Saving Grace
Chapter 1
"Jovi." "Jovi." "Jovanna Marie Miller."
Jovi's violet eyes opened and she said, "Sorry...I'm up
Her dad was a pill sometimes.
Jovi moved around as she slowly rolled out of bed and got herself woke
up. She bounced into her wrangler jeans,
while slipping her boots on and pulled a sweatshirt over her head...It was 5
am, she had to go out and let the mustangs run on the land for exercise and
food. Her dad had already made sure there
was hay for them...Jovi pulled her hood up on her sweatshirt as she stepped out
onto the porch of the house she'd called home for the last 16 years. She stepped down into the mud...The rain was
really starting to get on her nerves.
She walked out and climbed over the fence and went over and opened the
big double doors to the barn and let the mustangs out so they could run and get
exercise while she was at school.
Knowing once she got back home she'd have to get them back in the barn,
but that wasn't in any way difficult for her.
Once she got back into the house, her dad said, "Now don't
forget, today is Friday I'm gonna be in Seattle for the week so I won't be
home, till Next Friday...I made sure there's plenty of food stocked in the
fridge and freezer, I'll also leave a hundred bucks on the table in case you
need it for whatever." Jovi smiled
as she pushed her 5'8" frame up and kissed her dad's cheek and said,
"I'll be fine dad...Don't worry so much...You go through this every time
you leave to take the mustangs to auction for sale." Mike hugged his daughter to him and kissed
the top of her head and said, "Okay go get ready for school and you have a
good day today." Jovi smiled as she
headed up for a shower and said, "I will dad...And I'll lock the front
door so the undesirables don't get me."
Mike said, "Is Alice Cullen gonna come see you over the
weekend?" Jovi smiled and said,
"Of course...Doesn't she always?"
Mike nodded and said, "She's a good girl...Her dad raised her
Jovi showered and got herself dressed in
jeans and a black cotton shirt with long sleeves and a red hooded t-shirt over
it...She stood in front of her dressed blow drying her long brunette hair that
had blonde streaks in it which her dad said looked so much like her
mothers. She couldn't remember her
mother much. Allison Miller had died
from breast cancer when Jovi was 10. Her
dad was doing a good job trying to make sure she's being raised correct. Once she was finished she grabbed her cell
phone making sure to turn it on vibrate and her backpack and ran out the front
door and jumped in her red jeep and took off into town for school.
They had a 25 acre ranch in Forks Washington, but it was right on
the border of Forks and La Push. La Push
had the Quileute Indian Reservation on it.
All of their children attended school on the reservation...They wouldn't
send their kids to the schools that the pale faces attended, but only because
they thought public schools were too violent.
Which was completely true, there was always some new news report about a
kid going into a school and shooting their classmates...Forks was relatively
quiet...The occasional hiker would go missing, but not nearly the same amount o
violence like in the bigger cities.
Once she got into class, She looked over at
Alice and said, "So the parental unit is audios until next
Friday." Alice smiled as she golden
colored eyes twinkled. Alice said,
"Great...I'll come over tomorrow and we can work on our Junior
project." Jovi said,
"Sweet...I'm going for a ride when I get home...I haven't been able to
take Sarge for a ride in a couple of days and I'm scared he's getting
restless." Sarge was her huge male
black mustang her mom and dad had bought for her 10th birthday before her mom
got really sick. His coat was so black
it looked like it had a blue tint to it in certain light.
True to her words, once Jovi got out of school she drove home and
was thankful the rain had stopped as she pulled into the drive way, she sat at
the top of the fence and put her pinkies in the corners of her mouth and let out
a loud whistle as the horses that had been out running all day came running as
she shooed them into the barn and then into their own individual stalls. After counting, she nodded with a smile as
she had gotten all 15 back in their stalls.
She opened Sarge's stall and got him brushed off as she threw the
blanket on his back and then saddled him.
She held the bit up for the harness and reigns and Sarge walked up and
put it in his mouth, he knew no bit no riding...Most horses fought putting the
bit in their mouth, no Sarge. She got
the harness on all the way and then go on as she called for her Bullmastiff
Hades...He could use a work out too he was looking a little on the tubby side.
Sarge ran through the woods at a nice gallop with Hades following
closely. Once they got to a clearing in
the woods, Jovi stopped Sarge near a stream so he could get some nice cold
water. Jovi leaned down and wrapped her
arms around the horses neck and said, "Yea...I
needed it too big boy...Love the freedom."
It was nice a quiet in the woods...
"Hey...You're trespassing!" Jovi looked over and 5 guys walking through
the forest in cut off jeans and sneakers...No shirt...How odd she thought. They came walking up as Hades fur stood
straight up and he started growling furiously.
A tall guy said, "Muzzle that mutt lady." Jovi said, "Hades...No." She watched as Hades sat down but was still
kind of growling, but trying to keep it quiet not
wanting to get yelled at again.
"What are you doing trespassing on our land?" Jovi said, "Sorry I wasn't aware I was
trespassing." The tall guy said,
"What's your name?" She said,
"Jovi...Sorry Jovanna Miller...Jovi for short." The guy said, "My name is Sam
Uley...You're on the Quileute lands right now." Jovi said, "I do apologize...Sarge was
getting restless he needed the run...I didn't realize I was trespassing. I can assure you it won't happen
again." Sam said, "See that it
doesn't Miss Miller."
Jovi nudged Sarge with her heels and he turned and headed back to
the ranch...Jovi looked back and said, "Hades come!" The dog growled once more at the 5 guys and
then took off with the horse. On the way
back Jovi contemplated...She had ridden out that far before why was she just
now being told she was trespassing?
Interesting...She'd have to ask Alice if she knew anything about it.
Chapter 2
Jovi and Alice were sitting at the kitchen table laughing about
school and the encounter she had with the cute pack of Indian guys. Jovi said, “It was weird, they came walking
out of the woods in cut off jean shorts and sneakers…They weren’t even wearing
shirts like it was 103 degrees out and summertime.” Alice said, "Those are the protectors of
the Quileute lands. I'm sure they are
just trying to be manly about the cold weather.
I know that usually they do prosecute trespassers so you should be
careful of where the boundaries are."
Jovi smirked and said, "I don't know they looked pretty harmless to
me...A bit on the grouchy side, but harmless." Alice said, "They are far from
harmless." Jovi giggled and said,
"Alice, I've been friends with you since we were told me
what you was from day one and you're not running around sucking my blood."
Alice and the rest of her family were vampires...but they didn't
feed on human blood they did not want to be seen as animals...they would hunt
animals in the woods and drink from them rather than take a human life. Alice told Jovi if she ever came across a
regular vampire they would have blood red eyes and to not even bother running,
because they were fast...Really fast.
Most people didn't know how truly fast they could be. Carlisle and Esme Cullen were Alice's
adoptive parents, in other words they made her what she is...Her sister Rosalie
is somewhat of a spoil sport, she over analyzes everyone's true
intentions. She's got two brothers
Edward and Emmett...Edward has been in Europe for a while and Jovi has never
met him...Emmett is Rosalie's boyfriend or mate for all intense purposes, and
Jasper...He's her boyfriend even though they've all been adopted into the
Cullen Family...They all are vampires.
Alice laughed at Jovi, she said, "You know something out of
everyone in my life I've ever told what me and my family truly're
the first who hasn't been scared to death were gonna suck them dry. You're not scared of us at all. You come over for movie night twice a week
and sit in the middle of us like it's no big deal. Carlisle and Esme thought
you had a death wish or something, then they realized
you just wasn't scared. It's like you
don't have a fear of anything in life."
Jovi laughed and said, "What is there to be scared of? There's nothing to fear but fear itself...and spiders of course." Alice chuckled and said, "I forgot you
don't like spiders." Jovi said,
"I'm really fearless when it comes to everything but spiders...then I have
to call my dad to come kill them and remove the body."
The girls finished p working on their junior project and Jovi walked
Alice outside...Jasper was pulling into the driveway to pick Alice up...Jovi
said, "Do you think the beach is on their sacred land as well?" Alice said, "Nope...It's only in La Push...I
know they protect the beach too, but technically it's not
trespassing." Jovi said,
"Good...I think I'm gonna go stay the night on the beach, weather dude
said it was supposed to be 70 tonight...I'm loving the
warmth...I'll talk to you when I get back tomorrow." Alice said, "Come over for game night
tomorrow night if you'd like. Esme would
be upset if I didn't invite you over while you're dad's
out of town." Alice gave her a hug
and said, "Later." Jovi waved
and walked over to the driver side and said, "Jasper." He rolled the window down and said,
"Yes?" Jovi smiled and said,
"Don't eat anybody." As she winked at him. Alice started laughing as Jasper chuckled a
Jasper was the newest member of their family and beforehand had been
hunting humans but wanted to change all of it when he met Alice. He decided right away if Alice and her family
could do it so could he. He'd been going
strong now for 6 months...Every once in a while his thirst for human blood
would come back but Carlisle would keep him out of school for a few days and
then he was good as new. Jovi would joke
around with him just to get him to loosen up a little because when she would
come around he had a hard time controlling the fact he wanted to kill her...And
everyone had a hard time realizing the fact that Jovi wasn't afraid of
them. Jasper cracked a smile and said,
"Thanks Jovi...I knew I could count on you." Jovi smiled as she leaned over and leaned
against the car door and said, "Look...You've been doing great...I think
if you can joke about it now...The hardest part is clearly over."
As they drove away, they watched as she ran back into the
house. Jasper said, "I don't
understand Jovi sometimes." Alice
laced her fingers with his and said, "What do you mean button." Jasper made a face when she called him button
it was her pet name from him because she said he was cute as a button. Jasper said, "She seems so fearless, but
she's scared to death of spiders...She rides her horse like she's completely
free like she doesn't have a care in the world...But her mom died what 6 years
ago from cancer...Shouldn't she be scared to die too?" Alice said, "Some people deal with death
differently...I don't think she'll ever be afraid to die, because she knows her
mother is waiting for her on the other side." Jasper said, "I guess I never thought of
it that way...I mean I know were damned, but I figured everyone was damned not
just us." Alice said, "Someone
who makes me as happy as you do, could never be damned...And don't you forget
that." Jasper kissed the back of
Alice's hand as they continued home.
Jovi got her camping gear together as she loaded everything in her
backpack and duffle bag and got the duffle bag tied down to the side of Sarge
after she got him saddled...Jovi pulled her backpack on and mounted Sarge and
called for Hades to follow. Sarge
galloped for roughly 3 blocks and then they turned into a secluded part of the
beach by a few caves, they would be protected from the elements in the
caves. the
caves were about 50 feet from the tree line to the woods. Once she got to the front of the caves she
dismounted and Sarge and Hades followed her just inside. She unrolled her huge sleeping bag and
grabbed a load of sticks and made a small fire in the cave...She sat just
outside of the cave with Hades laying besides her and
Sarge was just roaming the area around Jovi.
Jovi knew it was terrible but she pulled out her history book and sat in
the somewhat sunlight and was catching up on her chapter reading.
She didn't notice the dark brown eyes watching her from the woods.
Chapter 3
Jovi sat on the beach reading her history chapters and could've
sworn she was being watched. Hades
finally jumped to his feet as the hair on his back stood on end and his growls
were deep and rumbled his whole body.
Jovi reached out and touched his back, her eyes never moving from the
book. Hades growling started getting
deeper and sounded more vicious...Like he was going to rip someone's head
off. As Jovi was sitting there the
outlining shadow of a person came across her history book. Jovi looked up and came sorta face to face
with the five some of hot Indian guys again.
The older one Sam squatted down and said, "You're just itchin'
for trouble aren't you girl?" Jovi
laughed as she noticed Hades inching towards the guys growling and showing his
teeth something fierce. Jovi said,
"Hades...No." Hades backed up
and sat next to her making sure to hold his ground. Jovi said, "If I was looking for trouble
I would've trespassed again...But I gave you my word that it wouldn't happen
again and my word is my bond Mr. Uley."
Sam furrowed his brow and was suddenly aware that this teenager was not
like the others who lived in forks...but then he smelled something familiar on
her...She smelled sweet...too sweet... sickly sweet and it felt like his nose
was burning. She smelled like a
Vampire. But she wasn't pale enough to
be one and she wasn't jumping up and running from them.
Sam said, "Mr. Uley?"
Jovi giggled and said, "Well, that is the last name you gave me the
last time we spoke correct?" Sam
nodded and said, "Most people around these parts just use my first
name...I don't think I've ever been called Mr. Uley before. Let's stick with Sam." Jovi smirked and said, "Okay...Sam. So why do you seem to think I'm looking for
trouble?" Sam said, "Because
you're ranch is on the other side of these woods and you're far away from home...It's
kind of dangerous sitting out here alone don't you think?" Jovi laughed and said, "Sam, Do you know
my father Mike Miller?" Sam said,
"I know of him...He's rescues Mustangs and also breeds them for auction
correct?" Jovi said, "Yes
sir...If you know anything you'd also know my father goes out of town every
other week for 8 days for auctions...I'm forever staying at home alone...So
sitting on this beach alone sure doesn't scare me."
Sam said, "You got approached by five strangers...doesn't that
scare you?" Jovi laughed and said,
"Well let's see...I've met you so technically you're not a stranger Sam...and the other 4 have shorts and sneakers on...What are they
going to do throw their sneakers at me? And give me athlete's foot?" It was Sam's turn to chuckle and he said,
"Does anything scare you?"
Jovi said, "No...Should I be afraid of something?" Sam said, "You'd be surprised about the
things that go bump in the night."
Jovi said, "Oh...You mean like Vampires?" Sam stood up and growled from the back of his
throat and said, "Who are you little girl?" Jovi put her history book down and stood up
to face the 5 guys...The other four gathered around behind Sam after she
mentioned it was some kind of fighting word.
Jovi said, "I'm someone who doesn't scare easy so sitting here
trying to antagonize me is only going to piss me off! Now if you don't mind, I was busy doing my
school work...So please be gone with you and leave me be." Sam said, "I'm not trying to scare you,
but how do you know about vampires?"
Jovi said, "What business is it of yours? I don't know you from a
hole in the ground...Or any of them...So this conversation is over." One of the guys from the back moved forward
and said, "What the hell do you know!
Tell us right now!" Jovi
wasn't having it and said, "You can get out of my face...Whatever your
name is...You don't scare me...I don't care how big and bad you think you
are." The guy got really pissed and
shoved Jovi down as she landed on her ass in the sand. The other's excluding Sam just laughed as he
said, "You're not so big and band sitting down there."
Jovi stood up and Sam who called the one who shoved her by name
said, "Paul get back and chill out."
Jovi glared as she said, "Yea Paul get back." As she threw a handful of sand in his eyes
and then proceeded to kick him in the balls.
