Darkness Rises

(Sequel to Darkness Falls)


Chapter 1

**Mild Language**

As Kane was standing in the ring staring at his 3 latest victims…Albert…Test…Big Show…He thought ‘When I’m finished…they’ll be finished’…As the bell rang, Kane went absolutely crazy on the 3 men standing before him…This match was for a shot at the WWF World Heavy Weight Championship Belt…which was currently being held by Kurt Angle…Kane knew he wasn’t doing it for just himself…he was doing it for her too…He wrestled for her every time he got in the ring. She was his lifeline…she made life worth living for…to him at least.

At times Kane was much closer to Nina then anyone else…including his brother the Undertaker…Taker had watched his little brother slowly slip away…he knew he lost everything when he lost his wife…Kane knew Nina would be back soon…he could feel it in his veins…he looked down at his hand and saw the tan line where his wedding band had been…he couldn’t wait to finish the match to get back to his dressing room and put it back on…he always took it off cause he couldn’t wrestle with it on. Taker and Sara’s daughter Amelia was a little over a year old…His son would have been the same age…if she wouldn’t have lost him…

Though it wasn’t her fault…the vicious rape forced her body to lose the baby…but it still hurt just the same…She lost so much blood that night…he remembers seeing the nurse go down to the blood bank on the 2nd floor at least 6 times…not to mention how many times she went before he had gotten there…he never left her side for nothing during the night…he remember vividly when she woke up in the morning, Nina was anemic, very pale and had lost the light that was once in her eyes…

Nina pulled the covers back on the bed and asked him to join her and just hold her…Kane didn’t even hesitate for a second…he closed the blinds turned the lights off…and removed his mask…he knew how much she hated him to wear it…slid into bed behind her and then pulled his wife’s tiny frame against his large body and enveloped her in his arms…

Kane snapped out of his deep thoughts of his wife as the Big Shows body went slamming through 3 tables with a sickening !!CRASH!! Smashing into the 2 beaten and bloodied bodies of Test and Albert…Kane then realized he had been the one who hauled Big Shows carcass up to the top of the cage after methodically stacking one man in between the tables and then sending Show through all three tables…crushing the other two men…Kane said, “That……was for Nina.”

After the referee had checked to make sure the 3 men were either unconscious because of concussions or injuries…Kane climbed down the outside of the cage and was declared the winner…for obvious reasons…Kane knew McMahon would have something to say about jumping off the script…but wasn’t about to take any shit from anyone…

Kane walked through the curtain and was immediately greeted by a very irate Vince McMahon…Arms and legs flailing all over the place…he was spitting nails cause he was so pissed…but wasn’t smart enough to stay out of Kane’s face…Taker stood off to the side and just let Vince dig his own grave…

Vince said, “Kane…I might have to suspend you for doing the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen a wrestler do…what gives you the right to act like a monster in that ring…you’re still employed by me…which means you follow my rules…and if you don’t you pay for it…ever since you and your redneck brother took it upon yourselves to avenge your wife’s rape…you’ve been walking around like your untouchable…well let me make one thing perfectly clear…you are not untouchable…just because Nina left you…doesn’t give you the right to act like an animal…you had better start watching yourself…Are you even listening to me? Kane Do you understand?”

Chapter 2

**Same Warning**

Kane had enough…he grabbed Vince’s collar and slammed him spine first into the cinder block wall with his feet dangling 3 feet off the ground and said, “Stay out of my way…tell everyone to stay out of my way…you’re the one who wrote me into scripts as some kind of monster, if you’re going to do that…then that’s how I will be…a monster…and I swear Vince…if I ever hear you talk about my wife ever again…I will not be responsible for what I do to you…Do you understand Vince?” All Vince could do was piss his pants and nodded yes that he was fully comprehending what Kane had said to him. Kane dropped him with a nasty THUD on the concrete floor below…

Kane turned and Taker walked over and said, “Pushing it weren’t you little brother?” Kane pointed his right gloved index finger in his brothers face stopping inches from his nose and said, “You can stay out of my way too.” Kane turned and walked down to his dressing room...ever since Nina had left, Kane wasn’t staying in the Ministry’s dressing room…and Taker wasn’t about to push the issue.

Sara was watching her daughter Amelia sleep on the couch next to her…and looked at the dressing room door as it opened and Taker entered…Sara said, “How’d Kane’s match go?” Taker said, “Not good…I really hope for Kane’s sake that Nina returns soon…otherwise he’s going to self destruct…I hate seeing him like this…he’s just not doing good…he’s not even himself anymore.”

Sara said, “So let me ask you something serious…What do you think about Nina leaving?” Taker sat down in the metal fold up chair across from Sara as he ran his hand through his hair…and said, “Honestly…I don’t know…In a way I can’t really blame her for leaving cause we don’t have a clue what the hell she was going through…I know I can’t begin to imagine what she felt when those 3 morons raped her…but in another way…I think she’s selfish cause she just left Kane by himself…she didn’t even find out how he was taking everything…she just walked out on him….their marriage…the ministry…we could of helped her get over it…but she kept distancing her self more and more every day…I just wish there was a way to find her…If I could just look for her.”

Sara said, “Mark…you know you can’t go looking for her…believe me if she doesn’t want to be found…she’ll hide away until she does want to be found…or at least until she’s ready to be with Kane again…they have some healing to do…but I think once she comes back to Kane…the healing will be done…It’s a marriage not dating…they love each other very much…and you can’t force her to come back if she doesn’t want to…”

Taker said, “Yes…I know I can’t force her…I just wish I could do something…hell anything…I’m losing my brother faster then the Titanic sank…he loves her so much…I can feel it every time I’m around him…but I wish she could feel it…” Sara sat on Taker’s lap and said, “Mark…Nina feels it…she knows your brother loves her very much…just like he can feel how much she loves him…they will come together soon…you wait and see..” Taker looked at his wife skeptically…but knew she was right…she just had that kind of wisdom about things.

