


Chapter 1


Jillian Chambers walked into Madison Square Garden...she couldn’t believe after 3 years of wrestling at OVW, Vince McMahon had finally given her a call to come wrestle for him. Jillian was 5’10” with long hibiscus dark red hair to her waist. She had big haunting grey eyes.

For the longest time people didn’t take her seriously when she said she was a professional wrestlers...most would make her valet because of her looks...that is until the one night they gave her a once in a life time old OVW student came back from WWE cause of an injury...they had her wrestle him and said if she could pin him in less then 5 minutes, they’d use her as a wrestler.

She got in the ring with Mark Jindrak, and tussled with him for a minute and got bored and finally, clothes lined him to the matt and then wrapped her long leg around his throat into a sleeper hold...and she won in 2.3 minutes flat.

Afterwards, Mark shook her hand and said, “You should meet my girlfriend...she’d love you for what you just did.” Jillian smiled at the thought and remembered meeting Tamia. She was a 5’8” electric blue haired girl who was bad if not worse with an attitude in the ring. She’d been known for standing up to Mark Callaway also known as the Undertaker, cause he’d be rude to her in front of half the roster...and she wasn’t having it.

Jillian walked down the hall and actually ran into someone...she looked down and it was Tamia...Tamia said, “God damn clumsy...” And was cut off when she saw Jillian standing there...The two girls yelled and hugged for what seemed like forever.

Tamia said, “What are you doing here...Don’t tell me that fuckin Tight ass Vince finally signed you.” Jillian laughed and said, “Yes...took him friggen long enough too.” Tamia said, “Wait till MJ sees you, he’s gonna flip...he’s been waiting for ever to get you signed.” Jillian followed the blue hair vixen to where the ring was put up in the arena.

MJ and some tall skinny guy who was just had muscles for days were tussling in the ring. Tamia whistled really loud and when MJ stopped he said, “What’s up blue?” Tamia laughed and said, “Look what the cat drug in.” MJ looked behind her and said, “HOLY SHIT JILLIAN!” MJ jumped out of the ring and ran over and picked the red head up and swung her around in circles as her laugh filled the arena.

Tamia said, “Oh sure, I see how it is.” MJ put Jillian down and went over and blew raspberries on Tamia’s neck...Jillian laughed at their was typical with them...neither got too serious...they loved each other way too much to get serious. MJ said, “So Vince finally got the fence post removed from his ass and signed ya huh.”

Jillian giggled and said, “Yea.”

The guy who was in the ring got out and said, “Thanks for the work out Jindrak.” MJ said, “Oh sorry, Jillian this is one of my friends, he came from OVW like me and Cena...This is Randy Orton...he’s an Evolution boy. Randy this is Jillian; she just got signed from OVW to the WWE.” He shook her hand and smiled a beautiful white smirky smile...he was too cocky for his own good.

Jillian said, “Nice to meet you...So that cause Triple H is Evolving into Michael Bolton or Kenny G?” Randy smirked and then nodded and walked off...Jillian licked her lips as she watched his cute ass walk away.

Tamia said, “Don’t even think about it...Randy Orton will just break your heart. He’s a major playboy, he’s got 3 girlfriends, but he always manages to find himself in bed with a ring rat or two before the night is up.” Jillian kept looking as Randy turned back to see her watching him and said, “Pity...cause he’s sure fuckin hot.”

Jillian left MJ and Tamia to tussle in the ring as she walked in the back to find her dressing room...she was about to turn the corner when someone grabbed her and jerked her into a dark room...pushed her back into a wall and pushed their chest against hers and in a low voice beside her ear said, “I was wondering...Is all the hair on you as red as the hair on your head and Do red heads have more fun then blondes?”

Jillian flipped the light switch and was face to face with Randy Orton and said, “Well I personally have a lot more fun then blondes that I know do...and as for the first question...the answer is...wouldn’t you like to know.” She seen Randy had a little sweat sliding down the side of his face...she ran her middle finger down the sweat...and then put her finger in her mouth and said, “Hmmm...Nice.”

Jillian said, “If you’ll excuse me.” As she licked her lips and left Randy to stare after her.

Jillian rounded the corner and smirked...

Oh yea Working here was gonna be fun.

Chapter 2


- -3 Months Later- -

Randy and Jillian had been having a sexual one knew about them having sex practically every night, usually they stayed in the hotel for it, but every once in a while Randy would do something on TV that looked sexy to Jillian and turn her on so much, that she’d wait until Evolution left Randy alone in the dressing room and she’d go in and lock the door...and they’d end up having sex in the shower...but then would take it back to the hotel for more.

Depending on who was in whose room, the other would leave before sun up so the others didn’t know all they had going was sex for them. Sex was so much easier with strings attached.

2 months ago, Randy had left Evolution, not a personal preference, but the writers wrote it that way. Randy was still always found in the Evolution locker room. He’d won the championship belt from Chris Benoit, Paul’s character Triple H, didn’t like it so they beat the crap out of him...and a month later won the belt back from Randy after cheating.

The story goes on and on...

Recently, Randy, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho (Irving) and Maven from Tough Enough 1...won a huge chance to run Raw for four weeks, while the Bisch was on vacation...not really but hey the writers were doing an excellent job. When it came Randy’s turn to run Raw for the night...HE came out and said he was going to conduct a lingerie fashion show.

Apparently a few of the Divas were going to come out and prance around in their underwear...Since Jillian was a new Diva, she’d been sanctioned to not wrestle...but show off her curves for the night. She didn’t mind...she wasn’t ashamed of her body...and she figured what the hell, Randy sees her naked on a nightly basis...what’s a prequel to what he’ll be seeing later.

Randy stood in the ring and had all the girls come down to the ring...He watched as Jillian’s long legs carried her to the opposite side of the ring, from where he was...she leaned against top rope, with the heel of her 2½ in heeled knee high boot hooked on the bottom rope. She had on a black pin stripped suit looking skirt, and a black skin tight shirt that said ‘Naughty Angel’ on it.

Randy could already feel his erection growing for her...the other girls were nothing compared to Jillian...her long hair was down in waves around her face and when she smiled, Randy couldn’t tell if it was her smile or the lights that brightened up the arena. Randy licked his lips when he saw Jillian wink at him. His erection jumped in his pants. He was going to pay hell tonight. He needed to hurry up and get the show over with; he was dying to be inside of Jillian yet again.

Jillian was the last in line to take her clothes off for the fashion show. Instead of doing it to the same cheesy music every one else did...she took the hand Randy had the mic in and said, “Please play my music.” As she looked up into Randy’s eyes and licked her lips again. Randy’s erection was practically straining against the suit material holding it in.

Jillian’s music started up...

Passion, instant
Sweat beads fill me
Cupid shot me
My heart beat's racing
Tempt me...Drive me
Feel so exciting
Thought of high heat
It's yours entirely
I'll be

More than a lover
More than a woman
More than your lover
I’ll be
More than a lover
More than a woman
More than enough for you

I’ll be
More than a lover
More than a woman
More than your lover
I’ll be
More than a lover
More than a woman
More than enough for you

Jillian stood in front of Randy and asked him to help her with her skirt...then whispered “Like you do every night.” Randy about cam in his pants when she said it and pushed her ass into the crotch of his suit pants...he knew she felt his erection.

Randy unzipped her skirt and let it slide to the matt as bent over in front of him and picked it up and hung it around his neck. She had on Black lace shorts. Then she turned around to face him and had him drop the mic on the matt as she then took his hands and placed them on the neck line of the t-shirt...and Randy watched as she pushed her lips together and said “Rip.”

Randy almost went to erection shock, but found the strength to rip the t-shirt down the middle. She had on a black lace bustier that laced up the front like a corset.

After Jillian threw it into the crowd...she walked over and stood in front of Randy...and smirked...he knew what was coming...she did it every once in a while...and then finally...she jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around his they stood like that for a good 5 minutes kissing, touching and feeling.

The 5 other girls in the ring stood there with their mouths gaping open. When she let go and got down...she reached up and wiped her lipstick from his lips and said, “See ya later tonight Mr. Orton.” She turned and left the ring...her music came back on again...she looked back at Randy and winked again, before disappearing behind the curtain.

Chapter 3


Jillian giggled all the way to her locker room.

Stacy Keibler walked into Jillian’s dressing room, as the red head pulled her jeans on...Stacy said, “Please tell me that was scripted for you Jill...I would die if I had to kiss Orton...he’s such a cocky playboy.” Jillian giggled and said, “Of course it was scripted.” Actually it wasn’t in all honesty...but to save face, she figured what the hell. Jillian continued, “Besides...he’s not a bad kisser...he sure can use that tongue.” Stacy made a face and said, “You’re braver then me.” As she walked out of the dressing room, closing the door behind her.

