It’s Callin’ Both of Us



Chapter 1


Her pulse was racing and her heart was about to pound right out of her chest as she held onto him…The sweetest sounds of love making filled the air. Holding onto him as tight as she could, both her arms wrapped around his expansive shoulders as his large hands and thick muscled up arms held on to her tiny framed body.

Both coming down from the most explosive orgasm each of them had experienced since they’d started seeing each other secretly…Her uncle / His boss would have a cow if he ever found out the things they’d been doing to each other for the last 12 months.

She knew eventually she’d have to tell her uncle everything…Her feelings for this man were just getting stronger with each passing moment…He literally kept a fire burning in her soul and it seemed to never quit. Passing in the hallway and his emerald green eyes would scan her body and he’d wink at her and suddenly she’d get a hot flash inside of her like he was controlling the temperature of her body.

She couldn’t get enough of him…Touching, kissing, the looks that passed between them during company meetings. He was 6’10” and 300lbs of pure muscle. Her small 5’10 125lbs frame shivered every time he’d wink or look at her with those emerald green eyes like he wanted to devour her whole.

Lori McMahon had been working for her Uncle Vince McMahon and his Professional wrestling company the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) for 2 years now…She loved it because she was able to re-connect with her cousins Stephanie and Shane…Both whom she’d been insanely close with growing up…But whom she’d lost contact with when she went to college in California at UCLA. Stephanie and Shane had preferred to stay closer to the eastern side of the states, while Lori was just itching to get away from everything about her family.

Her parents constantly fighting, but near were ever stubborn enough to just call it quits and get divorced. Her mom and dad were just about the 2 most annoying people in the world and she could’ve sworn if nagging and bitching would have been an Olympic sport, they’d both have tied with Gold medals.

She shook her thoughts clear as the two sweaty bodies collapsed on the bed and he pulled her to him as she laid her head on his chest and he kissed the top of her head…His deep southern accent voice said, “Stop thinking about them…and start thinking about when were going to tell Vince.”

She muffled her giggle into his chest and said, “How about we never tell them and just disappear one day…Think that would work at all?”

Mark Calloway looked down at the grey eyes girl in his arms and said, “Darlin’ I don’t think we could get away with that…Even if we tried.” Lori rested her chin on his chest while staring into his emerald eyes and said, “You’re gonna be the death of me old man.”

Mark’s deep chuckle echoed in the hotel room and he said, “You enjoy it…and you know it…Now shut up and let me enjoy holding you, before you sneak out of here in a couple of hours.” Lori smirked and said, “Okay.” She pushed up and kissed his lips softly and then they both fell into a deep sleep. Both wondering what the hell they were going to do.


Chapter 2


As she sat in her little make shift office staring at the laptop monitor…she couldn’t help but let her thoughts wonder back to what had occurred the night before in Mark’s room. The delicious ache that was between her thighs after all their rounds of love making was there when she would slightly squeeze her thigh muscles…and a zinging feeling would zip up her body thinking of the many ways Mark had taken her to make her feel that ache.

She was shaken from her thoughts when the door to her office opened and in walked Kelly, better known as Kelly Hickenbottom – Shawn Michael’s wife. Kelly smiled and said, “Well…Hello Ms. McMahon.” Lori smiled at her as she stood up and welcomed her friend with a warm, loving hug as the girls shared a laugh. Kelly said, “So you seemed to be in fantasyland just now…Trying to re-live your wild nights of passion with the Deadman?”

Kelly laughed as Lori turned a nice crimson color and knew she’d been fully busted doing just that! Lori said, “I can’t help it.” Kelly said, “Jesus…How long have the two of you been at this whole ‘friends with benefits’ thing?” Lori smiled a nice smile and said, “12 months…12 LONG months…” Kelly said, “And you haven’t told your uncle yet why?”

Lori said, “Oh God…Can you imagine me telling Uncle Vince I’ve been screwing one of his main eventers? Uncle Vince’s head would blow up and take half of whatever state we happen to be in with him. He’d have an absolute fit…If you thought he looks like he is having a seizure when he walks to the ring, you wait until I tell him I’ve been jumping Mark Calloway’s bones for the last 12 months…Seizure isn’t even the word I could use for what would happen. His whole body would go into convulsions and he’s turn dark red from head to toe, he’d ship me off to some convent in Europe, fire Mark on the spot and fire anyone who MIGHT have known about the whole thing and kept it from him.”

Kelly said, “Why can’t you give Vince the benefit of the doubt…I mean look how well he took the news about Stephanie and Paul and now they are engaged…C’mon you should know by now if he was going to blow up it would’ve been when he found out about his own daughter secretly dating Paul for 2 years before telling anyone.”

Lori said, “I don’t have that much faith in anyone…You might have seen the happy Vince after it all came out…and he’s got that smile on his face that says ‘as long as my daughters happy I’m happy’…but it took FOREVER to get him to make that face instead of the ‘Don’t make me kill you both for deceiving me for two years’…Stephanie and Paul went through a lot of shit and at one point Vince FORCED them to break up, because he thought it was bad business for his daughter to date an employee…he figure the other wrestlers would assume Paul was getting special treatment for fuckin’ the bosses daughter.”