Chapter 3

**Mild Language**

It’s been a year and a half since I walked away from my family and husband to help myself recover…I got in touch with an old friend who like me had been born into being a witch…so things just came naturally for her as well…I hadn’t missed a wrestling show on TV since I left…I want to watch Kane and make sure he was doing okay without me…

As Jaden and I sat there watching his match tonight…I knew he was wrestling for me…I always knew…he was looking more beautiful then ever…he’d acquired more muscles in the arms, chest and thigh area…The longer I sat there watching his muscles work overtime to throw his 3 huge opponents around the ring…the longer I realized he’s got muscle in places I didn’t know he could have muscle…

I thought back to when I would run my cold finger tips across his back and watch the muscles ripple…and he’s chase after me because of my cold hands…he’d catch me and wrap his arms around me…and I could feel the heat radiating off his huge body…I was always in heaven…I came back to reality as the referee signaled Kane as the winner…and Kane walked up the ramp and turned around to acknowledge his fans…I went over and kissed his face on the TV and said, “Soon my love…we’ll be together again…soon.”

I shut the TV off and Jaden said, “Well isn’t that sweet…you and the giant are so domesticated now huh…I bet you guys want to have a ton of babies…” I smiled and said, “A couple wouldn’t kill me…” We got up and went to the bedrooms and finished our packing for the trip tomorrow…

I could hear Jaden’s thoughts running around in her head…she thought ‘Oooo…Just wait until I until I get Edge…hook, line and sinker….he will totally be mine and he can ravage my body when ever he feels it necessary.’ I giggled and said, “I heard that.” She said, “Tapping into my thoughts again…” I said, “And why not…you’re inside mine…” She said, “Yes…but all I see is Kane, Kane, Kane…It’s a good thing you’re married to the man…otherwise anyone else would think you’re completely out of your mind. Have you been thinking about the vegetables you soul sucked?” I said, “Of course…it would be difficult not too…”

Jaden shook her head and said, “What a shame I wasn’t with you when you soul sucked them…Vegetables deserved to be boiled…you shouldn’t have soul sucked them…they don’t ever deserve to get their souls back…but if you ever decided to give them back…let me know…cause I would just love to boil them…” I smiled…and said, “Alright…deal…now what’s this I see about you going after poor defenseless Edge?” Jaden laid across the bed and said, “You’ve been around Edge for a long time…tell me something about him no one knows…”

I smiled and said, “When he thinks no one is looking…he can be really sweet when he wants to be…and he doesn’t show it to anyone…but he’s a big romantic…he’s more domestic then anyone else in the Ministry…and loves to be in love…I think if you just walk up and tell him exactly how you feel about him…or show him….you’d snag him without him even knowing it…” Jaden had an evil grin on her face and said, “I think I just got a plan in my head…I hope he doesn’t mind.”

I said, “Edge? Mind? Get real…he wouldn’t care…especially if what ever you’re going to do to him is coming from you and not someone else…” Jaden said, “You’re not going to crawl around in my mind and check it out?” I said, “Nope…I’ll keep out…and you can surprise him and then I’ll get the floor show later…Now go finish packing we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow…” Jaden reluctantly got up and went to her own room and finished packing her things up..

Chapter 4

**Same Warning**

As I laid there in bed that night…I didn’t do much sleeping…all I could think about was getting back to Kane…I missed him very much…and just wanted to be in his arms again…I kept playing with my rings on my ring finger and thought the two times in my life when Kane had given me these two rings…

I never thought I could love anyone more then what I already was…but Kane had proved me wrong…when he asked me to marry him…my love for him shot through the roof…and then when we took our vows to be together until we died…My love just kind of poured out and surrounded both of us…

Kane leaned down to seal it with a kiss…and it was amazing…I though for my first kiss as a married lady it was totally unforgettable…And every time he kissed me after that it was just as strong each time…I looked over at our wedding picture…and drifted to sleep just as the sun was coming up…I got about 3 hours of sleep…but it was okay…cause I knew by night fall I’d be back in Kane’s arms.

I was right the trip back to Houston was a long one…but well worth it…we made it to Taker’s by sunset…So with Jaden standing next to me…I knocked on the door…After a few minutes Gangrel came to the door and said, “Holy shit!…Nina’s back…Hey everyone…Nina’s back!!” Sara tackled me first with a huge hug…and I said, “Sara…this is my friend Jaden…her family was also born into witch craft…so she’s actually my mirrored best friend…except sometimes her spells get a little crazier then mine.”

Jaden and Sara shook hands…and I said, “Sara…How’s Kane?” Sara said, “Not good…he’s been missing you completely crazy since you’ve been gone…he’s up stairs in your guy’s bedroom…I think he was going to take a nap…” I said, “And Taker?” She said, “Nina…I honestly don’t know what he’s going to do to you cause you left…but he left for a while and should be back any time…Go see Kane…”

I nodded and walked up the stairs…I came to our bedroom door but it was locked…I touched the key hole and heard the lock snap unlocked…I opened the door to the dark room…and closed the door behind me…The moon light that filled the room made Kane’s sleeping form on our bed beautiful…even though he was already a beautiful person to my eyes…I wanted to cry and run to him…but I knew better then to wake him up by startling him…

I slowly walked over and touched his bare arm…he was laying in just his levis…he hated wearing shirts when he slept…he hated wearing shirts period…they were too binding on his muscle filled chest and arms…as I touched his bare arm…the muscles slowly rippled under my light touch…I leaned down and kissed his lips so softly…

Kane started stirring a little and opened his eyes and said, “I miss you so much Nina…I wish you were really here..” He closed his eyes and I said, “Does this feel like something you’d get in a dream?” I leaned over and kissed his lips again…this time he kissed back…and his arms went around me…he pulled me to his body as he turned over and I ended up on my back with my legs draped across his legs and he was laying on his side…and we never stopped kissing…when we did stop…I smiled and touched his cheek…he had his mask off…

