Darkness Falls
Chapter 1
King, The Big Red Machine is in a bad mood tonight…I honestly don’t think
Batista should be messing with someone whose in the Ministry…Anyone would have
to be out of their mind to mess with Undertakers little brother Kane…” Said
JR…King turned to JR and said, “Yea You’re telling me…Kane just gives me the
willies when he talks…he sounds so mean and sadistic…and I’m with
you…Undertaker is not gonna like Batista screwing with his baby brother.”
JR said, “Well, Kane has
a match with Batista later tonight…so well see how the Ministry plays a part in
that…With Undertaker sidelined for his microscopic elbow surgery…he’s in the
building, but was given strict orders from the doctors in the back not to
wrestle tonight…doesn’t mean he’ll actually listen…” King said, “Yea…when’s the
last time you saw Undertaker take orders from anyone…It’s been my experience
Undertaker doesn’t take orders very well…you could always ask nicely…but
chances are it ain’t gonna happen.”
Meanwhile in the back, I
was walking around the back…looking for ‘Taker, I had a few phone messages for
him…and was suppose to deliver them personally, probably because the person who
took them, was scared of him…but I wasn’t…he was just a man…granted a scary
man…but a man no less…
I dawned black plastic
pants, with a matching black plastic tank top…both had laces up and down the
sides…and black plastic steel toed boots…plus, I had my black ½ cotton, ½
polyester, floor length jacket with hood…not a duster…I left my hair down, and
it was hugging my curves…
I knocked on the
Undertakers dressing room door…and Kane answered the door…he had recently been
sporting a new outfit and mask…the new mask was great cause now you could see
his mouth…He had sexy lips…and in his low mono tone voice said, “What?” I
looked up at the 6’10” 300lb monster…and said, “Hey there big man…I have some
messages for Taker…May I see him please?” And flashed him one of my smiles…Kane
looked back and said, “Its Nina…” ‘Taker’s southern deep voice said, “Let her
in.” Kane opened the door and stood to the side…allowing me entrance to the
dressing room…Upon entering the room, I took note of Edges pale skinned self
shaded in the corner for sneak attacks…and I could sense there were a few more
bodies in the room…but with as dark as it was I could see them…but I could
smell them…
Taker who was sitting,
stood to his full 6’10” height…and said, “Something I can help you with little
girl?” I said, “Yes sir…You have three messages…Sara (Taker’s wife) called, and
said, it wasn’t an emergency, but call her when you get a minute…Vince McMahon
would like to speak with you after Kane’s match against that horrible man…and
Stephanie said, you’re not allowed to go to the ring with Kane tonight, she
doesn’t want you to risk hurting your elbow any worse then what it already is.”
Taker said, “That all?”
I said, “Yes, sir.” Taker said, “Can I ask you a favor?” I said, “If you wish.”
Taker said, “I would like for you to escort my baby brother to the ring
tonight…I need someone watching his back…and I know if I sent another wrestler
out there…it would be only too obvious…but you…they’ll never suspect. Would you
do this one thing for me?” I said, “Yea sir…I will return here in 30 minutes…”
I turned to leave and
Kane was standing by the door with it open, as I walked by, I was pulling my
hood up…and smiled and winked at Kane…As soon as Kane closed the door…he could
have sworn for a split second that my eyes glowed like an orb…Taker said, “You
sense it to don’t you little brother?” Kane looked back at his big brother and
nodded…Taker pulled on his go-tee and said, “Yes sir, there is something about
Miss. Nina…She’s definitely different…”
Kane spoke up and said,
“She’s not scared of you…” Taker chuckled a little and said, “Or you…” Kane
said, “There was something just now…I could of sworn I saw her eyes glow…you
know…like that orb you have at the house…it was only for a split second when
she smiled at me…but…I don’t know…Maybe Batista hit me in the head harder then
I know…”
Taker perked up a little
and said, “Smiled at you?” Kane nodded…and said, “She’s nice and pretty…I don’t
like being mean to her…” Taker said, “Okay…I see what you’re getting at little
brother…you can be nice to her when she’s around only us…but when she’s around
someone outside the ministry…I want to see you ready to tear her head off at a
moments notice…” Kane looked at the floor and said, “I won’t really have to
will I?” Taken chuckled a little louder from the back of his throat…and said,
“Wow, you got it bad for Miss. Nina…no I won’t ever make you hurt her…Maybe put
a fright into her but never hurt her…”
Chapter 2
30 minutes later as
promised, I knocked on Taker’s dressing room door…This time Edge opened the
door and turned and said, “It’s Nina.” Taker said, “Why do I even have to tell
you to let her in?” Edge said, “Yes Master…Sorry Master.” He opened the door
for me and I smirked at him when I walked in. I also pushed my hood off my head
and took my jacket off…and laid it in Christian’s arms, as he waited to go hang
it up for me. Taker said, “Glad to see you kept you word.” I said, “What you
didn’t think I would? I don’t say something and not follow through with it…I
was taught better then that.”
Taker pulled on his long
go-tee a little and said, “I would like to speak with you privately for a few
minutes before you and Kane head out.” I said, “As you wish.” Taker turned and
walked towards another room that had a little more light, Taker actually
relaxed a little and pointed to the big over stuffed chair to my right…and
said, “Have a seat.” He waited until I sat down and crossed my legs before he
sat down and said, “I have a couple of questions for you…”
I said, “Ask away.” He
said, “Why aren’t you in my Ministry?” I said, “No offense, but I don’t do
group work…I like being an individual. I’m not saying I’m better then anyone
else…but my parents taught me to be independent…and I’ve been just that since I
was 16.” Taker said, “I get the feeling you had to be independent…like you were
forced into it.” I said, “In some ways I was…in others…it was just my time…”
Taker said, “Can you
talk about how you were forced?” I said, “Not without letting my guard down…and
if you want me to be totally focused for Kane’s match I suggest you wait for
the explanation until after his match…but it’s just a suggestion.” Taker said,
“Is that a threat of some sort?” I said, “No sir, I’m telling you when I think
of it I loose my train of thought and break my focus…so much so that I forget
what I’m doing.” Taker nodded and said, “I can respect that…I’ve also sensed
there something about you...” I said, “Oh…a good something or a bad something?”
Taker said, “I have determined yet…but I’m sure all will be revealed soon.” I
smiled and said, “Could be.”
Taker said, “One last
questions…if ever given the opportunity to join the Ministry…would you?” I
smiled and said, “That would depend on a lot of things…I like being an
individual and independent…but sometimes my trust with people in big groups
tends to run kind of thin…it would depend on if whether or not I could put my
full trust into you and the group…obviously if I don’t trust you fully, I
wouldn’t want to waste your time or mine.”
At that very moment a
thudding knock was on the door of the room we were in. Taker looked at me and
said, “Come.” Kane opened the door and stood in the door way in all his
gorgeous muscle glory…and said, “Match.” Never looking my way…Taker said,
“Okay, Nina well finish this conversation later…you’re free to go.” I said,
“Thank you sir.” I stood and walked out with Kane…when we got outside…We were
standing behind the curtain, we had about 5 minutes…Kane was stretching…and
Taker was lurking around watching how we interacted together away from everyone
I said, “Kane.” He
stopped and stared down into my eyes…and didn’t say anything. I said, “You
realize you can talk to me, when ever you’d like…I don’t mind…but don’t go
creeping into my mind…I know when you’re there, I can feel it…I know you’re in
there right now…looking around wanting to know more about me…just know anything
you want to know about me…all you have to do is ask…don’t be sneaky…” Kane
Kane started to say
something…when I put my index finger over his lips…and then as I had eye
contact locked on to him…I put the palm of my hand in front of his eyes…and
slowly I said, “Listen to the sound of my voice…relax your body…let it get
re-energized…when you go out to fight Batista…you’re going for a purpose…to do
nothing but win…you will be confident and cocky…but not too cocky…” I pulled my
hand away and smiled at him…All Kane could think was ‘What the hell did she
just do to me’…Then his fire blasts, and music cued…and we walked out of the
entrance together.
Chapter 3
When we stood at the top
of the ramp together…him towering over my little 5’10” 125lb frame…JR looked at
King…and King looked at JR…King said, “What is Nina doing out here with Kane?”
JR said, “I would suppose she’s going to be the bodyguard incase Kane gets into
a sticky situation with that monster Batista.” King said, “But she doesn’t
weight more the 125lb soaking wet or bone dry…how is she going to muscle
Batista?” JR said, “Watch and learn King…watch and learn…”
We walked down the ramp
and got into the ring…Kane holding the ropes open for me…King said, “Wow, Kane
was almost gentlemanly with Nina…” JR said, “Obviously he knows a lady when he
sees one.”
I stood in the ring to
the side of Kane with my hands on my hips…as Kane rang out fire through the
ring posts…most people jumped or spooked when he did it…but it never phased me
a bit. As Batista’s music rang through the arena…I got out of the ring…and
stood to the side…as the monster got in the ring with Kane…and they immediately
started going at it…they didn’t even wait for the ref, or the bell…they
completely wanted to destroy each other…
I quietly looked on and
watched the things going down…All of the pads to every turn buckle had been
removed by Batista…obviously with nothing but bad intentions in mind…so I was
just waiting for him to make his move…cause when he did, I would be there to
stop him…Just as I had predicted not to long after that thought passed through
my mind…he slammed Kane’s head into the turn bucket about five times…totally
knocking the breath out of Kane…no damage done…it just took him longer to get
back to his feet which gave Batista ample time to leave the ring and return
with a metal folding chair…The ref had been knocked out.