Lori sighed and said, “I can’t tell you how heart broken she was…I sat up with her for night after night after night while she cried and told me how much she loved Paul and how she didn’t want to live if he wasn’t in her life…in the end…It was Paul who couldn’t take it anymore…He’d seen her one day and just the look in her eyes…He said the look in her eyes was a look like she’d never be happy ever again, like she’d be miserable forever…She saw him and it took one look from him and she immediately started crying and Paul knew he had to go face Vince…and he did…He just told Vince he didn’t care if he loved his own daughter or not but Paul did and wasn’t about to stand by and watch her become a former shell of herself anymore. He threatened Vince, Linda basically put a massive grounding on Vince and Shane and Stephanie hadn’t talked to him in 4 months since he’d forced them to break up and in the end it was all too much for Uncle Vince…He knew his daughters happiness was more important.”

Kelly said, “Why don’t you at least try breaking it too him…You know Mark may not wait around much longer…He wants to be with you, but not if your whole relationship has to be a secret.” Lori sighed sadly and said, “Yes I know…I wish there was a way to plant the memory or idea in his head…then I wouldn’t have to tell him…he’d just know…I’m stuck…I really am.”

Kelly chuckled and said, “You’re only as stuck as you want to be…You can get pulled to freedom any time you want…And you and Mark know it.” Lori stuck out her tongue and said, “I hate it when you’re right…You suck…Get outta my office.”

They girls shared another laugh and hug as Kelly got up and went in search of her husband and Lori went back to work, trying to think of a way to break the news to dear Uncle Vince…You know…Without giving him a Heart Attack, Coronary or Stroke all in the 5 minutes it would take to tell him the truth.

Chapter 3


A few weeks later and it was a Wednesday and Mark had taken some personal time as well as Lori…They’d decided they wanted to spend some honest alone time together at his ranch in Houston Texas…Lori was slowly waking up…she rolled over and noticed someone was missing from bed. She lifted her head up and looked around the gigantic room and noticed Mark was nowhere to be seen.

Lori pulled herself from bed as she padded into the bathroom and showered and tried to wake herself up…a few minutes later and the shower curtain was pulled back a little and Lori’s big eyes were staring at Mark as he held out a cup of coffee to her…she leaned out of the shower and kissed his lips and said, “Thanks life saver.”

For some reason the kiss lasted a little longer then expected and before either of them knew it…Mark had kicked his boots off and then stepped into the shower with Lori…Jeans, shirt, and socks…

Soon Lori’s small hands were pulling at the button on his jeans and the zipper came down…her hands made there way into his jeans and came in contact with the fleshy part of his magnificent rear-end…She knew that man hadn’t worn underwear in years! Nothing between his bare ass and the material of his jeans or leather wrestling pants…Just that thought alone made her hotter then she ever was.

Mark’s large hands were caressing places on her naked, water covered body she didn’t know could be caressed. Mark watched as her teeth chattered a little and as Mark nuzzled her neck as he said, “I think I could warm it up for you...if you’d like me too.” Lori moaned at the feeling of his large hands on her body as his hands did some flesh exploring. Mark laughed a little and said, “Is that a yes?”

Lori could only nod as, Mark turned her so her back was against his chest and his hands slid up cupping both her breasts and her nipples slid between his fingers as he applied a little pressure making her moan out in pleasure again. Mark knew where all her sensitive parts were...Mark’s hand slid down her body as his middle finger slipped into her slit and started massaging her hard nub.

Lori’s moans of Mark’s name were music to his ears...He loved pushing her to the borderline of ecstasy...Just listening to her voice was enough to get his erection going...which was currently pressed against her beautiful ass. Mark said, “I don’t know baby...are you ready for me.” Lori’s moans begging was REALLY starting to get to him...he wanted to be inside of her...he CRAVED to be inside of her.

Mark placed Lori’s hands flat against the tiled wall in the shower as he carefully pushed her legs apart and bent her forward slightly. Kissing along her spine and slowly eased himself into her over heated sex as a throaty moan echoed through the bathroom and possibly the whole house. Mark LOVED getting that kind of reaction from her.

Mark placed his hand flat against the wall next to hers...and it never failed, she would move her hand over and on top of the back of his hand and lace their fingers together with the back of his hand against the palm of hers...His free hand managed to find her hip as he slowly started moving inside of her as he kissed her neck and whispered sweet words in her ear. Somewhere in the middle of their love making, Lori’s free hand left the wall and grabbed the back of Mark’s thigh...he knew she was getting close.

Then as both were in complete ecstasy, Lori started off moaning and ended up screaming Mark’s Mark pushed himself all the way inside of her and felt her orgasm go through her body and then enter his as he emptied himself inside of her.

Their breathing calmed down and Lori turned around and wrapped her arms around him as he kissed her softly and said, “I love you.” She smiled and said, “I love you more.” They got out and dried off as Lori slipped on panties and one of Mark’s t-shirts to sleep in and they slipped into bed…falling asleep for an afternoon nap.

Chapter 4


It had been a few weeks since Lori had the time off with Mark. For some reason things just didn’t feel the same between them anymore…Mark stopped asking her for her extra room key for their mid-night visits, stopped trying to sneak attack her in the hallways, he had almost everything with her.

