In His Touch

(Sequel to Please Save Me)


Chapter 1

**Mild Language**

Mark was walking down the hallway, trying to get his stuff together…he was supposed to fly out in the morning to attend Brocks wedding…he told him he’d be there…as he walked past the spare room that had been empty for 6 months now…he looked in and saw Hades, Panic and Pain all laying on the floor surrounding the bed the same way they used to when she was still here…

It had been months since Mark had seen Erin…he stopped at her concert one night and she sang that song for him…he went out and bought a copy of the CD just for that song specifically…he knew through Brock’s Bride to be…also Erin’s sister Jaden…that Erin was still hung up on the bodyguard she forgot to tell she loved…

Mark had wondered so many times how she was doing, and if she was eating okay…and the only question that always came back to his mind was what if…what if Erin had told him she loved him…would she still be here…or would she have still left…

Mark knew he didn’t help matters by going down and helping that widow down the street, who was now dating some wealthy old timer…and getting ready to move in with him…he should have seen the signs he should have known it was coming…he had a great thing with Erin…

She was smart, funny, beautiful, her voice could knock anyone on their ass…and yet out of every and any one she could have chosen to lose her virginity to…she picked him…he still never figured that one out…though he was quite honored…he loved her and would have done anything she asked…well short of killing someone or stepping back in the ring…

That part of his life was over…This bodyguard thing was easier said then done, but it challenged him in a big way…who the hell was he kidding? The only thing that challenged him about this job was trying to not fall in love with Erin…but that just didn’t seem like it was in his favor…

As soon as he had seen her sing to those children at the hospital that night…he fell in love with her…she didn’t have to do that…she’d had a long night to begin with…the guy attacking her was almost her undoing…but she sucked it up like a tough little thing and put on a happy face for those kids who were stuck in the hospital…

He walked in the spare room and squatted down in front of Hades, whose eyes looked so sad…Mark said, “Damn boys…I guess you miss her just as much as I do…I’m sorry…I can’t make her come back…I can’t force her to do anything…if I could don’t you think I would try…”

Mark stood up and was leaving the room when one of the dogs let out a little whimper/whine…Mark said, “C’mon boys don’t do this to me…I know you miss her…hell I miss her too.” Mark left the room and walked the rest of his stuff down stairs and set it by the front door…He was dreading this tomorrow and the nest 3 days…he didn’t know if Erin was going to be at the wedding…if she did show up…he didn’t know if he could have enough resolve to not walk up and throw her over his shoulder and carry her off to be his forever…

Chapter 2

**Same Warning**

He plopped down in front of the TV…and turned it on…What other channel would it be on? MTV…they kept Erin’s music videos in heavy rotation…and he loved seeing her…she always looked so breathtaking…he was about to change the channel when the VJ came on and said, “This next video is hot off the presses…This is Erin Cage’s new video for the song Reveal…”

Mark cocked his eyebrow up when he saw Erin on the screen…her hair was soaking wet and down around her face…he always did love her long hair…and she was wearing that lace tank top and matching shorts that she always wore to bed…Mark could feel himself holding his breath until the music started…


In a never ending circle
I've been sheltering a dream
I could climb over a rainbow
To a place I haven't been

Never felt this way before
Trusting you I feel so sure
Now we are behind closed doors
The way you make me feel

Reveal…What we do in privacy
Reveal…Make a woman out of me
Reveal…When you're close it feels so right
Reveal…You and I reveal tonight

Take me from this lonely river
Home into the open sea
Never felt this way before
In your hands I'm free to fall
Show what's underneath it all
The way you make me feel

Reveal…What we do in privacy
Reveal…Make a woman out of me
Reveal…When you're close it feels so right
Reveal…You and I reveal tonight

And every breath I take
I feel you here inside me
Each night I lie awake
Dreaming you will find me

And every brand new morning
You're the sun that's dawning
And I love that landslide
Feels so good I want to cry

Never felt this way before
In your hands I'm free to fall
Show what's underneath it all
The way you make me feel

Reveal…What we do in privacy
Reveal…Make a woman out of me
Reveal…When you're close it feels so right
Reveal…You and I reveal tonight

Reveal…You and I we feel so right
Reveal…You and I reveal tonight
Reveal…The way you make me feel so good
Reveal…It feels so right

Let me reveal myself
Let me reveal myself
Let me reveal myself
Let me reveal myself

Mark finally let himself breathe…God she looked beautiful.