I slowly slid into the
ring…and walked over to Batista as he was about to beat the ever loving shit
out of Kane with the chair…and I tapped him on the shoulder…and he turned
around and was staring at me…The asshole actually head butted me…and I hit the
mat…which just totally pissed me off…As I laid on the ground, I kicked Batista
in the knee…and he fell to his knees as I rolled backwards into a standing
position…and then as he was still on his knees giving me the evil eye he said,
“You fucking little bi….” I swung my leg around and kicked him in the face with
the steel toe of my boot…needless to say he went down…and did a great
impression of a sack of potatoes.
I got out of the ring as
Kane stood to his full height and towered over Batista’s limp body…and he
looked at me and I was holding my head…he knew Batista had done something to
me…but hadn’t seen it…I was getting a huge headache…and Kane had slipped inside
my mind unbeknownst to me…I was focusing on getting rid of the pain…and Kane
could feel the same pain…as he slid out fast and grabbed Batista and choked
slammed him literally through the mat…and down to the floor beneath the
ring…every one was in shock…even me…The ref counted to 3…and that was pretty
much it…
I got in the ring…and
Kane let the fire rip out of the ring post ends again…and Kane came and stood
in front of me…and was seeing the pain in my eyes…he slowly went to put his
ungloved hand on my head and I flinched a little…and Kane spoke softly and
said, “I’m not going to hurt you.” I stood there still as a mouse for a
minute…and Kane put his hand on the top of my head and within a matter of
seconds…my head ache was gone…it felt like it had never been there in the first
I looked into his blue
eyes and said, “Thank you big man.” Kane held the ropes open as I stepped
out…he jumped down off the ring apron to the floor…and instead of waiting for
me to walk down the steps…he grabbed my waist with his BIG…strong hands and
lifted me off and placed me on the floor beside him…and his hands lingered on
my waist a little longer then he liked…and I wasn’t sure if he was aggravated
with himself for showing a little compassion or feelings…towards me…or that he
did it in front of the fans…
The walk back to the
dressing room was made in silence…Kane cursed himself all the way back to the
dressing room…He threw the door open…and didn’t wait for me to enter…He just
stoned faced it back into the locker room to shower…Taker was standing there
with his hands on his hips and said, “What the hell was that all about?” I
said, “I’m sure I don’t know…Taker would you mind if we continued our
conversation another night…I’m not really up for much talking at the moment.”
Taker looked in my eyes and knew I wasn’t kidding and said, “Okay, as long as
we finish it the next time we see each other.” I said, “Yes sir. Fully
understood.” Taker said, “Christian…Bring Nina’s jacket.” Christian appeared at
my side 2 seconds later holding the jacket open and said, “Ma’am.” I slipped my
arms into it; pulled the hood up and left…as soon as the door closed to the
Ministry’s dressing room…I snapped my fingers and was back at my hotel room…
Not more then 2 seconds
later, Taker opened the door to say something to me…and noticed I had vanished
into thin air…Taker said, “She couldn’t have walked that fast…” He looked down
both side of the hallway and there was no trace of me, or that I had ever been
Chapter 4
After a couple of weeks
of avoiding Taker and Kane all together…just cause I wasn’t sure what was going
on with Kane…and Taker was starting to worry me with all the joining the
Ministry talk…I mean it wouldn’t have been that bad…but it was the whole idea
that I would be losing my independence. Or at least most of it…and I wasn’t
sure if I wanted that to happen…The next time I saw Taker his wife Sara was
walking next to him down the hall…They both didn’t even have to look up…they
could feel my presence…
I had on Black plastic
shorts, matching 2½ inch heeled, knee high boots, and a red plastic drawstring
top…that tied around my neck, and showed off 2 inches of my bare mid-drift…My
hair was left down and I had my jacket on again…with the hood up…
Taker said, “Nina.” I
turned around and pushed the hood down…Sara said, “Who is that, Mark?” (Taker’s
real name…no one called him Mark except Sara.) Taker said, “Her name is
Nina…she’s got a way with Kane…there’s something about her…but we haven’t
figured it out yet.” As he and Sara were standing in front of me…Taker said,
“Nina…this is…” Before he could finish I looked at her and said, “Sara…It’s
nice to finally meet you ma’am…My name is Nina St. James.” I shook Sara’s
hand…and she saw my eyes glow just like Kane had two weeks earlier.
Sara said, “You have
very beautiful eyes…why are you so quiet?” I said, “Thank you…It’s just the way
I am.” Taker said, “Nina…we need to continue our conversation remember…we had a
deal…” I turned my attention back to him and said, “Yes sir. I will have to
meet you in 30 minutes…I have a phone call right now…as soon as I finish with
it…I’ll be to your dressing room sir.” Taker nodded and said, “Very well…don’t
keep your phone call waiting…” I nodded at Taker and then to Sara and walked
away…they watched me walk away…and when I got about 10 feet from them, I
snapped my fingers and my image faded…and I was gone again…Taker saw that this
time…and Sara almost choked on her water.
The two some returned to
Taker’s dressing room with Kane, and the rest of the Ministry and waited for me
to arrive…after my phone call as promised…I knocked on the door…the door swung
open slowly and there was Edge…he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder…I
was livid…I had never been treated so savagely by anyone from Taker’s Ministry…
I kicked Edge in the
stomach and as he went down I stood up and stared at Edge, the black pupils of
my eyes, got large…almost covering all of the purple of my eyes, my hair was
being blown up all around me…but yet we were inside and there wasn’t a breeze
for miles…and Edge was holding his throat…choking…gasping for air and getting
Taker watched me…and
wasn’t sure what to say or do…he told Edge to open the door and bring me to
him…he never told him to man handle me…All of a sudden Viscera, Christian,
Gangrel, Kane, and Mideon surrounded me…but I didn’t let go of the hold I had
over Edge. Taker said, “Little brother, I wouldn’t get to close to her if I was
you…she’s not happy right now….Edge shouldn’t of Man handled her…” Kane took
several steps back and stood next to Taker…Sara was standing behind Taker…where
he had placed her…She was peeking around his huge arms seeing what I was doing…
I backed against the
wall, as the guys surrounded me more…never touching me…just getting closer…I
crossed my arms loosely over my chest, and had my hands on my shoulders…all of
a sudden Viscera started to move in closer and spooked me…and I uncrossed my
arms fast as a bright light shot across the bodies of the men pinning me to the
wall…and they all flew back 4 feet and landed on their backs…at the same time,
I never broke my focus with Edge…
I finally released him
and he was choking to get oxygen into his lungs…I walked over and stood over
him, with a wave of my index and middle fingers, I locked eyes with him and
sent him a mental note…then let him drop to the ground again…before I walked
past him and out the door…
Chapter 5
I was half way down the
hall when Kane caught up with me…and didn’t say a thing…he grabbed my hand…I
turned around with such fury…he thought I was going to harm him and backed a
way a little. I looked up at him and said, “What is it big man?” Kane said,
“Taker, told me to get you…he never told Edge to do that to you…and wishes to
apologize for the way you were treated.” I contemplated and said, “Lead the
Kane turned back around
and I followed him back down to the dressing room…the boys had recovered from
my little jolt I had given them…and were trying to help Edge…and were also
given strict instructions to not touch me…
I walked in behind Kane
and Taker said, “Nina…come with me…it’s time to finish our conversation…” I
said, “Yes sir.” And nodded both to Sara and Kane as I followed Taker back to
the same room as before…I sat…and Taker paced the floor in front of the
chair…he finally stopped and said, “What the hell are you…I know you’ve got
dark powers…but on some levels you’re stronger then even me…”
I said, “Sir…the only
way I am stronger then you is if I willed myself to be so…” Taker said, “Are
you a witch?” I pulled the sleeves up on my jacket and showed him my
wrists…they had braided tattoos around them…one on each wrist. And said, “Yes
Taker said, “Wanna tell
me why you decided to become a witch?” I said, “In my family sir…you don’t
decided to become one…you just are one…you decided to come to the dark side…I
had no choice in the matter…I was born into it…” Taker said, “You’re telling
me…you’re whole family…” He trailed off leaving his words stuck in his
throat…and I said, “Yes sir, I have two older sisters…both witches…mom was a
witch and dad was a warlock…”
Taker said, “Why do you
speak of your parents in the past tense?” I said, “They were killed when I was
just 16…murdered for their powers. Some powerful warlock, found a spell in an
ancient book on how to steal powers…he figured it out…where he sacrifices them,
by cutting their heads off and placing them on stakes in the ground…say a few
words…summoning Faruza…and steal their powers like a thief in the night…My
sisters and I found our parents heads still on the stakes in the morning in the
front yard…but never found a trace of their bodies. I’m still looking for their
murderer…I’ve only seen him once…but his face will forever remain in my
Taker came over and
stared through my eyes to my mind and said, “You have nothing but hatred for
this man…”
I said, “He’s no man
sir…just merely a boy trying to play games with the adults…he is two years
older then me…If I ever find him…I will destroy him.”