Lori couldn’t figure out what she’d done wrong to make him stop wanting to be with her.

A couple more weeks later and every time Mark was in the same room that Lori would walk into he’d make up some excuse to leave the room and would walk out. Lori finally couldn’t take it anymore…she followed him down the hall finally and said, “So that’s it for us huh?”

Mark stopped as soon as he heard her voice…His hands went to his hips immediately ready to defend himself as he turned around and looked down his nose at her and said, “What were you expecting? That I was gonna wait forever for you to get off your ass and tell your uncle you loved me? Hell I would’ve been fuckin shocked into having a heart attack if you would’ve just mentioned me and you in the same damn sentence to him…but you couldn’t even tell him we were dating…Why should I expect anything less from a McMahon…Making promises and never keeping them.”

Lori said, “That’s right Mark because your life is so fuckin easy…Because your God’s gift to women and the easiest boyfriend to have in life…right? Isn’t that right? I mean really Mark do you know how complicated of a man you really are? Dominating as hell…You should be working at Helga’s House of Pain because you really know how to dish it out.”

Mark said, “Lori we’ve been seeing each other for a damn year…that’s 12 months…365 days…and not once could you ever tell Vince how you felt about me…I’ve been fully attracted to you since 1997 when you came to this company and as soon as we started dating all my friends and family knew how I felt for you.”

Lori said, “It’s easy for you to stand there and say that considering, I was the who was adopted by him when my parents were killed…He’s practically my 2nd father…he’s raised me since I was 14…And you stand there telling me all your friends and family knew…but guess what Mark you’re a liar.”

Mark squinted his eyes in a glare at Lori and said, “Excuse me?” Lori said, “Well you just stood there and said all your friends and family knew how you felt about me…well you’re full of shit…because one of your friends doesn’t even know…You know…you’re good friend Vince McMahon…You know…My Uncle…your boss/friend. If you’re so God damn tired of waiting for me to tell him why don’t you tell him yourself…because obviously there’s nothing to tell anymore.

A few minutes later a blonde walked up to Mark and said, “Ready to go baby?” Mark looked down at her as his hand slid down and squeezed her ass in front of Lori and he said, “I don’t know…Are we finished here Miss. McMahon, because obviously we have nothing more to discuss?”

Lori only saw red as she growled out, “COMPLETELY!” and threw the clip board in her hand like a Frisbee and it barely missed Mark’s head and stuck into the side of 3 equipment trunks that were stacked to the side of him.

My yesterdays are all boxed up and neatly put away
But every now and then you come to mind
Cause you were always waiting to be picked to play the game
But when your name was called, you found a place to hide
When you knew that I was always on your side

Well everything was easy then, so sweet and innocent
But your demons and your angels reappeared
Leavin' only traces of the man you thought you'd be
Leavin’ me with no place left to go from here
Leavin' me with so many questions all these years

Vince walked out in the hallway as he saw Mark and Lori arguing…when he’d heard her shout the word completely and her something hit the wall he couldn’t imagine what all the yelling was about…Vince said, “Lori, Mark…what’s going on?” Lori breathed deeply and said, “Oh nothing Uncle Vince…I’ve just been in love with a jack ass for a year and never knew how big of an asshole he could really be.”

Mark sipped water and chocked out, “ME?”

Vince quirked an eyebrow and said, “Mark?” Lori smiled through the pain as she said, “Yes…Uncle Vince…I was in love with Mark…and we were secretly dating for a year…but we’ve…actually I’ve decided it’s not worth dating an over bearing manipulative jerk…whose old enough to be my father.”

Lori knew the old crack would get on Mark’s nerves, but she just turned on her heels and walked away from them as she went to her office and started packing up the things so the crew could load up her office for the next town.

Is there someplace far away, someplace where all is clear
Easy to start over with the ones you hold so dear
Or are you left to wander, all alone, eternally
This isn't how it's really meant to be
No it isn't how it's really meant to be

Well they say that love is in the air, but never is it clear,
How to pull it close and make it stay
Butterflies are free to fly, and so they fly away
And I'm left to carry on and wonder why
Even through it all, I'm always on your side

Lori called Vince and asked for some time off…She needed it…She wasn’t about to stick around and watch Mark flaunt his new floozy in front of her…It wasn’t worth the pain to stick around when she could just go home and sleep for the next 3 weeks.

She watched as the ground got smaller from the plane window as she pushed her seat back and relaxed a little…this flight was gonna be longer then normal…her mind was wondering all over the place about every conversation she’d ever had with Mark…He always said he understood why she was waiting…

Mark had been around and seen the pain Stephanie went through when Vince made her break things off with Paul…He said he’d never let anyone hurt her like that…too bad he lied…Too bad he had to be the one to hurt her like that too.

But is there someplace far away, someplace where all is clear
Easy to start over with the ones you hold so dear
Or are you left to wander, all alone, eternally
But this isn't how it's really meant to be
Oh it isn't how it's really meant to be

Well if they say that love is in the air, never is it clear
How to pull it close and make it stay
If butterflies are free to fly, why do they fly away
Leavin' me to carry on and wonder why
Was it you that kept me wondering through this life
When you know that I was always on your side

Her vacation started off as just a vacation…when it ended she was on a plane to where Raw was being taped…There was no one in hell she ever wanted to breathe the same air as Mark Callaway again.