The next morning Mark found himself on a plane to New York…for Brock and Jaden’s wedding…

Chapter 3

**Same Warning**

Meanwhile In New York at Brides-R-Us…Jaden was prancing around in her wedding gown…I said, “I can’t believe you’re getting married before me…” Jaden said, “Hey…if you would have taken my advice 6 months ago, after you saw Mark in the isle at your concert…and gone after him…you’d probably be engaged already if not married before me.”

I looked at the ground and said, “Nah…Mark wanted to be with that older lady…I know he didn’t want me…” Jaden said, “You do realize he is going to be at the wedding tomorrow…he is Brock’s best man…and you’re my Maid of Honor…which means you two will have to co-exist for about 2 hours…” I said, “Hell…he’s walking me down the isle after you two get hitched…and that’s it…everything else is done separately…Wait a minute…Jaden Marie…does he even know I’m going to be there?”

Jaden smiled coyly and said, “What?” I pinched her arm and said, “Jaden Marie Cage! Mark doesn’t know I’m going to be at the wedding? Great…just great…I swear if you don’t stop trying to play match maker…I’m going to strangle you…and before your own God Damn wedding…and don’t think I wont.” Jaden said, “C’mon…you guys are both behaving like a couple of idiots…you know I would never meddle in your business…but c’mon…2 people who clearly love each other can’t get their shit together…You guys need to just freaking’ tell each other how you really feel…get it out in the open already…do something about it…and stop acting like a couple of stubborn asses…”

I smiled and said, “Yes mother…” Jaden gave me the finger as she walked back into the dressing room to change back into her street clothes.” After Jaden came back out…she said, “I hope you’re fully prepared…” I said, “I’ll just stay out of sight until your wedding day…” Jaden said, “Erin…you’re supposed to be there for the rehearsal dinner…and the run through…plus you’re supposed to be at the bachelorette party…” I said, “Why do you have to make things so complicated for me? Damn it…I just want to be invisible until your wedding…and I don’t want to see Mark…you’re such a pain in the ass…”

Jaden smiled and said, “I know…now go to your place and you can meet us at the church tomorrow for the run through…and put on a God Damn happy face cause you already know Mark will be there…this is my wedding damn it…I want happy people not pissy ones…” I bowed to Jaden and said, “Yes master.”

We walked out of the bridal place with our dresses and headed for my apt.

The next day around 2:30 p.m. I had on a black ½ cotton and ½ polyester skirt on that had pockets on the side and came to about 3 inches above my knees…plus black my 2½ inched heeled, knee-high boots…and a red tank top with a matching cardigan over it…and I left my hair down.

I walked into the church and the only person I ran into was Mark…he was standing there just looking fine as hell…he didn’t see me or hear me come in…he was standing at the back of the church listening to one of Jaden’s friends explain a few things about the wedding…Mark had on his jeans, boots, sleeveless jean shirt and I know if he would have turned around he would have had the first 3 buttons undone…Mmm just enough chest to make anyone crazy…plus he had his wild mane in a low pony tail, with his bandana of course…

I walked up and said, “Having fun yet Mr. Callaway?” Mark turned and said, “Erin.” I smiled and we just stood there looking in each others eyes…we couldn’t tear our gaze from each other.

Chapter 4

**Mild Language**

I smiled and said, “Hi Mark.” Mark leaned over and brushed his lips against my cheek and said, “You look really good.” I said, “Thanks…so do you…” Mark said, “Get real…a retired wrestler who does body guard work…” I said, “I’m serious…you do look good…but of course you always did.” Jaden came running up and practically tackled me to the floor hugging me.