Taker said, “That I have
no doubt about…I’m about to make you an offer…once you decide on it…there’s no
turning back.” I said, “Okay...How long to decide?” Taker said, “1 Week
exactly. Nothing more...nothing less.”
Chapter 6
Taker paced back and
forth in front of me once more…and finally broke the silence with, “I would
like you to join the Ministry…if you choose to do so…there are a few things you
must do in order to become one with all of us…” I said, “May I ask what it all
Taker sat down in front
of me in a fold up chair about 4 feet from me, with his elbows resting on his
knees…and said, “Well, we will do a little ceremony...where everyone in the
Ministry must drink one mouth full of your blood…including myself, Kane and
Sara…and then you must pick one person from the Ministry to give your Heart,
Soul, Mind and Body too…fully and completely…which also means you’ll have to
fully trust that none of us would harm you, unless you betrayed the Ministry…but
would also protect you from anything evil that came your way…well excluding
us…” I said, “When you say, Heart, Soul, Mind and Body…that means…” I trailed
Taker nodded and said,
“Yes, Nina…you’ll have to give yourself to him…But it has to be to someone you
want to be bound together with for the rest of your life…” I said, “I’m
supposing Sara is yours…” Taker nodded and said, “Yes, as I am hers…We did the
ceremony together the night before our wedding..” I said, “That’s kind of sweet
in a sacrificing ritual type of way…it seems like the romantic thing to do…to
give yourselves to each other…So when you say I have to select one person…I
select not you right?”
Taker said, “Yes…I can’t
determine who you should spend the rest of your life bound too, only your heart
can figure that out…it doesn’t mean you must be married…if you want to be
that’s up to him and you…but the person your binding yourself to has no choice
in the matter…it’s supposed to be considered a huge honor to get picked by
someone to be bound together with them…”
I said, “You’re not
going to be watching over us, as we how would you say…consummate…the
binding…would you?” Taker laughed hard from the back of his throat and said,
“No…but we do require a video tape…there are cameras set up in a special room
at the house…you won’t know where they are hidden…and no one is allowed to
watch as a binding is going on…it’s considered disrespectful…but the tape must
be made as a guard against others who may try to bind to you since you will
already be bound to someone else.” I said, “Good…cause if I am bound to
someone…I don’t want any unwanted advances…if they are not from the person I
chose to be bound with.” Taker smiled for a brief second and said, “Most
I stood up and said, “In
7 days, I will come to you and give you my final answer…Is there any where I
should go?”
Taker stood up and said,
“I will call with details the day before you are to give me your final answer.
If the answer is yes…you will tell me personally at my home in Death Valley…if
it is no…then you will not show up at all…but know this…if your answers is
no…you are no longer to be seen with anyone from the Ministry…and are
susceptible to the same treatment as others in the company…No slack will be
given to you…everyone not in the Ministry gets treated equal…just as every one
in the Ministry gets treated equal…obviously the two equals are far from the
same thing…and are different in every way.”
I said, “Fully
understood…Thank you for the invitation…my next 7 days will be nothing but a
thinking session.” Taker nodded and showed me out…as I walked by Kane
again…there was no expression on his face…I wanted to smile and wink at him as
I usually did…but thought it best not too…Once I was out the door…and
gone…Taker walked up beside him and Kane said, “You asked her to join didn’t
you?” Taker said, “That I did, little brother…any objections?” Kane said, “Only
if she doesn’t accept…” Taker looked at Kane and said, “You look sad little
bro…did you not apologize for your behavior two weeks ago?” Kane shook his head
no…and walked away….
Chapter 7
Exactly 6 days later,
Taker had Sara call me and tell me how to get to the 2 story, 15 room house…in
Death Valley, Texas. I had already pretty much made up my mind, even before
Taker had asked me to join the Ministry…but him asking me, only confirmed want
I was thinking in my mind. As soon as I got off the phone with Sara…I made some
arrangements to fly out to Texas…I wanted to give my answer to Taker face to
face….either way I went…I respected him…and he deserved to know straight from
my mouth…
The next day around 3
pm…I arrived at the house in a taxi…and knocked on the door…I had on levis,
black steel toed boots…and a black tank top on…I left my jacket in my
suitcase…My hair was in a pony tail…Edge opened the front door…and turned and
said, “It’s Nina.” Taker said, “Why again…am I telling you to let her in???”
Edge bowed to Taker and said, “Sorry Master…”
Edge turned his
attention back to me…and said, “Please enter.” I never said a word to him…but
before he led me into the den where everyone was…Edge said, “I’d like to
apologize for what I did…I didn’t mean to scare you or hurt you…Taker told me
to bring you to him…I just didn’t realize…he meant as gentle as possible…” I
nodded and said, “Okay.”
We walked into the
den…everyone was in casual clothing…just relaxing…which was a switch…I was so
used to seeing them all in wrestling gear…even Kane…he had black levis, black
t-shirt and steel toed boots on…obviously the mask never came off around people
in the Ministry…the only ones who saw him with it off was Taker and Sara…for
fear of being scrutinized about his appearance. I walked down the three small
steps into the den…Taker was casual also…same thing as Kane…and everyone else…
Taker stood up and said,
“So does this mean your going to accept my offer?” I said, “Not so fast…I have
something to say right now…and I want everyone’s complete attention…even you
sir.” They shut the TV off…and took their seats on the huge L-shaped couch and
huge reclining chairs…I walked around the den a little, behind the chairs and
I said, “Now… 1st
of all, let me make one thing perfectly clear before I give you my
answer…Either way I was to go with my accepting or declining this offer…I still
would have been face to face with you Taker…If I was declining…I wouldn’t just
not show up…that’s disrespectful…and a person such as yourself, commands
respect…and I would give you respect none the less…whether in accepting or
declining your offer…I respect the work you do day in and day out…you work your
ass off to earn respect…And you will get nothing less from me…”
I continued, “2nd…I
in all honesty did not even need the 7 days to make up my mind…as soon as the
words came out of your mouth giving me the opportunity to have a family again…something
I haven’t felt completely with for a while…I already knew my answer…the last 7
days, were merely a grace period to tell my sister’s what was going to be
happening tonight…They didn’t like or dislike what I said to them, because they
knew it was my choice one way or another…they couldn’t make this decision for
me…it had to come directly from me…and 3rd… And finally…I accept.”
Sara got this huge smile
on her face and said, “Finally…another girl…” I smiled…and she came over and
gave me a hug…Taker laugh at Sara...he knew her patience were wearing thin
being the only female in their little group of monstrously dark men…including
him…Taker said, “Boys go get ready…looks like were having us a ceremony
They all took off to
prepare for the ceremony inducting me….and also the binding…none of them
knowing who I would chose for the binding…
Chapter 8
**Little Blood**
Right before they took
me to the basement…I said, “Taker…when I chose the person I’m being bound
too…is it alright to do a ritual of my own…I want to make a lasting impression
on the binding.” Taker said, “Yes, of course.”
When they were ready for
me…all of them had on these huge black robes…and led me down to the basement…it
was huge…Kane and Edge tied me to the huge cast iron Undertaker symbol…Edge
noticed I was a little shaky and said, “Don’t worry Nina…We’re not going to
hurt you…Please believe me.” I said, “Oh I know…I always get nervous about
things like this…when I went through my graduating from a witch in training to
a full out witch, I was nauseous for days…after the ceremony was over…I was
fine.” Kane backed away with Edge…and just watching me…staring in my eyes.
I knew he was worried
about how I’d make it through this with the way my hands were shaking when he
tied it to the symbol…he searched in my mind for my fear and I could feel him
in there…and I sent him a message and said ::Don’t worry Kane…I’m not afraid::
Kane nodded slightly as to say he received the message loud and clear…The
lights went out and hundreds of candles lighted by themselves…Taker appeared in
his rob and said, “A alma nova levantar-se-á e transformar-se-á uma com nós.”
Then everyone repeated it after him…
“A alma nova
levantar-se-á e transformar-se-á uma com nós.” (The New Soul Will Be Risen
& Be One With Us.)
They all took their robs
off…and Taker was the first to come up…and I closed my eyes…Taker had a small
pocket knife and made an incision in the left and right side of my neck…and
sucked blood out of it from one side…then Sara…Kane…Gangrel…Viscera…Edge…Mideon
and finally Christian.
