Life’s So Sweet
Chapter 1
Daniels sat staring out the window of the huge American Airlines jet as it flew
over all the states between Louisville, Kentucky and New York City, New York.
She was on her
way to see him…The only man other than her dad that was truly in her life…He
was always first and foremost her best friend anything after that was up to
She’s had
boyfriends in the past and none of them seemed to ever match up to him. None of them could make her laugh like he
could or know when she really needed a hug or shoulder to cry on. Their age difference was 10 years, but they’d
met when Gen was 14 and he was 24. Their
parents had been life long friends…It was only natural they’d end up friends as
She could sit
there all day and remember the memories they’d shared together… He’d given her,
her first real kiss on her eighteenth birthday…Complete with slipping her the
tongue. Him throwing her a 21st
birthday party and getting her blind stinking drunk for the first time in her
life. It was a good thing both their
parents were out of town, because shit would’ve hit the fan had they’d seen how
hung over she was the day after. She
stifled a giggled as she remembered vividly how she gave him a private lap
dance later that night when every one had vacated the party house.
She could sit
and remember every single thing they’d done together…but it wouldn’t be nearly
as great as whatever they were about to do…It had been a year since they’d seen
each other…but only a few hours since they’d talked on the phone. They were constantly on the phone talking
back and forth of whatever new his life had thrown at him…
The man he’d
grown up to be had a lot to do with the way he was raised by his parents…They
loved and supported any idea or thought that came into his mind on what he
wanted to do with his life…Which is how his career as a professional wrestler
got started. He started body building
when he was 15 and from there his interest in body building and wrestling just
soared through the heavens. Becoming a
professional wrestler for one of the BIGGEST companies around was a dream of
his that she got to witness come true.
He was a professional wrestler for the WWE or better know as the World
Wrestling Entertainment.
Gen had
interned with the company he was working for, she handled all the PR work and
was eventually moved to an Executive positing in the Human Resources department
at Titan Towers in Stamford Connecticut.
She was in complete charge of hiring and firing every employee in the
company including too cocky wrestlers and prissy pre-Madonna Diva’s.
Gen was picked
up in a taxi and taken to the Madison Square Garden Arena. She picked up her briefcase and suitcase and
walked into the arena and down to her office.
She set up her laptop and started loading the pictures from her digital
camera of the new talent from OVW (Ohio Valley Wrestling) And started putting
the right picture with the right bio and started quietly reading through
them…There was a couple of hours before Monday Night Raw was going to start…so
she knew everyone who was a wrestler or on the production crew was in a meeting
with Vince down the hall, like every week.
A knock came
on her office door about an hour later as she mumbled an in-coherent ‘come
in’…as she pulled her eyes from her laptop screen long enough to cherish the
beautiful smile and hazel eyes of her best friend as she watched him walk
through the door.
Chapter 2
Genevieve sat
stunned behind her desk looking at her best friend Paul Levesque…His huge 6’4”,
264lb frame standing there in jeans so tight you could tell what religion he
was and a black Triple H t-shirt (which was his wrestling character) so tight
you would’ve sworn he was sewn into it.
Gen stood up as she walked over to him and immediately he grabbed her
and pulled her into his arms as he gave her a huge bear hug…lifting her off the
ground and then placing her on her feet again.
Paul cherished
these moments with Gen…but for some reason he couldn’t let go of her. Not seeing her for a year was 364 days too
long. Paul said, “I missed ya kid.” Gen’s smile widened and she said, “I missed
ya too…Ya big brute.” Paul said, “Next
time, let’s try not to go for an entire year before we see each other.” Gen said, “Oh c’mon you’ve been busy getting
back into the swing of things since you started Evolution and I’ve been hiring
new wrestlers for you to plow through in seconds…What more could you ask for?”
Paul said, “More
time with my best friend?” Gen scoffed
and said, “Please…You barely knew I was missing…What with your new squeeze and
all. I figured you wouldn’t have time
for a childhood friend.” Paul said, “So
you heard about me and Stephanie huh?”
Gen said, “Of course…I work for her father just like you do…How could I
not hear about the Million Dollar Princesses new man…None other then the
Cerebral Assassin.”
Paul smirked
and said, “Hey…I don’t care who I’m dating…I always have time for you…We’ve
been friends for so long…How could I possibly just walk away from that?” Gen smiled sweetly as she caressed his cheek
and said, “How could I possibly not want to continue being your best friend
after that sweet confession.”
Paul said, “I
have kind of a confession to make to you also.”
Gen said, “Really? Well get on
with it…My time as a confessional father is much unutilized.” Paul said, “I asked Steph to marry me.” Gen said, “Holy Peanut Butter and Jelly
Batman…Tell me she said yes!” Paul posed
and flexed his peck muscles and said, “Who couldn’t say yes to all this?” Gen broke out in a huge smile as she threw
her arms around Paul’s neck and squeezed the life out of him.
He hugged her
back and she said, “I’m exceedingly happy for you…For both of you.” Paul said, “Thanks Gen…Promise me you’ll be
my best man…or woman as it should be.”
Gen said, “You’re asking me to participate in the biggest day of your
life…I’m so honored.”
The friends
heard a knock on the door and Gen said, “Oh that will be my next appointment. I’m trying to find David an assistant…He
needs one desperately.” Paul said, “Then
I’ll let you get back to your job…I gotta run through the script for later.” He kissed the top of her head as she watched
him open the door and let the girl in.
She stood
there with her raven colored hair up in a tight bun with a pair of chop sticks
at the top holding her hair. Black suit
skirt and jacket with black 3 inch spiked heeled knee high boots. She seemed a little timid. Gen said, “You must be Jetta Nichols.” The young girl nodded and said, “Yes
Ma’am.” Gen smiled…she liked her
already…Gen said, “Please don’t call me ma’am…I’m just about your age…My name
is Genevieve Daniels…Please call me Gen.”
The girls
shook hands as Gen took her chair behind the desk and motioned for the girl to
sit down. They talked back and forth for
a few minutes…and by the end of the interview they’d learned a lot about each
other…Gen said, “I have a feeling you’re going to fit in around here in our
happy little family…well it’s not so little…but everyone is mostly happy…I
think I’ve got just the job for you Miss. Nichols.”
The grey eyed
girl smiled and said, “Really? I’ve got
the job?” Gen smiled and said, “You
start tomorrow…We’ll be leaving for over seas tomorrow, heading to the European
tour…so meet me at American Airlines at the JFK airport tomorrow at 10am
sharp...Make sure you pack enough for a month…I’ll provide you with everything
you’ll need tomorrow on the trip there.”
Jetta stood up
and said, “Thank you so much Gen…I really appreciate this opportunity. I won’t let you down.” Gen stood and said, “Listen…I’ve been in this
business long enough to know when I look at someone, I can tell if they are
going to help or hurt the company…Believe me…You’ve got just enough attitude in
you to shape up your assignment.” Jetta
smiled and said, “Thanks.” Gen said,
“You’re welcome…I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Gen watched as she left…
Now she had to
get back at the matter at hand…Her precious best friend marrying that no good,
two-faced, back stabbing, lying, cheating sack of Billion Dollar dog shit!
Chapter 3
Gen was
standing at the American Airlines desk sipping on her morning coffee seriously
trying to wake herself up. She watched
as Jetta walked into the JFK airport with confidence as she pulled two rolling
suit cases behind her. They got Jetta’s
luggage checked and walked down to the terminal. They made small chit chat as they waited for
the plane to board. Gen hooked up Jetta
with a cell flip phone and showed her how to get a hold of people in the
company. As the plane boarder, Jetta and
Gen got comfortable and watched as the others loaded onto the plane.