Brock walked over shacking his head at Jaden…He still couldn’t believe him and Jaden were actually getting married tomorrow afternoon.

I stood up and pulled Jaden up to her feet…I said, “Jesus Jaden…Kill me please.” Jaden laughed and said, “Sorry…I haven’t seen you since yesterday…I was just excited…I mean…HELLO…I’m getting married tomorrow…I won’t see you after that for 3 weeks…” I said, “Yes, well…If I was going to Hawaii for my honeymoon, I wouldn’t want to see anyone other then my husband for 3 weeks either…Hell…I wouldn’t even go all the way to Hawaii…Gimmie a house, a bed and 3 weeks with no cell phone or telephones and you would have to send out a search party to find me and my husband.”

Brock laughed with Mark and Jaden…Jaden said, “By the way, we moved the wedding.” I said, “Damn again?” Brock said, “There is a funeral scheduled for tomorrow…and we thought it best not to have a wedding right after a funeral…the smell of death might be a little too much.” I said, “So where to now?”

Jaden smiled and said, “The Hilton hotel….since we have so many guests staying there for the wedding…they said we could use their back area, free of charge, and plus cause it’s huge…so we went this morning and rented a gazebo…it’s going to be just as beautiful…and the weather channel said…no rain until this weekend…” I smiled and said, “Okay…have all the guests been informed?”

Mark said, “I already did that…I was appointed guest informant as soon as I walked through the doors.” I laughed and said, “Okay…so why are we rehearsing in the church?” Brock said, “The hotel is having the back area decorated and also cleaned up…so it will be ready for tomorrow…”

I said, “Ah…okay…so let’s finish up this rehearsal…and get the party started…I’m gonna run and make a few phone calls. I’ll be done in about 10 minutes…then dear old sister of mine…we have some serious partying to do…you’re last night as an unmarried woman…you my girl are getting shit faced with me.”

Jaden smiled and said, “Oh that sounds like so much fun…as long as we have mudslides I’m in…” I said, “Chocolate and Vodka? Please I wouldn’t go anywhere without it.” They all walked back up to the alter and finished the rehearsals as I went to the back of the church and walked into the coat room and called a few people on my cell phone.

When I finished, I turned around and just about jumped out of my own skin…Mark was standing behind me…I said, “Christ Mark…you scared the shit out of me.” Mark wrapped one of his arms around me, pulling me tight close to his body (God he felt good) and then put his index finger on my lips to silence me and said, “Is that any kind of way to speak in a church?” I smirked and the slowly ran my tongue up his index finger and kissed his finger tip. I instantly felt him get hard against my leg…Yup…I still had it.

I slid my hand between us and slowly stroked his erection once through his jeans…where I know he was painfully confined…and said, “My sir…is that a bible in your pocket…or are you just happy to see me?” Mark didn’t say anything…he didn’t have to…he captured my lips in a mind blowing kiss…I let a little moan escape my lips, and Mark immediately knew I was enjoying it…He pulled me closer, intensified the kiss, and slid one hand down and grabbed my ass…I thought my thighs were going to burst into flames…yup…he still had it too.

I heard Jaden calling my name and I pulled away from Mark…I swiped my thumb across his lips to remove my lipstick from his lips and said, “That shade of lipstick does nothing for you babe…we’ll continue this conversation at another time.” I winked and Mark said, “Fine with me Darlin’.” I walked out of the coat room and went to find Jaden. Mark soon followed…but not before re-adjusting the boys, his erection was painfully strained against the zipper of his jeans…

Later that night, since everyone in the wedding and everyone invited to the wedding were stayed at the hotel…we had the bachelor and bachelorette parties right across the hall from each other. Loud ass people…400 drunks trying to act like they aren’t drunk…I wasn’t drunk honestly…but I did get Jaden pretty toasted…she was swinging from the ceiling fan in her bra and panties…I was so tempted to take a few Polaroid’s and slip them under the door to Brock’s bachelor party. I took the pics, but decided blackmail was the best way to go.