Kane said, “It really is you…I missed you so much Nina…” I said, “I know sweetie…I can feel it…I’m sorry I hurt you when I left.” He said, “No…it’s okay…I understood why you did it…and I don’t blame you…I’m just glad you’re home…I love you so much…” I said, “I love you too big man…” We continued to kiss and get reacquainted with each other…

Chapter 5

**Mild Language + a little Explicit Language**

We sat there kissing for about 20 minutes…when the door to our room was kicked open…Kane and I jumped apart…and Taker was standing there looking at us…and looked as if he was about to have steam come out of his ears and nose…he walked over and grabbed my bad hand…my right hand that Triple H had broken…it was still bothering me…Taker dragged me down the hallway and as we were coming down stairs…Sara stood at the bottom of the stairs and said, “Mark…what ever you’re thinking…don’t do it…I’m serious Mark…don’t.”

I was trying to pull my hand away from Taker, cause his grip was getting more painful…I said, “Taker…stop…let go you’re hurting me.” Taker said, “Sara stay out of it…this doesn’t concern you…She must be punished for leaving the Ministry.” Taker turned towards the basement and Kane stood there he had put his mask back on and taker said, “Don’t get in my way little brother…” Kane said, “If you do it…You’ll lose me…that will be it…I’ll walk and you can figure out your own God Damn Ministry.” Taker said, “I lost you a long time ago…after she left.”

Taker turned to me and said, “What give you the fucking right to just walk out of this house without saying a word to anyone…making us worry about you…and then one day just walk back in like you’re somebody…You’re no body little girl…you’re no body…the only reason you’re somebody now is because my brother felt sorry for you and married your ass…I sat here day after day after day for the last 18 months and watched my little brother go through unimaginable pain because his wife…you……left him…because you needed to heal. What makes you think he didn’t need to heal…he was completely lost without you…mentally…and emotionally…he tore through wrestlers at work like they were nothing…he threatened Vince McMahon…because he said your name…He could of lost his job…and he could of lost his life with all the dangerous shit he’s been pulling in the ring since you left…What the fuck makes you so God Damn special huh?”

I said, “I’m only special because Kane chose to marry me…I love him more then anything…if someone was to come up and tell me Kane had to die…I would do anything to keep that from happening…I would rather it be me then him…I had to leave Taker…don’t you get that…I had to leave.” Taker got pissed and back handed me…I flew about 3 feet and landed on my ass…Taker said, “Don’t talk back to me…I’ve taken just about enough of your sass…you need to be punished and that’s exactly what’s going to happen.”

Jaden surrounded herself with electricity and levitated in the middle of the room…as soon as I saw her…I knew she was going to zap Taker…I jumped up and stood in between them and said, “Jaden NO! Don’t do it…” Taker looked at her as her feet came back to the floor…but her eyes were still glowing white…Taker said, “What the hell is this?” I said, “She’s a friend who helped me heal…she has a special gift…and was about to show you how special you were to her…” Taker back handed me again…and this time…Kane grabbed him and they started fighting it out in the den…

I jumped up and said, “Knock it off…” Me and Sara shoved them apart…and I said, “Taker…you don’t have a clue what it feels like do you? No…because you’ve never been tortured and raped by two monsters…I had to leave…end of story…”

Taker got in my face…and said, “Yea…well…I wish I could because then I would be able to understand how you can be such a heartless bitch…to leave Kane that way.”

I said, “Watch what you wish for…if you want to feel it…you can.”

Taker said, “Fine…do it then.”

I said, “Wish granted.” I buckled his knees with my foot so he was on his knees in front of me…Taker said, “Oh….very cute…” Before he could finish…I put my hands palm down on his chest and said, “Feel Everything.”

My head snapped back and my eyes glowing black as the spell took over my body…At that moment everything from the beginning of the rape to when I left Kane to when I got healed went rushing from my body into Takers…and he literally felt everything…Every thrust from the monsters…every tear I cried…and heard every time my mind called out to Kane…Taker couldn’t move it was like we were stuck together with glue…Jaden was keeping everyone back cause she knew if anyone touched us…they’d feel it too…

When the memories were over, the spell was over…Taker just flopped on the ground like a dead fish…Sara ran over and knelt beside him and said, “What did you do to him…” I looked at her and my nose had started to bleed from when Taker back handed me and I said, “I gave him his wish…he’ll always know what it feels like to be raped and tortured by two men…and not be able to do a damn thing about it…he’s fine Sara…he’ll sleep until morning…but he’ll never forget tonight…I’ve always had nothing but respect for him…and the love from this family…he’s never hit me before…and I really wish he wouldn’t have done that tonight…I’m going to hate him for that…”

I turned and Kane took my hand and we went back upstairs and slept in each others arms through the whole night…

Chapter 6

**Mild Language**

I was right in the morning…Taker was awake and growling at everyone, trying to be his big bad self but…he still had the memories I transferred to him…and he was actually pretty miserable on the inside…Sara knew it…but she also knew I did it so he could understand why I left…I stayed out of his way and he just went on about the Ministry’s business…Kane and I got re-acquainted with each other and were happier more and more every day…

After 3 months had gone by Taker was starting to feel the pain of not getting much sleep because nightmares about my rape kept him from it…he wanted to forget all of it...and knew to do that he’d have to ask me and Jaden to help him…but he wasn’t ready to ask for help yet…Sara saw it in him and knew he was too proud to ask…and also too ashamed for what he had done, with hitting me twice and also trying to punish me for leaving…Sara knew it was a matter of pride and shame…he was a stubborn ass…but she knew when he was ready to confront me and talk he would do it on his own.

