Randy keeps saying she is.” Glen chuckled. “I saw you checking her out.”


“Not a crime.” Mark said, leaning back. Glen smiled at his brother.


“Damn good thing for you.” In truth, Glen kind of worried about that. Mark was not a womanizer by any means, but he was never at a shortage of women who wanted to bed him. Jinx was a newby, and therefore off limits. At least in theory. Mark didn’t often make plays for the women they worked with. It was easier that way. Glen worried that there would come a day when he would make an exception. He hoped Jinx was not going to be it.


“Damn good thing.” Mark echoed with a smile. “So what do you think of JBL’s idea?”


“I think I missed that part. Fill me in.” Glen and Mark settled in to their food, changing the subject to work and their current storylines.




Hotels were boring places.


Jinx had not traveled much in her life, and now she knew why. This was the third place she’d stayed at in the last week and the only thing that was different was the color of the bedspread.  Gaudy was an understatement.


She hadn’t bothered to unpack, knowing that she’d be leaving in the morning. She settled in with the room service menu and the remote to the television.  Jinx kicked off her shoes and stretched out. At least when she was alone she didn’t have to worry about embarrassing herself. That clumsy thing was almost always reserved for other people’s detriment. Or if it was aimed at herself, it was in front of a room full of people.


At least she realized what a total spaz she was. Most people didn’t. At least, in her opinion they didn’t. She didn’t know why she was the way she was. Bad luck of the draw is what her dad used to say.


And today…dumping water on that guy…uh…Mark. That was his name. Jinx gave herself bonus points for remembering. Not necessarily her smoothest move. So much for easing into a new situation and causing no trouble.


With a sigh she switched on the television and found a movie she’d seen a dozen times. It was comforting to glance up and see something familiar. She did not want to think about her faults anymore damn it. She wanted to be able to just relax and enjoy what little time she had to herself.


After a while Jinx ordered a burger and some snacks from room service. She could have walked out and found a restaurant, but that would mean putting herself in sticky situations. She’d had enough of that for one day.


The kid who brought up the food looked barely old enough to work. Jinx took her food with no incident and held out a tip for him. He took it, grinning from ear to ear. Jinx quickly shut the door in his face. She knew if he’d thanked her that would have set off some kind of clutz chain reaction that she would not be able to help.


She’d just settled back on the bed when the phone rang. Jinx gave her food a longing look, then picked up. “Yeah?”


“Caught you eating, didn’t I?” Randy’s voice held laughter, as usual. It must be nice to be able to make fun of someone else at their expense. Jinx frowned and poked a finger at her burger.


“So? What do you want?” Jinx did not try to mask her annoyance. Six days in and he was already on her last nerve.


“Don’t get that tone with me. I just wanted to see what you were doing tonight after the show. A bunch of us are going out to…” He did not get to finish.


“I think that would be a horrible idea. Honestly. You do know who you’re talking to, right?” Jinx picked up her burger and took a bite. She did not care if eating while talking on the phone was rude. It was just Randy after all.


“I know who I’m talking to.” Randy laughed. “Come on, J.” Uh oh. The fact that he just used her initial instead of her name…or her nickname…made Jinx roll her eyes. Randy had used that little trick to get his way on more than one occasion.


“I don’t want to be your comic relief for the night.” She said around a mouthful of food.


“I didn’t ask you to be. You know, I’m starting to wonder if you just bring all this bad luck shit on yourself. Thinking about it causes it.”


“Thank you, Mom.” Jinx said sarcastically. That was easy for Randy to say. He was a big lumbering guy. But he was big GRACEFUL lumbering guy. Jinx had no idea how he pulled it off, but he did.


“How about if I promise not to make fun of you for the remainder of the night?” Randy resorted to his sweetest voice.


“There’s a novel idea. And why the hell do you need me to go out with you and your friends? Isn’t there a plethora of ring rats waiting to do your bidding? Take one of them.” Ring rat was a term she’d picked up only because she found it to be hilarious and somehow fitting. There never seemed to be a shortage of scantily clad women waiting at the back of the arenas, in hotel bars, looking to pick up a famous man. Even if it was just for one night.


“You mean to tell me you’d rather sit there, all alone, nothing to do than watch TV and sleep instead of hanging out with your favorite cousin?”


“In a word. Yes.” Jinx was not amused. She smelled a rat. “Whatever you had planned, I suggest you rework it. I’m not going anywhere until I have to. Have a good night.” With that she hung up the phone. With a sigh she took another bite of her now cold burger. For a moment she contemplated just leaving, forgetting the job, the contract she’d signed. “Nah.” She said it out loud. Randy was not going to get to her so easily. She had a six-month deal to work with Mister…Vince. After that she could decide where she was going. Randy was just going to have grow up.


Several hours later Jinx almost wished she had changed her tune. She was bored. Mindnumbingly bored. There was nothing on TV, no movies that caught her interest, all of her friends back home were out, which meant talking on the phone was out.


There was a bar in the hotel lobby. Jinx did not want to go there, she was not a drinker. She thought that drinking made her even more of a clutz than helped her with it. Plus it was probably full of strangers and half-naked women. There would be nothing there to entertain her.


So she got up and got dressed in a pair of black low riding jeans and a purple jewel-tone top. She could have stuck with her jeans/t-shirt combo but for some reason she wanted to add a little color. Grabbing her key and the small wallet she kept her ID and money in, she stepped into the hallway.


And ran face first into a very large man who was passing her room.


She didn’t hit him hard, but it was enough to make her step back. Her shoulders hit the door to her room. It had not shut all the way, and she felt herself tripping over her own feet, falling backward.


Strong hands grabbed her arms, righting Jinx before could tumble headfirst into her room.  Mortified beyond words, she glanced up into a pair of green eyes.


“Where’s the fire, hon?” Mark asked, a smile on his face, hands still holding onto her, steadying her.


After her initial look, Jinx closed her eyes. “I am so, so, so sorry. I didn’t know you were walking by, I didn’t think I was going that fast…”


“It’s all right.” Mark’s deep voice carried a note of amusement. “No harm, no foul.”


Jinx nodded, grateful he wasn’t going to freak out and maybe kill her. She risked another glance at him. “Uh…um. Well…” She was at a loss for words. Damn that shyness thing that she could not seem to get over. Mark released her, seeming to realize he’d held onto her just a little too long.  He smirked and shoved his hands into his pockets.


“Heading out for dinner?” He asked, breaking the silence that fell over them. Jinx shook her head.


“I thought about checking out the bar. I’m bored.” She smiled a little, still not able to meet his eyes directly. She looked instead at his lips. Which was probably an even bigger mistake. He had very sexy lips.


Jinx mentally shook herself. She was not here to have lustful thoughts about the men she’d be working with. After all, she’d told Mister…uh…Vince that she would have no problem obeying his fraternization policy. Which would not, in the end, be a problem. She usually ended up scaring most men away before anything really deep could happen.


“Not much going on down there.” Mark was talking, but Jinx was barely hearing him. She was watching his lips for the words. “Probably have better luck finding a bar in town.”


“I don’t think I’m up to actually leaving the building.” Jinx said, finally tearing her eyes from his mouth.  “It was worth a shot. I guess I’ll just go on to bed.”  She fumbled in her pocket for her key. The door had closed itself while they talked.


“You can come hang out with me. If you want.” Mark shrugged. He did not usually invite anybody but Glen into his room, but for some reason he wanted to make an exception for this girl.


“Thanks…but ah…” She had the key in her fingers. And watched as it slipped from her grasp and bounced on the carpeted hall floor. Into the heating vent that was against the wall next to her door. “Damn it.”


Mark laughed. “I was starting to smell a blow off, but that might be all I needed to change your mind.”


Jinx sighed and stole another peek at his eyes. “You’re not some crazed pervert psycho that’s gonna take advantage of me after drugging me are you?”


“Would I tell you if I was?”


“Probably not.” Jinx bit her lip. “All right. For a little while, then I have to figure out how to rescue my key.”


Mark chuckled and nodded. “Maybe if you’re nice I’ll give you a hand.”


“I am always nice.” Jinx followed him down the hall, sparing a last look at the door to her room. She could not believe that she was going to some strange man’s hotel room at midnight. Of course, it was her fault she was going. Damn her butter fingers.


Mark turned a corner and stopped. He had his key in his hand. He gave Jinx one last questioning look before unlocking the room and leading her inside. With a smirk he shut the door behind them, shaking his head a bit at the situation that had gotten them there.




“I’d offer you a drink but I don’t have any sippy-cups handy.”


Mark’s voice pulled Jinx from her thoughts. It took a second to register what he’d said, and she blushed.


“I’m am so sorry.”


“Are you going to make apologizing a habit?” He asked, settling himself on a chair. He had gotten a suite. The bedroom was separate from this area. There was a bar in the corner and a huge fireplace against the wall. Jinx was sitting on the couch, staring into the empty fireplace.


“Apologizing seems to already be my habit.” She said wryly. Mark grinned and rose to his feet.


“I’m getting a beer. Do you want anything?” Against his better judgment he asked anyway.  Jinx shook her head. This room had thick white carpet. Better to not tempt fate. “I’m going to check my messages. Be back in a minute.” With that he left, going into the bedroom.


“What the hell am I doing here…” Jinx muttered to herself. She rose to her feet and went to the window. There was nothing out there but the city skyline. There were cars moving along the barely visible highway. Jinx lost herself in thought again as she watched the lights fade in the distance.


“I’ve seen better views, but it’ll do.”


She had not heard Mark come back into the room. Jinx jumped and her elbow knocked his arm. He managed to keep his beer steady, not spilling any of it. She put her hand to her mouth, and looked at him, eyes wide.


“I am so…”


“Sorry. Yeah, I know.” Mark smiled grimly. Then he studied her face. “You know, if you’d relax a little…”


“I wouldn’t be such a clumsy ass. I know. I’ve heard this speech before.”


“Good advice.”


“Except that I’m clumsy whether I’m relaxed or not. It doesn’t matter.” Jinx sighed and turned to face him. “If you were smart, you would have not invited me in here. I might end up killing you.”


Mark chuckled. “I highly doubt that, hon.”


“Don’t underestimate the power of my inability to be graceful.” Jinx carefully moved past him, keeping her distance. Mark watched, amused, as she settled herself once again on the couch.


He waited a moment, then joined her. In fact, sat down closer than there was any need to. Jinx shifted uncomfortably away. Mark smirked.


“You act like I’m gonna bite ya. I don’t bite. Unless you ask first.”


“Ha. Ha.” Definitely a fake laugh for his joke. Jinx was eyeing him warily. Mark did not know if it was because he still held the beer in his hand or if it was just him. She was looking at his mouth again. He’d caught her doing it earlier, in the hallway. Damn but she was skittish.


Mark leaned down and put his beer on the coffee table in front of him. He swung his arm over the back of the couch, his fingers within inches of her far shoulder. Jinx raised an eyebrow. “You must be brave. Or have a death wish.”


Mark laughed at that. “I’d vote for brave, hon. You don’t scare me.”


“It’s not ME you should worry about.” Jinx said, shifting again. Trying to move farther from him. There was really nowhere else for her to go. She was pressed against the arm of the couch as it was.


“I’m not worried about you bein’ clumsy either.” His voice had dropped lower. Another shiver went up her spine. Damn but he had a sexy voice. He leaned closer to her. Jinx looked away from him, once again biting her lip.


“I’m worried about me being clumsy. That’s all that matters.” She did not notice him inching closer. Taking a deep breath she turned her head, a little too quickly. Her forehead caught him in the nose. Mark jerked back in surprise more than pain. Jinx leapt to her feet. “Oh God, I’m sorry…I…” She was leaning over him, trying to get a look at the damage.


Mark gingerly touched his nose. “I think I’ll live.” He said, that low note of…whatever had been there…gone from his voice. He dodged her hand as she tried to check the damage for herself. “All right, I learned my lesson. I can handle it myself.”


“I should go.” Now that Mark was distracted by his nose, Jinx finally realized that he’d been moving in to try to kiss her. Why the hell else would he have been so close to her in the first place? She had no intentions of sleeping with him. Not even if he did have the hottest pair of lips she’d ever seen.


“Not necessary…” Mark picked up his beer and took a drink. He was eyeing her speculatively. Jinx shook her head and backed toward the door.


“Yeah it is. Uh…thanks for letting me hang out for a while, I gotta go, gotta long drive tomorrow…” She was rambling as she fumbled with the doorknob. Mark rose to his feet, either to stop her from leaving or to help her go she did not know. The door finally opened and Jinx spilled into the hallway.


She straightened her shirt and hurried from his room to her own. Belatedly she remembered her key. “Damn it all to hell.” She eyed the heating vent dubiously. She would just go downstairs and get a new key. And pay for the old one. Great. Her clumsiness was an expensive business after a while. Just another reason why she hated it so damn much.


On her way back from the lobby Jinx ran into another guy. Literally once again ran into him. It was becoming even more of a habit than the apologies she kept having to give.


“Sorry…” She barely muttered it. She looked up. Mark’s brother stood in front of her, trying to enter the elevator as she exited. He smiled at her and shook his head.


“No big deal.” When she didn’t move, his grin widened. “Going down again?”


“Oh…no.” Jinx stepped out of his way. He held the elevator door with one hand and looked at her. “So…give any thought to my offer?”


“What offer?” She held her key in a death grip. And would not look up at him.


“Dinner. Remember?”


“Oh. Uh…” Her eyes briefly touched his then darted away. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”


“Why not?” Glen ignored the beeping sound coming from inside the elevator. He was studying the woman in front of him, a smile tugging the corners of his mouth.


“It’s…complicated.” She sighed and stepped back. Jinx had to bite her tongue to keep from telling him it was because his brother had pretty much tried to make a play for her. She did not think that would win her any points…with either brother. “Look, I wasn’t kidding when I said it was dangerous.”


Glen laughed. “I’ve heard.” She met his eyes again, briefly. “I’m not worried about it. How about tomorrow night? After the show?”


Jinx hedged for a full minute, her eyes closed as if trying to wish him away. She sighed. “Fine. It’s your funeral.” With that she turned and wandered off down the hall before he could say anything else. Or before she could cause anything bad to happen to him. Glen wasn’t sure on either count.


He waited until he saw Jinx enter her room before punching the button for the lobby. He was whistling a bit as he rode down to the ground floor. That Jinx was definitely a hot woman. Too bad she was so shy. Glen was not usually the one to make advances, because he himself had always been a bit slow to warm to new people. But in her case, he was making an exception. She seemed so nervous, especially tonight. He wondered what was up, then decided he’d just ask her tomorrow.


“Probably first day jitters…” He muttered to himself as he stepped from the elevator. Michael did say she was actually going to start work tomorrow. Glen would be nervous too. Especially considering what her job involved. With a knowing smile, he headed toward the bar. A few of the guys had decided to stay up late and shoot pool. Glen was something of an insomniac. It seemed like a good way to pass the time until he could finally pass out for the night.




Back in the relative safety of her room, Jinx stripped down and dressed in her pajamas. All right, no more bright ideas about wandering the halls. She’d embarrassed herself in front of two of the guys she’d be working with. And she was pretty sure one of them thought she’d be a pretty easy girl to crawl into bed with. The joke was on him. If Jinx was careful about how she did things in the daytime, the rule quadrupled in bed. Ever since Jake, her boyfriend in college, Jinx had been a little leery of sex. He’d managed to sprain an ankle while they were…involved.


Glad that Randy hadn’t managed to unearth that bit of information, Jinx crawled into bed. The TV was on, the sound was low. She clicked the lights off and waited for sleep to take her. She was a bit nervous about tomorrow. Sighing she rolled onto her side and fluffed her pillow under her head. She’d just deal with it when it got there. It was starting to be her life motto.




Jinx moved down the hallway of the arena, keeping close to the wall, avoiding contact with the rushing people around her.


There had been another meeting that morning. Michael had called Jinx and Mark to the ring and began going over a match that Mark would be having that night against a guy named Kennedy. Kennedy was a muscular blonde with a very cocky attitude. He was leaning against the ring, arms crossed, smirk on his features.


He and Mark climbed into the ring eventually and began working through their match. Jinx was fascinated. Michael was calling out ideas, occasionally turning to her to see what she thought.


Although Randy was a wrestler, and her uncle had been a wrester, Jinx was not by any means an expert at what was going on. Michael did not mind. In fact, he told her that he preferred she was not schooled in it. It gave them a new perspective.


They had an hour. Jinx paid close attention, watching the men throw each other around. Mark kept stealing looks at her, always with a thoughtful look on his face. It was starting to make her feel self-conscious.


At the end of their ring time the two men huddled with Michael to hash over some last minute plans. Michael eventually waved her over. “I’m gonna need you to hunt down Glen, tell him we’re about ready for him.” Jinx nodded and headed off toward the locker rooms.


She wandered for about ten minutes before she spotted him. He was in the training room, lifting weights. Jinx watched him for a minute, not wanting to disturb him. And to be honest…it gave her a chance to check him out. He was wearing a pair of loose track pants and tennis shoes-and was shirtless. She felt a bit of heat climb her cheeks and mentally berated herself. There was no sense in blushing over a shirtless man. She’d seen plenty of them in her lifetime.


Jinx cleared her throat. Glen looked over his shoulder at her with a smile. “Hey. What’s up?” He did not stop his steady lifting of the weight in his hands.


“Michael requests your presence at ringside.” Jinx did not make an attempt to enter the room fully. That would be inviting trouble. Although Glen seemed to hold the heavy weight with ease, she could envision him dropping it because she did something stupid. And it landing on his foot and breaking about twelve bones. Better to just keep her distance.


“That was quick.” Glen hefted the weight one last time before returning it to the rack it had been sitting on. He stretched. Jinx felt her flush deepen a little. Keeping herself from getting all hormonal over the guys was turning out to be harder than she’d thought.


Glen slung a T-shirt over his shoulder and walked toward her. “So are you getting the hang of things yet?” He asked, stepping into the hallway. Jinx gave him room to do it.


“I haven’t really done anything yet.” She said, following him back the way she’d come. For now the guys were busy with their matches for that night. Tomorrow was a day off. Then Monday was a show. Part of Jinx’s job was to make sure they guys got to where they were going when they needed to be there. The other part was what Michael had referred to as babysitting. She would have to make sure the guys did not go out and get too crazy at night. He liked his wrestlers to be responsible, and to represent their company in the best light. She could understand that.


“Don’t worry. You will.” Glen smiled at her and fell into step beside her. Jinx made sure to keep space between them. He looked down at her, amused. “Why do you do that?”


“Do what?” She looked puzzled.


“Back off whenever somebody goes near you. I noticed it yesterday, just didn’t say anything.”


“Oh. Uh…I don’t even realize I’m doing it, I guess.” That was another thing that had become a habit. She did it without thinking about it.


“Hmm.” Glen made a noise that was not a word. He was still eyeing her. “You don’t seem very clumsy to me.”


Jinx laughed. “Obviously you have not been paying attention.”


“Accidents happen.” Glen said with a shrug.


“They happen constantly to me, then.” She sounded resigned to it. Glen smiled.


“So what time should I pick you up tonight?” His question caught her by surprise. Jinx looked up at him, her eyes wide. She did not see Maria, one of their female wrestlers, turn the corner ahead. Glen took Jinx’s arm and pulled her closer, avoiding another one of her accidents.


Jinx blushed. Again. Glen was still smiling as he let her go. “Thanks.” She muttered. “Uh…I thought you were kidding. About dinner.”


“I never joke about food.”


She glanced at him. “I still don’t think it’s a good idea.”


“Well, I do.” Glen stopped at the door to the ringside area. “You gonna back out on me?”


Jinx sighed and shifted her weight from foot to foot, nervous. “I don’t know.”


“That’s an honest answer at least.” Glen smiled again. “My match is second. I should be done by nine. I’ll find you after, we can decide then. Ok?”


Jinx nodded slowly. “All right. I guess.” She gestured at the door. “Michael’s waiting.”


Glen nodded and held the door for her to enter first. He followed her to the ring where Michael was making notes on a yellow legal pad. With a grim smile, Glen went to work.




It had been a very long day.


The show was starting. Jinx finally found a quiet area to sit down and go over the notes she’d been making all day. Tomorrow was her day off, and she had to laugh. Even though she did not have to be at the arena, she still had some work to take care of. Dave was going home for two weeks, which gave her one less person to worry about. Tomorrow she’d have to make sure he got on his way with no trouble. Which was funny considering who they were trusting with the task.


After that she was free, unless any of the other three guys needed something. And since they were off too, that was unlikely. Jinx planned on driving on to their next venue and getting a room at a place with a pool. Then she could lounge around all day and soak up some sun.


Randy came into the room, grin on his face. He was wearing his wrestling gear. Jinx smiled at him, shaking her head at his enthusiasm. His match was later on. He was ready to go.


“So how is it?” Randy asked, gesturing to her notes.


“It’s my first day. Ask me in a week.” She said with a smile.


“Wait a while, it gets boring. Then you’ll be wishing you were new again.” He sat down next to her. “So anybody giving you any trouble?”


“Trouble? Why would they?” She looked at him with her eyebrow up.


“I dunno. Some of the guys…and girls…like to give new people a hard time.” Randy shrugged.


“Like you?” Jinx poked him.


“Ha. I’m family, I’m allowed.” Randy looked around. “Although I do have a piece of advice for you.”


“Ok.” Jinx eyed him warily.


“Don’t make too much of a separatist of yourself. I know how you think you’ve got rotten luck and you spread it around. I’m just sayin’…some of the people will think you’re stuck up.” Randy gave her a look.


“It’s for their own safety.” Jinx said with a smile.


“So you wanna call a meeting and explain it to everybody?” Randy asked with a grin.


“Hell no. I’m no public speaker.” Jinx sighed.


“You are not a bad luck charm, J.” Randy said softly. “Look at me. We grew up together, we run around all the time, nothing bad ever happened to me.”


“You have your shield up.” Jinx said with a laugh. It was true. Weird things happened to everyone around her, but Randy remained unaffected. She wished she knew how that was possible.


“That I do.” Randy smirked. “How’s working with Michael?”


“It’s all right.” Jinx shrugged, glad he was changing the subject. “I am still not entirely sure what I am supposed to be doing.”


“Don’t worry. He’ll load you up with stuff.” Randy laughed. “Hey…wanna grab some food after I’m done? I skipped dinner. I hate eating before a show.”


Jinx blushed. Randy eyed her as she looked down at her notebook. “I think I already have plans.”




“Uh…Glen asked if I wanted to get some food. After he was done.” She was mumbling. Randy grinned.


“Glen huh? He’s a good guy.” It was Randy’s turn to poke her. “You work fast, J.”


“I’m not ‘working’ him. He asked me. I never really said yes.” Talking about this made her uncomfortable.


“Aw, don’t mess with the guy too much. Go on, have a good time. Relax.” He dragged the word out.


“I will try.” She smiled at her cousin. “What about the other ones? Uh…Mark? Dave?”


“What about ‘em?”


“Should I be worried?”


Randy laughed. “About them? Hmm…Dave, nah. He’s married, has a couple of kids. He pretty much has his shit together. You won’t hear too much out of him, and when he does have an issue it’s like pulling teeth to figure out what it is. Mark…” Randy paused. “You will probably have to keep an eye on.”


“Am I his mother or something?” Jinx asked with a grin. In truth, his statement made her a little nervous.


“No, no.” Randy shook his head. “Mark’s a good guy. He’s been with the company forever. He’s kind of a legend around here.” He stopped, looking thoughtfully at his cousin. “He has kind of a reputation though.”


“Reputation for what?”


“Ring rats.” Randy smiled when Jinx laughed.


“Well, you don’t have to worry about me. I refuse to stand outside in a tube top.”


“I wasn’t worried about you a bit. Just…” Randy shook his head. “Never mind. You know what you’re doing, J. I’m proud of ya.” He gave her shoulder a squeeze and rose to his feet. “I gotta go, finish getting ready. Call me when you get back to the hotel, all right?”


“Sure thing, Mom.” Jinx waved him away. Randy left her to her thoughts. So she was going to have to watch out for Mark. She already figured that part out. With a sigh she stood and tucked her notes into a small bag she’d carried to the arena. The first match was well underway. She was officially off the clock. She wanted to find Glen and tell him to meet her at the hotel so she could change and take a quick shower.


Jinx ducked around people in the hallway, smiling at anyone who looked in her direction. She felt good. It seemed to be contagious. People smiled back. Of course, feeling good meant her guard was down. She should have known better.


She rounded a corner, looking over her shoulder at one of the wrestlers. He was telling a story to a couple of the female crew members, really getting into it. Jinx did not see the man coming in her direction, nor did she see what he was carrying.


The man was moving to the side, trying to step out of her way. Jinx ran directly into the ladder he carried tucked against his side. The end she hit went down. The back end went up. There was another wrestler behind the guy carrying the ladder. The bottom of the ladder shot up and popped him in the chin, making his head fall back.


The guy with the ladder dropped it. The guy who got hit brought both hands to his chin and said a very loud ‘ouch’.


“Oh God…Sorry…I wasn’t watching where I was going…” Jinx went to the man and looked up at him, concerned, almost feeling like crying. She had seen this guy around before, he was a big deal apparently, but she could not remember his name.


“It’s all right. Calm yourself.” He tested his jaw. Then he smiled. “Kind of an extreme wake up call, don’t you think?”


“I am so sorry…” Jinx tried again to apologize.


“I’ll live. Don’t worry about it.” The man leaned down and picked up the ladder. He handed it to the man who had been carrying it originally. Then he looked at the woman in front of him. “I’m Paul.”


“Ji…Jayce.” She almost gave him the nickname. She might as well just go on and tell him. Not like she’d be able to hide it. “People call me Jinx. For obvious reasons.” This got a laugh.


“Well, Miss Jinx, what do you think?” He tilted his chin. Jinx sighed at the red welt that was on his skin.


“I’m sorry.” She couldn’t help but apologize again.


“Is it that bad?” Paul rubbed the mark with a hand.


“No, no. I’m just…I wasn’t paying attention, and…”


“Look, Jinx. It’s all right. Really. I’ll just tell people I got sucker punched. Not a big deal. We show up with bruises all the time.” Paul turned his attention behind him. A woman was coming up the hall, smiling a bit, calling his name. “Take it easy, Jinx. Forget about it, it’s not big deal.” He repeated before giving her a half-wave and turning to speak to the woman.


Jinx sighed and continued down the hall, this time being more careful. It seemed to be pointless. It did not matter what she tried, she was still…well…jinxed.


“Maybe somebody put a hex on me.” She muttered under her breath.


“You talkin’ to me?” Another wrestler was standing in front of her. He had turned to give her a wry look. She had not met this one yet either. He had dark hair. That was his defining feature.


“No, I’m talking to myself.” Jinx said, her voice serious. The man smiled and went back to leaning against the wall. She spotted Glen up ahead, ducking into a locker room. Maybe she should just tell him never mind, to forget it. She did not even want to imagine the damage she could cause in a restaurant.


Glen was hearing none of it, of course. Jinx had knocked, entered, and immediately gone into why she could not go out with him. He’d crossed his arms and listened, a smile tugging the corners of his lips. When Jinx paused for a breath, he’d reached over and cupped her shoulder, giving it a squeeze.


“Now that you got that out of your system, I’ll be there to pick you up at about nine-thirty.” He smiled and nudged her chin. “I’ll see you at the hotel. I gotta finish getting ready.” With that he led her to the door before she could begin to protest.


Jinx stood in the hallway for a minute, blinking. “Damn it.” She was still muttering. Glen was not going to take no for an answer. She only hoped that for once in her life, things would go right. With a heavy sigh, she turned to the exit. Maybe she’d think of a good reason to call off this date while she got ready for it.




Jinx eyed herself critically in the mirror.


She had no idea where Glen was taking her, so she had no clue how to dress. After some mental debate she settled on a black skirt that stopped just above her knees and a mint colored sweater that made her skin looked like it glowed. She’d fussed with her hair, debated on her makeup, and finally decided to hell with it. She sat in the chair in her room and watched TV until she heard a knock on the door.


Glen stood there, a shy smile on his face. “You look great.”


“Thanks.” Jinx smiled back, feeling a bit shy herself. She grabbed her purse, checked to make sure her key was there, then followed him into the hallway. Glen was wearing a pair of dress pants and a black button down shirt. She did not feel over dressed, which was good. He led her to the elevator, grinning at her as they entered.


“Uh…I’m not sure what you like to eat. So I thought we’d cruise around until we found something agreeable.”


“Sounds good to me.” Jinx watched the elevator light as it marked their progress. “I gotta tell you, I’m nervous.”


Glen chuckled. “The feeling is mutual.”


“Really?” She looked up at him. And again was mesmerized by his multi-colored eyes. Glen smiled at her.


“Sure. You know how long it’s been since I had a date?”


“Probably not as long as me.” She said, smiling back.


“I’m not gonna tell you. Just so I don’t scare you away with my lack of experience.” He said wryly. Jinx grinned and did not protest when he reached over and took her hand. “So how was your first day?”


“It was all right.” She felt him stroke the back of her hand and had to struggle not to pull away from him. She kept thinking about bad things that could happen if she got too close to him. It really did put a damper on her mood. “I…uh…didn’t do much.” She shrugged. “I suppose everyone is going easy on me because I’m new.”


“That won’t last much longer.” The elevator came to a halt. Glen led her through the lobby to the parking lot. He helped her into his car then slid into the driver’s seat before speaking again. “People will get to know you, you’ll get to know them. Then the real fun starts.”


“I can’t wait.” Her tone was sarcastic. Glen looked at her and smiled.


“It’s not all bad. There are a few pranksters you have to watch out for. And a couple of…uh…ladies men?” He made it a question. Jinx laughed and nodded. “You’ll know who they are. Watch out for them.”


“Like you?” She eyed him.


“Me? Hell no. I told you…it’s been forever.”


“For a date. Not for…uh…you know, the ring rats.”


Glen laughed as he guided the car down the street. “Believe it or not, I don’t bother with them. What’s the point? Besides, they’re more trouble than they’re worth. I’d rather pick and choose.”


Jinx smiled and settled into her seat. They chatted during their drive, not talking about anything serious, mostly just getting to know each other. They finally agreed on a restaurant, and Glen ushered her inside with a hand on the small of her back.


They were quiet until the waiter had taken their orders. Then they looked at each other and grinned.


“I forgot how awkward this dating stuff is.” Glen admitted.


“Me too. I think besides the odd blind date every now and then, this is the first time I’ve gone out in a couple of years. On an actual date.” Jinx said, ducking her head.


“I find that hard to believe.” Glen was looking at her, eyebrow raised.


“Believe it. I don’t date. Much.” She smiled. “How about you?”


Glen shrugged. “The road life. Not really a lot of time for it.”


“I see.” Jinx sipped the drink the waiter had placed in front of her. “You are brave, wanting to take me out in public. I am accident prone, and that’s an understatement.”


“Ahh…Well, so far so good.” Glen smiled and reached over to take her hand again. “You can relax around me. I’m not worried about it.”


For once, neither was she. Glen made her feel comfortable. He seemed to be a very genuine, very sweet man. Which totally went against his image as a rage-filled monster for the show.


They ate slowly, taking their time, talking about their childhoods. Glen and Mark were the first generation in their family to wrestle. Jinx regaled him with tales of her exploits with a younger Randy. When his father had traveled, he’d sent his son to stay with Jinx’s family on and off. They were more like brother and sister than cousins.


Dinner passed with no major incidents. Jinx did trip a waiter as he walked by. She had her legs crossed and her foot caught him in the knee as he passed. He carried an empty tray and managed to right himself with a flourish that made her laugh. He grinned and told them if they wanted anything all they had to do was ask. There was no need for violence.


Giggling, Jinx took another sip of her drink. Glen watched her for a moment, not speaking. “What?” She finally couldn’t take it.


“You’re beautiful when you laugh.” His voice had gotten very serious. Jinx looked into his eyes for a moment before looking down into her drink.


“Thanks. I think.”


“What’s there to think about? It’s true.” Glen smiled and handed the waiter his credit card to pay for their food.


“I guess I’m not very good with the compliments, either.” She nervously toyed with her glass.


“Get used to ‘em. You deserve it.” Glen signed the slip the waiter brought, and reached for her hand. “Are you ready to go?”


“Where are we going?” Jinx asked, letting Glen help her to her feet.


“I don’t know. Somewhere. I’m not ready to go back to the hotel yet. Unless you are…?” He made it a question. Jinx looked up at him, biting her lip.


“No. I think I’d rather stay with you for a while.” She finally admitted softly. Glen smiled at her and led her from the restaurant back to the car.




They drove for over an hour, just talking, listening to the radio that was turned low. Glen found a country road and they rode in the dark. To Jinx it almost felt like they were the only people on the planet.


“I think there’s a lake or something out this way.” Glen said, cutting into her thoughts. She smiled.


“Planning on going swimming?”


“Nope. Just wanted to park for a while and stretch my legs.” He shrugged and glanced at her. “That is, if you don’t mind.”


“Not at all.” Jinx’s smile widened when Glen reached over and took her hand again. He drove for another fifteen minutes. They were quiet, just listening to the music and the sound of the car.


A small road was marked by a sign. Glen made the turn and grinned at her. “Told ya.”


“I never doubted you.” Jinx peered through the darkness at the trees that lined the road. The lake was man-made and a housing development littered one side of it. This was a feeder road, barely paved, that the parks department used to check the water level.


“Are we allowed to be back here?” Jinx asked as Glen parked the car. The lake opened before them, it’s water looking black in the darkness.


Glen shrugged. “There’s a beach down there. In the summer it’s open to the public over here. Keeps them from going to the houses and cutting through the yards.” He smiled and shut off the engine. “Wanna go for a walk?”


“Since we’re already here, I suppose.” Jinx climbed out of the car. Glen had parked at the very edge of the lot. There was a small strip of grass, then a wide swathe of sand that led to the calm water.


“Last time I was here, it was August. It was packed, even though it was late.” Glen said softly, once again reaching for her hand. Jinx smiled at him and kicked her shoes off. The sand was warm under her feet. This early in June it was warm enough to swim but not quite summer enough for campers, which was where most of the August people came from.


“It’s beautiful.” She said, walking beside him, loving the feel of sand under her feet. They were quiet for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. Glen set an easy pace. Jinx had no trouble keeping up.


He finally stopped. They were at the edge of the beach. The sand here gave way to grass, and fifteen feet from them, trees. The car was a vague shadow in the distance. Glen turned her to face him and studied her in the meager light of the moon. Jinx felt butterflies in her stomach at the look he was giving her. Her knees threatened to buckle. And that was just from a look.


“Are you always this nervous?” Glen asked, smiling a bit. He felt her hand tremble a bit as she looked everywhere but at him.


“Most of the time. Yes.” Why lie to him? She was not a forward person, never had been, and yes, this did make her nervous. She was alone with some guy she barely knew, she really had no clue where they were, and the guy was looking at her like she was dessert. It was scary and somehow tantalizing at the same time.