Jillian looked at her reflection in the mirror and said, “More Brave, you blonde air head.” She finished getting dressed and took off for the hotel...she’d already left her extra key card for her room under Randy’s hotel door.

She hopped in the shower and then got out and pulled her purple satin tank top and matching satin shorts. She dried her hair and decided to walk out onto the balcony; she pulled her purple robe around her and tied it. A few minutes later, she felt to familiar arms encircle her waist...and a pair of lips on her neck. Her hands ran down his arms as she turned around to look into the blue eyes that belonged to Randy.

She smirked and said, “Wow, after tonight I figured you’d beat me here...What took you so long slow poke?” Randy smirked his cocky smirk and said, “Had a small stop along the way...the shower in the arena...isn’t as clean as some think it is now.”

She giggled as they walked into the room and closed the slider and Randy laid on the bed and watched as Jillian slid onto the bed next to him and rested her head against his chest…He automatically could feel his heart start racing…he’d been with her every night for the last 3 months, but this time was different he had so many feelings slowly flowing through his body…He couldn’t stop it.

Having Jillian’s hair fanned out all over their two bodies…and smelling her shampoo and perfume…Randy’s body started to react to it…

Randy felt Jillian rubbing his 6-pak stomach and his chest, Jillian untucked the front of his shirt…and ran her soft touching hand up the front of his shirt…tracing his well defined abs, and tones muscles.

Randy turned over onto his side…and pulled Jill up closer to him…as she wrapped her arms around his neck…Randy’s hand slid back and cupped her bottom and then slid down and grabbed her knee and pulled her left leg up and over his…all the while they were still kissing, touching, tasting, feeling…

Randy’s hand slid up the back of her thigh and under her shorts…feeling his warm skin touching her was making her body respond…She felt like her whole body was on fire…Jill was thoroughly enjoying his ministrations…Randy’s lips left hers as he started kissing down her neck…as his hands came up and slowly touched her breasts through her robe…Jill pushed Randy over and he slowly guided her hips up and over him…and watched as she slowly sat straddling his pelvis…

Jill pulled her robe off...then Randy reached up and pulled her top over her head…and Randy just looked at her breasts…like he was scared to touch them…Sly took both of his hands and placed his hands on her bare breasts…Randy started to slowly rub them and then he slightly pinched her nipples he didn’t want to hurt her…

Randy sat up and took one of Jillian’s nipples in his mouth as he sucked on it with a fevered pitch…he enjoyed listening to the moans that he was making her produce…he kissed across her chest and took her other nipple in his mouth…He let his hands slid down her body as he cupped her bottom again only this time…he rolled over until he was kneeling between her beautiful thighs…and reach up and pulled her panties off…He could smell her arousal and pretty sure she could feel his…Randy rolled back over to have her sitting straddled on him again…Randy slowly slid two fingers into her soaking wet center…and felt her whole body moan against his…She was kissing his neck, when she pulled back and pulled his t-shirt off.

Chapter 4


Randy let Jillian push him back to lay down again…as she started to slowly trail warm moist kisses down his chest…his fingers slowly slipped from her center…Jillian watched him as he licked her juices from his fingers like he was eating a popsicle. Randy watched as Jillian continued down his chest flicking both his nipples with her wet tongue…and then kissing down his 6pak stomach…Randy looked down and watched her unbutton his jeans with her teeth and then clamped her teeth around his zipper and pull his zipper down…

Jill crawled backwards to the end of the bed…and discarded his shoes, socks and pulled his jeans off…Randy reached down and pulled his boxer-brief off that was practically a second skin to him…She started crawling back up his body…She got to his cock that was standing absolutely straight up…she couldn’t help but since it was in her face…Her tongue reached out and circled the head and then placed a feather soft kiss on the tip…

She automatically felt Randy do a full body shiver…He reached down and grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up to him…and kissed her so deep and passionately. Randy finally released her lips from his, as he lifted her body and slid her down on top of him as his fully erect cock slid into her…Jill let out a ½ moan-½ sigh and slowly started rocking back and forth on him.

Randy laid back and was running his soft finger tips all over her neck, breasts…and running his thumb across her lips…She sucked him thumb into her mouth and was sucking on his thumb while running circles around it…Jill could feel Randy get instantly harder and larger inside her…She knew all the ways to make him insanely horny…Randy groaned again, “Oh god baby…you feel so good bouncing on my cock…with that sweet pussy of yours…”

She had her hands on his 6-pack stomach and she was watching his muscles move, ripple and flex…she leaned over and her hair slid over her shoulders and brushed against this pecks and nipples…his nipples became instantly hard…Jill leaned down and bit his bottom lip and then slowly let her tongue snake out and across his lips…and then slowly into his mouth…his hands slid down and grabbed her ass forcefully as he was pushing and pulling the lower half of her body to go faster…

Jill sat back up and leaned back putting her hands on his thighs…She could feel how tense his thigh muscles were…Randy sat up and was leaning over and kissing her breasts and nipples…as she was still moving on top of him…Jill moaned, “Oh God baby…you feel so good deep inside of me…” Randy grunted a couple of times as he was licking and kissing on her neck.

Randy gripped her hips and flipped her over onto her back and laid on top of her…and really pushed the back of her thighs up to thrust into her as deep as he could…Jill had a hold of his wrists for leverage again…he could feel her walls starting to react…and knew her orgasm was building…it was going to be intense…Randy leaned down and kissed her lips.

He gripped her thighs harder and really started thrusting deeper as deep as he could possibly get…and finally Jill started with a moan and ended screaming out his name as her orgasm tore through the inside of her body…as soon as Randy felt her go over the edge…and felt her center milking his cock…his orgasm was right behind hers…and she felt him explode so deep inside Jill thought he’d never stop cumming…

They laid in bed and were just both so spent…they fell asleep in each others arms…

Like clock work, Randy was gone before sun rise.

Jillian laid in bed after he’d left...naked and feeling her whole body still tingling from Randy’s touch...she stared at the ceiling trying to figure out why she felt so bad about him leaving...she had never felt like this in the last 3 months they’d been doing this...

Why now?

Chapter 5


It had been a few days since the last time, Jillian and Randy had their little romp...which was in the shower of Evolutions dressing room. Jillian was having a hard time concentrating in the ring...she couldn’t imagine what was going on with her brain.

Tamia had said something to her...she just replied she needed a brain transplant and every thing would be back to normal. Tamia knew it was something more. She hardly dated; she didn’t show any interest in dating any of the guys in the back who asked her out, and there were some good looking guys who’d been asking her to go to the movies and out for dinner...Tamia couldn’t imagine what was going on with her, but there was definitely something there.

To day in the wrestling ring it was more apparent then ever. They were practicing, and usually Jillian gave it her all...but she was doing it so half heartedly, Tamia was getting frustrated. She started to pick Jillian up to suplex her...and she fell back like a dead fish...Which was a big wrestling no-no, because doing that could cause an injury.

Tamia stood up and said, “Are you trying to get me to break your back?” Jillian said, “What are you talking about?” Tamia said, “You just landed completely wrong...and you’re gonna get yourself hurt...and you know it...where the fuck is your’ve never been this distracted before. What is it?” Jillian shook her head and said, “Nothing.”

Tamia said, “That’s bullshit and you know it. Don’t stand there and lie to me...I’m not some idiot you picked to wrestle ya’re one of my best friends and I was hoping I was enough of a friend to you, that you could tell me what’s wrong.” Jillian said, “You are...and normally I would tell you what’s wrong...The only problem is I don’t know what’s wrong.”

Tamia looked at Jillian as though she’d grown 6 heads and said, “Come again? What do you mean you don’t know what’s wrong?” Jillian said, “I swear...I’ve been going over everything in my mind...I should be so happy to be wrestling, cause it’s what I’ve always wanted...but I’m not...and I don’t understand why...I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I didn’t notice until a couple of days ago how bad I’d lost my concentration...and then today just confirmed how off I’ve been.”

Tamia said, “Maybe you should go home for the weekend...Maybe you need to relax a little...Maybe it’s all been too much too fast.” Jillian said, “I don’t know...maybe you’re right. Who are we wrestling tonight?” Tamia said, “Nora (Molly Holly) and Gail (Gail Kim).” Jillian said, “Oh joy...Maybe I’ll get the problem beat into me...They always get way into character. Then again...Maybe this is just the match I need.”

Later that night, Tamia, Jillian and MJ stood back stage watching Raw...Jillian had on Red plastic shorts, with a matching tank top and her knee high wrestling boots...Tamia had the same thing on only in deep blue. Both girls had their hair pulled in a pony tail with tons of spiral curls coming down like crazy.