I decided I needed to get some fresh air…I grabbed my glass of mudslide and walked out into the hallway…and leaned against the wall…About the same time, Mark walked out with his usual long neck bottle of beer. He said, “Don’t me and you have some unfinished business to discuss?” I smirked and said, “Probably…but I’m bordering on drunk and I wouldn’t want you taking advantage of me…I’m an innocent little girl.”

Mark laughed and said, “Well…for as long as I’ve known you…you’ve never been a little girl and you sure as hell aren’t innocent…especially from what you did to me at the church.” I giggled and said, “I was just checking to see if I still had the same effect on you that you had on me...” Mark said, “So did you?” I said, “Yup.” I walked over and stood in front of him and took his beer from him…I placed his beer and my glass on the ground next to us, as I stood up I rubbed my body against his…and stood on my tip toes and kissed his lips…

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, if that was possible…I ran the knuckle of my index finger up Mark’s ever present erection…Mark said, “You do that again and I’m going to make you take care of him…you teasing him is not helping…plus the fact I have to pee from drinking a lot of beer.”

Chapter 5

**Things of a SMUTTY Nature…who the hell am I fooling…it’s just plain old SMUT!**

I grabbed Mark’s hand and led him down the hall and pulled out a card key and opened the door to another hotel room…Mark said, “You’re or Jaden’s?” I smiled and said, “Mine…” I showed him to the bath room and while he peed I brushed my hair out…when he finished, he washed his hands and said, “You’re lucky I’m being nice…I better get back to the party.”

Mark started to walk away when I grabbed his hand and pushed him over to sit on the bed…I stood between his legs and said, “No…you’re lucky…cause I don’t feel like being nice right now.” Mark said, “Oh really?” I smiled and slowly let my body slide down his as I went to my knees and pushed Mark back a little as I undid his jeans and freed his painfully growing erection. I took it in my hands and slowly licked around the tip…

Mark let out a little groan…I smiled up at him and said, “Feel good baby?” Mark said, “God yes…it’s been a long time since you’ve done that.” I said, “Relax…I ain’t done yet.” I ran my tongue up the length of his erection and slowly slid the head in my mouth…coating it with my warm saliva…I began to slowly slide the rest of him into my mouth…all I could think was… ‘Thank God I don’t have gag reflex.’…otherwise I’d be puking my alcohol all over Mark’s pants right about now.

As soon as he was all the way in my mouth I sucked just a little and emitted a deep groan from the back of Mark’s throat. I started picking up the pace while I sucked and slid him in and out of my mouth…Mark said, “Jesus Christ, Erin…It feels so good.” I said, “Good…as long as my baby is happy.” Mark growled a little and said, “I’m not the only one whose gonna be happy tonight.” I smirked as I started pumping and sucking Mark harder…

Mark was writhing…he was trying to hold on to the tingly sensation that was jetting through his body…I could feel Mark’s boys tighten…he was so close to release…to top it all off…I slowly ran my teeth up the length of him…and it was pretty much his undoing…Mark said, “Oh God…Erin…you’re gonna make me cum.” I said, “So do it.” I plunged him all the way back in my mouth and Felt his seed explode into my VERY willing mouth…I swallowed every drop as Mark fell back against the bed spread out…

Mark sat up, as I stood up…he looked over at me and I smirked as wiped the corners of my mouth…Mark couldn’t say a thing but laugh. He grabbed me and pulled me on top of him as he laid back against the bed again…He kissed my lips so softly and said, “I think…it’s your turn.” Mark moved down my body and disposed of my boots, he slid my skirt up…up…up…until it was around my hips. Then he slid my panties down and threw them over his shoulder…he grabbed my thighs and pulled my down until my ass was on the edge of the bed…and he hung my legs over his huge shoulders…wow haven’t found myself in this predicament since the last time me and Mark made love…which was about 6 months ago 3 days before I left.