Taker said, “Now say
your healing spell…” I didn’t open my eyes…I said, “Ligue-me a tudo que bebe de
mim... e heal meu corpo completamente.” (Bind me to all who drink from me...and
heal my body completely.) Everyone watched on as my eyes shot open, and then
proceeded to glow like white and gold orbs of light…they watched as the blood
that had been trickling out of the slits in my neck…was sliding back up my body
and going back into the cuts…and then the slits disappeared as if they were
never there…
I gasped for air as I
came out of the trance…Edge and Kane came back over and untied me…and I started
to fall to the floor when Edge caught me…Taker stood over me and said, “Are you
alright?” I said, “Yes…it takes a lot out of me…” Taker held out his hand as I
took it and he helped me to my feet…Sara came over and gave me a hug
again…Taker said, “Alright…now it’s time to pick the person for the binding…”
The men lined up in a row…and I walked down them looking at them…and I took Kane’s
hand…Taker knew I was going to pick Kane…Kane wasn’t so sure…and no one else
knew either…Taker didn’t even tell Sara…
We stood in front of
everyone…and Kane leaned down and whispered in my ear… “Are you sure you want
me? You can pick anyone you want.” I said, “I did pick the one I want.” And I
winked at him…I said, “Taker…may I borrow you’re knife?” Taker looked at me
skeptically and handed it over…
I said, “Do you trust me
Kane?” He said, “Yes.” I said, “Do you think I trust you?” Kane said, “Yes.” I
said, “Good because I do.” I pulled the lone glove off this right hand and put
it in my back pocket…and took the knife and said, “This is going to hurt but
not for long…I promise.” Kane just nodded at me…I took his hand palm facing
up…and ran the knife down the middle of his palms on both hands…and handed him
the knife…and said, “Now you must do the same to me.” Kane didn’t know how he
could do it…he could never think of hurting me…Taker knew it…and said, “Kane
it’s okay…she’ll be alright…” Kane swallowed hard and went through with cutting
slits into both my palms…even though he hated doing it…
Chapter 9
**Little More Blood**
We made tight fists to
get the blood to flow out of the slits a little…I said, “Now repeat after me,
but make sure you substitute my name for yours…and as soon as we say para
sempre…we lace our fingers together…palm to palm…and kiss.” Kane nodded and
I said, “Ligue-me a Kane
para todo o eternity…”
(Bind me to Kane for all
Kane said, “Ligue-me a
Nina para todo o eternity…”
(Bind me to Nina for all
I said, “agora sobre do
ele terá meus coração, mente, corpo & alma…”
(From now on he will
have my heart, mind, body & soul).
Kane said, “agora sobre
da ela terá meus coração, mente, corpo & alma…”
(From now on she will
have my heart, mind, body & soul).
I said, “Selo com um
(Sealed with a kiss).
Kane said, “Selo com um
(Sealed with a kiss).
I said, “para sempre.”
Kane said, “para
We laced our fingers
together, palm to palm letting our blood come together as Kane leaned down and
kissed me softly on the lips…As soon as our lips touched rays of bright light
started shining out between our hands…Kane’s lips were so soft against
mine…Sara tugged on Taker’s arm and he leaned down so she could whisper in his
ear…She said, “I think Nina is going to make Kane very happy.” Taker nodded and
smiled at his wife and said, “Like you make me…” He kissed her lips and then
the top of her head.
When Kane and I broke
the kiss…Kane looked at the palm of his hands and the blood and cuts had
disappears…Kane looked at me and said, “How’d you do that?” Taker walked over
and said, “Shower now…questions and answers later…you to have some binding to
do…” I smiled and said, “Just say, consummating…it sounds a little better then
binding…it sounds like were into bondage…” Gangrel said, “Hey…what’s wrong with
bondage?” Taker shock his head with Kane as me and Sara started rolling with
As every one was walking
upstairs trying to get away from Gangrel and his prefect impression of Steve
Austin with his, “What?…What? Did I say something wrong?” I started to walk
upstairs…when Kane grabbed my hand and stopped me…I looked up into his
beautiful eyes and said, “What is it big man?” Kane said, “I carry you…” I
said, “You don’t have to…I weight more then a sack of potatoes…” Kane leaned
over and scooped me up into his arms…and I had my arm around his neck…I’m
scared of heights…Kane said, “I’m supposed to carry you…I wanted to anyway…but
it’s still a rule.” I smiled and ran my thumb across his soft lips…
When we got upstairs, we
had to take separate showers…apparently you had to be clean before you jumped
into consummating the binding…which was always a good thing. I walked into the
bedroom with a towel on…and Kane also had a towel on…well and his mask
too…Taker stood in front of us…and said, “Now…you don’t leave this room until
morning…no one is allowed to watch the video while your in the process of
binding…well actually no one is ever allowed to watch it, except for the two
who are in the binding…Have fun…see you two in the morning.”
Chapter 10
**Sexual Content**
After the door was
closed…Kane walked over and locked it…as instructed…I walked over and was
running a brush through my hair getting the knots out…Kane sat back down on the
bed and waited for me to come over…I sat on my knees next to him and was
massaging his shoulders just trying to get him to relax…cause he was pretty
damn tense…Kane finally broke the silence…well not complete silence…with an occasional
moan from his pleasure from the massage.
Kane said, “Why did you
pick me?” I said, “Why not?” Kane said, “Cause I’m not like other guys…out of
every one you could have picked with the exception of my brother…why me? I mean
you must have some kind of reason.” I moved around to face him and said,
“Truth?” Kane said, “Please.” I said, “Ever since I meet you, when I started
working for the WWE, you’ve never treated me like I didn’t belong to the
Ministry…you know how with all the other males and females who aren’t in the
Ministry…you scare them to death…with yelling and throwing things at them…and
making them terrified of you.”
Kane nodded and I said,
“You never did that to me…and even if I was around when you was doing it…it
never scared me…I was never scared of you…or Taker…I don’t understand why…I
guess some where in the back of my mind…I was starting to like you,
physically…mentally…You’re so unique Kane…there is so much about you that I
don’t know or understand…but I want to know everything about you…watching you
in the ring…or here at the house…or even tonight…you’ve been so gentle with
me…and I like that…you really do have compassion for other people…and that’s
great…and I’m glad you show it more with me then anyone else…I mean other then
Taker and Sara…”
I leaned over and kissed
Kane on the lips so softly…Kane kissed me back…and we slowly slid back into the
bed…Kane slowly opened my towel and was kissing down my chest and slowly
torturing me, by running his tongue in circles around my nipples…If my nipples
would have gotten any harder, they would have cut his tongue…I was in a special
kind of heaven in Kane’s arms…
His hands were gently
sliding up and down my body, feeling every curve and muscle as we moved…I
removed Kane’s towel as he slid his body between my thighs…and I could feel his
erection rubbing against my wetness…Kane saw this look on my face and said,
“You’re still a virgin aren’t you?”
I nodded slowly…Kane
leaned down and kissed my eyes and then my nose and finally my lips…and said,
“I won’t lie…this is going to hurt…but only for a few minutes…I promise…I
wouldn’t never hurt you intentionally…Are you going to be okay…do you need me
to do anything before we start?”
I said, “I’ll be
alright…but if I ask you to do one thing for me…will you not refuse to do it…”
Kane said, “Of course…what is it?” I said, “Take your mask off…If we’re going
to do this…if we’re going to be bound together for eternity…I want to see all
of you…and not just 97%…”
Kane was kind of
hesitant…and he finally nodded…he went back and sat on his knee’s as he started
to unbuckle the mask and remove it…I sat up and stood on my knees…and said,
“Here…Let me.” I moved his wet hair around and undid the two buckles…and slowly
slid the mask off…and looked at his face…he had two 1 inch scars on each
cheek…that was it…I thought it would be much worse…
I touched each scar with
the tips of my fingers and said, “This is why you hide yourself day in and day
out? Why?” Kane looked down and said, “It used to be worse…a couple of
surgeries…have made it better then what it once was…but I still don’t like the
questions or looks I get when I don’t have the mask on…other then Sara and
Taker…you are the only to have seen my face in 15 years.” I said, “I’m
honored…I’m glad I was the one who got to see your beautiful face…and not
someone else…”
Kane looked and me and
said, “Me too…but I’m honored cause you chose me for tonight…out of everyone
who so much more perfect then me you could have picked…you chose me…Thank you.”
I said, “You’re welcome. But I have to thank you…for wanting to bind with me…”
Kane said, “Then you’re welcome also.”
I smiled and we got this
surge of electric vibe between us…and started kissing…I stood up and Kane
placed one of my feet on each side of his legs, so I would be straddling
him…and he took my hands and pulled me down slowly…of course I made sure to rub
my breasts slowly down him and his body…just before I was on his erection…he
wrapped my arms around his neck…and said, “Remember…it is going to hurt but on
for a few minutes…You ready?” I nodded yes…He put his hands on my waist and
slowly guided himself into me, while lowering my body down on to his erection…I
had tears sliding down my cheeks…and Kane whipped them away…he sat still for a
couple of minutes, letting all of my insides adjust to his size…
God Lord what a way to
lose your virginity…to a guy who’s the size of an elephant.
Kane moved us around…I
had my legs wrapped around his waist with him still inside of me…he moved up by
the head board of the bed … Kane grabbed the head board and I braced myself
against his body…biceps, forearms, shoulders, and around his neck…Kane started
thrusting in and out of me…and I was just simply holding on for dear
life…moaning, groaning, touching, tasting, feeling…and a few growls from Kane….