All the guys visibly cringed as Paul hit his knees...Jovi shook her head
and said, "Loser." Jovi picked
up her history book and said, "Hades...Come." They were walking back to the cave, when Jovi
heard a deep growl...She turned around and Paul was standing up and snarled as
his nose twitched. Sam said, "Paul don't even think about it...No...You need to calm the hell
down." Paul said, "Screw
this...She needs to be scared one way or another." Suddenly he lurched forward, and Jovi almost
couldn't believe what she'd seen...He changed into a huge 5 almost 6 foot
Silver Wolf. Sam looked at the other 3
guys and said, "Don't move a muscle."
Jovi stood her ground and crossed her arms over her chest and stood
there with plenty of attitude. The
silver wolf started to charge at her and she just stood there looking at him,
Sam ran over and jumped in front of her and the huge silver wolf stopped about
5 feet from her. Jovi point at Sam and
then at the wolf and said, "The next time you shove a girl asshole, maybe
you should make sure she cowers from you first...I'm not scared of
you..." The wolf growled one last
time before jogging into the woods. Sam
turned to the girl and said, "You're either really stupid or braver then
you look." Jovi glared and said,
"Look...I don't know what you're beef is with me...I was minding my own
business when you trotted up here with your little puppies following you...Then
the furry asshole decided he was gonna man handle me...I don't care if you're
15, 25, 55 or 105...You're not going to put your hands on me in any kind of way
without my permission. If you're a gentlemen then you will act as such...If you act like a
mutt then you'll be treated as such."
Sam sighed heavily knowing she was perfectly correct. Sam pointed at the other three and said,
"Here now." They walked up and
Sam said, "Jovanna Miller, this is Jacob Black, Jared Tinsel and Embry
Call." Jovi smiled and said,
"Nice to meet you...I'd venture to say the hot head is Paul?" The other three just nodded as Sam laughed
and said, "Afraid so...And you're right Paul was out of line." The one named Jacob said, "I'd like to
apologize on behalf of the Quileute tribe, we are sworn to protect these lands
and the people on it from vampires...Paul attempting to attack you is
disrespectful." Jovi smiled and
said, "Thank you...And I can heads usually react without
thinking first." Embry said,
"5 bucks that says Paul's gonna be all butt hurt now...Got shut down by a
girl." Jared said, "No
way...Did you see that kick to the family jewels he phased it off...He's gonna
bounce back."
Jovi raised her eyebrows and laughed as Jacob said, "Don't mind
them they bet on everything." Sam
said, "I'm gonna go make sure Paul got changed back...Jake stay with Miss
Miller for a minute just until I make sure, I don't want him coming back after
her in case his pride is wounded."
Jake nodded. Jovi had gone back
and sat in the sand with her history book again. Jake walked over and sat next to her. Jake said, "So Miss Miller, I don't
remember seeing you around here...How long have you been here?" Jovi smiled and said, "Since my mom died
when I was 10...It was 6 years ago...And the name is Jovanna or
Jovi." Jake said,
"Sorry...about your mom that is. Do
you like it here?" Jovi said,
"I love the rain so I seem to be in paradise every day...Though it does
get on my nerves sometimes, which is why I cherish days like today...Trying to
soak up most of the sunlight." Jake
said, "So why weren't you really scared of Paul...You know when he phased
into a wolf."
Jovi smirked and said, "After I had my first run in with you
guys I did research on the Quileute tribe...I know you're supposed to be the
descendants of wolves, but I also know anyone with the tattoo on their right
shoulder has the gene...I also know if you attacked or killed anyone who wasn't
a vampire it would be a huge disgrace to your tribe...especially if it was a
human." Jake said, "Wow...A
smart girl who has a mouth and a brain...Scary." Jovi laughed and said, "Especially in
this day and age right?" Jake
enjoyed talking to her she was incredible intelligent and she wasn't bad to
look at either...Her violet eyes lured him in, but she still smelled like a vampire. Jake said, "I'm sorry...Why do you smell
like a vampire?" Jovi laughed and
said, "I wasn't aware I did...I am sorry...My best friend is a
vampire." Jake could feel his
tendons getting tight as he said, "How can you talk about it so
casually?" Jovi said, "Alice
Cullen has been my best friend since we were freshmen...I don't exactly have
any bite marks on me do I? Before you
ask no my dad doesn't know...I don't think he believes in any of this...It's like
a fairy tale, but without the dragons and the knights in shining armor coming
to save the dopey princess locked in the tower."
Suddenly Jake heard a couple of yelps and said, "That's Sam...I
better get going...It was nice meeting you Jovi." Jovi smiled and said, "Likewise, Jacob
Black. I hope I see you
around." Jake smiled and said,
"Same here...Bye." Jovi waved
and said, "Later." She watched
as his beautiful body jogged off to join the others deep in the woods. His short black hair and big brown eyes were
almost too much...How'd come Forks High School didn't have hot boys like
him? She was definitely being cheated!
Chapter 4
"HE WHAT?" Emily screamed...Sam cringed as his fiancée
yelled about Paul phasing and almost attacking an innocent person..Emily and Sam were like mom and dad to the guys, because
they were older and Sam helped them through their phasing issues and getting
used to it. Paul, Embry, Jake and Jared
were sitting at the kitchen table and Emily was pacing around the kitchen as
Sam was trying to calm her down. Sam
said, "Jake apologized for the mistake." Paul glared at Jake and said, "Dude,
don't be nice that little bitch kicked me in the..." Before he could finish he got a pop on the
side of his head by his little sister Mina who stood behind him with her arms
folded and said, "Paul don't even say anymore...Emily is going to skin you
alive! And I might help her!"
Jake said, "What did you want me to do man...It was completely
disrespectful...First you got in her face and yelled at her for no reason and
then you shoved her, you shouldn't have even laid your hands on her...then you
phase when she fights back and almost attacked her. You were completely out of line
man." Paul rolled his eyes and
said, "Okay so maybe I was out of line a little." That statement earned him a pop on the other
side of his head again from his little sister, as she growled behind Paul and
stomped her foot on the floor...Jared and Embry were muffling their
laughs. Mina said, "Paul our
parents never raised you that way...You know you should never lay your hands on
a woman...No matter how bad your temper or anger level gets...Why would you
even do that? What would you do if some
random loser did that to me?" Paul
said, "I'd rip his damn head off."
Mina folded her arms and said, "Right...So don't you think someone
should rip yours off for doing it to her?"
Paul really hated it when Mina was the voice of reason.
Emily's voice broke through their thoughts as she said, "Oh my
God...I burned the DAMN MUFFINS! I swear I'm turning into Betty friggen Crocker
and then Paul comes along with his retarded side
hanging out and I burn everything."
Sam watched wide eyed as Emily opened the front door and threw the
muffins, tin and all out the door and slammed it shut and then threw the oven
mitts on the counter and stormed down the hallway to their room.
The kitchen went silent. ::insert crickets
The guys looked over at Sam and his eyes were closed tight...He
opened one eye to make sure Emily had left the room and noticed all eyes were
on him and he said, "We really didn't need that muffin tin that
bad." Mina said, "I think
Emily is on the edge right now."
Paul made a face and
Sam said, "Okay fine...Paul go talk to Em...I'm gonna
salvage the muffin tin." Paul said,
"I know it's my fault for losing my temper...You guys are right I
shouldn't have laid hands on her...I'll go talk to Emily." Once Paul left the room, Jared said,
"So...Paul definitely likes Jovi."
Everyone said yes at the same time in agreement. Embry chuckled and said, "She must've
really pissed him off when she wouldn't talk about knowing vampires." Mina said, "Wow...My big brother has it
bad for her...He was twitching while walking back to Emily's room." The earned another round of laughs from the
Paul stood in front of the door and took a couple of deep breaths
and then knocked on the door. Emily
said, "Come in." Paul opened
the door and had to duck fast as a bar of soap came
flying at his head. Paul smirked and
said, "You missed Em." Emily
said, "I don't see anything funny here Paul." Paul said, "I know Emily and I'm
sorry...I was stupid for doing that to her.
My parent honestly raised me better than that and you and Sam have taught
us better. I know my temper flies off
the handle and I'm honestly trying to work on it." Emily said, "Trying working on it a
little harder Paul...Because people are going to make you mad where ever you
go...You just have to learn when to make it work for you and not against
you...You do realize you should apologize yourself to the girl." Paul nodded and said, "I know Em...I
will I promise."
Paul walked out into the kitchen and Mina was standing there and
said, "The guys head out for patrol said to join them when you was
finished." Paul nodded as he walked
over and while hugging his sister kissed the top of his sisters
head and said, "In case you're wondering...She's staying on the beach in
the cave tonight." Mina laughed and
said, "Okay...I'll run over and check on her." Paul said, "Thanks." Paul took off out the door and as soon as he
hit the tree line he kicked off his sneakers and phased into the beautiful
silver colored wolf he was and took off into the woods. Mina walked out onto the porch and went down
to her new Toyota Corolla and was about to get in when a hand grabbed her wrist. Mina looked up and into the eyes of
Jake. Jake pushed a finger to his lips
and said, "Shhh." As he pulled
her to follow him around to the side of the house that wasn't facing the
woods...They didn't want to chance being seen by Paul.
Mina leaned against the side of the house as Jake blocked her in
with a hand on each side of her head.
Mina's tiny 5'8" frame to Jake's 6' frame, Jake's chest was against
hers and he could feel her chest rising and falling. His red lips smirked as he dipped his head
down and slowly kissed her lips...She pushed up on her toes so he wouldn't have
to bend down too far. His arms encircled
her waist and pulled her to mold against his body. Their tongues intertwined with each other as
her fingers combed through his short black hair and her other hand went around
and raked the muscles across his back...not hard enough to leave marks...just
enough to make him feel her tony hands were touching him.
When they pulled apart, Jake rested his forehead against her and
said, "Damn it...We need to tell your brother soon." Mina placed a small kiss on the end of his
nose and said, "All in good time."
Jake kissed her lips one more time and said, "I better get going
they are gonna wonder where the hell I am considered I left before Paul and I
know he already beat me there."
Mina nodded...Jake started to take off when he noticed Mina pulled him
back. A smirked played on both their
lips...He loved it when she was playful.
Jake leaned down and kissed her again.
Mina moaned into his mouth and she pulled away and he started to placed
soft kissed along the side of her neck...Her eyes felt like they were going to
roll into the back of her head and she finally found her vocal cords and said,
"Jake...Jake...You better get going, before they come looking for
you." Mina sighed in contentment as
he kissed her lips one more time and patted her hip and she watched as he took
off to the woods and once he hit the tree line he jumped and phased...landing
on his paws as a reddish brown wolf.
Mina giggled and thought, 'Nice tail.'
Mina took off to La Push beach after she parked she made her way
down the parking lot stairs to the beach and over to the caves...She saw a
brunette with blonde streaks sitting on a sleeping bag with a fire going in the
cave reading a big thick book. Mina
said, "Are you Jovi?" Jovi
looked up and said, "Yes...And you are?" Mina said, "Mina...Paul's little
sister...I heard about your small run in with him and figured I'd be the bigger
person and come apologize for my dopey brother's behavior." Jovi giggled as she shook the girls hand and
said, "Don't worry about it...I think I gave him a sting he'll not soon
forget...Please have a seat the fire is nice and warm." Mina said, "Thanks...So I think my
brother likes you." Jovi laughed
and said, "You could've fooled me."
Mina said, "My brother is a hothead so you'll have to forgive him
for that...the guys were laughing and making fun of him...Paul is not one to
physically go after ladies...but we seem to think that fact that he tried to
muscle information about vamps from you and you didn't give in kind of building
the fire that torched the bridge."
Jovi said, "You know he would be cute if he wasn't such a
dick." Mina laughed hard as she
fell back on the sand laughing and said, "No one has ever pegged my
brother that fast." Jovi said,
"Shame such a hot body was wasted on such a hot head." Mina couldn't help laugh more and was suddenly
aware that her and Jovi were going to get along great!
Chapter 5
Tuesday after school, Jovi walked out to the barn as she climbed up
the fence and sat on the stop watching the horses run through the green
acres...They looked so care free their tails up in the air and manes moving
along with the wind that whipped through them.
Jovi stood on the 4x4 wooden board that was the
top of the fence as she watched them run in a zig zag pattern. She carefully squatted down as she was about
the whistle to bring them in when a voice behind her said, "You shouldn't
be up there." It startled her and
as she was falling back a pair of strong arms caught her before she hit the
Jovi had her eyes shut and the familiar voice said, "You can
open your eyes." Jovi opened her
eyes slowly to see who saved her from hitting the ground and was staring into
the dark brown eyes of Paul. Jovi's
mouth opened and closed several times before she said, "You...You can put
me down now." Paul carefully set
her on her feet. Jovi pulled her shirt
sleeves up as she re-climbed up and over the fence...when she jumped down, Paul
was resting his arms through the fence and they made eye contact and Jovi said,
"Thanks." Paul nodded and
said, "Actually I came to say I was sorry for the other day." Jovi said, "Yea...Tyrant one day and
hero the next...You sure blow hot and cold."
Paul said, "I have a bad habit of having a quick temper and
when you threw the sand in my eyes it pissed me off and then you kicked me in
the...well you know where you kicked me...It just pissed me off even
more." Jovi gave him a sideways
glance and said, "Somehow you're thinking you didn't deserve
it?" Paul said, "No...I
just...You know it's hard to have a conversation with a fence in the
way." Jovi said, "Some come
over." Paul said, "Are you
sure?" Jovi said, "Well you're
the one who complained about the fence."
Paul chuckled and said, "Yea...I guess I did." as he climbed
over and jumped down. Jovi looked up he
was at least 6 foot tall. Paul said,
"I never said I didn't deserve it...I just wasn't expecting any of
it." Jovi said, "I might live on
a ranch and deal with horse shit on a daily basis, but I'm not stupid...I know
exactly how to defend myself. And I know
you guys are or were probably pissed that I didn't talk about Alice, but she's
my best friend...I'm not about to do or say anything that might make you guys
want to hurt her."
Paul said, "No...We can't touch the Cullens...They have a
treaty with our ancestors...We caught them hunting on our lands years ago, but
we told them as long as they don't even kill a human for blood we won't reveal
who they are and they basically get a pass...we can't hurt them...Forks is
basically their territory, La Push is ours...If they break the treaty in any
way...Instant death is the sentence."
Jovi said, "Well you'd never have to carry out that sentence,
because they are good people...Dr. Cullen is a great doctor...He wouldn't hurt
a fly."
Paul watched as she put her pinkies in her mouth and whistled
loud. The mustangs came running and Jovi
noticed Paul was standing in their running path around the corner to get into
the barn...Jovi's eyes grew large as she watched the horses come at Paul...Jovi
shoved Paul as hard as she could against the barn door...Paul grabbed a hold of
her as they both waited until the mustangs were in the barn. Paul looked down, and the small brunette was
breathing heavy...she pushed back and said, "Sorry...I didn't hurt you did
I?" Paul chuckled a little and
said, "No...Actually one of the pros of being a wolf...We heal quickly...Not
too much in the pain department...well I guess it depends on where we get
kicked." Jovi blushed furiously as
she looked down and said, "Oh..."
