Maybe She’ll Go…Maybe She’ll Stay



Chapter 1


She couldn’t believe it…She absolutely couldn’t believe it…Jacy (sounds like JC…spelled Jacy) had let her sister talk her into spending the summer with her sister Jady (sounds like JD…spelled Jady), her new boyfriend something Cena, his entire family, and her sister’s boyfriends cousin Marc Predka…who just happened to be Jacy’s ex-boyfriend.  Her and her ex had stayed in good standings and granted every time their paths crossed they ended up sleeping together for one night…Except for that one week a few months back, when they ran into each other in New York…They spent 7 glorious days in her apartment.  7 wonderful days romping around naked in bed with a stud…A stud who could keep her screaming louder then when the NFL Pittsburg Steelers won the Super bowl. 


There had been no one she’d dated since she started having sex who could make her orgasm and body ache the way Marc could Jacy.  She still couldn’t figure out how Jady had talked her into coming with…Her sister she’d do anything for…anything…But sometimes her idea’s wrote checks her ass couldn’t cash…This could very well be one of those times.  Spending the whole summer with her ex-boyfriend could send her into a sexual meltdown and probably him as well…For some reason or another they both hit their sexual peaks when they were around each other…She remembered the delicious ache he left between her thighs EVERY TIME!  Jacy had to exhale on that note as she turned the music up in her beautiful burnt orange Mitsubishi Eclipse.  She flew past a forest green low rider…some hood rat in the middle of the road cruising the freeway.


Meanwhile John couldn’t wait to see Jady…She’d been stuck at Titan towers all week editing Raw magazine before it hit the printing presses for next months’ edition.  John shook his head as some moron in an orange Mitsubishi flew past him doing 190 at least.  He turned his stereo up as the bass thumped his ride hard and vibrated his speakers and ass.


John looked over at the copy of Rolling Stone’s that had just hit the stands that morning and looked at the offending article on professional wrestling and frowned at it…He couldn’t believe what a bitch the lady was…claiming how fake wrestling was because it was scripted…yea…he’d like to show her how fake it was by giving her a nice big FU in the middle of the ring.  He believed she would change her views then.  He couldn’t help but re-read that damn article over and over…He’d been re-reading it for the last 4 hours on the road.  He’d called Vince and asked to set up a personal interview with the airhead who had written that article in Rolling Stones…He was going to provide that snobby bitch with a personal interview to the real side of wrestling and not just the bullshit she thought was the truth.


Jady was sitting on the porch waiting for John and her sister to arrive…she couldn’t believe she’d actually got Jacy to agree to spend the summer with her and John’s family.  They’d only been dating for 6 months…but they were getting closer and closer on a daily basis…She missed him like crazy cause she’d not seen him in a week.  Naturally the first to pull into the long drive way was her sister burnt orange eclipse.


Jady jumped off the porch and ran to her sister’s car as her waist length raven colored hair flapped behind her with its midnight blue streaks.  Jacy got out and her waist length honey colored hair stepped out as she looked over the rim of her sunglasses said, “I really am in God’s country up here aren’t I Pa?”  Jady laughed as she came to a sliding stop and said, “Yee haw city folk.”  The sisters laughed as they hugged so tight neither wanted to let go anytime soon.  The girls were exactly one year and a one day apart.


Jacy was 26, 5’10” and Jady was 25, 5”9”…Their mom being a super hippie gave them practically matching names because she wanted to be able to remember their names when she was stoned or drunk.  Which was something they were completely used to…Their mother had been that way their whole lives practically…She’d just been smart enough to stop being a drunk and pot head long enough when she was pregnant to not do any mental or physical damage to her children.


A voice behind the girls said, “Hi Jacy.”  Jacy and Jady pulled away from each other and Jacy looked past her sister and saw Marc standing there…Jacy smiled at Marc as he smiled back to her and she walked over and pushed up on her toes and kissed his cheek…Her lips lingered longer then they both expected…but it was a nice hello…haven’t seen you in a while…do you come here often kind of kiss.  They all walked into the house and Jacy met Matt, Dan, Sean, Stephan, Mr. Cena & Mrs. Cena.


About an hour later, everyone heard a car door close…Jacy was sitting at the breakfast bar in the kitchen talking to Mrs. Cena and Marc as Jady took off running to the front door, she knew who it was.  Walking into the house Jady and John were hand in hand and John tossed the Rolling Stone’s magazine down and Marc said, “What’s that cuz?”  John said, “Fuckin Rolling Stone’s they have some stupid snotty bitch reporter who wrote a fucked up piece on Wrestling saying it was fake and shit…I can only hope she gets hit by a WWE truck in this life time.”


Marc picked up the magazine and said, “Why does this smell like your handy work Jacy?”  Jacy smirked and said, “Because it is…”  Jady said, “John this is my older sister.”  Jacy held out her hand and said, “Snotty Bitch.”  John gripped her hand hard and shook it and said, “Fake Wrestler.”   John threw her hand out of his and before anymore words could be said, Marc threw his arm around Jacy and said, “Let me show you the property Jac…You’ll love it…It’s beautiful.”  Jacy rolled her eyes towards John and turned and walked out of the house with Marc. 


John’s mother said, “Jonathan Felix-Anthony Cena…You better behave…She’d Jady’s sister and a guest this summer…At least be civil…What you do at work stays at work.  John just said, “Yes ma’am.”  And grumbled away with Jady as they helped take luggage to people’s rooms.


Chapter 2


Marc and Jacy walked along the edge of the water and Marc said, “Jac, what are you doing here?”  Jacy looked at Marc and smirked and said, “You know I can’t say no to Jady…She asked and then looked at me with those damned puppy dog eyes and I couldn’t say no…Hell I couldn’t say anything…I just nodded my head fast so it felt painless.”  Marc chuckled and said, “It’s good to see you again…Here I thought the summer was going to suck watching my cousin suck face with his girlfriend…But at least I get someone to sit around with and loathe the love birds with.”  Jacy giggled and said, “Of course.”