It felt weird to be like this with him…but in the same sense if felt wonderful. Mark pulled my slit open and saw exactly what kind of effect he was having on my body, he started blowing his warm breath on my throbbing clit…

I was not above begging…

I said, “Mark…please…” I did a full body shiver as Mark’s finger light brushed against my clit and VERY present wet center. Mark knew it wouldn’t take him long to get me to cum…and now that he knew that…he couldn’t wait…he dove in tongue first lapping at my sensitive clit…as he thrusted not 1, not 2, but 3…of his huge fingers inside of me…to keep my hips from bucking he held my hips down with his free arm. I had my fist clenched onto the sheets of the bed…and he grabbed my other hand and laced our fingers together…as he picked up the pace…he was coming at me fast and furiously…just like the movie…I finally couldn’t hold on anymore…I let my orgasm rip through my body…as I moan out, “Oh god Mmm Mmmmmmmmmmmmark.” Mark let his fingers ride me all the way through my orgasm…

As Mark helped clean me up…he pulled my skirt back down and sat on the bed licking his fingers like he just ate some BQ chicken…LORD…my senses were reeling…but I loved every minute of it. Mark walked out to the hall way and grabbed my mudslide and his beer…came back handed it to me and we sat on the bed drinking and stealing kisses for the rest of the night…

Mark said, “Why’d you leave Erin?” I said, “I was being stupid…I actually thought because you was spending so much time with that widowed lady, that you’d rather be with her then me…because of the age difference…I didn’t realize that I was only running away because I didn’t know how to tell you I loved you…and I got scared.” Mark said, “Erin…I never wanted anyone but you…I loved you so much…I scared the shit out of myself…I thought after what I went through with Sara…I could never love anyone again…but I was wrong.” I said, “I still love you Mark.” He said, “Good, because after what we just did to each other…I wasn’t about to go back home to Houston in 2 days without you.”

We kissed a few more time and ended up falling asleep in each others arms…

Chapter 6

**Same Warning (Ya know…Minus the Smut)**

In the morning, when I woke up, Mark was gone…but he left a note saying he’d see me at the wedding…I just out of bed showered and ran down to the “party room”. Every one was running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off…We finally got Jaden into her dress…she was so hung over...she cussed at me the whole way down to the lobby…I couldn’t help but laugh…every one was so hung over…I went over to check on Brock and the other boys…and they were all hung over…except for Mark…who I might add looked fucking HOT in his tux…

Mark walked over and said, “You look beautiful…you sure you’re not getting married?” I laughed and said, “Who on earth in their right mind…would want to marry me?” Mark brushed his lips on my neck and then kissed my ear and whispered, “Me.” I looked up at Mark and blinked a couple of times and said, “You’re insane.” Mark swatted my ass as I walked away…

All brides maid dresses consisted of Black satin…they were just really simple spaghetti strapped dresses…noting fancy…and then of course open toed black heels that buckled around the ankle. I left my hair down and put tons of spiral curls all the way through my hair…Well ceremony was under way…they were taking their vows…and me and Mark couldn’t keep our eyes off each other.

About 5 minutes before the wedding was over…these huge big black rain clouds started slowly shading the gazebo and the wedding guest…nothing coming out of them…but they were making their presence known.

Right after the ‘I do’…they had a nice slow kiss…probably shouldn’t have been slow…because right in the middle of the kiss…out of no where…15 gallons of rain escaped the hovering clouds and everyone was drenched within 5 seconds…didn’t matter how long it took to run into the hotel…every single person who was outside was drenched…Mark threw me over his shoulder and walked inside…where he was going with me…I didn’t have a clue…but he was in no way in any hurry to get there.