Paul chuckled and said, "Don't get shy now...You had no problem
telling me where to go the other day."
Jovi said, "I'm not, Just feel bad about
where I kicked you."
Paul laughed as he watched her walk into the barn and put each horse
into their own stall. Paul watched as
her and Sarge did a normal routine...Jovi stood with her back to Sarge and he
came up behind her and nudged her back with his nose. She never turned around as she took two steps
to the left, Paul watched in amazement as he followed her...She turned and he
followed as she walked down the path and stopped next to a stall...He walked in
a nudged her again with his nose. She
turned and kissed his nose as she handed him a carrot and said, "That's my
big boy huh....Yea...Nothing but love."
She stomped her foot on the barn floor 3 times and Sarge mimicked
her. Jovi said, "I love you too
Sarge." Paul couldn't believe the
way she communicated with the horses.
There was something about her and the way she was with all the horses
and not just hers. They knew it was her
calling them home when she whistled, it was almost as if it was mutual respect;
her for the horses and the horses for her.
Jovi secured the barn door and Paul said, "That was a nice
dance you did in there." Jovi
laughed and said, "Nightly ritual...Sarge knows I always have carrots on
me, whether they are for him or if I'm eating them he knows." The both climbed back over the fence, Paul
grabbed her waist and guided her down making sure she was careful. Jovi said, "So I really liked
Mina...She's a sweet girl." Paul
laughed and said, "Yea she's my sister what can I say...She wants to go
around and apologize to any and every one I might have phased on." Jovi giggled and said, "She's got a good
heart...and it seems to be in the right spot." Paul chuckled and said, “I wish I had the
same heart she did…She sees the good in everyone…I'm usually more skeptical of
peoples intentions.” Jovi scoffed and
said, "Yea...I noticed...But you seem to have good intentions of making
sure you question and protect the right people." Jovi noticed the grey T-shirt that he was
wearing fit him like a second skin.
Paul said, "Yea...Well I try...It sometimes doesn't always turn
out the way I hope for...but eventually it all turns out ok." Jovi nodded and said, "True." Paul said, "So you're dad rescues mustangs
and then breeds them and sells them?"
Jovi said, "Yea...We had a ranch back in Montana, but after my mom
died, dad needed a change of scenery, so Forks Washington here we are...Been
here almost 6 years." Paul said,
"Wow...Sorry about your mom."
Jovi smiled and said, "Thanks, but it's okay...People always get
weird around me when they find out my mom died when I was 10...Like they have
to walk on egg shells or something...God wanted my mother and so she's with him
right now. I think it's a little harder
on my dad around her birthday and Christmas, but it's only because they were
together so long. They met when they
were 15 and married by 17 and then had me at 21."
Paul could see the twinkle in Jovi's eyes when she would speak about
her mom. Jovi said, "She was a
rodeo queen and dad...well he was a bull rider...He got thrown and practically
landed at moms feet...which is how they met.
Dad says I have her eyes and hair color." Paul said, "Are my eyes deceiving me or
are your eyes violet?" Jovi nodded
and said, "Yea...Moms were like a deep violet, mine
are a little lighter." Paul walked
Jovi to the porch of the house and they heard a couple of yelps. The both looked over by the tree line and saw
the guys all standing there. Paul said,
"I better go, it must be time to patrol...Look I just want to say I'm
sorry one more time for the other day...It was completely my fault." Jovi touch his hand and said, "It's okay
really...I know sometimes I have a little too much attitude for anyone...but I
am pretty stubborn too."
Paul said, "I kinda like you're attitude...You're the first
girl who didn't back down from me...And you definitely didn't get scared when I
phased." Jovi said, "What's to
be scared of...Some fur and a tail?"
Paul laughed and said, "You're really fearless aren't
you." Jovi nodded and said,
"You better get going...The guys will start to think you're getting
soft." Paul laughed as he took off
to join the guys and Jovi watched as they disappeared into the woods.
Chapter 6
Friday after school, Jovi saddled up Sarge like always ad then
saddled up Sally the beautiful reddish brown Mustang and took her to get
Mina. Jovi knew her dad wasn't due back
until 8, she had enough time for a good two hour run and then would head home,
do homework and start dinner. The girls
ran the horses down the beach at La Push...The girls were laughing as they
slowed the horses to walk along the beach.
Mina giggled and said, "So all Paul has been able to talk about is
that talk he had with you." Jovi
laughed and said, "He seems really sweet." Mina laughed and said, "Paul...The
hothead who almost attacked you? That Paul...Sweet?"
Jovi laughed hard and said, "One in the same." Mina laughed and said, "Lord...I think
you're both nuts." Jovi raised an
eye brow and said, "Oh yea? When were you planning on telling your brother
you've got the hots for his best friend."
Mina's eyes snapped open to the size of potatoes and she said,
"What in the world are you talking about?" Jovi giggled and said, "I've got my
ways...I may look as though I don't pay attention to much, but unlike everyone
else I see details most don't even notice." Mina laughed hard and said, "You're such
a sneak! How could you possibly notice
anything...We don't even acknowledge each other when everyone is
around." Jovi said, "I know
you guys do the best ignore job around.
Remember when you guys came to see me Sunday morning when I stayed on
the beach...You came to check on me the day after Paul phased on me...Remember
Paul and Sam didn't go, but you, Jake, Jared and Embry did." Mina said, "Yea." Jovi continued, "Jared and Embry were on
either side of you and Jake and your pinkie came out just slightly and brushed
against his hand and he sucked a breath in. Now guys don't usually react like
that unless they are hiding something."
I don't know but...I think I maybe
Fallin' for you...Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should...Keep this to myself
Waiting 'til I...know you better
I am trying...Not to tell you..
But I want to...
I'm scared of what you'll say
So I'm hiding...What I'm feeling
But I'm tired of
Holding this inside my head
I've been spending all my..time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my...Life
And now I found ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm falling for you...
I'm falling for you...
The girls were brought out of their conversation when they heard
yelling and looked up...The guys were at the top of a cliff and watched as they
all shoved Paul and Jake off and they were free falling 50 feet and hit the water
practically at the same time. The guys
saw the girls on horseback and swam over and walked out of the water dripping
wet...Mina looked at Paul and then at Jovi and said, "Please promise me
you won't say anything...We don't know how to tell Paul yet." Jovi winked and said, "Don't worry...I
wouldn't dream of it." Mina sighed
relieved and said, "Thanks." The
guys walked up to the girls and Jake said, "Hi Jovi." Jovi said, "Hello boys...I better get
back I need to start dinner...My dad will be home in a couple of hours. Mina slid off the horse and said, "Big
brother why don't you ride with Jovi back to the ranch to make sure she makes
it back safely."
Paul looked at his sister and Jovi said, "Sure...It'll be a
good ride and I promise I won't kick you again." Mina and Jake both laughed as Paul got up on
the horse and said, "Real funny guys." Paul sideways glared at his sister and Jake
and then over to Jovi who was giggled as she tapped Sarge with her heels and he
took off. Mina said, "And be nice...No
phasing." Paul rode Sally back to
Jovi's ranch and they made small talk, once there he helped her brush the
horses down and place them in the stalls.
They said their good-byes and Jovi watched him jog to the tree line
again and disappear into the trees. Jovi
couldn't get Paul out of her mind...No matter how she tried. She remembered how many time he'd made her
laugh on the ride back to the ranch.
As I'm standing here
And you hold my hand
Pull me towards you
and we start to dance
All around us...I see nobody
Here in silence
It's just you and me
I'm trying...Not to tell you
But I want to...
I'm scared of what you'll say
So I'm hiding...What I'm feeling
But I'm tired of
Holding this inside my head
I've been spending all my..time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my...Life
And now I found ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm falling for you...
I'm falling for you...
Mike walked into the house and could hear music coming from the
kitchen and the smells were unbelievable...Jovi must be cooking...she could
cook like no one else...Except maybe her mother. He pushed the swinging kitchen door open and
said, "Where is my baby girl?"
An instant smile came to Jovi's face as she ran over and jumped in her
dad's arms and he hugged her tight. He
said, "What's for dinner kiddo?"
Jovi walked back over to the oven as she looked inside and said,
"Baked chicken and mashed potatoes and garlic bread...It's almost
ready." Mike said, "I'm gonna
run and clean up I'll be right back."
Once Mike got back into the kitchen, Jovi had already put dinner on
the table and made up plates for both of them and they sat down to eat. Jovi said, "So dad have you ever met
anyone from the Quileute Tribe in La Push?" Mike tensed a little and said, "I don't
want you going to La Push alone Jovanna...Those Indian's are complete savages
hunting with bows and arrows and you could seriously be hurt by one." Jovi said, "Dad...They are really peace
and respectful...They would never do anything that silly." Mike said, "Jovanna Marie...Don't argue
with me...You stay away from them...No daughter of mine is going to be friends
with a pack of wild animals...I don't want to talk about this anymore...Finish your
Ooh, I just can't take it..
My heart is racing..
Emotions keep spinning out...
I've been spending all my.. time
just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all
and now I found ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you...
I'm fallin' for you...
I think I'm fallin' for you
I can't stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can't hide it
I think I'm fallin' for you
I can't stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can't hide it
I think I'm fallin' for you...
I'm fallin' for you...
Ooh no-no
Oooh, I'm falling' for ya
Jovi was laying in bed later that night...She couldn't imagine what
came over her dad like that...He never said a cross word about anyone
before...Why would he suddenly start saying things like that about them?
Chapter 7
A week later and Jovi's dad was leaving for auction again, this time
he was on his way to California. Jovi
went to school and when she pulled into the drive way Mina was sitting on the
porch having gotten out of school on the reservation about an hour
earlier. Mina stood up when the jeep pulled
into the long drive way. Jovi got out
and said, "What's up?" Mina
said, "What's up? That's what you
have to say to me? I haven't seen you in
like a week dude." Jovi shook her
head and said, "Mina...Whatever I tell you can you please keep it between
us?" Mina furrowed her brow and
said, "Sure of course...What's going on?" Jovi said, "My dad...He sort of forbid me to come to La Push anymore." Mina scowled and said, "What? Why?"
Jovi grabbed Mina's hand and said, "Please don't take this as me saying
it...My dad said, you guys were nothing but savages and said he wasn't going to
have a daughter who was friends with you."
Mina let go of Jovi's hand and growled from back in her throat as
she stopped her foot. Jovi said,
"I'm so sorry Mina...I don't think of you guys like that...but he's my dad
until I turn 18, I live under his roof...I'm kind of stuck here...I know that
is like a huge insult to say about you guys, but it's so not my backwards way
thinking...I swear Mina!" Tears
slid down Jovi's cheeks and Mina could tell it killed her to say that to her
face...But at least she was being honest and knew Jovi would never think of
them that way. Mina rubbed Jovi's back
and said, "Look...If you're dad wants to be closed minded that's
fine...But you know me...I'm a free willed thinker...You'll just have to come
visit when you're dads gone on his trips."
Jovi wiped her tears and said, "Really?" Mina said, "Of course." Jovi said, "And we can really keep this
between us...I mean you can't tell anyone...Not even your brother or
Jake." Mina nodded and knew it was
a big secret to keep something like that from Jake and her brother and everyone
else in the pack, but Jovi was literally crying in front of her because she
hated repeating the words her father said...There was no way she would let Jovi
down...Besides Jovi was still keeping her secret about her and Jake.
Jovi grabbed her backpack and stuffed it full of clothes and her and
Mina grabbed Sarge and Sally, the girls had decided to camp out on the beach
for the weekend in the cave...It was surprisingly enough not rain and the
weather guy said no rain all weekend.
The girls got their stuff settled when Jake and Paul walked up and Jake
said, "Hey Emily said to meet at her place she's making dinner for everyone
tonight...Plus she hasn't met Jovi yet."
Jovi said, "Ok...Whose Emily and should I
be worried?" Jake shook his head
and said, "No...Emily is Sam's fiancée...Just don't stare at her...Sam
lost control one night and phased and Emily was standing too close to
him...She's got scars, but it kills Sam."
Jovi stood up from the sleeping bag in the sand and said, "I
imagine it probably does...But I would never..." Mina said, "Of course you wouldn't...The
guys just warn anyone because Sam doesn't want Emily ever getting her feelings
hurt by someone whose being insensitive about the scars. They are on her right cheek and
arm." Jovi nodded as her and Paul
walked ahead of Jake and Mina.
Jake gave Paul and Jovi a sideways glance to make sure they were far
enough ahead of them, as he grabbed Mina's hand and pulled her behind a huge
Oak tree and pushed her back against it.
Mina whispered, "Jake!
You're gonna get us caught!"
Jake's finger came up and pressed against her soft lips. His skin was on fire as always. Another pro of being a wolf, their body temp
was a constant 108/109 degrees. Jake
chuckled and said, "We won't get caught...You forget my senses are
impeccable...if they head back this way I'll know it." Mina smiled softly as Jake leaned over and softly
kissed her lips...the kiss got out of control quickly as Jake leaned down more
and lifted her by her rear-end to be level with him as she wrapped her legs
around his he turned around so his back was against the tree and
slid down until he was sitting on the ground with Mina straddled across his
They pulled apart and Mina's chest was rising and falling against
Jake's. Mina pressed her forehead to
Jake's and said, "Maybe we should tell everyone?" Jake said, "Are you sure you're ready to
tell everyone?" Mina said, "I
don't know...Every time you kiss me like that my head gets all foggy and I
can't think straight." Jake smirked
as his hands came up and cupped her face gently as he took her lips as his
again. Mina moaned into his mouth as his
tongue intertwined with his. Mina pulled
back again as she felt Jake's scorching hands sliding under her t-shirt and
slid up her sides to her breasts. Mina
leaned back a little and let Jake pull her shirt from her torso and placed fire
ridden kisses between the valley of her breasts, as his hands went behind her
back and unclasped her brat and slowly slid it off. Sitting back up Mina buried her face in
Jake's neck as her cold breasts warmed quickly against Jake's chest.
Mina stood up and slid her jeans down and as Jake slid his down and
then grabbed her hand and pulled her back down to sit straddled on his lap
again...Glad she'd taken her panties off too or he would've had to rip them
from her body. Jake looked into her eyes
and said, "You sure you're ready?"
Mina bit her bottom lip and nodded an affirming yes. Jake wrapped a strong arm around her waist
and lifted her a little as he guided himself into her
warm welcoming body. Mina's
eyes rolled into the back of her head fully welcoming the contact with Jake. Once he was fully sheathed in her he held her
hips still to let her get used to his size.