Kane could feel himself
going towards the edge and knew I was close as well…We held each other tighter
and closer…and just as Kane was about to totally lose it…we started kissing…and
Kane thrust a few more times…before we both climaxed together…and I felt Kane
empty himself into me…We couldn’t break eye contact…just staring into each
others eyes…breathing heavy trying to calm down from the things we just felt
between each other…
We laid down…and Kane
wrapped me in his arms…and said, “Nina…If I had a ring…and was serious…If asked
you to marry me…would you say yes?” I said, “Kane…even if you didn’t have a
ring…and wasn’t serious…I would say yes…” Kane said, “I think I love you…I’m
not sure…I know I care for you a lot…and I can’t tell if this is love…but it
feels like it.” I said, “Me too big man…me too.” We let the sleep take over our
bodies…and slept peacefully through the night…well mostly through the night…we
only woke up twice to make love…each time was more intense then the time
Chapter 11
**Mild Language**
In the morning…I was
still wrapped up in Kane’s huge arms…I moved around a little and Kane kissed my
neck and said, “Good Morning.” I stretched and touched the back of his leg and
said, “Mmm...Good morning.” I turned over and said, “I don’t know about you…but
I could really use a shower.” Kane said, “Agreed…want some company?” I said,
We got moving around the
house…and could hear everyone else down stairs…Taker had pre-warned them the
night before...not to wake us. We gathered ourselves and crept down the hallway
to Kane’s room…and locked the door…Then jumped in the shower…we ended up making
love in the shower…and then got clean…
As Kane finished up
cleaning himself…I stepped out to get dressed…I just had on levis, and a red
tank top on…and left my shoes off and went barefoot around the house…I was
brushing the knots out of my hair, while looking out the window…Taker and Sara
were out front…and Taker must of done something to Sara…cause she had Taker in
a head lock…It was cute to see the way they interacted…also knowing that Sara
was the only person who could put Taker in a headlock…and not get bodily harm
done to them…
Kane came out of the
bathroom already dressed and stood behind me…with his arms wrapped around my
waist…Kane saw I was watching Taker and Sara…and he said, “You think we’ll be
as happy as them?” I said, “Absolutely.” I turned around and he had put his
mask back on…and I said, “I hate that thing on you…but I understand why you
wear it…When were alone together…I never want to see it on you…” Kane said,
“Understood…” I said, “And…I don’t want you to feel like you have to hide
yourself from me…when you don’t have it on…okay?”
Kane nodded and said,
“Remember last night when I said I didn’t know if I loved you…I was wrong…I
know I do…” I said, “Good…because I do you too…I know it’s going to take us
both a while to say it…but as long as we feel it for each other…that’s just as
good until were comfortable saying it.” Kane said, “It won’t take long for
me…but then again, I’ve never said it to anyone…so it might.” I said,
“Understood…” Kane leaned down and we kissed a couple of times and then he
said, “C’mon let’s go greet every one.” I said, “Okay…”
I threw my brush on the
bed as Kane took my hand and walked down stairs…we actually went to the
left…out the front door to see Taker and Sara first…Sara had a wrestling hold
put on Taker outside…Kane said it was an arm bar…We walked over and stood above
them…Taker said, “Morning…kids.” Kane said, “Why does Sara have you in an arm
Taker chuckled a little
and said, “Well…it all started when she told me to get my fat ass out of the
way when she was trying to cook in the kitchen…I made the mistake of telling
her she had chicken legs…to which the others started making clucking noises at
her…I walked outside to give the bike a tune up and she ran out of the house
and jumped on me…taking me down into a head lock…then as she, pushed my knees
in and watched me drop to my hands and knees…decided it was the perfect time to
put an arm bar on my fat ass…”
I said, “I don’t know
much about wrestling but…it doesn’t look very painful…” Taker said, “That’s
just it…for someone who’s smaller like you and her…it wouldn’t hurt at all…but
for guys who have big arms like me and my brother…it hurts like hell…She’s got
a hold of my arm in two places…right here on my bicep and on my wrist…now if I
start to fidget…to keep me immobile…she moves her pelvis…and squeezes her
thighs tighter around my bicep…and she thinks it’s funny cause it hyper extends
my elbow…and renders me defenseless.” Sara was giggling the whole time…
I said, “That’s
interesting…I’ve never seen a girl put a guy in a wrestling hold quite like
that before…” Taker said, “Kane you should show her how to do it…” Kane looked
down at me and said, “You want to try it?” I smiled and said, “Sure…I’m
game…I’ve never wrestled before…I might as well try something new.” Kane got
down on his hands and knees…and Taker said, “Now grab his left arm by the
wrist…and swing your right leg over his arm where your rear-end is sitting on
his shoulder…” I grabbed Kane’s arm…and straddled it like Taker had said…
Taker said, “Now…you’re
going to roll across his back, and since you have a hold of his arm…he can’t
get out of it…so he’s got no choice but to roll over the same time…so you guys
are in the same position as Sara and I.” I said, “Okay…here goes nothing.” I
started rolling back…and Kane grunted a little and said, “Sorry sweetie.” Taker
said, “Don’t apologize it’s supposed to be uncomfortable for us.” I laughed and
said, “Okay…I’m not sorry…but you know I really am...” Kane nodded as we
continued to roll over…and ended up with my legs around Kane’s arm, and my
ankles interlocked so he couldn’t move…
I said, “What the
purpose of this again?” Taker said, “Well it doesn’t look like much, but
there’s no real way to get out of it…and it hurts like hell. So me and Kane are
pretty much at yours and Sara’s mercy.”
Kane grunted a little
more and said, “This was not a good idea brother.” Taker laughed hard…as I let
go of Kane’s arm and we stood up…Taker said, “You’re never supposed to let go
until he taps out.” I said, “I don’t want him to tap out…” Taker tapped Sara’s
foot three times…and she let go…and as he stood up he said, “I just did that
for your sake…I would never tap out.”
Sara stood up…pulling on
her pants and said, “Yea…sure…you just didn’t want to cry in front of your baby
brother…” Taker grabbed Sara and threw her over is shoulder…and carried her off
into the house…no telling where they were headed…
Kane and I spent the
entire day walking around the property talking…and just really getting to know
everything about each other…He even took his mask off, when we got far enough
away from the house where no one could see him…Sara and Taker saw it…but decided
against saying anything…
Chapter 12
**Same Warning**
3 months later…Kane and
I were married…obviously in a…well not really a church…but outside in the back
yard of Sara and Taker’s house…but we were married by a real priest…just to
make sure everything was legal. After we had been married a year…Kane had been
injured while wrestling…he’d hurt his bicep…and at the same time Taker had also
hurt himself…
With me being employed
through WWE…I had to continue going on the road with the wrestling tour…and had
to valet other guys…Not very many people knew me and Kane had been married…so a
few tried flirting with me…I always blew them off…nothing huge…
One night I had to
escort Triple H …to the ring…I didn’t think anything of it…Well…he started with
just touching my arm and shoulder…and he was doing it right out in front of the
fans…which meant I couldn’t use my powers on him…cause no one but Ministry knew
about them…So I was going to be defenseless until we got behind the camera…I
just went with it…little did I know…but Taker and Kane were both watching…Kane
had been at a rehab place…and had 6 days before I’d be able to see him again at
the house…Taker was sitting in the living room with Sara and the other from the
Ministry…and saw what was going on…
Once we got into the
back and behind the camera…Triple H started messing with me more…and when I
started to protest by shoving him away from me…he got pissed and back handed me
so hard…I hit the floor and he walked away…
A couple of days later…I
walked through the door of the house…and threw my bags in my room…I was trying
to hide the fat ass black eye that Triple H had given me…Sara came in my room
and we were talking about when Kane got home…and I ran my hand through my
hair…forgetting about my black eye…Sara said, “Holy shit…what happened to your
eye?” I said, “Oh this…”
I pointed to it and
said, “I was born with it…” Sara said, “Mark…Mark…” He didn’t answer and wasn’t
coming…so she stood in the hallway in front of my door and yelled… “Mark
Callaway…get your ass up here now.”
Taker was sitting in the
den when he heard that…and got up and went upstairs and came in my room and saw
Sara leaning over me…and said, “What’s going on?” Sara said, “Take a look at
this girls eye…and you tell me?” Taker walked over and leaned over both of us
and said, “Jesus Christ…Nina what happened?”