Glen hesitated for another moment, then finally pulled her against him. He ducked his head and pressed his mouth against hers, kissing her gently, not forcing it, just testing her response. His tongue traced her lower lip. A shiver went down her back.


Jinx was so surprised by the sensation that she tried to step back away from him. Unfortunately her legs refused to cooperate. Her feet tangled into each other and she fell backward. Glen kissed air for a second before he saw her sitting on her ass in the sand. He chuckled.


“I don’t think I have ever blown someone away with just a kiss before.” He held out his hand and helped Jinx to her feet. She pulled her hand away and made herself busy knocking sand from her clothes. Ok, for real, now she was ready to be swallowed whole by the earth. Mentally she prayed for it. At least she’d fallen away and hadn’t taken him down with her.


Glen looked at her with his hands in his pockets, grinning. He still had that dark look in his eyes that had made her get all weak legged in the first place. Jinx glanced at him, then sighed.


“I’m sorry. I can’t do this.”


“Can’t do what?” Glen asked, tilting his head to the side.


“This…” She gestured, taking in the beach, the water, him. “I just…can’t. Not yet.”


Glen was silent for a minute, still studying her. Then he nodded. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to rush you into…”


“You weren’t. It was just a kiss. Sorry I freaked.”


“That was a freak out?” Glen took her hand and led her back toward the car.  Resigned to the contact, Jinx kept her head lowered, watching her feet sink into the warm sand.


“My version. Usually ends up with me falling on my ass.”


Glen laughed. Jinx risked another glance at him. He was very handsome although he did not act like he knew it. That was probably what made him so attractive.  Glen helped her into the car. They rode in silence back to the hotel.


Glen walked her to the door of her room, a smile still playing on his lips. “Well, I had a good time.”


“Me too. Mostly.” She smiled shyly. “I should go now, before I totally ruin it by breaking your nose or something.”


Glen chuckled. “I think you’ll be gentle with me.” With that he leaned down and kissed her…on the cheek. “I’ll see you at work.”


“Yeah.” Jinx watched him walk away, feeling like the world’s biggest idiot.  For the second time in as many days she’d rebuffed the advances of very sexy men. Something was definitely wrong with her brain. With a sigh, she went into her room, wanting nothing more than to beat herself up for being a fool.




“Seeing that you know me so well, I don’t see how you can sleep while I drive.”


Jinx was in the driver seat. Speeding. This stretch of highway was straight and flat. She wanted to make good time. She’d decided after a restless night to get an early start. Randy had seen her lugging her bags and had decided to ride along with her.


He was not much help in the driving department. After fussing about her choice of music he’d reclined the passenger seat and dozed off. It was nearing nine in the morning. Time for him to wake up.


“You’ve never had an accident.” He still sounded sleepy. Jinx grinned.


“Always a first time.”


“Ha ha. You won’t wreck. The shield is up.”


Jinx laughed. “If Mom had signed me up for ballet when I was a kid, do you think I’d be more graceful now?”


Randy adjusted his seat so he was sitting upright. With a yawn he glanced down at the speedometer then out the window. “Nah. You’d just leap and knock down walls.”


“Thanks.” Jinx pretended to hit him. Randy pretended to be injured. It was an old joke between them.


“So how was your date?” Randy was grinning.


“Oh. I wondered when you were gonna bring that up.”


“Right now. Did he behave like a gentleman?”


“Yes, he did.” Jinx rolled her eyes. “You are a dork. And really it’s none of your business.”


“Hey now, when Uncle John asks me what you’ve been doing, I don’t wanna have to lie to him.” Randy said with a laugh.


“Don’t you think I’m a little old for Dad to be pumping you for information about what I’m up to?” Jinx signaled a turn for the next exit. After three hours they were finally almost there.


“Yup. But that doesn’t stop him from asking.” Randy adjusted the ball cap he was wearing. “Hoping for grandkids while he’s still young enough to play with ‘em.”


“Ugh. Don’t make me dump you out here, jackass.”


Randy laughed again. “You love me. You have to turn at the third light.”


“I know. I can read.”


“Just reminding you.”


Jinx made the turn and slowed the car, keeping an eye out for the hotel they’d made reservations at. Randy pointed it out. She sighed in relief. She did not mind driving but her legs felt as if they were cramping from sitting so long.


She angled the car into a vacant parking spot and shut off the engine. “Think we’re the first ones?”


“Hell no. Some of the guys drove last night. Some of ‘em left before we did. There’s a few who drive faster than you do.” Randy shrugged and climbed out of the car. “They’ll be trickling in a few at a time all day. Tomorrow everybody will be here. It’ll be crazy.”


“I’ve seen for myself.” Jinx knew that most of the wresters and crew tended to stay in the same place. It was just easier that way. Many of them went in together and shared room costs. That was the only area jinx had any luck-she had money saved from her last job as a magazine editor, and her father had insisted on she invest a bit of it. It was enough to keep her in her own room. Jinx didn’t know anyone else well enough to even want to share a room. Even if it was just for a few hours.


Randy led the way into the hotel lobby. “I’m gonna go check in. Want me to get yours too?”


“Sure.” Jinx was hardly paying attention to him. She was looking around, taking in the layout of the place. There was a bar of course, but it looked like it was meant more for quiet social gatherings than rowdy drunks entertaining themselves. There was also a movie theater. For guests only. It only played one movie at a time on a single screen but it looked like any other theater she’d ever been in.


Of course, not paying attention, she pulled her usual stunt. Jinx walked right into someone, knocking them forward.


“Sorry…” It was automatic. Jinx looked up and saw Mark standing there, looking at her, amused. That was a good thing, she guessed. Better he was amused than pissed off.


“Gotta quit runnin’ into each other like this.” Mark said, a smile forming on his lips.


“You’re tellin’ me.” Jinx matched his Texan drawl without realizing she was doing it. Mark grinned.


“Maybe you’re trying to tell me something.”


“What? That you’re a big guy and in my way?” Jinx said it without thinking. She was too busy trying not to look at him.


“Hey, I was just standing here.” Mark’s grin did not fade.


“I know.” Jinx blew her hair back from her face. “I keep telling you people that I’m a hazard. Is it really my fault you don’t listen?”


This got a deep chuckle from him. Damn but he was good at giving her the shivers with that voice of his. Jinx shook her head and turned to find Randy. She ran into another man who was walking past, knocking his briefcase from his hand, sending it sliding across the lobby floor.


She mumbled an apology. The guy gave her a dark look and went to retrieve his case. Jinx quickly walked away from a laughing Mark, once again hating herself for giving these people so much amusement.


Randy was coming her way. He grinned. “I saw that.”




“I should quit picking on you about it. Maybe I’m the problem.”


Jinx looked at him, shocked. “Why would you be the problem?” She was genuinely confused.


“Maybe if I didn’t keep telling you how clumsy you are, you wouldn’t be so self conscious about it. And then you wouldn’t be so clumsy.”


Jinx shook her head. “So what about all the times I’m clumsy when you’re not there to make fun of me?” She took her key from his hand.


“Residual bullying.” Randy said with a straight face. Jinx cracked up.


“That’s a pretty big word for you there, Rand. You look faint. Need to lay down?”


“Probably. I’m still a little tired.”


“You slept during the ride.” Jinx pointed out, following him onto the elevator. Mark was there, holding the door for them. Randy greeted him. Mark nodded and stood in the corner, out of their way.


“Yeah, and it makes me feel like I need a nap.” Randy laughed as the elevator came to a halt at the third floor. “See ya later.”


“Lazy.” Jinx grouched, watching him walk away. The doors slid shut. The elevator began to rise. Jinx was on the eighth floor. She hummed and tapped her foot. The elevator came to a jerking halt. “What the hell?” She leaned over and tapped the button for her floor. Nothing happened. She glanced at Mark, who still looked amused.


“More of your magic at work?” He asked, a smile tilting his lips.


“Probably.” Jinx kicked the door. The elevator did not budge. “Great.”


“Relax. This happens here all the time. Damn computerize stuff.”


“You get trapped in elevators a lot?” Jinx asked, turning to face him.


“Not usually.” Mark’s voice was low. “This will be the third time at this hotel though.”


“Good. Can’t stick that one on me.”


“Oh, I don’t know. They said last time it was fixed.” Mark chuckled.


“Funny.” Jinx paced two steps and leaned against the wall opposite him. “Good thing I’m not claustrophobic.”


“I am.”


“No way.”


“Yeah. I’m not. Just trying to make you feel better.” Mark grinned. Jinx looked away, suddenly nervous.


“How long is this gonna take?” She said, idly punching at random buttons.


“A few minutes. An hour. Who the hell knows?” Mark did not sound put out by it. Jinx glanced at him, saw him staring at her, and looked away quickly. He looked like he had something on his mind, and she would harbor a bet that it wasn’t his wrestling match the next night.


Sighing, Jinx slid down to sit on the floor, her legs crossed in front of her. She closed her eyes. Not pretending to sleep, just making sure she didn’t try to steal any glances at those lips of his.


And thinking of Mark’s lips made her think about Glen’s. Too bad she’d gone and clutzed herself out of the situation. He had just been getting started and she’d ruined it. But then again…that kind of situation scared her. So in a way she was glad. Who know how far she’d have let him go if she hadn’t fallen on her ass?


“You have a weird look on your face. What are you thinkin’ about?” Mark’s voice was inches from her ear. Jinx jumped, cracking her head on the elevator wall.


She glared at him and rubbed her head. “Just thoughts. What’s it matter to you?”


“I was just curious. Damn.” Mark held up his hands in a warding off gesture.




“What did I tell you about apologizing?” Mark said with a half-smirk.


“Uh…not to do it?” Jinx could not remember.


“Not to make a habit off it, but close enough.” Mark stretched his legs out next to hers. It made Jinx realize once again how tall he was. “I heard you and my brother had a dinner date last night.”


“Word travels fast.” Jinx said, and that was all she was going to say.


“Around here it does. Did you have a good time?”


Jinx looked at him, meeting his eyes. “Weird question.”


“Just wondering.” Mark chuckled. “No crime in being nosey. Although from your reaction should I guess it wasn’t very good?”


“No…you can take from my reaction that it’s none of your business, and I in fact had a lovely time.” Jinx huffed and shifted away from him.


“You don’t have to get defensive.”


“Who’s getting defensive?” She slid another inch away. Mark looked at her for a moment, then chuckled.


“I’m starting to get the feelin’ that I make you nervous.”


Jinx forced a laugh. It sounded nervous to her own ears. Mark smiled.


“Why is that, Jayce?” Mark’s voice had dropped low. Damn it. She felt another shiver working its way up her spine. Especially when he used her name, her real name. Had she ever heard a man say it in just that tone of voice? Hell, had she ever heard a man say it except for her father?


“Uh…probably cuz you’re twice my size and have a bad temper?”


“I don’t have a temper, darlin’.” Mark was still smiling. “At least not that you have seen.”


“So I took a guess.” She shifted again. This time Mark reached over and grabbed her hand before she could get far.


“Stop tryin’ to run away.”


“I’m not running. I’m shifting. My butt’s asleep.” Jinx could not meet his eyes.


“You don’t have to be nervous around me.” Mark went on as if she had not spoken. He was doing that thing again, where he leaned forward when he spoke. Jinx thought he did not even realize he was doing it, it just came naturally. What was more intimidating than a huge guy standing over you, looking down at you?


“If you wouldn’t try to bully me, then maybe I wouldn’t be so nervous.” Jinx kept her voice level. She scooted over another few inches, this time not trying to be subtle about it.


“I’m bullying you?”


“What would you call it?” Jinx finally turned her head to look at him. Mark had followed her progress and she had not even noticed. He was still just inches from her. “How many times do I have to warn you that getting close to me is the equivalent of signing your death warrant?”


“I’ll take my chances.” His voice was so low it was barely audible. Jinx opened her mouth to say something snappy, perhaps a resounding ‘whatever’. Mark took advantage, ducking his head quickly and claiming her lips with his own. It was not Glen’s tentative technique from the night before but a full on invasion. Mark’s tongue was in Jinx’s mouth almost before she was aware he was kissing her.


He cupped her face in his hands before she could pull away. His tongue delved deeper as he urged her to respond to his intimate caress. Jinx could not help but respond to him, could not fight the urge to run her tongue along his.


Just when she was about to let herself go, to really get into the kiss, the elevator lurched into motion. Without thinking about it, Jinx jerked back, at the same time clamping her mouth shut. She caught a pretty good piece of Mark’s tongue in the process.


Mark cursed and pulled back from her. “If you wanted me to stop, you coulda just said so, darlin’.” He experimentally touched the tip of his tongue to his teeth.




Mark silenced her with a look. Not a bad look, just a look that told her not to say what immediately came to her mind. Then he smiled. “It’s forgivable.”


With that he rose to his feet, then helped Jinx up. Once again she felt as if her face were on fire. She ducked her head and waited for the elevator to reach its destination. Mark half-smiled and touched her chin with his fingertips. “That was more along the bully lines. You don’t have to be embarrassed. I started it.”


Was that supposed to make her feel better? Then she thought of Glen and how nice he’d been to her the night before-and how she’d pushed him away. Now there was embarrassment. The elevator doors slid open. Without a word she rushed out of the enclosed space, wanting nothing more than to lock herself in her room for the day.


She guessed she now knew what guilt was. Although really she had nothing to be guilty about. It wasn’t as if she and Glen were a couple for crying out loud. They went out one time. That really didn’t count.


“Damn it.” Throwing her bag on her bed, Jinx kicked her shoes off, still fuming. Once again she’d proven herself the queen of all stupidity. Glen was a great guy, so there was no way she couldn’t not feel guilty. She liked him. He was easy to talk to. She could relax around him. The same could not be said for his brother, who made her nervous on a level she could not define. And now he’d gone and planted one on her, making her feel…well…like some worthless tramp. 


Forgetting the pool, at least for now, Jinx decided a long soak in the tub was in order. She needed to think. And there was no better place to do it than in chin deep scalding water.


An hour later she was wrapped in a towel, lying on her bed. Jinx was getting a headache. She was really over thinking the problem. Mark was just Mark, and he was just a bully. He was just showing her he was stronger than she was. Well, good for him. Mission accomplished. She’d just stay the hell away from him. She knew his type. He’d find someone else to bother after a short time.


Her phone rang. She warily picked it up. “Hello?” No one but Randy knew her room number. She hadn’t bothered to call her parents yet.


“Hey. Just thought I’d see if you made it in all right.”


Jinx sighed in relief. “I’m fine Glen. Got stuck in the elevator for a while, but I’m in one piece.” She debated on whether or not to tell him about what else happened, the decided against it. She didn’t want to start trouble.


“Stuck, huh?” Glen chuckled. “That’s happened to me a time or two. Uhm…” He hesitated. Jinx waited him out. “I…uh…just wondered if you were doing anything later tonight. Thought you might want to watch a movie…or something.” He sounded unsure. It was downright adorable.


“I dunno. Let me think about it. I’ll give you a call later, after I’ve had a nap.” Jinx made a note of his room number and said goodbye. Then she stretched out on the bed. Great. Glen got nicer the longer she knew him, and here she was kissing his brother in an elevator.


“Enough already. Get over it.” Jinx got to her feet. She needed to finish drying off, then she was going to do what she’d said. She was going to force herself to relax, even if it killed her.




After spending a quiet evening alone, Jinx showed up the next morning a bit more relaxed and ready for work.


She’d called Glen and given him an excuse about having a very bad migraine. Her head felt fine after her nap, but she did not want to make a habit out of spending time with him. She was afraid of hurting him, and not just physically.


He’d been nice enough about it, offering to bring her aspirin, something to drink, and himself to give her a massage. Jinx was tempted but turned him down. She was not going to be taking her clothes off for him for any reason. Things got too complicated after that happened.


She entered the conference room a bit past ten that morning, carrying a few notebooks and a bag with a laptop in it. Since this was her first real day, she was going in prepared. Jinx opened the door and stopped in her tracks.


Instead of the usual group of four men and Michael, there were almost a dozen guys in the room. Michael was once again at the center. The men were spread out in various poses of relaxation. The all looked at her when she walked in.


Ignoring their looks, Jinx made her way to the back of the room, giving a wide berth to anyone who was within the fall out zone that was her clumsiness. Glen was to her right, watching her, a smile on his face. She pretended not to notice it. Mark was also looking at her, but his gaze was more clinical, as if trying to figure her out.


Jinx took her seat and took another look around. Besides the guy in the cowboy hat, whose name had slipped her mind, there were a few that she had seen around in the halls. Randy’s blue-haired friend was tilting his chair at a dangerous angle, talking to the dark haired man beside him. And Randy himself was in deep discussion with a few other guys.


“All right, settle down.” Michael shuffled some papers. “Jayce.” She looked at him. Michael passed a sheaf of papers down the table. “That’s our roster for the next thirty days. I hate to do this to you, but looks like we have had a little emergency come up…”


“If you wanna call it that.” Someone said sarcastically from the front of the room. Some of the men laughed.


“Be that as it may. Eric’s wife went into labor last night. He activated a thirty-day leave. Which means we get to pick up his slack while he’s gone.”


Jinx nodded and glanced through the papers. Names, and storyline summaries were neatly typed. She heaved a sigh, wondering what the hell she was supposed to do about it.


The door opened again. Someone was later than Jinx had been, which made her feel better about her entrance. A woman walked in. She was pretty enough to be one of the female ‘divas’ who were on television every week. But she was dressed down in jeans and an old T-shirt. She looked comfortable in the room of men. Jinx envied her. Even dressed as she was, her dark hair and eyes gave her a sultry look. Most of the guys couldn’t help but stare at her.


“Glad you could join us, Evie.” That was from Randy. Jinx bit back a smile at the tone of his voice.


“Can’t leave you kids alone for a minute, huh sweet cheeks?” The girl was not put out by Randy’s remark. She handed Michael a few sheets of paper, then came toward the back where Jinx was sitting. She took the chair next to her and blew her bangs from her forehead.


“All right…where were…” Michael had barely gotten words out when his phone began beeping. “Damn it. Ok, sit tight everybody. That’s the boss on line one.” Michael stepped out of the room. The men looked at each other and resumed their conversations as if they hadn’t been interrupted.


“You must be new.” The woman, Evie, was looking at Jinx with a ghost of a smile on her lips.


“That I must be.” Jinx smiled at her. She was rewarded with a bright smile in return.


“I’m Evelyn. Known as Lyn to my dad, who I want to choke every time he says it. You can call me Evie.”


“I’m Jayce. Or Jinx. Your choice.”


“Ah. How long have you been here?”


“A week. This is my first real day.” Jinx admitted.


“Don’t sweat it. It’s not that hard of a job, no matter what these jackasses have been telling you.” Evie hooked her thumb at the men in the room. Then she grinned. “Jinx huh?”


Jinx rolled her eyes. She was getting tired of explaining her nickname. “Unfortunate bad luck is my lot in life.” She said with a shrug.


“Luck.” Evie made a strange noise. “I don’t believe in luck. And if there is luck, I think you make your own.” Her eyes moved to the right. “What’s up, sexy?”


Jinx followed the direction of Evie’s gaze. Mark was sitting there, watching them. Evie had apparently caught him looking.


Mark smiled at her. “Nothing much, Ev. How you been?”


“Better now that I’ve seen your fine ass.” Evie winked at him. Jinx raised an eyebrow. Evie caught her expression and laughed. “I’m a shameless flirt. Just ignore me. I try to be obnoxious.”


“And mostly she succeeds.” Mark said, still smiling a bit.


“I don’t care what anybody else says, baby. You are sweet as candy.” Evie grinned.


“You’ll make me blush if you keep up that kinda talk.” Mark shook his head. The guy next to him said something. Mark turned his attention from the women to answer the question.


Evie turned back to Jinx. “That man would make a nun wet.”


Jinx had been taking a sip of water. She choked on it, spitting it all over Evie’s shirt. She laughed and brushed the drops of water off. “Sorry.”


“Forget it. Water won’t melt me.”


“How long have you worked here?” Jinx asked, curious. She’d known her for all of five minutes, and already she found Evie to be fascinating beyond words. Jinx wished there was a way she could buy her kind of confidence.


“A little over a year.” Evie shrugged. “I was Michael’s assistant for a while. I got reassigned to Eric after a few months. More guys, more booking. Michael is something of a trainer for us assistants.”


“Oh. I didn’t know I’d be moving around.” Jinx bit her lip. Why did that bother her? She had barely started and already she was worried about an upheaval in her schedule.


“Depends on how you work out. I asked for the transfer.”


“Do I want to ask why?” Jinx said cautiously.


Evie laughed. “Nothing bad. Michael only had a few guys. There was really not much for me to do. I wanted something a bit more challenging. Although I hear he’s helping a few of the other bookers now, so I guess that’ll keep you busy.”


Jinx nodded. She chewed on her thumbnail thoughtfully and once again glanced around the room. Evie seemed nice, if a bit over the top. Plus her comment about the luck thing…


“Do you really believe it?”


“Believe what? That you’ll be busy?” Evie had been lost in thought, flipping through the notes that Michael had passed to Jinx.


“No. That you make your own luck.” She felt silly asking.


“Of course. If you think you’re unlucky, then you are of course going to be unlucky.”


“Ok, so what if it’s not luck at all? What if you are just born clumsy and everything you touch just falls apart?”


Evie eyed her, one eyebrow raised. “Nobody is born clumsy.”


“That’s easy for you to say. Let me guess, ballet?” Jinx had seen how Evie had weaved through the room. And she didn’t even seem to be thinking about it. It just came to her naturally.


“Gymnastics through high school.” Evie said with a smile. “How’d you know?”


“Believe me, I know the signs.”


“You could always…”


“I don’t think so.” Jinx laughed. “If I tried to take classes, gymnastics, martial arts, stuff that teaches balance, I would fall on my face. And probably take out half the class with me.”


“So you’re saying you’re a walking calamity?” Evie looked intrigued.


“That’s a good way of putting it.” Jinx would have to remember that one.




“Cool? What’s cool about it? I’m surprised Randy didn’t already spread the warning to you. If you value your looks, your feet, your hands, then I’m the last person you should be sitting next to.”


Evie laughed. She had a very musical laugh. Heads turned to look at her when she did it. Something else for Jinx to envy. Great.


“At least I won’t ever find you boring. That’s a plus.”


“My life is anything but.”


“Ok, give me an example.” Evie grinned. “How clumsy are you exactly?”


Jinx lowered her voice and gave Evie a quick rundown of her job interview. The other woman was laughing by the time she was done. Jinx felt herself blush a bit. She seemed to be the only person who did not see the humor in her actions.


“If it was as bad as you seem to think it is, you wouldn’t be sitting here.” Evie finally said. “Old Vinnie Mac has a sense of humor about some things, but the family jewels are strictly off limits.”


“So that’s one violation against me.” Jinx said with a sigh.


Evie was shaking her head. “You are a goof.”




“Yeah, you. You’ve been here a week. Does it seem like anybody is worried about the damage you cause?”


“Uh…” Jinx stopped to think about it. “Not really. It’s weird. Usually by this time I’m being railroaded to the nearest corner to sit alone.”


Evie laughed again. Michael was coming back into the room. “I’ll let you in on a little secret. The reason these boys aren’t worried, don’t seem to care, is cuz they’ve seen just about everything there is to see. There isn’t a damn one of them that hasn’t done something completely retarded that they wish they could take back. And before you’re through here, you’re going to see some of that for yourself. Traveling together like this, you can’t help but notice. So everybody just brushes it off, calls it road crazies, and gets on with the show.”


Michael cleared his throat. Evie turned her attention to the front of the room. Jinx looked at her thoughtfully. The woman had given her something to think about. But it would have to be later. She wanted to figure out this damn job, and wanted to do a good job doing it. Couldn’t do that if she were in her own world.


Two hours later, Michael called a lunch break. Jinx had scribbled away in a notebook, taking notes, writing her observations. Evie had not bothered with notes. She had a bored look on her face the whole time. Jinx did notice that Glen was doing his little note trick with Evie. Whatever he was writing had to be passed through a few people before Evie actually received it.


Jinx felt a bit jealous at that. Until Evie had snickered and shown her what was written on the paper. A riddle. They were passing elementary level jokes back and forth. Jinx couldn’t decide how that made her feel. Right before the break, Glen had passed another note. Evie had glanced at it then held it out to Jinx.


Jinx hesitated then took it. Her name was written on the front. She unfolded the paper and had to smile. Glen had drawn her a picture, a very workable likeness of Michael. He’d added about fifty pounds and had taken away most of his hair. Jinx grinned, then noticed the note at the bottom. No capital letters this time. ‘Lunch on me?’


She looked up to find him watching her. She smiled and nodded. It was, after all, just lunch. When Michael dismissed them, He waited for her, watching as she packed her things.


Evie was stretching her arms over her head, not in any hurry to go anywhere. Jinx smiled at her. “We’re going to get something to eat. I’d love it if you joined us. I could use the moral support.”


Evie looked from her to Glen. “Glen’s a big old teddy bear. I don’t think you need my help with him.” She grinned.


“Not with…Glen. Just with this job. I’m still a little in the dark about what exactly I’m supposed to be doing here.” Jinx did not want to admit that although she was not afraid of Glen, she did not want to be alone with him anytime soon.


Evie thought for a moment, then nodded. “All right. I suppose I can find time in my busy day to help you out.” She stood up and linked her arm through Jinx’s. Jinx had to point out once again that contact of any kind meant a sure accident. Evie laughed but did not move away. “I’m probably echoing something you’ve heard a million times, and you’ll probably hear a billion more. I ain’t worried about it.” With that she led Glen and Jinx out the door.


After a quick lunch that had been buffered by Evie’s presence, the three of them returned to the conference room. Michael wanted the guys who were on that night to go to ringside. Glen and Mark both rose to their feet, along with Randy and a few others. Once they were gone, Michael dismissed the rest.


“So what do we do now?” Jinx asked after most of the guys had left.


“We wait five minutes.” Evie said cryptically.


In about three minutes one of the guys came up to them. He was smiling shyly. He was a young blonde just getting started on the circuit. “They told me to come talk to you guys.”


“Who is they?” Evie asked, arching her eyebrow. “Mike, this is Jinx.”


“Hey. Uh…” Mike seemed to not be able to form words.


“Spit it out kid, we don’t have all day.” Evie said with a laugh.


“Well, my contract says I can’t take more than two days a week off for six months, and I’ve only been on for four. My dad’s having surgery in three weeks. I wanted to see if I could get a week off to help my mom out.” He said it in a rush. Jinx looked to Evie for help.


“I’ll…er…we’ll talk to Shane, see what we can do. Give us a couple of hours.” Evie said. Mike grinned and wandered away. Evie shot Jinx a triumphant look. “See. Five minutes. It’s so predictable. Shane will be in the production truck most likely. I’ll give you the honor of huntin’ his ass down.”


“So that’s what problem solver means?” Jinx asked, stuffing her notebook into her laptop case.


“Partly. Sometimes the hotels get overbooked and we have to find new rooms. Sometimes they need rental cars, or tickets to give to their families, or a million other mundane things that they can’t seem to do for themselves. Pretty much our job is to keep them happy.”


“Keep the happy? Why does that sound dirty?” Jinx asked warily.


Evie laughed. “That part is totally optional.”


“You are kidding.” That was not a question. Jinx was now staring at her new friend in shock.


“Hell no I’m not. Have you taken a good look at some of the guys here? Rowr.” She made a purring noise. Then Evie grinned. “Like your pal Glen, for instance. He’s doable.”


It was Jinx’s turn to laugh. “Doable?”


“Hmm…maybe not the throw him on the bed and rape him kind of doable, but doable all the same. Now Taker…” Evie smiled dreamily, exaggerating the expression. “He’s utterly fuckable. Don’t need much else from him after that.”


“That’s kind of sad.” Jinx said.


“Why? Everybody goes home happy.” Evie shrugged and followed Jinx into the hallway.


“So have you…uh…and Mark…”


“No. And it’s kinda obvious due to the fact that I still have full operation of both legs.” Evia laughed. “I told you, he strikes me as a rough rider kinda guy.”


Jinx couldn’t help herself. She laughed. “So that’s the vibe I have been picking up from him.”


“Oh yeah, he wears sexy like we wear perfume.” Evie paused. “I gotta go say hello to some people. I’m in room six-fourteen at the hotel. Holler at me later, we can go out and do something.” Without waiting for an answer, Evie ducked into another hallway. Jinx shook her head and walked on.


“Holler.” She snickered, saying it under her breath. Evie definitely had the accent of a good southern girl. And the vocabulary and delivery of a sailor. With a grin, Jinx headed to the production truck to hunt down Shane and see what he said about Mike’s request.




The next few months went by quickly in a whirl of travel and activity.


Jinx found that she hardly had time to herself, which was all right by her. The busier she was, the quicker the time passed. She’d gotten the hang of her real job, by way of Evie’s help. Eric had returned from his leave and his group once again split from Michael’s. Since Jinx only had four guys to work with, Vince okayed her to help out Eric’s group when needed.


She and Evie had become close friends. Jinx was always amazed at Evie’s outrageousness. She said what was on her mind and did not care who heard it. She also hadn’t joked about being a flirt. She flirted with everyone, some of the girls included. They played back because, well, it was funny. And it drove the guys crazy.


Jinx and Glen had gone out a few more times. She really had no reason to keep telling him no, so she’d give in and they’d go to dinner, or a movie. He was always a perfect gentleman. He always ended his evenings with her with a chaste kiss on the cheek or a hug. That was it. Jinx found it to be sweet and frustrating at the same time. She did not know how to take the next step, or even if he was interested in the next step.


Mark made himself scarce for a while. If Jinx saw him, she made it a point not to look at him or invite any kind of conversation from him. He seemed like a nice enough guy, but after that incident in the elevator, she wasn’t sure she wanted to get close to him. She still harbored a nervousness around him that made her angry with herself.


Of course, she still had her little ‘accidents’. Running into people, knocking things to the ground, breaking lamps. It was par for the course in her life. Evie had tired of pep talking her and just shook her head and looked amused whenever Jinx found herself the cause of mayhem.


At the moment the fed was in Florida for a weekend. There were no shows on Friday or Saturday, but Sunday was a pay-per-view. The guys were either home relaxing while they could, or holed up at the hotel enjoying the break in the schedule.


Jinx was coerced into sharing a room with Evie. Not just a room, but a suite. Two bedrooms. A kitchen. A sitting area. And probably the biggest television she’d ever seen taking up a space that was designed to look like a fireplace. Normally Jinx would not have splurged, but since Evie was paying half, she decided to treat herself. The really good part, in her opinion, was the gigantic hot tub in the bathroom. It looked like it could hold ten people with room to spare. She couldn’t wait to jump in.


Evie headed her off. “You are not going to hide in the bathroom for two hours when it’s ninety degrees outside and a pool on the roof.” Her voice held a scolding. Jinx grinned.


“On the roof?”


“Hell yeah. I asked the guy downstairs, he said it was closed to everybody but us with the fed. So how ‘bout we go down there and wow the hell out of the guys?”


“I really do not feel like parading myself around in a skimpy swimsuit for a bunch of men, Ev.” Jinx bit her lip and frowned at the other woman.


“The skimpier the better. Go, change. Let’s check it out.”


Jinx sighed but ducked into her bedroom. She emerged wearing a dark blue one-piece suit that was almost modest. Evie was shaking her head. “That’s skimpy?”


“For me it is.” Jinx looked down at herself. She looked all right. She was never one to get too caught up in her body image. But if she planned on swimming she was not going to risk anything less than what she had on.


“Woman, please…” Evie went into her room. There were muffled noises as she threw her bags around. She reappeared, holding up a few scraps of material. “Found it. Try this on. Don’t give me any lip about it either.” She shoved the scraps at Jinx then crossed her arms and tapped her foot, waiting.


Jinx sighed again and went back into her bedroom. Ten minutes later she still had not come out. The suit Evie had given her was not a suit at all but a bikini. And barely a bikini in her eyes. It was big enough to cover what needed to be covered, but that was about it. The tags still dangled from a piece of plastic. Apparently Evie had not had a chance to wear it.


“Did you die in there?” Evie called from the sitting area.


“I wish.” Jinx slowly came out of the room. Evie looked her over. Jinx stood still for it.


“I don’t know what you are so scared of. You look great. I might have to borrow your suit if I go out there with you.”


“Oh, gimme a break.” Jinx laughed. Evie actually took time every other day to work out. Jinx was more sporadic. She went to the gym when she got guilty about not going. Usually she had more than enough nervous energy to keep the fat burned off of her.


“You could use some color. You aren’t one of those people who are afraid of the sun are you?”


“Never have been.” Jinx shrugged. Then adjusted the top of her bikini over her breasts. She felt as if she’d fall out any minute.


“Well good. Let me get changed and we’ll head up. Lay out, listen to some music, rest. It’ll be great.” She did not wait for Jinx’s opinion. Evie went into her room and shut the door.


Jinx sighed and looked critically down at herself. Shaking her head she went to her room and grabbed a couple of towels. She wrapped one around her hips. The other she carried draped over her arm. She found a book she’d been meaning to read stuffed into her bag. And a pair of sunglasses. She was ready as she would ever be.


Evie emerged, looking like a goddess in her two-piece. It was even skimpier than Jinx’s minimal coverage. Evie did not care. She worked hard to look the way she did, and she liked to show it off. “You ready?”


“I suppose. Here.” Jinx tossed her friend the second towel. Evie grabbed her room key and they headed for the elevator.




A few hours later, Jinx snagged Evie’s key, intent on heading back to the room. When they’d first gone to the pool, they were the only ones there, which was a good thing. Jinx’s top had shifted as soon as she’d stepped into the water, and she’d flashed herself at her friend.


Evie had laughed, and Jinx was once again too embarrassed for words. After testing the water, and having it fail miserably, she decided it was better to just soak up some sun while she could.


Eventually more people appeared. Randy and a woman Jinx had never seen before. A few guys she’d not had the pleasure to work with. Glen came up with Dave, looking like they were lost in whatever conversation they were having.


And…Jinx felt a little burnt. She wasn’t fair skinned, but it had been a while since she’d had time for more than a little sun. She wanted to take a quick shower and then relax, maybe check out what movies were playing nearby.


She was just turning the key in the lock when a hand touched her shoulder, making her jump. Jinx gave a breathless shriek and turned on her heel. She was barefoot, and her foot slipped. She found herself falling against Glen as he stood behind her with a grin on his face.


“I’m glad to see you too.” He said with a grin. Jinx just shook her head. She made sure her bikini top had stayed in place, then backed away from him. He was in black swim trunks, with a towel slung over his shoulder. He hadn’t gotten in the water, he’d been too busy talking to Dave.


“I’m sorry. You scared the shit outta me.” Jinx swatted his chest playfully.


“Then I should be the one apologizing. I thought you heard me coming.”


“I’m oblivious. What can I say?” Jinx went back to opening her door. Glen followed her inside to check out her room.