We finally came to a stop…and Mark opened a door and walked in…I saw his luggage and assumed it was his hotel room…I never even realized it was across the hall from mine…Mark stood me on my feet in front of him…he pulled his tux jacket off and then the shirt…kicked off those nagging ass shoes. Pulled the rubber band out of his hair…letting his tress flow or in this case drip freely…we were both soaking wet…Mark got down on one knee and unbuckled my shoes and threw them by the door…he stood up and we started kissing…

His hands slid down my body and he started slowly pulling up my dress, when he got it up around my waist…he grabbed my ass with both hands…Mark pulled away from my lips and said, “Some Naughty little girl isn’t wearing panties.” I said, “That isn’t all I’m not wearing.” Mark pulled the dress the rest of the way off…and my freezing cold breasts came in contact with his warm chest. His huge hands automatically covered my breasts in an attempt to warm them up…when it didn’t work…his mouth latched on to them and warmed them right up…

As Mark was walking me into the bedroom…he lost his pants and boxers. I looked down and saw Mark’s erection was huge…almost bigger then the night before…I said, “Gee, what are you going to do to me?” Mark said, “Well…I’m not going to make love to you…I’ve been waiting since last night…and all through that slow ass ceremony…and then when you got soaked by the rain I couldn’t wait any longer…I’m gonna fuck you Erin…plain and simple…I’ve waited 6 months to fuck you and make you mine permanently…and I’m going to do it right now…”

Word of warning…when a guy Mark’s size is stalking you around a bedroom…the worst thing you could possibly do is jump on the bed with your ass facing him. I made the mistake of doing it…and Mark grabbed my hips pulled me back to the edge of the bed and said, “You ready?” I said, “Ready as I’ll ever be baby.” Mark said, “Let me check…” He slid 2 fingers inside of me…and said, “Yup…you’re ready baby…Now Are you ready to get the shit fucked out of you?” I said, “Mark?” He said, “Yea baby?” I said, “Shut up and fuck me already.”

Mark gripped my hips and thrusted his erection into my soaking wet center…he wasn’t joking either when he said he was going to fuck the shit out of me…He started thrusting into me like a mad man…his fingers were digging into my hips, I balanced myself on my knees and grabbed his hands with mine and slowly ran them up my body and around my waist…Mark leaned over my back tight against his chest and he never stopped thrusting into me…he was kissing my neck and along my spine…at the pace we were going it didn’t take long for my orgasm to rack through my body…and as soon as Mark felt me cum, it triggered his…he growled loud as he exploded into my body…he rode out our orgasms…and hit the bed like a ton of bricks…

Mark turned me over and said, “Now you’re mine…forever.” I laid on him and said, “Good…” Mark said, “You do realize I was serious this morning when I said I was going to marry you…” I said, “I didn’t then…But I can tell now by the look in your eyes…you just let me know when and where…I’ll be there…will bells on…or in the case…leather pants…” Mark said, “I love you Erin..” I said, “I love you too Mark.” I laid my head on Mark’s chest and listened to his heart beat…we both let sleep take us over…

Chapter 7

**Mild Language**

- -4 Months Later- -

I was sitting in Mark’s living room, he was out on a job…and was going to be back in about 2 weeks…he’d been gone for 3 months…he called me every night and let me know how he was doing…

I suppose you’re wondering what happened 2 days later, when Mark said he wasn’t going back to Houston with out me…he wasn’t kidding…considering the next morning after Jaden and Brock’s wedding, we got married…So we’ve been married for 4 months…Jaden called me when her and Brock got to Hawaii and I told her Mark and I had gotten married…she was really happy for me…and then proceeded to yell at me, cause I got married without her being there for it…

As it was Jaden and Brock lived about 3 hours away from us in Austin…I would drive down on the weekends and see her…or her and Brock would come up and see me…

Anyways, I was sitting in the living room, staring at my wedding rings…it was so beautiful…it was a 3 stone diamond ring…the diamond in the middle was cut into a heart and then the two on the outside were cut into smaller hearts…on a silver bad and just a plain silver band for our wedding rings…Mark’s matched mine, but he kept it on a chain around his neck…he wasn’t about to lose it.