Chapter 5


Stupid jerk!

Lori walked into the United Center in Chicago for the PPV and was suddenly aware of how much she missed Mark. She wasn’t sure who she thought was the jerk Mark for being an ass…or her for being a chicken shit for so long. Nah, it was Mark, especially for grabbing that nasty hoe’s ass in front of her…Her stomach churned as she continued down to her office.

Lori had been working on the Raw Roster now for 3 months and everyone knew she was miserable…but she didn’t care…She was just happy she didn’t have to see Mark…Tonight she’d have to watch where she was going it was a joined PPV and she didn’t wanna chance running into Mark and his snatched out hoe.

Good is good and bad is bad
But you don’t know which one you had
She put your books out on the sidewalk
Now they’re blowing ‘round
But they won’t help you when you’re down

Love’s on your list of things to do
To bring your good luck back to you
And if you think that everything’s unfair
Would you care if you’re the last one standing there

And every time you hear the rolling thunder
You turn and run before the lightening strikes
And does it ever make you stop and wonder
If all your good times pass you by

Lori ran into Stephanie and Paul on the way to her office and received huge hugs from them both as she started explaining what had gone down between her, Mark and Vince. They’d missed it all cause they’d been gone for the last 3 months for their honeymoon…They’d finally been married.

Paul said, “I can’t believe you told Vince.” Stephanie said, “I can’t believe you made that old crack to Mark and he didn’t kill ya.” As she giggled. Lori couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Yea, well he had it comin…and I only said it to get under his skin and it worked…his eyes turned beet red like his head was about to explode…and the best part was I got the last word as I turned and walked away from him.”

Paul said, “The last word didn’t mean much did it?” Lori smiled weakly and said, “Nope…I should’ve known something was going on when he stopped asking for my extra room key.” Paul looked at Stephanie and said, “What a coincidence…someone stopped giving me theirs.” As he squeezed Stephanie’s waist and made her laugh and said, “How else was I supposed to break it to you that daddy didn’t want us being together…It was hard enough on me. But you saved us.”

Paul smiled as he kissed the tip of her nose and said, “For the only and same reason I married you…Because I love you.” Steph smiled softly and said, “I love you too.” Lori made a scoffing noise and said, “You guys are sickening newlyweds. Stop…I feel lunch coming up.” As she winked at them. They both hugged her one more time as she continued and got to her office.

I don’t hold no mystery
But I can show you how to turn the key
Cause all I know is where I started
So downhearted
And that’s not where you want to be

And every time you hear the rolling thunder
You turn and run before the lightening strikes
And you could find a rock to crawl right under
And let your good times pass you by

When the day is done
And the world is sleeping
And the moon is on its way to shine
All the friends are gone
You thought were so worth keeping
You feel you don’t belong
But you don’t know why

After getting her work completed she took all the scripts and contracts to the conference room. After putting them all out and getting everything ready for Vince’s Pre-PPV meeting she turned to leave the room when she came face to face with Mark.

She walked down the length of the table and Mark said, “Lori…” Like he had something to say to her, but she wasn’t having any of it…She didn’t even look up at him as she addressed him as, “Mr. Callaway.” She walked right past him as she felt the warm tear sliding from her eyes to her cheeks.

As she walked out into the hallway she saw David Bautista…one of the Raw wrestlers she’d become close friends with since she’d moved to Raw…He knew the whole story about what went down between Mark and Lori and swore if he ever saw Mark Callaway he’d have a few choice words to say to him…and a few four lettered ones to go right along with it.

David saw Lori wiping her eyes and knew something was wrong…He walked over and reached out and touched her hand and she looked up and she couldn’t hide it any longer…David pulled her small framed body against his huge over muscled body and hugged her to hopefully help ease the pain.

And every time you hear the rolling thunder
You turn and run before the lightening strikes
And does it ever make you stop and wonder
If all your good times pass you by

Every time you hear the rolling thunder
And you turn and run before the lightning strikes
Well does it ever make you stop and wonder
If all your good times pass you by

When the day is done
And the world is sleeping
And the moon is on its way to shine (shine)
And all your friends are gone
You thought were so worth keeping
You feel you don’t belong
Neither do I

Mark walked out of the conference room in time to see Lori in a mad embrace with Evolutions resident Animal. David Bautista. So he’d been replaced…If only he knew.

David saw the look in Mark’s eyes…anyone could tell Mark was still in love with Lori…No one shows the green eyed monster unless another man is holding or comforting the one you love.

Too bad he was too much of a prick to fight for what he loved. David walked with her back to the Evolution dressing room as they all sat and talked with Lori keeping her away from the one ma she couldn’t bare to look at...Too bad she just couldn’t stop loving him…

Stupid jerk!

Chapter 6


Sitting in the big office at Titan Towers was almost too much for Lori. She’d been here a few times, but mostly she’d met with Uncle Vince on the road at the arenas or at the hotel…The first time she’d been in the big office was when he hired her to the company…she had to come in and sign a bunch of jargon filled contracts.