“Pretty nice digs here, Jinx.” He said looking around. Then he smiled at her. “First you’re clumsy, now you’re oblivious. Is that an improvement?”


Jinx laughed and tightened her towel around her waist. “I think it’s compounded. I didn’t give up one for the other.” She shifted nervously. “Uh…did you need something?”


Glen was still smiling. “Nah. Just wanted to say you look great.” He winked. Jinx blushed and ducked her head.


“Evie’s idea.”


“Well, it’s nice to see her being a good influence.” Glen said with a laugh.


“That’s one way of putting it.” She gestured to the couch. “Have a seat. Want a drink?”


“Sure. I’ll take a water.” Glen settled on the couch.


Jinx grabbed two bottles of water and handed one to Glen. Then she debated whether or not to sit on the couch. She was dry at least. She sighed and sank onto the cushions, keeping a respectable distance from the man beside her.


“Wanna watch a movie or…” Jinx noticed the way he was looking at her. Not at her face either, but at her chest. She looked down and felt her mouth drop open. The bikini top had shifted, exposing one of her nipples. Glen’s eyes were wide as she adjusted herself so she was concealed. “Apparently I don’t have enough to fill this thing out to keep it still.” She tried to make a joke. In truth she was mortified.


Glen was quiet for a minute. He tore his eyes from her chest and reached over to touch her cheek. “I think it’s the other way around.”


Jinx looked down at herself. “Yeah?”


“Definitely.” Glen slid closer to her. He’d thought she was a good-looking woman when he’d first met her. And she was wearing an outfit that damn near bowled him over. And to beat it all, she still had that innocent quality to her, even if she was mostly naked in front of him. Jinx looked up just in time to see him leaning toward her.


“Uhm…” She managed to get a noise out. Glen looked at her, stopping his forward movement. “I…uh…”


“Sometimes you think too much, Jayce.” Glen’s voice was low, deep, husky. Jinx took in a shaky breath. Glen was inches away. She could almost smell him, and if she moved she’d probably give him a hefty headbutt for his efforts.


“Evie’ll be back…”


“You’ve got her key.” Glen ran his hand down her cheek, her neck.


“She’ll knock.”


“Ignore it. She can wait.” His hand cupped the back of her head, forcing her to look up at him.


“I don’t have any…uh…protection…stuff…” She could barely get the words out. She watched his eyes darken, the lids heavy with his desire for her.  Then he smiled slowly.


“Well, you might have me there. I don’t either.” He leaned a little closer, turning his head to rub his cheek against hers. Jinx sighed at the feel of him. Her hands were clutching the cushions on either side of her as she struggled to maintain her resistance. She wanted him, damn it, and she’d been denying herself for too damn long. She could feel herself giving in to his slow stroking of her cheek with his, could feel her guard going down.


Jinx lifted one hand and let it rest on his thigh. She could feel the hard muscle beneath the velvety skin bunching as he struggled to keep from reacting to her touch. “Evie might have…something…in her room…” She managed to mutter, her eyes closing as she gave his leg a squeeze.


“I’ll go check.” Glen reluctantly let her go and rose to his feet. Jinx could not watch as he left the room. Remembering something Evie had said, she stood.


“Check her make-up bag!” She called out, walking past the door to Evie’s room.


Glen said something unintelligible, making Jinx smile. She went into her own room and dropped the towel she was wearing to the floor.


“Got it.” Glen’s voice was triumphant from behind her. Jinx smiled and turned to face him, her hands going to the tie that held her top on. “God…leave it on for now. You don’t know how hot that is.” His voice was husky again. He came forward and stood in front of her, staring down into her eyes. “Ok, I’ll kick myself for asking, but are you sure you wanna do this?”


Jinx met his eyes and held them with her own. Then she raised a hand to touch his cheek. “I shoulda done this the first time you wanted to.” She said softly. Glen made a noise low in his throat and ducked his head, capturing her lips with his.


Jinx gripped his shoulders, kissing him back, opening up her mouth for his tongue. Glen delved into her mouth with a barely controlled passion that made her feel like she was falling. He held on to her though, his arms wrapped around her waist as he angled his head to deepen the kiss.


Glen pulled back and caught his breath, then slowly moved her toward the bed. He dropped the condom on the nightstand and eased Jinx onto the mattress, not taking his eyes off of her. Jinx watched as he crawled next to her, her eyes roaming from his face, down his body, back up.


He kissed her again. This time his hands were free to roam. He began tracing her body with his fingers, stroking her from her head to her knees, then up again. Jinx arched into his touch, moaning softly when his hand rested against her breast. Glen squeezed her gently, drawing another moan. He made that noise in his throat again, too soft to be a growl, and tugged the material of her bikini top away, exposing her nipple to his fingers.


Glen rolled it gently, then flicked a thumb over it. Jinx closed her eyes, wanting to just feel the sensations as he continued touching her breasts. He pulled the scrap of material covering her other breast, laying it bare. He repeated his slow caress, watching her face as she reacted to his touch.


Jinx reached up, grabbing his shoulders. She pulled Glen down into another kiss, a slow, exploratory, earth-rocking kiss. Her hands slid down his arms, up, over his shoulders, as far down his back as she could go. She wanted to touch him, wanted to learn the contours of his body the way he was learning hers.


Glen wasn’t ready for that yet. He broke the kiss, smiling at her sound of frustration when he shifted his body downward. He nuzzled her neck, his tongue marking a wet trail down her skin.


“I want you so much, Jayce…” His voice was a deep rumble.


She could say nothing. He’d moved down a little further and hesitated before taking one hardened nipple into his mouth. Jinx cried out at the sensation of him sucking on her, his tongue flicking the peak.  He repeated the tease at her other breast, not stopping until Jinx was almost out of her mind with the feel of him. She was pulling at him, trying to move him on top of her. He wasn’t ready just yet.


Jinx saw his slow smile, saw his eyes drop low, looking at her stomach, her legs. She felt a flush forming over her entire body as he hungrily eyed her. “Glen…” Her voice sounded strange to her own ears.


He was moving farther down her body, kissing her stomach, her hip. “Hmm?” Not a word, but a sound. He found a spot on her thigh that was a bit ticklish and Jinx sucked in a breath. He tugged the strings holding her bikini bottom on, and yanked the material out form under her, leaving her bare.


“I don’t know if I can take this…” Jinx moaned as she felt his breath puff against her hot center.


“You can.” Glen assured. She shivered in anticipation. “I think I’ve wanted to do this since the first time I saw ya, Jayce.” With that, Glen parted her folds with his fingers and lowered his mouth to her clit.


Jinx was beyond responding to that at the feel of his mouth on her. He used his tongue, his fingers, his lips to drive her to the brink. Just when she though she couldn’t take it anymore, Glen would pull away and suck gently on the skin of her thigh. Jinx reached down and stroked the top of his head, urging him to finish her as she felt heat flood her body. Her climax took her, made her lock her entire body down. She arched off the bed, pressing against Glen’s mouth forcefully. Glen settled a hand on her stomach, holding her down, watching as pleasure wracked her body.


Jinx collapsed back onto the bed, looking at him through cloudy eyes. Glen slowly moved up the bed until he was hovering over her, nudging her thighs apart with his knee. “Glen…” She reached up and gently raked her fingernails down his chest. He hissed and closed his eyes, rubbing his cock against her moist center. “Glen…get the…the…thing. Now.” Her voice held an urgent note. Glen reached behind him and grabbed the small plastic square. He tore it open with his teeth. “Give it to me…”


Glen let the condom fall into her hand. Jinx reached down, touching his erect cock, stroking it a bit. He was big, he was hard, he was hot. That was all she needed to know. The kept stroking him with one hand as she unrolled the condom onto him with the other, taking her time doing it. Glen kept jerking his hips spasmodically against her hands, making her smile at the effect she was having on him. When he was sheathed, she lay back and met his eyes.


With a sigh of pleasure, Glen slowly probed her entrance. Jinx tilted her hips a bit, facilitating his entrance into her body. With a groan of passion he stroked fully into her, sucking in a breath at her sound of passion.


He began to slowly rock into her, keeping a steady pace. Jinx clutched at him as if holding on for dear life when he picked up the pace, shortening the strokes, pumping harder. Her breasts were rubbing his chest, and even through the condom he could feel how hot, how tight she was. He also felt what he thought was the beginning of another orgasm for her. Raising himself on his palms, he watched her face as he angled his thrusts, getting the most contact from her body with his.


Jinx suddenly arched up under him, crying out his name. The sight of her, the feel of her, was enough to set him off. Glen moaned out his pleasure as he came, his hips jerking into her. With a groan he collapsed against her, mindful to keep most of his weight off of her.


Jinx was breathing hard under him, her hands stroking his back. Glen smiled and kissed her gently on the sensitive spot just below her ear. “See. No injuries.” He murmured.


“You haven’t gotten off of me yet.” Jinx said with a breathless giggle. “Technically we’re not finished.”


“Mmm. I like the sound of that.” He licked the skin he’d just kissed, moaning in answer to the sound that issued from her.


“You’re asking for trouble.” Jinx finally managed to say.


“If this is trouble, then I’ll take about four helpings a day.” Glen lifted his head to look into her eyes. “I shoulda grabbed a handful.” It took her a moment to realize he was talking about the condoms. Then she giggled, making him smile. He was definitely going to have to go shopping in the very near future.




“What has gotten into you?”


Jinx was sitting at a table, going over some paperwork, humming to herself. Evie’s question pulled her from her thoughts.


“What are you talking about?” She asked innocently.


“Spare me the act. You have been practically glowing since Saturday. It’s sickening.” Evie was playing with her can of soda, eyeing Jinx critically.


“I am not glowing.” Jinx put her hand to her cheek. She did feel a little hot.


“Woman…please. You have this whole satisfied look about you. Tell me that you got some.”




“I knew it!” Evie smacked her hand on the table, making Jinx jump. “Who was he? Was he good? Obviously he was good if you’ve still got that afterglow thing going on.” She answered her own question.


“I really don’t wanna talk about it.” Jinx said, ducking her head and blushing. She and Glen had spent pretty much all of Saturday night in bed. That was after he’d made a trip to the store for food and necessities.


Evie made a frustrated noise. “Of course not.” She grinned. “I have noticed the level of destruction around you has fallen to manageable levels. Who knew dick would be the answer?”


Jinx had been taking a sip of her water. At Evie’s remark she spit it out. All over her paperwork.


“Ok, so I spoke too soon.” Evie’s voice was wry. She looked around the room. “Was it Taker? He keeps giving you looks…”


Jinx glanced up. Mark was sitting near the back of the room with a bunch of other wrestlers. He was looking in their direction. She blushed a little deeper and looked down. “No. This is the first time I’ve seen him in a few days.”


“He’s been hiding, huh?” Evie grinned. “Rough rider.”


Jinx laughed. Ever since the first day they’d talked, all Evie had to do to get a laugh was mention Marks’ new ‘nickname’. “Why don’t you go over there and find out?” She finally said. Evie looked at Mark cynically.


“I would. I don’t think he’d have me though. He seems hung up on someone else…” She gave Jinx a meaningful look.


“Why would he be hung up on me? I barely talk to him.”


Evie laughed. “I said seems to be. Probably he’s just doing that thing where they try to chase you off.”


“What thing?” Jinx asked, looking at her friend.


“Oh…Mark and Glen gave me about three months worth of hell before they finally decided I wasn’t going to quit. I actually liked the challenge.”


“Three months of…what are you talking about?”


“Nobody told you about the last few people who had your job?” Evie looked at Jinx, incredulous. Jinx shook her head. “Rumor mill must be down for repairs. The last four people all quit…because of Mark and Glen.”


“Why would they do that?”


“Cuz…like I said…they made life hell.” Evie shrugged. “They can do that scary thing pretty easily. They’re big guys. Taker actually tried a seduction kinda thing on me. Which did not freak me out in the least. I told him anywhere, anytime. After a while they gave up on me as a lost cause.”


Jinx said nothing. She was staring at Evie, a strange look on her face.


“The last guy who was here, well, got intimidated enough to walk out and forfeit the last two months of his contract.” Evie stated. “The girl before that…”


“I don’t want to hear any more.” Jinx said softly. Evie smiled.


“I’m just warnin’ ya. Just ignore them, or play back. They’re just testing you.”


“Testing me?” She could not believe it. Evie was giving her another one of those piercing looks.


“Oh God. What happened?” She pushed her drink aside. “I gather this is not as funny to you as it is to me. What’s going on? What did they do?”


Jinx felt like crying. “They didn’t do anything but prove how dumb I am.”


“Oh, come on. You are not stupid. What happened?”


Jinx glanced around, making sure no one was within earshot. Then she spilled everything out for Evie to consider, her dates with Glen, Mark’s kiss in the elevator, and Saturday…she didn’t even want to consider Saturday. She’d trusted Glen, damn it, and now she’d found out it was just part of some amusing little quest for him and his brother.


“That son of a bitch.” Evie’s voice held all that Jinx was feeling. “They took it too far, apparently. God, I’m sorry J. I should have just kept my mouth shut.”


“No, I’m glad I know. At least I don’t have to make a fool out of myself again.” She said, looking down. She wanted to cry. She couldn’t believe Glen had been using her, not just using her, but plotting something worse after that. She had no clue what it could be. Probably a massive public dumping. That would be worse than death for a person who made a public spectacle of herself on a daily basis. He knew how flustered she got when she did something clumsy in front of people, especially people she worked with.


“Want me to crack his nuts for you?” Evie asked sweetly. She picked up her soda can and crushed it. Jinx could not help it. She smiled.


“What, and stoop to their level? No thanks.” She sighed. “I can’t believe I fell for it. You mean that whole nice thing was an act?”


“Nah. Glen is nice.” Evie held up a hand to stop Jinx’s protest. “To most people. He’s a good guy most of the time. But…uh…when he and Taker get together, it’s trouble. With a capital ‘t’.” Evie smiled grimly. “Taker on the other hand is like a shark. He only looks calm. He’s really just waiting for the opportunity to strike.”


Jinx closed her eyes. “I can’t believe this is happening. I’m a fool’s fool, you know it?” She stuffed her paperwork back into the folder she’d pulled it out of, angry all of a sudden. She was mad that she’d been used, mad that she’d fallen for it, mad that he’d managed to get past all her defenses. If she saw Glen right now, she’d kill him, and it would not be an accident.


“Now, now. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It is kinda hard to resist a hot man. Especially if it’s been a while.”


“That’s not comforting.” Jinx shoved the folder aside. “What am I gonna do?”


“Do? You want to do something?” Evie’s eyes lit up. Jinx wasn’t sure she liked the look her friend was giving her.


“Would you?”


“Hell yeah, I’d kick their mother fucking asses and have their balls for earrings.” Evie punctuated this statement with another knock on the table. Jinx grinned, liking the sound of that.


“So what do I…”


“Do you have your cell?” Evie was looking over Jinx’s shoulder.


“Well…yeah. Why?” Jinx pulled it out of her pocket.


“Just do what I say. Put it to your ear and act like you just got a call.”


Feeling like an idiot, Jinx did as Evie asked. She said hello then pretended to listen to the other side of a fantasy conversation.


“Good, good. Keep it up.” Evie talked without moving her lips much. Instead of looking at Jinx, she pulled the folder in front of her and made a show of being engrossed. “Laugh.”


“What?” Jinx could not help it. She had no clue what Evie was up to.


“Laugh damn it.” Evie hissed. She was grinning. Jinx forced a laugh. It sounded fake to her own ears. Evie made a face and Jinx laughed again, this time a bit more naturally. “Now hang up and get up and go. The back way. Don’t stop and talk to anybody. Act like you’ve got something better to do than sit here. I’ll meet you at the diva locker room in fifteen minutes. Got it?”


“All right. Bye.” Jinx said, trying to convey her agreement and end her imaginary call at the same time. She snapped the phone shut and rose to her feet. “I’ll catch you later.”


“Where are you going?” Evie looked up as Jinx reached for the folder.


“Meeting a friend.” Jinx kept a straight face when she said it. It was not a total lie.


“Well have a good time.” Evie grinned smarmily.


“I always do. See ya.” With that Jinx walked away, confused, still not understanding why Evie had her acting like a moron.


Fifteen minutes later, as Evie had said, they met up at the locker room that the female wrestlers were using. Evie ushered Jinx inside and leaned against the counter that ran the length of one wall, laughing. Jinx just looked at her.


“That…was…priceless.” Evie said, catching her breath.


“Wanna share with me? Why was I talking to myself on my phone?” Jinx thought that Evie was having a laugh at her expense. Which only made Evie laugh harder.


“Oh…whew.” She finally managed to calm down. “You didn’t see him. Glen came in the room, was standing a few feet behind you, talking to one of the crew guys. Every time you talked, he’d look at you.”


“Oh Lord…” Jinx pressed her hand to her forehead.


“Then when you jumped up and took off, he came over and asked where you were headed. Since I know he heard you, I played innocent, said you didn’t tell me. Then he walked off, looking wounded. Fucking hilarious.”


Jinx smiled. It was more for show than any actual happiness. “That’s kinda mean…”


“So fuckin’ what?” Evie grabbed her arm. “It’s about time those jackasses got a little payback. And I think I have a great idea.”


“Dare I ask?” Jinx was still wary. Damn it all, she had actually started to like Glen as more than just a friend, and it had nothing to do with the sex. Although that had been fantastic. She still could not believe he would use her like that, all in the name of proving what a man he was.


“No, no. I still have to think about it. But for today, we’re going to play a game. It’s called avoid the Brothers of Destruction. Think you can manage it?”


“Without half tryin’. Yeah.” Jinx pushed her hair back and watched as Evie smiled slowly. “Why?”


“I’ll tell you later. Just…don’t talk to either of them. If they try to talk to you, tell ‘em to hold on a minute, you’re busy. Then come find me and I’ll deal with ‘em.”


“All right.”


“Go straight to our room. No pit stops. Don’t hang out here talking to the guys either.”


“Yes mom.”


Evie laughed. “This is going to be so much fun.”


“I’ll take your word for it.”


“I do have one question.”


“Go ahead.” Jinx wondered how bad it could be. She was about to find out.


“How practiced are you in the art of seducing a man?” Jinx stared at Evie blankly. Evie laughed and shook her head. “Not very. All right, no problem. I’ll help you. Later on. Right now I have to get to Eric, turn in some scheduling.”


“Same here.” Jinx still did not know what to think.


“I’ll meet you at the room tonight when the show starts. See ya.” With that Evie exited the room. Jinx stayed where she was for a few more minutes, gathering her thoughts. Evie obviously had a plan in mind. Ignoring the butterflies in her stomach, Jinx finally headed for Michael’s conference room, determined to get this day over with as soon as possible.




Jinx went toward the ringing phone, running her fingers through her hair.


“No, no, no.” Evie beat her to it, shaking a finger at her. “We’re pretending you’re not here, remember?”


“Oh, sorry, I forgot.” Jinx said with a laugh. “Force of habit.”


Evie grinned and put a finger to her lips. Then she picked up the phone.


“Hello?” She tilted her head. Her grin widened. “Hey Glen, what’s going on?”


Jinx sank down on the couch and watched as Evie cocked a hip against the table. “No, she’s not here. She left about an hour ago.” A pause. “I have no clue. She didn’t say.” Another pause. “I’ll tell her you called.” Apparently Glen said something funny, because Evie laughed. “Well, we’ll just have to see.” She paused again. “All right. Mmm hmm. Have a good night.” With that she hung up and started laughing.


“This is so mean. Why don’t I just tell him to piss off? At least he’ll know I’m mad.” Jinx said from her seat. Evie sank down beside her.


“Because we’re trying to make a point here.” Evie fiddled with her hair. “Now, I told him that I’d tell you he called. So hey Jinx, Glen called.” This made Jinx laugh. “And when he calls back later I’m going to tell him you said you’d talk to him tomorrow cuz you are busy.”


“Ok. I still don’t see…”


“Oh, come on. We gotta mess with them a little.” Evie poked her in the arm. “Teach them a lesson. Now…Glen is taking next week off.”


“He is?” Jinx hadn’t known that. Of course, if he’d put in the request with Michael, she wouldn’t have seen it.


“He is. So that’ll give you some time to get your head straight. Just avoid him as much as you can. If he talks to you, act bored. Can you do that?”


“I think so.”


“And whatever you do, don’t try to stop the clumsiness. I want you to be falling over everything in his presence. Knock stuff over, spill stuff, whatever.”


Jinx laughed. “You think it’s going to come to good use?”


“Hell yeah. Look, you said that there are certain people you are less accident prone around, and Glen was one of those people. Well, not anymore. I think he’ll get the message that something is up. He just won’t be able to figure it out.”


“It still sounds mean.”


“I know. I know you don’t want to play their game, but I’m a pro. So listen. I figure when Glen is gone, Mark is going to make himself the star player. Do not be nervous around him. Flirt your ass off. When you talk to him, touch him, like this…” Evie reached over and laid her hand on Jinx’s arm. “Accidentally bump into from time to time. Act like you love every second of it.”


“I’ll try.”


“You’ll do it. Just try to have fun, damn it. Don’t be all serious. You don’t want them to know how much what they are doing bothers you.”


“I might have more trouble with that.” Jinx frowned. “Why don’t I just call Glen and tell him he’s an ass, and to leave me the hell alone.”


“You could try that. But then they’d know they got to you, which I think was their goal all along.”


“Glen got to me, all right.” Jinx sighed.


“Don’t. Ok?” Evie nudged her. “Don’t beat yourself up.”


“What if it wasn’t part of some game? What if he really does like me?”


“That may be true.” Evie admitted. “Then again, do you want to take that chance? I mean, you could ask him flat out but who’s to say he’ll tell the truth?”


“You have a point.”


“Of course I do. Look, I know it seems hateful and vindictive, but believe me, the guys do worse than this to each other out of boredom.” Evie laughed.


“I don’t…” Jinx sighed. “I don’t wanna hurt him, Ev.”


“Oh, he’s a big boy, he can take it.” Evie smiled at her. Jinx still was not totally into this idea of hers. “Ok, if you don’t want to give him hell, then at least do this. Ignore him for a while. Make sure he gets the point that he is not the only form of entertainment you have. Don’t let him know that you’re on to him, that is…if he is actually messing with you. Just….be superior.”


“Superior.” Jinx repeated. “I can ignore him. I think. What am I gonna do though, have you screen all my calls and hide under the bed if he comes to my room?”


“Sounds like a plan to me.” Evie smiled. “I guess I have a more evil nature than you do, J. I’d wanna teach him a lesson.”


“I just don’t want to do anything without knowing what’s going on, that’s all.”


“All right then. You want some advice?”




“Go talk to Taker.”


Jinx looked at her friend, eyes wide. “Mark? Are you crazy?”


Evie shrugged. “Hey, at least Mark wasn’t the one wooing you. He doesn’t have anything invested in you. So he won’t want to lie to make himself sound better.”


“There is no way. What the hell would I say?”


“Well…for starters, you ask him what kinda game he’s playing. Then you grab him by the balls and tell him to knock it the fuck off.” Evie laughed. Jinx could not help but smile with her.


“He hasn’t really done anything.”


“The hell he hasn’t. You told me about the elevator thing.”


“That was months ago.” Reluctant, Jinx rose to her feet and paced the room.


“He still watches you. It’s kinda cute actually.”


“I wouldn’t go that far.” Just thinking about Mark made Jinx nervous. She did not know why. It was frustrating. “I don’t think so.”


Evie shrugged. “Why the hell not? He is just a guy, J. A hot, sexy slab of man, granted, but still just a guy. Like any other guy on this planet, he thinks with his dick.”


Jinx smiled wryly. “I am not going to seduce him, if that’s what you were hinting at earlier.”


“Damn.” Evie sighed dramatically. “I was hoping one of us would at least catch a ride.”


“Well it’s not going to be me. Just go to his room and throw him down and do him, get him outta your system.”


“I told you, he’s not interested in me. Besides, I have a man of my own to deal with.”


“You do?” This was news to Jinx.


“Hell, why do you think I carry condoms?”


Jinx laughed. “I dunno. I guess just thought you were prepared.”


“I am.”


“So who is he?” Curious, Jinx sat down.


Evie sighed. “If you must know, it’s John.”


“Which John?”


“Cena.” Evie grinned.


“Oh. Damn.” Jinx laughed again. “I thought he was dating that girl from wardrobe. Well, not dating, but sneaking around.”


“He just tells people that.” Evie smirked. “Too bad he’s on vacation this week. I could use a…uh…helping hand.” Jinx giggled and blushed.


“John Cena.” Jinx giggled when she said it and studied Evie. They did not seem like a well-matched couple. Although she knew that meant virtually nothing. Opposites attract, it was a fact of life. She just could not picture Evie and John together. Which was probably why it was such a well-kept secret.


“Ok, and now you have to promise not to tell. It’s more fun when it’s a secret. As far as anybody else is concerned, I’m a crazed single slut.” Evie was grinning.


“I promise I won’t tell anybody.” Jinx smiled. “Just makes me wonder who knows about Glen and me…I haven’t necessarily been sneaking around.”


“Oh, believe me, if it were public knowledge, I would have heard about it. As far as I knew, you guys hardly talked to each other.” Evie shrugged. “Vinnie Mac doesn’t like the fraternization, but he does turn the other cheek a lot. He knows that shit will happen. Just so long as you don’t over dramatize it and distract his wrestlers.”


“That’s a good thing. I guess.”


“So I guess it’s a good thing you don’t wanna tread on any so-called feelings.” Evie finished, still grinning.


“All right, I get that I have to be careful. You don’t have to rub it in.”


“You don’t want to hurt him, fine, I understand that. But I do not want him to hurt YOU, J. I won’t stand for it. Just so you know, if you do it your way and he manages to make you feel like shit, I’m gonna kill him.”


“Thanks.” Jinx said sarcastically. “I have no clue what I’m going to do. I’m not gonna quit damn it. I like my job. But I am not going to let them treat me like a…an…an idiot for their own amusement.” She sighed. “I’m going to go lay down. I need to think.”


“Don’t worry. I’ll guard the door and phone with my life.” Evie gave a little salute. Jinx smiled and went into her room, shutting the door.


She must have dozed off. The next thing she knew, she heard voices in the sitting area. She rolled onto her back and listened as Evie informed whoever she was talking to that she was alone.


The male voice that answered was Glen’s, Jinx was sure of it. Evie was standing at the door, talking to him. Apparently when she didn’t call him back, he’d worried and stopped in to see if she was all right.


“I don’t know. I guess she’s having a good time, wherever she is.” Evie said. Although her voice was muffled, Jinx had no trouble hearing it.


“She never called.”


“I told her when she called here that you asked for her.” Evie’s tone was all innocence. Jinx had to smile. “She said she’d call you when she got in. And she’s not here yet. I think I might start worrying myself if she doesn’t make an appearance.”


“Well…” Glen sighed. There was a pause. “Just…tell her that I need to talk to her. It’s important.”


“I will.” Evie said good night and Jinx heard the door close.


With a sigh, Jinx curled onto her side, pulling her pillow over her head. It was going to be hard to ignore him, damn it. At the sound of his voice she had wanted to jump up and run out there to see him. Why did Evie have to tell her about Mark and Glen’s little…hobby? Jinx would have been perfectly happy believing that Glen actually liked her, in spite of all of her faults. Closing her eyes, she tried not to think about him and go back to sleep. She had a feeling she’d need all the strength she could get.





“Where were you last night?”


The question from behind her made Jinx jump. The papers she’d been shuffling went flying. They scattered, a few hitting the table in front of her, the majority floating to the floor. Evie did not have to tell Jinx to be clumsy. Jinx could manage on her own.


“You scared me.” She glanced over her shoulder as Glen, who stood there looking worried.


“You didn’t answer my question.” With a sigh he bend down and picked up her paperwork, straightening it before putting it on the table next to her.


“I was out with friends. We didn’t get in until late. I didn’t have a chance to call you.” Jinx was on the verge of apologizing, then stopped herself. She had nothing to apologize for. It wasn’t like they had made plans or anything. Plus…she was mad at him. The problem was that she had to struggle to hold onto her anger when he came around. She couldn’t fathom the sweet, gently Glen she knew as a guy who just wanted to play games and piss her off.


“Oh.” He sank onto the chair next to her. Jinx made it seem as if she were engrossed in the papers in front of her. The silence started to get to her. Her hands were shaking.


Glen was looking at her. She could almost feel the weight of his gaze as he studied her, trying to figure out why she wasn’t talking. Jinx picked up her can of soda and took a sip, pretending she didn’t know he was watching her. That was actually the easy part, because it was something she did all the time, without thinking about it.


“Something is wrong.” He said it out of nowhere. Jinx closed her eyes and set the can back on the table, keeping her fingers wrapped around it so it would not do something stupid like jump off the table.


“Nothing’s wrong. I’m just…still…getting the hang of this place.”


“Two or three months is plenty of time to get the hang of what you do.” Glen pointed out.


“True for some, but not me. Can I help it I’m slow?” She darted her eyes and looked at him when she said it, gauging his reaction. He looked very sad for some reason. Jinx felt sick to her stomach. It as easier to not look at him. She turned back to her paperwork.


“You are not slow.” Glen reached over and touched her arm. Jinx jerked back, sending the soda flying. Glen barely managed to avoid getting splashed. He raised an eyebrow at her. “I haven’t seen you this nervous since your first day. You gonna tell me what’s bothering you, or do I have to torture it out of you?”


“Nothing is bothering me.” Jinx made work of picking up her can and mopping up what little soda had been in it with napkins from the table. “I was out late. I’m tired.”


“That’s all it is?”


“Of course.” Jinx stood up and tossed the can and used napkins in the garbage can. She returned to her seat and began gathering her paperwork up into a folder. “I have to go. Michael’s meeting me to go over some things.”


“All right.” Glen rose to his feet but hesitated. “Do you want to grab lunch later?”


Jinx took a deep breath. “I don’t know. I’ll find you after I’m done with Michael and let you know. I told Evie I’d have lunch with her-she wanted to show me somethings…”


“That’s fine…” But he didn’t sound like he was fine with it. Glen knew a blow-off when he heard one. Jinx was nervous as hell, wouldn’t look at him, and kept biting her lip. Signs that she was definitely not happy with him. “Can we get together later, talk? I’m leaving late tonight, going home for a couple of weeks. Michael extended my time off. I’d like to spend some time with you before I go.”


Jinx licked her lips. “Sure. I’d like that.” She glanced up at him, only for a moment, before saying goodbye and hurrying away. Glen did not like the look in her eyes. He’d seen it enough in his lifetime to know what it meant. Distrust. He ran a hand down his cheek, rubbing absently, as he watched her leave the room.




“I can’t do it.”


Evie was sitting on the counter in the bathroom, legs crossed comfortable, smoking a cigarette. She raised an eyebrow at Jinx’s comment but said nothing.


“I mean, I thought I could, but I can’t. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, or with them, but I can’t play their game.” Jinx said it all in a rush, as if afraid Evie would tell her to shut up.


Instead, Evie took another long drag from her cigarette. “So what do you want to do?”


Jinx laughed. It sounded harsh to her own ears. “Turn back the clock and not get involved with him in the first place would be good. Other than that, I don’t know. I can’t look at him the same way, you know? Not while I’m wondering what his true intentions are.”


“So ask him.”


“You said not to come right…”


“Fuck all what I said. You do things your way.” Evie smiled. “Maybe it’s meant to be and you’ll live happily ever after. Who knows?”


“It’s not a fairy tale. I’m not the fair princess waiting for prince charming.” Jinx said irritably. She looked in the mirror and ran a hand through her hair. “I wish it were that simple.”


“Don’t we all.” Evie butted the cigarette on the edge of the sink and hopped down from her perch. “You said he’s leaving tonight.”


“Yeah. He said Michael approved extended time.” Jinx looked at her friend. “So what?”


“So…” Evie shrugged. “Go on, go to him tonight. You’ll have a couple of weeks to put it in perspective.”


“I can’t.”


“There’s a lot you think you can’t do, isn’t there?” Evie sighed. “How do you know you can’t until you try? Hell, if all he’s wanting is a good lay to tell the guys about later, go on and fuck him senseless.”


Jinx’s eyes widened. “I didn’t say…”


“I know what you said. And you heard what I said. Why must everything be such a trial for you? Do you ever just do something without having to analyze it to death first?” Evie sounded aggravated.


“I wish I could.” Jinx said softly.


“Fuck, why can’t you? It’s not hard. What do you want to do?”




“Don’t stop to think. Tell me the first thing that pops into your head.” Evie instructed.


“I guess I want to be with him.” Jinx said, looking at the floor.


“Guessing isn’t good enough.” Evie was stern. Jinx looked up at her.


“I want him. All right? Damn.”


“That’s a good start. Now you go and see him tonight. Don’t talk yourself out of it. Matter of fact, don’t even think about it. Just go. That’s an order.” Evie’s tone held a note of finality that Jinx could not ignore.




Evie wandered into the training room, seeking Mark. She found him alone for a wonder, laying on a weight bench, doing presses with some ungodly amount of weights. He barely glanced at her when she walked up to him. He just kept repeating his movements over and over with the single-mindedness he was known for.


“What’s up, Ev? You look pissed.”


“That’s an understatement.” She stood over him, looking down, watching him. “You wanna tell me what’s going on?”


Mark grunted and pushed the bar up. “What do you mean?”


“Glen, Jinx. What’s going on? Don’t lie to me either.” Evie rested her hands on the back of the bench he was on, staring down into his upside down face.


“Glen and Jinx?” Mark frowned a bit.


“You know, your brother and your assistant booker? What kind of game are you guys playing. I wanna know, and I wanna know now. She’s a sweet girl, she doesn’t need to get railroaded by you two.”


Mark’s frown deepened. “I gotta news flash for ya, Ev. I have no clue what you’re talkin’ about.” He puffed out a breath and pushed the bar up again.


“Remember when I first started here, and you thought it would be hilarious to try to con me into bed?” Evie said, holding his gaze. Mark nodded, a grimace that might have been a smile forming on his lips.


“I remember you wanted to.” He huffed out. “Kinda put me off my game.”


“It’s not a game.” Evie said slowly. “I’m wondering if your little brother didn’t pick up some of your tricks.”


“What are you talkin’ about?” The smile was gone before it could fully form. He was frowning again.


“Does all that muscle really make you that dense?” Evie asked, exasperated that Mark was playing dumb.


“Shit, Ev…” Mark huffed again and grunted with effort. He slammed the bar into the socket it rested in and swung up to a sitting position. “Glen…and Jayce?”




“Shit.” Mark repeated and grabbed a towel. He swiped at his face with it. “I didn’t know.”




Mark met her eyes. “I honestly didn’t know.” He stood up. “What the fuck does he think he’s doing?”


“Fucking with my friend. For starters. So it is a game you’re running.” Evie felt triumphant.


Mark knocked her down a peg. “I haven’t even talked to Jinx in a month. Hell, I haven’t sat down with Glen in about as long.”