Mina slowly started moving up and down on Jake...his lips attached
to her neck, collar bone and chest...She had one arm around his neck holding on
for dear life and one hand on the tree hoping it didn't fall over because Jake
started thrusting up to meet her hips with his and with the strength the guys
in the wolf pack had it would be all bad if someone heard the tree fall over
and they all came running from Emily's to find out why. they were both soaring about the trees...No
trees were involved at this moment...They hadn't been together like this in 2
weeks, just cause they couldn't get a moment alone together...They were both
dying to be together again. Jake
suddenly stood up still inside of Mina and planted her firmly against the tree,
but gentle he didn't want to hurt her...Her legs wrapping around his waist as
he started to piston in and out of her...Their lips crashed together as they
both muffled each other's cries of ecstasy.
Once they both came down from their sexual high Jake helped Mina get
re-dressed and took off for Emily and Sam's place.
Emily said, "Jovi I'm so glad I finally got to meet you...Mina
has been talking about you non-stop."
Jovi said, "Thanks...Dinner smells really good too." Jake and Mina came walking through the door
bantering with each other and Paul said, "Christ, where did you to
go?" Mina said, "Jake got us
lost." Jake shoved her playfully
and said, "Oh hell to the no...I was following your sister thinking she
knew where she was going and she got us lost." Mina glared at Jake and said, "Hey
Jake." He looked down and said,
"What?" Mina said,
"Pretend like I have a rockin my hand." As she socked him in the
shoulder. Jake sighed heavily
as he rolled his eyes and said, "Ouch." In a monotone, everyone
couldn't help but laugh at their antics...They were forever getting on each
other's nerves...They could've sworn they acted as if they were married. They joined everyone else at the table as
dinner was served.
Chapter 8
At the end of the weekend, Paul volunteered to make sure Jovi got
home safely. Once they left Embry said,
"Five bucks, Paul's gonna put the moves on her." Jared said, "No way, he's too chicken to
kiss the girl who kicked him in his pride and joy." Mina said, "I'm so taking that bet! My brothers been
scoot around how he feels for her for a week." Jake said, "I don't know...I tend to
take Jared's side...You're brother is kind of chicken shit when it comes to
Jovi." Emily walked over and threw
a five dollar bill on the table and said, "Nope...He's gonna do it...I
could tell." Sam made a face and
said, "Gambles anonymous anyone?
Wait...What are the odds?"
Embry said, "So far me, Mina and Emily say Paul's gonna make a move
on Jovi tonight and Jared and Jake think he's too much of a puss to do
it." Sam dug in his pocket and
said, "I'm all over this...He won't do it...She shut his ass down the
first day with the karate kick to the baby maker." Everyone laughed and then just waited around
for Paul to get back so they could drill him.
Meanwhile, Once again Paul helped her get the horses brushed down
and put in their stalls. Paul helped her
carry the supplies the girls used up to the house and stopped after Jovi
disappeared through the front door. She
poked her head back out and said, "You can come in ya know." Paul sucked in air as the scent of apples hit
him in the face when Jovi turned back and her long hair hit Paul in the
chest. Paul walked into the house and
placed Jovi's back pack on the couch and listened to see where she was in the
house. Jovi walked through the kitchen
swinging door back to the living room and said, "Thank fast." As she tossed a can of Coke at Paul and he
caught it.
Jovi gave him a thumbs up as she pulled a
notepad and a pen from the desk draw and pushed play on the answering machine
and Paul watched as she leaned over and wrote down the messages. Paul stood and stared at her rear...Her jeans
basically had a mind of their own. He
shook his head trying to not even look at her like a piece of meat. When Jovi finished she walked over and behind
Paul and opened the screen door and let Hades in the house...He started to
growl at Paul, when Jovi said, "Hades...upstairs!" Paul watched as the damn dog jogged up
stairs. Paul shook his head and said,
"I officially think you're dog hates me." Jovi laughed and said, "He just doesn't
know you...I'm sure he smells the wolf in you and is all in protective
mode...No worries."
Paul turned around and Jovi said, "Did you know you've got a
hole in your t-shirt...It looks like the seam is coming undone...Hold on I can
fix it...Come with me." Paul
followed Jovi into the kitchen, she pulled a chair out
and said, "Here sit." Paul sat
down and watched as she grabbed a needle and thread out of the drawer and
threaded the needle. She walked over and
stood behind him and her left hand slowly slid up the short sleeve of his
t-shirt to where it was connected to the shoulder...Paul sucked in a breath
again at the contact of her skin against his...She carefully sewed the hole up
without sticking him with the needle.
Paul said, "You don't have to do that...You realize I'm probably
gonna phase later and it's gonna getting ripped to shreds anyways." Jovi giggled and said, "Well at least it
was a hole less shirt for a while."
Paul inhaled deeply at the scent of apples.
Jovi put the needle on the counter and checked the work to make sure
it was fixed. She patted his shoulder
and said, "There...Fixed."
Paul stood up and said, "Thanks." Jovi said, "Anytime." He watched her walk over and washed her hands
and he looked at her funny and said, "What's wrong?" Jovi laughed and said, "I kept from
sticking you with the needle but unfortunately I always jab myself
once." She held up her hand and
blood came out of her middle finger and Paul went to her side, generally
concerned for her as he took her hand to make sure the puncture wasn't too
deep. Paul said, "Are you
okay?" Jovi laughed and said,
"As many times as I'd stabbed myself you'd think I wouldn't have any more
blood left in my body." Paul said,
"Do you have any band aides?"
Jovi said, "Yea...the last drawer on the end, where I got the
needle." Paul smirked and said,
"Ironic." Jovi giggled as she
grabbed a paper towel and dried her finger of as Paul opened the band
aide. Paul said, "Gimmie your
finger." Jovi removed the paper
towel and Paul wrapped the band aide around her finger.
Paul looked at Jovi and her bottom lip was between her teeth. Paul said, "Are you sure you're
okay?" Jovi laughed a little
nervous and said, "The site of blood makes me queasy...Even if it is my
own blood." Paul placed a small
kiss on her finger and said, "My mom used to do that with me and
Mina...Does it ever really work?"
Jovi laughed and said, "I don't really think so." Paul said, "Do me a favor and hold still
for a minute." Jovi said,
"Okay." He placed her hand on
the back of his neck and she could immediately feel the heat on his
was really HOT. It felt as if it was
going to burn the flesh off her hand...Paul put his hand under her chin and
lift her face up to him as he brushed his lips against hers, as his other hand
slid down her back to the small of her back and pulled her to his body. He felt her other hand slid up his arm inside
the sleeve of his t-shirt and gripped his bi-cept. Jovi's head was spinning from the contact.
They pulled away to breathe for a minute and Paul said,
"Sorry...I've wanted to do that for a few days." Jovi said, "What are you apologizing
for?" Paul said, "Pretty much
invading your space without your permission." Jovi smirked and said, "Did you hear me
complaining?" Paul's eyes darted
around and said, "No...?" Jovi
laughed and said, "Was that a question or a statement?" Paul said, "I'm not sure..." Jovi said, "Oh...Let me help you with
that...No...I wasn't complaining."
Paul smiled and said, "Oh okay." Jovi laughed as she grabbed the collar of his
t-shirt and pulled him back to her in another mean lip lock. They pulled away again and Paul said, "I
should go..." Jovi nodded as Paul
kissed her lips softly one more time and she watched as he disappeared in the
woods again.
Paul made it back to Emily and Sam's and walked in and sat at the
table with everyone. Mina looked at her
brother and he said, "What?"
Mina said, "You kissed her didn't you." Paul furrowed his brow and said,
"Maybe...What business is it of yours?" Mina said, "Damn it! I hate it when you have that look on your
face...I can never read you." Paul
looked at everyone they all look genuinely interested to know what
happened...Paul said, "What the hell is going on?" Paul looked in the middle of the table and
saw the stack of 6 5 dollar bills and through gritted teeth he said,
"EMBRY!" Embry smiled like a
Cheshire cat and said, "We need to know the answer so someone is a winner
man." Paul smirked as he swiped the
money off the table and stuffed it into his pocket and said, "I win." Everyone groaned and Paul said, "Serves
you right...Shouldn't be gambling anyways...I'm signing all of you up for
gamblers anonymous tomorrow."
Mina got on her knees in the chair and leaned across the table and
said, "So since you get to keep the money tell us who won...Did you
finally make your move or did you puss out?" Paul smiled a little and said, "I'll
never tell. It would be
disrespectful." Mina growled and
threw a roll at her brother as he caught it in his hand and took a bite and
said, "Thank you very much." Everyone disbursed for the
evening...Tomorrow was Monday and they all had school...Well except for Emily
and Sam.
Chapter 9
About 5 months later and they were into summer, no
school...If Jovi wasn't with Alice then she was with Paul, Mina and the
rest of the pack. Paul never noticed
that Jovi stopped talking about her dad, but Mina did...she knew Jovi told Paul
that her dad didn't like to have people at the house when he was there...which
for the most part was true, which was why Alice usually came to her when her
dad was out of town and Jovi would go to Alice's when he was home. Jovi knew it was just cause
everything she did reminded him of her mother, so she tried not to laugh to
much around him, because it killed him inside...It was not way to live but Jovi
understood. Mina knew Jovi loved her dad
but not his way of thinking, Jovi would never have the same opinion of the
tribe as her father either and knew Jovi was slowly falling in love with her
brother. Paul was pretty much either
oblivious to the fact or completely deluded.
Jovi couldn't keep Paul out of her mind when she wasn't around
him. She was sitting on the huge porch
swing with Alice as they had started their senior project early because they
wanted to finish it before their senior year even started. Alice said, "I can't believe were going
to be seniors." Jovi giggled and
said, "Alice...How many times have you been a senior though?" Alice laughed and said, "Too many to
count...But the feeling never gets old...It's always nice...Senior
trip, Senior prom...Senior pictures and graduation...always nice."
The girls didn't see the dark brown eyes watching them...Paul had
decided he was going to pay Jovi a visit...He'd not seen her for almost 2
weeks, because he was on patrol. Paul
wanted to be with her, kiss her, touch her, make her laugh...He could listen to
her talk for hours...He wanted to take their relationship to the next level he
had an uncontrollable desire to make love to her...but they'd both decided they
would wait. Jovi knew she wasn't ready
for that kind of step and Paul could feel the anxiety radiate off her when
their make out sessions got too intense.
Paul hated the fact that Jovi was friends with Alice Cullen and her
little happy family of bloodsuckers...If any of them even thought of attempting
to hurt her, he would go ballistic and rip all their heads off...And he
wouldn't think twice about it...He could feel his tendons getting tight under
his skin...what he really wanted to do was charge the porch at that moment and
take out Alice Cullen...One less Cullen to have to worry about roaming the
woods. Paul watched from just inside the
tree line as the Cullen family car pulled into Jovi's drive way as the girls
got up and walked down the porch, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie Cullen stepped out
of vehicle...Jasper greeted Jovi with a hug and she laughed and said, "See
you're getting better...Don't feel like killing me anymore right?" Jasper chuckled and said, "No
Jovi...Carlisle is a life saver...Well You're life
Jovi giggled and looked over at Emmett and said, "Hey
handsome." Emmett smiled as he
picked Jovi up and swung her around in circled and said, "Hey
beautiful." Emmett put her back
down on her feet and looked at Rosalie and said, "How was the
honeymoon?" Rosalie smirked and
said, "You know me and my monkey man." Emmett said, "It was great...We need to
go on a 2nd honeymoon every 10 years."
Rosalie said, "He's such a big ox." Emmett said, "And you're such a dainty
flower." Jovi laughed and said,
"So...Ox, Flower, Button...What's Alice's nick name?" Everyone looked at Jasper and he smiled and
said, "Stopper...Because she stops my heart when she smiles at
me." Jovi laughed and Jasper said,
"Well if I had a heart." Which earned a round of laughs from everyone.
Paul couldn't control the urge anymore as he suddenly phased into
his silver wolf form and walked out of the woods and snarled. Alice said, "Oh no." And pointed to the trees.
Jovi said, "What the hell...It's okay you guys...I know who it
is." Rosalie said, "Okay then
who is it?" Jovi groaned, "My
boyfriend...Soon to be ex if he tries pulling something." Emmett said, "You're dating a
mutt?" Jovi looked at Emmett and
said, "If you wasn't a Vampire...Would it change
how you feel about Rosalie?" Emmett
said, "Hell no." Jovi said,
"Well then."
Suddenly Paul reared back and growled ferociously and started to
charge the Cullens. Jovi waited until he
got within 4 or 5 feet of the Cullen Family and she pushed them all behind her
and threw her arms out and stepped up in front of them...Making Paul put the
brakes on as he slid to a stop two feet from her face. She just stared into his eyes and said,
"I'm not going to even discuss any of this with you...Because you're being
stupid and childish...They are my friends and have been longer then I've known
you...You knew I was friends with them before you pursued me...If it suddenly
changes things now...Then you should leave and never come back." Paul stood growling from deep in his throat
at her and she said, "I meant it Paul.
They haven't broken the treaty so you standing here looking like a big
fur ball is ridiculous. I trust
them. They are like brothers and sisters
to me. They are not going to hurt
me...They never would."
Paul sighed heavily as he turned and ran back into the woods. A long howl echoed through the trees and Jovi
couldn't help but glance in that general direction as she turned back to the
Cullens and said, "I'm sorry...I'm still trying to get it through Paul's
head that you guys wouldn't hurt anyone."
Alice said, "That was kind of close." Rosalie said, "Yea...You do realize
werewolves tend to have a bad temperament." Jovi pushed her hands into her front pockets
and said, "Yea I know...It's just the old saying...You can't help who you
fall in love with." Emmett said,
"You're in love with that mutt."
Jovi socked Emmett in the arm and said, "Yea...I just don't think
he realizes it yet." Jasper said,
"Well you know...If things don't work out with you and Kujo we have
another brother you could always marry into our family." Jovi laughed as she said, "Thanks...I
figured with as white as I am I already was part of the family." Alice said, "You'll always be part of
the family but not just cause I say so, but because we
all say so even Carlisle and Esme."
Jovi hugged Alice on last time as the 4 Cullen's packed up and left.
Jovi spared another look towards the trees as she walked into the
house and closed the door. She was
extremely unhappy with Paul and for obvious good reason.
Chapter 10
Jovi was sitting on the couch reading a book...She couldn't get Paul
off her mind...She was really upset with him, he almost violated the treaty and
hurt her friends in the process...Not to mention she'd not seen him in 2 weeks
and was really looking forward to spending the evening with him...she missed
him something fierce and knew she had fallen in love with him, but she hadn't
told him yet...Mina knew...Hell Mina was still trying to hide the fact she was
in love with Jake from her brother.
Jovi looked over to the door when she heard someone knock on the
screen door. Paul was looking back at
her and said, "Can I come in?"
Jovi shrugged and said, "Its a free
country you can do what you want."