Jacy stopped and looked out over the lake and said, “Wow…This place really is beautiful isn’t it?”  Marc nodded and said, “Of course it is…I don’t know why Jady’s name didn’t strike a cord with me when John said who she was…and I couldn’t put two and two together for the last names…I must be getting retard or something in my old age.”  Jacy laughed and said, “Or something alright.”  Marc said, “What?!”  Jacy laughed hard and said, “Good to see you still haven’t gotten over that age thing.”  Marc shook a finger at Jacy and said, “I’m not that much older then you…ya know.”  Jacy cracked a smirk and said, “Oh I know…But you still hide your grey hair so well.”


Jacy snatched the baseball cap off of Marc’s bald head and took off running back towards the house with it.  Marc was in HOT pursuit of her.  Marc finally caught up to her as he snatched his hat back and yanked it back over his bald head and he threw Jacy over his shoulder and smacked her on the ass for her troubles she was causing him.


From the bedroom window on the third floor John watched as his cousin romped around with that idiot writer from Rolling Stone’s.  Jady came up behind him and kissed on his naked shoulders, he’d disposed of his shirt the minute he got to the bedroom…It was always too confining for the muscles in his arms, shoulders and forearms.  John said, “Why didn’t you tell me your sister was the one who dated my cousin a few years ago?”  As Jady’s lips continued along the span of his back she said, “I thought you knew…They dated for a long time…Now when ever they see each other, it’s nothing but fuck buddy heaven for the two of them.”


John said, “How about the fact that you knew what she did for a living?  Did you know she was going to write that bullshit in the magazine?”  Jady sighed heavily and said, “I don’t get involved in my sisters life in side of work…All I know is since we were little she’s always been there for me…No matter what.  It doesn’t matter what we do in our lives…she’s there 100%...When I told her I wanted to work for the RAW Magazine she encouraged me to apply…when I told her I fell in love with a meathead wrestler…she said good for me and said she’d hoped I would be happy and he would treat me good.”


John pulled Jady around and said, “Okay say it.”  Jady smiled and said, “You’re being ridiculous…and you should enjoy the summer.”  John wrapped his arms around Jady and hugged her tight to him as he nibbled on her neck. 


Later that night every one drove into down to a small restaurant to eat dinner.  Once every one had finished eating, Marc heard a sweet song come on from the juke box as he tapped Jacy’s foot under the table and crocked his head towards the dance floor.  Jacy smiled as she stood up and Marc took her hand and led her to the dance floor and he wrapped his right arm around her waist and held her right hand with his left against his chest. As her free left arm came up and around his shoulder and neck.



When I fall, you're my place to land
I lose my touch, your my hands
The one I hold on to
If you run out of reasons to try
I'll love enough for both you and I
I'll be the one you can run to

I'd rather go through any pain love puts us through
Than to spend one day without you by my side

If you ever leave me, will you take me with you?
If you're ever lonely, I wanna be lonely too
My home's beside you, no matter where you may go
My love's inside you, even more than you know

In a world of anger and lies
I find peace in your eyes
A flame in the darkness
And though all space and time
'Till every star refuses to shine

You know where my heart is
I'd rather go through any pain love puts us through

Than to spend one day without you by my side
If you ever leave me, will you take me with you?
If you're ever lonely, I wanna be lonely too
My home's beside you, no matter where you may go
My love's inside you, even more than you know

And I can't remember life without you
The way it used to be
Feels like a million years away

Hold me 'til the angel sing

Tell me every little thing

Promise me forever from this day

If you ever leave me, will you take me with you?
If you're ever lonely, I wanna be lonely too
My home's beside you, no matter where you may go
My love's inside you, even more than you know

Even more than you know

Even more than you know

Even more than you know
Even more than you know.



Jady watched as they stared in each others eyes as they danced to the slow song and was secretly hoping they’d get back together.  Which is why she barely mentioned Marc being there and didn’t even tell Marc she was coming…She figured if they could’ve gotten together the first time…They all they needed was a second chance to get together again…Though it would be a miracle…It would be awesome if it worked. 


If being the operative word.


Chapter 3


A few days later Jacy was tanning on the edge of the lake as Marc had offered to teach Jady how to wake board on a knee board.  John had been in the water all day and felt water logged so he decided to sit out for a while.  John sat on the water’s edge about 5 feet from Jacy and finally had to say something to her.


John cleared his throat and said, “So are you always so opinionated about everything?”  Jacy lifted her sunglasses up and said, “When I’m right? Yes.”  John questioned, “Yea? And how about when you’re wrong?”  Jacy said, “I’m hardly ever wrong.”  John scoffed and said, “Yea…I find that hard to believe.”  Jacy said, “It doesn’t matter what you do or do not believe…This is about my article isn’t it?”  John said, “What else?”


Jacy growled a little and said, “Look…I graduated at the top of my class in college as a journalism major – something I had to even fight for…I studied wrestling since I was a little girl…It actually started as a healthy fascination….but as I got older – It was only to obvious how much was real and how much was fake…”  John said, “You look…Wrestling has been my whole life…It’s why I became one…I watched guys like Hulk Hogan & Andre the Giant perfect an art so timeless no one could replace it.”


It was Jacy’s turn to scoff as she said, “Hogan?  How many times can one old fart retire and come back…The man even had hip replacement surgery…When is enough actually enough?  What is a good time to retire?  While you still have all your original teeth, limbs and the ability to think for yourself or around the time you go bald with a severe drooling problem and have to wear a diaper to the ring because every time you pick someone up for a suplexes you loose all bladder functions and then piss or shit yourself in the ring…Oh yeah…What a way to be remembered as a legend.  I was unaware that being the posted child for depends or under-all adult diapers commercials was what legends were made of.”


John said, “No they are supposed to go out on top like Andre the Giant.”  Jacy said, “Please he had to first be begged into retirement and then also made a deal on how too.”  John said, “I’m telling you right now…You don’t know shit about the wrestling world…You couldn’t have been further from the truth in your stupid article had you taken a bus to friggen California.”  Jacy said, “How so?  The matches are scripted are they not?”  John said, “Yea…So we don’t hurt ourselves.”  Jacy said, “See…You guys know whose going to win before you even get to the damn ring.  Years ago wrestling was just about wrestling…Now a day when you turn it on you’ve got have naked girls in compromising positions with a camera guy behind her and a camera practically shoved up her vagina just to get that perfect shot of her fat free ass.”