About half way
through the flight David Bautista was walking down the isle on his way to the
restroom, when Gen caught his wrist and he looked down and said, “Holy Shit
Gen…When did you get back?” He leaned
down and wrapped her in a big hug and Gen said, “Last night…Look…Go handle your
business and c’mon back I’ve got someone for you too meet.” David said, “Sure nuff sweet stuff…Be right
back.” He walked off and Jetta suddenly
looked nervous.
Gen touched
her hand and said, “Don’t worry…His bark is worse then his bite…But then
again…I’ve never been bitten by him, but I’m sure it would be oh so nice.” Jetta blushed from the roots of her raven
colored hair to her toes at the thought of that hulking man biting her anywhere
from the neck down.
David came
back and sat in the chair facing Gen and the other lady…She was cute, small but
cute. David remembered seeing her the night
before walking through the hallway…He was curious who she belonged to thinking
she was either one of the wrestlers girlfriend, sister or daughter. But now he figured she was Gen’s assistant.
David said,
“So what’s up kiddo?” Gen smiled and
said, “Well…I’d like you to meet Jetta Nichols…She’s going to be you’re new
assistant.” David shook her hand and
then they both said, “What?” Gen pointed
at David and said, “You...You have been bugging me for the last year to get you
an assistant.” David nodded at Gen she
had a point and then Gen pointed at Jetta and said, “And you said you wouldn’t
let me down…I know he looks massive right now…but believe me…David Bautista is
nothing more then a 316lb teddy bear.”
David made a face and then under his breath said, “Genevieve, I have a
rep to protect, cut the teddy bear talk.”
Gen laughed and said, “Lord. You
two will be able to co-exist and don’t worry…I have every confidence in you
that you can make it work.
Meanwhile…What’s up with Paul marrying that princess wannabe?”
David said,
“Oh so you heard?” Gen said, “How could
I not, Paul told me last night, then proceeded to ask me to be his best
man…Err…Woman.” David said, “I don’t
understand what he sees in her…I mean I get why she’s into it…That whole easy
to control when they love you bit works every time on anyone…but I can’t
believe Paul hasn’t seen right through her already.” Gen said, “Think Vince had anything to do
with it?” David said, “All signs point
to no…But nothing is ever for sure in this company.”
Gen nodded and
said, “We so need to form a plan to get her away from him…Her diabolical ways
of doing this business will run him into the ground and make him the essential
bad boy to not wanna be around.” David
said, “I already started asking around…Someone put me in touch with…Andrew
Martin.” Gen had a state of shock upon
her face as she said, “Andrew Martin?
Holy Shit…No one has seen or heard from him since the rehearsal dinner
the night before his and Stephanie’s wedding…Wow…The infamous McMahon/Martin
Rehearsal dinner.”
David said,
“Infamous huh? I heard it was
catastrophic.” Gen giggled and said, “No
definitely more like catastrophic with super imposed demonic tendencies…I’ve
never seen anyone get that pissed off that fast in my whole life…It was like
someone snapped their fingers and BAM Andrew turned Red…ANGRY red mind you…Not
embarrassed red…There is a huge difference.”
David said, “Oh please do tell, I wasn’t with the company yet…I didn’t
get to witness it first hand.”
Gen smirked and
said, “I wish I would’ve taken pictures on that momentous occasion…We had just
finished dinner and I was poking around Paul’s arm and leg give him hints so we
could leave…but Linda McMahon so refined and graceful said she’d put together a
video of Stephanie and Andrews 5 year courtship…Just to help commemorate why
they were getting married the following morning. There the happy couple was…from dating to
serious DATING….then to engagement…then to wedding planning…” David said, “Damn you know when something
that precious is up in front of tons of people something bad is about to go
Gen laughed
and said, “Oh yea…Go down is the perfect word phrase there David…All of a
sudden…The video skipped a few times and then there…flashing across the screen
was none other then a home made porn…of Stephanie and some of the backstage
crew guys…And I ain’t talkin just one, two or three guys…I’m talk like a 20 man
gang-bang. Vincent Kennedy McMahon’s
precious baby girl in the middle of the squared circle no less letting 20 odd
guys stick their peckers in any and every hole they could find. And there she was smiling and waving to the
camera while she was giving some guys pecker a blow and just enjoying the hell
out of her fuck session…Needless to say Andrew went from happy soon to be groom
to angry ex-fiancé in 1.3 seconds FLAT.
He started cussing and yelling and in the end he called her everything
but a white girl.”
David and
Jetta sat there with their mouths hanging open and Gen said, “So for all the
obvious reason…They definitely didn’t get married.” David said, “I would hope to spit not. So Paul saw the whole thing and yet he is
STILL with her?” Gen rolled her eyes and
said, “I don’t know how she got her hooks into him…But I’ll be damned if I’m
going to just stand by and watch my best friend throw his life away on a 10
cent whore.”
David said,
“Wow.” He turned to Jetta and said, “Bet
you never thought you’d be working for a company full of insane asylum patients
before huh?” Jetta couldn’t help but
laugh as David stood up and held out his hand…Jetta slowly let him take her
hand and walked her back to his seat so he could show her his schedule, but
more importantly get to know her.”
About that
time Paul walked over and sat next to Gen…She smiled as she kicked off her
shoes and turned her over head light off and leaned her head on Paul’s shoulder
as they talked and laughed while relaxing for the rest of the flight.
Chapter 4
The closer the
wedding date got…The more antsy Gen was getting…There was no way on God’s green
earth she was going to let Paul marry the princess…Not after everything she’d
witnessed Andrew Martin going through…Gen wasn’t sure if Paul had forgotten
about that night or maybe he was just giving Stephanie a real chance.
Who knew Maybe
Gen had really been away from the guys on the road too long and Stephanie had
changed…Maybe Gen was just blowing everything out of proportion and Paul was
honestly in love with Steph and Steph in love with Paul. Only time would tell…but one thing was definitely
certain…If Stephanie Marie McMahon stepped one toe out of line, Gen was going
to be there to rip it off and shove it down the Billion Dollar Princesses
Gen was
walking down the hallway when she spotted David and Jetta. They looked pretty cozy…But that didn’t mean
anything…She’d actually heard Jetta blow up at David one night when he didn’t
have his cell turned on and she couldn’t get a hold of him, which caused Jetta
to get scared that something bad had happened to him. Come to find out he’d turned the phone off
and forgot to turn it back on…which after the ass chewing he received from
Jetta, he hadn’t done since.
David smiled
as Gen walked up and he said, “Hey boss lady how ya doing?” As he squeezed her waist and kissed her
cheek…Gen made a face and said, “The wedding is in 2 months…and I still haven’t
found a good reason to get Paul not to marry that fuckin leech.” David said, “Yea I know, He said something
about having semi cold feet, but he keeps saying I love her…I want to marry
Gen made a
gagging noise as David and Jetta laughed at her…They both knew they had to help
Gen figure out a way to get Paul away from Stephanie and FAST…8 weeks was all
they had left before they had to stand by and watch as their friend was reeled
in by the Queen of all whores.
About the same
time, Paul walked around the corner alone and said, “Hey any of you seen
Steph? We were supposed to go over the
vows tonight before Raw started?” Gen
smiled as Paul wrapped her in a hug and rolled her eyes at the mention of
Stephanie’s name, as she stifled a giggle at watching David and Jetta gag
behind Paul’s back.