Mean while…Jaden in HOT pursuit of Edge…she kept sending naked images of herself to Edge…he’d be sitting there at the dinner table and go into one of those full body shakes…cause then he would have to see her sitting across from him looking all seductive…and knew he wouldn’t be able to make it through dinner with out getting a hard on…he really wanted to use it on her…but also didn’t know if she was the one sending those images to his brain or if he had a really active imagination…and he wasn’t about to ask her about it…he didn’t want her thinking he was some kind of pervert.

The day finally came when Jaden and I walked into the hospital to face Triple H, Ric Flair and Batista…I stared at them for a while, as they were still cross eyed and drooling…Jaden said, “Girl…I really think you’ve become way too domesticated…are you sure you want to give them back their souls?” I said, “No, I’m not sure…but I know it’s the right thing to do…” Jaden reluctantly stood beside me and she said, “Are you sure I can’t play with them first?”

I said, “JADEN!…C’mon I just want to do this and get out of here…they have suffered enough…18 months of being zombies…their bodies have fully healed after what Kane and Taker did to them…so it’s time to let them live their life…what ever it is they are going to be doing…besides after being in a coma state for 18 months…they’ll need loads of physical therapy…they won’t be returning to the ring anytime soon…” Jaden said, “Oh…alright…Are we doing the spell backwards?” I nodded…

Jaden and I raised our hands and starting chanting the spell I used before backwards…

Eturnity o todo para sofrerão mim de antes mens dos almas três as…inoperante do não e…vivo do não…

Eturnity o todo para sofrerão mim de antes mens dos almas três as…inoperante do não e…vivo do não…

Eturnity o todo para sofrerão mim de antes mens dos almas três as…inoperante do não e…vivo do não…

Eturnity o todo para sofrerão mim de antes mens dos almas três as…inoperante do não e…vivo do não…

After a couple of minutes the spell took over and our eyes glowed white…as the white hole appeared above the 3 mens beds and slowly snaked their souls back into their lifeless bodies…

Chapter 7

**Same Warning**

When the huge white hole disappeared and our eyes stopped glowing…the 3 men sat up in bed like they had been sleeping for months…Triple H saw me standing there with a girl and said, “Nina….what the fuck are you doing here?”

I smiled evilly and said, “Taking care of some business boys… Em um tempo de 3 segundos... você men não recordará nada.”

(In 3 seconds time...you men will remember nothing)

Jaden and I walked out of the room and that was it…Jaden said, “When did you become such a stuffed shirt…the least you could of done was let me play with them for a while…” I said, “Nah…it wouldn’t have been worth it…go find Edge and play with him…you need to stop teasing that boy and just make your move on him.” Jaden smiled and said, “Eh…maybe you’re right…I do love it when he gets up trying to hide a hard on that I gave him…” I said, ‘You’re so evil..” She laughed and said, “You’re so right.”

We got back to Taker’s house and Kane was sitting on the porch waiting for me…Jaden went inside to do some more mind teasing on Edge…I walked up to Kane and said, “What’s wrong big man?” Kane looked down and he said, “You know I’d never ask you to do anything against your own will right?” I touched his shoulder and said, “Yes…why?” Kane said, “I know you’re mad at my brother…but can you help him please…” I said, “I wish I could Kane…but technically I can’t…he’s got to want the help…he’s got to come and ask me…believe me I would help him if I could…” Kane nodded and knew that it was up to his brother.

I wrapped my arms around Kane’s neck and said, “Now…as for you sir…Have you kissed your wife today?” Kane said, “No…but it wasn’t because I didn’t want to…she disappeared on me this morning…so I couldn’t…” I said, “Yes…well now is the perfect time to do so…since she’s dying to feel her husband’s lips on her…” Kane stood up to his full height…he looked so good…he took my face gently in his hands and captured my lips with his…his tongue snaking into my mouth to caress my tongue…as the kiss ended and I pulled away, I ran my teeth off his bottom lip…and started to walk away…

Kane grabbed me and scooped me up into his arms, I places me arms around his neck and said, “May I help you sir?” Kane said, “Not yet…but in a couple of minutes you can…” I laughed as Kane carried me into the house and upstairs to our room…As soon as we walked through the door he set me on my feet and then closed and locked the door behind us…

I was leaning against one of the bed posts watching Kane as his beautiful body made it’s way towards me…he really did have a cute saunter…as he got closer he pulled his t-shirt off…and I felt my breath catch in my throat at the sight of his chest…he walked past me…and I just stayed facing the other way…I saw his shadow go over and close the drapes and blinds…I saw his shadow as he removed his mask and threw it on the dresser…

Chapter 8

**Same Warning + Sexual Content**

I stood really still cause even with as quiet as Kane was…I could still hear him walking softly across the wooden floor and stand behind me…and his large hand snaked around my waist as his lips attached to my neck…I said, “Mmm…I missed this the most when I left.” Kane unbuttoned my levis and slowly slid his hand down the front of my pants and inside my panties…he got just exactly the reaction out of my that he wanted…when he touched his finger tip on my clit and I sucked in my breath…

Kane said, “I really missed this when you were gone…” I couldn’t help but giggle at his sexual reference…Kane pulled my shirt off and then he slowly started pulling my levis and panties down my long legs…and he picked up one foot and as he was pulling them completely off me he was kissing my hips, outer and inner thighs…coming dangerously close to some very sensitive areas at that moment…as he stood up…his tongue started at my clit and slid up to my navel and flicked over my navel ring, up my stomach, went to each nipple and gave them some special much needed attention, and then kept sliding up my neck, nipping with his lips at my collar bone and then outlining my lips as I slowly opened my mouth and his tongue slid in.