Paul sighed heavily knowing he deserved her attitude right now from the
stupid stunt he pulled earlier. Jovi
continued reading her book, acting as if she was ignoring Paul. He rubbed the back of his neck and said,
"Look Jovi...I'm sorry." Jovi
finally letting herself get mad enough threw her book at Paul. Paul caught it as she stood up and said,
"You're sorry? That's all you have
to say you jackass!" Paul said,
"Jovi, I just saw them here and you laughing with them...And I just lost
my cool okay...I admit it, it was extremely stupid of me to pull a stunt like
Jovi said, "Alice is my friend...She's the closest thing I have
to a sister and you could've seriously hurt them today or gotten yourself
hurt...not to mention you almost broke the damn treaty." Jovi sat down on the edge of the couch as she
raked a hand through her hair. She
looked defeated and scared...Paul felt like the hugest horses ass on the
planet. He walked over and squatted down
in front of Jovi because she wouldn't look him in the eye...Paul touched her
hands and said, "I know Alice is your friend...I just...I just want you to
be safe...I realize they only hunt animals...but any day they could decide to
do it the easy way and I don't want you to be their first victim because you
was always so nice and trusting of them."
Jovi said, "That's the different between you and me...You see them
as a threat...I see them as family...My family, because me and my dad...Were
not close...Not like we should be...He's always gone and when he's here I'm
always gone because I try to stay out of his way."
Jovi moved around and backed herself into the corner of the couch and pulled
her knees into her chest...Paul moved and sat down and felt Jovi pushed her
bare feet under his thigh...She always did that when her feet were cold and he
could feel them through his jean shorts, as his hand went up and wrapped around
her knees and he laced his fingers with one of her hands. Paul said, "Why?" Jovi said, "Because I remind him of my
mother. And it kills him to remember
her." Paul said, "But that's
no way to live Jovi...You avoiding him and him avoiding you." Jovi said, "There's no other way...I
look like my mom, I sound like my mom and I act like my mom and every day my
dad just despises me more." Paul
touched Jovi's cheek and said, "You're dad doesn't despise you." Jovi leaned into the warmth of his hand...She
loved his body temperature, he'd finally explained that one to her but she
loved it she was always cold. Paul
grabbed her hand and pulled her over to where she was sitting straddled on his
lap wrapped his strong arms around her as she ran her fingers through his thick
black hair absentmindedly.
Their eyes never looking at anything but each other. Paul could see the sadness
in her eyes from her having to constantly avoid her father...Paul braced her
against his body as he stood up and her legs automatically went around his
waist as he walked up stairs and went to her room and closed the door. Paul sat down on the edge of her bed and he
could feel her kissing his neck and his skin felt like it tightened. She pulled back and her lips softly kissed
his and he couldn't help but kiss her back.
Her hands were lightly running up and down his arms and chest...Her
touch was so feather light it tickled his skin.
His hands started with the hem of her t-shirt and slowly pulled it up
and over her head. At this point Paul
would feel the anxiety...but she was so relaxed in his arms...he couldn't
believe it. She pushed him over and he
rolled them over as he started inching her jeans down her legs.
Before long they were both completely naked...As Jovi moved back on
the bed and laid her head down…Paul crawled up her body on his hands and
knees…and stopped to lick at her navel and then at her breasts…giving them both
the same treatment...Paul moved up further to her and captured her lips in the
most soul burning kiss Jovi could of felt…She thought her whole body was on
When they separated from the kiss Jovi looked in those brown eyes
and said, "I love you." As Paul ran his hands all over her body and
said, “I love you too…Are you sure you want to do this? We don't have to." Jovi nodded...Paul said, "Okay...Listen
this is definitely going to hurt, but not for long...I promise it will feel
better after a few minutes..." Paul
settled himself between her thighs and positioned himself at her entrance...Really
wishing he didn't have to hurt her, but he knew she was a virgin...The only
comfort was knowing he wouldn't ever have to hurt her
again like this. He slowly slid his
erection onto her…which automatically started giving her chills…and he
continued and slowly pushed through her barrier and heard her yelp...He sat
still for a few minutes letting her get used to his size. He looked up at her and she was biting her
bottom lip.
Paul's warm hand came up and his thumb carefully pulled her bottom
lip from between her clenched teeth and he said, "I don't want you biting
a hole in your lip...You okay?"
Jovi nodded as Paul started slowly stroking in and out of her…he knew
she was going under…Jovi started kissing along his jaw line and around his neck
and just relishing in feeling of Paul moving inside of her…He wanted it to last
forever…Jovi could feel him kissing her neck and her chest and then her
breasts…Then sliding his hands down and grabbing the back of her thighs and
pushing them up a little and start thrusting deeper inside of her…
Jovi was moaning…Then on a shot of energy and impulse…he grabbed her
hips and rolled over pulling her on top of him and her body automatically
started where he left off…Paul groaned, “Oh yea….that’s it baby…ride me.” Paul laid back and was running his soft
finger tips all over her neck, breasts…and running his thumb across her
lips…Jovi kissed his thumb…She could feel Paul get instantly harder and larger
inside herself…Jovi knew all the ways to make him insane…Paul groaned as Jovi
had her hands on his 6-pack stomach and she was watching his muscles move,
ripple and flex…Jovi leaned over and her hair slid over her shoulders and
brushed against this pecks and watched his whole torso shiver...It’s then she
knew he was probably hornier then he’d ever been…Jovi leaned down and bit his
bottom lip and then slowly let her tongue snake out and across his lips…and
then slowly into his mouth…his hands slid down and grabbed her rear end
forcefully as he was pushing and pulling the lower half of Her body to go
Jovi sat back up and leaned back putting her hands on his
thighs...She could feel how tense his thigh muscles were…Paul sat up and was
leaning over and kissing her breasts…as she was still moving on top of him…Jovi
moaned, “Oh God…” Paul grunted a couple
of times as he was licking and kissing on her neck. They never broke eye contact…Their lips met
with soft kisses a few times…but he was thrusting into Jovi so hard he was
actually taking her breath away…His stamina was excellent…
Paul rolled them over gently and laid on top of her…and really
pushed the back of her thighs up to thrust into her as deep as he could…Jovi
had a hold of his wrists for leverage…he could feel her walls starting to
react…and knew her orgasm was building…it was going to be intense…Paul leaned
down and kissed her lips and noticed her breathing was irregular and coming in
short gasps…He gripped her thighs harder and really started thrusting deeper as
deep as he could possibly get…and finally Jovi started with a moan and ended
screaming out his name as her orgasm tore up one side of her body and down the
other…as soon as Paul felt her go over the edge…his orgasm was right behind
her…and she felt him explode so deep inside she thought he’d never stop.
They laid in bed and were just both so
spent…they fell asleep in each other's arms…
Chapter 11
In the morning, Paul noticed that Jovi was missing from her own bed.
He sat up rubbing his face trying to wake up a little more. He threw his legs
over the side of the bed and grabbed his navy blue cargo cut off shorts and
slipped them on and pulled his navy blue sleeveless t-shirt on, smoothing it
over his chest, he stepped into his sneakers and ran his fingers through his
hair to at least give the illusion of looking half way presentable. He walked
down stairs and noticed the front door was open but the screen door was closed.
He pushed the door open and looked out. He saw Jovi sitting in the grass by the
barn watching the horses like she always did. He never did understand why she
would sit there for hours and watch the running back and forth. Paul walked out
and noticed she was wrapped in a blanket.
Paul walked up and sat down behind her as she dropped the blanket
and he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against him, she
could instantly feel the heat take over her body. Jovi leaned back against him
and looked up as he looked down as their eyes met, Jovi smirked and said, "Did you sleep ok?" Paul said, "I had no
issues sleeping last night." Jovi said, "I would really hope not,
considering you kept me warm all night." Paul said, "I never noticed
how cold your hands get until you rolled into me and your cold ass hand touched my stomach...I almost came up out of that
bed." Jovi giggled and said, "I felt you jump." Paul chuckled as
his hand came up and brushed a long strand of her hair out of her face. Then
leaned down and captured her lips, in a soft morning kiss.
Paul said, "So...Last night was interesting." He looked
down and watched as Jovi blushed furiously. Jovi said, "Last night was
nice...It was definitely a good way for you to make up for being a jackass
yesterday with Alice and the rest of them." Paul said, "I know I was
wrong...You just have to understand, I'm kind of overprotective of you now. I
mean how long have we been together?" Jovi said, "About 5
months." Paul said, "Longer than most of my relationships...And
you're actually the first one I ever felt I had to protect no matter what...So
if I do something to upset you then you need to let me know, because I don't
want you to be scared of me and think you can't come to me about things."
Jovi nodded and said, "Wow...My hothead is being sweet." Paul
chuckled and said, "You're hothead?" Jovi turned around and jumped on
Paul as he caught her and rolled back and Jovi said, "Yea...My
hothead!" As she placed feather light kisses all over his face.
Paul and Jovi went to the beach for the remainder of the day...Paul
watched as Jovi discarded her jeans and pulled her t-shirt over her head and
dropped it on the ground with her jeans.
Paul stared at her body and couldn't help but admire at. She looked cute in her blue boy short bottoms
and the matching tank top. Paul said,
"You're sure you want to go swimming?
It's gonna be cold." Jovi
laughed and said, "Isn't that what I have you for, to keep me
warm?" Paul laughed as he kicked
off his shoes took Jovi's out stretched hand and let her lead him into the
water. Jovi was completely fearless as
she jumped right in and swam off as Paul gave her chase in the water.
Meanwhile at Paul and Mina's house, Jake and Mina were relaxing on
the couch...They hadn't had a moment alone together in a few weeks, because
Jake was constantly patrolling. Mina was
sitting on his lap...His warm body just completely enveloped her...Jake watched
as she pulled her raven colored hair over her shoulder and he couldn’t help but
run his fingers through felt like spun silk tendrils. Mina had her eyes closed as she enjoyed
Jake’s ministrations...his hands were firm, but he moved her around
to sit between his legs and started massaging her scalp. Jake could listen to the groans and moans
coming from Mina for the rest of his life.
Her soft moans were definitely having an effect on his body, but he was
trying to think of anything else at the time.
His hands moved down the back of her neck and spread out over her
shoulders, shoulder blades, back, along her spine, to the lumbar region of her
back...Jake could feel Mina’s hands on his legs, caressing the tops of his
Jake leaned over and kissed her shoulder and she dropped her head to
the side as he started placing small kisses along her shoulder and neck
region...A deep throaty moan escaped her lips when he kissed just below her ear
lobe on her neck...Jake’s hands slid over and moved her hair over to her other
shoulder as he started kissing the opposite side and his hands ran down her
arms and found her hands and went palm to palm with her hands as he laced their
fingers together. Mina definitely wasn’t
complaining...and was relishing the feeling of his lips against her neck. Jake moved her around so she was sitting on
the couch, as he moved around and knelt down in between her legs...he leaned
over and started placing feather soft kisses along her collar bone and throat
as his big hands caressed her hips and back.
Jake couldn’t hold back any longer as he moved up and capture her
lips in the softest of kisses...Mina’s head fell back into the kiss as Jake
deepened it and slowly slid his tongue between her lips and into the recesses
of her soft mouth as he caressed her soft pink tongue with his. Slowly Jake’s lips left Mina’s as they
trailed down her neck and soft cascaded across and down her her
fingers went through his short black hair.
Suddenly Mina felt something foreign...but extremely pleasurable. Mina looked down and Jake had pulled her top
up and moved her bra the side a little and had her right breast encased in his
warm moist mouth...She could feel her body responding to him much more now than
before. Mina watched as Jake put the bra
back over her right breast and moved over and gave her left breast the same
Mina’s moans were music to his ears...He could literally get drunk
of her moans alone. When Jake had
finished with her left breast and recovered it, he kissed up along her jaw line
and softly kissed her lips again and said, “Do you want me to stop?” Mina looked at Jake’s brown eyes which were
usually beautiful chocolate brown, but at the moment they were blackened with lust...Of
course she wanted him to stop, mostly because if Paul walked into the house and
caught them all hell would break was the right thing...but her body
was saying something entirely different.
Mina kissed his lips softly as she shook her head no and Jake got up
and sat next to her, as he started kissing her again, she moved around and
carefully sat straddled on his lap...His hands went to her hips and
absentmindedly played with the strings of her capri's. Mina moved and could feel his erection
pressing into the crotch of her pants...Mina moaned against Jake’s lips as he
felt her brush against him through his jean shorts. Mina started unbuttons his shorts and pulling
the zipper down. Jake groaned into her
mouth at the feeling of her hands ministrations. He kissed her lips as his hands slowly,
pulled her t-shirt from her body and unclasped her bra, pulling it from her
body and tossing it to the floor. He carefully pulled her capri's
and panties off. Jake watched as Mina
had her bottom lips sucked between her teeth as she eased his shorts down. Jake watched her face as she realized how big
he was....still...Even after they'd been secretly dating for a year, she still
couldn't get used to his size.
Jake placed a soft kiss on her lips and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll be
gentle I promise...You set the pace.”
Mina nodded as she leaned up and she could feel Jake’s erection at the
entrance of her sex. Jake steadied her hips
as she slowly started sitting down and he was suddenly entering her going in
deeper...and deeper...and deeper. By the
time she was fully settled with him inside of her...she felt filled to
capacity...but they both groaned deeply at the intimate contact. Jake held her close as she started moving on
him...he was in total heaven being inside of her...their moans and kisses were
the only thing heard in the whole house.
Their lips never left each other's necks, lips bodies for a
Mina started to feel Jake’s hips crashing into hers as he was pushing up as she
was pushing down...making her feel the impact they were going with...
Mina held onto Jake as he gripped her hips and they started moving
faster Mina couldn’t get enough of Jake as he couldn’t get enough of her...She
could feel her orgasm racing forward fast and she gripped Jake’s
shoulders, and their bodies were slamming together...Jake felt her come apart
in his arms as her orgasm racked through her body from head to toe. As he pushed himself all the way into her and
let himself fly over the edge with her.
They sat there perfectly still not moving a muscle...Her forehead was
resting on his shoulder and he kissed her neck and shoulder...and said, “I
didn’t hurt you did I?” Mina sniffled a
little and said, “No...Of course not.” She looked up and Jake could see tears
sliding down her cheeks...He wiped them away and said, “What’s wrong?” Mina said, “I'm tired of lying to Paul...We
really need to tell him...I'm tired of hiding from everyone when all I want to
do is be with you Jake." Jake
kissed her lips and said, “I already told you I support you with whatever you
want to do...You just say the word and we'll tell everyone together." Mina nodded in agreement. And the dressed they talked more about how
exactly to tell everyone.
So they were going to tell everyone...Or so they thought.
Chapter 12
A couple of months later, Jovi said her good-byes to her dad again
the day before. She was cleaning the
house because the whole pack with Emily, Sam and Mina were going to becoming
over and she was going to cook dinner for them.
Paul walked over to the bathroom and looked at Mina while she was
applying her makeup and said, "Mina...Where's that cd you borrowed from
me?" Mina said, "On my
desk...I'm done with it. You can go in a
grab it." Paul nodded and said,
"Okay." Paul walked away and
then went back and said, "By the way sis...You don't need all that
shit...You're a beautiful girl."