John said, “What?  You wanna be one of those girls…They get paid a lot of money to do that.”  Jacy said, “PLEASE!  If I wanted to take my clothes off for money I’d contact Hugh Hefner.  And even then…The price had better be something you could NEVER dispute.”  John said, “That’s it…Isn’t?  You’re jealous of those girls…Well honey lemme tell you something…If you’d work on your body and get you a pair of fake tits…you’d be picked up in no time…Fat around the stomach and through the ass is something they frown on heavily.”


Jacy was in mid-drink when John said that to her and nearly chocked on her water.  She walked up to John and said, “Well…HONEY…Lemme tell you something…I’m 5’10’ and a 125lbs…I run daily so if you see any fat on me…It’s because you’ve been hit in that big fake ass head of yours one too many fake times with a fake ass metal chair.”


Just as the yelling was really getting heated between the two Marc and Jady came running up as Marc tossed Jacy over his shoulder and walked down the pier with her over his shoulder and ended up jumping off the pier…They both splashed loud when they hit the water.  Jacy came up sputtering and spitting as Marc grabbed her and said, “Why do you insist on fighting with John.”  Jacy said, “He’s such a fuckin jerk…He acts like no one is allowed their own opinion on shit in life…Like he’s God and creator and what ever he says goes…Well you know me Marc, I don’t go for bullshit like that…It ain’t me and it ain’t what I’m about and you know it.”


Marc said, “Hey…I’m not the enemy…I’m just saying…You guys are sitting here trying to have a battle of wits and you’re both unarmed and no one else gives a shit but you two…You’re pushing your own opinions off on each other and neither of you like what the other has to say…C’mon Jac you already opinions are like assholes…Everyone has one and everyone thinks everyone else’s stinks.”  Jacy pointed to Marc and said, “If you’re defending him…you get to sleep outside tonight and that ain’t no joke.” 


Marc smirked as he walked out of the water and held out a towel for Jacy and said, “You can’t threaten me that way Jacy…I have my own room here.” 


Jacy walked out of the lake dripping as she wrapped the offered towel around herself and said, “Oh yea?  Then I guess you’ll be enjoying your own room tonight and your hand…Hey if you use both you can almost pretend you’re on a double date.”


Marc’s mouth dropped open…DAMN…Tonight was gonna be one LONELY night!


Chapter 4


A couple of weeks later and they’d all been there a month.  The heat was nearly unbearable…which is what brought them to this point…They couldn’t sleep so they’d gone for a walk and ended up behind the beach house…It definitely wasn’t planned.


Their mouths were attached in a heated kiss almost no one could’ve matched or separated them.  Hands moving slowly across sweaty skin and fingernails tickling some spots and holding on for dear life in others.  His lips ventured down her neck and found that sweet spot just at the nape of it.  As he kissed and licked and nipped his way around her neck.  His hands holding onto her waist so she couldn’t wiggle her way away from him.  But surprisingly enough her hands slid up and gripped his t-shirt and pulled his body closer to hers.


He had her back pushed against the back wall of the beach house…It was around 3 am and the heat was so excruciating…but neither noticed it…It was almost as if the summer heat fueled their fire.  The sweat from each others bodies were turning them on.  Even more so when she licked the side of his neck just to taste the salty sweat from his body.  His hands went down and slid up her thighs as they pushed up the over sized T-shirt she was wearing that she used as a sleep shirt.  His hands sliding completely up her sweaty thighs as he reached her hips and found the strings of her string bikini panties and tugged on them…Without even thinking about it she let him remove them.


At the same time he went down and pulled her panties from her body she practically ripped his t-shirt off of him.  He stood back up and as he lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist she gripped the window seal above her head, he continued to kiss her neck as her shirt was suddenly pulled from her body and his lips attached themselves to her left nipple.  His big hands sliding all over her sweat covered body.  He held her body against the house with his pelvis as he buried his face between her breasts and inhaled the sweet scent of her sweat, he kissed up and to her neck and ear and said, “Tell me you want me baby…Right now…Tell me.”


She was so completely lost in the ecstasy of it all she couldn’t help but beg him…She wanted him inside of her come hell or high water…She couldn’t and wouldn’t wait any longer…She practically begged him, “Oh God please…Take me….I want to feel you inside of me…Right now…Please.”  He couldn’t have stopped himself even if he tried as he freed his erection and slowly slid it into her dripping core.  They both moaned at the intimate contact like neither had had such dirty begging answered before.


He couldn’t help but start pistoning in and out of her body…It was like neither of them had ever had sex.  Like this was their first time…Truly together.  It was almost over as fast as it had begun…He felt her walls tighten around his erection as she started cumming in waves as he kissed her to muffle her loan moans through her orgasm.  He had to pull out…There was no way he was going to cum inside of her and have her freak out about it later…He pulled out and his cum shot out and hit the side of the house.


He pulled his pants back up and slowly put her on her feet in front of him as he pulled her t-shirt back over her and let her slowly stepped back into her panties and pulled them back up into place.  They stood there staring at each other breathing heavy both not believing what had just happened.  Jady looked into his blue eyes…They’d been skating around the truth and their feelings for each other for a few months now…and apparently tonight it all came ahead. 


Marc caught his breath and looked at Jady and said, “Say it.”  Jady sighed heavily and said, “Eventually were gonna have to tell John and Jacy the truth about us…I don’t know how much longer I can keep lying to my own sister and my boyfriend or you with your cousin and…and…I dunno even know what Jacy is to you.”  Marc said, “A good friend with benefits…We have been technically fuck buddies since we broke up…The relationship aspect never worked for us…but the caring part and the sex always seemed to work perfect.” 


Jady pointed at Marc and he held his hands up and said, “We’ve been over for a few weeks…We’ve been talking and I mentioned I’d fallen for someone else, but that she was dating someone else and was trying to figure out a way to get away from him…She doesn’t know it’s you and I didn’t tell her it was you…I don’t know how she’d react to knowing I’d been sleeping with her little sister for a few months.  While sleeping with her sporadically.”