The kisses got a little more intense as I tried to discard his levis…but we didn’t exactly get that far…I could feel his erection growing bigger and bigger…this had been the first sexual contact we’d had since before I left…so pretty much almost 2 years between us with no sex at all…this was going to be brutally rough, intense…and extremely welcomed…

I climbed on the bed on my hands and knees, and Kane said, “Stop…don’t move…stay right there…” He could see just exactly how turned on I was by him…he stood behind me at the end of the bed…and pulled my hips towards him…and I said, “Kane what are you up too?” His breathing was getting ragged and he said, “I’m not waiting one minute longer to be with you…” I stuck my ass out more…and Kane released his painful erection from his levis…and slowly and extremely gently slid into me…I gasped…I had almost forgotten how big he was and also how good he felt inside of me…

Kane said, “I’m not hurting you am I?” I said, “No sweetie…I just forgot how good you felt inside of me…and believe me…you feel great inside me…where you should be…” Kane let out a half grunt and half laugh and said, “Believe me the feeling is mutual…you feel good wrapped around me…I can’t believe how tight you are baby…don’t move until I do or this will end fast.” I said, “Good…cause then we can recoup fast and do it again.” I pushed back as hard as I could…Kane let out this animalistic growl…and I said, “Oops…did I do that?” As I pushed back again…

Kane growled again…I looked over my shoulder at him and I knew he was trying to hold off his impending climax…but I just had to egg him on…and started thrusting back against his erection…Kane grabbed onto the bed posts…and just let me do all the work…my feet were curled around his thighs and I could feel his thigh muscles getting tighter and tighter and knew he was about to explode…as soon as he let bed posts go and wrapped his arms tight around my waist as he was bent over me with his chest tight against my back…he slammed into me as hard as he could and at the same time we both climaxed and I felt his seed explode deep inside my body…

Chapter 9

**Same Warning + More Sexual Content**

Kane stumbled backwards…and his ass hit the floor and I spun around and he was sitting on the floor with both his knees bent up and his elbows resting on his knees and his hair all in his face…and his breathing was returning normal…I laid on my stomach and watched him recover from that crazy ass orgasm we both just had…he looked cute in a vulnerable way…he also looked spent….

I got up and grabbed one of his t-shirts and put it on…then got down in front of him on my hands and knees…and moved closer…I moved his hair out of his face and said, “Baby…are you okay?” Kane said, “Yea…I’m fine…that was just kind of intense..” I giggled and said, “Yea…it was extremely intense…but it’s okay…It was amazing.” He said, “Yea…it was.” Kane leaned back and fixed his levis to where they were zipped and buttoned again…and as he sat up…I moved around and sat straddled on his lap…

Kane slid his hands under my butt and suddenly realized I wasn’t wearing anything but his t-shirt…he had this shocked look on his face and said, “Babe…you naughty little thing….you don’t have any panties on…” I laughed and said, “Kane…I just had sex with my husband…I wanted to check on you before I ran and got dressed… besides…after what we just did I think it’s okay…” Kane started trailing kisses up my throat and to my lips and said, “Yea…but the real question is…are you ready for round 2?” I looked at him and said, “When am I ever not ready big man?”

Kane moved around and with me still on him, he moved up into a squat and I wrapped my legs around his waist…and with those amazing thigh muscles of his…he stood up to his full height…and I held on tight…Kane said, “Nina…I’m not going to drop you babe…” I said, “I know…it’s just a long way to the floor if I slip off…” Kane maneuvered us around and said, “Well then I’ll give you some added incentive to not slip…” Kane pulled my body higher with one arm as his hand went down and released his already growing erection…and as he slid me down to around his waist again, he slid inside of me again…

I was thoroughly shocked…I wasn’t expecting him to do that…When he saw the look on my face he had to laugh and said, “See…now you won’t slip at all…I’m literally holding you into place…” Blush crept into my cheeks…I was unaware of my husbands ability to make me blush…Kane said, “Awww…honey you’re not all of a suddenly getting shy on my now are you?” I laughed a little and said, “No…I’ve just never been shocked quite like this before…especially from you…”

We started kissing and Kane walked over and bent over and put me down on the bed on my back…and he started thrusting in and out of me again….only this time he was doing all the work…I knew it wouldn’t be long before we both flew over the edge again…we were enjoying our love making way to much…

Kane grabbed my knees and pushed them up a little and then held onto my thighs….and was pushing himself deeper into me…which was absolutely driving me insane…Kane leaned over and we started kissing again…and he pushed my thighs a little more and went even deeper into me and he said, “Oh…god Nina I love you baby…but you are so going to make me……” and before he could finish I said, “I love you too Kane…” And we both climaxed again…Kane thrusted a few more times as our climaxes were ripping through our bodies…and I could feel his seed ripping through my insides…

Kane laid on the bed next to me and wrapped his arms around me…and we fell asleep…but not for the rest of the night….every time one of us woke up…the other would wake up and we’d make love again…I think after counting all the times we made love…we came up with the number 9…and then it moved to 10 by the time the sun came up the next morning…cause as soon as the sun started rising…we made love once again…

Can you say sore? Or tired? I can.

Chapter 10

**Mild Language**

After a few more weeks of Taker letting the memories of my rape torture him…he finally came looking for me. I was sitting in the bathroom looking at the pregnancy test I had just taken and was overwhelmed…I couldn’t believe it, after everything I’d been through…I was pregnant…If I calculated right, only 4 weeks…but it was a good feeling…Taker came in our room and sat on the bed waiting for me to come out…when I did…I stopped in my tracks…and he stood up and said, “I really need your help…please.”