MJ stood behind Tamia massaging her shoulders warming up her muscles. Jillian was chewing on her bottom lip...something caught her eye...she looked over and Randy Orton was walking towards them, he stopped and talked to MJ for a few minutes, wished the girls good luck and turned to leave.

Jillian couldn’t help but think how hot he looked in a navy blue suit. With the burgundy dress shirt. She exhaled as he walked behind her...and without anyone else seeing them Randy let his hand gently slide across the ass of her shorts. Randy didn’t notice her do a full body shiver. Jillian was almost tempted to turn around and jump into his arms...but thought better of it.

Chapter 6


It was time for the girls match, and they walked out as Randy went back and stood next to MJ...they watched on the monitor as the four girls started to mix it up in the ring. Nora was especially violent acting tonight for some reason...Gail was letting her sick streak show...

Jillian and Tamia had the upper had more then Nora and Gail...but it only fueled the fire between Nora and Gail...without warning Nora and Gail did their finishing moves on Tamia and Jillian but didn’t cover them...MJ and Randy watched as the two slid out of the ring and grabbed a couple of fold up metal chairs...and drug them back into the ring. As Tamia got back to her feet, Nora slammed the chair across her back.

Jillian had managed to get back to her feet but when she looked up and threw her hands up in time...but not fast enough as the sickening crack was heard when Gail swung the chair full strength into Jillian’s hands and pushed back hard enough to hit her in the forehead and nose...Jillian laid on her back dazed...blood pouring out of her nose...and her head pounding...

MJ and Randy ran down to the ring as Gail and Nora passed then snickering to themselves...MJ helped the EMT’s get Tamia rolled onto a back Randy knelt down next to Jillian and said, “Jilli...Talk to me girl.” She moved around a little and got her hand to her forehead and said, “I really hate Gail.” Randy said, “I’d have to question your sanity if you didn’t. What hurts sweetie? How can I help you?”

Jillian said, “Everything hurts. I definitely need to go to the emergency room...” Randy grabbed a towel from one of the EMT’s and helped wipe the blood from Jillian he bumped her nose and she moaned a painful moan.

Randy sucked in a breath and said, “Sorry...It’s not broken...she just hit you right.” Jillian said, “My head really hurts Randy...can you please take me into the back, these lights are killing me.”

The EMT checked her neck and determined there was no Randy rolled Jillian to the side of the ring and he said, “Put your arms around my neck Jilli...I’ll get you to the back to the other ambulance...if you promise not to bleed on me.” She giggled a little and then groaned...She said, “I promise nothing...and don’t make me laugh.”

Randy lifted Jillian into his arms and carefully carried her to the back...once behind the curtain and out of view, he softly kissed the top of her head and he said, “I’m sorry Jilli, I wish I could take your pain away...Let’s get you to the ER.” All Jillian could do was snuggle into his arms and nod.

Randy rode to the ER with Jillian and stayed with her through the tests and it was determined she had a severe concussion, and would be very soar and out of the ring for at least 3 weeks, until her concussion was better. Tamia had 2 broken ribs and her spine was bruised from the force of the chair shot.

When Vince found out what happened, he fined Nora and Gail $1,000 each and then suspended them for a month without pay for jumping script and cause bodily harm to unsuspecting and defenseless co-workers.

Jillian was ordered to stay in the hospital for 3 days...Tamia was there for a week. Jillian didn’t expect it, but Randy stayed with her for the whole 3 days...he never left once...he used the shower in her room...and tried to make her laugh as much as keep her mind off the pain.

Chapter 7


Randy took Jillian to the hotel, once she was released from the hospital, she couldn’t thank him enough for staying with her…she hated hospitals. When they got to the hotel, Randy ran her a bath, and then as a treat got in the tub with her.

The tub was a nice size…Jilli was sitting on one end, and Randy had her feet in his lap rubbing and massaging them…the bubbles smelled like lilacs…it was a great way of relaxing…Randy said, “Hey, by the way if I forgot to tell you earlier…I think you did good the other night.” She said, “Hmm…Really?” Randy said, “Yea…I thought you and Tamia did an awesome job on the match…too bad Nora and Gail were acting like jerk offs…” She said, “Thanks Randy…your support means a lot to me.” Randy said, “Yea…but technically were not having this conversation…”

Jillian moved around in the water…and pushed the bubbles off her arms and crawled over and sat straddled across Randy’s lap…and said, “Well…for someone who’s technically not having this conversation with me…you sure are…awake…is that the word I’m looking for?” Randy said, “Sorry sweetie…You do things to me.” She said, “Yea…I noticed…So are you hard or is that just your toy tug boat, I feel pressed against my thigh?” Randy said, “Baby…that’s not a tug boat…that’s a submarine…and it’s about to plunge forward into the deep dark sea…” She said, “Well…go forth and give all your seamen crew my blessing.”

They started kissing slowly and passionately…Randy leaned down and rinsed the bubbles off her chest and started an assault on her nipples that had her moaning and groaning so loud Jilli could have raised the dead…After Randy finished his assault…She started one of her own…She pushed him back so he was leaning back against the side of the tub…and kissed him lips slowly…They laced our fingers together, palm to palm…and she slowly kissed down his neck and lightly nipped at his collar bone…she kissed down his huge chest to his nipple and licked and bit at it and kissed around it and licked it again and blew air over it…and then repeated on the other nipple…Randy was moaning out his arousal…

Randy said, “Shouldn’t you be resting?” Jillian turned around and ran her fingers through his wet silky hair…and licked his lips and said, “I can rest anytime…besides I was in the process of having a celebration for my getting out of the hospital tonight…” Randy smiled and said, “Oh yea…you definitely deserve a little celebration…how does moaning and screaming my name sound to you?”

Jillian said, “Hmmm….very tempting…you sure you got that much to offer a girl like me Legend Killer?” He said, “Well…it depends on what kind of girl you are…” She said, “The type that loves to scream all night long.” Randy said, “Well, if you think you can handle the Legend Killer Ms. Chambers…I do believe I can accommodate you just fine.” She giggled a little and said, “Good…then I won’t even worry about leaving this room until tomorrow morning.” She turned her cell phone off and threw it in the dresser draw…and pushed the drawer closed with her hip…

Randy lifted her up and sat her on the dresser…and we started kissing and he peeled the towels off of the both of them…Randy’s lips were attached to her neck while they felt each other up and down with fingers, hands, tongues, and lips…Randy kissed her ear and said, “I want you so bad baby.” She said, “So do something about it…” Randy slowly slid his erection into her…and pulled her hips towards him, but kept her on the dresser…and started thrusting into her…and after a while he pulled her off the dresser and laid on the bed with her on top of him and he said, “Ride away baby.” They laced their fingers together again and She started moving up and down on him…and they were both in total ecstasy.

After a little while longer…She was torturing him by going slower and slower…he grabbed her hips and flipped up over so he was on top…His hands gripped her thighs and pushed them a little further apart and pushed them up a little and he went deeper which she let out a half sigh, half moan…and Randy thought something was wrong Randy said, “I’m not hurting you am I?” She said, “No sweetie…You just feel really good inside of me…” Randy let out a half grunt and half laugh and said, “Believe me the feeling is mutual…I can’t believe how tight you are baby, I love the way you feel wrapped around me…”

Randy grabbed her knees and pushed them up a little and then held onto her thighs….and was pushing himself deeper into her…which was absolutely driving her insane…Randy leaned over and they started kissing again…and he pushed her thighs a little more and went even deeper into her and he said, “Oh…god Jilli…baby you are so going to make me……” and before he could finish…they both climaxed again…Randy thrusted a few more times as their climaxes were ripping through their bodies…and she could feel his seed ripping through her insides…

They both managed to fall asleep.

Chapter 8


How the hell'd we wind up like this
why weren't we able
To see the signs that we missed
and try to turn the tables
I wish you'd unclench your fists
And unpack your suitcase
Lately there's been too much of this
But don't think it's too late

Nothing's wrong
Just as long as you know that someday I will
Someday, somehow
I’m gonna make it alright
But not right now
I know you're wondering when
You're the only one who knows that
Someday somehow
I'm gonna make it alright
But not right now
I know you're wondering when

Randy and Jillian had been doing the sex thing now for several months…it was actually almost a year now…For the last 2 weeks or so, Jillian couldn’t look at Randy…they hadn’t seen each other…they hadn’t had their romps…Every time Randy tried to find her after Raw or Smackdown…she was no where to be found…she wasn’t even answering her cell phone.

Randy hated to admit it, but he was so used to just going to Jillian for sex, he couldn’t imagine her any other way. She was one of the most beautiful Divas the WWE had to offer, not to mention one hell of a wrestler…she gave anyone and everyone a run for their money. But he could never see her in a girlfriend role or even a married role with kids.