Gen said,
“Nope…Last I saw or heard Steph wasn’t feeling well and had headed back to the
hotel to sleep it off.” Paul said,
“Yea…She hasn’t been feeling well for the last few days…She wasn’t sure if she
was going to go back to the hotel or not.”
Gen nodded and said, “Yea…Cause Vince had asked me to call and check up
on her to make sure she was feeling okay.”
Paul kissed Gen’s cheek as he continued down the hallway towards the
parking garage.
Gen excused
herself from between David and Jetta as she continued in the opposite direction
of Paul, which was a good thing, because the next thing she saw was Stephanie
plastered into a cinder block wall with her body wrapped around Adam Copeland
also known as Edge at WWE. Gen just
started at the couple who continued to kiss.
They were
COMPLETELY oblivious as to anyone being around them and not noticing what they
were exactly up too. Gen took a few
steps backwards and ended up back at David and Jetta’s side…David said,
“Gen…What’s wrong? You look like you’ve
seen a ghost.”
Gen’s normally
happy expression turned to one of pure hatred and evil…Something that scared
David…and let’s face it…anytime someone can scare a 6’6” 318lb man…Well let’s
just say it’s no easy task. David
touched Gen’s arm and she nearly burned a whole into his hand looking down at
his hand. David threw his arms in the
air and said, “What is it?”
Gen took a
deep breath…
Chapter 5
David stood
there with this nearly retarded look on his face as he tried to process
everything Gen just said to him…She’d witnessed the ultimate betrayal in life…A
fiancée…THE fiancé of your best friend having a little…Maybe not so little…huge
rendezvous of her own…but not with her own fiancé…With someone completely
David finally
got his voice back and said, “Now that is FUCKED UP! What are you gonna do Gen?”
Gen threw a
look at David and said, “Why do you automatically seem to think I should do something
about it?” David said, “C’mon he’s your
best friend…Y’all have a history.” Gen
threw her hands up in the air and said, “Sure I’ll walk right up to him 3 weeks
before his friggen wedding to that evil piece of shit and say, ‘By the way you
shouldn’t marry her, she’s fuckin around with someone else…just like she’s
seemed to of done to every other past fiancé.
Why should you be any different?’ Ya know…I REALLY don’t see that going
off too well David.”
David said,
“You have to say something to him…We can’t let him get trapped into marrying
Gen said,
“Yea…but how do you tell your best friend you saw the love of his life with
another man. I mean you remember those
months back when they had that fake fight for the fake wedding…Can you imagine
what he would do at the real one if we told him…His head would blow up and talk
all of Connecticut with it…And possibly parts of New Jersey. I wouldn’t even know where to begin.”
David said,
“You just walk up and say you need to talk…Be it all a bad talk about nothing
great…you just…ya know…say it.” Gen
laughed and said, “You can’t even say it!”
David said,
“Yea…but you’re best friends with him…You already told me you guys have had a
lot of firsts together.” Gen pondered the
thought and then shook her head no and said, “I can’t do it David…What if I do
tell him and he doesn’t believe me…He’ll marry her anyways and be stuck to
spite me. Then I’ll not only lose him as
a friend but as anything else that he is in my life.”
David looked
down trying to think of something…not really knowing what to say about the
entire situation. David said, “Well…On
the plus side…We’ve got 3 weeks until he marries the whore-bag…That should be
plenty of time to think of something right?”
Gen was chewing on her bottom lip and said, “I don’t know David…I
honestly don’t know…I can only hope I think of something between now and before
he walks down that isle. We’ve got to
get some kind of way to get him some kind of proof about the whole thing…Maybe
use the same idea as the wedding show that WWE used…Send him an anonymous
Fed-Ex package.”
David said,
“Well there’s a thought…but then of course we have to actually get close enough
to video take it just to send it to him.”
Gen chewed her bottom lip more and said, “I think I know…I’m just gonna
have to start thinking faster and on my toes for the next 3 weeks…Just wish me
luck.” David said, “Anything to keep you
focused on the goal here.”
Gen nodded as
she took off down the hallway and was already dialing a number on her cell
phone…She would have to act fast…3 weeks wasn’t even enough time, but she was
going to have to work with what she had…and 3 weeks was it.
Gen smirked as
she heard the familiar voice pick up on the other line as she said, “Hi Andrew…Its
Genevieve…I think we need to talk.”
It was all so
suddenly clear. And soon it would be all
too clear for Paul as well.
Chapter 6
3 weeks later.
. .
(The night
before Stephanie and Paul’s Wedding.)
Gen was
walking down the hallway at the hotel and came to room number 2450, and
knocked. A few minutes later a tall
figure opened the door and let her in as the door was closed and locked behind
her. Gen smiled and said, “Andrew, it’s
so good to see you again.” As the
twosome hugged. Andrew said, “I wish it
were on better terms.” Gen said,
“Believe me, so do I. But it couldn’t
have been more urgent then right now.”
chuckled and said, “Yea…After you told me what was going down and Stephanie was
up to her whoring ways again…I figured it was time to hire that Private
Investigator from the last time…When he meshed the film together with Linda’s
it was the most perfect way to show Vince and Linda how big of a whore their
baby girl really was. Of course, I
hadn’t seen it until the night of the rehearsal dinner, which pretty much set
up my anger scene…But of course…You guys were getting it live and in color. The
PI had warned me ahead of time that I would be shocked and that after I saw
it…a lot of things would change in my life.”
Gen said, “Boy
he wasn’t kidding was he?” Andrew shook
his head and said, “Nope…And now to make matters worse, she’s got her hooks
into Paul…Of all people one of the hardest working wrestlers in the damn
company…Why can’t she get help or go after people whose career she can’t fuck
Gen said,
“Amen…I figured if anyone can get through to Paul it would have to be you…I
mean 1 day…That’s it…I can’t handle the pressure anymore…As much as I want to
see Paul completely and blissfully happy…I can’t fathom what he would feel if
he found out about Stephanie’s cheating ways after he married her lying
ass.” Andrew said, “I know you guys have
been friends for so long…And with as intelligent of a man as Paul is, you’d
think he would’ve learned from my public displays of affection towards her that
night a few years ago…but apparently she’s really got him hooked bad.”
Gen said, “I
wish I could explain just how bad, but time is a factor we don’t have
anymore.” Andrew chuckled a little more
and said, “Yea…When you called and said I had 3 weeks, I was blown out of the
water…You should’ve called me when you first found out about it.” Gen said, “I was too stunned and then I was
trying to give Stephanie the benefit of the doubt you know…With the whole maybe
she changed speech to myself…but then I caught her red handed and she didn’t
even see me cause her tongue was being snaked out of Adam’s stomach by the Roto
Rooter man himself…I knew I had to do something and fast.”
Andrew said,
“So where is Paul?”
Gen chewed on her
bottom lip and said, “Bachelor party in the Executive suite…He invited me,
because I’m his ‘Best Lady’ but I told him Tits and Ass wasn’t exactly what I
wanted to spend tonight looking at…I mean, he was over in Europe doing a small
tour for the book he wrote and friggen left a day early just so he could get
back to her.” Andrew said, “No
worries…If I know Paul like we both do…He’ll wait until he has her right where
he wants her and SNAP…She’ll be toast.”
Andrew gave
Gen one more hug and said, “Look…Go back to your hotel room…Don’t call me, or
come back to my room…I don’t want it getting back to Paul that you had anything
to do with this…Anything that is about to go down tonight or tomorrow at the
wedding…You are too look as shocked as you can…Paul needs to hear the truth as
bad as it is…and as bad as this video is…It needs to be seen by him. So he knows exactly what is going on…I’m
going to text message your phone later…After you read it…Delete it and my
number from your phones memory.”