Lori sat there fidgeting with the inch long string on the side of her jeans…Vince walked in finally as Lori popped up to a standing position. Vince walked over and said, “Excited are ya sweetheart?” Lori said, “Well…I guess.” Vince wrapped her into a nice safe hug and kissed the top of her head…as she returned the hug…She couldn’t help but feel safe from everything.

Vince sat in the chair next to Lori’s instead of going behind his desk…Just by the sheer sound of her voice she needed a friend not a boss right now. Vince could tell by just the sound of her voice she was on the brink of tears…He handed her his handkerchief out of his sports jacket pocket. He watched her dab the corners of her eyes and then fidgeted with the handkerchief on her lap by ringing it around her index fingers.

Vince said, “What’s going on Lori…I’ve never seen you like this honey.” Lori looked up from her lap into her uncle’s eyes and said, “I don’t want to travel with the company anymore Uncle Vince.” Vince was almost shocked into speechlessness…she’d loved her job and working for the company from day one and now here she was telling him she didn’t want to do it anymore. Lori said, “I was talking to Steph and she said you’ve got a spot open for a Travel Director…I know it’s based in Titan Towers so I’d be grounded to Stamford, Connecticut…but I really don’t want to be near the arenas or wrestlers anymore.”

Vince quirked an eyebrow at that statement, because he knew she was practically best friends with nearly every Diva and 90% of the men also...Vince said, “Is there any wrestler in particular you’re speaking about?” He knew in his gut it was Mark Callaway…He could feel it radiating from her even if she denied it.

Lori shook her head no and said, “Not really…I just don’t want to mess with it…Too much drama…The drama side of my life is over now. I just want to wake up, come to work and not deal with bitchy, over paid, under talented grown men and women any more.” Vince could see it in her eyes…He reached out and took one of her hands in between both of his and he said, “I know this is really about Mark.”

Lori stood up pulling her hand away as she walked over to the huge window and looked out and said, “Please Uncle Vince…don’t say his name…I was stupid to get involved with someone his age…Everyone was right…I should’ve stuck with someone my own age.” She could really feel the tears burning her eyes and sliding down her cheeks.

Vince walked over and wrapped his arms around her as she rested her head in the crook of his neck and he rubbed her back and said, “No…They were all wrong…It’s never about age…Age is never a deciding factor when you are talking about matters of the heart…If at the end of the day you love him and he loves you…then you’ve actually got all your shit together…Everything else in between doesn’t matter…and it doesn’t count.”

Lori looked up as she wiped the tears away and said, “Well…It doesn’t matter anymore now…What’s done is done…Nothing that was said can be taken back…and there is definitely nothing left there for a future to move on with…I just want to never see Mark again…It’s been 6 months since we split…3 months ago at the PPV…running into him…It just hurts to much…”

Vince said, “Are you sure sweetheart?”

Lori walked over and picked up her purse and before she walked out the door she turned back and said, “The last 3 months, I’ve done nothing but run into him and the constant reminder of how much I still love him and of how he doesn’t love me anymore is always there like a feeling of dread or powerlessness…I can’t keep letting him effect me…So I’m erasing someone from the equation…me. If I can’t see him and I can’t hear him…eventually I’ll just forget about him and learn to live in the real world.”

Vince nodded and said, “Okay…You start Monday…Stephanie will call ya later and let you know you’re job duties.” Lori nodded and turned and left the office…pulling the door shut behind her.

Chapter 7


A month later, Lori was sitting in her office at Titan Towers with Stephanie across from her and they were laughing as over the speaker phone Dave Bautista was bitchin about the scripts and just in general trying to make them laugh the only way he knew how. He was keeping them in stitches when Dave said, “I can’t tell you how good it sounds to hear you laughing again Lori.”

Lori said, “You’re insane…Sweet…But insane none the less. How are Angie and the girls doing?” They could hear the smile in Dave’s voice as he said, “Everything seems to be working out great.” Lori said, “So the marriage counselor helped then.” Dave said, “Yea…Remind me to come to you for more advice when it’s needed down the road.” Stephanie said, “Yea Like Paul wouldn’t get all butt hurt if you came to a woman instead of your bro.”

Paul’s voice cut in on the phone and said, “I heard that Mrs. Levesque…I shall see you in 3 days when you get your cute little ass to the arena.” Stephanie and Lori couldn’t help but bust out laughing again. Stephanie said, “Oh Paulie…I miss you baby.” Paul said, “Can it sister! You’re ass is mine woman…Don’t even try that little innocent voice it may work on daddy, but it doesn’t work on me.” Lori said, “Sure it does Paul…How do you think she got you to marry her in the first place.”

Paul said, “That’s it…Both of you are on my shit list…I ain’t waiting 3 days…I’m flying up tonight…Both of you are getting a beat down.” Hordes of laughs filled Dave’s phone as the girls teased Paul on and on. Finally ending the conversation so the guys could get their work out in and so Lori could get back to work.

As the Travel Director Lori was the one booking arenas in the states and over seas…she was also setting up which wrestlers had autograph signings and where they would be.