“So he’s on his own, no help from big brother?” Evie cracked her knuckles. Mark shook his head.


“You don’t get it, do ya?”


“Get what? That cocksucker is about to be toast.”


“Do you know why Glen is taking two weeks off?”


“I dunno. He asked off months ago. I’m not that fuckin’ nosy.” Now that Evie had heard what Glen was up to, she wanted to hunt him down and call him on it. Before Jinx fell even more for him.


“Glen’s taking off because…” Mark’s jaw muscle clenched. He was pretty pissed too. Evie suddenly wondered if this was such a good idea. “Fuck. He’s getting married on Saturday. This Saturday.”


“WHAT?” Evie yelled it. It was the last thing she’d expected to hear. “Fuck. Fuck, fuck.” She practically spit the word out. “She doesn’t know. J doesn’t know a damn thing about it. She thinks Glen’s either fucking with her or totally into her. I’ll fuckin’ kill him!”


“Not if I get to his ass first. Damn it.” Mark snatched his shirt from the chair where he’d thrown it. He could not believe that Glen would do something like this. But a part of him had known, hadn’t it? That was why Glen had made himself scarce. He didn’t want Mark to talk him out of it. Mark had only wanted to mess with Jayce a little, to see what she was made of. Clumsiness aside, he had to admit she impressed him. She was a paradox. Clumsy and organized, beautiful and bashful. Glen had played her like a fiddle, and she did not even know it, willing to trust him before she ever really knew him.


Mark looked at Evie. “Where is he?”


“I don’t know. He asked J if she’d meet him after the show. Before he leaves.”


“And she’s going to?”


“I think so.” Evie sighed and shoved a hand through her hair. “We definitely should have gone with plan A.”


“Plan A?” Mark asked as he led her out of the training room and into the hallway.


“The original plan was to give you guys a taste of your own medicine. She was supposed to ignore his ass.”


“Oh.” Mark looked thoughtful. “That was it? That’s all you had?”


“I don’t find this funny.” Evie said heatedly.


“Me either. Believe me.”


“And no, that’s not all. But I’m saving the rest. Damn it, I’ll get you later. I’m not going to give away all my secrets.”


“Good.” Mark smiled. It was grim. His brother was going to take a serious ass beating from him. He was in the perfect mindset for it. Pissed off didn’t describe it. Not only was Glen treading on his soon to be wife, he was using someone he worked with to do it. With a frown, he went about his search for his brother with Evie hot on his heels.




“All right, hold your damn horses!”


It was after midnight. Jinx had just fallen asleep about half an hour before. She’d taken her phone off the hook. Randy had called twice, once just to talk, the second time to see if she was all right. Strange question. After assuring him she was fine, and that she was in her room for the night, he’d let her go. And that’s when she’d decided to just throw the phone on the floor.


Now someone was knocking on her door. Not just knocking, pounding like they were going to break the door down. Jinx stumbled out of bed and turned on the light. She threw open the door, not awake enough to be angry at the interruption yet.


Mark came into her room uninvited, looking very angry. “What’s wrong?” She immediately thought he was looking for a way to get in touch with Michael. Mark looked like he was in the midst of an emergency. His eyes scanned the room, taking in the phone on the floor and the rumpled bed.


“Did you see Glen tonight?” He asked, without a hello or greeting of any kind.


“Uh…No, not since before lunch. Why?”  Jinx rubbed her eyes, trying to wake up the rest of the way.


“Cuz I’m probably gonna kill him. Are you all right?” Mark stood in front of her and took her arms in his hands. Jinx raised an eyebrow.


“What is up with people asking that question?” Jinx met his eyes. And held his gaze. She really must have been tired to be able to do that.  “Why are you going to kill him?” She asked belatedly.


“He didn’t tell you. Son of a bitch.” Mark made a low growling noise. Jinx had been right. He did have a temper.


“What’s going on? Care to share?”


Mark sighed. “I can’t believe he’s done this. Look…” Mark hesitated, not sure he wanted to be the one to tell her. Then he decided he would have to. Besides Evie, no one else knew about Glen and Jayce. “Glen’s taking time off because…”


When he hesitated again, Jinx got antsy. “Because…” She dragged the word out. She became aware that Mark still had a grip on her arms. As if to prevent her from running away. “You’re starting to freak me out here.”


“I’m sorry. Christ.” Mark loosened his hold on her but did not let her go. “The reason he’s taking time off is…he’s getting married Saturday.” He said it quickly, wanting to get it over with. He watched Jinx for her reaction.


Jinx blinked at him. “Is this some kind of joke?” She asked weakly.


“I wish it was.” Mark said softly. “I called Charlotte about an hour ago. She said Glen was on his plane, that she’d get him to call me when he landed. Charlotte and Glen…well…they’ve been together for a long time, Jayce.”


“Please tell me this is some kind of sick joke.” Jinx did not believe a word of what he was saying. Glen was getting married? Mark’s sense of humor was obviously twisted.


“It’s not.” Mark sighed.


“Are you fucking kidding me?” Now she sounded mad. Good. He’d rather see her mad than hurt.


“I’m not.” He rubbed her shoulder. “I don’t know why that bastard didn’t tell you. It’s common knowledge. I don’t know how you didn’t find out sooner.”


“Nobody knew about us, that’s why.” Jinx huffed out. “Why didn’t you say something? In the elevator that day, when you asked about our dinner…”


“I didn’t think it was anything major, that’s why. Glen wanted to be nice to ya, I guess.”


“Oh, he was nice all right.” Jinx jerked out of Mark’s hands and burrowed her hands through her hair. “I can’t believe he would do something like this…”


“Me either.” Mark agreed. Jinx had turned her back to him. He knew from her posture that she was still angry. The hurt would probably come later on. “Look…”


“I cannot believe I let him touch me.” She said, so softly he could barely hear. “Fuck. Yes I can. God, I am a screw up. Now that I think about it…fuck.” And yes, now that she thought about it, she remembered little tells. The comments about not dating or using available ring rats. Only going out after the shows when it was late at night and they weren’t likely to be seen. That wasn’t just the fraternization policy because more people got away with worse than what they were doing.




“Don’t, all right? Let me beat myself up a little here.” She held a hand up. Mark sighed and went to her, putting his hands on her shoulders and rubbing gently.


“You don’t have to beat yourself up. If I had known what was going on, I would have said something.” He felt her relax a little. “Just so you know, when I see him I’m going to pound him.”


He heard her make a noise, but wasn’t sure exactly what it was. “Don’t…hurt him on my account.” She said, keeping her voice low.


“Don’t worry, he deserves it.” Mark sighed again and gestured at the bed. “I should have waited to spring this on you when you in the morning. But…I was hoping I’d catch him….”


“Here?” Jinx snorted. “I decided to take Evie’s advice after all and just ignore him for now. I guess we can make that a permanent condition.” The expression on her face was almost more than Mark could stand to look at. “Good thing, huh?” She sighed and went to sit on the bed. Mark watched as she lay down and stared at the ceiling.


Mark waited to see if she would say anything else. She was silent. He went to the side of the bed and snapped the light off. Then he sat on the edge of the bed next to her.


“Are you going to be Ok?” He kept his voice low.


“Sure.” She didn’t sound Ok. She sounded…angry.


“Don’t beat yourself up.” He repeated.


“I’m not. I’m pissed off.” Jinx shifted, turning onto her side. “And to think I actually liked that lying, cheating scum. Damn.”


Mark smiled in the darkness. “That was before you knew.”


“There is that, I suppose.” She sighed. “I can’t think straight right now.”


“I know.” Mark adjusted the blanket around her. He stroked a hand through her hair and closed his eyes at the feel of silky tresses against his palm. Then he forced himself to pull away. “I’m going. Just…try to get some rest. If you need anything, just call…or come to my room. Anything at all. All right?”


“Um hmm.” She was pretending to fall back to sleep. Mark knew it but didn’t know what else he could do. He rose to his feet.


“See you in the morning.” He said softly.


“Yeah…” That was all she was going to say. Mark sighed and left her room, shutting the door behind him. His brother was a damn fool. And as soon as he quit hiding, Mark was going to make sure he knew it.




The meeting the next morning was little more than Michael making sure everyone had their schedules. Jinx was scribbling in her notebook, not taking notes, just doodling. Mark kept looking at her, noticing how tired she looked, how pale her skin seemed this morning. She hadn’t slept well or much. She refused to even look at him. Mark really couldn’t blame her.


Michael called the meeting to a close. They would all be off for the day, neither Mark or Dave had a match that night. Mark thought that was a good thing. If he went into the ring at that moment, he might kill someone just to vent his frustration.


Jinx didn’t seem to notice the others leaving. She was engrossed in her notebook. Mark hesitated, then moved to sit in the chair next to her.


“How are you doing?”


She looked at him as if surprised he were there. “I’m all right. Tired.”


“I’m sorry.”


“Now who’s the apologetic one?” She asked rhetorically.


“Then I guess I’m sorry about that too.” Mark said, trying to get a smile out of her. She just looked at him with those gray eyes of hers.


“You don’t have to apologize for your jerk brother.” She said softly. Then she looked away. Mark shook his head.


“I’m not apologizing for him.”


“Oh?” Jinx glanced at him. “Then who are you apologizing for?”






“Yeah.” Mark nodded solemnly.


“Ok, I’ll bite. Why do you feel the need to apologize to me?” Jinx was looking at him again. Those beautiful eyes were clear at least, seeming to be untouched by her sleepless night.


“Because it should have been me.”


Jinx just stared at him for a full minute, a slight frown marring her features. “What…um…Ok, what does that mean?” She finally asked.


“It means…” He leaned closer, propping his arm on the table. “That I shoulda just asked you out, like I was planning to, and I shoulda been the one taking you out. That’s all.”


Jinx opened her mouth, then closed it with a snap. “Funny.” She finally said.


“I’m not saying it to be funny.” Mark said, expression serious.


“Ok, if you think that you’re going to pave a smooth way to get into bed with me…”


“Nope, wasn’t sayin’ that either.” Mark half-smiled. Jinx looked a bit flustered.


“Then what are you saying?” Jinx asked, confused. Her brain was too tired to deal with Mark, talking in riddles.


“I’m sayin’ that I’m sorry for being one slow-ass man.”


“Slow.” She repeated it, not as a question. “Mark, if you are hinting around, I’m going to go ahead and tell you, it’ll be a cold day in hell before I mess with another one of you wrestlers.”


“I’ll keep an eye on the weather down there, then.” He said with a small smile. “Let me tell you something, J. I might be an overbearing asshole sometimes, hell, I might even use a little intimidation to get my way…”


Jinx snorted at that. Mark’s smile grew. “But the one thing I do not do is lie. I mean to get to know you better, and I’ll do what I gotta do to make it happen. Do you believe that?”


Jinx looked at him thoughtfully. “Yes…” But she did not sound sure. She was actually too stunned to be able to think about what he was saying.


“I am not married, nor do I plan on bein’ married anytime soon. Hell, I can’t even tell you when I had a girlfriend last.”


“Ring rats.” Jinx muttered.


“What? I didn’t hear you.” Mark was still smiling.


Jinx spoke up. “Ring rats. I’ve heard rumors…”


Mark was shaking his head. “Yeah, back in my younger days when I thought I was superman reborn. Not anymore. You get a rep, you keep a rep around here.”


“I don’t understand.” Jinx said honestly.


“I guess what I’m tryin’ to say is…wait. Can I ask you something?”


“Uh…I guess…” Jinx was unsure. She was almost afraid of the question.


“Do you…what do you feel for Glen?” He finally stated after a long pause.


Jinx thought it over. She liked him. Had liked him, rather. She’d slept with him, hadn’t she? And it had been wonderful feeling wanted, that was for sure. “I cared about him.” She finally stated. “Nothing more. I suppose if it were more, I’d be bawling my eyes out and having fantasies of going to where he is and crashing his wedding. Trying to stop him.” She chewed on her lip thoughtfully. “I’m more mad than anything else right now.”


“Ok. Good.” Mark smiled and leaned back. “Today we are going to hang out. We are going to talk about stupid stuff, nothing serious. We’ll trade childhood stories. What we will not do is talk about that soon to be beaten to a pulp brother of mine.”


“Uh…” Jinx barely got that in before Mark went on.


“I’m going to take you to lunch and dinner, and you are going to say thank you and act like you’re enjoyin’ it…” Mark began ticking things off on his fingers. “Hell, I’ll even get the bike out and we’ll take a ride.”


“Bike?” Jinx managed to say.


“Motorcycle. You’ve been on one before right?” Jinx shook her head. Mark raised an eyebrow at that. “You don’t know what you’re missin’, hon. And at the end of the day you are gonna be so tired you’re just gonna wanna fall into bed and sleep for about ten hours. How’s that sound?”


“Sounds like I’m doing it against my will.” Jinx said. She was looking at him as if he’d lost his mind. “I don’t know about…”


“Don’t worry about anything. We’re just friends, right? Friends hang out. They do stuff together. So that’s what we’re going to do. Whether you want to or not. Now…go, get rid of your stuff. I’ll meet you back here in fifteen minutes. I’m going to get the keys to the bike, we’ll get the hell out of here.” He did not wait for an argument. Mark rose to his feet and nodded at her, then left the room.


Jinx sat there for a few minutes, just trying to process everything that was happening. Mark was not going to take no for an answer, although the last thing she wanted to do was spend a day with him. She knew there was no getting out of it. Mark was used to getting his way, that was for sure. Resigned to it, wondering what she would have to do to make him forget about her, Jinx slowly gathered her things and made off down the hall to do as Mark had asked.




Jinx was close to a panic when she found Evie in the hallway.


“Can I talk to you?”


Evie looked at her for a moment, then said goodbye to John, who had been telling her some story about a guy he had traveled with the night before. “What’s wrong?”


“Besides sleeping with a married man?” Jinx said, sounding angry.


“So Taker told you.”


“I’m glad he did.” Jinx pulled her friend into an empty locker room. “I don’t wanna see him again. You were right. I was an idiot.”




“Mark wants me to spend the day with him.”


“What?” Evie looked at Jinx again, this time with shock in her eyes.


“You heard me.” Jinx sighed. “He sort of demanded it. I’m not going to do it. Can I borrow your room and hide out?”


“Borrow…wait…” Evie put a hand to her head. “Mark asked you out? Seriously?”


“Didn’t ask. Told me I was going with him today.” Jinx rubbed her forehead. She had the beginnings of a headache.


“And you told him no?”


“No. I didn’t tell him anything.” Jinx sighed. “He assumed I’d just listen to him. And I’m not. I’m done listening to these assholes.”


“Well…maybe you should. Get back at Glen for what…” Evie didn’t get to finish. Jinx was shaking her head emphatically.


“Hell no. I’m not getting any deeper than I already am. I’d prefer not to deal with either one of them…”


“Uh oh. I know that look.”


Jinx grinned. It was not a happy grin. “I want a favor.”


“Ok. Name it.” Evie sighed and lit a cigarette. She had an idea she wasn’t going to like what Jinx was going to say.




Eric handed Jinx a sheaf of papers and grinned at her, welcoming her to the group.


Jinx manage to smile back as she turned to find a seat amongst the wrestlers gathered in the room. She did not feel like smiling. She was tired. She and Evie had talked to Michael and Eric, then Jinx had headed for Evie’s room to hide out. She did not kid herself. She was definitely hiding, running away from her issues.


They’d made the switch with no fuss. Michael had not even asked for a reason for their request, he’d simply looked at them thoughtfully before nodding. And here she was, drawing strange looks from Randy and his friends.


“All right, people.” Eric pulled the attention to him.  “Jayce is going to be helping us out for a few weeks. Evie is helping Michael. So don’t ask me where she is.” This got a chuckle. Evie’s notorious lateness struck again. “As for tonight…”


As Eric began going over some of the guys’ matches, Jinx looked down at the papers and began making notes. Even though Eric commanded the biggest group of wrestlers, he was very succinct. He was ready to take them ringside in under half an hour. A miracle, in Jinx’s book.


Jinx fell into a routine over the course of the next week. Meetings in the morning, run throughs until lunch. Then paperwork. These young guys of Eric’s signed up for everything they could do. Commercials. Merchandise. It seemed an endless chore, one that she welcomed due to its mind numbing capacity.


At night she hung out with Evie until she was tired, then snuck back to her own room. Evie did not seem to care, nor did John, who was around her more and more. Jinx thought she was maybe putting a damper on their relationship but Evie had laughed that off.


Luckily, being with Eric meant that Jinx did not have to deal with Mark. She caught glimpses of him from time to time, but managed to duck out of the way before he could notice her. Which was good. She knew that avoiding him would only work for so long, but she needed the time, damn it.


Jinx was in the car with Evie, heading back to the hotel a few weeks after they’d traded jobs. Her mind was on everything but her friend as Evie rambled on about…something.


“He asks about you.”


That got through. Jinx looked at her friend. “What?”


“Mark. Asks about you.” Evie said slowly. She took her eyes off the road for a moment, meeting Jinx’s gaze. “I think he’s sincere in getting to know you. He just acts so bummed out. I don’t think he could keep it up for so long if he were just playing.”


Jinx sighed. “Yeah. Well, Glen managed to go two months.”


“Speaking of Glen…”


“Uh oh. What?”


“He’s back tomorrow. He’s got a match.” Evie said with a smirk.


Jinx felt as if she were going to be sick. But she did not have to be. It wasn’t like she would have to deal with him anymore. Although she would like the chance to kick him in the balls if the opportunity presented itself.


“Well, I hope his wedding was nice.” She could not keep the biting sarcasm from her voice, nor did she try.


“I hope he’s paid his premiums. Mark is still going to kill him.”


“I don’t know why he would bother.”


“Because he fucked around. He deserves more than an ass whoopin’.” Evie said heatedly. “Too bad castration is frowned upon.”


“It’s nice that you guys wanna beat him up for me, but really pointless. What would it fix?”


“It would make the world a better place.” Evie glanced at Jinx again as she pulled into a parking spot. “Mark’s gonna beat him down anyway, just so you know.”


“Good for him.”


“Maybe you should give him a chance.” Evie said cautiously. Jinx climbed out of the car without speaking. Evie caught up to her in a few steps and sighed. “It was just a thought.”


“Well, keep it to yourself.” Jinx said, voice flat. “I think I’ve had enough of the Doom Brothers.” She hesitated. “Uh…one of the other guys asked me to dinner tonight.”


“Oh?” Evie grinned. “Who?”


“Adam.” Jinx said.


“Ah…yeah.” Evie sighed dreamily. “He’s definitely a hot one. And what was your answer?”


“I told him I’d have to think about it and get back to him.” Jinx said. Then she grimaced. “Then I knocked a chair into his balls and spilled his coffee.”


Evie laughed merrily. “Sounds like my Jinx is back.”


“Believe me, I wish I wasn’t.” It was strange. For all the time she’d been moping, no major accidents had occurred. And today, when she’d finally felt used to her new routine, wham. Perhaps being comfortable is what caused her clumsiness. And everyone kept telling her to relax. Right.


Evie dropped Jinx off at her room and waved goodbye as she walked away. She had a lunch date with John, followed by a few hours of filling out medical forms. Jinx locked her door and threw her bag on the bed. Most of Eric’s guys had the day off, and he’d given her the day off as well, telling her to rest up. There was a pay per view coming up and he tended to get a little hectic. He’d really need her help then.


She really had nothing to do with herself for the day. Against her better judgment Jinx decided to throw on her suit and go to the pool. It was mid week, and the middle of the day. She’d practically have it to herself.


She decided she’d actually swim, and put on her one-piece. The bikini Evie had given her was tucked into her bag. Jinx had no intention of ever wearing the damn thing again. It had gotten her into trouble.


Grabbing her key and a towel, she went down stairs and out the door. Just as she’d predicted, the pool was empty.  She tossed her things onto a chair and dove into the cool water.


Jinx swam a few laps, feeling the water ease the tension she hadn’t even known she was carrying. She’d forgotten how much she liked to swim. It was the easiest form of exercise in the world, especially for her. She almost felt graceful as she floated from on end of the pool to the other.


After an hour, she climbed out and stretched on her stomach to let the sun dry her. The sound of cars from the front of her hotel lulled her and she dozed off briefly. With a start she jerked away just minutes after falling asleep, with the distinct feeling that she was not alone.


Jinx shifted carefully in her chair and froze before she could get turned all the way around. Glen was standing not ten feet from her, eyes shaded by sunglasses. The look on his face was serious.


“What do you want?” She said, trying to hold back a little of her anger. Glen sighed and moved forward, sitting on the lounge chair next to her. Jinx moved, getting up, so she had a chair between them.


“Who told you?”


Jinx looked at him incredulous. He sounded calm. He looked calm. She wanted to slap him across the face. That would probably make her feel better.


“What does it matter?” She hissed out. “You didn’t. That’s the problem.”


Glen sighed again. “Look, Jayce…”


“Don’t you look Jayce me.” She said, grabbing her towel. “You are a lying piece of shit. I can’t believe I fell for it. So do me a fucking favor and get the hell away from me. And STAY the hell away from me.” She turned on her heel and stalked off before he could even begin to form a reply.


Back in her room she threw things around, trying to work off some of her anger. When that didn’t work she took a long shower. She’d thought the hurt had faded, but was wrong of course. Seeing him for the first time in weeks brought it back with a vengeance.


She didn’t feel bad about not letting him explain either. The time for that had passed. Jinx hoped he got what he deserved. To think he’d come waltzing up to her, had tried to talk to her like he had a right to do so. After what he’d done, Glen would be lucky if Jinx ever looked at him again. Frustrated beyond words, mad at herself for letting him off so easy, she began digging into her bags for something to wear.




Evie hated seeing Mark so morose.


It was true that Mark seemed down a lot of the time, but this was beyond his usual vibe. Evie was sitting next to him in the conference room, filling out a form for David, not talking. She waited for him to start.


“Is she all right?”


Just as Evie had expected. Mark invariably asked about Jinx. After they’d made the switch he hadn’t questioned it. He knew he was mostly to blame for it. “She’s doing as well as can be expected.”


Mark sighed. “I don’t know what I can tell you to make you believe that I’m not kidding around.”


Evie looked at him. “It’s not me you have to convince, numb nuts.”


Mark smirked. “That’s true.”


“And I recall telling you something about how your little games were going to come back to bite you in the ass. Well, hello. Here it is.” She was not going to tread lightly. Mark deserved just as much grief as his brother.


He was saved from having to reply when the door opened. Michael came in, followed by David. And Glen. Mark narrowed his eyes at his brother, who looked more relaxed than he had any right to.  Mark had to fight to stay seated. He wanted nothing more than to stand up and punch Glen in his face.


Michael very quickly ran down his list of things, speaking mostly to Dave. In fifteen minutes their meeting was over, and Michael was leading Dave out of the room to run through is match that night. It was as if they could all sense Mark’s animosity and wanted to get away from it as quickly as possible.


Glen did not leave. He knew he had something coming and waited for Mark to get going.


“What the fuck were you thinking?” It didn’t take long.


Glen knew better than to play dumb. Mark had called and left too many hateful messages for that. “Honestly…I wasn’t.”


“You can say that shit again.” Mark cracked his knuckles slowly.


“Look…I’m sorry. And I tried to apologize to her but she…”


“You saw her already? Don’t waste any time do you?” Mark sat up straight and stared at his brother.


“I saw her at the hotel for about thirty seconds before she told me to fuck off and ran back to her room.” Glen sighed. “You think I did this on purpose?”


Mark laughed. It was not a happy sound. “What the fuck did you think would come of it, you shithead?” He was aware of Evie, still sitting next to him. She moved back, grabbing her papers off the table.


“I knew nothing could come of it.” Glen said softly. He looked sad.


Mark was shaking his head. “You led her on. She thought you really liked her.”


“I do…”


Mark was not going to let him finish. “And Charlotte. Fuck, what if she found out? That woman has been nothin’ but good to you, and you try to fuck it up. What is wrong with you?” He rose to his feet.


Glen eyed his brother warily. Then he stood up. He and Mark had gone around on many occasions, he knew it would be best to get this over with. “Mark…” He didn’t get to finish. Mark was throwing a punch almost before Glen could register his hand moving.


The brothers scuffled. To Evie, it looked as if Mark were doing most of the work. Glen was taking it, accepting this as punishment for his wrongdoing. Mark did not go easy on his brother by any means. She watched as a cut opened on Glen’s head. She was not one to be grossed out by blood, but decided it was time to stop this. Glen deserved everything he was getting, but really what did it do but let him off the hook for being an asshole?


“All right, knock it off!” She raised her voice, getting the attention of both men. She looked at one brother, then the other, shaking her head. Mark’s breathing was a bit heavy but he had hardly broken a sweat. Glen had a few bruises and that nasty looking cut. “I’m not saying you don’t deserve to have your ass handed to you, but what good is it going to do?” She asked rhetorically. “I myself would love to rip your left nut off and feed it to you, but really that would only make me feel better.”


Mark sat down. Glen stayed on his feet, keeping his distance, looking down at the floor. “I just wanna know why.” Evie said softly.


Glen sighed and gingerly touched his jaw with his fingertips. “Because I like her. And…I don’t know…I was panicking. I thought I’d be able to just have a fling and nobody would know or care.” He cast a wry eye at Mark and Evie. “Guess I was wrong again. Big shocker there. And I don’t have to explain myself to you.” He said defiantly.


“No. You don’t.” Evie grinned harshly. “Although I think if you go near her again, I’ll make good on the left nut promise.”


Mark was shaking his head. “Not if I get to him first.”


“What do you care?” Glen asked, some of the heat coming into his voice. “What’s she to you? We had a good time, damn it. I wasn’t married yet. It’s not a fucking crime.”


These heated remarks coming from the usually soft-spoken Glen shocked Evie into silence. Mark was staring at his brother, nothing but anger on his face. “No, what’s a crime is you doing nothing but thinking of yourself and not giving a shit who you hurt in the process of making yourself feel good.” Mark’s voice was dangerously low. “What’s a crime is you coming back thinking you can go back to playing around on Charlotte.” He stood up again, facing his brother across the table. “And what’s a crime is what’s gonna happen to you if I even see you look at Jinx again. You got me? I’m not fucking around, Glen. Get your shit together or get the fuck out.”


Glen shook his head. “Never seen you get so worked up over a bitch before, Mark. What’s gotten into you?”


Mark took a step. Evie stopped him with a hand on his arm. “Let it go. It’s not worth it.” She said softly. Mark looked at her, then back at his brother.


“Stay away from her.” Mark’s voice was still low. Even. Soothing, but in a dangerous way. Glen looked at him for a moment longer then turned and left the room. Mark turned his attention to Evie, who was thoughtfully rubbing her forehead. “You shouldn’t have stopped it.”


“It’ll do no good.” Evie said. “You could beat him to a bloody pulp and tomorrow he’d still think he got away with it.”


“What are you thinkin’, then?” Mark asked, flexing his fingers.


“I don’t know yet.” She said, smiling a bit. “He needs to learn a lesson, that’s for sure.”


“Agreed.” Mark eyed her. “So you believe me?”


“I told you, I’m not the one you have to convince.” Evie hooked an arm through his and led him toward the door. “But I think convincing her might just be a bit easier after this.”




“He did what?”


“Clobbered him.” Evie nodded and grinned at Jinx’s stunned expression.




“Because that piece of shit had it coming, that’s why.” Evie rolled her eyes. “Don’t go feeling sorry for that lowlife piece of shit. Mark might have bruised his knuckles on Glen’s face.” Evie smacked her fist into her palm, making Jinx jump.


Jinx bit her lip thoughtfully. She toyed with the edge of the comforter on her bed in the hotel room. Evie had come up straight from work, ditching John with an apology and a promise for later that night. Mark had more than convinced her that his intentions toward Jinx were fairly pure…for him. Unlike his dipshit brother who had only begun to suffer. So Evie had agreed to play matchmaker and see if she’d have better luck than Mark had.


“I guess you’ll have to thank him for me.” Jinx said softly.


Evie was shaking her head. “Nope. Not at all. Do it yourself.”




“No buts. It’s about time you stopped hiding behind me and stood up for yourself.”


“I wasn’t hiding.” Jinx said, although even to her own ears she sounded unconvincing.


“Right. And I’m the queen of the universe.” Evie sighed. “You think Mark expects a thanks? Hell no, he doesn’t. You’ve given him the cold shoulder since day one. And I think it’s about time it melted.”


“Great.” Jinx rose to her feet and paced the room. “I told you I’m through getting involved with these damn wrestlers.”


“Yeah, well, kinda hard considering we’re with them more than we’re by ourselves.” Evie grinned. “It’s not all bad. At least not when you find the right one.”


“I’m not even looking for the right one. I’m not looking for anyone.”


“That’s usually when you find him. When you stop looking.”


“You know, a few days ago you were ready to kick Mark’s ass along with Glen. What happened?” Jinx struggled to keep the frustration from her voice.


“What happened?” Evie repeated, incredulous. “What happened was I saw him dislocate his brother’s jaw in some strange attempt to defend you…a woman who has blown him off repeatedly.”


“That doesn’t mean I owe him a damn thing.” Jinx said petulantly. And there was guilt in her voice too. Because she felt like she DID owe him at least a thank you, and an apology for the way she’d been treating him.


“I don’t even have to tell you how wrong you are.” Evie said. Then she smiled. “Go to his room, knock on the door, and tell him you are sorry, and thank him, and then that can be the end of this whole mess.”


“The end. Right.” Things never ended so easily for Jinx.


“It’s possible. God, why is this so difficult?” Evie took her friend’s hands. “Nobody says you have to marry the guy, for fuck’s sake. Just go thank him. How hard can it be?”


“Surprisingly difficult.” Jinx said, a grim smile on her face. “All right. All right. I’ll do it. Just so you know, after this I wash my hands of both of them, and don’t want either name mentioned in my presence ever again.”


“It’s a done deal.” Evie crossed her head, making Jinx smile more naturally.


“If this is some kind of setup, just know that I’ll unleash all of my clumsy power on you. And I’m not joking when I say that. I’ve been building up for a while.” Jinx’s voice was dead serious. Evie grinned.


“I’ll worry about that if it happens. Now go on before you talk yourself out of it.” Evie pushed her toward the door. Jinx sighed and went along, if not willing, then determined to get this over with. “Room seven-fourteen. How bad could it be with two lucky numbers?”


Jinx stuck her tongue out as Evie slammed the door to her room shut. With a sigh she headed toward the stairs. It was just two flights up and the walk would give her time to think.


She stood in front of Mark’s door for a moment, wondering what exactly she was going to say to him. Just…hey, sorry for being a royal pain, thanks for beating on your brother, have a good life? That was all she wanted, but she knew it would not be enough. Mark just had that way about him.


Jinx raised her hand and knocked before she could talk herself out of it. There was no answer. She knocked again, softer this time, as if making sure he would not hear her.


She was turning to leave when she heard his voice, muffled through the door, saying ‘hold on a sec’. Then the lock clicked as Mark cracked the door open. He peered at Jinx through the crack in the doorframe. She managed to meet his eyes. Eye. He only had one showing.


“Is this a bad time? I can come back…” She stepped away from the door. Mark sighed and pulled the door open, and she got a look at why he took so long to answer the door. He was dripping water everywhere. A towel was slung low around his hips. Obviously she’d gotten him out of the shower. “I’m sor…” She did not have a chance to finish. Mark reached out and grabbed her arm, yanking her against his body.


His mouth was on hers before she could do more than squeak in surprise. Her hands went up to grip his shoulders, holding on for dear life. It would be her luck…or her unluck…to slip through his wet fingers and fall on the floor at his feet. Still kissing her, Mark stepped back into his room, letting the door close behind them.


He let her go. Jinx stood there, breathless, hand on her chest as she stared at him. Or rather, at his lips. Damn it. Those lips were trouble waiting to happen. “What the hell…”


“Sorry.” Mark ducked his head and grinned sheepishly. “Saw Glen in the hall. Thought I’d piss him off a little.”


“Oh.” Jinx frowned. Then it registered what he had said. “That’s…” She sighed. “I don’t wanna be used to get back at him, all right? Let it die, already.”


Mark was studying her in the dim light of his room. Another suite, of course. He could afford it. He liked not having to share with any of the guys, and he liked room to spread out.


“I can’t.” His voice was deep and rumbling. Just the sound of it was almost enough to make her knees buckle. “And not for the reasons you think.”


Jinx frowned in confusion. “I would think that beating him up is enough…” Mark was shaking his head before she could fully utter the statement.


“You can’t be that dense.” He grinned. “What brings you up here?”


His question caught her off guard. He did not seem to mind that he was virtually naked in front of her. Jinx found it hard to breath. Her eyes kept wanting to wander over his bare chest, his stomach, his legs.


“Uh…” What the hell was she doing there? Then she remembered. “I guess I wanted to thank you. For what you did.” She said haltingly. “And also…to say I’m sorry. For being a pain in the ass.” She stole from Evie’s book on that one. It was not what she’d meant to say, but it got the point across.


Mark was looking at her curiously. “You are not a pain in the ass, Jayce.”


It never failed to amaze her how the sound of her name on those gorgeous lips of his could send a spark down her spine. She took a shaky breath. “I have been. I…uh…guess I need to apologize for running off that day you wanted to go out. And for avoiding you. And for…”


Mark held up a hand. “I understand. I’m sorry for pushing you when you obviously didn’t wanna be pushed. I can be bull-headed sometimes, and I do like to get my way all the time.” He looked at her again. “I got you wet.”


Jinx blushed and it took her a moment to realize he was talking about her clothes. “Oh…uh…it’s all right. Not like it’s fancy dress.” Her t-shirt was sticking to her. She picked at the material, drawing it away from her skin. Jinx looked up at Mark and was almost floored by the look in his eyes.


“You better stop that while you’re ahead, darlin’.” He said, his voice hitting that husky note again. Jinx belatedly realized that her shirt was clinging to her very obviously braless breasts.


She crossed her arms, hiding herself from his probing eyes. “Sorry…”


“There you go again, apologizin’.” Mark shook his head. “Nothin’ to apologize for. Not your fault I soaked ya.” His voice had taken on a very decided drawl. “Apology accepted, by the way. Like I said….I understand why. No need to explain.”


“Thank you.” Jinx shivered a bit. Mark had the air conditioning cranked on high in his room and she was cold.


“Least I could do is get you a shirt. Can’t have you roamin’ the halls all wet.” There was a wicked gleam in his eyes that she could not pretend was something else.


“I suppose not.” Jinx said thoughtfully. Mark turned and headed for the bedroom that was separate from the sitting area. She hesitated, then followed him into the dark room.


“I think I have one here somewhere…”  In the dimness she could make out his form as he sorted through his bag. He pulled something out and turned to look at her. Her eyes adjusted. He was smiling. “This’ll do for now I guess. Just give it back whenever.” He took the three steps that separated them and held out the shirt.