Jillian looked across the board room before the pay pre-view…she had been avoiding Randy for the last 2 weeks. Every time she saw Randy…she hated her self more and more…She had totally fallen in love with Randy, but for the life of her couldn’t bring herself to tell him…after her match one night, she’d finally worked up the courage to tell him…but when she got back stage…she heard words come from Randy’s mouth that broke her heart in two.

Since then she couldn’t bring herself to be within 3 feet of Randy Orton, she could always feel the tears coming…and had been trying to avoid him at all costs.

::Flash back::

Randy watched as Jillian worked in the ring, her and Tamia dominated whenever they were in the ring…ever since the incident with Nora and Gail…they’d been a wrestling female force to be reckon with. Randy just watched standing next to MJ…

When the match was over, Jillian was on her way back to her dressing room…but stopped short, she could hear Randy and MJ’s familiar voices talking around the corner.

MJ spoke up and he said, “Man, you’re one of my closest friends, what’s up with you and Jilli?” Randy shrugged his shoulders and said, “Nothing much why?” MJ said, “Man you’re a terrible liar. You guys are hitting the sheets aren’t you? I saw how you came to her rescue the night Nora and Gail got out of hand…you looked too concerned for there to be nothing between the two of you.”

Randy finally nodded and said, “Yea…ever since she got here, we’ve been friends with benefits…the sex is great…I couldn’t see it any other way. MJ said, “Why don’t you try dating women…it’s so nice to have someone love you.”

Randy said, “You mean like a relationship? Hell that would just complicate shit more. Besides…I can’t see Jillian as anything but my sex partner…I tried to put her in the role of girlfriend…and I just don’t see it being that big of a wagering base. I just can’t see Jillian being that gratifying as a girlfriend, instead of a fuck buddy. I care about her, because she’s a co-worker like everyone else.”

::End flash back::

Unbeknownst to Randy, Jillian heard every word that Randy said…

Well I'd hope that since we're here anyway
we could end up saying
Things we've always needed to say
So we could end up staying
Now the story's played out like this
Just like a paperback novel
Let's rewrite an ending that fits
Instead of a Hollywood horror

Nothing's wrong
Just as long as you know that someday I will
Someday, somehow
I’m gonna make it alright
But not right now
I know you're wondering when
You're the only one who knows that
Someday somehow
I'm gonna make it alright
But not right now
I know you're wondering when
You're the only one who knows that

Jillian looked at Randy, but when he turned his head to look at her, she just moved to stare at the ground. After the meeting, Randy ran down the hall and grabbed Jillian before she had a chance to get in her dressing room. She jerked her arm out of Randy’s hand and he said, “Whoa…Jilli what is going on…I haven’t heard from you in 2 weeks…”

Jillian turned around and said, “What…you thought maybe your fuck buddy didn’t wanna fuck anymore? Sorry I couldn’t be more gratifying in your eyes as a girlfriend…but you never did give me much of a chance now did ya?” Randy’s face fell when he suddenly realized she must’ve over heard him talking with MJ.

Randy said, “You don’t understand.” Jillian shoved Randy and said, “No Randy…I understand perfectly…the only one who doesn’t understand around here is you.” Randy’s temper flared and he said, “Oh really…and what don’t I understand?”

She said, “That I’ve fallen in love with you. It was right there, if you just would have been man enough to step up and do something about it…but you shot your mouth off to MJ…and I feel like you’re personal whore now…well No more…Sorry. But this sex partner just decided that being in bed with the Legend Killer…wasn’t the best thing in her life right now. See ya around Mr. Orton.”

How the hell'd we wind up like this
why weren't we able
To see the signs that we missed
And try to turn the tables
Now the story's played out like this
Just like a paperback novel
Let's rewrite an ending that fits
Instead of a Hollywood horror

Nothing's wrong
Just as long as you know that someday I will
Someday, somehow
I’m gonna make it alright
But not right now
I know you're wondering when
You're the only one who knows that
Someday somehow
I'm gonna make it alright
But not right now
I know you're wondering when
You're the only one who knows that

I know you're wondering when
You're the only one who knows that
I know you're wondering when

Chapter 9


About a month later, Jillian had become really good friends with one of Randy’s best friends John Cena. They were pretty talkative, and were usually on the phone constantly when they were within 500 yards of each other. Randy hadn’t realized they’d gotten so close until one night most of the younger crowd in WWE decided they all wanted to go to a local club and just dance, drink and relax for the night.

Randy was fashionably late…but he also had two girls with him…He came walking in the club with one on each arm. Jilli was minding her own business, dancing and having a nice time, she looked over as she heard a familiar laugh echo through the club.

She looked over and there was Randy with two hoochie looking girls, hanging all over him. They were touching his chest and giggling at every word he uttered…He wasn’t THAT funny…you could take her word for it, she’d had sex with him for 9 months, and there was no way everything he said was that funny.

John saw the look in Jillian’s eyes when she spotted Randy walking into the club with 2 girls. There was something there that he hadn’t been told. John touched Jillian’s shoulder and she looked up at him and he could see the glossiness of her eyes. John said, “Hey now, what’s wrong sweetie?” Jilli said, “Nothing…I need to leave…I have to go.”

Jillian started to walk away, when John grabbed her arm and said, “Hey, hey, calm down…what’s wrong Jilli.” Jilli stopped and looked at John and he watched as a couple of stray tears slid down her cheeks. John pulled her into his arms and he cradled her against his chest and body. She had her hands clenched in his shirt trying not to lose it.

John heard a slow song come on and said, “C’mon let’s go dance and you can tell me what happened.” He looked at her and wiped the stray tears away and took her hand and kissed the back of it and tugged on her and she followed him out to the floor…he wrapped her in his arms again and took her right hand and held it against his chest.

Jillian leaned into John and started telling him everything that had happened, even down to what she’d overheard Randy saying to MJ. John said, “Jesus Jillian, didn’t anyone warn you about Randy being a playboy?”

Jillian said, “Tamia told me, but Once we started hooking up, Randy just seemed to show me he wasn’t a massive playboy…I mean the night Gail and Nora went all haywire, he was there for me…he stayed in the hospital with me for 3 days. And then took me to the hotel and took care of me.”

John said, “Yea, but still, Randy’s playboy side will never go away. He’s been that way for as long as I’ve known him…he’s never gonna change, he’ll never settle down and if he does, I’ll die from a heart attack. And you’ll die from old age waiting for him to turn into something he’s not.”

Randy looked out onto the dance floor and saw the way his best friend was holding onto Jillian…He couldn’t imagine what John had that he didn’t have as he felt one of his dates’ hands slide down to the pit of his crotch and rub against the crotch of his dress slacks. All thoughts of Jillian turned his semi erection into a full erection as the bimbo next to him kept rubbing the knuckle of her index finger up and down his erection.

It was times like these he missed Jillian…he could feel the green devil of jealous knocking on the back door of his brain, as he watched her move and melt into John’s arms, and looked like she was a perfect fit. He watched as they swayed in each others arms to a slow song…and he was listening to the words…and was suddenly aware of why jealousy was hitting him so hard now.

Cause its…all in my head
I think about it…over and over again
And I can't keep… picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause its…all in my head
I think about it…over and over again
I replay it…over and over again
And I can't take it…I can't shake it, No

I can't wait to see you
Want to see if you still got
That look in your eyes
That one you had for me
Before we said our goodbyes
And it's a shame that
We got to spend our time
Being mad about the same things
Over and over again
About the same things
Over and over again
But I think she's leaving
Ooh man she's leaving
I don't know what else to do
(I Can't go on not loving you)

Cause its…all in my head
I think about it…over and over again
And I can't keep… picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause its…all in my head
I think about it…over and over again
I replay it…over and over again
And I can't take it…I can't shake it, No

I remember the day you left
I remember the last breath
You took right in front of me
When you said that u would leave
I was too damn stubborn to try
To stop you or say anything
But I see clearly now
And this choice I made
Keeps playing in my head
Over and over again
Playing my head
Over and over again
I think she's leaving
Ooh man she's leaving
I don't know what else to do
I Can't go on not loving you

Cause its…all in my head
I think about it…over and over again
And I can't keep… picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause its…all in my head
I think about it…over and over again
I replay it…over and over again
And I can't take it…I can't shake it, No

Now that I've realized that I'm going down
From all this pain you've put me through
Every time I close my eyes I like it down
I can't go on not loving you

Cause its…all in my head
I think about it…over and over again
And I can't keep… picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause its…all in my head
I think about it…over and over again
I replay it…over and over again
And I can't take it…I can't shake it, No

Cause its…all in my head
I think about it…over and over again
And I can't keep… picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause its…all in my head
I think about it…over and over again
I replay it…over and over again
And I can't take it…I can't shake it, No

Over and Over again
Over and Over again
Cause it's all in my head

Chapter 10


“Michelle...Oh Michelle...where are you my beautiful?” She could hear him walking down the hallway again...she knew she couldn’t stop him...she tried every night and yet nothing EVER worked. She wished her mom could stop him, but she knew even she would never be able to stop him, which is probably why she never told her mother...probably why she never told anyone.