Meanwhile at an arena across the country, Vince was walking down the hallway and came across Mark stretching before his match for the house show. Vince walked up as the gentlemen acknowledged each other with a nice firm hand shake. Vince took a nice protective stance as Mark stood and rested his hands on his hips and said, “What’s on your mind Vince?”

Vince said, “So you and my niece huh.” Mark said, “Nothing to worry about Uncle Vince…It didn’t last…It lasted longer then I expected.” Vince had some papers that were rolled up in his hands as he tapped Mark on the chest with them and said, “Tell me something…Did you love her?” Mark said, “Does it matter?” Vince said, “It does yes…Was the age difference between you two bothersome for you?” Mark shook his head no and said, “Age difference didn’t have anything to do with the attraction we had to each other…and yes I did love her.”

Vince said, “Please tell me she wasn’t one of your wicked flings you used to have back in the day.” Mark said, “Fling was never on my mind for what I wanted with her…It never entered my mind for what I had in store for her…I just got tired of waiting for her to tell you. After she’d seen what you put Paul and Stephanie through she could only imagine what you’d do to us.”

Vince said, “We’ve known each other for a while right Mark.” Mark nodded and Vince continued, “And you know I can pretty much tell you anything and you know when I screwing with you and when I’m pretty much dead serious right?” Mark said, “Sure Vince.”

Vince took a nice swing and hit Mark upside the head with the rolled up papers he had in his hand, Mark jerked in shock and said, “What the hell.” Vince said, “That was for breaking my niece’s heart…” He swung again and hit the other side of Mark’s head and said, “That was for being such a stubborn jackass so much so you won’t even grow a set of balls and go get back your girl…You know…The one you’re still in love with ya big dummy.”

Mark said, “Wait a damn minute…” Vince cut him off and said, “No you wait…I have known you for far too long Mark Callaway…I know when you’ve been bitten…You still love my niece…Hell she cut off all contact with every wrestler on both shows and even went as far as getting a job at Titan Towers just so she wouldn’t be reminded of you…but I know it’s not working…Shit everyone in the company knows it’s not working…I’m telling you right now…Grow a set and go talk to her…I don’t care what you say to her…Tell her you was an asshole…Tell her you were wrong…You tell her whatever you need to tell her to get her to take back her life. And to take your sorry ass back if she still wants you.”

Vince calmed down a little and said, “Mark…of all the people for my niece to fall in love with…At least I know you’ll treat her the way she deserves to be treated and I already know you love her…Just like I knew Paul loved Stephanie the night he came to see me…He fought for what he wanted…He didn’t give a shit about me, the company or even his job…he told me if losing his job was the only way he could be with my daughter then I could take the job and shove it up my ass. Tell me you never thought the same thing the whole time you were with Lori, but couldn’t say it.”

Mark nodded he was finally getting it…Took him a little longer then expected…but he finally understood.

Chapter 8


Lori had gotten up early on Saturday morning and was looking at her extremely beyond beautiful black mustang, during the week she didn’t get to ride him as much as she liked, but on the weekends, she’d ride from sun up to sun down all day long. She pulled on her jeans and boots and a t-shirt. She walked out to the barn and hooked him up between the barn doors and started brushing him out and then threw the beautiful red blanket on him and then tossed the black leather saddle over his expansive back and synched him up.

She loosely pulled the reins and he followed her anywhere. She stopped walking and he would stop…She would start again and he would follow her again. She got him into the 10 acres behind her house in the nice tall grass and carefully pulled herself onto him and settled herself in the saddle. Lori smiled at the feeling as she pet his neck and main and said, “Okay Jasper…you lead the way this time.”

You're not sure that you love me
But you're not sure enough to let me go
Baby it ain't fair you know
To just keep me hangin' round

You say you don't wanna hurt me
Don't wanna see my tears
So why are you still standin' here
Just watchin' me drown

And it's alright yeah, I'll be fine
Don't worry 'bout this heart of mine
Just take your love and hit the road
There's nothin' you can do or say
You're gonna break my heart anyways
So just leave the pieces when you go

After a few hours, a pair of emerald green eyes were watching her on the back of that horse. She always looked so comfortable on a horse…Like she was born on one.

Lori checked her watch and knew she should go in…but she’d seen the silver colored Chevy Silverado drive up to her house and knew who would be waiting there for her if she went back. To make matters worse…she’d seen Mark watching her…She hated that…if he had something on his mind she wished he would just walk out into the field say it and get the hell out.

Mark watched as she hopped off the horse and walked him back to the gate to a nice relaxation for both of them. Lori shoved the gate open and rolled her eyes as Mark caught it before it hit him…Which she was really hoping to do.

Now you can drag out the heartache
Baby you can make it quick
Really get it over with
And just let me move on

Don't concern yourself
With this mess you left for me
I can clean it up, you'll see
Just as long as you're gone

And it's alright yeah, I'll be fine
Don't worry 'bout this heart of mine
Just take your love and hit the road
There's nothin' you can do or say
You're gonna break my heart anyways
So just leave the pieces when you go

You're not makin' up your mind
It's killin' me and wastin' time
I need so much more than that
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Mark felt the force the gate was shoved open with…she wanted to hit him with it. Mark followed her back to the stable and said, “Can we talk Lori?” Lori pulled the saddle and blanket off Jasper as she started brushing him out once again and said, “I’m sorry Mr. Callaway did you have something planned with me today and I wasn’t aware of it?”