I pushed Sara’s fussing
hands out of my face and sat up…and said, “Nothing…It looks worse then it
feels…” Taker said, “Who the hell hit you?” I said, “No one…alright…just leave
it alone.” Taker said, “God Damn it Nina…tell me now…” I ran my hand through my
hair and looked at the floor and said, “Hunter…” Taker said, “That son of a
bitch…I’ll fucking kill him for this…probably not nearly as bad as Kane when he
finds out…”
My eyes shot open and I
jumped off the bed and said, “No…You can’t tell Kane…he’ll kill Hunter…you
can’t tell him…what if he tries to come after me again…no Taker you can’t tell
Kane.” Taker said, “You’ll have to tell him…you can’t keep something like this
from him…he’s your husband.” I said, “Fine…since this is your idea and he’s
your brother…you tell him.” I walked out of the house and decided to walk
around the property…well when I got back it seems that there had been a small
scuffle between Viscera and Taker…apparently Viscera said something he
shouldn’t have and Mark made Viscera eat something…that wasn’t actually
eatable…a hair brush to be exact…my hair brush…
Chapter 13
**Same Warning**
A couple of days later…I
had laid down for a nap cause I didn’t get much sleep the night before…Kane
came home a few days early…Taker and Sara greeted him…and Before Taker would
let Kane come see me…He pulled him aside and told him what Triple H had done to
me. Kane was furious…but he calmed himself enough to come up and see me…
I was laying in complete
darkness…except for the blinds that was letting just a tad bit of light in,
that outlined everything in the room…so When Kane walked in…he didn’t trip over
anything…I was laying on my side…and Kane crawled on top of the covers next to
me, but was facing me…and touched my face softly…and I slowly opened my eyes…
I smiled and leaned into
his hand…it felt good to feel his soft fingers on my face again. He carefully
ran his thumb over my fading black eye…and said, “Why didn’t you want to tell
me about this?” I said, “I didn’t want to start any trouble…I just wanted to
forget it happened.” Kane said, “I can’t protect you, if you don’t tell me
things like this…” I smiled and said, “I never asked you to protect me…just
love me.” He said, “Protecting you is part of loving you…If I didn’t love you…I
wouldn’t want to rip his head off right now…You have to promise me, if anyone
ever does this again to you…you will tell me…”
I stared at his eyes and
knew immediately he was serious as a heart attack…I smiled and said, “Okay
Kane…I promise…” I touched his lips with mine…and we could help but get a
little out of control…The best part was I didn’t even have to remind him…he
just automatically reached up and pulled his mask off…I wrapped my arms around
him and said, “I missed you so much…” He said, “I know…I hated being away from
I said, “You know
something…for being in the Ministry…we’re awfully domesticated now.” Kane
laughed a little and said, “We can be domesticated later and blame Sara and
Taker…but right now I’m about to get evil on your ass...” I started laughing so
hard…and Kane started sucking, kissing and biting on my neck, ears, collar
bone, and lips…
We couldn’t help but
strip our clothes off and go at it…we hadn’t seen each other in 2 months…and
were extremely ready to be together right then and there…It was probably a good
thing we were already in our room…cause at that point I don’t think it would
have mattered where we were…we would have been going at it like a pair of bunny
Hey!! 2 months is a long
time to go with out sex from your husband…hell for newlyweds…2 minutes is too
long…we still considered ourselves newlyweds…cause our 1 yr. Anniversary was
coming up in 2 weeks…and couldn’t wait.
After we had finished
our love making…I don’t know if you could technically call it love making…cause
as dirty as we were talking to each other…it was pretty much…well…there’s no
pretty way to put this…it was straight fucking…I guess we could always say it
was fucking love instead of making love…but either way…it was fucking…there was
no making involved…well we were making something…but that’s a whole different
story. When we finished, got up took a shower together and ended up have sex in
there also…oh yea…My husband was back and was ready to rumble…with me that
is…We got dressed and headed down to see the others…
Kane and Taker slipped
away to talk privately while…Sara and I were talking about needing to go
shopping for a few things…Sara said, “So…there were some pretty evil ass sounds
coming from the bedroom when I walked by…I take it…you guys are going to be
okay?” I smiled and said, “Oh yea…we’re going to be just fine…I thought he was
mad at me for a minute cause I didn’t want to tell him about the whole black
eye thing and made Taker do it…but he got all soft…well at least his heart got
soft…I can’t say that much for the rest of his body parts…” Sara said, “Oh my
goodness…girl you are too much…”
Kane and Taker came back
in…Kane said, “What’s going on in here?” Sara said, “Nina was just talking
dirty to me.” I started laughing and Taker said, “Hey…I’m the only one who
talks dirty to my wife.” Kane said, “Oh…were you telling her what we were just
discussing in the shower.” Taker’s eyes popped open and said, “What?!?” I
buried my face in Kane’s chest and was rolling with laughter as was he and
Sara…Kane put his hand on the back of my head…and kissed the top of my head…
Chapter 14
**Same Warning**
I looked up at Kane and
said, “I love you.” He said, “I love you too.” He leaned down and kissed me a
couple of times…Taker said, “Geez, you guys are getting domesticated fast.”
Kane looked at Taker and said, “We discussed that to…but not in the
shower…we’ve decided to blame that on you and Sara…you two are a bad influence
on us.”
Sara said, “Speaking of
bad influence…ready to go shopping?” I said, “Absolutely.” Kane handed me his
credit card and said, “Buy what ever you want…” I smiled and said, “Or…Maybe
I’ll buy something you’ll want later.” Kane smiled and we left the boys to do
some more chatting…like we didn’t know they were planning on going after Triple
H at the next Monday Night Raw.
So we went shopping…when
we got back…Kane followed me up to our room and said, “So what did you get?” I
said, “I got Shampoo and conditioner…and a brush…just the things I needed…”
Kane said, “Why a brush…what happened to the other one?” I said, “Oh…well when
I told Taker about Triple H hitting me…he was a little pissed off…and Viscera
said something apparently that he shouldn’t have….and Taker grabbed my brush,
broke it in half and then stuffed it down Viscera’s throat…There was only one
way that brush was coming out of him…and I really didn’t want it back after
that.” By now Kane was laughing…and couldn’t only imagine Taker doing it…He
knew his brother had a horrible temper like himself…but just the thought was
I said, “I see nothing
funny about this…I’ve been using your brush…so if you find some long brown
hairs in it…don’t blame me..” Kane laughed a little…
A few days later…all of
us went back to Monday Night Raw…I had on Black plastic shorts, matching 2½ in
heeled, knee-high boots…and a black and red Kane shirt on…but it was tied in a
knot and was showing off my mid-drift…which I knew was driving Kane crazy…
When we got to the arena
in Michigan…the first thing Kane and Taker did was hunt down Triple H…Me and
Sara tagged along for good measure…In fact the cameras caught us finding Triple
H…so they were showing it to the fans and everyone…Taker slammed Triple H up
against the cinder block wall…and then Kane grabbed me by my shoulders and
pushed me up closer to him…Taker said, “Are you the asshole who gave her this
black eye?” Triple H said, “Yea…the little slut was teasing me and wouldn’t
give it up…so I treated her like a whore…the way she wanted to be treated.”
Kane started to try and go around me…and I stayed between him and Triple H…
Taker smashed a little
harder on Triple H’s vocal cords and said, “If I ever…and I do mean ever hear
about you touching anyone from the Ministry again…especially Nina or even
Sara…You will pay…this is shit nothing compared to what my brother was going to
do to you…” Triple H said, “Please…she was begging for my dick like a little
whore last Monday…she wanted it…and if I wouldn’t have been such a gentleman…I
would have given it to her.” I said, “You’re a lying piece of shit…” Kane
touched my shoulders to keep me calm…and walked around me…
Taker said, “Here
Kane…an anniversary present…” Taker handed over Triple H to Kane…and Kane
slammed his head into the wall a few times and then bloodied his face and
knocked out a few teeth…Kane slammed him into the wall one more time…and said,
“If you ever touch my wife again…you’ll regret the day you was born…”
We started to walk
away…when Kane turned around and picked Triple H up, above his head…I loved his
raw power and strength when he flaunted it…Then he proceeded to throw Triple H
across his own dressing room and landed against the other wall…falling down on
top of the monitor and taking everything down on the wall on top with him…
Chapter 15
**Same Warning**
Kane put his hand on the
middle of my back and steered me out of the dressing room…
“Oh my GOD…JR did you
hear that…Kane and Nina are married…” Screeched King…JR said, “Well…Color me
shocked…I wasn’t even aware that they had been seeing each other let alone
romantically involved…I thought she was just his valet.” King said, “How can
those two be romantically involved…Nina…she’s so gorgeous…with those
puppies…and Kane…well…Kane is like some kind of masked freak…he was horribly
burnt by his brother the Undertaker when he was just a boy…do you think she’s
attracted to him in a sexual way…I mean…” JR said, “King…I imagine so…You can’t
really have a marriage unless there is some kind of sexual energy there…” King
said, “What do you know…Mr. & Mrs. Big Red Machine…I can’t believe it
folks…Kane and Nina are married…”
Kane’s music blasted
through the speakers and I walked out with a mic and over to the announcers
table…the announcers table had long since been moved…it was over ff the side of
the ramp…and I sat on the table…with my legs crossed and I said, “Now…King…that
wasn’t very nice of you to say about my husband…and I can pretty much tell you
he doesn’t like you talking about my puppies…Now I’m telling you right now…I
love my husband very much…in 2 weeks…we will have been married for a year…and
right now…There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my husband…believe me…there’s
nothing burnt or freakish about Kane…he’s all man…all the time…”
With that said…I went
back to the back…and all of us in the Ministry left after everyone’s
matches…Triple H was pretty much out of commission for a while…possibly because
Kane beat the ever living tar out of him.