He was definitely coming tonight, like he did every night after her mother left for work. She curled up into a ball, in the middle of her double bed, and waited for what she knew was coming...He kicked the door open and she never flinched once. She was sick to her stomach and wanted to puke, she could see his jeans open and his penis was hanging out like always.

Steve had gotten liquored up again and was hard from watching a porno, and decided Michelle was the perfect person as always to get rid of it with. He was stroking his penis like it was his pet as he walked to the bed.

Michelle didn’t even put up a fight...but then again, how could she? Steve was bigger then her and she was only 15...she weight 100 pounds soaking wet. Steve reached up under the covers and grabbed her foot...and yanked her to the foot of the bed, throwing her blankets to the floor...ripping her panties from her body and shoving the t-shirt up and over her small chest, he thrashed her legs apart with his rough hands, and thrusted his penis into her, invading her small body.

She cried out as the pain tore through her lower abdomen, she couldn’t help but cry...she actually begged Steve to stop, she could’ve begged until the sun turned blue, he wouldn’t stop for anything, she doubted he’d even stop with a bullet in his head...He couldn’t keep her quiet, so he muffled her mouth with his large hand...he covered her mouth, and she could only breathe through her nose. His free hand roughly pinched at her little nipples, as his hands invaded places on her body she didn’t think they could.

Steve picked up the small girls body and made her sit straddled on him, and as his hand roughly moved her up and down him, he licked his index and middle finger as he started invading her anal cavity...she cried out louder and his drunken smelling breath and booze soaked tongue invaded her mouth to keep her quiet again. This would go on for at least 3 to 4 hours every night, he was so liquored up, and he wouldn’t let himself cum, after he’d felt the girl have at least 5 unwilling and forced orgasms, he finally let himself cum, then he’d go to bed and leave her in a mess on the floor next to hear bed.

Michelle picked herself up off the floor and carefully went in and cleaned herself up, always making sure to take a shower and try to push all the sperm out of her...she refused to get pregnant from was a good think she had started birth control, before it started happening...

Jillian woke up with a startled jerk...she was shaking, and was soaked from head to toe...she’d had the dream again...the same nightmare that came to her if not every night then at least once a week...It had been at 7 years since it all matter how much help she got nothing seemed to help her.

After getting the letter from the parole board in New York last month, the nightmares were coming more frequent. Steve was a free man...she knew he would come for her again, he promised he would when she helped throw his ass in jail for raping her every night since she was 13. She’d lost a lot of life time wasted by him. There were a few secrets still left to be unknown about Jillian Chambers...least of all her name change...

The only thing she could do now was pray Steve never saw her on TV...but she had a feeling in her stomach...he was coming...he never lied about it...oh yea, he was coming...she wouldn’t know where or when...but she was definitely expecting it.

She laid down curled into the fetal position in bed, and drifted into a restless sleep.

Chapter 11


Jillian woke up to the sound of someone knocking on her hotel room door. She slowly rolled out of bed, not even paying attention to the lace shorts and tank she was wearing as she walked over and opened the door…

Dave Bautista was staring back at her…and said, “Damn Jilli, you look like you got run over by a truck…Are you feeling ok?” Jillian smiled and said, “Peachy…why you wanna help fix me?” Dave looked over the curves of her body and the outfit she had on and said, “If you keep those clothes on, I’ll help you fix anything you need fixed.”

Jillian said, “How about helping me with a quick fix of getting laid.” Dave chuckled and said, “I’m a married man…if I wasn’t you’d be the first to know…especially since you and Jr. aren’t hitting the sheets anymore.” Jillian’s face turned to shock and she said, “Wait a damn minute…You KNEW about me and Orton screwing around.”

Dave said, “If I had a nickel all the times I snuck back into the Evolution locker room to get something I forgot and hear you moaning Orton’s name…I’d be a VERY rich man right now. I just never said anything because I didn’t want to embarrass you. Then after the whole fight you guys had, I figured you’d had just about enough shit from one asshole to last you a life time.”

Jillian said, “Dave, I never thought you were an asshole…In fact out of everyone in Evolution…for someone who’s supposed to be the animal…you sure care an awful lot about every one but yourself.” Jillian leaned over and kissed his cheek.

She could’ve sworn she seen Dave blush a little…but quickly changed the subject and said, “Well, whether or not I’m an asshole…the jury is still out on that one.” Jillian said, “So what do I owe this honor?” Dave said, “I heard about Randy showing up to that club a few weeks ago with those two girls…don’t let it get you down. You’re gonna bounce back from his selfishness, and when you find the right guy, you’ll be so happy, you can just rub it in his face, that you’ve moved on and he’s still stuck being an unstable playboy.”

Jillian giggled and said, “I think you’re right. But thank you just the same for the encouragement and support…Shouldn’t you be on your way to go see Angie anyways?” Dave said, “Yea…I was just on my way to the airport…I just wanted to come by and talk with you…and make sure you was ok…” Jillian said, “Thank you…I really appreciate it.”

Jillian watched as Dave turned and was gone as fast as he had arrived.

A few weeks later, Tamia and MJ were bugging Jillian. Tamia said, “C’mon Jillian, we’ve got the perfect guy for you…and it’s just a blind date…nothing bad ever came from a blind date.” Jillian said, “Yea, well nothing good ever came out of one either.” MJ said, “I resent that. Tamia and I met on a blind date.”

Jillian said, “Oh, my apologizes, 1% out of 100% get together and is living happily ever after…I didn’t realize we were talking about fairytale relationships. Hell if that’s the case, I’d like to blind date my way into Matt Damon’s life…thank you very much.”

Tamia said, “Will you at least THINK about it?” Jilli said, “Sure.” She looked around a few minutes and said, “Okay thinking time over…No thanks, I’m not going on a date with some brain dead schmuck, who through the entire date will get to know my chest and ass better then my face. It ain’t happenin’.”

Tamia said, “You suck the fun out of everything.” Jillian said, “Yup, that’s me, the big old fun sucker.” Tamia said, “If it’s the last thing I do, I’ll get your ass on a blind date…then I’ll curse you to fall in love and get married to him…and then rub it in your face…and you can join the in and be 2%.” Jilli laughed all the way down the hallway.

Chapter 12


- -3 Months Later- -

Tamia and Jillian were sitting in the weight room, that was in the arena. Jillian was punching around the heavy bag, while Tamia was running on the treadmill. When they both decided to take a break, they sat on one of the mats and sipped water, laughing about the dumbest things.

Tamia suddenly got serious and said, “Jillian…you’re going to kill me.” Jillian said, “Why would I kill you? You’re my best friend…shit you almost know more about me then me.”

Tamia said, “I sort of, ran into a guy who I found out likes you…and well he would like to go out for drinks with you later.”

Jillian said, “Oh lord, you didn’t…Tell me my very best friend didn’t set me up! Tamia Marie Jindrak! Tell me you haven’t set me up on a blind date, like a 3rd world country father would sell his daughter up the river.”

Tamia said, “C’mon its drinks in a well lit bar…he’s a co-worker…which means he will not be disrespectful. Especially if he knows it’s you.”

Jillian smacked her forehead and said, “I don’t believe I’m about to do this but…okay…Set me up daddy. I’ll go pack my mining helmet and wet suit so I can make it up the river safely.” Tamia got all excited squealed really loud and jumped on Jillian with a thousand thank you hug.

Jillian knew she was probably going to regret this…but decided what the hell…she’d been so over Randy for awhile now, she knew she was ready to date again. And considering she wasn’t even dating Randy to begin with now was the perfect time to start…

Though she had her doubts about dating someone she worked with. But everything would come out soon enough…She knew she’d have to tell Mr. Wonderful about her screwed up past with her step-father…she was just hoping the guy wouldn’t freak out and run screaming from where ever they were at the time.

Later that night, she had gotten dressed up in a black skirt that went to about 3 inches above the knee, with 2½ inch black knee-high boots…and a baby blue tank top with matching cardigan over it. She left her hair down and curled up the ends. She looked at herself in the mirror of her hotel room. She figured what the hell…it would do.

Tamia had called her earlier and bugged her for 40 minutes and then slipped in there that the mystery man would come by her hotel room to get her. Great then she couldn’t avoid who ever knocked on her door, because the blind date could have been anyone.