Mark pinched the bridge of his nose as he sat on the bails of hay lining the stable wall…He was suddenly aware that this wasn’t going to be as easy as he figured it would be.

Lori continued to brush and Mark said, “C’mon Lori…We have a lot to talk about.” Lori stopped brushing and looked off into the distance and said, “Umm…No…We HAD a lot to talk about…Now I don’t care if I ever speak to you again as long as I live…and I’m pretty sure we’ve both said what we needed when we needed to say it and that’s pretty much the end of this conversation.”

And it's alright yeah, I'll be fine
Don't worry 'bout this heart of mine
Just take your love and hit the road
There's nothin' you can do or say
You're gonna break my heart anyways
So just leave the pieces when you go

Leave the pieces when you go
Oh, yeah

Leave the pieces when you go

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Leave the pieces when you go

Mark said, “I want us back…I was stupid and I was a jackass…I want you to forgive me.” Lori said, “Yea…Well you can wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one gets full first…Mark I agree you was stupid and a complete jackass…but there is no us…There’s me…and then there’s you and that nasty snatch you had your hands all over in front of me, my family and my friends. You may WANT me to forgive you…but I swear as God as my witness for everything that is holy…I will see myself either dead or living in China before I can EVEN let the thought of forgiving you enter my brain.”

Lori walked Jasper into his stable and closed and locked it up and said, “Not now…Not ever…Go home Mark…Go back to Barbie…Obviously she can give you things I can’t.”

Mark watched as Lori walked into the house and slammed the door while locking it behind her. Mark got in his truck and left and knew he’d have to try a different approach.

Chapter 9


Sitting around the huge oak table in the McMahon Mansion, Lori and Stephanie were laughing at Shane who had just squirted soup through his nose to help entertain Sunday dinner. His wife Marisa had smacked him the back of the head and said it was ‘snot’ funny…which in turn got Linda and Vince laughing.

Later on that night, after Vince and Linda had retired to bed; Stephanie, Shane, Lori and Marisa were all sitting in the den talking and just goofing off in general. Paul couldn’t make it because of house shows as usual, but Steph would be joining him in a few days as always.

Shane cleared his throat and said, “So…I saw something unusual today.” Lori said, “You found the real path to your brain has something to do with the toilet paper trail you walked out of the bathroom with earlier?” Marisa couldn’t stop herself even if she wanted as she started rolling on the floor with laughter.

Stephanie and Lori were not far behind. Shane crossed his arms over his chest and said, “Not feeling the love people.” Lori smiled and said, “Sorry. That’s all I got in me now…So what was the unusual thing ya saw?” Shane said, “I saw a certain Deadman of Smackdown looking like he lost his best friend.”

Lori said, “Awww…Someone forgot to put Barbie on her leash and she trotted away home with someone else…What a shame. At least now she’ll get the same hump she’s been getting from EVERY ONE else including Mark.” Shane said, “Honestly I don’t think it had anything to do with her…I think it had more to do with you.”

Lori said, “Okay…conversation over…Change of subject.” Stephanie looked at Lori and touched her hand and said, “Has he come to see you?” Lori frowned and said, “Everyday for the last 3 months. I can’t take much more of this shit. I started working at Titan Towers so I wouldn’t see him and now because his interest in me has suddenly perked back up, I’m supposed to fall at the great Undertakers feet and thank him for giving me a second chance at happiness…Well it’s not gonna happen. I hate him. I don’t want to have ANYTHING to do with him anymore!”

They watched as she stood up and left. She got in her car and left. She got home and all she could do was lay across her bed and cry…At one point she reached over and turned the radio on and was listening to music…but it didn’t help, she just ended up crying again. Lori had eventually cried herself to sleep.

Life ain’t always beautiful
Sometimes it's just plain hard
Life can knock you down
It can break your heart

Life ain’t always beautiful
You think you're on your way
And it's just a dead end road
At the end of the day

But the struggles make you stronger
And the changes make you wise
And happiness has its own way
Of takin it's sweet time

No, life ain’t always beautiful
Tears will fall sometimes
Life ain’t always beautiful
But it's a beautiful ride

Life ain’t always beautiful
Some days I miss your smile
I get tired of walkin all these lonely miles

And I wish for just one minute
I could see your pretty face
Guess I can dream
But life don’t work that way

But the struggles make me stronger
And the changes make me wise
And happiness has its own way
Of takin it's sweet time

No, life ain’t always beautiful
But i know I’ll be fine
Hey, life ain’t always beautiful
But it's a beautiful ride

What a beautiful ride

Chapter 10


It was official…It had been a full year since Lori had walked away from Mark…Of course it wasn’t as silent as Lori would’ve liked…For the last 6 months, since she’d been working at Titan Tower Mark had not let her have a complete moment…if he wasn’t bugging her at her own home then he was trying to call her or talk to her when she was at work. As much as Lori was trying to shut the door between them, Mark was pushing just that much harder for her to let him back in…And so far…Lori had been winning.