A couple of weeks later,
Kane and I had our 1 year anniversary…and I had…what looked like a Celtic cross
made for him…Kane said, “What’s this for?” I said, “Well…it’s a tradition in my
family…on the 1 year anniversary…the wives have a special cross made into a
necklace…and it’s supposed to be worn at all times to protect the husband…and
on the back it has a list of names of the loved ones that you protect…so see on
the back it has my name…taker’s name and Sara’s name…cause we’re the 3 you
protect the most.” Kane said, “I love it…I’ll never take it off.” I smiled and
kissed his lips…Kane’s gift to me was a beautiful dress that I had been
admiring…that only Sara knew about…
Sara said, “I knew as
soon as you saw it…you’d never buy it for yourself…but I also knew Kane would,
because he knows you deserve the best…You bring out the best in each other…and
I’m really glad you’re in the family now.” I gave Sara a hug and said, “Thank
you so much.” Taker even gave me a hug and kissed the top of my head…Kane and I
spent a whole 2 weeks in bed and never left…unless it was or food…other then
that…we pretty much stayed naked and in bed…
About 2 months later…I
had told Kane repeatedly that I wanted to speak with him…but he kept saying it
would have to wait until him and Taker got through with Unforgiven and No Way
Out…which were going to be two back to back Pay Pre-Views the WWE would be having
in one month…because they were trying to give the fans something extra…
So I finally cornered
him one day and was about to say something when Taker came in and whooshed him
off with the rest of the Ministry to take care of some lose ends…Leaving me and
Sara at the house alone…
We were used to it…but
Sara could tell something was up when I started cleaning the kitchen…especially
since Taker had a maid for all of that house cleaning bullshit…Sara came in the
kitchen and sat on the counter and said, “Alright Nina…what’s up…you’ve been in
here cleaning all morning.” I said, “Nothing.” Sara said, “Yea right and I’m
the Queen of England. Spill it kid…” I said, “I have been trying to talk to
Kane for the last month…and he keeps brushing me off…like work is so much more
important…did you ever feel like you was being ignored by your own husband…”
Sara said, “I’ll tell
you something…the last time he ignored me for a month…I started taking swings
at Mark…and he learned to listen and talk to me more often then he had been.
Girl…you know how to take Kane down…do it…his ass will wise up…and he won’t
neglect you ever again.”
I got this evil little
smile on my face…and Sara said, “What is that?” I said, “Oh nothing…just a
little something that will be going down when the boys get back.”
Chapter 16
**Same Warning**
So the boys came back
and I was sitting in the kitchen on the counters with Sara and we were laughing
and talking…and just having a good time with it being the two of us…the guys
walked in and Taker came over and gave Sara a kiss and said, “We’re going to be
down in the basement…we have a few more things to go over before Unforgiven in
3 days…” Sara said, “Okay.” She sounded a little discouraged…Kane on the other
hand, walked right past me and down to the basement with the others.
Sara saw it…and I said,
“You know something…I can go stay at my sister’s house…and get ignored over
there less then here…” I hopped off the counter…and walked upstairs…Taker said,
“What’s with attitude there?” Sara said, “Oh, I believe she and Kane are
getting ready to have their first major fight…and from the looks of things…he’s
not even gonna know it…until after she leaves…”
Taker said, “What do you
mean after she leaves…Is she leaving right now?? She knows she’s not allowed to
stay anywhere else that the rest of the Ministry is staying…” Sara said, “If I
were you Mark…I’d let it go for tonight…she’s tired of being ignored by her
husband…a week not a problem…but a month…that’s a bit much. My suggestion is
that you not step in on this one…although you might want to tell your brother
his wife is getting ready to leave…other then that…stay out of it…”
Taker looked at Sara
like she was crazy…he shook his head and said, “Damn women…” Taker walked over
and opened the door to the basement and said, “Kane…get up here right now.”
Kane walked up stairs about the time…I walked out the front door…Kane said,
“What is it?” Taker said, “You might want to stop your wife, before she leaves
the house…”
Sara said, “Too late.”
Kane said, “What’s going on?” Sara hopped off the counter and said, “Like
me...Nina doesn’t like being neglected by her husband…or ignored…” Sara walked
outside with Taker and Kane hot on her heels…
Sara ran over to my car
and said, “Nina wait…Please don’t go…you know you can’t stay anywhere the
Ministry isn’t staying…You have to stay in the house.” I said, “Thanks…but no
thanks…I might be part of the Ministry…but right now…I don’t even want to be
me…” Kane and Taker started coming towards me…and were going to drag me back
into the house…and I ran around to the other side of the car…just to get away
from them…I said, “Both of you stay away from me.”…Taker said, “Nina what is
going on with you tonight…have you lost your mind?” I said, “Probably…but I
still want you to stay away from me…Just leave me alone.”
Kane said, “Baby…c’mon…”
I said, “Don’t you dare…don’t you dare do that baby c’mon shit to me…4 weeks…4
damn weeks Kane…I’ve been trying to talk to you…begging you…pleading with you
to just take 5 minutes out of the day to listen to what I had to say…but you
couldn’t even do that…Please someone…anyone tell me…How the hell Wrestling has
precedence over our marriage…You took the same God damn vows I did…and yet for
the last 4 weeks…you’ve done nothing but wrestling this…and wrestling that…I’m
so sick of wrestling I could scream.” They started walking towards me again…
I said, “Stop right
where you are…I’m serious…I don’t want either of you coming any closer to me…”
Taker said, “Why don’t you stop us…huh…use your powers and stop us…” I said, “I
can’t…See you’d know why if you wouldn’t have ignored me for 4 weeks…” Taker
said, “So what the hell do you want from us?” I said, “I want you to leave me
alone…Taker you said I was part of the family and that you’d never hurt me…and
Kane you ignored me for 4 weeks…husbands do not do that to their wives…you’ve
both cost me an enormous amount of pain.”
Taker and Kane got
closer and closer…Taker said, “C’mon Nina…get mad enough to use your powers on
us…” I said, “I can’t…don’t you understand English…if not I can always go it in
another language...”
Sara said, “That’s
enough you to leave her alone…” Sara pushed the both out of the way…and said,
“C’mon Nina…let’s go inside…” She put her arm around me and I couldn’t help but
cry…I was feeling very defenseless at the moment…and we walked into the
house…Kane looked at Taker and said, “What the hell was that all about?” Taker
shrugged his shoulders and said, “Hell if I know…I think she’s gone crazy.”
They followed me and
Sara into the house…Once in the house the shit hit the fan…literally…Kane came
into the spacious den to talk to me…and I stood up and said, “I’m going to get
fat and it’s all your fault and you don’t even…I mean honestly…why would I tell
you I need to have a serious talk with you if it wasn’t absolutely serious…How
many times have you ever seen me bother you while you’ve been working or
training for what ever…huh…NEVER…”
I backed Kane into a
wall and Taker was standing there with Sara…and he said, “What the hell is
going on with her?” Sara said, “It’s not my place to say…Kane should have
listened when she asked him too…”
I went to go throw a
punch at Kane and he ducked and he turned around just in time for me to kick
his knees in…and he fell onto his hands and knees…and I grabbed his arm…straddled
it…and rolled back…and he had no choice but to go with me…I threw his ass in
the fastest arm bar that Taker and Sara had ever seen…Kane never said a words
but he was grunting kind of loud…I said, “I have to tell you Taker…thanks so
much for showing me how to do this…it really does work to my advantage…” I
pulled on his arm a little more and was really hyper extending his elbow…and he
was pretty close to yelling out in pain…
But I gave in…I said,
“Now are you going to listen to me?” Kane grunted out a “Yes.” I said, “And
will you pay attention from now on when I say I need to have a serious talk
with you?” Kane didn’t answer and I pulled his arm a little more and Kane said,
“Ahhh…Yes…God, Nina you’re killing me…” I threw his wrist up and at him and
said, “Not even close to what I’d like to do to you…ya big jerk.” I stood up
and was about to walk out of the den…when Kane stood up moving his arm
around…trying to get the pain down to a low tingle…and said, “Nina…do not leave
this room…”
Taker stood in front of
the doorway…and I stopped…and looked down at the ground…but now I was full on
hysterical…I was crying…but not even making a noise…Kane came over and said,
“You have my undivided attention…so tell me now what you need…” I said, “You’re
sure…right now…you can take a whole 5 minutes out of your life and wrestling to
listen…” Kane said, “God Damn it Nina…just tell me.” I jumped…he’d never raised
his voice to me before…
Taker said, “Kane…calm
down…” Taker could see how upset I was…and I turned around…and whipped my
eyes…and said, “I’ve been sick the last 4 weeks…and you’ve been so wrapped up
in your work that…you didn’t…you didn’t even notice…you didn’t ask…” I
sniffled…Kane noticed my emotions were a tad touchy and he walked over and
touched my cheek and said, “I’m asking now…what’s going on Nina…” I took a deep
breath and shook my head no for a couple of minutes…I think I was trying to get
all the webs out…and I looked up into his eyes and said, “I’m pregnant.”
I ran my hand through my
hair and turned around and walked out of the room…Taker and Kane just literally
stood there with their mouths hanging open…Sara followed me, and started a warm
bath for me in Mine and Kane’s room…so I could relax…I sat in the tub with my
knees in my chest and Sara sitting on the floor next to the tub and we were
talking quietly…as the two giants were still standing in the den doing their
best impressions of fish…
Chapter 17
**Mild Language**
Sara looked over at me
in the tub of warm water and bubbles and said, “Are you starting to relax
honey?” I moved in the tub a little and said, “Yea…thanks…” Sara started
laughing and said, “I’ve never seen someone put Kane or anyone else in an arm
bar that fast before girl…you’ve really got a handle on it.” I looked over at
her with blood shot eyes and we both started laughing…
I said, “I was so
frustrated…I just wanted him to hear what I was saying…I can’t believe he
didn’t go off on me…I thought for sure if he got a hold of me…he would choke
slam me through the coffee table…” Sara said, “If only the boys hadn’t been in
the basement…they would have had the chance of a life time to see the first,
last, and only time Kane submitted…and it was to his wife.” We broke out in
giggles again.