Mina looked at Paul and said, "Yea?" Paul said, "Yea." Mina tapped her fist on his shoulder lightly
and said, "Thanks man...You know you're not the same hotheaded older
brother I remember having a few months ago.
What's up with that?" Paul
laughed and said, "I fully blame Jovi." Mina laughed and said, "Remind me to
thank her." Paul nodded as he went
back to getting his cd in Mina's room.
Paul walked in and looked over her desk and noticed a notebook and
his cd were both on the floor. Paul
squatted down and picked up the notebook and cd. He tossed the notebook onto the desk and it
fell open to a page that at the top in huge letters said 'I HATE JOVI'S
DAD!' It caught Paul's attention as he
picked it up and started reading it.
Mary you're covered in roses, you're covered in ashes
You're covered in rain
You're covered in babies, you're covered in slashes
You're covered in wilderness, you're covered in stains
You cast aside the sheet, you cast aside the shroud
Of another man, who served the world proud
You greet another son, you lose another one
On some sunny day and always you stay......Mary
I have never hated anyone in
all my life! Hate is such a strong word
and I would never use it unless I didn't have another word to use...but when it
comes to Mike Miller, Jovi's dad...I hate him...I HATE him...With every fiber
in my body...He is a prejudice BASTARD!
And I have no idea how he has such a good hearted daughter...Most people
like him pass their hate to their kids.
Jovi doesn't have a hateful bone in her body...So when she told me today
what her dad said about Indian's, my blood ran cold for that opulent little
bastard...Saying Indians on our reservations were nothing more than
savages. Mike told her he didn't want
her coming to La Push...That Indian's are complete savages hunting with bows
and arrows. The
complete audacity of this man to pre-judge us because of the color of our skin. Jovi is clearly shaken by what her father had
said to her...It killed her to repeat the words her father used...I promised I
would keep the secret from Paul and the others in the pack...She would be
completely devastated if they ever found out what her father was really like.
Jesus says Mother I couldn't stay another day longer
He flys right by and leaves a kiss upon her face
While the angels are singin' his praises in a blaze of glory
Mary stays behind and starts cleaning up the place
Paul blood ran cold and then boiled over as he re-read the page
again and again. He was getting more
pissed off by the minute. He ripped the
page from the book and stalked out into the living room where the rest of the
guys were waiting for him and Mina. Mina
stood up from the couch when she saw the look on Paul's face and said,
"What's wrong?" Paul said,
"When were you going to tell us about this?" As he shoved the ripped
page in her face. Mina said,
"Paul! That was in my personal
journal...You had no business in it."
Sam said, "What's going on?"
Paul said, "Jovi's father thinks were savages." As Paul handed the page to Sam. Sam had to admit not much made him mad now a days, but this was definitely something that made his
blood turn into fire in his veins. Mina
stood embarrassed that everyone in the pack had read her personal thoughts...even
Mina snatched it away from Paul and said, "It's not like these
are Jovi's feelings Paul. It was her
father." Paul said, "You're
sure she doesn't feel the same way? We've been dating for nearly 7 months and
I've never met her father. What would
happen if down the line I asked her to marry me and wanted to get her dad's
permission first...He'd a probably shot my dumb ass because I wouldn't have
known any better...And you just went right along with her on this." Mina said, "Paul she's waiting until she
turns 18 and then she's moving out...She doesn't want to live under her dad's
roof but it's kind of hard since she's only 17." Paul said, "Bullshit...She feels the
same damn way..." Paul stalked out
of the house and everyone hot on his heels...They knew there was going to be an
explosion of proportion but didn't want it to get so out of hand that
someone...Namely Jovi got hurt.
Oh Mary she moves behind me
She leaves her fingerprints...everywhere
Every time the snow drifts...every way the sand shifts
Even when the night lifts...she's always there
Jesus says Mother I couldn't stay another day longer
He flys right by and leaves a kiss upon her face
While the angels are singin' his praises in a blaze of glory
Mary stays behind and starts cleaning up the place
Jovi was just starting to get dinner prepared when she heard her
name get yelled, "JOVI!" Jovi
stopped moving and heard her name get yelled again. Jovi pulled the apron from her waist and went
to the front door and everyone was standing in the middle of the front yard
about 10 to 15 feet from the front porch...She walked out and said, "Ya'll can come in the house." As she walked up to the group and noticed
most of them looked really pissed off.
Mina said, "Jovi...They know."
Jovi furrowed her brow and said, "Know what?" Paul snatched the paper back from Mina and
threw it at Jovi and said, "The real reason why I haven't met your
dad...The whole time I thought he was just a bastard for the way he treated
you...But you're no better than him."
Jovi bent over and picked up the paper and read and said, "Jesus
Jake said, "Don't blame Mina for this...You should've just been
honest with all of us about what your dad said." Jovi said, "I could barely tell Mina...How
was I supposed to tell you my dad hates you?" Paul said, "It would've been a lot
better than lying to us...This is why you wouldn't let me meet your dad and why
you lied to me about him not liking people at the house...isn't it?" Jovi looked at the ground and Paul yelled,
"ISN'T IT!" Jovi just nodded
and said, "I don't understand why you're getting so mad...You all act as
if those words came from my lips. Like those are my thoughts and feelings...I
would've thought me getting to know all of you the past almost 7 months,
would've tipped you off that I don't have the same backwards thinking as my
Paul grabbed both of Jovi's upper arms and she sucked in a
breath...It hurt but she wouldn't tell him that. Paul said, "You hiding what he said and
not being completely truthful with me...What don't you get about that? You lied to me...I'll never trust you
again...You can burn in hell before I'll ever protect you from a bloodsucker...You're
finished...Were finished." His
hands tightened around her arms and said, "Stay out of La Push, or I swear
you're going to be sorry..." Paul
threw her down on the ground practically and she hit with a sickening
thud. Paul walked up and faced Mina and
said, "You don't come here ever again and she never comes to La Push
again..." Mina said, "Screw
you Paul...You don't decide who I'm friends with." Sam said, "But I do...Right now...Stay
away from her...for her own safety Mina."
Mary you're covered in roses, you're covered in ruins
You're covered in secrets
You're covered in treetops, you're covered in birds
Who can sing a million songs without any words
You cast aside the sheets, you cast aside the shroud
Of another man, who served the world proud
You greet another son, you lose another one
On some sunny day and always you stay
Everyone started walking back to the woods as Jovi sat on the ground
trying to recover...Mina looked back at a disheveled Jovi and said, "I'm
so sorry Jovi." Jovi blinked as the
tears poured out of her eyes and said, "It's okay
Mina...I don't blame you...You better go...I'll be fine." Jovi watched as Mina disappeared into the
trees with everyone else. Jovi slowly
got to her feet and her tailbone and wrist were bothering her...She probably
sprained something when she hit the ground.
She still couldn't stop the tears...She went into the barn and pulled
Sarge out and saddled him up...Deciding it was definitely time to get rid of
some aggression. As
she headed into the acres of the ranch.
She didn't notice something following her.
Chapter 13
<b>GIRL FOUND IN THE WOODS...Around 5 A.M. this morning, Dr.
Carlisle Cullen and his family were starting out on a hunting expedition only
to come across the body of a 17 year old girl...Upon further investigation it
was discovered that the young girl was identified as Jovanna Miller, who was
actually a school mate and friend of the family. The family immediately took her to Forks
Memorial Hospital, where the girl is said to have a severe concussion, a broken
wrist and broken tailbone, with a few bumps and bruises but is said to be in
stable condition. Authorities are not
yet sure what happened, the girl has temporary memory loss from the concussion
and cannot recall what attacked her in the woods.</b>
Mina sat staring at the paper like a monkey doing a math
problem...She was completely numb from the head down...Her heart physically
hurt. She was so mad at everyone in the
pack except Emily. They were all judgmental about the things Jovi's father had
said about them. No one understood...No one.
And now Jovi was hurt and she knew if she tried leaving the reservation
to go see her friend the guys would have a fit.
Mina knew they were all over at Emily and Sam's. Mina got dressed and walked to Emily and
Sam's with a purpose. Once she got there
she walked up and saw the guys were standing around talking with Sam. Mina walked up and kicked her shoes off...She
threw one shoe and hit Paul in the head and the second hit Jake. All five guys turned around and saw Mina
standing there she was mad but crying at the same time.
Paul rubbed his head as he stalked over and growled in his sisters face, "What the hell is wrong with you
Mina?" Jake rubbed his head too and
said, "What gives half pint?"
Mina said, "I hope you're all so God Damn proud of yourselves...All
of you! I'm sad for the way all of you
treated Jovi and I'm in physical pain over what you've all done. You know something...I used to be proud to be
an Quileute Indian and in this tribe...and I was so
proud when I found out my own brother had been chosen to get the gene to
protect our lands. But right now...Right
now I'm ashamed of all of you and I'm ashamed to be a Quileute." Paul said, "How are you going to stand
there and disgrace our tribe Mina?"
Mina held up the newspaper and then shoved it against Paul's chest. Mina said, "Because the girl you're in
love with...The same girl you imprinted on...She was attacked by something last
night. Good thing she's friends with
those filthy bloodsuckers...huh."
Sam said, "WHAT? You
imprinted on Jovi?" Mina said, "Yea...he did." Paul said, "Shut up Mina." Mina said, "What bothers you more
Paul...The fact that you imprinted on her and you'll never love anyone as much
as her...Or the fact then when she REALLY needed you the bloodsuckers saved her
and you didn't." Sam said,
"Whoa-whoa wait a minute...What are you talking about...We were patrolling
last night...No one was inside the perimeter." Mina spared a glare at Sam and said,
"Yea? Well something obviously got
in because she was found in the woods by the Cullens this morning she's got a
severe concussion and memory loss...and my dear brother here broke her wrist
and tailbone when he threw her down yesterday.
You guys all suck. I hate every
single one of you worse then I hate Jovi's father at this point...I'm ashamed
to even look at any of you."
Mina blinked as tears poured down her face...She spared one last
look at Jake and turn to leave when she turned back around and said, "By
the way Jake...We're through...If you guys are this judgmental over something
that was said by Jovi's father and not Jovi...Then to hell with all of
you." Mina then turned and walked back home.
Sam walked up to Paul and grabbed the paper and read the article as
Paul looked at Jake and said, "What does she mean you're
through?" Jake exhaled heavy and
said, "Mina and I have been seeing each other for almost a year." Sam's head snapped up and said,
"What?" Jake rubbed the back
of his head and said, "Yea...We were waiting for the right time to tell
you." Paul said, "Would you
care to tell me now?" Jake looked
up at Paul and then over to Mina who was about a 100 feet away and said,
"I would...But I have to go talk to the love of my life before I really
lose her." The guys watched as Jake
ran out to catch up with Mina.
Jake put on the brakes when he got to her and grabbed her arm and
spun her around. Jake said, "So
that's it? You're gonna get mad at
something Sam decided and blame me for it?" Mina said, "Jake...You are just as much
to blame for what happened to Jovi as the rest of those jackasses...Do you not
realize had every one not thrown a big baby fit last night, my friend wouldn't be laying in a cold
hospital bed right now? I can't even
wrap my head around the handfuls of bullshit that transpired last night. I should've told all of you to kiss my ass
last night and stayed with her...but no I let Sam pull rank on me and I'm not
even part of the God Damn wolf pack. I
let you all run me off from her...I can't even think of what might have
happened had the Cullens not found her in time...Can you imagine trying to go
to her funeral and her father wondering why we were there...Yea...Sorry Mr.
Miller but it's our fault your daughter was killed in the woods. My brother broke her heart and she had to go
for that run on Sarge...Which by the way her God damn horse is missing...That's
going to be the nail in her coffin..."
Jake said, "So we're really through? Because I couldn't stop
anyone last night? Mina I'm not
the alpha yet...I still have to follow Sam's orders." Mina said, "Then you fix this...You make
them understand...You don't have to be alpha to show you've got a little
heart...A little compassion for another human who's got a rotten home life with
her dad. The sad part about all of
this...Jovi always said the Cullen's were like family to her...and last
night...we proved her right."
Meanwhile, Dr. Cullen unlocked the front door as Emmett stepped into
the house carrying Jovi. She'd fallen
asleep on the car ride back to the Cullen residence. Once her father had been contacted, he
couldn't leave the auction and asked that Jovi stay with the Cullen's for the
remainder of his absence. Carlisle was
more than happy to have Jovi stay with them, he had
sent everyone else home while she was being released from the hospital. Emmett walked upstairs and laid the sleeping
girl in the bed. Emmett made sure to
cover her up as Esme went in to make sure she was settled and kissed her forehead
and pulled the door closed.
Carlisle had everyone meet in the living room and said, "Jovi's
father has asked that she stay here until he gets back next week, he cannot
leave the auction, he would be missing out on making
good money. So I want everyone to make
sure they feed every 4 hours...whether you want to or not. Jovi is family...we don't feed on
family...Jasper are you going to be okay with her here?" Jasper nodded and said, "I could never
bite Jovi...It would be like biting my sister and that would be too
painful." Carlisle said,
"Okay...Let's just make sure we make Jovi feel at
home like always. Alice want you and
Emmett to watch over her at night, I know you'd never bite her, her concussion
is pretty severe and
Emmett we still don't know what attacked we don't know
if it's going to come back and finish the job."
Alice said, "Okay...I'll go feed and then come back and
start...Esme can you stay with her until I get back?" Esme said, "Sure." Alice and Emmett left to hunt but were back
immediately after the sun went down as they took up post in Jovi's room.
Chapter 14
Jovi moved around in bed and noticed her head was absolutely killing
her. Alice noticed the movement and went
to her side immediately. Jovi felt a
cold hand touch her forehead and when she opened her eyes Alice's golden eyes
were staring back at her along with Emmett's.
Jovi said, "What you started the party without me?" Emmett chuckled and said, "We could
never party without you Jovs..How are you
feeling?" Jovi groaned and said,
"Like my head was run over by a steam roller." Alice said, "You want to sit
up?" Jovi nodded as Emmett took her
hand and helped her sit up. Jovi rubbed
her temples and said, "What time is it?" Alice said, "About 6 am...You've been
sleeping pretty good." Emmett eyebrows shot up as he said,
"Pretty good? She's been out for 12
Alice said, "Is the pain really bad? Carlisle had a pain prescription filled for
you." Jovi said, "Now would be
a good time to take something." Alice
left and came back with a glass of water and two pills. Jovi said, "Lord, remind me to thank
Carlisle." Alice said, "You
know you don't have to...He loves helping people, it's all he's ever wanted to
do." Jovi smiled weakly and said,
"I know...I trust Carlisle with my life...Just like I trust all of you
with my life as well." Emmett said,
"That's nice, but what if we decided to eat you?" Jovi said, "Eh...Go ahead...It's only
blood." Emmett said,
"Jovi! That's not funny...You know
we would never." Jovi patted
Emmett's hand and said, "I know you wouldn't but clearly something wanted
to the other night."