Lori was walking through the hall of Titan Tower, her high heels clicking on the surface of the titled floor. She had her laptop bag over her shoulder, purse over the other shoulder, keys and cell phone in one hand and coffee in the other hand. Her hair was pulled up into a bun with chop sticks.

Lori tried to open the big office door to get in and find her way to her office inside, but the door was stubborn and she dropped her keys. A large hand came out of nowhere and handed her keys back to her and pulled the door open and as she started to thank the person who had helped her out, she turned and came face to face with Mark. Lori tilted her head to the side, rolled her eyes and scoffed in Mark’s general direction and said, “Don’t you ever give up?” Mark had to chuckle at her temper, as he said, “Why give up on something I know we BOTH want.”

I'm gonna do it, darlin'
I could waste time tryin' to figure it out
But I'm jumpin' anyhow
I've never been this far
Didn't know love could run so deep
Didn't know I'd lose this much sleep

Holdin' you close
Chasin' that moon
Spendin' all night
Learnin' just who you are
Sparks flyin' in the dark
Shootin' out lights
Runnin' down dreams
Figurin' out
What love really means
Baby, givin' you my heart
A real fine place to start

Lori tossed her empty coffee cup in a near by trash can on her way to her office when she stopped and turned to face Mark, rolling her eyes again at him in distaste and said, “Wow Mark…When did you become a friggen psychic? Because I could’ve seriously used you a couple of years ago when we started dating to save myself the headache and heartache of going out with some guy who was going to break my heart no matter what.”

Mark said, “I never said I was psychic…but don’t you think I’ve known you long enough to know how you feel? I’ve been in love with you forever and you know that…and you was in love with me and I know you can’t just stop it over night…not even 365 days in a year can stop you being in love with someone if the heart really wants it…and you should know that…Nothing I am telling you right now if stuff you don’t already know.”

Lori bowed to Mark and said, “Fuck you very much Yoda.”

Lori turned and unlocked her office and walked in and slammed the door…Facing the door she leaned her head against it…Every time she had a run in with him at work she wanted nothing more then to cry…She could already feel the tears gathering in her eyes. She knew he was right…She did still love him…She could stand there and tell him 900 times a day she hated him, but God and every one knew she loved him…She couldn’t stop…She wanted to stop him God help her…but apparently God had been on vacation for the last few months, because nothing was working.

Her tongue came out and wet her lips as she blinked a few times and got her emotions under control. She inhaled and exhaled a few dozen times to calm herself…She knew if she walked back out that door and saw him she was going to cry until she passed out. She reached over and flipped on the office light and when she finally turned around to face her office…she couldn’t even find her desk. From wall to wall and door to window was covered in red, pink, yellow, orange, purple and white roses. Nothing but hundreds of thousands of roses.

Lori dropped everything on the floor as she pulled her office door open and yelled “MARCUS WILLIAM CALLAWAY!” She could hear Mark chuckling and the other girls in the office giggling…They knew what was going on and chances are had helped him mastermind the whole thing.

Mark walked over and stood in the door frame to her office. Lori’s hand shot out and grabbed his t-shirt and jerked him into her office as she slammed the door shut and locked it…She started poking Mark in the chest while shoving him backwards through the room full of roses…and totally getting pissed…

“I can’t believe you just won’t leave me alone…I just wanted to go on with the rest of my life Mark Callaway free…I wanted nothing more to do with you…NOTHING…But yet every where I go and every time I turn around here you fuckin are. You think you know everything about every one in the world but you don’t know shit…You think you know me…well have I got a surprise for you buddy…”

Somethin' is goin' on
I can't explain but sure can touch
It's callin' both of us
Stronger than any fear or doubt
It's changin' everything I see
It's changin' you, it's changin' me

Holdin' you close
Chasin' that moon
Spendin' all night
Lovin' just who you are
Sparks flyin' in the dark
Shootin' out lights
Runnin' down dreams
Figurin' out
What love really means
Baby, givin' you my heart's
A real fine place to start

Lori shoved him back and he fell onto the couch in her office which was the only thing not covered in roses. Lori stood over him with her hands on her hips…Mark prepared him for the worst absolute tongue lashing he’d ever get in his life….and Lori said, “You do know me that well…I can’t believe it…You’ve put up with my shit for 6 months and you never faltered once. How can I possibly not want to be with someone so perfect?”

Mark watched as Lori pulled her skirt up and jumped on Mark’s lap. She grabbed his face as they sat there and kissed the daylights out of each other…Lori pulled back breathless and said, “You hurt me.” Mark nodded and Lori said, “Don’t ever do it again.” Mark nodded again.

And he didn’t.

Even after they married 3 weeks later, Mark vowed to never hurt Lori again and he hadn’t…Apparently when you love someone that much you are willing to do anything for them.

Right here, right now's
The perfect spot
The perfect time
The perfect moment
When your skin is next to mine
Yeah, yeah

Holdin' you close
Chasin' that moon
Spendin' all night
Lovin' just who you are
Sparks flyin' in the dark
Shootin' out lights
Runnin' down dreams
Figurin' out just
What love really means
Baby, givin' you my heart's
A real fine place
A real fine place to start Oh, yeah

It was calling both of them…Oh yea…It was definitely calling…

The End.