I was bounced out of my thoughts when the phone rang…I walked over and answered it, “Hello.” The voice said, “Erin Callaway?” I said, “Yes..” The voice said, “This is Dr. Malorka…I have your blood tests back…do you think you could come in for the results this afternoon?” I said, “Yes…I’ll be there about 3.” We said our good-byes…

Then phone and doorbell rang at the same time…

As I walked over to the front door, I answered the phone again, “Hello?” Mark’s deep southern accented voice came back with, “Hey Darlin’…” I opened the door and saw it was Jaden and Brock…I waved them in, pointed to the phone and mouthed ‘Mark’…they came in and closed the door and I said, “I love you, I love you, I love you…” Mark laughed and said, “I love you too baby…How are things going?” I said, “Fine…Hades has pretty much taken over you’re half of the bed…”

Mark said, “Damn dog.” I laughed and said, “You know what he’s thinking right?” Mark said, “No…what?” I said, “Same thing I am…you shouldn’t have left your wife by herself for 3 months.” Mark laughed again and said, “I’ll be home in a couple of weeks…he’d better be fully prepared to get his ass shoved out the door…cause I’m not letting you out of that bedroom for a week when I get home.”

I smiled and said, “Promise?” Mark said, “Yea…I promise…Listen, I just wanted to give you a quick call…I’m heading to lunch…I’ll call you again tonight.” I said, “Promise again?” Mark said, “Yup…I promise again…I feel like I’m promising my soul away.” I said, “Hey…you’re the ex-Undertaker…I think it’s about time someone got your soul…instead of you trying to snatch someone else’s.” Mark laughed and said, “Well…I’m glad its you darlin’..” I said, “Yea me too…I’ll talk to you tonight…I love you…be careful.” Mark said, “I love you too sweetie…I will…bye.” I said, “Bye.”

I hung up the phone and turned around to be faced with Brock and Jaden…she had this huge smile on her face…and I said, “Okay…spill it?” Jaden looked at Brock and Brock looked at Jaden and she squealed and said, “I’m gonna have a baby…you’re going to be an auntie…” I threw my arms around her and we hugged…and I gave Brock a hug and kiss on the cheek and said, “Damn you two work fast…How far along are you?” Jaden said, “Only 4 weeks..”

Chapter 8

**Same Warning**

I started laughing so hard…I couldn’t help it…I walked over and sat on the steps to the up stairs…Jaden said, “What’s going on Erin?” I said, “You know something we really are sisters…” Jaden smacked my arm and said, “What gives already Erin?” I laughed even harder…I laid back and didn’t realize Hades, Pain and Panic were behind me on the stairs…and I was laying on them…

I sat up and said, “I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and they took blood…my doctor called right before Mark…I have to go in and get the results at 3…but I may be pregnant also…I’m much farther along then you…but I didn’t start having symptoms till last week…” Jaden fell over on me hugging me…We started laughing…Brock couldn’t help but laugh at us too…I said, “Talk about some really good timing…” Jaden said, “Does Mark know yet?” I said, “No…I didn’t want to say anything until I was absolutely sure…but I’m going to wait until he’s home to tell him…”

So at 3 I drove into town while…Jaden and Brock were cooking dinner…they’d stay for 2 days and then would go back home…and then it would be my turn to visit them in Austin…

On the drive back I was absolutely tickled pink and blue…Jaden was so happy…she said, “Okay how far along are you?” I said, “Exactly 12 weeks…that very last time Mark and I made love, the night before he left on this trip…he got me pregnant…” Jaden said, “That’s hilarious…” I said, “I know…”

Jaden and Brock left 2 days later…As they pulled out of the drive way…the familiar big Silver Chevy pickup pulled into the drive way…Mark got out and walked over and stood at the bottom of the steps and stared at me in my very short jean shorts, and red tank top…no shoes…Mark said, “So…I finished the job early…and decided to come see how my baby girl was doing…” I said, “Oh…I’m fine…” I walked over and was standing on the 3rd step down…and pulled him to me and kissed him…

When I pulled away Mark said, “Whoa…what was that all about?” I said, “I have a surprise for you.” Mark said, “Really…what is it?” I said, “Remember the last time we had sex…3 months ago…the night before you left?” Mark said, “I remember very fondly…the only thing I had to remember you by…while I was gone…what about it?” I said, “Well…you’re an excellent shot…cause I’m exactly 12 weeks pregnant.” Mark said, “Are you serious?” I smiled and said, “Yup…good aim baby…” Mark scoped me up in his arms and said, “You ain’t seen nothing yet baby girl.”