What had happened was, Marc and Jady ran into each other at a concert and when she found out that he was John’s cousin…for some reason the attraction was stronger.  They couldn’t explain it…They were from two completely different worlds…His Rap & Music and Jady’s was all about wrestling, especially when it came to writing about it as she did for the Magazine.  She loved her job and when she met John she figured everything was perfect…dating a wrestler and working for the #1 wrestling magazines in the world and then it all came to a screaming halt when she met Marc.  Marc knew who she was…she looked took much like Jacy to NOT know who she was.  And when he finally asked if she had an older sister…She said yea and then was also suddenly aware of how familiar he was to her.


That was 3 months ago…Technically she’d been cheating on John for 3 months with his cousin.  She couldn’t help it…He made her feel things that she only wished John could make her feel and at the end of the night it was Marc on her mind…Never John…Oh sure the first 3 months of their relationship was fantastic…but once she met Marc she couldn’t remember a single reason as to why she had started dating John Cena in the first place.


They walked back into the beach house as quietly as possible…Jady stopped and gave Marc a soft kiss on the top of his bald head as he slipped in the door to his room – not Jacy’s and She slipped into her and John’s room.  John slightly woke up as she rolled into bed carefully…he said, “You okay baby?”  Jady said, “Yea sweetie…This heat is killer.”  John said, “Take a cool shower in the morning…You’ll feel better.”  She leaned over and kissed his forehead as she laid back down next to him.  She felt guilty for cheating on John…but her heart soared to new heights in her chest thinking of Marc and what they’d just done outside.  She slowly drifted to sleep trying to think of a reason to break up with John so she could be with Marc.


Meanwhile across the hall…Marc sought for hours to figure out the right words to tell Jacy he wasn’t really after just some girl…But that he was in love with her little sister…Yea…He knew that it wasn’t going to come off well…But then again everything in life had it’s little complications…This would be no exception.


Definitely not.


Chapter 5


A few days later, and it was around 9 am, Jacy was jogging along the waters edge.  As she rounded the bank she looked over and saw Marc, John and Jady playing in the water…Splashing and shoving each other under water.  Marc and John got a hold of Jady and tossed her in the air and she screamed when her body slowly did a free fall into the lake between the cousins.  She surfaced sputtering and cussing at the guys.


The longer she was around the threesome the more she understood why her sister was so in love with John…He was such a damn character always making them laugh and if she had to see him shirtless one more time…sister or not, Jacy was gonna have to rape the man.  She couldn’t explain it…Everything she hated about John and jockey guys like him was the same thing pulling her into him.  She found him more and more attractive as the days of the summer slowly passed.


Even Jacy had to admit the man had a body to die for…6’1” and 250lbs of pure muscle…She’d done some research and found out he’d been a body builder in Venice California on Venice Beach.  She’d seen the picture of what the man had looked like when he was a body builder and DAMN…was the only word she could get to come out of her mouth…For someone who claimed to dislike the man so much she sure couldn’t keep her eyes from roaming the mans body.


She stopped at the waters edge to catch her breath…She loved running in the mornings, even in the summertime it made her feel better.  Burning the calorie’s she’d eaten or just getting a lot of energy out that she couldn’t release when her and Marc had sex.  There was another subject.  Her and Marc hadn’t had sex in a few weeks and she was at the point of explosion…She knew he was in love with someone else…but the girl was dating another man who ironically was trying to figure a way out of the relationship so she could be with Marc.


Jacy squatted down as she let her feet slip from underneath her as her butt landed in the sand.  A few minutes later and Marc walked out of the water dripping wet and planted his butt next to hers and said, “What’s crackin cutie?”  Jacy looked at him…damn him!  Why did he have to look so good wet?  Jacy said, “Why do you have to be so God damn adorable?”  Marc quirked at eyebrow at her and said, “Is that a loaded question?”  Jacy said, “When have you known me to ever ask an unloaded question?”  Marc smirked and said, “Never…At least not as long as I’ve known you…What’s the matter Jace?” Jacy said, “Oh nothing…You’re tainted goods is all…Why’d you have to go and fall in love?  And further more why do I have to have such good morals…Damn me!”


Marc busted out laughing suddenly aware of what Jacy’s problem was…She was horny…As sure as the sun would rise and fall.  Jacy socked him in the arm and said, “It’s not funny Marcus.”  Marc stopped laughing when she used his full first name.  Marc said, “I’m sorry…I just don’t think in the few years we’ve known each other, I’ve ever seen you so desperate for sex.”  Jacy said, “I’m not really desperate for sex…I’m just craving human contact…Every girl does at sometime in their life…Mine just happens to be sexual contact.”


Marc stood up as he grabbed Jacy’s hands and pulled her to stand up and said, “You know what’s good for Sexual frustration?”  Jacy shook her head no and said, “No what?”  Marc smirked evilly as he grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder and said, “A nice swim.”  Jacy felt herself being flung over Marc’s shoulder and said, “Marc…Don’t even think about it.”  Marc laughed as he jogged down the pier and said, “Oh I never do.”  As he jumped off the end and hurled Jacy’s body into the water with him.  The foursome played in the water for a good 3 or 4 hours and Jacy finally got so water logged she had to get out.  The other three called her a party pooper…She walked back to the vacation house towel drying herself off…She needed a shower bad…The sand was all over her feet and the salt water was making her skin dry…


Jacy got to her room and into the bathroom as she shower letting the warm water and soap cover her body.  Once she stepped out she felt so rejuvenated.   She dried off and got herself dressed and as she combed the knots out of her hair she was walked around her room.   She thought she saw something out of the corner of her eyes as she walked over to the window and looked down…In the middle of the bushes was John and Jady in a mad heated kiss.  Someone knocked on her door she said, “C’mon in.”


The door opened and it was, “JOHN!” Jacy’s eyes bugged out…John looked at her strange and said, “What?  I knocked and you said to come in.”  Jacy breathed deeply and said, “I didn’t expect you.”  John shook his head and said, “Marc and I decided to take you two into town for a nice dinner…We’re leaving in about 30 minutes.”  Jacy said, “Okay…I’ll…I’ll be ready.”  John closed the door as he left and shook his head again knowing he’d never understand that woman.  She was so damned annoying to him, everything he hated about her snobby ass and other girl like her was the same thing that attracted him to her.