Jinx slowly took it from him. And dropped it to the floor. Without a word she stepped into him, pressing her body against his. Mark’s arms came up to wrap around her and she was rewarded with all of his warmth. It felt so good she practically purred.


“I’m makin’ ya wet again…” Mark said with a chuckle. Jinx grinned against his chest.


“I’ll second that.” She mumbled.


“Uh…” Now it was Mark’s turn to be at a loss for words. “I don’t want…if you don’t…”


“I want.” Jinx whispered. She tilted her head to look up at him. “I don’t know why I didn’t want sooner, but believe me, I want now.”


Mark chuckled again and cradled her against his chest. “We hardly know each other, darlin’…”


“I know enough.” Jinx kissed his chest. Her hands slid down his sides until they brushed the towel that covered him. “Surely I’m not reading your signals all wrong, but I’m pretty sure you wanna do this. With me.” She kissed his chest again. Her hands gripped the scrap of towel and tugged. She let it drop to the floor.


“Hon, you’ve definitely got it right…” Mark was tugging at her shirt. Jinx stepped away enough for him to tug it over her head. She stepped back against him and was rewarded with a soft moan from him at the feel of her bare breasts touching his skin. “If this is your way of thankin’ me…”


“I already did that.” Jinx said softly. “This…” She kissed his chest again. “Is a whole new thing.”


Mark groaned and ducked his head, kissing her. This time she was ready for him. She opened her mouth to accept his tongue and played hers against him. His hands slid up her back, tangling into her hair as he tilted her head for better access.


Jinx felt herself melt against him and did nothing to try to stop it. It felt too damn good to be kissed by him, to feel his hands roaming her back, her sides. Mark’s touch was nothing like Glen’s almost timid explorations. He was commanding, demanding, as he molded her body with his hands and claimed her mouth with his own.


His hands ran into the waistband of her jeans. Jinx murmured against his mouth and hurriedly unsnapped the button, yanked the zipper down, and shoved them off her hips. Mark slid his hands under the satin of her panties and cupped her ass, pulling her tight against his body, relishing the feel of her against him.


Jinx felt his cock pressing into her stomach, and sighed appreciatively. Mark finally broke the kiss and led her to the bed. She lay back against his pillow, surrounded in his scent, and felt the bed move as he joined her.


Mark leaned down and kissed her again, his hands going back to their relentless exploration of her body. He stopped to cup her breast, to tweak an already hard nipple, then moved on, sliding down the flat of her stomach, onto her hip, her thigh. He brushed against her center and Jinx arched up, trying to prolong the contact. Mark chuckled and pulled his mouth from hers. She groaned in frustration.


“Now, now. Slow down. We have all night, darlin’.” He was using that whispery drawl again. Jinx moaned at the sound of it, reaching up to trace his lips with a fingertip as he continued to stroke her body with his hand.


Jinx let her hand roam from his lips, to his jaw, up. She stroked his ear, which made him sigh in contentment. She felt his silky hair in her hand, and ran her fingers through it slowly, gently. Then she moved her fingers down his neck, his shoulder, his arm, tracing the contour of every muscle.


Her hands found his chest, his waist. Apparently this is what he wanted, because he moaned in pleasure as she mirrored his exploratory movements. She smirked as her hand moved down his thigh. Mark might be in a teasing mood, but she was not. She took his hard cock in her hand and stroked it once, twice, feeling his heated flesh against her palm. Mark took in a shaking breath as she let her hand drop lower to cup his balls.


He had enough of that torture fairly quickly. With a wordless growl, Mark pushed Jinx back until she was lying prone on the bed. He claimed her mouth again, this time forcefully, urgently. Just as she started to really respond, he tore his mouth away and trailed hot kissed down her neck. Mark sucked on her collarbone, gently at first, applying more pressure at the feel of her nails digging into his shoulders. He moaned in pleasure at the feel of her response to him.


He moved lower, nuzzling her breasts, tickling her with his goatee. Before she could recover from that sensation he was taking a nipple into his mouth, sucking at it, nipping it with his teeth.


Jinx moaned at the sensations, her hands once again going into his hair. She did not know if she was trying to speed him up or slow him down. Mark was not going to let her dictate his pace though. Tongue and lips still caressing her breast, he slid his hand between her legs and pressed his fingers into her folds.


This time she did not moan. She cried out his name as the first hot flame shot through her abdomen. Jinx felt as if a hot wire were coiled in her stomach, waiting to be sprung. She’d never felt anything like it before, and it was scary in its intensity. Mark seemed to sense it. He released her nipple and shifted until he was laying pressed against her, his mouth nipping the skin under her ear.


“It’s all right, Jacye…just ride it out and let it go…” His voice was a hoarse whisper. She clutched at him as the wired coiled tighter, his fingers stroking relentlessly at her clit.


“Mark…” She moaned out his name, unable to form any words other than that. With a sharp cry her hips snapped off the bed as she climaxed against his hand, eyes closed at the sudden sensation that filled her from head to toe.


Her breathing was harsh. Mark continued to suck and lick at her neck, giving her time to recover. Jinx almost did not know where she was, that was how intense the orgasm had been. “How did you…” She could not finish the question. Mark chuckled.


“I still have my tricks, Jayce.” He rumbled next to her ear. “Only good ones now though, you understand?”


“Yes…” She breathed out. Mark stroked her once again with his finger. She was over sensitized. She jerked away from his touch involuntarily, drawing another chuckle from him.


“We can wait a minute.” He said, kissing her on the lips one more time. Jinx tangled her hands into his hair and held him there, kissing him with a passion she had not known she’d had.


“I want you inside me…now.” She said against his mouth. Even if she were still trembling with aftershocks, she had to have him inside of her, had to feel his body join with hers.


“Darlin’….you keep on and I won’t have a chance to get there.” He said, voice low. Jinx had been unconsciously pressing her leg onto his erection. “I have a…”


“You don’t need it…” Jinx said, pulling at him, wanting him on top of her. “I’m on the pill.” It was something she had done after she and Glen had slept together. In the long run it was cheaper than condoms and a hell of a lot more convenient. That was, if you trusted the person you were sleeping with.


Mark chuckled. “Aren’t you worried about…ring rats?” He said, keeping his voice low.


“I never believed it.” Jinx succeeded in pulling him on top of her. Mark parted her legs with his knee.


“Good…cuz I never used one.” Mark’s voice was still low, soothing.




“Never wanted to.” Mark shrugged. “Can’t believe everything the rumor mills tell ya.” Instead of entering her body, he grabbed her hips and rolled so she was on top of him. “I wanna watch you ride me, Jayce…” His voice dropped back to that hoarse, hot tone.


Jinx did not have to be told twice. She slid her body against him, rubbing her juices against his heated flesh, guiding him to her entrance. Mark gripped her hips and watched her, eyes dark, as she moved her body above his. He had to fight not to snap his hips against her as she slowly lowered herself onto his cock, inch by inch, getting used to his size.


Jinx waited a moment then experimentally moved against him. She was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath and a tightening of his fingers on her hips. She braced her hands on his chest and began moving up and down on his swollen member, not wanting him slow, wanting him NOW. Mark growled at the urgency of her movements and slid his hands up to cup her breasts, tweaking her nipples in time with the pace she was setting.


When he thought he could not take one more deliberate move of Jinx’s hips, Mark sat up, twisting his body so that he was unsheathed. Jinx was on the bed, face down under him, writhing against him, moaning at the loss of his flesh inside her body.


“I gotta have you deeper…” Mark murmured, lifting her hips with his hands. Jinx complied, getting his gist, positioning herself on her hands and knees. Mark probed at her dripping entrance, taking his time, not wanting to hurt her with deep thrusting right away.


At Jinx’s murmur of approval, Mark slid all the way. He pressed his hips against her ass, then pulled back. He repeated the methodical movement over and over, moaning in answer to her soft sounds of pleasure.


Jinx slid a hand down her body, stopped to brush her clit, then reached out and stroked his balls between her legs. Mark jumped at the sensation and growled low in his throat. “Harder…” She said, barely able to manage a whisper as he increased his pace, his hips slamming against her body erratically. “God…yes…oh…” She moaned.


Mark bent slightly and slid a hand around her waist. Keeping up his thrusting, he found her clit and began rubbing it urgently. He would not last much longer in this position and did not want to finish before she did again.


He didn’t have to wait long. Jinx’s already overloaded systems suddenly locked down as another orgasm tore through her. “Mark…” She cried his name out and slammed herself back against him. Her body was jerking as the spasms went through her and Mark could not contain himself any longer. With a wordless cry he came inside her, the sensations passing through his body seeming to grow instead of fade. He’d never felt such a powerful response before and shuddered in its aftermath as he slowly extracted himself from her body and collapsed beside her on the bed.


Jinx stretched out on her stomach beside him, her head cradled against his arm. Neither spoke as the sensations they had both felt passed, faded. Without a word, Mark shifted and managed to pull a blanket over their spent bodies. In moments, Jinx was asleep. Mark listened to her steady breathing, a smile of satisfaction curving his lips. He’d thought that it could be good between them, but this went beyond anything he’d imagined or fantasized. With a sigh, he cuddled her warm body close to his and succumbed to the tiredness that invaded his body.




“You got some last night.”


Evie was not asking a question. Jinx laughed. “How the hell would you know?”


“Cuz I woke up at two a.m. with a shit-eatin’ grin on my face. It musta been good if you had enough afterglow to share with little old me.”


“You.” Jinx rolled her eyes.


“Oh come on. You gonna tell me you gave yourself those nice little nibble marks on your neck?”


“What marks?” Jinx self-consciously fiddled with her shirt collar. Evie laughed.


They were sitting outside on the loading docks to the arena that was hosting the show that night. Evie was smoking a cigarette, a habit that she said was on and off again more than her relationship with John. The analogy made Jinx laugh.


“You know, when I said thank him, I didn’t mean give him a naked thanks. Way to go.” Evie eyed her. “How was he? I don’t know why I’m asking, since I think I already have a pretty good idea.”


Jinx just shook her head. “You know something? You are nosy.”


“It’s one of my more endearing traits.”


Jinx laughed again and went back to studying the guys unloading the production truck. She’d spent the night in Mark’s room, needless to say. He’d gotten up at six for an early workout. But before he left, he’d given Jinx another ‘workout’. She’d fallen back to sleep after he’d managed to pull himself away from her. She got to the arena with two minutes to spare before her first meeting of the day. 


“Rough…rider…” Evie said in a sing-song voice. Jinx snorted.


“Nah, it was actually pretty smooth.” She said before she could stop herself. Jinx felt herself blushing as Evie cracked up laughing.


“Ha. Busted.” She grinned wickedly. “Is he hung or what?”


“God, why did I open my big mouth?”


“Cuz he asked you too.” Evie said with another laugh. Jinx giggled with her. It was weird, how good she felt. Not the least bit guilty about the fact she’d slept with Mark. Her giggles tapered off as she spotted a figure coming in their direction.


“Uh…shit.” Jinx hissed. Evie glanced over her shoulder and saw Glen walking toward them, his hands in his pockets. Jinx got her first good look at the bruises that had appeared on his face after Mark’s handiwork. She felt a bit saddened by it, that she had caused such a thing to happen.


Evie seemed to catch the gist of her thoughts. She nudged Jinx and shook her head. “Don’t.” The single word was enough to make Jinx straighten her back and put on her best poker face.


“Hey.” Glen stopped in front of them. He included Evie in his greeting but he kept his eyes on Jinx. “Uh…could I talk to you for a minute?”


“I don’t think so.” Jinx met his eyes briefly, then looked away as if bored.


“Please. Just a minute.” There was no pleading in his voice. But he sounded so serious it hurt to hear him.


“I don’t think so.” Jinx refused again. Evie bit back a grin.


Glen sighed. “Look, I know I don’t even begin to deserve having you talk to me, or even look at me right now, but if you’d just let me explain…”


“What’s to explain?” Jinx finally raised her eyes. “You used me as some last fling without bothering to tell me.”


“Jayce…” Glen sounded even more hurt.


“No. No.” She held up a hand. “I guess I can’t blame you. I fell for it, didn’t I?” Glen opened his mouth to protest, but Jinx stopped him again. “I wasn’t complaining at the time, but now…” She sighed. “It was good, I guess. But it’s over. Why don’t you just get on with your life and let me get on with mine?”


Glen studied her for a moment. He seemed to have forgotten that Evie was even sitting there. “Jinx…”


“Forget it.” Jinx rose to her feet. “I’m going in. Got a lot of stuff to take care of. I’ll see you at lunch.” She directed that at Evie. Without waiting for an answer, Jinx walked toward the door to the building.


Evie looked at Glen speculatively. “You’ve really stuck your foot in it now, bud.”


“Believe me, I know.” He hesitated. “I really had my reasons. Not just…wanting to get laid reasons.”


“Well, that may be, but it’s not good enough.” Evie stood up. “Do yourself a favor, Glen. Forget about her. You’re a married man now. And I do believe she’s having a better time of it now.”


“What do you mean?” Glen eyed her warily. He had an idea that he knew, he’d seen Mark pulling Jinx into his room the night before, but he did not want to believe she’d just fall into bed with his brother.


“Nothing. It’s none of your business, really. Just behave like the good married man you are, and leave her alone to do her own thing.’


“I planned on it. I just wanted to…”


“Apologize. I know.” Evie waved it off. “Don’t go forcing her to listen to you. She might hate you a little right now, but do you want her to resent you forever? That’s where you’re headed if you keep on.”


“I know. I just don’t know what else to do.” Glen rubbed absently on his jaw.


“Don’t do anything. Let it go. Enjoy being married while it lasts.” Evie said with a smirk.


Glen shook his head. “What’s that supposed to mean?”


“Oh brother. Need I explain to you the fact that nothing lasts forever?”


Glen smirked. “I guess not.”


“Better enjoy it while you can.” With that Evie walked away from him, belatedly remembering she was supposed to be mad at Glen. It wasn’t that she was ready to forgive, or forget, but Jinx had been so damn happy all day it was catching. She left Glen standing on the docks, looking confused and worried.






Jinx looked up and smiled into Mark’s eyes. “Hey yourself.” She watched as he lowered himself onto the chair next to her.


“You doing all right?”


“Why wouldn’t I be?” She said, frowning at him worriedly.


“You should definitely be doing fine, I just wanted to make sure.” He reached over and flipped through the papers that were stacked in front of her.


“Well…I’m fine.” She smiled again. “What are you up to?”


“Oh…nothin’.” He winked at her, making her grin. “Wondering what you were doin’ later on tonight.”


“Hmm…” She tapped her fingers on her chin. “I don’t know yet. Nothing major has come up.”


“Yet.” Mark grinned and had to refrain from leaning forward and kissing her right there in front of everyone. It wouldn’t be good for either of them if he did that.


“Sounds like a date to me.” She looked into his eyes and smiled softly. “Your room or mine?”


“Doesn’t matter. I’ll take you where I can get you.” Mark grinned and stood up. He hesitated, then leaned over her chair, his mouth next to her ear. “Your room will be fine. I’ll meet you there around ten.” He snuck a quick peck on her ear and left, whistling a bit as he walked.


Jinx could not stop smiling. She could not recall when she had felt so good.


Or course she should have known better. Good things in her life were usually tempered by bad things happening all around her. This would be no exception.


The first thing happened on her way back to a meeting with Eric after lunch. Nothing major, just her usual clumsiness rearing its head, reminding her it was still around. She tripped on some light cables and knocked against a woman carrying a tray of drinks.


Embarrassed, Jinx had hurried into the conference room. And ran right into Eric. “Sorry.” She muttered, not looking at him. Eric grinned and moved out of her way. Jinx looked to be miles away,


“You all right?” He asked, although he already knew the answer. She had a content look on her face, one Jinx was not used to wearing.


“I’m good.” She said grinning. “Back to knocking down buildings single-handedly.”


“That’s our girl.” Eric said with a laugh. He gave her arm a squeeze then led her to the table, so they could sit down and go over the plans he had for that night. An hour later, he loaded Jinx down with insurance forms and laughed at the face she made. “It’s not so bad. We won’t need those back for a week. Just thought you could get a head start.”


“It’s not a problem.” Jinx said, laughing with him. “Just wondering if these guys do anything for themselves.”


Eric grinned. “Most of these guys have handwriting like a bastard alley cat. I’d like to be able to read what I’m approving. Did you give any thought to what I brought up yesterday?”


“Not really. I plan on sitting down later and seeing what I can do.” Jinx smiled. Eric had offered to give her more responsibilities. Including writing storylines. He’d asked her to come up with something that he could look over and see what would work. It was a great way to know the people he worked with.


“Well, take your time. No deadline on that one.” He was still grinning. “Go on, get outta here. I have to get ringside.” Jinx nodded as Eric left the room.


Jinx kept herself busy for the rest of the day. She started on Eric’s endless insurance forms, finished a storyline summary for Randy, and managed to find two adjoining hotel rooms for one of Eric’s guys named Gregory. Why he needed two rooms she had no clue, but she did it without asking question.


By the time she got back to her room, it was past nine. She had time to jump in the shower and get dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a scoop neck t-shirt. There was a knock on her door promptly at ten. With a smile, Jinx threw it open.


Mark grinned at her. “Hi.” He sounded almost shy. She had butterflies in her stomach, which was strange considering who very nervous she had always been around him.


“Howdy.” She went for a light tone. Mark stepped into her room and took her in his arms to kiss her.


When they finally parted, Jinx felt like tearing his clothes off and just getting on with it. Mark had other ideas.


“I thought since you stood me up last time, we could take a ride tonight.”


Jinx eyed him. “On your motorcycle?”


“No, on my magical unicorn. Of course, on the bike.” He laughed.


“Uh…” Jinx shifted nervously.


“Don’t tell me you’re afraid to take a ride with me.” Mark said, sounding shocked.


“It’s not taking a ride with you…it’s taking a ride period. I’ve never been on a motorcycle. I prefer cars. Nice, enclosed, seat belt and air bag having cars.”


“Don’t you trust me?” He asked softly. Jinx looked up at him and sighed.


“I…think so.”


“That’s good enough for me. For now.” He reached over and took her hand. “I promise nothing bad is going to happen. You’ll love it.”


“If you say so.”


“I do say so.” He grinned and picked her key up from the desk. “Let’s go.”


Jinx could do nothing but follow him as Mark led the way downstairs. The motorcycle was in the parking garage, in a dark corner. It was big, black, and utterly scary looking to Jinx.


Now she really had butterflies in her stomach. That was just her nerves, spinning themselves into a fit.


“You really are scared.” Mark once again sounded surprised.


“Terrified.” She did not try to deny it.


Mark put the key in the ignition, then turned to her. He reached out and pulled her into his arms. “How about this…you get on this thing and ride with me. We’ll find a nice quiet place where nobody can find us. Then I show you how much fun it really is to ride.”


She could not help but smile. “You aren’t going to let me duck out of this, are you?”


“Not at all.” Mark kissed her forehead and released her. He swung a leg over the bike and got settled. “Come on, Pokey. We got things to do.” He held out his hand.


With a sigh of resignation, Jinx took it and let him help her onto the bike. She put her arms around his waist, made sure her legs were not going to be chewed up by random machinery, and jumped when he keyed the ignition. The bike practically roared in the dark garage.


“Just hold on, Jayce. You’re gonna love it.” Mark promised again. He put the bike in gear and slowly maneuvered it to the exit. Jinx closed her eyes and held Mark’s side in a death grip, her head against his back. She didn’t want to see the scenery going by. It would be too much for her to handle and she’d do something utterly stupid like jump off the bike. Mark paused at the street, making sure the way was clear, then gave the bike some gas, sending it roaring into the night.




Mark hit the open highway and eased the bike to a higher speed.


Jinx still clutched at his sides, but she risked raising her head. It was dark so she could not see much as they sped through the night. It had been a hot day-the wind from the bike’s speed was cool, refreshing. Jinx smiled as her hair was whipped around.



“What do you think?” Mark had to shout to be heard over the noise of the bike and the wind.


“Not sure yet!” Jinx yelled back. To be honest, she felt a bit exhilarated. The motorcycle was freeing in a way a car could not touch.


Mark expertly steered from the highway to a two-lane road. He slowed his speed in deference to the curves. Jinx snuggled against his back and peered over his shoulder, watching the road that was illuminated by the bike’s single headlight.


She laughed, just because at the moment, she felt so damn good. Mark grinned. He had heard the sound in spite of the howling wind and loud motor.


“Told ya!” He shouted.


Jinx squeezed his sides instead of trying to answer. Mark chuckled. She could feel it rather than hear it.


Mark turned his concentration back to the road. No small feat considering Jinx was pressed against him. It was giving him decidedly naughty thoughts.


They rode for an hour, making random turns, not really going anywhere. When Mark finally stopped the bike, they were in the middle of nowhere. A dirt path led into the woods. “Hikin’ trail.” Mark stated, shutting off the bike.


“It’s too dark to go hiking.” Jinx said, letting him help her off the bike. Her legs were shaky from riding for so long. Mark stayed on the bike, grinning at her.


“I told you.”


“That you did.” She stepped forward and kissed him quickly. “Thanks.”


“Anytime.” Mark grabbed her hand and pulled her close again, kissing her more soundly. Jinx held onto him, afraid she’d fall over onto the bike and topple him to the ground. “Stop worrying.” Mark said, pulling back.


“How do you know I was worrying about anything?”


“I can tell.” He climbed from the bike and took her hand, leading her toward the path. “You hold back when you’re worried. Probably thinkin’ about makin’ a fool of yourself. Am I right?”


“How’d you know?” Jinx asked, falling into step beside him.


“Lucky guess.” He gave her a half smile. She could barely see him in the dark.






“Why are we going into the woods?” Jinx asked, stopping in her tracks before they went two feet down the trail.


“I wanna walk.” He flicked a button. Jinx had not noticed that he had a flashlight.


“You wanna walk. Ok. If there is some psycho killer in here, I’m gonna run while you distract him. Just so you know.”


Mark laughed. “Fair enough.”


They walked in silence for a few minutes, taking in the noises of the night. The trail was almost eight feet wide. It looked well used, is if this were a place people came to daily.


“Have you been through here before?” She asked, bringing Mark out of his thoughts.


“Long time ago. When I was a kid.” Mark chuckled. “Glen and I used to hide out and scare the crap outta each other in the woods.”


“Sounds like fun.”


“It was.” Mark grinned. “What about you?”


“What about me?”


“Well…do you have any brothers or sisters?” Mark asked, sounding tentative. It made Jinx smile.


“Nope. Only child. I had Randy, I don’t know if he counts. He was younger than me, and I always thought he was a pain in the ass.” She said with a laugh.


“A lot of people think that about him now.” Mark said wryly.


“You don’t have to tell me.” Jinx said. “Uncle Bob would go on the road and I’d have Randy for weeks, getting into everything.”


“Poor you.” Mark said with a laugh. “He said he’s the one that started your nickname.”




“Well?” Mark prodded. Jinx smirked.


“It wasn’t just one thing. It was a whole serious of things.” She bit her lip thoughtfully. “Although I think knocking Erin Jones in the lake was what really put me over.”


Mark laughed. “Who is Erin Jones?”


“Erin was our neighbor. She was my age, but she was stuck up. I’m talking big time snob. Her dad had this boat, see…” Jinx giggled remembering. Although at the time it had not seemed funny, it was nice to look back and see the humor.  “They had a party. Invited my parent, me, Randy. She’d pick on Randy all the time. Kept telling him that the reason his mom and dad sent him to us was cuz they couldn’t stand him, wanted to get rid of him.”


“Sounds like a real peach.” Mark said.


“And that’s her being normal. You don’t wanna know what she was like when she didn’t get her way.”


“So…what happened?”


“I happened. She was standing there, talking to a group of boys, making fun of Randy. I didn’t know that part until later when Randy told me. Anyway…I was going by and I tripped on this step up. Fell right into her. She reeled back and went over the side.”


Mark was laughing again. Jinx smiled calmly. “I woulda loved to have seen that.”


“Randy loved seeing it.” Jinx said with a grin. “I heard about it for weeks. Dad and Erin’s father stopped talking. Randy said I jinxed it. And that’s where it started. And now what do you want to tell me?”


“Uh…hmm…” Mark looked thoughtful. “I guess I should tell you I was married. For a minute.”


“You were married?” Jinx asked, curious. “For a minute?” She said it with humor.


“Less than a year. Seemed like a good idea at the time.” Mark shrugged. “Didn’t work out though. I’m kinda glad. She was bad news, but I didn’t see it at the time.”


“I keep saying I’m bad news. Why don’t you listen?” Jinx said with a laugh.


“You aren’t.” Mark stated. “Besides soaking me and running into me, what have you done?”


“Well…I guess I put a rift between you and your brother.” Jinx said after a hesitation.


Mark waved it off. “It happens. It’s always something. We get along for a while, then we hate each other. That’s how it’s always been.”


“That’s kinda sad.” Jinx said softly. “I don’t want you fighting with him because of me.”


“You’re worth it.” Mark looked at her. “And technically it wasn’t about you. It was the principle.”


Jinx rolled her eyes. “Ok, ok. Whatever you say.” The trail was getting wider. “What’s that?” She pointed. In the glow of the flashlight something white flashed.


“Picnic shelter.”


“Out here?”


“People come out here for picnics. It’s been here forever. The trail goes on. If we keep walking, we end up two towns over.” Mark said, shining the flashlight fully on the empty structure.


“Uh…we’re not going that far. Right?”


“Nope. This is the end of the line.” They walked to the shelter. It was open on all sides and had picnic tables scattered throughout.  “Place hasn’t changed much.” Mark commented, looking around.


“So you’re from around here?”


“Couple of hours away. My aunt lived here. So we’d come down in the summer for a week and end up coming here at lest two of those days.” Mark set the flashlight on one of the tables, the beam pointing straight up. The light hit the tin ceiling and reflected softly through the shelter.


“It’s beautiful out here.” Jinx said, looking around, turning in a circle to do it. “I…” She did not get to finish the thought. Mark had stepped closer when her back was turned…when she completed her circle she jumped at how close he’d gotten. Mark grabbed her arms before she could fall over. He was grinning. “Uh oh. I know that look. Here?” Jinx’s eyes widened.


“Yup.” Mark said, his grin fading to a seductive smile. Jinx felt her knees go weak at the sight of it.


“What if somebody decides to go out for a walk?”


“This late at night?” Mark was moving her back. Her butt hit a table. With another one of those smiles, he gripped her waist and lifted her up until she was sitting on the table.


“We came out here this late.” Jinx pointed out, catching his hands as they slid under her shirt.


“Seen anybody else so far? We walked for forty minutes.” Mark ducked his head and kissed her neck. Jinx sucked in a shaky breath.


“Doesn’t mean nobody will show up.” Jinx muttered. She could feel herself giving in, but had to at least offer a protest.


“Where is your sense of adventure?” Mark asked with a chuckle. His goatee tickled her neck as he kissed her again, his tongue flicking her skin.


“I musta left it in my other pants.”


That made him laugh. His breath puffed over her skin, making Jinx shiver. “We could ride back to the hotel I guess. I gotta tell ya though, havin’ you up against me for an hour without bein’ able to touch ya might be too much. I might wreck us.”


“So it’s do it here or die, huh?” Jinx managed to say. He was kissing her neck again. She brought her hands up and grasped his shoulders.




“Sounds like half the guys I went to high school with.” Jinx said with a breathless laugh.


“Yeah? Were they ridin’ motorcycles when they said it?” Mark raised his head and looked at her. His expression made her laugh again.


“No. Ok, you have me there.” Jinx slid her hands up to cup his face. “If you want me, take me.”


Mark’s eyes darkened at her words. “It’s like lettin’ a tiger outta his cage when you say that, darlin’.”


“Unleash the beast.” She said with a laugh. Her hands moved down his chest. She started tugging on the material of his t-shirt, pulling it up over his head. Her hands roamed his warm skin, taking in his muscular chest, his flat stomach.


Mark muttered under his breath and ducked his head again, kissing her forcefully on the lips, his tongue going into her mouth, seeking. Jinx sighed against him and kissed him back with just as much passion as he was showing.


Jinx kicked her shoes off, wiggling against him to do it. Mark was smiling when he pulled back to lift her shirt over her head. Jinx undid the button of her jeans and stood up, sliding them off her hips. She eyed the table dubiously.


“I don’t supposed you keep a blanket handy. I don’t really wanna have to explain having splinters in my butt.”


Mark chuckled and retrieved his shirt from the ground. Jinx started protesting, but he hushed her with another kiss. He spread the shirt out and helped her out of her panties, then watched as she hopped onto the table again. He reached out and unhooked the front clasp of her bra, letting it fall open. She shivered a bit, not because the night was cool, but at the hungry way he was looking at her body.


Mark stepped forward and kissed her again, his hands roaming across her body, down, setting her on fire. He kissed his way down her chin, her neck, stopping to suckle on her skin. Jinx held onto him as he ducked lower to take a hardened nipple into his mouth. His hand slid down, between her legs, his fingers slipping into her folds and finding her clit.


“You were worried somebody would find us out here.” He murmured against her skin. “I don’t think it’s gonna be a problem. If I don’t get in ya soon I might have a problem…”


Jinx laughed. It sounded breathless to her ears. “Well, hurry up. I’m ready.”


Mark made a noise in his throat and hurriedly shoved his pants down his hips. “I didn’t wanna have a quickie out here, damn it…” Even as he spoke, he was parting her legs to stand between them.


“Well, a quickie now, the rest of the night back in the hotel…just hurry up and fuck me…” Jinx groaned out as he brushed his cock against her clit.


Mark arched an eyebrow at her words, then smiled. “Ya want me to fuck ya, huh?” He moved his hips, sheathing himself in her body in one fluid movement. Jinx moaned again, louder, leaning back on the table. She propped herself on her elbows, looking at him with lust darkened eyes.


“If you’d shut up and do it, yeah…” She said, gasping as he ground her hips against her. “God….that feels so good…” She moaned out as he repeated the movement.


“You like that?” Mark said softly. He thrust into her, pulling almost all the way out before driving his hips forward again.


“You have no idea…” Jinx whimpered as his fingers began rubbing her clit in time to his thrusting. “Faster…”


Mark obliged her, slamming against her, into her. Jinx wrapped her legs around his waist, urging him on, murmuring softly to him as he worked. He could feel her body tightening around him. It seemed like he wasn’t the only one who had been in need of this after their ride together.


Mark redoubled his efforts, making the picnic table rock with their movements. Jinx’s body arched up and she cried out wordlessly as she climaxed against him. Mark could not take his eyes off of her. Damn but she was beautiful. He was not going to last too much longer. He had wanted to make sure she found her pleasure first.


Jinx felt the aftershocks run through her as she opened her eyes and looked up at Mark. Then she looked down. From this angle she could see his cock sliding in and out of her body, his hands spreading her open.


Mark suddenly grabbed her hips and pumped harder against her body. “Yes…” Jinx hissed out as he rode her hard, rough. She did not usually like rough sex, but damned if she wasn’t getting turned on by Mark’s efforts. And she’d just had an orgasm.


Mark went still, moaning her name. She felt his cock jerking as he climaxed inside of her, his hips jerking at the intensity of it.


“Christ…” He moaned out and leaned over her. Jinx smiled and kissed him. “Sorry…couldn’t help it.”


“Who’s complaining?” She asked, tracing his lips with her finger. “Let’s get back. There’s a whole lot more I wanna do to you before the night is over.” Mark grinned at her words. She had mirrored his thoughts to the letter.


He helped Jinx to her feet, then used his shirt to clean her up. She protested but he shushed her. He had another shirt back on the bike in one of the saddlebags on the side. Jinx pulled her clothes on and followed his lead back to the bike, neither one feeling much like talking. They touched however, holding hands. Mark stepped every few feet to kiss her. At the rate they were going, they wouldn’t see the hotel until dawn. When Jinx pointed that out, Mark laughed and said he didn’t care.


Mark pulled his shirt from the saddlebag and stowed the one he’d been wearing. He tugged it over his head, grinning when Jinx reached out to stroke his chest before he covered it up.


“Damn it woman, let me get dressed so we can get outta here.” He grouched playfully, pulling the shirt down.


“Damn it man, hurry the hell up.” Jinx giggled.


“You are gonna get it.” Mark climbed onto the bike, trying to sound fierce.


“I certainly hope so.” She said with a laugh as he helped her on behind him. He couldn’t help but grin. He certainly hoped so too. The bike roared to life and Mark guided them onto the road, back to reality.




Jinx and Mark spent more time together.


Sometimes with Evie and John. Sometimes with just Evie when she was pissed off at John. But more often than not, just the two of them. Eric had liked her storyline idea, and after tweaking it a little, presented it to Vince. He’d liked it, they’d ran it to a decent response. Eric wanted more. So Jinx was more than busy.


Things were going just a little too good, which made Jinx nervous. She knew good things in her life were tempered by very bad things.


And it didn’t take long to find out what the bad thing was.


Jinx was summoned to Jim Ross’s ‘office’. Really it was just another conference room. JR was the talent coordinator, which meant he made sure everybody got along. She’d only met him twice since she’d signed on. He worked mainly with the head bookers.


She thought maybe it was some kind of performance review. Her six month contract was ending soon, unbelievably enough. It seemed like she’d just joined up.


JR smiled at her when she went into the room. Jinx was her usual careful self, putting distance between them, not touching anything that look remotely tip-over-able. He waited until she was settled before clearing his throat and dropping a bomb.


“Jayce, as I’m sure you are aware, your contract with us expires soon.”


“Yes.” She nodded.


“One of the provisions in that contract dealt with our fraternization policy.”


Jinx raised an eyebrow. “I know that.”


JR looked uncomfortable. “Well…it’s been brought to our attention that you are rather…friendly with one of our wrestlers.”


“Friendly?” Jinx repeated. She could not believe she was going to get into trouble for her relationship with Mark, especially since there was worse than what they were doing going on.


“Overly friendly.” JR elaborated.


“Wait…” Jinx replayed his words. “Who brought this to your attention?”


“That doesn’t matter.” JR said with a sigh. “I just have to question you about it. Are you in a relationship with Mark?”


“We’re friends.”


“Just friends?”


“Yes.” Jinx had never been a good liar, but it as not far from the truth. Mark had become her best friend-could she help it he was too sexy to keep her distance?


“According to the…”


“Well, that’s all well and good, but whoever tried to rat me out is wrong. We talk. We traveled together a couple of times. We hang out. That’s pretty much it. I do the same stuff with Evie. Does that mean I’m messing with her too?” Jinx went for a bored look. Apparently JR was fooled. He smiled.


“Not at all.” He nodded. “Good. Because I’d hate to lose you over something so silly as a dated frat policy. Eric tells me you’re doing a bang up job down there.”


“I’m trying my damndest.” Jinx said with a smirk.


JR laughed. “That’s all we ask for around here.” He slid a few papers across the table. “This is your new contract. Now that your probationary period is over, we’d like to off you a more serious contract. Two years, full health, and travel expenses from now on will be eight-twenty. We of course pay the eighty.” He said with a grin.