Emmett said, "Can you remember anything?" Jovi shook her head no and said, "The
only thing I remember is getting into a horrible fight with Paul and he broke
things off between us and he shoved me down...Which is probably how my wrist
and tailbone got broken. I went for a
run with Sarge to clear my head and went to go turn around to go back home and
Sarge reared back for some reason and dumped me off of him. I woke up in the hospital when Carlisle said
he'd gotten a hold of my dad and I was going to stay with you guys until he got
back." Emmett said, "What do
you mean he threw you down?" Jovi
looked up and noticed Emmett's eyes had blackened. Jovi grabbed his hand and said, "Emmett
don't...It's not worth it." Emmett
said, "I should..." Jovi said,
"No...No you shouldn't...You can't break the treaty it would give them
cause to come and kill all of you...and if I lose you guys I won't have any
more family." Emmett said,
"Okay...I'll leave it alone...but I don't like it." Emmett left the room and Alice said, "I
thought you was in love with him?" Jovi said, "I am Alice...Believe me I
still am."
Mina walked up to the big glass house and knocked on the door. A rather large man opened the door and said,
"Can I help you?" Mina said,
"Yea...I was told Jovi was staying here." The guy said, "You're a little ways from
home aren't you?" Mina said,
"Are we gonna discuss my home or can I see my friend?" Emmett smirked she had attitude,
he stepped aside and allowed her to walk into the house and closed the door
behind her. He said, "I'm Emmett
Cullen...You're Paul's little sister Mina right?" Mina nodded as she followed Emmett...He was
by far much bigger then her. Emmett led
her upstairs and opened the door and said, "Could you stand a
visitor?" Jovi smiled and said,
"Sure." Emmett said, "Go
on in." Mina said,
"Thanks." As
she walked past Emmett said, "Hey." Mina looked back and he said, "You're
welcome." Mina smiled as her mood
lightened a little.
Mina turned and looked at Jovi... Mina ran over and hugged Jovi, who
in turned hugged her back. Jovi gasped
and said, "What the hell are you doing here?" Mina said, "I had to come see with my
own to eyes that you were okay."
Jovi said, "No...What the hell are you doing here...The guys will
kill you...They will know you've been here...They will be able to smell the
Cullen's on you." Mina said,
"I don't care I pretty much had it out with them earlier...I hit Paul and
Jake in the head with my shoes and told them exactly what thought about them and the whole
tribe...and...It was really bad...I broke things off with Jake...Right in front
of Paul." Jovi said, "And he
didn't take the state of Washington with him when he blew?" Mina said, "Surprisingly enough he
didn't care...I think I mind fucked him because I asked him if it bothered him
that the one time you needed him that you were saved by the Cullen's." Jovi laughed and said, "Wow...Nothing
like using their own enemies against them."
Jovi looked in Mina's eyes and knew it killed her to end things with
Jake. She took Mina's hand in hers and
said, "You know you don't have to end things with Jake just because of all
of this." Mina blinked as tears
rolled down her cheeks and she said, "I told him he needs to fix it...He
needs to make the guys realize what your dad said is not your fault...It has
nothing to do with you." Jovi said,
"You can't force them to see what's in front of them...Eventually they'll
see it...But that's on them." Mina
said, "I love Jake." Jovi
said, "I know...Because I love Paul...but I'm gonna have to just get over
it I guess...I can't make him feel or see anything different." Mina nodded as she stood up and said, "I
should get going...The guys will have a fit if I'm not back before sun
down." Jovi nodded in agreement as
she watched Mina leave.
Mina walked into the woods and was suddenly grabbed by the arms and
looked up into Jake's brown eyes as he said, "Are you okay?" Mina said, "I'm fine. I went to see Jovi." Jake's eyes narrowed and he said, "She's
staying with the Cullen's...You went to their home?" Mina nodded and said, "Yes...If she can
trust them then so can I!" As Mina pulled her arms out of his grips. Jake said, "Mina are you out of your
mind...Do you fully understand what they can do to you?" Mina said, "Yes...They can show me I
don't have to choose a side in this treaty...That you really can be friends with
anyone and not be terrified of them. And
that you can love someone...even if you can't tell them." Jake said, "Mina what are you talking
about...You know how I feel about you."
Mina raised her eyebrow and said, "Do I
really Jake? How long have we
been...Whatever it is we were?"
Jake said, "Almost a year."
Mina said, "Right...I've loved you since day one Jake...Day one...I
don't have a clue how you feel about me" Jake said, "Mina..."
Mina said, "I know we both seem to enjoy the sex... But sometimes it's not
enough..." Jake said,
"Mina..." Mina said, "I can't explain how I feel about you...It
just...It kills me to be away from you to not have you touch me or kiss me...Or
even hold me."
Jake finally yelled, "MINA!" Mina jumped as she got quiet and looked up at
Jake. Jake leaned down pressing his forehead
to hers and whispered, "Sorry."
Jake dipped his head and captured Mina's lips, the warmth from Jake's
body spread to Mina's as her finger tangled in his short black hair, and his
arm circled her waist and pulled her body closer to him...She may have smelled
terrible from being around the bloodsuckers, but at that point he didn't
care. They pulled away both breathless,
and Jake looked deep into her eyes and said, "I love you Mina...I love
everything about you...I love you with everything that is in me and everything
that I am. You make me wanna be better
and change." Mina said, "I
don't want you to change...I just want to make sure you feel the same way I do,
before we actually go any further...I don't want you to hurt me or me to hurt
you." Jake said, "I could
never hurt you...I love you too much to ever do that...Besides...I already
imprinted on you." Mina said,
"What?" Jake said, "I
couldn't help it...A year ago when you kissed me that first time...I just got
this feeling like I wanted to be with you forever."
Jake dug in his pocket and pulled his hand out and said, "I had
this made for you...You can decide what you want it to be." Mina looked down and in the palm of his hand
was a silver band that had 3 small diamonds encased in the band itself. Mina said, "Decide what?" Jake said, "Those are the stones from my
mother's wedding ring...I knew you didn't like gold jewelry so I took them to a
jeweler and he encased them into a platinum band...You can decide if you want
it to be a promise ring or an engagement ring...It's your decision...I know
which one I want I to be, but you have to decide for yourself."
Mina picked up the ring and looked at it, as the light hit the
inside of the ring, Mina noticed Jake had it engraved with 'I love you' on the
side of the ring. Mina handed the ring
back to him and Jake looked at it and Mina said, "If you're going to ask
me then you better ask me properly."
Jake slowly lowered himself to one knee and took her left hand in his as
he kissed her knuckled and said, "My beautiful Mina...Will you marry
me?" Mina couldn't stop the tears she said, "Yes."
Jake slid the ring onto her finger as he jumped up and lifted her into
his arms swinging her in circles. Jake
stopped and placed her on her feet capturing her lips with his again. Jake pulled away and said, "So now that
we got that out of the way...How in the hell are we going to get Paul and Jovi
back together?" Mina laughed and
said, "I don't have a clue...Hothead verses Sweetness. It's gonna be hard...but maybe we can do
They had to come up with a plan Jovi's love for Paul was falling
fast. Paul was just trying to ignore the
fact he imprinted on her...And it definitely wasn't working.
Chapter 15
It had been three months since Paul broke up with Jovi...She was
trying to get her life back on track from the attack in the woods. Sarge was never found...Jovi's dad just
assumed he had been eaten by a mountain lion.
Jovi and Mina would still hang out, but not in La Push...Jovi was trying
to avoid Paul at all costs. She missed
him more than anything, in a few more months she was going to be graduating
high school and had decided to go to college in Seattle. At least it would close enough to come home
on the weekends and see her dad and the Cullen's of course. Jovi had finally met Edward, Alice's brother
who's been in Europe. He came back for
Esme's birthday and was actually a very nice guy.
Edward had taken Jovi to the movies along with Rosalie, Emmett,
Jasper and Alice one evening. They had a
nice time laughing, but the whole time she couldn't stop thinking of Paul...Edward
could tell she'd fallen in love with the hothead of the wolf pack...too bad
Paul was so stupid. Edward had the gift
to read minds and could see she was completely torn inside for this
guy...Edward invited Jovi on a nice walk after the movies, Edward said,
"What ever happened...It's not something that can't be undone....or even
fixed. Just have to trust that at the
time it was for the best. You should
talk to him." Jovi walked besides
Edward through the park and said, "I don't think that's such a good
idea." Edward said, "Why
not...Anything can be fixed by talking."
Jovi said, "Yea...And sometimes it can make it worse."
And I don't know
This could break my heart or save me
Nothing's real
Until you let go...completely
So here I go with all
My thoughts I've been saving
So here I go with all
My fears weighing on me
Three months and I'm...still sober
Picked all my weeds but kept the flowers
But I know it's never really over
Edward and Jovi sat on a bench just outside of the park...Edward
said, "You wanna talk about it?"
Jovi smiled weakly and said, "I already know you can read my
thoughts...Alice told me...She didn't want me to think it's an invasion of
privacy." Edward chuckled and said,
"That's Alice for you." Jovi
nodded in agreement and said, "Yea...But would you really want her any
other way?" Edward shook his head
no and said, "Nah...She wouldn't be any fun if she was different then who
she really is." Jovi said,
"True." The both laughed and
Edward noticed the smile fell off her face like a pane of glass out of a
Edward said, "Just to let you know...I can't get past Paul in
your head. He's on a revolving door kind
of like just spinning around in your head.
He's pretty much the only thing you have on your mind right
now." Jovi said, "I miss
him......a lot...and more every day."
Jovi heard some laughter down the street as her eyes looked over she
immediately felt like her heart was being ripped from her chest as she saw Paul
walking down the opposite side of the street with Jake, Jared and Embry
laughing and carrying on. Edward felt
the pain radiate off of her as she blinked and the biggest tears slid down her
cheeks. Edward pulled a handkerchief out
of his pocket and handed it to her. He
moved over and wrapped an arm around her...He saw what made her break down.
Paul had gone into Forks for dinner with the guys,
Sam had given them all the night off because he was taking Emily out and
decided the guys needed a night to just think on their own. Paul was making the guys crazy, since he'd
imprinted on Jovi and broke things off with her all he could think about was
Jovi, morning, noon and night...Wolf form, human form. The first month and a half he was snapping at the guys all
the time...Now he was keeping more to himself...but they could still read his
thoughts, when they were in wolf form and patrolling. Paul was honestly trying to keep Jovi out of
his mind, but knew it wasn't working. He
loved her very much but he just couldn't get past what her dad had said to her
about them. Granted he knew Jovi didn't
feel that way and never would...He just couldn't force himself to get her back.
And I don't know
I could crash and burn but maybe
At the end of this road
I might catch a glimpse of me
So I won't worry about my timing
I want to get it right
No comparing...Second guessing
No not this time
Three months and I'm still breathing
Been a long road since those hands
I left my tears in
But I know It's never really over no
Paul was actually doing okay until he felt Jovi crying. Paul closed his eyes and he could feel his chest
getting tight with pain and anxiety, because he could feel how much pain she
was really in...Suddenly he looked over and saw Edward Cullen comforting Jovi. His blood started to boil over as the guys
stopped and looked back when they noticed Paul wasn't talking with them. Jake looked over and saw what Paul was
looking at. The others ran back over and
stood in front of Paul...Jake said, "Paul don't even think about it...Were
on their territory." Paul said,
"How can she sit there and let that bloodsucking leech touch
her!" Jake said, "I'd venture
to say because you're not...It's your fault for giving her up...You really
don't want her anymore then just walk away and leave her alone."
Within three seconds, Paul, Jared, Jake and Embry crossed the street
and stood in front of the bench as Edward jumped up and in front of Jovi. Jovi looked up and was terrified...She looked
around and saw Jasper and Emmett running across the park with Rosalie and
Alice. Jovi jumped up and took off
running towards them as Emmett grabbed a hold of her and said, "They
didn't hurt you did they?" Jovi
shook her head no...Emmett said, "Alice get Jovi in the car, Rosalie come
with me and Jasper." Alice nodded as she grabbed Jovi's hand and walked
with her to the car. Emmett, Jasper and
Rosalie ran up and it was a huge growling, snarling hissing standoff.
Rosalie said, "C'mon now boys...We're not breaking the
treaty." Paul said, "Shut up
filthy bloodsucker." Rosalie glared
at Paul. Edward said, "You're
Paul." Paul glared at Edward Cullen
and said, "What about it?"
Edward said, "I'm just wondering why you are distancing yourself
from Jovi and killing her in the process when you both clearly love each other
so much...It's a shame really what her heart and spirit are
having to go through because of your hatred for her father's
words." Paul said, "Get out of
my head." Edward said, "I'm
not in your head...I'm in hers. You're a pathetic excuse for a man. To hurt a woman like that is really sad to
your species. And I'm not talking about the wolf part...I'm talking about the
human part." Edward shook his head
in disbelief as he walked away. Emmett
pointed to all of them and said, "Stay away from Jovanna...You've hurt her
enough...she doesn't deserve this anymore." The packed watched as the Cullen's entered
the SUV and left.
Wake up
Three months and I'm still standing here
Three months and I'm getting better yeah
Three months and I still am
(ooh Oooooohhhhh)
Three months and it's still harder now
Three months I've been living here without you now
Three months yeah, three months
Jovi got out of the SUV give everyone a hug and thanks Edward for
the talk and Emmett for his threatening.
She watched as the SUV backed out of the driveway and headed for the
Cullen residence. Jovi walked into the
house and realize something wasn't quite right...It was only 8:30 and her dad
was usually up till 9 or 9:30...The TV was on but he wasn't anywhere to be
seen. In fact it looked as though the
whole upstairs had a mini tornado go through it at top speeds. She picked up the baseball bat that always
sat under her bed and went searching for her dad. She walked down the hallway and noticed the
light was on in his bedroom and the door was ajar. She called to her dad several times but there
was no answer...Not even a moan or a sigh...It was eerily quiet...
She pushed the door open and dropped the bat...She was complete
mortified...there was bloody hand prints all over the walls and blood all over
the comforter on the bed it looked like someone just turned a water hose on and
sprayed down the walls in blood. Jovi
was shaking from head to toe as she looked down and noticed the floor was complete
covered in blood as well it was all over her shoes. She suddenly saw her dad's boot covered feet
from behind the bed...She braced herself and walked over and almost threw
up...He practically didn't have a face anymore...she leaned down and pushed her
index and middle fingers against his neck to feel for a pulse...but there
wasn't...Not even a little.
Jovi could feel herself starting to freak out big time...She backed
away from the body of her father and when she hit the wall she freaked out even
more as she took off running down the stairs and threw the screen door open not
even caring if it closed and she started running as fast as she could...She
honestly didn't care where she ended up she just needed to get away...she
couldn't believe it...first her mother and now her father...She couldn't help
but wonder if she was destined to be an orphan.