Jacy grabbed her chest her heart was up in her throat as she ran over to the window and looked down…Marc was wearing a white t-shirt like John had had on earlier…He was standing there kissing her SISTER!  WHAT THE FUCK!  She thought he was in love with someone else!  TIME OUT!  Jady was the someone else.  Jacy was finally putting two and two together…Jady was the girl who was dating someone else and trying to get out of her relationship to be with Marc!  Now Jacy was really PISSED OFF!  Why couldn’t Marc have just told her it was Jady…Instead of doing it behind her back


And how long exactly had they been sneaking around?!?!?


Answers she was going to get at dinner come hell or high water!


Chapter 6


They walked into the restaurant and John and Marc disappeared for drinks.  Jacy and Jady sat in the half circle booth and Jacy said, “So how long have you and Marc been hiding your feelings from John?”  Jady’s spit her water across the table as her eyes grew to an enormous size.  Jady said, “How the…”  Jacy said, “You guys should be more careful which bushes you hide out in to make out…You were right under my window and at first I thought it was John, but then surprise, surprise John came to my room to tell me about dinner plans.”


Jady said, “I’m so sorry Jacy…I never meant for you to find out like that.”  Jacy said, “Imagine my surprise when I figure out it wasn’t you and John in the bush…Don’t worry I’m not mad…at least not at you…I’m a little pissed at Marc, I wish he could’ve just been honest with me about you…”  Jady said, “So you’re not mad?”  Jacy said, “Why would I be?  I don’t care who you date as long as you’re happy.  You’re happiness means everything to me…but you should really tell John it’s over…And I would suggest you not tell him you’re really in love with Marc.”


Jady said, “I’m not in love with Marc.”  Jacy bumped her shoulder into her sister’s shoulder and said, “Liar.  You love him…The only reason I know that is…I seen the way you kiss Marc…You don’t kiss any man that way if you don’t love him.  I would also suggest you not hook up fully with Marc until the summer is over or until you leave.  That way John won’t know you’ve been hooking up with his cousin behind his back.”  Jady said, “How can you not be mad at me?  I’m you’re sister and I’ve been sleeping with your ex-boyfriend.”  Jacy laughed and said, “You’re over the age of 18 and old enough to make your own decisions…and…You said it your self…he’s my ex-boyfriend…You know me and Marc…The relationship aspect of us never worked out…Caring and sex was always our best features.”


Jady laughed and said, “Marc said the same thing.”  Jacy said, “What?  When you’ve got only two things good going for you…you stick with it until something better rolls around that you have more then two things in common with.”  Jady said, “How am I going to break up with John?”  Jacy said, “Be honest…Tell him the fire you once had for him died out like a cheap tie-dyed shirt from the 60’s.  He’ll either be mad or get over it…either way it will finally be over for you two, and then you can be with Marc and see all the good fun boyfriend qualities I never found in him.”


Dinner was pretty quiet at one point Marc and Jady left the table for the rest room at the same time…Jady was no doubt warning Marc that Jacy knew about them and be prepared for a either a lecture or an ass whoopin.    Marc and Jady came back to the table and Jady was smiling like the cat that ate the damn canary…They sat down and Marc asked Jacy if she wanted to dance…Jacy smiled sweetly as she accepted his hand and they went onto the floor.


They started dancing to a lovely slow song and Jacy said, “You realize you don’t have to give me pity dances anymore right?  I mean what with you in love with someone else and all.”  Marc made a face and said, “Jace I’m not giving you pity dances…We care about each other and it’s still nice to spend a nice slow dance together.”  Jacy said, “Really?  Because it seems you should really be wanting to dance with Jady instead of me.”


Marc sort of stopped in his tracks and looked down at Jacy and said, “What?”  Jacy said, “You can already drop the stupid act…I saw you guys in the bushes earlier.  There’s no use hidin what I already know.”  Marc said, “Sure you know but the real question is, does John know now because of you?”  Jacy said, “I should smack you for not telling me, but instead I’m just going to be disappointed in you.”  Marc said, “Why because we’re cheating behind John’s back?”  Jacy said, “No because you didn’t even care enough to tell me you were in love with my fuckin sister!”


Jacy pushed Marc away and went back to the table and sat down.  Just after which the food came and it seemed the only ones talking were John and Jady…Marc was looking at Jacy and Jacy was staring at her food picking at it.  After dinner they drive back to the beach house was pretty quiet. 


Once they got inside Marc said, “So are you going to talk to me and get done being mad or disappointed whatever you are.”  Jacy walked up the stairs and said, “Fuck you Marc.”  Marc grumbled as he ran up stairs to catch up with Jacy as he walked into her room and closed the door behind him and said, “What the hell is going on Jace?  We’re not even fuckin together and you’re acting like some kind of jealous girlfriend.”  Jacy said, “Did it ever occur to you that it would hurt my feelings to know you wanted to be with someone else let alone my own sister?  Me and you have been…well…Me and you for a while now.  And it’s not even the fact that it’s my sister you want to be with…It’s just the damn fact you couldn’t tell me it was Jady.”


Jacy sighed heavily and said, “I told Jady earlier tonight I was happy for her, because her every happiness is something I want to make sure she has for the rest of her life…and whether it’s with you or with John or the Prince of Egypt, I do Not care as long as she’s happy.  Which she seems to be so happy and in love with you she can’t even remember why her and John started dating…Which is just sad, but some how funny…I’ve never seen my sister so weak for a guy in her life….See the same goes for you…I’m happy for you as long as you’re happy with her…but I would have loved to have been informed it was my sister you was falling in love with and waiting for her to dump her boyfriend so she could be with you…And by the way…What the hell are you going to tell John?”


Marc said, “We have a plan all worked out…She’s going to break up with him soon and he’ll probably go back on the road and if not she’ll leave or she may wait until after summer is over…then we can claim we bumped into each other decided to go on a date and haven’t stopped dating yet.”  Jacy cracked a smile and said, “Which technically you haven’t…at least not to my knowledge.”  As she opened the door and watched as Marc walked out and said, “Not funny.”  Jacy said, “Nope…But it’s the truth.”  Jacy rolled her eyes and closed the door and locked it on Marc.