Gen nodded as
she checked the hallway and it was completely empty as she scurried off down
the hall and up to floors to her room.
She lay in bed and stared at the ceiling and then lay in a tube of hot
water and stared at the wall.
Andrew walked
up to the Executive Suite with the portable DVD played tucked under his arm as
he knocked…David opened the door and said, “Yea, Man this is a private
party.” Andrew said, “Yea…I know…I need
to speak with Paul.” David said, “Who
should I tell him is here?” Andrew said,
“Drew.” David said, “Hey man, there’s a
guy here by the name of Drew…said he needs to speak with you about
Paul got up
from his chair and walked over to the door as he opened it and smiled and said,
“Hey buddy…What’s up?” They shook hands
and Andrew cleared his throat and said, “We need to talk…privately…Is there
somewhere we can go?” Paul knew that
face…He was as serious as a heart attack…He nodded and let him in he room and
had Andrew following him to the bedroom as they both walked in and closed and
locked the door…Paul crossed his arms over his chest and said, “So what’s up
Drew said, “I
got a phone call from someone a few weeks ago…An anonymous phone call
actually…and well I made a few inquires and I think you should see this.”
As Andrew
handed over the portable DVD player. . .
A couple of
hours later, Gen was just about to fall asleep when her phone vibrated three
times and she picked it up and a message from Andrew said, “He knows…He’s known
for a while…A truly gifted Cerebral Assassin waits for his prey to come to
him.” Gen couldn’t imagine what Paul had
up his sleeve…She exhaled as she deleted all the remnants of Andrew off her
The only thing
that drifted through the tunnels of her mind as she fell asleep was:
‘A truly
gifted Cerebral Assassin waits for his prey to come to him.’
Chapter 7
Morning came
too soon as Paul rolled out of bed…He showered quickly then stood on the
balcony with a cup of coffee looking out over the city. He couldn’t believe it was finally his wedding day…but
what was more hindering his mind was the fact that in the back of his mind was
the thought he had truly been happy with Stephanie.
The lying,
cheating whore.
I got the
first flight out
When I
finished up the tour
Because I
missed you
I even flew
home a day too soon
All because I
couldn't wait to kiss you
Oh how she
will be loved
Was the one
thing stuck in my mind?
And how
tonight would be remembered
For the rest
of your life!
I never thought that I'd do something like that
When I saw you
two it hit me like a heart attack
Oh No! How
could you let somebody in through our door?
How could you
bring him home?
I never
thought I'd loose my temper like that
Now its some
fucked up situation…He ain't coming back!
Oh No! How
could you please another man on our floor?
How could you
bring him home?
Stephanie had
claimed on many occasions when they first started dating that she wasn’t the
girl she once was…She wasn’t the same bad seed that God, Paul and everyone had
witnessed with those 20 some odd guys having a gang-bang session in the middle
of her daddy’s ring a few years ago.
Apparently, she’d not only been cheating since dating and being engaged
to Paul…but she’d also brought them to Paul’s home…The home she’d moved into
with him and made it ‘their’ home. A
place where they were going to raise children and have a big family and grow
old together.
Paul heard a
crack and was brought from his thoughts on his cheating fiancé to the coffee
mug in his hand…he looked down and he was thankful it was empty, getting coffee
on his tuxedo pants would of pissed him off.
Considering he had rented them.
After he’d found out about Stephanie cheating a few weeks ago he had
made the decision to rent the tuxedo.
Why buy a tuxedo if you’re not really going to go through with the
So the
thoughts of Stephanie cheating on him had been stewing in his mind for a few
weeks…And had started to boil ever since Andrew had showed up the night before
with that DVD. Paul pulled his Tuxedo
jacket on and patted his hand over the breast pocket…The same DVD he would be
sure to let all of WWE witness once again the whorish ways of Stephanie Marie
McMahon. Maybe this time, her father and
mother would finally do something about her behavior.
A knock on the
door brought Paul completely out of his thoughts as he walked over and opened
it and there in the most beautiful black dress known to anyone on the face of
the earth was Genevieve…her hair was swooped up with curl ringlets down around
her face and her hair was full of curls as it made a v down her back…the same
back that was braless because of the strapless dress she was wearing. She had on a black chiffon one-piece dress
that was strapless that was a-line and floor length on her.
Paul felt his
breath catch in his throat…He finally plastered on a smile and said, “God damn
Gen, you look beautiful.” She smiled
sweetly as she pushed up on her toes to give him a hug and kissed his cheek. She walked in and he couldn’t help but watch
as her hips swayed. She looked flawless
from head to toe, breathtaking…Absolutely gorgeous.
Paul held out
his arm as Gen linked arms with him and they proceeded to walk out of the hotel
so they wouldn’t be late getting to the church.
Stephanie had decided on some kind of grimy dark pink bridesmaid
dresses…and had asked her brother Shane to be her Man of Honor, instead of Maid
of Honor. Her and Shane had been close
since childhood and really shared everything in life with each other.
I know you
know I missed on every girl
Because I
thought I really loved you
And you know
that I never put anyone or anything
you…Because I loved you
And it was
that love that made me loose my head
And now it’s
too late!
One day too
You'll regret
it for the rest of your days!
I never
thought that I'd do something like that
When I saw you
two it hit me like a heart attack
Oh No! How
could you let somebody in through our door?
How could you
bring him home?
I never
thought I'd loose my temper like that
Now its some
fucked up situation…He ain't coming back!
Oh No! How
could you please another man on our floor?
How could you
bring him home?
Yeah, yeah,
Oh, oh, oh
Yeah, yeah,
Oh, oh, oh
When they got
to the church, Gen was standing up front next to Paul and he said, “You doing
okay in that get up?” Gen stuck her
tongue out at him and said, “It could be worse…I could be wearing one of those
hideously ugly things.” Paul stifled a
laugh as the wedding march began and he watched as Stephanie and Vince
practically trotted down the isle.
The minister
went through damn near the whole ceremony and when he got to the part about
anyone objecting to their marriage, Gen was just about to say ‘HELL YES’ But
Paul seemed to of been reading her mind…OR he had it planned like this. Gen watching in bewilderment as a projector
screen slowly descended from the church ceiling.
Paul said, “I’ve
been so happy with you Stephanie…I can’t imagine living my life without you in
it…So, before we fully jump off that cliff or edge we seem to be coming to…I’ve
prepared something special that I want you, God and every one in our family and
working family to see…Because without it…There really wouldn’t be a happy day
in peoples lives.”
blue eyes sparkled…never fathoming what was about to be shown on the
screen. Gen stood watching as suddenly a
clip…well to be really fair it was more then one clip…okay…a few clips came up
on the screen and showed Stephanie having sex with different guys on the roster
who were married or single…possibly dating a Diva or two…But the one that
really stood out more then any of them were the one’s with Adam Copeland in
It seemed that
Stephanie had a thing for Adam…He was the ONLY one she screwed more times then
Hustler Magazine has had publications…And the ONLY one she let screw her in
Paul’s house.
Paul looked at
a SEETHING Stephanie McMahon and said, “See princess what you did to Andrew was
fucked up but what you did to me…Was not only fucked up it was asinine…I did
nothing since we started dating but love you…but apparently I couldn’t crave
your appetite for dick, because you just had to have everyone else’s plus
mine. I…in all honesty can say I
wouldn’t marry you if you were covered in disease infested sores with puss
coming out and you were the only AIDS carrying woman alive on this earth. GET THE HELL OUT OF MY SIGHT…YOU FUCKIN
Please God
forgive, for what I did,
This day will
stay for as long as I live,
Cause if you
walked in and seen what I seen
I know any man
would have done just the same.