I said, “You need my help…why me?” Taker said, “Cause you’re the one who gave me these memories…and I don’t want to have them anymore…I kept them as long as I could, because I wanted to feel everything you went through…and I know now…why you left…and I don’t blame you…I’m just mad at myself for not realizing it sooner…and I know I back handed you twice…and you really don’t have to help me…but I’m asking for you to…I’m not at begging yet…but this is more of a pleading thing…”

I said, “Taker, you know something, you’re right…I don’t have to help you…and believe me…if I didn’t know what you was going through right now…I’d make you suffer as much as I did…but since I know what it feels like…I’ll ask Jaden to do the memory ceremony…”

Taker said, “By why aren’t you doing it?” I said, “Right now, I can’t…but Jaden is much better with the memory ceremony then me anyways…her powers are much more advanced then mine, hell she can do things I could never dream of doing.” Taker said, “Why is that anyway? I thought you guys went to the same sorcerer’s school.” I said, “Yea, we did…but Jaden was far more advanced in her studies…I use mine to protect me and the people I love around me…Jaden…well…is just Jaden…she uses them when ever, where ever…and for what ever reason…if you haven’t noticed Edge has had his hands a little full lately…”

Taker said, “You mean Jaden is smitten with Edge?” I said, “I know it’s more then smitten and I know you know it’s more then smitten…wouldn’t you say?” Taker started laughing deep from the back of his throat and couldn’t get over watching Edge, when he was around Jaden…

I said, “Now…you know why he acts so funny, he’s been trying to fight the forces of her love spell…she hates waiting for guys to just fall in love…and so if she loves them…and reads there mind and knows they love her…she just throws a spell at them to speed up the process…but Edge is a tad stronger mentally…and is trying to deny the feelings…” Taker said, “It’s not working very good…I just came from down stairs and Jaden had him cornered in the kitchen.”

I said, “She must be ready to pounce.” Taker said, “Yea…well he looked awfully scared too…” I said, “I should probably go down there and make sure Edge is okay.” I went to walk past Taker and he grabbed my hand and I stopped and looked back at him and he said, “Nina…I really am sorry about hitting you and trying to punish you…I never meant to hurt you…I invited you into the family…and I shouldn’t have let my temper get the best of me.” I said, “Listen…I fully understand why you was trying to protect Kane from being hurt, but you shouldn’t have hit me…it wasn’t worth me hating you for it…I better go.”

I walked out and down the stairs looking for Edge and Jaden...but surprise, surprise…neither were no where to be found. Of course, that was until I opened the closet to grab my jacket, to go outside looking for Kane…and came across the two of them, sweating it out in the closet…of course clothes were still on…but as far as Edge holding out…it wasn’t going to happen…he caved pretty hard. I pulled my jacket out and said, “Geez you two…go in a room upstairs…you’re giving every one a really nice show.” And closed the door back…I pulled my jacket on and walked out the front door.

Chapter 11

**Same Warning**

Kane was over walking the tree line with Sara…and they were talking…I couldn’t tell what they were discussing…but whatever it was...it was a pretty intense conversation. I walked over and Kane automatically wrapped his arms around me…and held me close to his body…Sara said, “I’m assuming Mark came to talk to you..” I said, “Yea…I can’t help him with this one…but as soon as Jaden gets done tearing up Edge in the closet…I’ll let her know.” Kane looked down at me and said, “What?” I said, “Oh, Jaden finally made her move on him.” Kane and Sara started laughing…

Sara said, “I better go check on Lord Pain in the Ass himself…he’s been a brut lately…” I said, “Don’t worry Sara…he’ll be back to his normal brut self in a few days.” Sara said, “Thanks Nina.” I said, “Sure…I think we have an understanding now…” Sara said, “Good…it was hard to see you guys not talking…” I said, “It’s probably going to be a little while longer before I can fully trust him again…but eventually I’ll come around.”

Kane said, “I’m glad you guys finally talked…I didn’t want to go around watching my wife and brother ignore each other.” I said, “It’s okay big man, we got some things worked out…and I imagine after Jaden helps him, well talk again…”

Sara ran off to the house…and Kane looked down at me and said, “Why do you look so beautiful today?…I mean you’re always beautiful…but today you’re absolutely glowing.” I smiled up at him and said, “I have a secret for you.” Kane said, “A secret for me? Is it a good one or bad one?” I said, “I think it’s a good one…and I’m hoping you think it’s good too.” Kane said, “Okay…so don’t keep me in suspense…tell me…”

I pulled the pregnancy plastic test out of my pocket and handed it to Kane…He looked at me skeptically and wasn’t sure…but took it from me and said, “Hey…why does this little plastic thingy have a plus sign in the middle of it?” I said, “Why else would you see a positive sign on something like that?” Kane looked at me then the test, then back to me and said, “You’re serious aren’t you?” I smiled and said, “Yea.” Kane chucked the test over his shoulder and picked me up and captured my lips with his in a fire breathing kiss…

Kane said, “I love you so much Nina…” I said, “I love you too big man…So are you ready to be a daddy?” Kane said, “Without a doubt yes…And this time…I’m keeping you by my side forever…cause I’m not letting anyone take this one away from us…That’s why you can’t help my brother isn’t it?” I said, “Yea…I lost my powers as soon as I became pregnant…I didn’t notice until last night when I was trying a spell Jaden wanted me to do…I was about to try it, but I couldn’t feel myself powering up…and kept thinking…there is only one reason that I wouldn’t be able to use my powers and that was if I lost them…and I can only lose them, if I spell myself to or if I get pregnant. So I went with option 2 and went and got a test this morning.”

Kane said, “I was just talking with Sara about this…I told her I wanted to talk to you about trying to have a baby…and she told me if I just talked calmly with you about it…we could reach a decision…” I said, “Well…looks like my body reached a decision even without us knowing it.” Kane said, “Can you tell what it is yet?” I said, “Give me a couple of days…I should start feeling the hormones and morning sickness, so I will be able to tell then…” Kane said, “I want it to be a son…hell I don’t care what it is…as long as it’s healthy…but if I had to chose, I want a son.” I said, “Yes…I know…” We went back in the house and told Sara and Taker…they were happy for us.