Jinx looked over the paperwork. She skimmed it really. Basically it was the same as the last one she’d signed. Except now she had some added benefits. She signed it with a smile. JR took it from her and signed his name under hers, making it official.


“Of course…you notice what’s missing now?” He asked as he stored the paperwork in a folder.


“Uh…not really. I just skimmed it.”


“After the probationary period, the frat policy is null and void.” JR said with a smirk. “It’s a way of weeding out the riff raff who are only here to bed a wrestler.”


Jinx laughed. “Well, I’m not riff raff. At least, I hope not.”


“If you were, this would be a goodbye meeting instead of a welcome to the family meeting.”


“Good to know.” Jinx smiled. “I’d still like to know who was spreading rumors. These guys need hobbies, seriously.” She and Mark had been careful, damn it. Evie and John were the only ones who knew about them. And John really didn’t have a clue. He thought they were just friends.


“I agree with you there. And really, it doesn’t matter who said it. Mark’s a good guy. He deserves a good woman.” JR gave her a look.


Jinx raised an eyebrow. “Ok, if you knew something was going on, why would you act like I got away with lying?”


“Because I don’t think I’ve seen Mark so happy the whole time he’s been here. His work has actually improved, which is a wonder considering he was at the top already. “ JR rose to his feet. Jinx followed his lead. “Just keep it quiet for a while yet, will you?”


“I planned to.” Jinx smiled and shook his offered hand. JR escorted her back to the hallway, his folder tucked under his arm.


“Now get back to work. We aren’t paying you to loiter.” JR laughed as he walked away. Jinx snickered and went back toward Eric’s conference room. She felt like she’d just dodged a bullet.


The guys were sitting, talking quietly while Eric talked on his cell phone. Jinx took a seat next to Randy. He was grinning at her. “So what’s the verdict?”


“Two years with good behavior.” She said softly, as if it were a prison sentence. Randy’s grin widened.


“You go, girl.” He playfully jabbed at her arm. Jinx reared back like she was going to punch him, then poked him in the side instead.


“Apparently I’m not going anywhere.” She said, giggling. “And according to JR I can fraternize all I want now. Yippee.”


“Spare me details, please.”


“Well, if it bothers you so much, there’s this one guy…”


“No. No, no, no.” Randy put his fingers in his ears. Jinx laughed. The other men turned heads to look at her. She blushed and quieted down.


“They’re all gonna start linin’ up now, you know.” Randy said, keeping his voice low.


“What do you mean?”


“You’re active roster. You were off limits, now your not.” He shrugged and grinned. “Your social calendar just took a leap.”


“Social calendar…right.” Jinx muttered. “Should I be worried?”


“Nah. Just use your power wisely.” Randy joked.


Eric finally got off his phone. He quickly ran through the night’s lineup, and dismissed everyone. Jinx’s meeting and his phone call had set their schedule back, so he needed to make up some time. The wrestlers scattered. Jinx had the rest of the day off. Eric wanted her to run the ring trials the next day, and said she’d need some time to herself before getting sucked into the never-ending job.


She gathered her things, planning on nothing more than a short ride to the hotel and a hot bath. Mark was off for a few days, gone home to visit his parents. Evie had plans with John, which were not yet cancelled. They were getting along at the moment.


Thinking about her quiet evening alone, she did not notice the man that fell into step behind her. She was about to round the final corner to the exit when rough hands grabbed her.


“Hey…” She managed to get out before a hand covered her mouth. Jinx kicked her feet, feeling herself dragged backward. Into an empty room. The door slammed shut and her attacker let her go. Jinx spun on him. Glen. “What…the fuck?” She glared at him.


Glen shrugged. “I wanna talk to you. Gotta kidnap you to do it, how sad is that?”


“Why can’t you just take the hint and leave me alone?” Jinx said heatedly, eyeing him warily. He was blocking the only exit. Damn it.


“Just because.” Glen was infuriatingly calm. “Look, about what happened…”


“I don’t care what your reasons were, all right? It happened. It’s over.” She felt as if she were repeating herself. “It really doesn’t matter anymore.” And truthfully it didn’t. She had other things to occupy her now.


“Why? Because you’ve been whoring around with my brother?” Glen still did not sound angry, but he definitely had a gleam of it in his eyes.


“Whoring. Yes, I have been whoring around with your brother.” Jinx nodded. Nothing pissed her off more than being called names. “Of course, it doesn’t top fucking around with a girl a few days before you get married, but I hope to add that to my repertoire.”


Glen sighed and shook his head. “Look, I said I would explain that…”


“Well, I said it’s not necessary.” Jinx poked him in the chest. “I don’t care. Got me? Just go away and leave me alone and forget I exist.”


“I can’t.” Glen looked at her sadly. “You don’t understand. I was…am…happy with Charlotte.”


“Great. So go kidnap her.” Jinx was sarcastic. Glen did not seem to notice.


“Then I met you. And got to know you. And I panicked, all right? I thought you and I were good together. I thought maybe I was making a mistake, marrying Charlotte. Especially when I started to feel…”


“I don’t wanna hear this!” Jinx raised her voice. “Yeah, it was good. Fun. But that’s it. It’s over. If I had known about you being engaged, I never would have even looked at you, damn it!”


“I know. I kinda figured that part out. Which was why I just left and didn’t bother saying anything.” Glen hung his head. Jinx refused to feel sorry for him.


“You could have at least said ‘hey by the way, I’m getting married in a week’. At least you wouldn’t have been hiding anything. Jerk. I can’t stand it when people hide stuff from me. Especially people I have gotten close to.” Jinx puffed her breath out, blowing her bangs from her face. “Now if you are done being a jackass, I need to go.”




“Look, Glen, I don’t know what you want from me. To be honest I don’t really give a flying fuck what you want from me. Just get over it already. Hell, bring your wife on the road to keep you in line. I was a nice pre-wedding piece of ass for you, but that’s all it was.” She pushed him away from the door. Glen let himself be pushed.


“I’m sorry, Jinx…” Glen called after her as she moved into the hallway.


“Sorry doesn’t cut it, asshole.” She muttered under her breath.


“Running from a problem doesn’t seem like your thing, Jinx.” Damn it. Glen had followed her. She went into the parking lot before answering him.


“I’m not the one who ran. I was here. You ran off, remember? Lying weasel that you are.” She got to her car and unlocked the door. Glen put a hand on the window to keep her from jumping in.


“I’m the one.”


“The one what?” Jinx looked up at him, squinting her eyes at the bright sunlight.


“The one who told JR. I’m sorry, I was mad, I wanted to get back at you…and I don’t even know why.” He sounded sad when he said it. Jinx would have narrowed her eyes if she hadn’t already been doing so. “I didn’t think you’d lose your job over it…or maybe I did. I don’t know…”


“Losing my job?” Jinx snorted. “JR just signed me to a two year contract, asshole. He seems to like the fact that I keep your brother happy. Who knew that was in my job description?” With that she yanked the car door open and slid inside. Glen did nothing to stop her. Her words had the effect of a slap in the face. Jinx floored the gas and drove away without a backward glance. She’d said it on purpose, just to hurt him. It seemed to work. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself not to feel guilty about it. He deserved worse.




Jinx didn’t get to sleep for long.


At one in the morning, her phone rang. She groggily answered and listened to Evie rant for a moment before telling her friend to just come to her room if she wanted to talk. She’d appeared five minutes later, looking angry.


“I just can’t believe he said it.”


“Can’t believe who said what?” Jinx asked, still trying to wake herself up.


“Did you not hear anything I said on the phone? John…shit.” Evie paced the room. “He dropped the L bomb tonight.”


“The L bomb?” Jinx frowned. “Ok, call me dense…what the hell is an L bomb?”


“He said he loves me.” Evie said it as if it were the worst thing in the world. “His actual words were that I made him love me. Can you believe that load of crap?”


“Ok, why is this a bad thing?” Jinx said, shaking her head. Evie sighed dramatically.


“Because I am not ready for all that…stuff…yet. Damn it.”


“Seems a strange thing to get all worked up over. Unless of course you love him back. Then there might be an issue.”


“I don’t love him.” Evie raked her hands through her hair. “He’s fun to be around, he’s good in bed, and I can tolerate his company for more than fifteen minutes at a time.”


“Sounds like love to me.” Jinx laughed. It was kind of funny to see Evie so worked up, Evie who always seemed to keep her cool.


“You know what? Fuck you.” She said it in a defeated tone of voice. It made Jinx laugh again.


“No thanks.” Jinx grinned. “So what are you gonna do?”


“Do? I’m dropping his ass like it’s on fire, that’s what I’m gonna do.”


“Bit extreme, don’t you think?” Jinx tucked her blanket around her legs and looked at Evie. “Especially considering he has these feelings for you. Why don’t you just pretend it didn’t happen, and see where you go from there?”


“Because that is not what I want. That’s what he wants.” Evie huffed. “He said the same thing in almost the exact same way.”


“Great minds think alike, Ev.” Jinx said with a giggle.


“Great minds my ass.” She finally sat down on the corner of the bed. “You don’t understand how crazy this shit makes me. I was married before, to a lying mother fucker who slept with every piece of ass that wasn’t nailed down. I put up with that shit for three years. I’m not going through it again.”


“Who said you have to?” Jinx asked, eying her friend. “John wouldn’t do that to you.”


“Wouldn’t he?” Evie looked at Jinx, met her eyes. “Deep down, all men are the same. They tell you what you wanna hear and jump on the next best thing as soon as it flashes some tits at him.”


“You know, I thought I was the one who was messed up in the head in this place. Thanks for taking my title.” Jinx said wryly. She refused to be pulled into Evie’s anger. Evie wanted her to commiserate, perhaps give her a really good reason to dump John. Jinx was not going to do it.


“Funny.” Evie didn’t sound amused.


“So he loves you, big deal. Worse things could happen.” Jinx laughed. “He coulda said he was secretly gay and using you as cover. Hell…he could have said he’s getting married in a week. So count yourself lucky.”


Evie sighed again. “J…I’m sorry I’m dumping this on you.”


“You aren’t dumping anything. It’s fine.”


“No, I brought up some shit for you, and I apologize.”


“Well, cut it out. I was joking.” Jinx smiled. “I’m over that shit.”


“Are you?”


“Hell yeah. Wasted enough of my time worrying about it. I’ve moved on.” Jinx rolled her eyes. “I wish he would.”


“What did that jerk do now?” Evie said, finding a new direction for her energies.


“Nothing major. Told JR I was screwin’ around with Mark.”


“He didn’t.”


“He did.” Jinx grinned. “Unfortunately for him, JR didn’t give a shit. I got my contract.”


“What?” Evie clapped her hands together. “Why didn’t you tell me? That’s great!”


“I was enjoying my day, damn it.” Jinx said with a laugh. “Anyway…the asshole grabbed me, tried to tell me he’s fucked in the head, and I told him to piss off. The end.”


“You know, if JR had known Glen messed with you first, he would have gotten in trouble. I bet he failed to mention that little nugget of info.”


“Oh, most definitely.” Jinx looked at Evie again, a smile forming on her lips. “So what are you gonna do about John?”


“I don’t know.”


“Well that’s a step up from dropping his ass like it’s on fire, I guess.” Jinx said with a laugh.


“Smart ass.” Evie muttered under her breath. “I’m going to my room to grab some pillows. I’m staying in here tonight, since you are man free, and John won’t know where to find me. Deal with it.” She rose and left before Jinx could do more than laugh.


Evie returned in five minutes with blankets, pillows, and a small bag. She changed into a nightshirt and made herself a bed on the floor. Jinx turned off the light and the woman lay in silence for a few minutes.


“Evie?” Jinx finally asked.


“What?” The single word sounded frustrated. Jinx grinned in the darkness.


“How exactly do you make a man fall in love with you?”


Evie groaned. “Shut the hell up, J. I’m warnin’ you.”


“I was just curious.” Jinx said with a giggle. “What’d you do, shoot him with cupid’s arrow?”


“Hell no.” Evie grumbled. “You know what my motto is?”


“Uh…live fast, die hard? Or is it live hard, die fast? I never remember…”


“Being in love with a guy is not my idea of living fast. Or hard.”


“Oh, I don’t know about that.” Jinx said, still smiling. “Wanna know my motto?”


“Go ahead. What is it, keep off the grass?” Evie said with a snort of derision.


“The quickest way to a man’s heart is a sharp object through his rib cage.” Jinx said with a laugh.


“Oh God.” Evie giggled. She couldn’t help it. Sometimes Jinx just cracked her up.


“Now will you shut the hell up and let me go back to sleep? I have to work tomorrow.”


“Blah, blah. Remember when we used to stay up all night talking? The magic is gone from this relationship.”


“I’ll send you roses tomorrow. Sheesh. Good night, Ev.”


“G’night, J.” Evie said, still smirking. Jinx fell asleep sooner than she did. Evie had too much on her mind. She tossed and turned fitfully for an hour before sleep claimed her.




If it was possible to sleep walk through an entire day, Jinx managed to pull it off.


Luckily her job only required that she stand by the ring while the guys went over their matches for the night, taking notes, making suggestions on occasions, and helping them get their timing down. That was after Eric’s eight o’clock meeting that morning. She took a break around one to get lunch, then ran through the last two matches. The day literally flew by. By seven she was wiped out, dreading the drive she had to make that night. Eric was going to stay for the show, keeping an eye on everything she’d approved that day. He hoped to get to a point where they could trade off every now and then, lightening his workload and giving her more of a challenge.


 That was fine by her. This was the first time a job had actually kept her interest for more than a few months. Things were always changing. That was what made it interesting.


The next arena was four hours away, which actually wasn’t too bad a drive. Jinx had already checked out of the hotel, and her bags were in the trunk of her rental car. The next night she’d have to take a plane to make their next destination. She knew she would not be up for the kind of drive required for that one.


She put the key into the door to unlock the car and stopped when arms wrapped around her waist. Jinx jerked, trying to get away from whoever was holding her. If it was Glen she was going to kill him.


“Mmm…nice to see you missed me.” Mark said with a chuckle. Jinx relaxed against him and laughed at herself.


“You scared me.”


“That was the plan.” He turned her around and dropped a kiss on her lips.


“You weren’t supposed to be back until tomorrow.” Jinx said, resting her hands on his shoulders to look up at him.


“I decided I wanted to see ya.” Mark grinned. “Unless you had other plans…”


“Nope. Just a long drive.” She sighed and pulled him down for another kiss, then stepped out of his arms. Although no one was around, she was still a bit wary of being caught. It did not matter that JR said the frat policy was over. He’d also said to keep it quiet. She planned to.


“How about I drive, you relax?” Mark took the key from her hand and bent down to retrieve the bag he’d dropped when he grabbed her.


“Sounds like a great idea to me.” Jinx went to the passenger side and got in while Mark stowed his bag with hers in the trunk. “How was your break?” She asked when he got settled in the driver’s seat.


“Good. Relaxing. I missed you though.”


“Aww…I missed you too.” Jinx reached over and playfully pinched his cheek. Mark scowled comically at her. “That’s not scary.”


“I used to intimidate you.” Mark said with a grin.


“Yeah, well that was before I saw you naked.” Jinx adjusted her seat belt so it was not rubbing her neck.


“I wouldn’t mind seeing you naked.” Mark leered at her. Jinx laughed.


“You’ve seen it plenty, bud.” She leaned her head against the seat.


“I heard you got some good news.” He said, guiding the car along the road.


Jinx had to think for a moment. “Oh. Yeah. Two year contract.”


“Try not to sound too excited.” Mark said wryly.


“I am excited. It means they think I know what I’m doing.”


“Well, I think you know what you’re doing.” Mark took her hand and brought it to his lips. Jinx grinned at him.


“Thanks.” She debated on whether or not to tell him about Glen. Mark glanced at her and a strange smile tilted his lips.


“I also heard you had some trouble.”


Jinx looked at him. “Who told you?”


“Who else? Evie. What happened?”


Jinx gave him a quick rundown. Mark’s frown was real this time. She hated being the one to put it there.


“Boy needs another lesson.”


“No.” Jinx put her hand on Mark’s arm. “Don’t do anything to him. He’s just confused…he’s gotta work it out on his own.”


Mark glanced again. “If you say so.”


“I do say so. Please, for me, do not beat your brother up, ok?” Jinx pleaded. She didn’t want Mark to feel he had to do that every time Glen looked in her direction.


Mark sighed. “For you.” He hesitated. “I’d probably do just about anything.”


Jinx felt the familiar butterflies in her stomach at his words. She did not know what to say. So she decided to act like it didn’t faze her. “I think in the end karma is going to bite him in the ass, anyway. A better punishment than you could give.”


If he was hurt by her brush off of his comment, he showed no sign. He was smiling at her words. “Karma like a bitch, huh?”


“A wronged bitch.” Jinx agreed. Mark reached over and took her hand again, this time just holding it in the seat between them. Jinx steered the conversation to more neutral subjects as Mark drove them to their next destination.




For the next few weeks, Jinx and Mark did the things they always did together. They hung out with Evie, went to dinner, watched movies, talked, slept together. But to Jinx something was definitely different. Mark was giving off strange vibes that she could not even begin to question him on. She couldn’t even pinpoint the source of the feeling. She’d just catch him looking at her at odd times, a thoughtful look on his face.


Work kept her too busy to really give time to thought, anyway. Jinx found that she enjoyed planning matches much better than having to sit through them in a live crowd. Eric confessed that he too thought it was a downer of the job. They could only watch and hope that the guys remembered everything they talked about during the day.


On that particular evening, Jinx was hanging out with Evie. Neither one of them were officially on the job, but they did not want to hide at the hotel just yet. They stood in the hallway in front of a monitor, talking, giggling, making fun of the guys on the screen.


Currently the match was Glen…or Kane, as was his wrestling persona, against a man Jinx had not yet met.  The man in question was climbing the ropes in the corner while Glen lay prone on the mat.


“Check it out…” Evie said with a laugh. “I don’t know why they right this shit in. He never hits it.” At her words the man leaped, flipping in the air. Glen moved out of the way. The man hit the mat stomach first. Jinx winced.


“Ouch.” She commiserated. “That hurt me, and I’m not even wrestling…”


“Maybe they’re gonna let Glen win this one.” Evie said with a laugh. When it came to his work, Glen was notoriously easy to write for. He agreed to almost any story line, match, outcome, win or loss.


“Excuse me. Do you ladies mind if I butt in and watch the match?” A feminine voice said from behind them. Evie and Jinx both turned to see a stunning, statuesque red-head standing there. Her eyes were clear, blue. She looked from Jinx to Evie with a smile. “I wandered off and got lost. I didn’t want to miss the show.”


“That’s all right. Welcome to our little tirade.” Evie said with a grin. She had to look up a bit to do it. Evie was not short, but this woman had her by three or so inches. “I’m Evie. This…” She hooked her thumb in Jinx’s direction. “Is our newling Jayce.”


“I’m not new.” Jinx sputtered. She took a sip from her can of soda that she’d brought into the hall with her.


“Well…I’m Charlotte. Charlotte Jacobs.”


The sound of the name caused Jinx to cough, spraying her soda everywhere. Evie laughed. “Damn, woman. Slow it down.”


“Sorry.” She looked, panicked, at Evie. Evie cocked an eyebrow and conveyed a silent message.


“You’re Glen’s wife?” Evie made it a question. Charlotte nodded and looked at the monitor, a smile playing on her lips. “You haven’t missed much. They just got started.” Evie kept her voice even. Jinx would not have been able to do that.


“I just got sidetracked.” Charlotte said with a laugh. “I’ve visited with people tonight I haven’t seen in months.”


“Oh?” Evie grinned. She shot Jinx a look. “How about your stud muffin brother in law?”


Charlotte laughed. If a laugh could make a person jealous, hers would be the one. Jinx hid a sigh and stared at Evie so she would not have to look a Charlotte.


“Ran into him a few minutes ago.” Charlotte shook her head. “He forgot we had plans for the night.”


“Plans?” Jinx piped up before she could stop herself. She and Mark were supposed to go out to dinner, then for another bike ride. He’d been talking about it all week.


“Nothing major. A friend of mine traveled with me. We’ve been planning it for weeks. Mark promised to show her around.” Charlotte shrugged, still eyeing the television monitor. Jinx and Evie shared another look. Evie kept her expression neutral. Jinx was having an issue of it.


“Well, you guys have a good time. Come on J…let’s get our asses gone before somebody makes us work.” Evie waved at Charlotte then grabbed Jinx’s arm and pulled her down the hallway. When she was sure they were out of earshot, Evie stopped walking and started laughing.


“What do you find funny?” Jinx asked. She herself was feeling a bit angry. Damn Mark. Why didn’t he tell her that he had plans to go out with some other woman?


“I can’t believe Glen’s wife wandered up to YOU and introduced herself. That’s freakin’ hilarious.” Evie giggled, holding her sides.


“Oh, yeah. Hilarious.” Jinx echoed, sarcastically.




“Did you not hear her?”


“About Mark?”


“Yeah.” Jinx ran her hand through her hair.


“So what? It’s not like he’d actually go anywhere with her and Glen. Especially considering what has gone on with you.” Evie resumed walking, falling into step next to Jinx.




“What?” At the single word, Evie sobered and looked at her friend. “What weeks?”


“She said they’d been planning it for ‘weeks’. How long have Mark and I been seeing each other?” Jinx asked heatedly.


“Uh…damn…four months? Five?”


“Try six.” Jinx kept walking, forcing Evie to keep pace.


“Damn. Ok, so he said he’d do a favor for his sister in law…”


“I knew there was a reason he was acting weird these last few weeks.” Jinx said as if Evie had not spoken. “And I guess I can’t say a damn thing to him about it, since it’s not like we are an official couple. But damn.”


“Damn is right.” Evie said softly.


“I’ve turned down at least four guys in the last two weeks. For what?” Jinx suddenly halted, turning to look at her friend. “Am I a total idiot?”


“What? Hell no. How’s he been acting that’s different? I haven’t noticed anything…” Evie said thoughtfully.


“It’s nothing. And everything. Ok. Whatever. I’m a big girl, I can take it. Fuck him, right?” Jinx resumed walking. She was heading for the parking lot. To go to the hotel and seethe for a while.


“J…don’t blow this out of proportion.” Evie said from behind her. Jinx turned to look at her.


“I’m not. It’s fine.” She almost sounded believable. Evie walked toward her but Jinx turned and exited before she could say anything else.


“Great.” Evie kicked the door and turned on her heel. What the hell was up with people around here? The guys especially were weird. She debated whether or not to find Mark, but he was headed for the ring, and his match. With a sigh Evie decided to track John down and get the hell out of there. And let Jinx handle it on her own until she asked for help.


Back at the hotel, Jinx took a long bath and pulled her pajamas on. It was not quite ten o’clock. Usually at this time she’d be getting ready for Mark to make his nightly appearance. Apparently not that night. The asshole didn’t even have the common courtesy to call and tell her he was canceling their plans. Evie called, wanted to know if Jinx would like some company. Jinx fended her off, saying she was going to bed early so she could get an early start in the morning.


So it didn’t much surprise her when Evie came knocking on her door fifteen minutes later. Shaking her head, Jinx pulled the door open. “I told you, I don’t want another…” Her eyes fell on Mark and she trailed off.


“Much as I like that outfit, I don’t think it’s really bike appropriate.” Mark said with a smirk. Jinx narrowed her eyes at him and wanted to slam the door in his face. “What’s wrong?” Mark seemed to sense her anger, and put a hand on the door in case she decided to go ahead and do it.


“Nothing is wrong. I’m fine.” Jinx held the door. She was not letting him in.


“Bullshit. We had a date tonight. Did you forget?” Mark looked at his watch. “I’m running a little late, but there’s still plenty of time to…”


“I don’t think so.” Jinx looked at him. “I thought you had plans.”


“Uh…I have plans with you.” Mark said, speaking slowly.


“Ran into a friend of yours tonight. She seemed to think you’d be taking her friend out and show her a good time.” Jinx said, biting the words out.


Mark raised an eyebrow. “Charlotte? I told her no, damn it. That woman won’t take no for an answer sometimes.”


“You told her no.” Jinx stated.


“She called me a few weeks ago, asked if I wanted to hang out with them. I told her no then…told her that Glen and I are not necessarily on speaking terms.”


“She seemed to think differently.”


“She would.” Mark grimaced. “She tried to get her claws into me. Her friend is a textbook blonde airhead. Tell me you have more faith in me than that.” He reached out and took her hand. Jinx heaved a sigh.


“I thought I did.” She said honestly. “Besides, you’ve been acting kinda weird for a few weeks. What was I supposed to think?”


“Weird? I was acting weird?” Mark looked around, seeming to notice he was still standing in the hallway. He gave Jinx a look. She stepped back and finally let him in.


“Yes. You were.” Jinx said, deciding to just come out with it. “If I’ve done something wrong, you don’t have to sugarcoat it. Just tell me.” Mark was shaking his head before she could finish speaking.


“You have never done a damn thing wrong, Jayce.”


“Then why the hell are you acting all…distant?”


“Distant? Darlin’ I didn’t hear you complainin’ about that last night.” Mark said with a crooked smile.


“Not sexually. I can’t describe it. Like you’ve got something on your mind and you don’t want to tell me because you know I won’t like it.”


Mark’s eyebrows went up. Apparently she had hit the proverbial nail on the head.


“So what is it?” Jinx paced across the room. “You’re seeing somebody else.”


“No. Absolutely not.” Mark said, that smile still playing his lips. Jinx stopped and looked at him.


“Ok. Then something else. What? I’m going crazy here.” Jinx ran her hands through her hair, mussing it. Making her look, to Mark, more adorable than she already was.


“You really wanna know what’s on my mind?” He asked, his voice low.


“I wouldn’t have brought it up if I didn’t.” Jinx said, looking into his eyes.


“Ok. Come here.” Mark motioned to her. When she did not immediately move, he smiled wider. “How many times have I told you that I don’t bite?”


“Just the one that I remember.” Jinx admitted, stepping toward him. Mark pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her.


“All right. I was going to say this after the bike ride, when I thought you’d be in a good frame of mind.” Mark started. Jinx held onto his waist and pressed her face against his chest. “Actually I might not have said it even then, because it is not something I normally tell people.”


“How bad could it be?” Jinx asked, expecting the worst. She held herself stiff in his arms and waited.


“Depends on how you feel about it.” Mark stroked her back with one hand. “I’ve been thinking about you lately, about us. And I’ve realized something.”


“What?” Jinx goaded when he paused, gathering his thoughts. She was expecting a break up. Isn’t that what his distance meant? She’d been through this kind of thing before, the guy wanting to let her down easy. In truth, it was never easy.


“I love you, Jayce.”


Jinx was not sure she heard him right. She was too stunned to speak, move, or react. Mark leaned down and kissed the top of her head.


“I don’t know how or why it happened, but it did. So if I’ve been acting strange, it’s because I’ve been wrestlin’ with this for a while. I can’t get enough of you. I can’t go a minute without thinkin’ about you. And I honestly have not been in this particular situation before.”


She hadn’t either. She liked Mark, that was for sure. But love? As in loved him? She did not know. She had not done the soul searching he had done, not by half. Jinx had thought they were casual lovers, nothing more. And he’d developed feelings for her and she hadn’t even known it.


“Mark.” She managed to say his name. She gave herself points for that.


“You don’t have to say it back. Not if you’re not sure, if you don’t feel the same way. I just couldn’t deal with not saying it anymore. It’s almost slipped out a few times in the last few weeks. I didn’t know how you’d take it. I didn’t know if you’d accept it or call me an idiot.”


“I would never call you that.” She said softly.


“Hell, I’ve deserved it on more than one occasion through my life. Why not this too?” He made a sound that was not quite a laugh. “Tell me something. Tell me to stay or go. To get lost or to stick around. Anything right now, damn it, I would do it.”


“I don’t want you to go.” Jinx said, her voice low. She held onto him, hugging him close. “I can’t say it. Not without thinking about it, making sure I’m not just saying it to make you happy. Ok? I won’t do that. Not to me or you.”


“I understand that. I’d expect no less.” Mark kissed the top of her head again. They were silent for a few minutes. He surprised her by chuckling. “This was not exactly the way I wanted this to go.”


“When is it ever?” Jinx asked, wondering if he’d actually come out and said the words. It was too easy to convince herself that she’d misheard him.


“On occasion it is.” Mark tipped her head up so she was looking at him. He ducked and kissed her gently. “I love you, Jayce. If you wanna stick with me, see where we go, that’s great. If you wanna kick me outta here and play around for a while, I’ll understand. I won’t like it but I’ll understand.” He corrected. Jinx smiled at that.


“You are the only one I want to play around with.” She said, pulling him down again. She kissed him, more passionate than before. Mark moaned softly against her and held her even tighter against his body.




Jinx sat in the conference room, tapping the keys on her laptop. Not really working. Playing a game and listening with one ear to Eric at the front of the room.


The last couple of days had been strange. After Mark’s confession to her, and the night they’d spent together, he’d all but disappeared. He was giving her space, giving her time, and she knew that. She was thankful that he did it before she could suggest it.


Eric called the meeting to a close and led his group out of the room. Jinx did not move. She kept hitting keys, lost in her own thoughts. It was her night to work the show, so technically she could be off until it started.


“What is wrong with you?”


Evie’s voice behind her made Jinx jump. She shot her friend a look over her shoulder.


“What do you mean?”


“Why are you just sitting in this empty room? You look tired. Something’s bothering you, I wanna know what it is.” Evie sank into the chair next to Jinx.


“I’m sitting here cuz I want to. I’m tired because I drove last night instead of this morning and I couldn’t sleep. And nothing is bothering me.”


“Two outta three ain’t bad. You’re a terrible liar, J.” Evie poked her arm. “Are you and Mark having issues?”


“You could say that.” Jinx decided to at least tell her something. It would make her go away faster.


“I kinda figured. Since he hasn’t been around in a few days.”


“Very observant.”


“Is it Glen again? I swear, if he’s bothering you I’ll wring his neck…”


“No. I haven’t even seen him around lately.”


“Ok. Then what did Mark do? Damn it, I knew he was too good to be true…” Once again Jinx interrupted her.


“He didn’t do anything. We’re just taking a break.”


Evie eyed Jinx, a thoughtful frown on her face. “Uh oh. What, who asked for the heavy commitment?”


Jinx laughed. “Nobody.”


“I’m getting tired of guessing. Spill it woman.” Evie raised an eyebrow. “He said it, didn’t he?”


“Said what?” Jinx looked at her laptop.


“Well, there was my answer. Holy shit.” Evie laughed. “That’s great.”


“Why is it great?”


“Because it’s been so obvious lately. He moons over you, he looks like a lost puppy when you’re not around, and he talks about you constantly. I kinda put two and two together.”


“Why are you so happy about this? I thought it was the fate worse than death.” Jinx eyed Evie with a smirk.


“For me, yeah. For you? Maybe not so much.” Evie clasped her hands together and rubbed them. “Obviously you feel the same way.”


“I don’t know what I feel right now.” Jinx said truthfully.


“Oh please. When are you gonna drop this friends with benefits crap and admit that you care about him?”


“I do care about him.” Jinx said softly. “It’s kinda scary, actually.”


“That damn L bomb usually is.” Evie grinned. “So what are you gonna do about it?”


“I don’t know. Like I said, we’re taking a break. I guess he wants to give me time to think.”


“And have you been?”


“Constantly.” Jinx sighed. “I don’t know. Part of me is scared to death, part of me is happy. I don’t know which part to listen to.”


“I would go for the happy.” Evie said with a laugh.


“Like you did?”


“Hey now, there is a difference here. Don’t go equating your life with mine. John and I have issues out the ass, so I’m not even close to thinking about the next step. You on the other hand seem to have it all locked down. You haven’t even caused any major accidents in recent memory.”


“I know. It’s weird.”


“Maybe your luck is changing.”


“You don’t believe in luck.” Jinx reminded her. Evie grinned.


“That’s true. But you do.” She closed Jinx’s laptop. “Want my advice? Just go find him, right now, talk to him, tell him how you feel. Even if it’s not…you know…that L word, give him something.”


“You think I should?”


“Do you think you should?” Evie tossed back at her.


Jinx sighed again. “Probably.” She stood up and stuffed the laptop into its carrying case. “I don’t know if I’m ready for this.”


“Sure you are. You’re all miserable without him.” Evie smiled. “Go on, he’s probably in his locker room moping.” Evie motioned Jinx toward the door. Jinx went slowly, as if every step were a struggle.


Mark was in his locker room, tugging on his boots. Jinx knocked on the door and stepped inside when he yelled ‘come in’. He looked up at her from his seat on the bench and smiled.




“Hey yourself.” That had become their standard greeting. “How is it that you rate a locker room to yourself?” She asked, looking around. It was small, just a square room with a shower in the corner and two lockers to stow things.


“With age comes privilege.” Mark said with a chuckle. “Did you need something?”


“Maybe.” Jinx wandered the room, looking everywhere but at him. “I miss you.”


Mark was silent for a minute. “I miss you too.” He finally said, keeping his voice low.


“I…” Jinx stopped, not sure of what exactly she wanted to say to him. Mark was looking at her with concern, as if afraid she was going to tell him something he did not want to hear.


“Jayce, if there is a problem you can tell me.” Mark finally said when she didn’t go on. Jinx shook her head and went to him. She stood in front of him, looking down into his eyes.


“I just…I wanted to say…”


“Yeah?” Mark reached out and took her hips in his hands, pulling her forward. He rested his head against her stomach. Jinx brought her hands up and stroked his head, feeling his silky hair with her fingertips.


“Ok…I want to say…that I care about you. A great deal.”


“Do you?” Mark muttered, nuzzling her belly.


“Yes. I do.” Jinx rubbed gently on his neck. Mark moaned a bit at the feel of the massage. “I…don’t know why it is so hard for me to admit that, but…”


“It’s all right, Jayce.” Mark’s hands slid down her legs and back up. “It’s a good first try.”


Jinx laughed at that. She tangled her hands into his hair and began rubbing his scalp. “Do you have a match tonight?”


“Nope.” Mark lifted her shirt a dropped a kiss on the skin he exposed. Jinx wiggled, jumping at the ticklish sensation. “Wanna go home with me?”




“I live about half an hour from here.” He said, looking up at her. Jinx studied his face, his eyes, a smile playing at the corners of her lips.


“I have to work tonight.”


“Oh.” Mark’s face fell. Jinx grinned.


“I don’t have to be back until seven though.”


“Oh.” The same word, this time with the start of a smile and a raised eyebrow.


“So if you can get me back here by then, I’d love to.”


“Then what the hell are we sitting around here for?” Mark kissed her stomach again then rose to his feet. “We can take the bike. Since we didn’t get to ride the other night.” Thinking about the other night was enough to bring a faint blush to Jinx’s cheeks. Mark grinned as he looked up.  “Let’s get outta here.”