Jacy stared around the room for a few minutes and then just finally decided it was time…


Chapter 7


Yea she knew it was finally time…Time to leave.  She was ready to go back to the working world.  She packed her suit case quietly, making sure she had everything…As she got all her clothing packed, she sat down and wrote her sister a letter…Something short and sweet…Just so she wouldn’t freak out, when she woke up in the morning and realized her sister was missing from the beach house.



I'm over your lies
And I'm over your games
I'm over you asking me
When you know I'm not okay
You call me at night
And I pick up the phone
And then you be telling me
I know your not alone

That’s why

Your eyes…I'm over it
Your smile…I'm over it
Realize…I'm over it
I'm over it…I'm over

Wanting you to be wanting me
No that ain't no way to be
How I feel…read my lips
Because I'm so over
Moving on…its my time
You never were a friend of mine
Hurt at first…a little bit
But now I'm so over
I'm so over it…






Sorry but I had to get back to work…I know I was supposed to stay until the end of the summer…but I was missing my work…You know me…I love the job.  I’ve had a nice time while being here and I would like for you to tell everyone how much I appreciated their warm hospitality in making me feel extremely welcome.


I had a nice time meeting new friends, reconnecting with old ones and of course seeing you again…You know we don’t see each other nearly as much as we should.  Please apologize to john for me about my article…and let him know a retraction will be printed and also an interview done with a wrestler…and not just some words I thought up in my head.


Call me sometime…And Good luck with Marc.


Love you!





I'm over your hands
and I'm over your mouth
Trying to drag me down
and fill me with self-doubt

That’s why
Your words…I'm over it
So sure…I'm over it
I'm not your girl…I'm over it
I'm over it…I'm over


Wanting you to be wanting me
No that ain't no way to be
How I feel…read my lips
Because I'm so over
Moving on…its my time
You never were a friend of mine
Hurt at first…a little bit
But now I'm so over
I'm so over it…



Jacy walked down stairs quietly as she placed her bag in the trunk of her car and got in and quietly started it up and left down the long drive way away from the beach house…That summer was one that she would definitely remember…Meeting a man she would probably never see again, but couldn’t help but fantasize about him for the remainder of her life.


Her sister finding someone she could love with all her heart and love her back as well…even though it was her ex-boyfriend…how twisted did that sound?  She was in love with her sister’s man, and her sister was in love with her ex…Yea…REALLY twisted!  Jacy’s only hope was that Jady was as happy as she could ever be with Marc…Though her and Marc couldn’t find happiness as a couple she noticed that there was more then sex and caring between them…Marc loved her…Though he hadn’t said it to her yet…Jacy knew…All she had to so was watch the way he looked at her sister and she knew right away.  It was love.



Don't call…don't come by
Ain't no use…don't ask me why
You'll never change
There'll be no more crying in the rain


Wanting you to be wanting me
No that ain't no way to be
How I feel…read my lips
Because I'm so over
Moving on…its my time
You never were a friend of mine
Hurt at first…a little bit
But now I'm so over
I'm so over it…



Jady looked down at the letter for a 4th time and looked at Marc…She said, “I knew it…She’s in love.”  Marc said, “With whom?”  Jady smirked and said, “John.”  Marc jumped over the coffee table and stood next to Jady and said, “How can you tell?”  Jady said, “Right there…She said she wanted me to apologize to John about her article…She NEVER apologizes for anything she write for that magazine…She loves working there!  She would never say she’s sorry about anything she fully believed and she does NOT submit work she doesn’t believe in!”


Marc looked at Jady and said, “What the hell are we going to do about it?”  Jady smirked as she picked up her cell phone and dialed a number and said, “I’m calling her editor.  Only one way to print a retraction and that’s with the opinion of the person from which your story bashed…and who better to interview on the subject of fake wrestling other then John Cena?”  Marc laughed as he fell into the chair.  He knew whatever Jady was cooking up would have a lasting effect…oh yea…definitely.



I'm so over it…

I'm over it....

Wanting you to be wanting me
No that ain't no way to be
How I feel…read my lips
Because I'm so over
Moving on…its my time
You never were a friend of mine
Hurt at first…a little bit
But now I'm so over
I'm so over it…



A few minutes later, Jady was just getting off the phone with Jacy’s editor and had informed her of the plan…and they were fully on board.  Then suddenly a voice boomed from behind Jady and Marc.  “WHAT THE FUCK DOES SHE MEAN GOOD LUCK WITH MARC”


Marc and Jady jumped up and turned around and unbeknownst to Jady she’d dropped the letter from Jacy and John had picked it up and read it…All of it.  Marc pushed Jady behind him and said, “Now cuz…Let me explain…Let us explain before you go and let your head explode.  You don’t want to say something you might regret later.” 


John stalked towards Marc and Jady as he tore up the letter into a million pieces and said, “Oh I seriously doubt there is ANYTHING I want to say right now that I will EVER fuckin REGRET!”


Chapter 8


Marc and Jady were backing up slowly…Marc kept at least 5 feet between him and John and made sure to keep Jady behind him.  Jady poked her head around Marc and said, “John I was going to break up with you at the end of the summer.”  John said, “Is that supposed to make me feel better?  I just walked in and found out my cousin has been trying to get my girlfriend and she in turn didn’t mind!”  John’s face was beet red and he looked as though his head would explode off his body.


Jady said, “That’s not the way it happened John.”  John said, “Oh well then please due tell…How exactly did it happen?”  Jady said, “I ran into Marc a few months ago…and I thought he looked familiar…and that’s how I found out he was Jacy’s ex-boyfriend…But something happened John…something I can’t explain.”


John said, “Oh really…What was that?”  Jady calmly said, “I fell in love.”  John stopped in his tracks and stared at Jady with a blank expression on his face.  Jady said, “I never expected it to happen…It just did…People fall in love all over the world…And you can’t help who you fall in love with…and Neither can I…”  Marc turned his head to the side to address Jady and said, “We.”  Jady smiled at Marc and then looked back at John and said, “We can’t help who we fall in love with John…It’s not something you can control…It’s the one emotion in the human body you don’t have control over…ever.”