Jillian stood there frozen when someone knocked on her hotel door. All she kept thinking was, ‘Great I’m never gonna see daylight again. This is some mass murderer; I’ll be soaking up worms in no time at all.’

Jilli walked over to the door cautiously and slowly turned the door knob and opened the door. She couldn’t believe he was standing in front of her…her mouth was dry and she couldn’t speak…she was sure he’d said her name a few times…but she couldn’t respond. Her eyes were big as potatoes. She was in total shock.

And suddenly…everything went black.

Chapter 13


Jillian started to stir as she moved around and her eyes fluttered open. A pair of blue eyes were staring back at her…she squealed as she jumped up and on to the other side of her hotel bed, which she’d just realized she was laying on. She caught her breath and said, “What the hell Randy?”

Randy chuckled a little and said, “I guess you went into shock and fainted…Didn’t Tamia tell you about our blind date.” Jillian said, “No…absolutely not!” Randy said, “She didn’t?” Jillian stood up on the bed and planted her hands on her hips and said, “No, she told me…but this is not happening. I refuse to let you walk all over me again! I learned my lesson from the first time.”

Randy said, “You don’t understand…Will you let me explain first…Please?”

Jillian looked at her watch and said, “Fine you got 2 minutes, and don’t give me some lame bullshit story either!” Randy said, “Will you come down from there please.” Jillian walked across the bed and Randy held out his hand, and she said, “No thank you…I’m not touching you.” Randy gave her a questioning look and she said, “The less I touch you the easier it will be for me to tell you to take a hike if I think you’re full of shit.”

Jillian sat on the edge of the bed as Randy sat next to her and sighed hard, he said, “I’m miserable…without you…I was trying to keep up the playboy image, but I can’t do it anymore. I have to be honest with you. I fell in love with you from the first minute I met you. I know it sounds stupid…and I’ve NEVER believed in love at first sight…but with you it was different…Everything was different. You didn’t treat me like a playboy…you talked to me like a regular human being…”

Randy looked at Jillian and continued, “The things I said to MJ were bogus…I just didn’t want to admit that I had already fallen for you. Every time we made love…It wasn’t just sex to me. I hated leaving every morning…I wanted nothing more then to jump back into bed and make love to you forever and never leave again. I was just stupid. And I know I hurt you…I hurt you really bad…and I can’t just say I’m sorry to make up for it…but I want us to give this dating in public thing a serious shot. We deserve it.

Jillian sighed and ran her hand through her hair…she stared at the floor and said, “I was fully prepared to tell you and your story to get the hell out and never come back…and I hate it when you are really sweet, because then I can’t be a bitch to you. You are right about one thing, you did hurt me really bad…and sorry isn’t the answer to every heartache in someone’s life. But I was trying to delude myself into thinking I was over you, when I know I’m not. You was the first guy who came into my life after a long time…and showed me how to love and feel again.”

Jillian could feel the tears swelling in her eyes as she continued, “There are things in my life that no one knows about, not even Tamia and MJ…And I know I’m going to have to tell them to you eventually, because I refuse to keep secrets about something this important from someone I’m sharing my life with…I would tell anyone I was dating, because it’s too important for someone I’m in love with to not know.”

Randy took her hand in his and kissed the back of it…she melted and said, “Maybe I won’t tell you tonight…Maybe I’ll wait until tomorrow.” Randy caressed her cheek and leaned over and kissed her lips softly and said, “You can tell me now…I can tell by your eyes that it’s too important to put off.”

Jillian took her boots off and saw facing Randy as she went over the story of how her step-father had raped her for 4 years straight every night after her mom would go to bed, starting just after she turned 13…and ending at 17 when she found out she was pregnant.

Randy listened and said, “What happened when you’re mom found out about you being pregnant?” Jillian said, “Well the shit hit the fan…she wanted to know who it was and I told her everything while I cried…then she started crying cause she didn’t realize I was keeping it from her for 4 years, because I saw how happy she was with Steve…and thought the world revolved around him. She was happy and in love and I just couldn’t do or say something that would bring her pain.”

She went on to talk about how her mother called the police from the doctor’s office, and had Steve arrested and charged with rape of a minor from 13 to 17, Jillian testified against him, when she was 4 months pregnant and a DNA test when the baby was born confirmed he was the father. He was given 5 tiny years in prison and had been released a few months ago.

Randy said, “What about the baby?” Jillian said, “I put the baby up for adoption…I wasn’t ready to have a baby…I barely knew how to take care of myself. My mom died a year after the baby was born…and I saw wrestling on TV one night after work…from then on out, it’s the only thing I’ve wanted to do.”

Randy pulled Jillian over to him as he laid back in bed…He wrapped his arms around her and said, “Sleep…Well talk more in the morning.” He reached over and turned the light off…he kissed her forehead and they both fell into a peaceful sleep.

Chapter 14


Jillian woke up the next morning…and groaned a little…she felt tired and drained…and had a headache the size of Brazil from crying the night before…she couldn’t remember anything from the night before…until she tried to move and couldn’t because there was a set of arms around her waist.

She ventured into rolling over carefully and saw the face of Randy laying behind her and suddenly it was all coming back to her now. Jillian didn’t love Randy…She loved him once a long few months ago…but as she watched him sleep, she realized that nothing Randy said last night was sincere. He was only trying to delude her…

Jillian knew he enjoyed being a playboy, he’d confessed that months ago when they first started being bed buddies…and that’s all it really was…because if he had any feelings at all for her…after the first couple of weeks, he would have had enough respect to tell her he was tired of treating her like a ring rat.

And the night at the club when he walked in with the two hoochies…he looked way to comfortable to ever change his ways. He was always going to be a playboy and if Jillian thought for a second he wouldn’t want to be one…she was only deluding herself to the fact that eventually he’d get tired of being with one person…and head off to snatch up every ring rat he could find in a 100 mile radius.

Jillian couldn’t stand her heart hurting for him once…and she’d be damned if she let it happen again.

Jillian slipped out of bed, took something for her headache and slipped into the bathroom and took a long shower to wake herself up. When she emerged, she pulled on her jeans and a tank top…and pulled her long hair up into a pony tail. After she pulled her tenny shoes on she walked over and was packing her bag…and said, “Randy…c’mon get up.”

Randy moved around a little but didn’t budget…Jillian walked over and grabbed her cell phone and purse off the night stand and reached over and shoved Randy’s head forward. Randy’s head bounced back and he sat up in bed and said, “What gives?” Jillian said, “Get up nimrod.” Randy said, “Damn, I don’t remember you being this mean before.”

Jillian sat down in front of Randy and said, “Listen, I’ve been deluded.” Randy said, “About?” She said, “Me and you…there is no me and you…and I did love you once a long time ago, but I don’t love you now.”

Randy finally woke up and said, “Wait a minute…what about last night? I thought we decided to…ya know…date.”

Jillian laughed at Randy and stood up and said, “C’mon Randy you couldn’t even say it…That just proved to me you’re not as ready for a relationship as you thought. And well…I don’t want to be with you anymore…I might have at one point…but not anymore…you’re gonna be a playboy until you die…and you know it.”

Randy stood up and said, “C’mon we can try and work this out.”

Jillian picked up her suitcase and looked at Randy before she walked out the door and said, “What for? We’d only end up where we were before, you wanting to go back to being a playboy and me with a broken heart…I refuse to put myself through that again. It’s not worth it…and because I don’t love you anymore…you’re not worth it…I love myself too much to be in that kind of pain ever again.”

With that Jillian turned and walked out the door…down the hallway and off to the airport.

As she got herself situated on the plane…someone bumped her arm…she looked over and came to the most caring brown eyes she could of ever seen…Dave Bautista.

She smiled and said, “What are you doing on the plane…And where have you been?” Dave smiled and said, “Angie and I got divorced.” Jillian’s small hand touched Dave’s forearm and she said, “Oh my gosh why?”

Dave said, “I went home and she told me she’d been seeing someone from work…someone she could depend on being there for her when I’m on the road…she’d decided last year she didn’t want to be with me anymore…so after she told me all this she handed me the divorce papers…and said, ‘c’mon you know it’s not going to work out.’ So I signed them and she had already packed her things and was just waiting for me to come home and sign the papers.”

Jillian said, “Shit…talk about waiting for a signature on the dotted line.” Dave said, “Yea no shit…so why are you on the plane?” Jillian said, “I haven’t taken a break in a year…so I’ve decided I’m going home for a week.” Dave said, “I was going to go see my parents…Mind if I join you instead?” Jillian said, “Hell, I got a load of room…c’mon…I can use the company…Staying in the house by myself will make me insane.”

They enjoyed each others company until the plane descended on Sacramento International Airport…The Capital of California. Neither could wait to just get to Jillian’s and relax.