Chapter 12

**Same Warning**

A couple of days later, Jaden did the memory spell…and banished all memories of the rape from me and Taker all together…

A couple of weeks after that, Jaden and Edge were bound together, and a month after that got married…

About four months later…I was 5 months…and looking like I was smuggling softballs…Kane thought I was adorable…and I thought I was fat…I was having a boy…I could feel it…the testosterone…was a steady flow in me…Kane started calling the baby Mark…he’d decided naming our son after his brother was the right thing to do, since he was the one who’d help bring us together. Taker hadn’t heard Kane call him that…but we decided not to tell anyone until later…

Kane made me stop traveling with him when they went to work, I stayed with Jaden and Sara…Jaden was now 2 months pregnant…Obviously the guys in the Ministry had great timing. One night we were waiting for the guys to get home…and I had fallen asleep on the couch in the den, with my cell phone next to me…I had on black nylon work out pants and one of Kane’s t-shirts on…I was going for comfort. My hand was laying across my belly…and I could feel my son getting active. When the guys came in Kane said, “Where’s Nina?” Sara smiled as Taker threw her over his shoulder and was trying to disappear upstairs…Sara said, “In the den…she fell asleep waiting for you.”

Kane walked in and saw me and smiled…he came over and sat on his knees next to the couch, and lifted up my shirt to expose my belly…and he placed both of his warm hands on my protruding belly, he leaned over and kissed it…I was a little groggy and said, “You’re late.” He came up to my face and kissed my lips and I said, “You’re forgiven.” Kane covered my belly up again and said, “Put your arms around me.” I reached up and put my arms around his neck and his hands slid into place as he lifted me off the couch and carried me upstairs.

When he placed me on the bed I said, “You’d better watch it…if I get any bigger, you’ll go to pick me up and you’re back will snap like a twig.” Kane laughed and laid next to me and said, “I don’t think that’s going to happen…I can pick up ten times my own weight…and you aren’t even half of what I am…” He started rubbing circles with the palm of his hand on my belly again, after he lifted my shirt up again…I said, “Marcus has been really active tonight…he made me nauseous a couple of times…and I haven’t had morning sickness in months.”

Kane lowered his head to my stomach and was placing little kisses all over my belly and said, “Marcus are you giving mommy problems huh…you’re supposed to be a good boy when I’m gone…You know that…I love you Marcus.” Kane crawled back up and kissed my lips and said, “I love you too you know…” I smiled and said, “Yes, I know…I love you too.”

Chapter 13

**Same Warning**

3 months later, Taker had taken a few weeks off from wrestling, but the other’s hadn’t, Jaden had gone with them this time…it was the last time Edge was going to allow her to travel with them. Kane wasn’t home…he was on the road…he called me every night…and would talk to me about the baby.

Taker and Sara had been in and out most of the day…

I was sitting in the den and was just trying to relax…I had a month left before the baby would come…I went to the rest room and came back and laid down…and was in a deep sleep…

Sara and Taker returned once more from their outings…and Taker walked in the den and was watching Nina sleep…Sara walked in and had noticed the look on his face and said, “What’s wrong Mark?” He was quiet and said, “Do you think she’ll ever forgive me and trust me again?” Sara said, “I think some day she might…but you have to let her decide when she will…she trusted you to care for her like a family would…and you betrayed her trust and love for you…so it will take her a while…but she’ll come around…don’t worry about it sweetie…c’mon let’s get going…” Mark took one last look and turned leaving with Sara…

I woke up feeling a really sharp pain in my lower abdomen…I didn’t think it was too bad…I stood up to walk around a little…it wasn’t the first time I got woke up by one of these pains…and walking usually subsided them…I felt something running down my leg and I thought maybe it was just my imagination…I touched it and when I looked, there was blood on my hand…I said, “Oh no…” I took off through the house…and I got to the phone and I got another pain and let out a little scream…Taker and Sara were just about to close the front door, when they heard me scream…

Taker ran back into the house and found me sitting on the floor holding my stomach…He knelt down and said, “What’s wrong Nina…” I said, “I keep getting pains…and I’m bleeding…” Taker said, “Okay…C’mon honey…let’s get you to the hospital…” Taker helped me stand up and I had a hold of his hand…Sara ran over and grabbed a blanket…I got a sharp pain again and grabbed Taker so I could steady myself and not fall over…Taker knew there wasn’t much time so he picked me up and carried me to the truck, Sara hot on his heels…He placed me between him and Sara…and Sara put the blanket on me…and was trying to keep my mind off of it…

We got to the hospital and the ER took me to a room immediately while Sara called Kane and told him to collect the others and get home and to the hospital as quickly as possible…and then told him why…Kane freaked out and practically threw every one in a cab…When they got home and took off to the hospital…Kane walked in the ER waiting room…and Taker jumped up and said, “Kane, the baby was in distress…the cord was wrapped around his neck…and also made Nina go into labor with him early…they couldn’t stop the contractions…”

Kane said, “Is Nina okay?” Taker said, “Yea…she’s shook up…” Kane looked at his older brother and said, “What about the baby?” Taker said, “They took her into surgery to do an emergency c-section, when they couldn’t control the contractions anymore…they aren’t out yet…I don’t know if the baby is okay or not…” Kane said, “Someone has to know…” Taker said, “No…no one knows yet…we’re just going to have to wait..”

Waiting is always the worst part…isn’t it?

Chapter 14

**Mild Language**

About 3 hours later, a nurse came out and said, “I’m looking for either a Mark, Sara or Kane…The threesome stood up and Kane said, “How’s my wife?” She said, “She’s doing fairly well…she did lose an awful lot of blood and is anemic…but she did stress that she wanted to see the man whose got the red and black mask on first. I’m assuming it’s you.”

Kane nodded and said, “What about the baby?”

She said, “I’m sorry, I’m not at liberty to say that…Nina has to be the one to tell you.”

Kane looked at Taker…and Taker said, “Go see your wife, make sure she’s okay.” Kane nodded and followed the nurse up to the Intensive Care Unit.