Please God
forgive, No! For what I did, No!
This day will
stay for as long as I live,
Cause if you
walked in, No! In and seen what I seen,
No! I know any
man would have done just the same because...
I never
thought that I'd do something like that
When I saw you
two it hit me like a heart attack
Oh No! How
could you let somebody in through our door?
How could you
bring him home?
I never
thought I'd loose my temper like that
Now its some
fucked up situation…He ain't coming back!
Oh No! How
could you please another man on our floor?
How could you
bring him home?
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, oh, oh
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, oh, oh
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, oh, oh
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, oh, oh
clapped as Stephanie wailed all the way down the idle to the back room and slammed
the doors…Paul turned to Gen and winked at her and then looked over at Adam who
was sitting in the second row. Gen
cringed physically as she watched Paul take his tuxedo jacket, shirt and tie
off and handed them to her.
Then he took a
running leap at Adam as he yelled, “SON OF A BITCH!” And proceeded to tackle him to the pew and
started beating the ever loving shit out of Adam. Gen would’ve honestly felt sorry for him, but
he brought it on himself…Everyone knew Paul and Stephanie were engaged…and yet
he still chose to play with fire…Well, Gen smirked as she watched Adam get
burnt with a couple of knees to the face with a few kicked to the stomach and
ribs…Man if he wasn’t feeling that now…He damn sure would be FEELING it later.
Gen couldn’t
really find the words to say anything…After she made sure everyone got out of
the church without being in the destruction path of Paul and Adam…she turned
around and where she’d left Paul’s jacket, shirt and tie…were missing…Adam was
laying in a bloody pile in the middle isle and Paul had disappeared. When she walked outside the rental was gone
as well.
It was
probably for the best…He would definitely want to be felt alone for a
while. She’d check on him when she got
home in a couple of days.
Chapter 8
6 broken ribs,
two broken legs, two broken arms, 15 missing teeth, broken nose, busted top and
bottom lip, 5 broken toes, 7 broken fingers, two black eyes, multiple bruises
and contusions all over the body and 1 severe concussion.
That’s all
anyone talked about for 3 weeks…How bad Paul had beat Adam in the church. Gen wasn’t really surprised…Love does strange
things to people…And when a man who is so in love that he can’t see what’s
going on under his nose until it’s too late…That just makes what’s going to
happen to the other man that more painful.
Before Andrew
had left he let Gen in on a secret about Paul walking in on Stephanie screwing
Adam in HIS house…Of all places. Sure it
was supposed to be their house after they were married…but apparently the past
has a tendency to replay itself in Stephanie’s life. Gen just wished she didn’t have to drag Paul
and other innocent people into the mix.
Paul hadn’t
been to Monday Night Raw for 3 weeks…Since the whole ordeal went down…Stephanie
continued her life as it were. Gen
couldn’t stand Paul missing so much time, that she’d finally decided to go see
him. Since the WWE was in New York, she
rented a car and drove down to New Hampshire.
She pulled up to the gate that guarded Paul’s huge custom house.
Pray God you can cope.
I stand outside this woman's work,
This woman's world.
Ooh, it's hard on the man,
Now his part is over.
Now starts the craft of the father.
I know you have a little life in you yet.
I know you have a lot of strength left.
I know you have a little life in you yet.
I know you have a lot of strength left.
I should be crying, but I just can't let it show.
I should be hoping, but I can't stop thinking
Of all the things I should've said,
That I never said.
All the things we should've done,
That we never did.
All the things I should've given,
But I didn't.
Oh, darling, make it go
Make it go away.
She leaned out
the window and punched in the gate code and smiled as it opened for her and
closed behind her…she drove up to the house and stopped…She went to the door
and knocked…a few minutes later a worn out Paul answered the door in boxers and
a t-shirt with his hair hanging in his face and looked like he hadn’t shaved in
Gen said, “Oh
my God.” Paul said, “What?” As he looked down at himself…Seeing
absolutely nothing wrong. Gen pointed to
the inside of the house and said, “In…Now.”
Paul backed in as Gen followed him…The house was still fairly clean as
she said, “Please tell me you haven’t retired from wrestling and decided that
living as a hermit was sexy…Because if so…you’ve got serious issues we really
need to deal with.” Paul chuckled and
said, “No…I just decided to take some personal time.”
Gen said,
“Good…Go take some personal time and take a shower, you reek. Wash your hair and shave too…” Paul walked upstairs in no particular hurry
and said, “Yes mother.” Gen waited for
the door to clothes as she walked around the house collecting all the shit that
was Stephanie’s from her shoes, to clothes, to cds, panty hose,
tampons…Anything that would remind Paul of her.
And tossed them in Paul’s metal trashcan in the backyard and went back
in the house.
When she got
back in Paul was clean from head to toe…He had his head cleaned and pulled back
into a low ponytail and had jeans, t-shirt and boots on…And he’d shaved. Gen stood there looking at him…He looked so
good…She walked over and stood in front of him and slowly slid her arms around
his huge shoulders…And he slowly returned the hug…He was holding her so
tight…It was as if neither of them wanted to let go.
Her and Paul
were one in the same…The loved dating and being in love…All the things that
come with dating someone you can’t get enough of…Too bad neither of them could
figure out who they were really supposed to be with in life…
Give me these moments back.
Give them back to me.
Give me that little kiss.
Give me your hand.
I know you have a little life in you yet.
I know you have a lot of strength left.
I know you have a little life in you yet.
I know you have a lot of strength left.
I should be crying, but I just can't let it show.
I should be hoping, but I can't stop thinking
Of all the things we should've said,
That were never said.
All the things we should've done,
That we never did.
All the things that you needed from me.
All the things that you wanted for me.
All the things that I should've given,
But I didn't.
Oh, darling, make it go away.
Just make it go away now.
A single tear
slid down Gen’s cheek as she wiped it away, she decided now was definitely NOT
the best time to tell her best friend she was in love with him.
Chapter 9
Paul had been
back to work steady for 6 months…He’d moved on with his life and Stephanie had
been moved over to Smackdown per her father and his promise to Paul she’d never
been within grabbing distance as long as they both lived…
because Paul vowed to break her in half if she ever came near him again or he
would quit immediately and Vince could rely on someone else to help the
company. Needless to say Paul had Vince
eating out of his hand when he left the meeting…And Stephanie left for Smackdown
an hour later.
Gen on the
other hand was falling deeper and deeper in love with Paul and didn’t have the
guts to say anything to him…She would just get ready to say something and then
would bite her own tongue or lip to keep from saying anything. 6 long months of watching Paul recuperate and
flirt with the Diva’s was just almost more then one person could
One night, a
couple of hours before Monday Night Raw started, Gen was walking around the
back area of the arena. She walked over
and stood in Paul’s door way and watched as he read through his script. She leaned against the door frame with her
arms crossed over her chest and said, “It’s good to see you back.”
Paul looked
over the top of the script and said, “It’s good to be back…I missed it…I missed
you.” Gen’s smile deepened as she said,
“Yea…I missed you too…Ya know life on the road is boring as hell when you’re
not around.” Paul laid the script down
and got up to dig through his bag to get his wrestling gear out...he had a match
so he would definitely need to start getting ready.
Paul said, “So
I got a date later…after the show.”