Mark rose to his feet and took her hand. Jinx waved goodbye to Evie, who was standing on the loading dock with John. Evie tipped her an exaggerated wink, making Jinx laugh.


Getting on the bike got easier every time she did it. Jinx raised herself up and kissed Mark on the neck. “Hurry up, bud.”


“Wanna break speed limits?” Mark asked, starting the bike. Jinx smiled at him innocently, making him laugh. Without another word he steered the motorcycle toward the street.


The half hour ride only took twenty minutes. Windblown, exhilarated by the ride, Jinx had barely climbed off the bike when Mark grabbed her to him, claiming her lips with his. He got her into the house almost without breaking contact, and without giving her a chance to protest his rush.


“Don’t I even get a tour?” Jinx asked with a grin as Mark backed her toward the rear of the house.


“Sure. We’ll start in the bedroom.” Mark’s voice was husky. It still sent a shiver down her back at the sound of it, at the wanting that he barely held in check. Jinx backed up and undid the buttons of her shirt, then shrugged it off her shoulders. She playfully tossed it at Mark. He smirked and caught it, then let it drop to the floor as she unhooked her bra and repeated the movement. “Darlin’ this might be the hottest damn thing that’s ever happened in this house.” Mark said, fingering the filmy lingerie he held in his hand.


“Damn. Really?” Jinx unsnapped the button on her jeans, then ran her hands up her stomach to cup her breasts. The bedroom door was ajar. She guided herself in that direction. She’d barely gotten two steps in when Mark was on her, grabbing her against him. He’d stripped his shirt off. Her breasts were pressed against his bare chest. Jinx wiggled maddeningly against him, kicking her shoes off.


“You gonna let me watch you touch yourself some more?” Mark asked. She did not know how it was possible but his voice sounded even huskier. She grinned at him.


“You wanna watch me touch myself?” She asked, extracting herself from his arms. She made a show of pushing her jeans off, taking her panties down with them.


Mark made a low growling noise in his throat. At work, anywhere else, the slightest thing could make Jinx blush. But once they were alone she was damn near too much to take. He had to fight for control every second he was with her. “You don’t have to.” He finally managed to choke out as he watched her slide onto his bed.


“Hmm…I don’t mind. You can watch.” Her eyes locked with his as her hands began roaming her body. She stopped to caress her nipples, to cup her breasts and squeeze them. Mark shed his jeans and climbed onto the bed, reclining back but still in position to watch her hands as she pleasured herself.


Mark reached out and tried to touch her. Jinx playfully smacked his hand away. “Now, now. I’ve got it.” She chastised. Her hand slid between her thighs and she wiggled her hips with a little moan. She stroked her clit gently, in small circles, still looking at him. His eyes were riveted by the slow motion of her fingers on her flesh.


“I don’t know how much of this I’m gonna be able to take.” Mark whispered, looking up into her eyes. Jinx smiled, it faded into another moan as her fingers worked her heated flesh.


Without a word, Mark rose and moved down the bed. Ignoring Jinx’s protests, he settled himself on his stomach, his head between her thighs. His tongue flicked out, swiping at her clit, her fingers. Jinx moaned again and spread herself open for him. Mark did not need more encouragement than that. He ducked his head and went to work with his tongue and mouth, sucking on her, nipping her, licking until she thought she would go crazy.


He slowly slipped a finger inside her, moving it in and out in time to the controlled movements of his tongue. Jinx writhed on the bed, jerking up against his mouth rhythmically as she sought more sensation. Already she could feel that strange hot sensation in the pit of her stomach. She reached down with her free hand and pressed Mark even closer to her center, willing him to go faster, to take her over the edge.


She changed her mind just as it was about to happen. Wiggling, she managed to move away from him. Mark groaned at the interruption, but it changed to a wicked smile as she guided him onto his back. She straddled his head with her knees, facing his feet. Then she leaned down and took his cock into her mouth.


Mark’s hips came up off the bed as she sucked on his, her tongue tracing a wet path up and down his heated flesh. With a moan he spread her open above him and once again went to work on her clit, not trying to be gentle, working her fast and hard, loving the taste of her.


She nipped the head of his cock with her teeth, smiling at his hiss of pleasure. She wrapped a hand around him and began moving her mouth and hand on his at the same time. His hips were jerking against her, forcing his cock in a bit deeper with every thrust.


She murmured wordlessly and sat up, releasing him. Once again she’d been at the edge, but had pulled back. Mark had been damn close too. She would not mind him finishing in her mouth, but she wanted…needed him…inside her.


She slid down his body. Still facing his feet, she straddled his hips, guiding his cock to her wet entrance. Mark stroked her back, her hips, his hand going up to tangle into her hair. With a moan of satisfaction, Jinx lowered herself onto him, taking all of him inside her with one smooth movement.


“Damn…Jayce…” Mark groaned out as she began to rotate her hips, moving him inside of her. She gripped his thighs with her hands and used the leverage to move a bit faster, with more urgency. It was all Mark could do to hold on to her and ride the waves of sensation that were flooding his body.


With another one of those growls, Mark grabbed her hips and rolled onto his side, taking Jinx with him. He spooned her, his hand urging her to wiggle against him as he thrust into her again and again.


Jinx was close, very close, as she felt his cock slide into her body. She reached down and began rubbing her clit again. Mark put his hand over hers to feel her moving. He moaned again, sending another one of those delicious shivers down her back.


“Mark…oh…I’m gonna…” Jinx was not going to try to stop her orgasm this time. She stroked herself a little faster, then stretched her hand lower to feel his balls as he pumped into her body. With a cry she came, jerking against him, her whole body locked down with the feeling.


Mark’s breathing became labored as he struggled to hold on. He could not do it though. The sensation of her climaxing with him inside her was too much. He pumped into her one last time, his hips driving forward as he released into her spent body.


When he finally trusted himself to move, Mark slowly wrapped an arm around Jinx’s sweat-glistening body. Her breathing was just as harsh as his as she tried to catch her breath. Mark snuggled against her, breathing in the scent of her hair.


“I love ya, J.” He mumbled into her hair. Jinx closed her eyes and said nothing as he drifted off to sleep. She was feeling a bit sleepy herself. Sighing, sated, she wiggled closer to his warmth and closed her eyes. Just a little nap. Then maybe she’d be ready to face Mark and his emotions.




Jinx blinked her eyes open and squinted at the sunlight coming in through the window. For a moment, she had a sense of panic-she did not know where she was.


Then she felt Mark’s arm around her waist and relaxed. What happened earlier came flooding back and she smiled. She carefully turned to face him, studying his relaxed features as he slept on, unaware that she was awake.


It was strange how such a big tough guy could look so damn vulnerable while he slept, but Mark managed to do it. Jinx reached up and gently traced his lips with her fingertip. Mark murmured against her but did not wake up. Jinx’s smile widened. She snuggled against him, soaking in his warmth, his scent.


She felt well rested for the first time in days. Being careful not to wake him, Jinx extricated herself from his arms and slid from the bed. Jinx glanced at his alarm clock on the bedside table. Almost four o’clock. With a soft sigh she went toward a half-open door in the corner. A bathroom. She’d thought as much as she went in and closed the door behind her.


Jinx turned on the shower, used the bathroom, and raked her hands through her hair, working out some of the tangles that had formed there. She got into the spray of water, shivering a bit at its coolness. She didn’t want a hot shower, just a quick one.


She was shampooing her hair when strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her backward. Jinx yelped and grabbed at the arms to steady herself so she would not fall down.


“Sorry. Thought you heard me.” Mark’s voice was right in her ear, soothing. Jinx sighed shakily and turned in his arms.


“You gotta stop scaring me. Damn.” Jinx giggled and kissed him. “I tried not to wake you.”


“It’s all right. I’m glad I got up. Waste of time just layin’ around.” Mark kissed her on the tip of the nose, making her smile. “I’ll let ya finish your shower.” He made as if to let her go. Jinx grinned and held onto his arms.


“You can stay. Not like you haven’t seen me before.” She splashed some water at him. “You could probably use one too.”


“You tryin’ to tell me somethin’ woman?” Mark asked with a grin as he stepped around her, into the spray of water.


“Yeah. I wanna see ya wet.” Jinx grinned. She rinsed her hair and grabbed a bar of soap. Without another word she began rubbing his chest with it. Mark watched her, lazy smile on his face. When she’d worked up enough lather she put the soap away and rubbed him with her hands, spreading the lather over his body.


Jinx motioned for him to turn around, then she washed his back. Mark ducked his head under the spray, soaking his hair. He shampooed it quickly while Jinx continued to stroke him. She was finished all too soon. Mark rinsed the soap from his body then gathered her up in his arms.


“What am I gonna do with you?” He asked, that smile still tilting the corners of his lips.


“Uhm…feed me? I’m starving.” Jinx stated with a laugh. Mark grinned and reached out of the shower for a towel. He quickly dried off. Then he grabbed another towel and dried Jinx off, running it over her body, gently rubbing her hair. When she was dry, Jinx followed him back to the bedroom.


Mark rummaged in his closet. “Here.” He tossed a shirt at her and pulled out a pair of shorts for himself. Jinx laughed as she tugged the material over her head.


“I have clothes.” She mumbled, smoothing the white T-shirt down on her body. It fell to mid-thigh.


“You don’t need ‘em. Yet.” Mark said, grinning mischievously.


“Oh. Well.” Jinx took a minute to gather her clothes, including the items left in the hallway, before following Mark back toward the front of the house. The kitchen was to the left. It was huge, with gleaming black appliances and a large butcher block in the center.


“I don’t know if I have anything worth eatin’ here.” Mark said, rummaging into the refrigerator. Jinx wandered around, looking at everything. “Eureka.” Mark’s voice caught her attention. She turned to see him pull a frozen pizza from the freezer. “Not the best food, but it’s ready in ten minutes. Sound all right?”


“Sounds perfect.” Jinx couldn’t remember the last time she’d had pizza. Just the thought of it made her stomach growl. Mark laughed as he put the pizza in the oven.


“Now…what do we do for ten minutes?” He said, looking at her with a gleam in his eye.


Jinx laughed. “What you’re thinking would take more than ten minutes. How about I get to look around now?”


Mark grinned and gestured at the door. “Go ahead.”


Jinx left the kitchen and crossed the hall. The living room was huge, with a giant television and custom made couches. Of course, for a guy Mark’s size this might seem perfectly normal. There were two other bedrooms besides his-one had been converted to a home gym. The other was empty. Both had bathrooms attached, and there was a fourth bathroom in the hall between them.


“I’ll get around to doing something to this room eventually.” Mark said, coming up behind her. To her credit, Jinx did not jump that time. “People keep saying I need to turn it into an office, but what the hell would I do with an office? I’m never home to use it.”


“Well I’ll not make suggestions. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” She grinned at him.


“The pizza’s ready.” He said, his voice dropping low as he met her eyes.


“Good. I’m starving.” She repeated her earlier claim. Mark smiled and took her hand, leading her back to the kitchen.


They ate then moved into the living room to sit on the couch. She suggested watching something on television. Mark had other ideas. She was more than happy to oblige him as he kissed her and touched her through the shirt she had on. But that was all he did. He seemed content to just have a heated make-out session on his couch.


At six, Jinx had to get dressed. She had to go back to the arena. Mark did not argue with her about it, just followed her lead and pulled his own clothes on. He made sure the house was locked tight and helped her onto the bike behind him.


“What are you doing after the show?” Mark asked before starting the engine.


“Um…I don’t know. Nothing?” Jinx gripped his waist in her hands, smiling a bit.


“Good. You wanna come back here with me for the night?”


Jinx’s looked at him thoughtfully. She’d already paid for her hotel room. So now it was like a waste of money. She did not care. “Of course.” Her smile widened when she said it.


“Good.” Mark repeated, turning the key. The ride back seemed shorter than the ride to his house had been. Jinx climbed off the bike with rear regret. Mark grinned at her. “Gotta take it back to the trailer.” He nodded to the left. Mark’s motorcycle went with him everywhere-the production crew usually found a spot for it in one of the prop trailers.


“No bike ride tonight?”


“Maybe.” Mark looked up. “It’s supposed to rain though. We’ll have to wait and see.”


Jinx followed his gaze and looked up into the flawless blue sky. “It’s not gonna rain.”


“You think not?” Mark grinned. “Just wait.” He reached over and took her hand, then brought it to his lips to kiss the back of it. “I’ll be around, if you need me.” Jinx grinned and watched as he herded the bike toward the trailers. She sighed happily and went into the building.


Jinx found a nice spot in a dark corner of the hallway to watch the matches. She dragged a monitor into her corner and sat on an old metal trunk, notepad open, scribbling notes as the guys ran through their programs. Some nights there were only one or two minor mistakes. Others…well…sometimes they just had an off night.


So engrossed in her notes, Jinx did not notice the woman who joined her.


“It seems like they did these same matches yesterday.” The feminine voice sounded amused.


Jinx sighed and looked up at Glen’s wife. “It basically is. Just different guys.”


Charlotte smiled and watched as Glen went to the ring. It was his match. Which meant that Jinx could take a break. “I saw you with Mark earlier.”


The comment took a moment to register. Jinx looked at Charlotte again cautiously. “Yeah?”


“Have you two been…in a relationship?” The way Charlotte hesitated before saying it made Jinx narrow her eyes.


“We’re friends.”


“Oh. Good.” Charlotte was still smiling sweetly. “He’s been blowing us off since we got here. I suppose I could try to talk to him again.”


Jinx realized that the woman was trying to bait her into getting flustered. Instead of that, she kept her face a neutral blank and just looked up at Charlotte.


“Now why in the world would he do that?” She had to struggle to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. She knew that was Evie rubbing off on her.


“I have no idea. I suppose he and Glen aren’t over their little tiff yet.” Charlotte shook her head. “Too bad, really, he and Heather really seemed to get along last time they saw each other.”




“My friend.” Charlotte looked over her shoulder. Down the hall, talking to a couple of the divas, stood a blonde who was every bit as statuesque as Charlotte. “Do you know where Mark went to?”


“I have no idea. Putting his bike up, last time I saw him.” Jinx said, sounding bored and dismissive. If anything she wanted to tell the woman to go away and shut the hell up. Glen was finishing his match. Charlotte looked at the monitor and grinned.


“Well…I suppose I should go. Get these brothers talking again.” She heaved a put-upon sigh, as if this were a job she’d done on numerous occasions. From Mark, Jinx knew that Charlotte had nothing to do with it…he and Glen would just agree to bury the hatchet and start all over.


“You do that.” Jinx forced a smile. Charlotte gave her a strange look before turning on one high-heeled foot and gliding off down the hall. Jinx forced out a breath she hadn’t been aware of holding.


If she were smart, she would go track Mark down first, warn him that Charlotte and…Heather…were looking for him. But…Randy’s music was playing. She could not just up and walk off, leaving her post. “Damn it all.” She muttered, picking up her ink pen. Mark would just have to behave like a big boy, and deal with them himself. At least until she was finished. Jinx glanced at her watch and groaned. Another hour, ninety minutes, tops. Jinx sighed again and settled down, going back to scribbling in her notebook as if she had not been interrupted.




“What are you still doing here?”


Jinx was going over her notes, still sitting on the trunk she’d found. Randy’s voice surprised her.


“I could ask the same thing. Your match ended an hour ago.” Jinx said, grinning at him. Randy did not return it. He looked angry. “What’s wrong?”


“Nothin’.” With that Randy turned and stomped off. Jinx frowned after him, shaking her head. All right. Weird.


With a sigh she stood and stretched, then made her way to the conference room to grab her bag. She’d have to add Randy to her list of things to deal with. She just didn’t have the energy right now.


A few minutes later she was out the door, standing on the loading dock, waiting for Mark. It was not just raining, it was storming, streaks of lightning punctuated with claps of thunder. Great. Jinx huddled close to the building, her bag held protectively in her arms.


The door next to her opened, and Glen stepped out. He glanced at her, then at the rain. He sighed and let the door fall shut behind him.


“Do you need a ride?”


Jinx just looked at him. “Uh…no. Just waiting.”


“Oh.” Glen shoved his hands into his pockets and watched the lightning. “Crazy weather.”


Jinx smiled. “I like it.”


“Do you?” Glen looked at her, smiling a bit himself.


“Yeah. Storms. They’re pretty cool.”


Glen laughed and went back to watching the light show. They were quiet for a few minutes. Jinx wondered well the hell Mark was. She was ready to get out of there, to relax for a while before she had to hit the road again. He was sure taking his sweet time.




Glen startled her out of her thoughts. “Yeah?”


Glen sighed and rubbed his head absently. “Look…I don’t wanna bring up any old shit…”


“Then don’t.” She shifted, holding her bag down beside her.


“I just wanted to say…that I’m sorry for everything.” He looked at her again.




“Mark really likes you.”


“I know.” Jinx smiled at that.


“I can’t begrudge him that.” Glen shook his head. “You’re an easy person to like.”


“I am?” Jinx made a face. Glen chuckled.


“You am.” He said, still smiling a bit. “I guess I just needed to deal with it. If he ever starts hanging out with me again, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”


“I’m not.” Jinx said, looking back at the storm.


“And we can try to be friends, at least.” Glen said softly. Jinx looked at him again, ghost of a smile on her face.


“At least.”


Glen visibly relaxed. Jinx could not help but smile. She was not generally a grudge holder. It took too much energy. And while what they had done had been wrong, Jinx couldn’t help but foot some of the blame. She hadn’t thought to ask some very important questions before they’d started hanging out.


The door behind him opened. Glen stepped out of the way before it could hit him. Charlotte walked out with Heather in tow. “Well, I couldn’t find your brother.” Charlotte said, casting a glance in Jinx’s direction.


“Why are you looking for Mark?” Glen asked, putting an arm around his wife.


“Because I wanted to see if he would come to dinner with us.” Charlotte snuggled against Glen’s side.


“Char…” Glen’s voice held a warning.


“Oh, baby, you know he promised us last time.” Charlotte grinned up at him. Glen shook his head.


“Just give it a rest. Leave him alone. You can get your hooks into somebody else. There’s no shortage.”


The way he said it made Jinx smirk.


“But he promised.” Charlotte whined. Heather just stood there, looking bored.


“No. He said he’d think about it.” Glen shook his head. “Just let it go, Char. Mark’s got his own life to deal with.”


Charlotte glanced at Jinx again, not trying to hide the scorn on her face. “If you say so.”


“I do say so. Let’s get outta here.” Glen led the women away, casting a glance back at Jinx. She raised an eyebrow at him.


She watched as they ran through the rain and piled into Glen’s car. As they left the parking lot the door next to Jinx once more opened, this time with more caution.


“Is it safe out here?” Mark asked, poking his head out.


Jinx laughed. “Please tell my you are not hiding from a couple of girls.”


Mark sighed in relief and came outside. “Girls?” He snorted. “I don’t know what’s gotten into Charlotte. She’s not usually so pushy.”


“Seems to fit her to a T though.” Jinx said, shifting her bag to her other hand. Mark stepped toward her and dropped a kiss on her lips.


“Ready to get outta here?”


“More than.” Jinx did not move though. “I talked to Glen.”


“Did you?”


“He wants to be friends.”


“And you said?” Mark raised an eyebrow.


“I’d think about it.” Jinx smiled at him. “I’m tired of being mad at him. I can’t just keep blaming him.”


Mark smiled back at her. “Sure you can. But it’s your choice.” He chuckled. “Glen always hates it when people are mad at him.” Mark took Jinx’s hand and they jogged through the rain to his car. They settled inside quickly, Mark turning to heat on to dispel the fog that formed on the window.


“You were right.”


“About what?” Mark asked absently, steering the car toward the road.


“Rain.” Jinx sank back against the seat.


“Yup.” Mark said, making her grin. “You wanna eat before we go back?”


“How about we get some groceries and I cook?” Jinx asked, eyeing him. “Much as I love to eat out, I haven’t cooked since I started working here.”


Mark nodded. “Ok. Hey…what’s wrong with your cousin?”


Jinx shook her head. “Hell if I know. He’s pouting over something. I’ll talk to him tomorrow.” Mark guided the car away from the arena as he and Jinx talked about the show, about the weather, about the rumors that always seemed to be going around the locker room.


They stopped at a store and Jinx went in alone. She wanted to get in and out quickly-and having Mark would make that next to impossible. It was after eleven, but the store was doing brisk business. Jinx threw some things into a cart and hurried to get them outside.


Her cell phone rang as she got into the passenger seat. Mark turned the radio down so she could hear. “Hello?”


“Just making sure you’re still alive.” Evie said with a laugh.


“And kicking.” Jinx replied. “I’m being kidnapped for the night.”


“Don’t let him tie you up too tight, J. I’ll see you in Vegas tomorrow. Have a good time.”


“I plan to.” Jinx smiled and hung up the phone. Mark glanced at her. “Evie.”




“She said no bondage.”


Mark chuckled. “Damn.”


“Too bad. I was going to tie you up.”




“Yeah.” Jinx grinned at him. “For your own good. To protect you from Heather.”


Mark groaned. “Like I needed reminding.”


“She’s pretty.” Jinx said, fiddling with her hair. She’d always kept it on the short side, but it had grown out while she was on the road. It hung over her shoulders, dripping from the rain.


“If you like over made Barbie dolls.” Mark said, turning onto the road that would lead to his house.


“And you don’t?”


“Definitely not.” He gave her a meaningful look. Jinx blushed a bit and looked away. Mark turned into his driveway and stopped as close to the house as he could. “Come on, let’s get inside and relax.”


“Sounds good to me.” Jinx followed his lead and got out of the car, grabbing a couple of bags of groceries on her way. Mark opened the door for her and they went inside. Jinx looked at him and laughed. “I guess we both look like a couple of drowned rats.”



“Well…” Mark grinned slowly and stepped forward. Jinx set the bags down and let herself be pulled into his arms. “You’re about the prettiest drowned rat I’ve ever seen.”


She laughed. Mark kissed her. “What about dinner?” Jinx asked breathlessly when he pulled away to nibble at her neck.


“Later.” Mark was half-carrying her toward the back of the house.


“The food…has to be…put up…” Jinx gasped out as Mark’s hand settled on her breast.


“It’ll still be there…” Mark murmured, flicking his tongue over her earlobe. He opened the door and led Jinx to the bed. She was grinning at him.


“I’ll get the ropes, I guess.” She said, unbuttoning her rain-soaked shirt. Mark chuckled and pulled her onto the bed, mindless of the wet clothes. He wanted her, he could not wait. Jinx could say nothing else as he began making love to her, lost in a fog of lust.


Several hours later, after he’d finally let her make their dinner, Jinx lay snuggled against Mark in his bed. She was tired but unable to fall asleep. Mark had drifted away as soon as he’d gotten comfortable. Jinx lay in the dark room, barely able to make out his features as she lay pressed against him.


“Mark?” Jinx whispered softly. He did not answer. His breathing was steady, deep. She smiled in the darkness and traced his arm with her fingers. Thunder still rumbled occasionally from the west. Every now and then, a streak of lightning would illuminate the bedroom.


She snuggled closer to him, putting her arm around his waist. “Mark?” She said it a bit louder. He did not respond. Jinx sighed and closed her eyes. “I love you.” She whispered to his sleeping form. And now she could sleep. Even if he hadn’t heard her with she’d said it, it had been gnawing at her for days. Jinx yawned and drifted to sleep in Mark’s arms, her mind finally shutting up and letting her sleep.




Jinx founding herself humming the tune to that old Elvis song as she walked into the hotel they would be staying at for the weekend.  Normally the thought of going to a place that was based on gambling did nothing for her. Now…she felt better than she had in weeks.


Mark had been strangely quiet on the drive. He’d answered questions, nodded thoughtfully, and occasionally pointed out milestones. That was it. Jinx did most of the talking, and when she got tired of that she turned on the radio. It was the first time in a long time she’d been uncomfortable around him.


She’d shaken it off when he’d parked and kissed her soundly in the underground garage. With a grin she’d entered the building, leaving Mark to check in for himself.


Evie was at the desk…actually to the side of it, rolling her eyes at something John said. She spotted Jinx and grinned. “Woman…how was the kidnapping?”


Jinx laughed. “Fabulous.”


“Can you believe this crap? In Vegas for ten minutes and jerk here wants me to go to a chapel with him and get married.” Evie poked John in the side.


“The jerk is standing here, you know.” John said, not sounding put out in the least by Evie’s attitude.


“Then just stand there and look pretty. I swear. Boys are like kids. They should be seen and not heard.” Evie huffed.


“Kinda harsh.” Jinx observed.


“Just wait. Let’s see how many proposals you get throughout the day, we’ll compare notes.” Evie shook her head. “What’s wrong with Randy?”


“Why do people keep asking me?” Jinx said, looking around. Randy was sitting by himself in the lobby, staring out the window.


“I dunno. He’s in a funk.” Evie shifted her bag on her shoulder.


“Well there ya go.” John spoke up. “Mystery solved. Can we go upstairs now?”


“Damn, what’s your hurry?” Evie eyed him.


“If you would come on, I’d show ya.” John smiled winningly at her.


“Can’t find an argument with that one.” Evie grinned back. She looked at Jinx. “I guess I’ll call you later.”


“If you can. You two have fun.” Jinx waved and decided to see what was going on with her cousin.


Randy looked at her blankly for a moment, the slid over on the couch so she could sit next to him. “You wanna talk about it?” Jinx asked, sighing as she relaxed.


“Nothin’ to talk about.”


“Sure. I’ve had hundreds of people asking ME what’s wrong with you. Now give me an answer to give them. Besides PMS.”


Randy frowned at her. “Funny.”


“I try. So spit it out. What did I do?”


“You haven’t done anything.” Randy said, looking surprised she’d thought it was her fault. He sighed. “It’s those…women…with Glen.”


“Uh oh.”


“That blonde one…”


“Heather.” Jinx supplied for him.


“Yeah. Char’s all right, I’ve met her before, but that other chick takes bitch to a new level. She thinks you’re moving in on her territory.”


“Territory?” Jinx raised an eyebrow.


“Taker. Mark. You know.” Randy shot her a meaningful glance. “I’ve seen more of her than I have of you lately. And let me tell you, I’m not liking it one bit.”


“So ignore the bitch.”


“Kinda hard to. She holds court like she belongs here. Plus…she was badmouthing you to a couple of the guys. I heard her.”


Jinx thought about that for a moment. Did she really care that some random woman who had nothing to do with the business was telling lies about her? Nope. It didn’t bother her in the least.


“She’s got the hots for Mark.” Jinx finally said.


“No shit.”


“I think she just wants him cuz she can’t have him. You know the type.” Jinx put her hand on Randy’s arm. “Stop letting it get to you. I’m a big girl, I don’t need you flying off the handle every time somebody crosses me.”


“I’m not off the handle. And it’s not just this.”


“Then what else is it?” Jinx asked, sounding a bit exasperated.


“I’m just having a bad fuckin’ week.” Randy muttered, leaning back.




“That’s all I wanna say about it. Found out my TV time got cut.”


“Ah. The fate worse than death.” Jinx commiserated. She was smiling a bit.


“Joke all you want. It’s not funny.”


“You’re funny when you’re mad. When did they cut you?”


“A few days ago.” Randy sighed and ran a hand over his eyes.


“Maybe you should take a couple of weeks off.” Jinx suggested. Randy looked at her as if she’d lost her mind.


“Are you nuts?” He asked, confirming her diagnosis of his expression.




“I can’t just up and go.” Randy said, shaking his head.


“Why not? You have time saved up, I know that. Go, recharge, come back on fire. Isn’t that what you guys do?”


“Some of ‘em.” Randy sighed again. “Time off, huh?”


“Works wonders for some.” Jinx grinned and picked up her bag, rising to her feet. “I’ll talk to Eric, see how soon we can get you outta here. Then we…as in you and I…will sit down and go over where you wanna be. Sound all right?”


“I guess.” Randy sounded petulant. Jinx reached over and tousled his hair.


“Stop pouting, Rand. You’re gonna be all right.” Jinx smiled at him. “I’ll call you later, let you know what Eric says.” Randy waved but said nothing as Jinx walked away. 


With a sigh Jinx got on the first elevator that opened and went up to her room. She settled her things and picked up the phone, dialing Eric’s number. They discussed Randy for a while, going over his ring performance, trying to figure out when he could feasibly take time off.


That taken care of, she stripped out of her clothes and climbed into a hot bath. Now…her only problem was this Heather person. The woman had not even said a word to her but was already on Jinx’s last nerve.


Bath done, she toweled off and got dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a white t-shirt clipped back at the waist. Jinx was off that day and was going to play tourist for a while. She’d never been to Vegas. She grabbed her room key, sunglasses, and wallet and left her room for a while.


Jinx wandered aimlessly for a while, taking in the sights. She stopped every now and then to laugh at postcards, to look through souvenirs, or to watch someone play the games in one of the casinos. In two hours she’d had her fill of the heat, the crowds, and went back to the hotel.


She was crossing the lobby when she heard Mark’s voice. He was laughing. Jinx looked in his direction and saw he was standing near the check-in desk, talking to…her eyes narrowed. That Heather woman.


Mark must have sensed her looking, because he turned his head in her direction. Jinx just stared at him for a long moment, ignoring the strange look on his face. Heather noticed that she’d lost Mark’s attention and looked around, grinning impishly when she caught sight of Jinx.


Jinx looked from Heather to Mark, her eyebrow raised. Then she turned and continued on to the elevators. The doors where sliding shut when she heard Mark’s voice from the hall, calling her name. Jinx ignored him and let the doors close.


She hurried to her room and locked the door behind her. Then for good measure she took the phone off the hook. She couldn’t believe his nerve, giving her the cold shoulder all morning, talking about how he didn’t like that woman…then giggling with her in the lobby like she was an old…close…friend.


Someone knocked on the door. It did not take a genius IQ to figure out who it would be. Jinx ignored it, staring at the television where some movie played out. It was too bad that Evie was occupied with John. She could use her friend’s hotheaded support right about now.


Mark eventually stopped knocking. Jinx breathed a sigh of relief and turned down the volume on the TV.  Her cell phone was ringing. She ignored that too. It was just so damn frustrating…she loved him. She was ready to admit to his face that she loved him. And now this. Not knowing what else to do, Jinx turned her cell off so she would not have to hear it and picked up the room phone. Evie was getting interrupted whether she was ready or not.






Evie managed to say in one word everything that Jinx was feeling at that moment.


“I don’t know who’s the bigger asshole. Mark for being a moron, or that bitch for being a fucking whore.” Evie continued ranting. It made Jinx feel good just being around her. Evie was not afraid to speak her mind. That was one of the reasons Jinx liked her.


“I should just call him and find out why…”


Evie did not let her finish. “You know what? Fuck all that. Why was he rubbing shoulders with this bitch in plain sight of everybody while you have to keep your fling a secret? It’s bullshit.”


“I know this.” Jinx sighed.


“And doing it in a place where you could actually see it!” Evie ranted on, as if Jinx had not spoken. “He’s got balls, I’ll give him that. Did he expect you to just wait in your room til he was done with psycho slut?”


“I don’t know what…”


Again Jinx did not get to finish. “Fuck it. You’re coming with me tonight.”


“I am?”


“Yup.” Evie rose to her feet and began going through her bags. “We’re going on a double date.”


“We are?”


“Yeah we are. There is more to life that just one guy, especially if you aren’t married to him.” Evie pointed out, a grin on her face.


“I don’t think this is a good idea.” Jinx said, shaking her head.


“It’s a great idea.” Evie said, tossing clothes at Jinx.


Jinx caught them and just looked at Evie with her eyes wide. “Who?”


“What?” Evie asked, pulling a pair of boots from her bag.


“Who are you going to go out with?”


“Who are WE going out with.” Evie corrected.


“Ok, who are we going out with?” Jinx repeated, mimicking Evie’s inflections.


“A couple of friends of mine.” Evie said cryptically. “Get dressed.”


“Right now?” It was still kind of early. Not yet seven. The day had passed quickly.


“No better time. Go on, get dressed.” Evie waved her toward the bathroom. Jinx went reluctantly. She knew this was a horrible idea. She was angry at Mark, she did not want to spend the evening making nice to some random men that Evie knew.


With that in her mind, Jinx changed clothes. She didn’t know how Evie managed to talk her into doing things. She smoothed the skirt over her hips, eying herself critically in the bathroom mirror. Evie had tossed her a black leather skirt that stopped just above the knee and a blue tank top made of some silky, shimmery material that hugged her curves. The boots were knee-hit black leather as well.


Evie whistled when Jinx came out. “You look great, J.”


“What am I looking great for?”


“For yourself, silly.” Evie adjusted her top. She was wearing an outfit similar to Jinx’s, although Evie’s flashed a bit more skin. “Stop worrying, let’s go out and have a good time.”


“I’ll attempt but make no promises.” Jinx said with a rueful smile. Evie fussed over their hair and makeup and was finally ready to head out for the night. Sighing, wondering what exactly she was in for, Jinx followed Evie to the elevators, still not sure if she really wanted to be doing this.




“I really, really don’t wanna be here.” Jinx said upon entering the bar.


Evie had called a cab to take them from their hotel to this place. It was definitely not a tourist spot, it was too far off the strip for that. The place was full but not overcrowded. A jukebox in the corner belted out old country songs, but not at a deafening tone. A few couples were dancing.


“Well, get over it.” Evie said with a laugh. “We’re just having us a girls night.” She was scanning the room. “There they are.”


Jinx looked in the direction of Evie’s gaze. She had no clue which ‘they’ her friend was talking about. Evie led her through the maze of tables and booths, coming to a stop in the corner.


There were two men sitting in the booth. One of them had shaggy blonde hair. The other was bald. Jinx thought they both looked slightly familiar.


“Evie!” Blondie said, rising to his feet. Evie grinned and hugged him.


“Chris, I have missed you!” Evie said back to him. They parted. She turned to Jinx. “This is my friend, Jayce.”


Chris grinned at her and took her hand. “Nice to meet you.”


“You too.” Jinx murmured.


“And this…is Steve.” Evie pointed to the second man, who looked amused at the three that were standing.


“How ya doin’?” Steve had a definite Texan accent when he spoke. Jinx smiled at him.


The men stood so the women could slide into the booth. Evie sat next to Chris, chatting excitedly. Which left Jinx sitting next to Steve. He looked at her, a smile on his lips. He had very piercing blue eyes.


“Hon, you want a drink?” Steve was signaling the waitress. Jinx started shaking her head and thought better of it. She was supposed to be having fun, right?


“Sure. I’ll take a screwdriver.”


Steve raised an eyebrow and ordered for all of them. The waitress was back in a few minutes with their drinks. Jinx took a sip and smiled. She hadn’t had one of these in years.


“So…you’re brave enough to be friends with Ev over there?” Steve asked to break the silence. Jinx laughed. Evie shot him a sour look.


“I somehow manage to stay on her good side.” Jinx said with a grin.


“She manages to get mad at me every other day.” Steve said, expression serious. Jinx laughed again.


“She’ll do that.”


“I can hear you guys.” Evie said, trying to look stern.