Kane saw me laying in the bed with a heart and breathing monitor on me, with the little oxygen tube in my nose…There was very little light in the room…and Kane couldn’t see very much, but he could see I had my eyes closed and that I looked pretty pale…Kane walked up to the hospital bed and touched my forehead with his hand…

I slowly opened my eyes and said, “Kane.” In an almost hushed whisper…

I started to say something, but Kane said, “I have something to say to you…You scared the shit out of me for the second since we’ve been married…I thought I lost you again…listen if being pregnant is going to do this to you every time we try to have a baby…then let’s figure something else out…we can try to adopt or we can look into surrogate mothers or what ever…but we’ve got to stop trying…maybe it just wasn’t meant for us to have a baby…and I’m okay with that Nina…as long as I have you for the rest of my life…you are all I will ever need…Nina I love you so much, and I couldn’t bare to lose you again…or lose you for good…”

I had tears sliding down my cheeks…and I looked up at Kane and he had tears sliding down his cheeks also…he was so serious…I was crying so hard I couldn’t tell him…

I said, “No Kane you don’t understand…”

Kane said, “The hell I don’t…someone does not want us having a child together…and I’ll be damned if we have to go through this again…especially you…these pregnancies are just getting harder and harder on you…you keep getting used to the fact you’re going to have a baby…and then they are taken from you and me…I don’t think I can watch you go through this again…I love you way too much to have to put you through this kind of hurt and pain again.”

Kane saw my tears streaming down my cheeks and he said, “I’m sorry Nina…I don’t mean to sound so forceful…I just can’t stand to see you hurting so much…”

He started to walk away when I grabbed his hand…and I said, “No…Kane…I’m sorry……I’m sorry you didn’t get to see you’re son being born.” Kane turned and looked at me and I had a smile on my face…

Kane said, “But wait…I though something bad had happened…” I said, “Yea…the umbilical cord got wrapped around his neck…remember how active he’s been lately…well he just wrapped himself up and in the process of trying to untangle himself he kicked me a few times and scratched my womb, which is what caused me to bleed…and he panicked trying to get himself free, which made me go into premature labor…”

Kane said, “So, he’s okay?” I pulled the blanket covering up my arm down and said, “What do you think?” Kane looked down and his son was fully awake, looking exactly like his father…big blue eyes and the curly deep dark auburn hair…

Chapter 15

**Same Warning**

I took Kane’s hand and pulled myself up into a sitting position…I said, “Well…Daddy…I’d like you to meet your son…weighting in at 6 lbs 4 ounces…the doctor said he’s a little under weight because he’s a month early…but he will be okay…and he’s also 24 inches long…when I told the doctor how tall you are…he fully understood why he’s so long…So Kane his is your son Marcus Cain…but Cain is spelled C-A-I-N…”

Kane watched me hold him and he was in awe…Kane leaned down and kissed Marcus’s head gently…and then I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to me over the baby…and we kissed softly…Kane pushed my hair out of my face and said, “God I love you so much Nina…” I smiled and said, “I love you too Kane…I think you better go let Taker know he’s an Uncle…” Kane said, “I’ll go tell them now…” I said, “How about you take your son with you…and show them what they get to deal with…”

Kane said, “I don’t want to break him…” I said, “Hold out your arms…all you’re going to do is cradle him like a football…except don’t spike him at the end of the hall…” Kane laughed a little as I handed the baby to him.

Kane walked down to the waiting room and every one jumped up, Taker and Sara ran over and saw the blue baby blanket…Kane smiled and said, “I’d like every one to meet my son…Marcus Cain.” Taker’s jaw nearly broke as it fell to the floor…Taker said, “Now what made you do a thing like that?”

Kane said, “Nina had decided it as soon as she found out she was pregnant…this second time around…when she told me why she had decided on naming our son after you…I couldn’t help but agree with her…Besides you are my brother ya know…” Sara said, “What was the deciding factor on the name?” Kane said, “Mark is the one who brought us together…did our binding…and was even there when we got married…we owe our happiness and love to him…Cause we wouldn’t be at this point in our lives if it wouldn’t have been for him.”

Taker could feel tears swelling in his eyes but he wouldn’t let them fall in front of the other Ministry members…he said, “I’m truly honored…” Sara said, “How’s Nina?” Kane said, “She’s fine…she looks a little pale…but she’s smiling and sitting up…Doctor told her he can release her in a few days…after they get the anemia under control.”

Taker excused himself and said he was going to go talk to me for a few minutes privately. Taker walked in my room and I was still sitting in bed…I said, “I take it from the look on your face, you’ve already met your nephew…” Taker said, “Yes…how could you still name that baby after me after every thing I put you through…” I said, “This is the one and only time you’ll ever hear me use your real name…Mark, it wasn’t that difficult of a decision…I know why you said and did what you did to me…after I returned…I knew you didn’t realize how much I loved Kane until I came back…you wasn’t sure if I would come back at all…but you see…I promised Kane I would…I love him and I’m not going to make promises to him that I can’t keep…”

I sighed a little and said, “Besides you’re his brother…you brought me and Kane together for a lifetime binding…I wouldn’t give up Kane for the world…I wouldn’t give him up for anything…he’s the love of my life and always will be…not to mention the fact that when I didn’t have family…you took me in…and made me part of your family…with you, Sara and Kane and then again in the Ministry. You don’t know what it’s been like for me these last 4 years…I mean going from having no one…to having a family…and having Kane and then now with having a family with Kane…My heart will always belong to Kane…and now my son also…and it’s all because of you…you made the difference in my life…you’re the one who gave me this life…I’ll always be grateful to you…and I’ll always love you as not just my brother in law…or as Marcus’s Uncle…but as my brother…We may not be fully blood related…but to me we are.”

I stood on my knees on the bed and Taker walked over and we hugged tight…

A few days later…we took Marcus home with us…and that night as Kane and I stood next to the crib watching our son sleep…we thought about everything we had to go through to get to this point…we went through the fall of the darkness…and if we didn’t go through the good times and the bad times…we would have never made it to this point.

The End