She kept running as fast as her legs could take her and as far away as
Three months and I'm still breathing
Three months and I still remember it
Three months and wake......up
Three months and I'm still sober
Picked all my weeds but kept the flowers
On this morning's top news:
Authorities are not really sure how or why it happened but when
neighbors from down the street of Mustang Rescue Ranch Owner Mike Miller went
to visit him this morning they found his slain body in his bedroom. It is an open murder investigation and at
this time there are no suspects...The ranch owners 17 year old daughter Jovanna
Miller is also missing at this time and Forks Law Enforcement is asking for all
the help they can get to try and find the young lady.
Chapter 16
<b>On this Evening's top news:
Authorities still haven't found any suspects in the murder of
Mustang Rescue Ranch Owner Mike Miller...If most of you recall in this
morning's cast a neighbor went to visit him this morning and found his slain
body in his bedroom. The ranch owners 17
year old daughter Jovanna Miller is still missing..authorities
as worried who ever may have murdered her father fear kidnapped the young girl. Everyone is being encouraged to call in if
they know anything.</b>
Everyone was standing around the TV at Sam and Emily's as they
watched the news report on Jovi's father...They didn't realize they'd missed
the story earlier that morning, which mean Jovi had been missing now for 12
hours. Mina had tears streaming down her
cheeks and said, "Paul...Tell me that damn imprinting is working and you
know where she is...Please." Paul
said, "I can't tell where she is exactly, but I can smell apples so I know
she's on the reservation...She's close where ever she is." Mina said, "We need to find her...We
need to find her now." Emily left
the room for a minute and came back and had flash lights for everyone and said,
"It's already dark outside...we need to find her now...She's been out
there since last night...I can only imagine what's going through her mind."
Sam and Emily checked in Forks, Jared and Embry searched throughout
the woods, Jake, Mina and Paul searched the beach...As much as they hated, Sam
and Emily went to the Cullen's residence and knocked on the door. Alice answered it and she said, "How can
I help you?" In her cheerful voice
and Sam said, "I'm Sam Uley...I know you're friends with Jovi...Her father
was murdered last night and she's missing...She's not here by any chance is
she?" Alice said, "God
no...CARLISLE...CARLISLE!" Carlisle
was at Alice's side within seconds along with the other Cullen's...Carlisle
braced himself between the enemies as Sam explained what had happened. Emmett said, "We have to look for her
Carlisle...She'd do the same for us."
The Cullen's took to searching every square inch of Forks and
surrounding towns.
Paul, Jake and Mina were walking the beach and Paul suddenly could
tell Jovi was closer he could almost feel her and her scent of apples...Fresh
apples...Mina watched as Paul stopped and inhaled deep. Mina said, "What?" Paul's nose was twitching and he said,
"She's really close...I'd say within 15 - 20 feet." Mina grabbed Jake's arm and said, "The
cave! Whenever her and her dad got into
a fight she would sit in that damn cave." The threesome ran over to the cave and Paul
went in first with his flashlight on, Mina and Jake following him...Paul could
tell she was in there her scent was getting stronger and strong...He finally
heard something move and his flashlight beam hit her in the face.
The closer Paul got to her she looked lost and broken. Her eyes were moving a million miles a second. Paul hit his knees in front of her and
touched her hand and she flinched away from him and said, "Don't touch
me...Don't ever touch me." Paul
could hear her breathing it was erratic and he couldn't tell if it was cause she was cold or scared. Paul said, "Jovi come with me...I need
you to come with me please." Jovi
looked at Paul's beautiful brown eyes as she blinked and tears slid down her
cheeks and said, "Go to hell!
You're not real...You're not really here...You don't want me...You never
did...Remember I'm the girl whose father said Indian's were don't
want to been seen with me...I'm not good for you...if you stay around me much
longer you're liable to be killed or die or something. Everyone seems to die around me...I don't
want you to die...I mean...I wanted you to hurt as bad as I did but I don't
want you to die."
Jake and Mina walked up and Mina said, "She's losing it we have
to get her out of here." Jake said,
"Yea...We have to get her back to Emily and Sam's." Mina said, "I'm going to run by the
house and get her some clean clothes to change into." Jake said, "I'm gonna head to Emily and
Sam's and let everyone know we found her."
Paul nodded as they both took off.
Paul moved around a little closer to Jovi and said, "Jovi...I was
wrong...I know it now...I was stupid for letting something as worthless as
words that didn't even come out of your mouth effect me...effect us...Jovi I
love you...I could and would never love anyone as much as I do you...And I
promise to fix us...I'll work night and day if I have to, to fix us. I just...I need you to come with me
Jovi had more tears sliding down her cheeks as she continued to cry
and said, "I just can't go with you...I don't want you to die." Paul took Jovi's face and forced her to look
into his eyes and he said, "I promise you...I'm not going to die...No one
is going to die with you around...I swear on my life...Please let me get you
out of here." Jovi looked at Paul and
she slowly raked her hand through her hair and nodded slowly and said,
"Ok..." Paul stood up and took
Jovi's hands pulling her to stand up...Paul had suddenly noticed she was
barefoot and there was blood on her jeans from the knees down, she must've knelt
in it when she was seeing if her dad was dead or not. Paul could tell she was physically and
mentally wrecked, he leaned over and scooped her up in his arms and carried her
back to Emily and Sam's.
As Paul walked up he saw Dr. Cullen and his oldest Emmett sitting
outside with Sam, Emily, Mina, Jake, Embry and Jared. Paul said, "What the hell are they doing
here?" Sam said, "They are
going to take Jovi to the hospital to make sure she's okay, then the police
have to question her, once they finish they'll bring her back." Emmett walked up and looked directly into
Paul's eyes and said, "I'm only here for Jovi." Paul said, "I swear, if you even
think..." Emmett cut him off and
said, "She's part of my family...I could never." Emmett shook his head. Jovi looked up and saw Emmett and whispered,
"Hey handsome...Did you start the party without me again?" Emmett looked down and said, "No way
beautiful...Not without you...ever."
Paul carefully set her in Emmett's arms as he climbed into the back seat
and set her on his lap as Carlisle said, "I soon as we clear
her medically and the police clear her, well get her back out here." Sam nodded and said, "Thanks
Everyone watched from the driveway as the Cullen's vehicle left
Sam's and went towards Forks.
Chapter 17
Carlisle had made sure to take x-rays top to bottom on Jovi to be on
the safe side and completely clear her medically speaking. Jovi sat in the interrogation room at the
police station. Emmett and Carlisle were
waiting outside and every once in a while Emmett would stand by the window and
make faces trying to get Jovi to relax or laugh. Her hands were sitting on the table in front
of her. Her right knee was bouncing up
and down as the detective walked into the room and closed the door.
The gentleman sat down and said, "Miss Miller." Jovi smiled softly and said,
"Jovi...Please." The gentleman
smiled and said, "Jovi...My name is Detective Mark Williams...I've been working
your father's case for the last 48 hours...We know you was at the crime...but
you're not really a concern for us...We already got your fathers
killer." Jovi's eyes snapped open
wider as she said, "What do you mean you got him? Why am I here then?" Det. Williams said, "Well...We need your
help deciphering the way you're dad kept records of sales at the auctions." Jovi said, "I did all the records for
sales...They are on the computer."
Det. Williams said, "I was really hoping you'd say that...Can you
come with me real fast?" Jovi said,
Remember those walls I built?
Well, baby they are tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound
I found a way to let you in
But, I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now
It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had, you break it
It's the risk that I'm taking
I ain't never gonna shut you out!
The door opened and Emmett and Carlisle stood up and watched as Det.
Williams and Jovi walked out. Jovi held
up her index finger and said, "I'll be right back." They both nodded at her as she followed the
detective down the hallway into another room.
They had the computer set all up and turned on. Jovi stood in front of it and entered the
pass word and as the system loaded Jovi said, "What are you looking for
specifically?" Det. Williams said,
"We arrested a man named James Shipley...Apparently he bought a mustang
from your father from an auction in Texas...The horse grew gravely ill and
died...The gentleman was apparently pretty heated and said he was out 30 grand
after all the vet bills and decided to come after your dad for it. He's also the one who attacked you a few
months ago. He took your horse
Jovi's head snapped up and said, "Sarge is alive?" Det. Williams smiled and said, "Very
much so...The police in Texas weren't sure what to do with him so they gave him
to a children's orphanage." Jovi
had missed Sarge, but knowing he was being taken care of by orphans who had
nothing was better than thinking of him being dead. Jovi smiled Sarge would be in complete heaven
with all those kids. Jovi pulled up a
search engine for the computer and entered in James Shipley's name and hit
enter. All the sales filed popped up and
then suddenly more files popped up with James' name on them...Apparently he'd
been sending threatening email and letters to Jovi's father. Then another file popped up and it said: To
My Beautiful Daughter. Jovi looked at
Det. Williams and he said, "I'm gonna walk out in the hall and let you read
that." Jovi nodded as the Detective
stepped out.
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby, I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby, I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo
(Halo), halo
I can see your halo
(halo), halo
I can feel your halo
(Halo), halo
I can see your halo
(halo), halo
<i>My Beautiful Daughter Jovanna.
If you found this letter in the computer then clearly I'm dead. I've known for a few weeks that James Shipley
was going to come after me. I couldn't bare to make you worry about my safety which is why I didn't
tell you about it. I just decided to make sure you was safe and looked after by
the Cullen's...Please tell Carlisle and the rest of the Cullen's, I appreciate
everything they did for you, by giving me a piece of mind and knowing you were
safe with them when I was gone. A few
weeks ago I sold the remainder of the mustangs, the ranch and land for quite a
bit of money...6.5 million to be exact...Some big company is coming in to
demolition and build duplexes. I'm
leaving a will and it's all going to you...I've already put it in a checking
account for you at the bank...all you have to do is go in and show them you're
ID and they'll take care of the rest. I
also know about you and the Quileute boy from the reservation...I know the
hateful words I said about them is probably what broke you two up and I have to
tell you I was WRONG! If you're mother
was alive today she would've skinned me alive for being so judgmental and
hateful to another human being. I kind
of like to think you're mother brought Paul to you...And don't look so shocked
that I know who he is...No daughter of mine, falls in love with a guy, without
her dad sending a private investigator out to find out who the yahoo is she
loves with, to make sure he is good enough for her. I think if you two can sit down and talk and
show him this letter, he'll understand I was wrong and you guys can have a
future together...You love him...You always have...You always will. And I love you my beautiful daughter...You're
mother and I will be watching over you and we love you very much...Take care of
yourself. </i>
Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light
I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget
To pull me back to the ground again
It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had, you break it
It's the risk that I'm taking
I'm never gonna shut you out!
Jovi printed out the letter and then helped the detective print
everything up that would be needed to be used as evidence against James
Shipley. Jovi signed the papers to press
charges against the creep as she folded the letter up and stuffed it into her
shirt pocket. The hospital had taken her
clothes for evidence and gave her a pair of scrubs, Emmett his sweatshirt on
her and laughed because it was about 4 times bigger than her. Once they got Jovi back to the reservation,
and pulled into Sam and Emily's drive way, Carlisle and Emmett got out, Carlisle
stepped up and hugged Jovi and kissed the top of her head and said, "If
you need anything you make sure and let me know." Jovi hugged him back and said, "I
will...Thanks for everything Carlisle."
Emmett was next making sure to hug her tightly, but not so tight he
crushed her...Jovi loved his hugs...Emmett's ice cold lips pressed a soft kiss
to her forehead and said, "Call if you need anything,
beautiful." Jovi smiled and said,
"Thanks handsome."
Jovi waved bye, once they were out of site, she turned around and
Mina jumped in her arms hugging her friend to her. Jovi relaxed as she hugged Mina back and
said, "Mina I'm not dead...ease up."
Mina relaxed her grip around Jovi's neck and pulled back and said,
"You look like you need a shower."
Jovi smiled and said, "Yes please." Mina said, "I went by and grabbed some
of your clothes that you left at my house..." Jovi said, "Where's Paul?" Mina said, "Patrolling...He didn't want
to be here when Carlisle and Emmett dropped you off...He should be here in a
while." Jovi nodded as she went in
and took a nice warm shower. She pulled
Jean and a long sleeve hooded cotton shirt on...She blow dried her hair and
left it down, she slipped on her sneakers.
She walked into the living room and Mina said, "He's not back." Jovi said, "I'm going to the beach...I
need to be alone for a while." Mina
nodded as Jovi took off out the door.
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby, I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
I can feel your halo
(Halo), halo
I can see your halo
(halo), halo
I can feel your halo
(Halo), halo
I can see your halo
(halo), halo
Halo, ooh ooh.....
Halo, ooh ooh, oooh........
Once she got to the beach she pulled her sneakers off and buried her
feet in the sand, watching as the waves crashed into each other. About an hour or so later, someone blocked
out part of the light as Jovi looked up and saw it was Paul. Jovi stood up and stared at Paul and he just
stared back. Paul almost couldn't
breathe. The slight breeze in the air
was blowing her hair around a little.
His heart was aching to have her touch him...He'd missed her so
much...He felt like part of him died when he left her...Imprinting was so
strong...He still had to explain that to her.
Paul finally found the breath in his lungs and said,
"Jovi..." Before he could say
anything else to her, she jumped into his arms and he caught her as she wrapped
her legs around his waist and held onto him like she was going to the electric
chair. Paul said, "I'm so sorry
Jovi...I love you so much." Jovi
cupped is warm cheeks in her small cold hands and kissed his lips softly...He
had to kiss her back...He hadn't kissed her in months and it felt so good to
have her lips meshed with his. Jovi pulled back and looked at him and said,
"You really hurt me." Paul
said, "Yes." Jovi said,
"Please don't do it again."
Paul said, "I promise...I swear on my own life...I'll never hurt
you again...I kind have to explain something to you though."
They sat down in the sand as Paul pulled Jovi over to sit between
his legs and he said, "I imprinted on you." Jovi said, "What the hell is
that?" Paul chuckled and said,
"Imprinting occurs when a
shape shifter finds their soul mate. The moment the shape shifter sees the one
they are destined to be with, they imprint. It feels like a glowing heat;
having every connection and everything and everyone else
severed and instead being only connected to this earth for the person they
imprinted on. After that, nobody else
matters because you are only there for your soul mate. Imprinting is an
involuntary reaction." Jovi quirked
an eyebrow and said, "When did you imprint on me?" Paul smiled mischievously and said, "The
day I phased on you after you kicked me...I didn't realize it until the night
we made love the first time...The whole time we were apart, it literally killed
me...Imprint can cause physical pain when you miss the one you imprinted on." Jovi said, "So imprinting was the reason
why I couldn't ever get you out of my mind." Paul said, "Basically yea...We're
destined to be together for the rest of our lives..." Jovi said, "That doesn't sound so bad to
me...I think I could handle have you in my life forever. I mean you are my saving grace after
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby, I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby, I can feel your halo
I pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo
(Halo), halo
I can see your halo
(halo), halo
I can feel your halo
(Halo), halo
I can see your halo
(halo), halo
Halo oooh
From that moment on...Everything was as it
should be.
The End