John said, “What do you mean you fell in love and you don’t know how to explain it?  That is pretty self explanatory Jady…How could you not know how to explain it…It seems you explained it pretty good to me.”  Jady said, “John…I never meant for you to find out…I was going to keep lying to you and then we were both going to lie to you on how we hooked up after me and you broke up…but it’s been digging into my conscience I’m glad you found out.”


Marc said, “I was having a hard time lying to you cuz.  You’re my best friend and have been since we were kids and you know that.”  John glared at Marc and said, “Some friend…So wait a minute…You guys have known each other for so long have you been fuckin since you met?”  Jady said, “Excuse me that’s a private question?”  John said, “Not when I’m your current boyfriend and you’ve been possibly cheating on me with my fuckin own FAMILY!”


Jady finally got pissed and said, “FINE!  I fucked Marc so good so many times, he gave me everything you couldn’t and wouldn’t…THERE ARE YOU COMPLETELY SATISFIED NOW?!?!? Now you know everything!”  John looked at Marc and said, “Wait a minute…So you’ve been fuckin my girlfriend for how long exactly?”  Marc looked at Jady and said, “Exactly?  I don’t know…It’s been a few months.”  John said, “You son of a bitch!”  He started to run over and jump on his own cousin until Jady stepped in front of Marc and said, “Hold! That! Thought!”


John said, “What!  Get out of my fuckin way Jady.”  Jady said, “I just want you to think about something before you try to attack your cousin…Did you love me…ever?” 


John planted his hands on his waist as he slid into deep thought…He’d never really told Jady he loved her…and he was suddenly aware that he didn’t love her…Somehow she was just another girl to date until he could find the right girl…The right girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.


John backed up from the couple and said, “I hate reverse psychology…I may not have loved you Jady…But it doesn’t hurt or anger me any less to know you was screwing your way around my family.  If I catch you with any of my brothers…I won’t hesitate to lie my ass off about you being the biggest whore on the planet.”


Jady said, “I’m gonna let that comment pass because I know your mad and upset…but John…You never loved me…You never had any intention of ever letting yourself fall in love with me…at least not after you met my sister.  It’s just a shame you two are so fuckin stubborn…Because she likes you too...and like you…she’ll never admit it to me or Marc or you or anyone…and you two will be miserable apart together and not realize it until it’s too late….If you was truly smart you’d go find Jacy and tell her how you feel about her rather then trying to pretend you’re really mad at me and Marc, when we are really the furthest things from your mind right now…The only person you’ve been able to think about is Jacy since she got here and now that you know she’s gone and you missed your chance you are trying to blame me and Marc…But it’s okay.


John said, “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about…Your sister is the most annoying person in this world.”  Jady said, “She may be annoying…But she sure has you all worked up.”


John watched as Marc and Jady walked passed him and up to their rooms to pack so they could leave.  John looked down at the note from Jacy and was suddenly aware that Jady was right…Jacy may have been an annoying individual, but he liked her…He had grown to like her more and more over the last month and a half.  But she was gone already…He’d probably never see her again.  It was probably for the best too.


Chapter 9


6 Months Later…


Heels clicked on the concrete floor as Jacy walked down the long hallway of the arena.  Her black jean cargo skirt was moving with her stride and her black 2½ in heeled knee high boots were so comfortable on her feet and her favorite red jean button up shirt.  It was snug around her chest and waist…it was short sleeved, with mini pockets on each sleeve and she buttoned it all the way up except for the top 3 buttons.  Her hair was down and flowing behind her.


An extremely huge man walked up to her and said, “Can I help you Ma’am?”  She almost thought he was allergic to something because his whole body looked swollen!  She said, “Yes…I’m looking for Stephanie McMahon.”  He said, “Oh…She should be down in her office…How about I escort you there so you don’t get lost?”  He offered her his arm and she smiled sweetly as she accepted it and let the man take her to the right location in the building.  Once there Stephanie had directed the man to take Jacy to a different location. 



She can feel you
Drifting far away
But she can't see through
What you do not say
Take a step back
Don't lose your ground
Remember how you felt before
And if you care about her
Show her that you're sure

If I were you
My prized possessions
Would be the ones I'd hold so close
'Cause when you lose your love
You lose what means the most
If I were you
I'd hold affection
Higher than any star in sight
Take this to heart
And you'll never part
These are the things that I would do
If I were you



So the gentlemen took her down the hall and around a few corners in the long winding hallway…Once in front of the door he knocked and a voice said, “YO!”  The gentlemen who had introduced himself as David Bautista opened the door and said, “Hey John Are you descent…Stephanie had me bring this lady from the Rolling Stones magazine to your room for an interview.”  John said, “Sure let her in.”


David held the door open and said, “C’mon in Ma’am…He should be out in a minute…He’s just finishing up his shower.”  Jacy walked in and David disappeared back out the door…Jacy walked around the room looking at the script for the wrestler.”  A familiar voice got louder as the individual walked out of the bathroom and said, “I’m sorry about that…I wasn’t expecting anyone.” 



Simple pleasures
The hardest to be found
Can't be measured
'Till they're not around
Maybe she'll go
Maybe she'll stay
But she'd rather go than fade away
Sometimes the sweetest sorrow
Is the saddest fate


If I were you
My prized possessions
Would be the ones I'd hold so close
'Cause when you lose your love
You lose what means the most
If I were you
I'd hold affection
Higher than any star in sight
Take this to heart
And you'll never part
These are the things that I would do
If I were you



Jacy said, “You!”  John Cena’s head came up and they locked eyes…John said, “Jacy.”  Okay silence is deafening!  John said, “What are you doing here Jacy?”  Jacy said, “Apparently interviewing you for the magazine.”  John said, “Oh so now you’re going to retract the last opinionated piece of shit you plastered in that magazine and do it right?”  Jacy said, “Look…I didn’t set up the interview, we printed a retraction about 4 months ago…My editor set up the interview to get a personal opinion from a wrestler to see what they feel wrestling it to them…Not through me.”