Gen’s heart fell into her stomach as she said, “Oh…You’re ready to date
again huh? I’m glad you’re moving on. Anything to help you get past that shitty
engagement.” Paul nodded and said, “Yea
I just figured it was time…” Paul
couldn’t put his finger on it, but he could tell by the look in Gen’s eyes and
the sound of her voice that something was wrong.
Gen said, “So
who are you taking out tonight?” Paul
said, “Michelle McCool. She’s a sweet
gal.” ‘Sure if you like Sluts who screw
anything with a dick’…Was Gen’s thought.
It wasn’t that Gen was being picky about girlfriends for Paul…It
was…Well…True…Michelle McCool had the worst reputation at Smackdown for
screwing everyone and anyone. Gen
couldn’t take it anymore as she stood up straight and said, “Are you really
going to waste your time on that nasty hoe?”
Paul was taken
back…He’d never seen Gen outburst like that and said, “What?” Gen said, “Are you really going to waste your
time on Stephanie Jr…aka Michelle McCool…Because if you thought Stephanie was
bad…You ain’t seen nothing yet.”
Paul said,
“She’s nothing like Stephanie…Why would you even say that?” Gen said, “DUH Paul…Because it’s true…Do you
have any idea how many boyfriends she had last month alone? Try 50…And I can ONLY imagine what the total
is this month, because the fuckin month ain’t over yet.”
Paul said, “I
don’t know where you get your information…but you need to check again…She said
she’s single.” Gen said, “Yea…For
now…Ask her in an hour. She’s slept with
damn near EVERY person who works for the Smackdown brand. And that includes wrestlers, divas, back
stage crew and management…Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a romp with
Stephanie now that she’s over there. I
see now she’s decided to start on the Raw brand.”
Paul stood
back and said, “What’s gotten into you tonight?
I’ve never seen you this keyed up about someone I’m dating…Not more then
two minutes ago you were happy about me moving on and now that you find out who
it’s with, you got something bad to say about it.” Gen said, “Look…I’m just trying to help you
not make the same mistake you made with Stephanie…I can’t loose you again to
some fuckin whore who can’t stop searching for everyone else’s dick but
Paul said,
“Mistake?” Gen cringed and Paul said, “I
heard what you said so explain what you meant.”
Gen said, “Fine…You really wanna know?
Everyone knew Stephanie was fuckin around on you…even me…But I knew
better then to say something to you.”
Paul’s facial
feature’s hardened as his voice dropped and he said, “You knew Stephanie was
fuckin around and didn’t even tell me…Gen you’re supposed to be my best
friend…Why the fuck didn’t you tell me.”
Chapter 10
Gen said,
“Because I was smart enough not to say a damn word…I don’t know how you
would’ve reacted…You could’ve been seriously pissed off at me for making it up
or worse yet you could’ve stopped talking to me and it was bad enough I was
losing you to Stephanie and she was so fuckin controlling over you there was no
way in hell I was going to say something and make it worse for myself.”
Paul said,
“Yea…You’re right…Why tell me the truth cause I know you’d never lie to me,
because we’ve been friends for so long, when you could just not say anything
and watch that fuckin bitch rip out my heart and destroy my fuckin life. Yea ruin our friendship over something as
little as that.” Gen said, “Oh sure, I’m
just supposed to spontaneously come out of nowhere and say hey Paul don’t marry
that nasty cheating fuckin snatch. You
know me Paul I’m nothing like that.”
Paul said,
“Yea and why is it you’re so fuckin tuned into my life? When’s the last time you had a fuckin
boyfriend…I haven’t seen you dating in a few years…Can’t find the right guy or
are you too much like Stephanie…Can’t find the right one so you’ll go ahead and
try all of them out.”
Gen couldn’t
believe what she’d just heard…Did he just compare her to Stephanie…Of all
Gen looked
Paul in the eyes and couldn’t honestly think of one thing to say…She’d lost all
desire to speak to her best friend. He
mouth couldn’t even open to utter a single vowel. Nothing.
Gen turned around and walked out of the dressing room and down to her
office. She gathered her things and walked
out to her rental. She was half way to
the Toyota RAV 4 rental when she heard someone running up behind her.
The sound of
boots hitting the concrete was a tip that it was Paul. His voice cut through her as he said,
“Genevieve I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have…Look…Please just talk to me. I know
you’ve got something to say…Say it please…I was an asshole.” Gen kept walking and said, “Go to hell.” Paul said, “That’s a start…Please I really am
sorry Gen…I should’ve never said that…You’re nothing like Stephanie…I was just
Gen spun
around and said, “You’re mad…YOU’RE MAD!
GET OVER IT! My best friend just
compared my to a fuckin sewer rat whore and YOU’RE MAD? FUCK YOU!”
Gen turned around and continued to her rental. Paul said, “When’s the last time you did
anything spontaneous Genevieve? When do
you get a life of your own and stay out of mine?” She continued to walk and he said,
“Yea…That’s what I thought.” Gen threw
her things into the rental and slammed the door as she walked back over and
stood in front of Paul.
Gen said, “You
want spontaneous?” Paul just stood
there. Within a matter of seconds Gen
dropped her keys on the ground and grabbed Paul’s face and laid a kiss on him
that he damn near couldn’t recover from.
Gen pulled away and said, “Spontaneous enough for you or you want
more?” Paul’s shocked face said it all…
Gen bent over
and picked up her keys, Paul looked down at her as tears slid down her cheeks
and she said, “By the way…In case you haven’t noticed…I’m in love with you…And I
have been since the first day I met you, when I was a scrawny 14 year old…I
love everything about you and I don’t want anything to change about
you…Stephanie never loved you…She wanted to change you and make you her
pet. You are so much more then you’ll
ever realize…Your potential to be a fabulous human being and an even better
husband and father surpasses every man on earth.”
Gen looked at
the ground…Paul’s silence was enough…She said, “I’ve wanted to tell you I was
in love with you for the last 6 months, but I was too much of a chicken
shit…But I think the best thing for now would be to having my job back at Titan
Towers. I think the less I see of you
for right now the better…That way I can’t interfere in your life…and you can
keep me out of yours.”
Gen turned and
got in the vehicle and left.
Gen called and
took a couple of days off work. When she
got to her house that night, she kicked off her shoes and just threw everything
on the floor as she locked up the house and went upstairs and laid across her
bed. The flight was only an hour long
but she hated flying. She was just about
to fall asleep when her cell phone’s ring woke her up.
She looked at
the caller id and it was David…She picked up said, “Hello.” David said, “Its Paul…”
Chapter 11
Gen couldn’t
imagine what had happened…David was extremely vague about the details, he’d
just said something about Paul getting hurt and that they were taking him to
the emergency room and that it wasn’t looking good.
We'll do it
all…Everything…On our own
We don't need…Anything…Or anyone
If I lay here…If I just lay here
Would you lie with me…and just forget the world?
Gen’s taxi
pulled up to the Sacramento Memorial Hospital in California as she paid the
driver for the ride from the Sacramento Airport and grabbed her bag and took
off inside. The first friendly face she
came to was David and Jetta. Well
technically Jetta had fallen asleep and David covered her up with his jacket.
Gen said, “David
what the hell happened…When I left Paul was fine.” David said, “Oh yea sure fine…I heard what
you did to him…he was so dazed he nearly missed his match.” Gen crossed her arms over her chest and said,
“Is there a point to this?” David said,
“Paul was about to come out to the ring for his match when the camera’s picked
something up in the back…3 guys came out of nowhere and beat the living hell
out of him with metal baseball bats.”