Chapter 15


Jillian and Dave walked into the big house and Dave said, “This is really beautiful Jilli.” Jillian said, “Thanks...Don’t be alarmed if you see someone walking around the house tomorrow morning either. My boyfriend is coming in tonight some time.” Dave said, “Who’s the lucky guy?” Jillian smiled and said, “Well...I’m sort of dating John...from the Smackdown roster.”

Dave said, “Which one they’ve got several?” Jillian blushed and said, “John Cena.” David laughed and said, “Cena? Oh my god...there are hearts breaking all over the world tonight. When did you guys decide to start dating?” Jillian said, “It was right after I saw Randy with those two bimbos at that night club...we went out for dinner a couple of times...and we just kind of meshed well...We haven’t been able to stop talking...Randy never wanted to talk unless it was about him...”

Dave said, “What about last night, were you really going to take him back and push John to the side?” Jillian smiled devilishly and said, “No...But it was fun screwing with him for the couple of hours.”

Dave fell onto the couch and started laughing so hard...he couldn’t believe the whole time he’d known Jillian he thought she was this sweet and innocent girl...and now she was worse then Satan himself.

Jillian leaned against the arm of the couch and said, “Don’t think I’m so sweet and innocent anymore do ya? By the way you don’t have to call my’s my middle name...My first name is Alexandra...Most people call me Lexi.” Dave nodded and said, “Yea...definitely not sweet and innocent anymore.” Alexandra laughed and said, “Blame John...I do.”

Dave laughed as he watched her walk away. Dave got situated in his room and relaxed with the TV on; he ended up falling asleep...and was woke up by someone setting off the house alarm around 2 am. He walked down the stairs in his boxers and saw John turning off the alarm.

John looked up and said, “Hey Dave, where’s Alex?” Dave said, “I guess her room...Nice you could join us.” They shook hands and John said, “I hate planes...hell, Alex probably fell asleep...she never hears this alarm when it goes off...I’m glad I ain’t no burglar.”

Dave said, “Yea me too...I’m in nothing but my jockey shorts how am I supposed to stop you.” John said, “Hell, if I was the burglar all you’d have to do is growl at me...I’d leave and it would be the smartest thing for me to do.”

Dave said, “Why is it guys always go down stair to check out a suspicious noise in their underwear with a know like in the movies?” John said, “I don’t know...maybe they are hoping to find a guy in his underwear in the living room with a ball...shit man I’m busted...I’ll see ya in the morning...sorry I woke ya up.” Dave said, “No problem...Acid reflux is killing me.”

John said, “Alex keeps antacid in the cabinet above the sink in the bathroom.” Dave said, “Alright, thanks. Night man.” Dave watched as John waved him off as he walked up stairs.

John got completely undressed with only his boxer/briefs on and crawled into bed next to Alex...she had her glasses on and the light on the night stand. John carefully removed them and placed then on the night stand and softly kissed her lips...she slowly woke up and smiled and said, “When did you get here?”

John laughed as he pulled her into his arms and said, “When I set the alarm off which you slept through...again.” Alex absent mindedly rubbed his chest as he was running his hands up and down her back...she said, “You look got jet lag.” John nodded as he yawned. Alex leaned over and up and turned the light off as she kissed his lips softly again and said, “Sleep...we’ve got plenty of time to talk tomorrow.”

They both fell asleep...A nice restful sleep.

Chapter 16


John slowly woke up the following morning with small kisses being rained all over his face. John’s eyes slowly fluttered open as his lips were softly kissed...he loved the feel of Lexi’s lips against his. He couldn’t help but kiss her back...Lexi pulled away and said; she was going to have a bath to wake up a little more.

Once in the bathroom, she asked John if he would share her bath with her. He just couldn't refuse her request.

She ran the tub full of hot water and lit several candles in the bathroom. The candlelight off her skin gave her a creamy look. His breathing was hard, his body tingling with anticipation of her small hands being on his hard body.

They stepped into the tub and allowed the hot fragrant water to lap over their bodies. Her fingers making wet trails over his arms. Memorizing the feel of his body, loving the sound of his ragged breathing. She knew he was looking forward to his special session, but she needed her own special session! They had these sessions once a week...each looking forward to their alone time.

She took his silken finger tips and ran them down her arms. He then took the initiative and ran them over her body, loving the feel of her on his fingertips. He leaned up to kiss her lips, her face, not leaving any area unkissed. Then down to her neck and the sensitive collarbone area. Her senses were filled with him. His soft gentle touch and his heated kisses soon had her whimpering with desire. John whispered out, “I need you baby.”

"Please John, Make love to me...I need you too." Her simple plea broke his resolve. He stood up with her in his embrace. He got out of the bathtub and without taking his eyes from hers, took a large fluffy bath towel and started slowly sensuously rubbing the towel over her body, paying close attention to her breasts, then lower between her legs.

She shivered as he drew the towel around her back, over her bottom to softly dry the damp skin there. Her skin had a soft flushed look to it. Her breathing beginning to be labored as she struggled for some control of the desire that was streaking through her body. Trying to make him want her as much as she wanted him.

Lexi took the towel away from him and slowly started a sensual journey over his body, rubbing the towel over him. He closed his eyes savoring the feeling of her small hands and the soft cotton of the towel on his body. Repeatedly running her hands up and down his body, over and over, teasing his senses, but never touching that part of him that really needed touching.

His eyes held her captive as she continued this torture of his body. His eyes were now black with desire, his breathing labored as if he had just finished a match with Kane.
She licked her lips to moisten them, her pink tongue barely wetting them. This small gesture was his total undoing. He scooped her up in his arms, her own arms tightening around his neck.

He moaned into her hair, "God help me...I want you." he moaned again as he swiftly carried her to the bed and deposited her softly in the middle of it.
"Please, baby...” he said. He was kissing her mouth, her breasts, loving the way she was pleading with him to end this torture.

He could finally take no more, joining them in a dance as old as time. John slowly slid his erection into Lexi…and started slowly moving in and out of her…and she couldn’t help but whimper for him to go faster, begging almost pleading for him to just ravage her body…and make her his for the rest of their married lives…The end results were explosive!

His breathing slowly returned to normal, his muscles were still twitching from the after shocks of their powerful joining. He eased out of her slowly and pulled her in to his embrace, her arms and legs locking on to him, as if he might try to get away. She sighed and her even breathing told him she was asleep…

The spent the rest of the day making love and sleeping...they didn’t even leave the room until later that night...and even that after they had a some what snack...they went back to the bedroom and made each other their snack....again....and again...and again.

Chapter 17


Alexandra and John sat down and discussed with Dave exactly what had happened to her when she was younger...

They watched as Dave went through the motions of not being able to believe someone would do that to another human being to his blood boiling knowing that Lexi’s step father had been released from prison, and could try to come after when ever he felt like it.

Dave said, “So you changed your name?”

Lexi said, “Well, Yes and no...I’m catholic so I was given several names. My full name is Alexandra Michelle Jillian Chambers.” John walked into the living room and cleared his throat, and then gave a, “Ahem.” Dave watched as Alex blushed all the way to the roots of her long hair...Dave said, “What’s ahem for?”

Alex smiled as John kissed the top of her head and she said, “Actually I wasn’t fully truthful with you, it’s formerly Alexandra Michelle Jillian Chambers.” Dave said, “So what is it now?” Alex smiled and said, “Alexandra Cena.”

David’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and said, “Excuse me?” John laughed with Alex, and Dave said, “You guys got hitched? But when?” John looked at Alex and said, “What? About 3 months ago right?” Alex nodded.

Alex said, “I couldn’t say no...It was a mutual decision...we couldn’t stop loving each we didn’t want to...but John ha been carrying around this ring in his pocket when he’d go to the ring...and once night when I was doing his laundry for him, it fell out and he asked me...I cried...and then said yes...we couldn’t decide on a date, so the next weekend we both had off, we got married.”

Dave grabbed Alex and nearly hugged the stuffing out of her while congratulating them both. Dave said, “Does anyone else know?”

Alex smiled and said, “MJ and Tamia were our witnesses. We haven’t exactly broke the news to Randy yet...but I think he’ll figure it out when John gets traded to Raw to be with his wife. Stephanie and Paul are going to announce it at the before PPV meeting in 3 weeks...until then we’ve been given the time off as a semi-honeymoon.”

Dave said, “And you invited me to come with...are you out of what’s left of your mind girl?” Alex said, “’ve been a really great friend to me Dave...I appreciate everything...And you’ve been an excellent friend to need a vacation as bad as I have a few hot single friends...who could use an animal like you.”

Alex winked at Dave and he laughed hard.