“That’s what makes it funny.” Steve pointed out to her. “So how long you been working for Vince?” He turned his attention back to Jinx.


“Uh…almost a year?” It seemed impossible that it had been that long. “You’re Steve Austin.” She added, the name suddenly coming to her.


Steve laughed. “You got me.” He grinned at her. “I’ve been gone a while, doing some other things. Just in town for the weekend. Evie here wanted to get away from Johnny for a while. And since I’m partial to having a few drinks every now and then, I thought I’d oblige her.”


Jinx giggled and sipped at her drink. “That’s our Evie.”


“That it is.” Steve grinned and finished his beer. Chris ordered another round for everyone, barely interrupting his conversation with Evie to do it. Jinx swirled the ice in her glass, uncomfortable, not really wanting to be there even if Steve seemed nice. “Relax, hon. Nobody’s gonna bite ya.” Steve said, watching her toy with her drink.


Jinx gave him a shaky smile. The waitress brought them fresh drinks. Steve, Evie and Chris began discussing some storyline or other that they’d done a long time ago. Jinx felt lost as she finished her second drink. She missed Mark damn it. They had gotten to a point where they spent almost every night together. And here she was at some seedy bar with Evie and two guys she did not know.


Their third round of drinks came. Evie was looking at Jinx with a slight frown on her face. “If you boys don’t mind, I believe J and I need a little trip to the girl’s room.” The men rose to let the women slide out of the booth. Jinx followed Evie toward the back. Evie said nothing until they were in the bathroom.


“What is wrong with you?”


“What do you think?” Jinx shot back.


“I think that you are sitting there, getting drunk, thinkin’ about Mark, that’s what I think.” Evie grumbled. “Well knock it off. This is a girl’s night. I’m not tryin’ to shove Steve down your throat. He’s a nice guy…he’s a fun guy. Just try to relax, would ya?”


Jinx sighed. “I’ll try.”


“You two have been together so much lately, it’s like there is nothing else going on in the world. Well…I say you need space every now and then.”


“I know.” Jinx agreed reluctantly. “I just hope my disappearing won’t force him into…”


“No. No.” Evie raised a hand to stop her. “If he cares about you at all, if he loves you, he’s gonna be sitting in his room, beating himself up. Not runnin’ around with some tramp. You got me?” Evie pointed at herself. “And if he really cares about you, do you think he’d be all pissed that you wanted to go hang out with friends for a change?”


“I dunno. I guess.”


“John knows where I am you know. I told him I was hanging out with Chris and Steve tonight. He said…have a good time. That was it. No argument. I don’t have to worry about him being all crazy. For some damn reason he trusts me. So consider this a test of trust and try to have a good time.”


“I will.” Jinx sighed. “You’re right.”


“Of course I’m right.” Evie grinned. She rummaged in her purse, pulling out some lipstick. “Here, touch up.” Jinx added more color and studied herself in the mirror. “Ready?”


“I need a minute. I’ll be out.” Jinx said, looking toward the stalls. She did not have to go to the bathroom, she just needed a minute alone. Evie seemed to understand that. She grinned and left the room.


Jinx set her purse on the sink and pulled her cell phone out. She powered it back on and glanced at the screen. Twelve missed calls and one voicemail. She warily dialed her voicemail and played the message. It was Mark of course, who had gotten tired of her not answering and had finally left a message.


“Jayce…where are you?” She heard him sigh. He was quiet for a few seconds. “Would you please stop ignoring me and at least call me? I love ya…” With that he hung up. Jinx exited her voicemail and jumped as her phone started ringing in her hand. Probably Mark again. She did not bother looking. She powered it back off, cutting the call off in mid-ring.


Feeling marginally better, Jinx tucked her phone away and headed back to the booth. Mark had sounded just as bad as Jinx felt, which gave her some comfort.


Steve grinned at her and stood so she could slide back into the booth. “Did I miss anything good?” She asked.


“Nah. Chris and Evie arguing, but you can see that all the time.” Steve chuckled. Chris and Evie were on the dance floor at the moment, swaying to the music. Jinx finished her third drink and looked at Steve, who was looking at her.


“You wanna dance?”


“Uhm…sure.” Jinx smiled at him. Steve slid off the booth one more time and took her hand, leading her to the dance floor. The three screwdrivers were starting to kick in. Jinx stepped willingly into his arms and let him move them to the music.




Evie and Jinx leaned on each other as they rode up in the elevator.


Jinx had lost track of her drinks after the sixth one. They had played some drinking game after dancing a few times. Jinx had been surprisingly good at it. Until they’d played teams. Every time Steve drank, she had to drink. She was giggly, light-headed, and felt good for the first time that day.


Steve had gotten the women a cab. He hugged Evie, promising to call her. Then he hugged Jinx and kissed her on the cheek, thanking her for keeping him entertained. He had to leave, he had other people he was meeting.


Chris rode in the cab with them, laughing at Evie as she struggled with her seatbelt. He escorted the women upstairs on the elevator and helped Jinx get into her room. She told him good night. He grinned and was off the aid Evie.


Jinx started stripping off Evie’s clothes, tossing them all into a pile on the floor. She giggled, thinking she’d have to write herself a note to take them back to her friend. In her bra and panties she went to the air conditioning controls and turned it low. She was hot. She stood in the wash of cold air for a few seconds. It felt heavenly.


There was a knock at the door. Jinx turned and almost tripped on her own feet. Still giggling, she went to the door and threw it open, mindless that she was hardly dressed to accept company.


Mark stood there, a worried look on his face. Jinx grinned at him and let him into the room. “Hey there, Mark.” She slurred out, slamming the door shut.


“Jayce…” Mark watched her warily as she moved around the room. It was obvious she was drunk.


“Evie got me hammered.” Jinx said with a giggle.


“I can see that.”


“Her friends are nice.” Nice came out nishe. She laughed at herself.


“I’m glad you had a good time. Look…about earlier…”


“I don’t wanna talk about it.” Jinx stood in front of him, looking up at Mark with a slight smile on her lips. She reached out and began toying with the buttons on his shirt.


“What…” Mark had to clear his throat before he could finish. “What are you doing?”


It was kind of obvious what she was doing as she undid the buttons, exposing his chest. Jinx ran her hands up his smooth skin. “What do ya think I’m doin’?”


“Jayce…” Mark caught her hands as she began working the button fly of his jeans. She was pissed off with him, he knew it, the alcohol was just clouding her mind.


She looked up at him, annoyed. “Come on, Mark. You know you wanna do it too.”


“You know I would love to. But not like this, J. Not when you’re drunk.”


“Right.” Jinx pushed him away and stared at him, aggravated. “You probably already had a great night with Miss fake blonde. What was I thinkin’?”


Mark groaned and rubbed his face with one hand. “I didn’t…”


“Bullshit you didn’t. Why the hell would you want somebody like me when you could have somebody like her?” Jinx was pushing him toward the door.


“I do not want her, Jayce.” Mark said, his voice carrying a low warning note. “I want you. I love you. Why can’t you believe that?”


Jinx stared up at him. She blinked slowly a few times. “Well…” She stopped pushing at him. She suddenly felt like crying. Mark’s annoyed face became his concerned face as she struggled with whatever she was going to say. She shook his hands off her shoulders and took a deep breath. “I love you. Ok? I wanna kill that bitch for even talkin’ to you. If I see her talkin’ to you again, I might not be able to control myself. Damn it!” Jinx shoved him one last time then went to sit on the edge of the bed. Mark stared at her with his mouth open.


He finally shook himself out of his thoughts and knelt in front of her. “Jayce…do you mean that?”


“Hell yeah. I’ll fuckin’ wring her neck.”


“Not…that.” Mark said with a chuckle. “Did you mean it when you said you love me?”


“I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.” She said with a put-upon sigh. “I’m an idiot.”


“No you’re not.” Mark cupped her face in his hands.


“Yeah I am. I’m too late, right? Story of my life.” She muttered, not wanting to look at him. It hurt too much.


“You are not too late, damn it.” Mark laughed and kissed her. “I love you, Jayce. Only you. I love you so much it’s scary sometimes.”


She sighed and nodded. “Yeah.” Mark grinned.


“This morning…”


“Ugh. I’m not going to like this.” Jinx said.


Mark shook his head. “This morning I was talking to Glen in the lobby when that woman came up to us. She was flirting. I was laughing at her. Not to goad her on, just to make her feel like shit.”


“Oh.” Jinx eyed him. “You were talkin’ to Glen?”


Mark smiled. “Yeah. Had something I wanted to discuss with him. He gave me his full approval though.”


“Approval on what?” Jinx asked, confused.


“I’m not gonna tell you right now. You’re drunk. I don’t want that to influence your decision.” Mark kissed the backs of her hands and moved as if to stand up. Jinx reached out, stopping him before he could move.


“Don’t leave me.” She whispered. Mark studied her eyes, nodding his head.


“I would never.” He kissed her forehead and took her hands, rising to his feet. “Come on, I’ll run you a shower. It’ll help sober you up a little bit. Then we’ll get coffee from room service.”


“Sounds like a plan.” Jinx tripped and felt herself fall against his chest. Mark shook his head and grinned. “You’re staying?”


“You couldn’t force me out of here.” He said, leading her to the bathroom. Jinx was singing as she showered in the cool spray. Mark grinned and went to the telephone. Jinx was going to have one hell of a hang over the next day.




Mark tried to wake Jinx up the next morning. She refused to move, barely lifting a hand to wave him away when he’d leaned toward her. With a smirk he’d taken a quick shower and headed out for his early workout.


Jinx managed to drag herself out of bed just before noon. She had to be at the arena at one for a meeting with Eric, JR, and a few other people. There was a pay-per-view the next night. After the meeting she’d be free again until the next morning. As she stood in the coldest spray of shower she could stand, Jinx swore off alcohol. Her thoughts were fuzzy. She remembered going out with Evie. Meeting a couple of guys and dancing. And she thought maybe Mark had come to her room, but that part was still lost in fog.


With a sigh she got dressed. Her head did not hurt, but her stomach was queasy and she felt as if she could sleep for about twelve more hours. She had to brush her teeth three times to get the taste of coffee, orange juice and vodka from her breath.


Sunglasses settled firmly over her eyes, Jinx went to the arena. Evie looked a bit worse that Jinx did, so she got to at least make fun of her for a few minutes. The group ran over the match line-up for the next night and began sketching out the following television taping.


By three they were done. Jinx wanted nothing more than a soak in the tub. Evie looked like she could use the same. They ate a light, late lunch and headed back to the motel.


When Jinx got to her room, she got a rather unwelcome surprise. Charlotte was standing there, looking model perfect. With a sigh, Jinx eyed her warily. Charlotte smiled at her. Not the smarmy, hateful smile she’d seen before. This was…and Jinx actually did not believe it…warm.




“Hello.” Jinx nodded at her. Charlotte was blocking her room.


“Look, I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting.” Charlotte did not mince words. She got right to the point. “Glen told me about you and Mark. And I guess I realize now that he’s happy. So I’m not going to bother him.”


“Good.” Jinx waited with an eyebrow up until Charlotte stepped aside.


“I know I can be a bitch when I want to be.”


“Can’t we all?” Jinx asked sweetly, putting the key in the lock.


“At times.” Charlotte smiled again. “I apologize. Mark speaks very highly of you.”


“Oh.” Great. Jinx wondered why it sounded like some kind of job interview. She smirked, understanding at last why Glen had panicked before his wedding. Jinx would have too.


“That’s all I wanted to say.” Charlotte smoothed imaginary wrinkles from her skirt. “We’d like you and Mark to join us for dinner tomorrow night after the show.”


The invitation caught Jinx by surprise. She stared at the other woman, silent for a moment. “I’ll have to ask Mark, I guess.” Jinx finally said.


Charlotte nodded. “All right. Let me know tomorrow so we know whether or not to wait for you.” With that Charlotte headed off down the hallway, leaving Jinx to stare after her.


“What was that about?” Jinx said out loud. Shaking her head, she went into her room. The bathtub was practically calling her name.


An hour later she was wrapped in a towel and lounging on her bed. Someone rattled the doorknob. Jinx looked up to see Mark coming into the room.


“Ok, call me a moron for asking, but how did you get a key to my room?” Jinx asked, tucking her towel more securely around her body.


“The desk clerk is a fan.” Mark said with a grin. He came to the bed and leaned down to kiss her. “You look comfortable.”


“I am. Finally.” She shifted so he could stretch out beside her. Jinx let herself be cradled against him. “I haven’t forgotten to be mad at you, by the way.” She said with a smirk.


“Mad at me for what?” Mark asked, peering at her.


“For the clinger you had in the lobby yesterday.”


“We already worked that out, J.” Mark said wryly.


“Did we? I disremember.” Jinx smiled.


“I guess that’s better than not remembering at all.” Mark shifted, digging into the pocket of his jeans. “I have something for you.”


“Really?” Jinx sat up a little and watched as he pulled a black velvet box from his pocket. She eyed it warily as he held it out to her.


“Go on. It won’t bite.” Mark was still smiling. Jinx gingerly took the box from him and turned it over in her fingers, looking at him with a slight frown on her face.


“I’m afraid to ask what it is.” She said truthfully. Before he could tell her she snapped the top open and her eyes widened at the sight of the ring that was nestled inside. She looked up and met his eyes. “Mark…”


“Don’t argue with me. Just this once, don’t argue.” Mark said hoarsely. “Try it on.”


Jinx heaved and sigh and pulled the ring from its box. Then she slid it onto her right ring finger. It was gold, and the diamonds on it sparkled in the light. “I can’t accept this.” She said, admiring it.


“No, you can’t.” Mark pushed himself to a sitting position next to her and slid the ring from her finger. Jinx looked at him as if he’d lost his mind. Mark smiled. “Wrong finger.” He took her left hand and put the ring on her finger.


“Are you kidding me?” Jinx asked, her voice barely a squeak.


“Would I joke about something so serious?” Mark asked, all humor fading from his eyes. He locked gazes with Jinx and stroked her hand. “I love ya. I want to marry you. Right now, next week, next year. I don’t care. I just know that I want you, Jayce.”


“Mark…” Once again she felt at a loss for words. She looked at the ring, then at his eyes. Jinx sniffled, tears springing to her eyes. “I can’t believe you proposed to me and all I’m wearing is a towel.”


Mark grinned slowly. “I don’t care what you’re wearing. Say yes.”


“I…” She took a shaky breath and closed her eyes. “Ok.”


“Ok?” Mark sounded as if he didn’t believe it.


“Yes. Yes, yes, yes.” Jinx laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you.”


Mark closed his eyes at the sound of her saying it. Sober this time. Wonders never ceased. “Love you, too.” He said hoarsely. “I don’t want to rush you into it. Whenever you’re ready, I’m ready.”


“You have been more than patient with me.” Jinx said with a grin. She hugged him tighter. “Right now.”




“You want me to change my mind?” She pulled back to look at him. Mark grinned at her.


“Hell no. We need to find a place…”


“This IS Vegas.” Jinx reminded him.


“True.” Mark winked at her. “I’m already imagining the honeymoon.”


Jinx smacked his chest playfully. “You would be.”


Mark laughed. “Get dressed. Let’s do this before you come to your senses or I run off to Peru. If you want me to get all dressy, speak now. We’re only gonna do this once today.”


“I don’t need you dressy. Less clothes to take off you later.” Jinx slid from the bed and dropped the towel, giving him an eyeful of her naked body. “I’ll be out in ten minutes. Better hit the phone book.”


Mark did as she said, listening with a smile as she got dressed. He was wearing jeans and a button down black shirt. Jinx came out of the bathroom in a dark green skirt and a lighter green shell top. She looked beautiful. Mark could not take his eyes off of her as she went to the chair to slide her feet into high heels.


“I want you to stop takin’ those pills.” He said, totally from left field. Jinx looked up at him, a quizzical lift to her brow.


“Ok. Why?”


“I want kids. Do you want kids?”


“Do you think we could actually get through the wedding ceremony before we get knocked up?” Jinx laughed.


“I’ll try to control myself. So do you?”


“Well…yeah. At least a couple.” Jinx grinned at him. “I’m ready.”


“I’m glad.” Mark grinned and took her hand, helping her to her feet. “Should we tell anybody?”


“Oh. Uh…if I tell Evie she’ll talk me out of it.” Jinx said with a laugh. “Randy might kill me. He’s in a mood. So I’m all for no audience.”


“I can deal with that.” Mark grinned and led her out of the room. They went out the back entrance of the hotel, trying to avoid the mob of fans at the front. Mark had called a cab. It waited for them at the corner.


They were quiet on the way to the chapel. Mark sighed. “I didn’t get bands.”


“What?” Jinx had been looking out the window, not believing she was actually doing this. Mark’s voice shook her out of her thoughts.


“You know, wedding bands. I didn’t think about it.”


The driver heard them and laughed. “Most chapels sell them.”


“Do they?” Jinx asked, curious.


“Oh yeah. Rings, dresses, you name it. It’s big business around here.” The man made a turn. “I know you said you wanted to go to the place on Fifth, but if you want, I can do you one better.”


Jinx and Mark shared a look. “Somewhere you know?”


“Best chapel in town. My sister’s husband runs it.” He grinned with pride.


“Well, get us there quick.” Mark said with a laugh. He squeezed Jinx’s hand in his, nervous, more nervous than he’d been the first time he’d done this.


The cabbie pulled up in front of a very plain white-board building. Jinx and Mark exchanged an amused look as the man held the door open for them to climb out. He led the way into the building. The entryway was just as plain as the outside.


A very tall woman stood behind the counter than was situated in the corner. She looked to be in her late fifties with silver hair and a very demure pale blue outfit. She smiled at Mark and Jinx, and looked to the cab driver. “What do we have here, Tim?”


Tim grinned. “Got a couple of lovebirds. Thought we’d do it up right.” The woman laughed and looked at Mark and Jinx.


“Welcome. I’m Amanda Carlson. This is my nephew, Timothy. How can I help you two?” The woman all but dripped southern accent when she spoke.


“We’d like to get married.” Mark spoke for both of them. Amanda’s smile broadened.


“Of course. Why else would you be here?” She rummaged behind the counter and pulled out a folder. “We’ll need you to sign a few things before the ceremony can began. To make it nice and legal.” She began explaining the paperwork. Jinx and Mark both signed dutifully. Amanda grinned. “And going through all the paperwork without a complaint means you must really be meant to be.” She said with humor. Jinx laughed nervously. Mark grinned.


“I’m on duty. You two…good luck!” Tim said. He offered Mark and handshake and kissed Jinx on the cheek before heading out the door.


“If you two will follow me…” Amanda brought their attention back to her. They trailed her down a dimly lit hallway. “Do you have rings?”


“No. The…uh…Tim said we might be able to get those here.”


“Tim’s not right about a lot of things, but he’s at least got that right.” Amanda said with a laugh. “Right this way.” She held a door open for them. They waited patiently while Amanda went into a back room. She came out carrying two trays.


Jinx and Mark picked over the rings, trying to agree on one. They finally settled on plain gold bands that were a bit wider than usual. Amanda noted the purchase on her notepad and pocketed the rings with a wink. She led them back to the hallway.


“Now, if you want to actually march down the aisle we suggest the bride stay here, in this room.” Amanda pointed.


“We’d rather do this as simply as possible.” Jinx said, smiling at the older woman.


“Of course. I understand. I myself had a very lavish wedding and regretted the cost ever since. It’s part of the reason why we opened this chapel.” She smiled. “I know from outside it doesn’t look like much…”


“We aren’t really in it for aesthetic value.” Mark said wryly.


“But I think you are about to be pleasantly surprised.” Amanda finished, grinning at the couple. She came to a halt at a set of double doors. With a flourish she opened them, admitting Mark and Jinx into the actual ceremony room.


The sight of it almost took Jinx’s breath away. It was much larger than the building appeared to be from outside. The walls and roof were made entirely of blue tinted glass. The room was filled with flowers. Roses, tulips, carnations, row after row of color, set painstakingly at various points in the room. There was even grass growing on either side of the cracked concrete walkway. At placed among the flowers, there were benches, presumably for guests to sit during the ceremony.


Overall the room gave the feeling of being outside, in a garden. Jinx tightened her grip on Mark’s hand as they followed Amanda toward the head of the room. “He just finished up another couple.” Amanda whispered back to them.


“It’s beautiful here.” Jinx finally managed to say. Amanda smiled.


“I modeled it after my garden back home on Georgia.” She admitted. “No one should have to get married in a plain old box of a room.”


Amanda’s husband stood at the end of the walkway, a smile on his face, watching his wife lead the engaged couple to the alter. He was just as silver haired as his wife, and just as tall. The alter itself stood under a canopy of flowers.


“Is it too much for you?” Jinx asked as she walked forward. Mark looked at her and shook his head.


“I can tell you love it. If you want it, I want it.” He smiled.


Jinx grinned back and came to a halt as Amanda introduced them to Nicholas. Although she only referred to him as Nick after the initial handshakes.


“Are we ready?” Nick asked, looking from Mark to Jinx.






The older man smiled at their unison answer and stood before them, book open in front of him. Jinx felt tears prick her eyes as he read through the traditional wedding vows. Amanda gave them their rings when the time came. She could not take her eyes from Mark’s as he slid the band home on her finger.


Before she knew it, Nick was telling Mark to kiss the bride. She managed to kiss him back, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. Amanda had them pose for a few pictures before they could leave. She’d mail them as soon as she made prints.


Jinx still could not believe they had actually done it. They were married. She was no longer Jinx Orton. She was now Jayce Calaway. It would take some getting used to.


“What are you smiling about? And the answer had better be me.” Mark growled into her ear as they got into another cab. Jinx laughed.


“Well…that and wondering how the hell I’m gonna break this to my parents.” She laughed.


Mark actually looked kind of green at that but he smiled all the same. “We should probably wait until after they have their first grandkid. It would kind of soften the blow.”


Jinx laughed and kissed him. “I love you.”


“I love you.” Mark looked into her eyes. Jinx knew that particular look. With a laugh she turned to the driver and told him to floor it. Jinx was more than ready to get their honeymoon started.






Jinx had to pull the phone from her ear. The pay-per-view was hours away. Jinx had taken the lull to give Evie a call on her cell phone. They hadn’t had a chance to see each other since the past Friday night.


“We got married.” Jinx repeated, smiling at Evie’s reaction.


“Are you insane?” Evie asked, saying what Jinx had thought she would say.


“I might be.” Jinx laughed. “I love him.”


“Well no shit.” Evie sighed. Then her voice brightened. “Congrats.”


“Thank you.”


“I think you guys are gonna make it.” Evie said with a laugh.


“I hope so.” Jinx grinned. “Wanna call my mom for me?”


“Now I know you’re crazy.” Evie laughed again and said goodbye. Jinx snapped her phone shut and looked at her hand for a moment, admiring the band and the diamond ring Mark had given her. She still could not believe it.


Her thoughts were interrupted by the door being flung open. Randy came toward her, an unreadable look on his face. Without a word he grabbed her hand and got a good look at the rings. He lifted his eyes to hers and smiled.


“Holy shit. I thought maybe Taker was pullin’ my leg.” Randy said, grabbing Jinx in a hug. “Why didn’t you tell me?”


“Kinda hard to considering it was spur of the moment.” Jinx laughed as he spun her around. “All right, now. Put me down!”


Randy set her on her feet. “What does Uncle John think of all this?” He asked, with a gleam in his eye. Jinx made a face.




“You haven’t told him either? Damn.” Randy laughed again. He seemed to be in a much better mood. Possibly because Eric had worked out an injury storyline to give him two weeks off after the show that night.


“I dread the rehashing of the lecture. From Uncle Bob too.”


“Make sure I’m not around for that one. I’ll get blamed for not keeping a brotherly eye on you.” Randy smirked.


“Don’t worry. I’m a grown up damn it. Eventually they are going to have to treat me as such.” Jinx smiled wryly. Her father and Uncle had, at various times in her life, tried to scare her away from the world of wrestling. It was hard, it was demanding, it destroyed relationships. But Jinx loved it. It was in her blood as much as it was in Randy’s.


“Just get it over with as quickly and painlessly as possible.” Randy grinned at her and kissed her cheek. “He’d better take care of you.”


“He will.” Jinx assured, touching her cousin’s arm.


“Make sure he does. Or else.” Randy made a fist and waved it in the air, making Jinx laugh. “I gotta go. I’ll see you before I leave though. Try to stay out of trouble.” Randy hugged her again and was gone in moments.


Jinx sighed and sat down, toying with her phone, just thinking. She had to call home, before Randy let it slip. Her mother would never forgive her if she knew Jinx had told someone before her. And her mother would also want to talk to Mark. With a smile Jinx got to her feet and left the conference room to search him out.


Mark was standing at the entrance to the makeshift cafeteria, a bored look on his face. He’d been cornered once again by Heather. Jinx shook her head. That woman just did not know when to give it a rest. An impish grin on her face, Jinx circled behind them and snuck in behind Mark.


She reached out and laid a hand on Mark’s butt, making him jump. Heather shot her a dirty look, angry at the interruption. Jinx ignored her. “Baby…” She looked up at Mark with exaggerated adoration. “When you’re done with the ring rats, I could use a helping hand.” She winked. Mark grinned at her. Heather huffed in anger.


“Excuse us, we were having a conversation.” The blonde woman said, pouting. Jinx looked at her scornfully.


“Well, that’s nice but Mark and I have a little…business…to take care of before the show.” Jinx turned her attention to Mark, who looked like he was struggling not to laugh.


“Mark…” Heather whined his name. Jinx glared at her.


“I’ll thank you to leave my husband alone from now on, got it?” Her glare turned into a cold smile. Heather hesitated, then turned on her heel and stomped away.


Mark started laughing. “Damn.”


“I decided to assert myself.” Jinx said with a grin.


“Don’t ever give me that look and we’ll be all right.” Mark said, leaning down to kiss her. Jinx held onto him, making it last a bit longer than he intended. They pulled away, both grinning.


“You stay on my good side and I won’t have to give you that look.” Jinx warned.


“So…a helping hand, huh?” Mark smirked devilishly.


Jinx smiled. “Yeah. But not what you’re thinking. Ok, maybe that too, but…” She held up her phone. “Two things. One…Glen and Charlotte asked if we want to go to dinner tonight.”


“I know. Glen told me. He said the Barbie doll would be leaving after the show to go home. I guess she wanted one more crack at me.” Mark scoffed.


“Well did you want to go?”


“I don’t care either way. If we don’t, it’s more time alone for us.” Mark shot her a heated look. “If we do, we can always beg out early. It’s up to you.”


“Great.” Jinx rolled her eyes. “Number two. I need you to call my mom.”




“Yes. You.” Jinx shoved the cell phone into his hand. “She’ll take it better from you.”


“Right now?” Mark looked at the phone as if afraid it would bite him. Jinx laughed.


“Yup. Before Randy calls them.”


Mark sighed heavily and scrolled through Jinx’s contact list until he found the number for her mom and dad. Looking resigned, he pressed the button and held the phone to his ear. As it rang he shot Jinx a wry smile. “You could have warned them I’d be talking to them.”


“Yeah, well, I do love the element of surprise.” Jinx laughed as Mark said ‘hello’.


He introduced himself and chatted pleasantly for a moment before taking a breath and telling Jinx’s dad the reason he had called. Mark was silent for a full minute, waiting for a reaction. Then he held the phone in Jinx’s direction. “He wants to talk to you.”


Jinx took the phone warily. “Hey, Dad.”


“Girl…what the hell are you thinking?” John did not bother with pleasantries.


“I’m thinking I’m in love. You know who he is. I know you keep up with the fed.”


“Yeah, I do know who he is. I’ve met him, thanks to Bob. Damn it…” His sigh came over the line. “You sure this is what you want?”


“More sure than I’ve ever been in my whole life.” Jinx assured him, giving Mark a thumbs up.


“Your mother’s going to have a heart attack.”


“Where is she?” Jinx asked.


“Shopping. I don’t know if my credit cards will be able to take it when she hears about this.” John chuckled. Jinx relaxed. “You make sure he takes care of you, baby. You hear me?”


“Yes, Dad.” Jinx smiled. This is where Randy had learned the speech, apparently.


“If he doesn’t, you call me. If you need anything, you call me.” John laughed. “If you decide to bless us with grandkids, we’d better be the first people you call.”


“I know it.” Jinx said with a smirk. Her mom especially could not wait to be a grandparent. “We’re really not thinking that far ahead right now, though.”


“Good. Don’t rush it. I love you, baby. Let me talk to your man for a minute.”


Jinx said goodbye and handed the phone back to Mark. Most of what John was saying was only punctuated by Mark’s replies of ‘yes, sir’ or ‘no, sir’. He laughed a couple of times. With a relieved look Mark said goodbye and powered the phone off.


“That wasn’t so bad.” He said with a nervous chuckle. Jinx laughed at him.


“Wait until Mom gets home. You’ll have to talk to her too.”


“Should I worry?” Mark asked, looping an arm over her shoulders.


“Nah. She’ll love you.” Jinx said with a laugh.


“We have a few things to take care of.” Mark said, giving her a reassuring squeeze.


“We do?”


“Yeah. Namely we have to tell JR about us being married. Gotta get your name change going. Hell, we haven’t even talked about where we’re going to live.” Mark said in a rush, leading her toward the cafeteria doors.


“The name change stuff will have to be tomorrow.” Jinx reminded him. “It is Sunday, you know. And if you want to live in my tiny one-bedroom apartment back home, say the word. I’ll have all the doors lifted so you won’t have to duck as much getting in.”


Mark laughed at that. The cafeteria was packed full of wrestlers, bookers, crew. Mark guiding her through the crowd toward the table where JR was sitting, sipping a cup of coffee.


Before they could get there they were stopped. Not once, but numerous times. People asked if it was true, congratulating them, shaking Mark’s hand and hugging Jinx. It took almost fifteen minutes to get to JR’s table. The older man sat there with a smug grin on his face.


“Howdy you two.”


“Hey.” Jinx said shyly, looking around. There was a group around them, watching. She felt as if she were on display.


JR laughed and looked at a sheet of paper. “Jeff Hardy.”


“Huh?” Jinx and Mark said it in unison. Jeff said ‘yo’ from the back of the crowd. He pushed his way forward.


JR rose to his feet. “Let me be…well…not the first. I just want to say congratulations. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s toast the newlyweds, shall we?” JR raised his cup of coffee. Others were doing the same with their various drinks. “Many happy returns. And just so we can all breath easy, Jeff here won the pool.”


“What pool?” Jinx asked as everyone drank. There was general laughter.


Jeff grinned and collected an envelope from JR. “We were taking bets on when you two would finally tie the knot. Jeff here got it within a day.” JR explained as the crowd around them cheered and laughed.


“So much for keeping it quiet.” Jinx muttered, looking at Mark. He was grinning.


“Can’t hide anything from these guys. Nosy bastards.” He said it good-naturedly. Jeff shook Mark’s hand and gave Jinx a kiss on the cheek, then handed her the envelope.


“I don’t want this.” She said, laughing at him.


“Take it. Buy yourself a wedding gift from me.” Jeff grinned boyishly and walked away before Jinx could give him the money back.


She and Mark just looked at each other. JR laughed and produced a folder. “I’ve already got your paperwork ready to be signed. Name change forms, the like.”


“How did you know?”


“Hon, we’ve been doing this pool for six months or so. The only thing missing on these papers is a signature and a date.” JR grinned and handed Mark a pen. With a laugh he bent down to scribble his name on the paperwork. Jinx followed suit.


“Now if you two would excuse me, I have to file these and then tell Vince the news. Although I’m sure he’s already heard.” With a smile JR left them standing at the table.


“And I thought we were being sneaky.” Mark said with a grin.


“We should work on that.” Jinx took his hand. A few of the guys seated at the various tables hooted in their direction. Mark grinned again and bent down to kiss her. This was met with applause.


“Let’s get outta here. My match isn’t til eight or so.” He said, voice low. Jinx nodded her answer and let him lead her from the room.





*Song and Lyrics



Dreaming comes so easily

'Cause it's all that I've known

True love is a fairy tale

I'm damaged, so how would I know


I'm scared

And I'm alone

I'm ashamed

And I need for you to know


Dinner that night became a bi-weekly thing. At first they had all been a little uncomfortable, but it had slowly melted away. Charlotte was actually a very lovely woman once Jinx got to know her. The sisters-in-law made it a point to get together on occasion sans men to discuss…well…the men.


I didn't say all the things that I wanted to say

And you can't take back what you've taken away

'Cause I feel you

I feel you near me


I didn't say all the things that I wanted to say

And you can't take back what you've taken away

'Cause I feel you

I feel you near me


Evie was still Jinx’s best friend. The two were as close as sisters. Jinx was even the matron of honor when Evie finally decided to stop torturing John and marry him. That was two weeks before she gave birth to their daughter Chloe. Jinx happily took on role of godmother.


Randy married a woman named Violet. Theirs was a stormy, rocky romance-putting all others to shame. In the end they realized that no one else would put up with the other’s idiosyncrasies. Violet was a celebrity of sorts, a model slash actor. They made headlines with an elaborate wedding…held inside an arena…in the middle of a show.


Healing comes so painfully

And it chills to the bone

Will anyone get close to me?

I'm damaged, as I'm sure you know


I’m scared

And I’m alone

I’m ashamed

And I need for you to know


Jinx and Mark had their rocky times of course. They were still technically getting to know each other. Several arguments ended with them staying a few days apart, but one or the other…or both…would come back with an apology. Neither liked being apart.


I didn't say all the things that I wanted to say

And you can't take back what you've taken away

'Cause I feel you

I feel you near me


I didn't say all the things that I wanted to say

And you can't take back what you've taken away

'Cause I feel you

I feel you near me


One year after their wedding, Jinx threw away her pills. Three months after that she was pregnant. She gave birth one cold December night to twin boys, Jarred and Connor. A year after that they had a girl, Jessica. Not to be outdone, Evie gave birth to a son, Cole that same month. And no one was surprised when Glen and Charlotte had three kids in rapid succession.


There's mending for my soul

An ending to this fear

Forgiveness for a man who was stronger

I was just a little girl, but I can't go back


No one called her Jinx anymore. To coworkers she was Jayce, to friends she was just J. Who knew why that clumsiness that had plagued her entire life would dissipate as if it were never there? Not that she didn’t still have small accidents from time to time-although it had gotten down to a level that was normal for anyone.


I didn't say all the things that I wanted to say

And you can't take back what you've taken away

'Cause I feel you

I feel you near me


I didn't say all the things that I wanted to say

And you can't take back what you've taken away

'Cause I feel you

I feel you near me


Mark retired. Jinx kept on writing, this time working on a novel. It was torture but she managed to get it done within a year. The book turned into a series. The series became best-selling. The kids grew up, moved out, came back, married. Grandchildren filled the house with laughter. Jinx and Mark shared almost fifty good years together before he passed in the night. Jinx followed within a month-even death would not keep them apart for long.