Gen could
already feel the tears sliding down her cheeks and she said, “Who did it
David?” David said, “At first everyone
thought it was part of the script…and when they noticed it was real blood
coming out of him and it definitely wasn’t moving. They went back and found the bats and on his
chest was a note that said…It was for Stephanie. They beat the shit out of him for Stephanie.”
I don't quite know…How to
say…How I feel
Those three words…Are said too much…They're not enough
If I lay here…If I just lay here
Would you lie with me…and just forget the world?
Forget what we're told…Before we get too old
Show me a garden…that's bursting into life
Gen gat a
heated look in her eyes as she looked dead straight into David’s and said, “If I
find out she had ANYTHING to do with this I’m gonna give her something she’ll
never forget.” The doctor came out and
said, “Are you here for Paul Levesque?”
Gen and David both turned around and said yes.
The doctor
walked over and said, “I’m Dr. Illinova, I was the first doctor in the ER to
see your big friend. He does have quite
a few injuries. The most severe being
his double severe concussion which has pushed him into endless
unconsciousness. We’re extremely
concerned that he’s not woken up yet.”
The doctor
inhaled deeply and continued, “If he does not wake up by morning, I feel that
there maybe major brain damage that he may never be able to recover from…We
took several CAT scans and I’ve gotten more then 5 separate opinions and all
have said the same thing…If he doesn’t wake up by morning…He maybe in a
vegetative state for the rest of his life.”
Let's waste time…Chasing
cars…Around our heads
I need your grace…To remind me…To find my own
If I lay here…If I just lay here
Would you lie with me…and just forget the world?
Forget what we're told…Before we get too old
Show me a garden…that's bursting into life
The doctor led
David and Gen down to the room they were keeping Paul in and he turned to them
and said, “Don’t expect to much…If he survives the night and wakes up it will
be a complete miracle…We’ve got a lot of machines hooked to him, but we
actually didn’t have to put him on a ventilator…He is breathing on his own
which is a semi-good sign.” After the
doctor left, Gen picked up his chart and started reading it.
They walked
into Paul’s room and he was covered in head to toe bandages that were trying to
control what was left of the blood in his body.
His left arm was wrapped from the elbow down and his right wrist and
hand were bandaged up as well. He had
numerous fractured ribs, a couple of broken fingers from where he tried to stop
the bats from hitting him. He had
baseball bat length bruises across his chest, ribcage, back, across the tops of
his legs. The only thing Gen could think
was he looked so broken.
Gen couldn’t
help but cry…She said, “It doesn’t look like him David…It can’t really be Paul
can it?” David said, “Unfortunately that
shredded Triple H shirt on the chair kind of gives him away.” Gen just cried and cried. She said, “I can’t believe this is
happening…I’m gonna lose him…I swear I’m gonna kill Stephanie if it’s the last
thing I do.” David touched Gen’s arm and
she immediately went to him and he held her as she cried so hard in his
All that I am…All that I
ever was
Is here in your perfect
eyes…they're all I can see
I don't know where…Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will…never change for us at all
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and
just forget the world?
After David
left to check on Jetta, Gen crawled up in bed with Paul and laid next to
him…She couldn’t leave him…and she wasn’t about to let him leave her
either. She eventually cried herself to
sleep caressing his bruised cheek…Hoping that morning would come soon and that
Paul would be awake.
Chapter 12
As the sun was
coming up over the east coast it was slowly shining into the waiting room of
the ICU ward. Jetta was slowly waking up
as she moved around a little and stretched her body out…She looked down and
noticed she was wearing a jacket that wasn’t hers…and was suddenly VERY aware
of the pillow she was using had moved.
She froze up a
bit as a large arm squeezed her waist…She slowly looked up and saw David
asleep…and it was his chest that she was using as a pillow. And his jacket she was using a blanket.
About the same
time David woke up and looked down at the very beautiful Jetta…He’d been
smitten with her since she’d become his assistant. Her smile, the way she smelled, her great
laugh that made him want to laugh right along with her…Her take charge attitude
and her ability to put up with his shit but also kick his ass to keep him in
David stared
into her eyes and suddenly his mouth descended onto hers…He couldn’t help
himself…He put his hand under her chin to lift her face up to gain better
access to her beautiful mouth…His tongue slowly sliding into her mouth and
caressing her tongue with his…a slight moan escaped her mouth and into his…She
was definitely not complaining and was most definitely enjoying it.
When they
separated Jetta whispered, “Sorry.” David almost had to laugh and said, “Don’t
be…Does it look like I’m complaining?
That’s a nice wake up call you got their Ms. Nichols.” Jetta blushed from head to toe and looked up
at the big brute they called the Animal and thought ‘He sure doesn’t seem like
an Animal to me’… Jetta said, “I wonder how Paul’s doing…Did Gen make it in
alright?” David said, “Yea…But I’m not
gonna go down there I’ll just wait and let her come to us.”
Meanwhile, Gen
was slowly waking up…She could’ve sworn someone was placing light feather
kisses on her face and head…She figured she was just imagining it…That was
until a mouth went down over hers…Gen’s eyes snapped open and noticed it really
wasn’t a dream…Paul was awake…and KSSING HER!
Gen couldn’t help but kiss back finally signaling to Paul she was awake.
After they
separated Gen rolled out of bed slowly and said, “You’re really awake…Please
tell me I’m not dreaming?” Paul chuckled
and then grabbed his ribs…That was a stupid move on his part. Paul said, “Yes…I’m awake…Should I not be?”
Gen said, “You
have NO idea! None what so ever.” Gen couldn’t help herself as she threw her
arms around Paul’s next and held onto him like her life depended on it. Paul rubbed her back and said, “Hey have I
told you lately that I love you and I’m a stupid jerk for not telling you
sooner?” Gen said, “I love you too
Paul…and I don’t care if you’re a stupid jerk…You’re MY stupid jerk…As long as
you’re a living stupid jerk it’s all that matters.”
Gen said, “I
gotta go tell David you’re awake…” She
laid another kiss on him again and Paul’s heart monitor started beeping at a
faster rate. Paul pulled back and said,
“Another one of those and I believe we can blow that machine up…Well that or
get me to pass out again.”
Gen smiled as
she took off running down and told the nurses to call the doctor and then ran
into the ICU waiting room and said, “He’s awake!” David said, “I can’t believe it…He really is
a tough little fucker.” Gen said, “Yea
he is…You know what else.” David said,
“No what?”
Gen’s smile
glowed as she said, “He loves me!” David
thought ‘Bout time Paul.’ As he watched
Gen took off back down the hall back to Paul’s room.
Chapter 13
I don’t think
anyone really expected what happened next.
When Paul was
finally healed and was medically cleared to go back on the road to wrestle…He
actually decided to take a month off…and of course he talked Gen into it
also…How in the world could she say no to the most beautiful hazel eyes in the
world? That’s right…She couldn’t.
David and Jetta had slowly started seeing each other…They were waiting for Paul
and Gen to get back on the road with them…Hopefully it would be sooner rather
then later…
One night
after Raw was finished; they headed back to the hotel and stopped for a bite to
eat in the hotel restaurant...then rode up the elevator together.
David watched
as Jetta leaned against the elevator wall...David could feel his erection
pressed against the zipper of his jeans...he knew he should of worn his
exercise pants...the way his erection felt...he could of sworn it was about to
bust out his jean covered crotch any second.
They walked
off the elevator as the doors opened with a ding. David watched as Jetta walked in front of
him...he walked her to her room and pushed her in and kissed her...she returned
the kiss with a fevered pitch...David reached over and locked the door.