I couldn’t help but laugh as Mark walked with me into the house…closed the door with his foot…I locked it and set the alarm…and he carried me up stairs and made love to me all night long…it was amazing…I didn’t realize how much I had missed him…

We were laying in bed around 4 am…and I was laying on my stomach staring at him…as he was rubbing my back…Mark said, “What’s wrong baby?” I said, “Nothing…I’m so happy…I didn’t realize how much I missed you until you came back today…” Mark said, “I missed you too sweetie…I didn’t want to leave…but I had to.” I said, “No…I know…I’m just glad you’re home…I love you Mark..” Mark smiled and said, “I love you too baby.” We wrapped in each others arms and fell asleep.

Chapter 9

**Mild Language**

3 month later, I was 6 months…and my belly was fairly out there.

3 months after that…I was 9…and Jaden was 7…but in true sister form…we both went into labor together…granted Jaden was 2 months early…the doctor said her baby was developed enough to where she could go ahead and deliver…I delivered first, cuss, ranting and raving at Mark the entire time…

I gave birth to a 6 lb…5 ounce Mini Mark…but we named him Jonathan Michael…Huge green orbs for eyes and just a small patch of strawberry blonde fuzz..

Jaden had a mini Brock…4 lbs 6 ounces, baby blue eyes and blonde fuzz…the obviously put him in a little incubator for him…the hospital only kept him for a month…he was strong enough to leave after just 30 days…Jordan Alexander was taken home…

A year later…I was doing a benefit concert…Mark was watching Jonathan while I was getting ready to go on stage…Mark said, “Are you feeling okay?” I said, “Mark…I’m 2 months pregnant…I feel like I’m bloated and I think I’m gonna puke again…but other then that…I feel fine.” Mark gave me a quick kiss on the head and said, “For what it’s worth…you look beautiful…and I love you.” I smiled and said, “I love you too…thanks sweetie…” Mark said, “Knock ‘em dead.” I said, “I’m not knocking anyone dead…This song is for you…You get your ass out there with Jaden and Brock and listen to it…”

Mark said, “Well then, okay Sassy Ass…” Mark walked away laughing and holding onto Jonathan…he sat down with Jaden, Brock, Jonathan and Jordan…I was announced and walked out…

The Music Started…

Forgive me
Don’t know where to start
I guess we’ve come to
The serious part
I need to find out
If there’s a chance
For us…

Don’t give me that same old look
It won’t win me over
Don’t give me that same old speech
You don’t have to speak at all

You can say
You love me
That I’m your perfect crush
How it hurts
To need someone that much
You can swear you mean it
But that ain’t good enough
Cuz when a man love’s a woman
It is all
In his touch

I wish you could see…yea
Just how simple
It’s supposed to be

‘Cause now that we’ve come this far
We don’t want to lose it
If you want to win my heart
Baby just shut your mouth

You can say
You love me
That I’m your perfect crush
How it hurts
To need someone that much
You can swear you mean it
But that ain’t good enough
Cuz when a man love’s a woman
It is all
In his touch

…Then words don’t mean that much

You can say
You love me
That I’m your perfect crush
How it hurts
To need someone that much
You can swear you mean it
But that ain’t good enough
Cuz when a man love’s a woman
It is all
In his touch


Mark and I we survived everything, from my stalker, to bullets, to being separated by stupid stuff…but in the end we were brought back together…and I’m really glad…because I love him with all my heart…I don’t think I would of ever met anyone else, that is like him…I can’t imagine living my life without him…and like the words to the song… ‘When a man love’s a woman, it is all…in his touch’…it’s true…we never needed words…we spoke with touches, kisses, and the love we shared for one another…

The End.