They started talking about Alex’s step dad again. She said, “Steve, my step dad used to call me Michelle, he’d come walking down the hallway saying my name all freaky and it would get my nerves rattled up. That’s why I figured having you guys call me Jillian would be easier. And hopefully be easier to hide from him.”

Dave said, “So he hasn’t tried to make contact yet?” Alex just shook her head no. She said, “Not that I’m not grateful...but I know he will eventually...and I already know he’s watching me...I can feel his eyes on me when I’m at the arena...I don’t know where he is...but I can sense him...It’s almost as if I have a part of him in me still...and no matter what I do I can’t get rid of him.”

Dave and John only wished he’d make his presence known...they’d both take turns trying to kill him.

Chapter 18


3 weeks later, everyone on the Raw roster were sitting around the huge board room table, before the Pay pre-view was starting. Paul and Stephanie walked in and started the meeting.

Stephanie said, “The meeting won’t be too long tonight, we’ve just got a few announcements to make. First off, John Cena is going to making the jump from Smackdown to Raw.” Randy spoke up and said, “What about Jillian...she’s been missing for 3 weeks.”

Stephanie said, “I’m getting to it...And her name is Alexandra, Jillian is her middle name...John is making the jump to Raw to be with his wife, Alexandra, they are coming back from their honeymoon...”

Randy went number from the neck up...he did NOT just hear Stephanie tell everyone that his best friend got married to his ex-girlfriend...this was NOT happening...Randy didn’t even stay for the rest of the meeting...he got up and left the room and went back down to his dressing room.

The next night for Monday Night Raw, Alex and John walked into the arena, he had his arm around her waist and she was leaning into his embrace and they were whispering, stealing kisses and laughing.

Randy walked up and said, “What the fuck is this shit...Jillian you was so willing to take me back 3 weeks ago...and now you’re married to my best friend?” Alex stopped and said, “Randy, for once this isn’t about YOU...I’ve been dating John for a long time just never knew it...and what I did to you 3 weeks felt good.”

Randy said, “You manipulative little bitch.”

John straightened up and said, “Hey! That’s my wife you’re talking to.”

Randy said, “No it isn’t...I’m talking to the whore inside...The one who couldn’t get enough of my dick when she first started in this wander Vince liked you so much...he must of thought you was as good a piece of ass as I did...As far as I’m concerned, John ole’re just getting sloppy seconds.”

Randy took his eyes off of John for a split second and then suddenly pain was radiating through his nose and head as he fell back onto the ground. John was standing over Randy and had Randy’s blood on his fist...he said, “As of right now, you and me...the friendship is one disrespects my wife that one...As far as I’m concerned, you’re getting off easy Orton...but if you ever...Look in my eyes and know I’m serious...If you EVER speak to her that way again...What happens to you, I won’t be held accountable for...You remember that.”

Alex touched John’s arm and he jerked around and she flinched back. John held out his hand...and Alex took it...they started to walk away and said, “I’m sorry you have to be such an asshole Randy...If you wouldn’t have been such a fuckin’d be with me now...but you can’t go with one woman think you need them they can have you...I found someone who wants me...and only me.”

Randy sat up as the blood poured out of his nose...he had no one to blame but himself...he was gonna have to live with it for the rest of his life.

Chapter 19


A few weeks later Alex had started receiving death threats, she’d decided for everyone involved she’d not mention it to anyone...It went on for several months...and one evening, Alex walked into the dressing room and someone had left flowers on the dressing room counter.

There was a note in the roses and Alex leaned over to pull the note out and felt a sting of pain in her index finger...she pulled back and then looked again and there were hundreds of razor blades concealed in the flowers. Alex backed away from them as John walked into the room.

John walked over and kissed her cheek and then was suddenly aware that his wife was shaking from head to toe. And about as pale as anyone could be...John stood in front of her and touched her shoulders...he said, “Alex...Honey talk to me.” Alex held up her hand, and her finger was bleeding...John wrapped a towel around it and noticed she was staring at the flowers on the counter...he walked over to the door and called for security.

They took the flowers and called the police. Dave had come in when he heard something had happened. John explained what happened, and since he didn’t have to wrestle that night offered to take her back to the hotel...Alex agreed and so did John.

Once in front of the hotel, Alex said, “I’m fine now David...Thanks for bringing me back...I’m just going to head up and take a relaxing bath and wait for John to get in.” Dave helped her out the car hugged her and told if she needed anything he was a phone call away.

Alex walked into the hotel and up to her room...but she never made it to the room.

Dave made it back to the arena and was talking to John...Stephanie walked up and said, “John, Alex’s brother showed up and I told him that her friend took her back to the hotel.” John said, “Shit tell me you’re joking Steph...PLEASE!”

Stephanie said, “Why?” John said, “Alex doesn’t have any siblings...just a lunatic step father who just got out of prison...Call the cops, they were just here tell them where to go...I’m not gonna make my match...I gotta go.” John took off; Dave was hot on his heels.

They got to the hotel and the cops had already searched the room, but there was no sign of her, her purse, keys and cell phone were on the floor outside the room...someone had obviously come up behind her, cause the door had been kicked open...John noticed a pattern on the carpet of the hallway something or someone had been drug down the hall...Dave stayed with 2 cops and John followed 4 down the hallway.

The pattern stopped at the stairwell...They determined she’d been taken up the stairs, cause there was drops of blood from the cut on her finger leading up the stairs...They got to the roof of the building...and suddenly heard gun shots.

They walked around the huge heating and air condition system for the hotel and Alex was standing over her Step fathers body...he had two shots, one in the head and one in the heart.

Obviously no charges were brought against her.

Chapter 20


- -1 Year Later- -

Alexandra and John were walking along the beach in Santa Monica California...Alex was close to 6 months pregnant...and they couldn’t wait for the baby to get there. John had decided to take the last 3 months of her pregnancy off...he wanted to share everything with her and couldn’t stand to be away from her.

Things had gone smoothly so far...and John wasn’t taking any chances with her health or the babies.

I sit alone
In a dark theater watching the people go by
Hand in hand, everybody but me

I stay behind
Watching the credits roll by
Roll Roll roll right by me

I know I won't cry
Because there is somebody
Somebody somebody waiting for me
Out in the rain
Won't cry, not tonight
'Cause there is somebody waiting for me

Oh, yeah won't cry

Tamia and MJ had joined them and found out Tamia was pregnant she was around 3 months now...and were staying at the beach house next to John and Alex.

John stopped in the middle of the walk and looked at Alex and she said, “What?” John pulled her to him and kissed her lips softly and she laughed and said, “Watch it now, that’s how we got this one.” As she pointed to her stomach.

John laughed and said, “Are you happy?”

I take a walk
The streets are busy tonight
And I am searching for you
Waiting to brush your shoulder

And I'm alone
I watch the faces roll by
Roll Roll Roll right by me

But I know I won't cry
'Cause there is somebody
Somebody somebody waiting for me
Out in the rain
Won't cry, not tonight
'Cause there is somebody waiting for me

Alex smiled and said, “Blissfully.” John said, “Good...I was afraid you’d find someway to get away from me and run to somebody else.” Alex laughed and said, “Ha! Fat chance knocked me get to deal with me when delivery time rolls around.”

Alex sat down in the sand as John sat behind her and she said, “Besides...who would take an ugly fat girl.” John rubbed her belly and said, “You’re not fat, you’re pregnant...and you’re the most beautiful pregnant girl I’ve ever seen.”

How many words will go unspoken oh
Till I hear you knocking upon my door
I just got this magic spell unbroken
But tonight I know I won't cry no more

I lie awake
I left the porch light on
I hope it helps you to find your way

Outside I hear the thunder roll by
Roll Roll roll right by me
But I know I won't cry

“Not as beautiful as my wife buddy...Nice try though.” John looked up and MJ and Tamia had joined them on the beach...they sat down next to John and Alex...and were staring into the ocean...and watched as the sun set in their own back yard.

John looked at Alex who in turned looked at him and he said, “Somebody looking out for me...I don’t know who or why...but I’m really glad they brought you to me.” Alex smiled and said, “ too.” John kissed her lips softly and Tamia said, “Watch it...that’s how you are getting the first one.”

John and Alex started laughing as Alex said, “I told him that already...he ain’t got good hearing.” John said, “Oh hell who cares...I went from having no one in my having somebody I can’t live without.”

There’s somebody for everybody.

'Cause there is somebody
Somebody somebody waiting for me
Out in the rain
I'm not gonna cry tonight
No, 'cause there is somebody waiting for me
Not gonna cry tonight
Not gonna no, no no no
Oh, yeah
No, not gonna cry, not tonight
'Cause there is somebody waiting for me

I stay behind
Watching the credits roll by
Roll Roll roll right by me

The End