David pushed
the beauty against the door and captured her lips with he lifted her
and she wrapped her legs around his waist...his big hands sliding across her
ass....he walked into the bedroom bags and suitcases went all over...David
closed the door and laid on top of her on the bed...
David pulled
back and pulled her shirt from her body, as she yanked his t-shirt off...David
started trailing warm wet kisses down her neck and throat to her breasts and
His lips
circled around her right rosy nipple and Jetta moaned out, “David.” David’s hands came up and unbuttoned her
jeans and he pulled them down with her panties...he could already smell her
arousal...she kicked her sneakers and socks off and he discarded her jeans and he discarded his jeans.
Jetta scooted
towards the foot of the bed and took David’s massive erection into her tiny
hands and stroked him slowly and methodically slid her tongue up his
shaft. David groaned he wrapped
his hands in her waist length raven hair.
She took his shaft into her warm wet mouth...he was in total
heaven...but he was trying to keep himself from exploding in her mouth...he
eased himself out of her mouth and laid her back onto the bed and crawled up
her soft small framed body, careful not to crush her...
She wrapped
her legs around his waist again and his erection brushed against her soaking
wet center. Making both of them groan at
the friction...David slid two fingers into her to make sure she was ready
enough for him...he didn’t want to hurt her...He looked up and she bit her
bottom lip as her back arched and her center was pushed into his hand...oh
yea...she was ready.
David moved
around and slowly slid his painfully aching erection into her warm wet
center...he could feel her stretching and accommodating his shaft...all of his
shaft...once fully sheathed David sat there for a minute make sure she was
fully used to his size...and then slowly started working his hips back and
forth and working his erection in and out of her.
Every time he
would push into her she would arch her back as though she wanted him
deeper. David grabbed her knees and
pushed them up and apart and placed his hands on the back of her thighs and as
he pushed into her...he felt himself go deeper...she must’ve felt it before
cause she moaned low and hard.
David lifted
her up and pushed her against the wall...and thrusting up...holding onto the wall...She
gripped his forearms for David kissed and licked down her neck
and throat...nipping at her flesh with his teeth and then soothing it with hot
David pulled
out of her and she went to the bed and beckoned him with her index finger...she
got up on her hands and knees and David slid his erection onto her doggy
style...this he could handle...he gripped her hips and started thrusting into
her like some wild animal...
Her hands
touched his as she stood on her knees and came back and traced his lips with
her tongue and he pulled her tongue into his mouth with her lips...and she
could instantly feel his erection swell to a larger size inside of
must’ve turned him on a little more...actually A LOT more...
David’s hands
went to her breast rolling her nipples and watching them harden...his hand slid
along her flat stomach, across her navel...and down to her mound...where he
found her clit waiting for contact from him....he started rubbing circles
around her clit with one hand and rolling her nipples and caressing her breasts
with his other hand...
When her hands
touched the bed...David could feel her inner walls starting to clamp down
around his shaft...David leaned over her, pulling her back tight against his chest
and kissed along her ear and in a low deep voice said, “You gonna cum for my
cock that sweet little pussy of yours gonna cum for me.”
Jetta started
pushing back against him...the hot air of his breath brushed against her ear
and him pumping into her relentlessly, was her undoing as she started cumming
instantly...she started off moaning and ended up screaming,
David felt her
cum cover his shaft and as her warm juices coated his erection...he thrusted
into her a few more times finally pushing himself all the way into her and
throwing his head back with a loud growl he exploded deep inside of her. For several minutes they could both feel him
spurting inside of her still.
They collapsed
onto the bed trying to regulate their breathing.
They both
managed to fall asleep in each others arms...
Chapter 14
Riding in the
big black Lincoln Navigator, Gen had her bare feet propped up on the dash board
and was enjoying the feeling of the wind whipping through her hair as the
vehicle continued down the highway. She
was in a daze and soon brought out of it as a hand slid across the top of her
thigh and found her hand and pulled it to a pair of soft lips that kissed it.
Passenger side, I slide on
Vinyl seats soft from the heat of the sun
Chewin' on a Slim Jim, can't stop thinkin' 'bout him
Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's the one
Mmmm, yeah, yeah, yeah, he's the one
Ooh, ooh, ooh, life's so sweet right here in the passenger seat
Ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah, life's so sweet
When I look to my left see his suntanned hands
His muddy river hair and his thousand acre plans
I'm all shook up like a quarter in a can
Ain't life sweet in the passenger seat, yeah
Gen looked
over and Paul smiled over at her. Gen
returned the smile and held onto his hand for life. In the back seat came a giggle. Gen laughed as she turned and looked at the
freshly married couple in the back seat and Gen said, “David…What are you doing
to your assistant?” David looked up from
the spot on Jetta’s neck that he was sucking and kissing on and wiggled his
eyebrows at Gen and said, “I’m not doing anything to my assistant…Now ask me
what I’m doing to my wife.”
Paul looked in
the rearview mirror and said, “Hey…Big man…I don’t even wanna know what you’re
doing to your wife…Shit I ain’t about to tell you what I’m gonna do to my
wife.” Gen looked over at Paul and said,
“Nothing since you’re with me…Besides I think she’s had enough of your ass
considering she said I could have you forever.”
Paul said, “Good…Then I’ll keep you and throw the old hag away.” Gen leaned over and socked Paul in the arm
and said, “Old hag huh!” Paul rubbed his
arm and said, “Ouch!” Gen could hear
Jetta and David in the back seat laughing hysterically at the freshly married
couples antics in the front seats.
I daydream of me an' a cold
cotton pillow
And the feel of his skin
The window sill smiles and before I know it
I'm miles away a-sittin' next to him
Miles away a-sittin' next to him
Ooh, ooh, ooh, life's so sweet right here in the passenger seat
Ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah, life's so sweet
When I look to my left see his suntanned hands
His muddy river hair and his thousand acre plans
I'm all shook up like a quarter in a can
Ain't life sweet, yeah
Both couples
had recently had a small double wedding in Reno and were driving to Sacramento
to catch a plane to the figi islands for a nice relaxing honeymoon for the next
4 weeks. Gen leaned over and kissed
Paul’s neck softly and said, “What am I going to do with you for the next 2
weeks in Figi?” Paul looked at Gen and
said, “Oh I forgot to tell you…Vince decided to give us 4 weeks instead of
Gen said,
“Jetta did you hear that…4 glorious weeks in Figi instead of 2…What the hell am
I going to do with myself?” Jetta
laughed as David hit the same spot on her neck again and said, “Get yourself
laid a lot…” Gen couldn’t help but
laugh. Paul said, “So hag…Does that mean
you’re okay with staying a few extra weeks?”
Gen said, “Of course you old fart.”
Shiftin' those gears, baby,
1, 2, 3
Then he shifts those ocean eyes back to me
Can't imagine a moment any better than this
Then we kiss
Ooh, ooh, ooh, life's so sweet right here in the passenger seat
Ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah, life's so sweet
Ooh, ooh, ooh, life's so sweet right here in the passenger seat
Ooh, ooh, oh yeah, life's so sweet, it's...
Life's so sweet, it's...
Life's so sweet, it's...
So sweet in the passenger seat
Life's so, life's so, life's so sweet
Right here…Right here!
Riding in the
passenger seat next to Paul was the most enjoyable thing Gen could’ve been
doing…Just relaxing and enjoying being married to the one man who she couldn’t
get enough of…Granted it took him a while to see what was right in front of him
the whole damn time that he was too stubborn to notice…but now that he had…Life
was definitely so sweet!
The End