John said, “4 Months ago?  I didn’t know.”  Jacy said, “Yea well If you would’ve kept in touch with Marc and Jady you’d know that…They tried telling you before you threw your baby fit.”  John said, “Baby fit?  Is that what they’re calling it now?”  Jacy said, “No…That’s what I’m calling it.”  John said, “I dunno if you hear but your whore sister was cheating on me with my own fuckin cousin.”



Take a step back
Don't lose your ground
Remember how you felt before
And if you care about her
Show her that you're sure

If I were you
I'd hold affection
Higher than any star in sight
Take this to heart
And you'll never part
These are the things that I would do
If I were you



Not even three seconds later was the sound of flesh hitting flesh was shot through the hallways of the Staples Center in LA.  John’s face was still facing the right where Jacy had slapped it too…Not that he didn’t deserve it but DAMN she had an arm on her.  Jacy said, “I’ll send in a list of questions, you answer them and send them back and I’ll put them in the magazine cause if you think I’m going to stand here for two more seconds and listen to you bad mouth my sister when all she did was fall in love with someone who wasn’t you…Then you got another fuckin thing coming mother fucker.  I don’t know who you think you are…Obviously just another loser wrestler.”  With that having been said Jacy turned and walked out.


John looked over and could already see her bright red hand print lighting up his left cheek.  God DAMN did she have an arm.  John knew she liked him…Whether it was the FIRE in her eyes when she slapped him…or the way she looked guilty after the slap…he knew…and He wasn’t sure exactly how to get her to stay…If he could just figure out a way.



Take this to heart
You'll never part
These are the things that I would do
If I were you

If I were you

If I were you



John was suddenly aware…He had to stop her!


Chapter 10


‘OH! The nerve of that cocky mother fucker!’  Jacy could feel her blood pressure rising…She wanted to do more then just slap the taste out of John Cena’s mouth, but all she could do short of killing him was slap him a good one.  Jacy balled her hands into fits as she walked down the hallway making her way out of the concrete building she could’ve easily mistaken as HELL!  She sighed heatedly as she continued to stalk around the halls.


I'll never let you go
So, never let me go
I will be your journey
And you will be my road
Down the stormy path
Love will never come to pass
It will be an anchor
Although the winds may blow

And through the depths of high and low
Wherever you will go, I'll follow
To the end and back again
You know

Won't let you fall
Fall out of love
'Cause together we'll be holding on
'Cause all we have is us
Won't let you go
Go away again
Because life don't mean nothing at all
If I don't have your love



John had to stop her he just knew he did…He was trying to piss her off and had said something completely stupid in the mean time.  He wanted to hurt her…Why he didn’t know…but he had succeeded and he knew he had.  He knew saying anything mean or revolting about her sister would really set her off…And it did…His cheek was still feeling the sting.  John would have to remember to put some ice on it later…It was definitely a sting he would soon not forget…Maybe ever.  John came flying around the corner and saw Jacy near the end of the hallway walking through the door…John ran faster and blew out the door and to the middle of the parking lot in time to catch Jacy’s arm…And almost caught a right hook when she spun around ready to whip his ass again!  John threw his arms up and said, “Wait - Wait!  It’s just me.”


Jacy said, “You know you’re a real asshole!  I can’t believe you had the fuckin balls to say that about my sister.  Especially when your cousin wasn’t any better, but yet I don’t see you fuckin bad mouthing him.  Why is it girls always get the whore labels…when the guys are just as fuckin bad if not WORSE!  Who is always fuckin someone else in 90% of the relationships out there in the world? THE MEN! And once when a girl finally tells a man the truth that yes she fell in love with someone else and yes he happens to be her current boyfriends cousin…HE has to make her out to be the biggest fuckin whore on the planet that EVER LIVED!”



I will dry your tears
Take away your fears
Let me be your shelter
Your heart is safe in here
So beautiful and pure
There's nothing I would not endure
Oh, love as got me blinded
I see it all so clear


And through the depths of high and low
Wherever you will go, I'll follow
To the end and back again
You know

Won't let you fall
Fall out of love
'Cause together we'll be holding on
'Cause all we have is us
Won't let you go
Go away again
Because life don't mean nothing at all
If I don't have your love



All of a suddenly John gripped Jacy’s shoulders and crushed his lips to hers…Jacy pulled away and started smacking his arms, chest and anything else she could reach as she said, “What the fuck was that all about?”  John gripped her shoulders again and crushed his lips against hers.  She pulled back from him once again and said, “Will you stop it!  I can’t concentrate when you do that!”  John said, “I know this sounds stupid…But…I love you…I was trying to piss you off so you’d have a reason to leave and I could stay mad at you so I could pretend I didn’t really have feelings for you.”


Jacy was taken back and said, “Are you crazy?  We’ve done nothing but fight since we’ve met each other!”  John said, “It was only because I had feelings for you while I was supposed to be dating your sister and I was trying to pretend to like your sister and be nice to you for her benefit…Ever since I met you I’ve wanted to be with you…Not her.”  Jacy said, “Which proves me point even more so.”  John planted his hands on his hips and said, “Oh really?  And what point is that?”



I'm down for you for whatever
Anything you going through
What's mine is yours
Every little thing…I got you
Even when winds will change
Come smashing down and crashing on you


Won't let you fall
Fall out of love
'Cause together we'll be holding on
'Cause all we have is us
Won't let you go
Go away again
Because life don't mean nothing at all
If I don't have your love



Jacy noticed something different when she looked at John…He had these cute little dimples when ever he smiled or smirked…and they were suddenly the SEXIEST things she’d ever SEEN on any human being!  Jacy said, “My point is…That I…And men…Because women…My lord have you always had those cute ass dimples?”  John’s smirk expanded into a smile as he said, “Yes ma’am…Now you was going to tell me about your point you was trying to make.”  Jacy opened and close her mouth several times, but nothing emerged…and she finally said, “Oh fuck it who cares…Kiss me again before I come to my senses.”  John’s smile widened as he pulled her to him again and kissed her like no other man had kissed her before…


Okay so at one point Jacy was going to go…But…She’s definitely going to stay now!


The End