By now Taker and Kane
were outside the bathroom…and could hear us talking and laughing through the
door…They were both sitting on the bed…waiting for either of us to emerge from
behind the locked bathroom door in Mine and Kane’s room…They were resting their
elbows on their knees either staring at the floor or at each other with few
words being spoke between them.
Sara said, “Are you
ready to get out?” I said, “Sure…Will you get my red tank top and matching
shorts…please.” Sara said, “Sure thing…get dried off…I’ll go see if the guys
are okay…when we left the den they both looked as if they had seen a ghost.” I
smiled and said, “Okay.”
Sara walked out and
closed the door behind her…she said, “Well just look at the two of you…you both
look as though you’ve lost your best friend…any particular reason why?” Kane
stood up and started to walk into the bathroom when Sara jumped in front of him
and said, “Don’t think about it brother in law…you let her come out here…you
both have put her through enough in one night and I don’t want you upsetting
her anymore then what she’s already been tonight…I don’t think either of you
want to risk her losing that baby…” Kane said, “Is she okay?”
Sara said, “Yes…but Kane
listen to me…you’re going to have to be more aware of the things your doing
now…especially around Nina…you guys can’t rough house anymore with me and
Mark…and you must promise to protect her…she does not have her powers while
she’s pregnant…it’s a spell that was put on all the women in her family by her
Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandmother…so the women of the family couldn’t
do harm to themselves or their unborn babies…”
Sara continued, “It was
for her own good…just a family spell…but it also leaves her totally
defenseless…that’s why she freaked out when you two giants started coming after
her…she couldn’t defend herself…” Taker said, “Oh man, we must have scared the
shit out of her.” Kane said, “I want to see Nina.” Sara said, “Let me give her,
her clothes…but you wait until she comes out here…and don’t make her cry…if you
do…I’ll make you cry.”
Taker started laughing
and Sara glared at her husband and said, “I don’t think you’ll be finding it so
funny Mark…especially when I tell you…I’m also pregnant…man you boys have great
timing don’t you…” Taker’s eyes nearly shot out of their sockets and he said,
“Are you serious?” Sara said, “Would I have any other reason to not be?” Taker
stood up and enveloped his wife in his arms and kissed her…
After Sara handed me, my
clothes…she was swept away to her room obviously…I got dressed and after I ran
a brush through my wet hair I opened the door…and Kane was standing by the
window looking out of it, with his back towards me…I turned the light off and
the room was only lit by the moonlight…
Kane turned around and
looked at me…I had my eyes towards the ground…He walked over and picked my chin
up until he could see himself in my eyes…and said, “Nina…I’m so sorry…I never
meant to ignore you or neglect you…I love you…and I always will…will you
promise me something…” I said, “What?”
He said, “If I ever do
this again…throw my ass in that arm bar again…because I didn’t realize how bad
I had hurt you until you showed me tonight…I’m not mad that you did it…I don’t
blame you…You were just trying to make me hurt as much as I had hurt you…” I
smiled and said, “You got a deal…I promise. Kane, I’m so sorry I hurt you…I
didn’t mean to make you hurt…I just let my emotions run away with my anger…” I
wrapped my arms around Kane’s waist and held on…he squeezed me and then ran his
fingers through my hair…I felt his lips touch the top of my head and he said,
“I’d never do anything to hurt you intentionally…” I said, “I know baby.”
Chapter 18
**Same Warning**
Kane sat down on the bed
and pulled me over to him…and said, “A baby huh? I can’t wait.” I said, “So
you’re sold on the idea?” Kane said, “I am…yes…I can’t wait to see you all
pouched out with my baby inside you.” I said, “You’re baby is already inside
me…I’m just not pouched yet.” I took Kane’s hand and put it on my lower abdomen
and said, “He is right here…” Kane said, “He?”
I said, “I’m carrying a son
for you…I already know…I can feel his testosterone in me…it gets stronger when
your closer…that’s how I know it’s a boy…I love you Kane.” Kane said, “I love
you too Nina…” Kane pulled my shorts down a little in the front and started
placing kisses all over my lower abdomen…and said, “I love you too son.” I
giggled a little and said, “I’m only 6 weeks…I don’t think he can hear you
yet...” Kane smiled and said, “Well…I’m hopeful…”
I could feel Kane’s soft
hands running up and down the back of my thighs…He looked up at me and I leaned
down and kissed his lips softly…I pushed Kane back a little and sat straddled
on his lap…He started kissing my lips and then down to my neck, while he ran
his hands up my thighs, under my shorts to my butt…and gave it a little
squeeze…Then ran his hands up my spine and under my shirt and I loved feeling
his soft strong hands on my bare back…it was wonderful…
Kane said, “So I have to
be gentle now right…” I said, “Yea…really gentle…you know how we usually are
when we make love…wild…rough…pretty much carefree and crazy…” Kane said, “Yes.”
I said, “We can’t do that anymore…we have to be careful now…” Kane said,
“Okay…I’ll be gentle…”
We started kissing and
pretty much made slow love all night long…Very gently…
The next day, Sara and I
watched as Taker and Kane trained for the PPV…We finally took a break from
watching them to eat some lunch up stairs in the kitchen…and were talking…Sara
said, “So…you guys survived huh…” I smiled and said, “Yea…We talked a little
about him having to be gentler with me for a while and he understood…he was
kissing my stomach last night and I couldn’t help but giggle at him…”
Sara said, “Mark was
kissing me too…but it wasn’t all on my stomach.” We started laughing and I
said, “Damn Girl!…bringing out the heavy artillery huh…” Sara smiled wide and
said, “Of course…I wouldn’t be a woman if I couldn’t throw out the artillery…”
I said, “I’ll be right
back.” I walked down stairs and took Kane a bottle of water…He stopped training
for a minute to drink some of it and give me a quick kiss…he said, “Thank you.”
I winked at him and said, “No problem…” Kane turned around to go back over with
his brother and finish training for the day, when I smacked his ass…Kane
stopped and looked back at me and I smiled and said, “Give ‘em hell baby.” And
giggled a little.
Kane came over and
grabbed me…not really rough to hurt me…but kind of forcefully…Taker started to
walk over to make sure we weren’t getting ready to fight, when Kane leaned me
to the side and laid one of those toe curling kisses on my lips…I thought for a
split second our bodies were covered in electricity…I wrapped my arms around
Kane’s neck and he held me tighter…the kiss got a little more intense…And we
heard Taker’s deep voice, “When you two are finished we’ll continue.” Kane
pulled me up right and ran his index finger down my jaw line…and turned and
went back to his training…
I was walking away and
said, “Damn…if that’s giving them hell…Do you think you could possibly give me
a little hell when you’re finished here.” Kane and Taker heard what I said and
both started laughing…as I was going up the stairs I winked at Kane…and said,
“Sorry for the disruption Taker.” Taker was still laughing and said, “No
problem…Don’t let it happen again.” I said, “Yes, sir.”
Chapter 19
**Same Warning**
2 days later, we were at
the PPV Unforgiven…I had on Black leather short, matching 2½ inch heeled,
knee-high boots, and a black and red Kane t-shirt on…with about 1 inch of my
bare mid-drift showing…and my hair left down…
I walked out of the
locker room into the dressing room and Kane said, “You know lady…you don’t
dress like a pregnant woman…” I giggled and said, “Why sir…are you flirting
with me?” Kane smiled and said, “Does it show that much?” I said, “No…but you
might want to be careful…I heard my husband stalking around the building
somewhere…there’s no telling when he could just run up and snap your neck like
a twig.”
Kane looked at himself
and said, “I don’t know…I might have a shot against him…I’m no light weight.” I
shook my head no…and said, “Hmm…No…He’d kill you for messing with me…he’s a big
monster…one punch could send you to Italy…well depending on the direction your
facing…like if you was on the floor and he stomped on you…you’d go all the way
through to China.” Kane said, “Big boy huh…” I said, “He’s not a boy…he’s a
man…he’s alllllll man…” Kane wrapped his arms around me and said, “You better
believe it baby.” We kissed a couple of times…and then looked around the
dressing room…we noticed Taker, Sara and a few others from the Ministry had
been watching our little mock display of fun…
I said, “What? We’re not
allowed to have any fun?” Taker was just shaking his head…and Sara was sitting
next to him rolling with laughter…Taker said, “She’s turned my little brother
from a Monster into a teddy bear…how are we supposed to win matches with Mr.
Cuddles?” I said, “Believe me Taker…..he’s not always as cuddly as you seem to
think I’ve made him out to be…He can still be an animal…of course…there’s only
two places when his animalistic side comes out…1 is in the ring…and 2 is when
he’s in bed with me…”
I walked away and Kane
smacked me ass and said, “Yes ma’am.” Kane watched me walk towards the locker
room door and while no one was watching, I stopped in the door way…and lifted
one side of the ass of my shorts up…kind of like a half moon…
Kane said, “Please
excuse me for a second…” And he came after me into the locker room…when the
door closed…he turned and locked it…Taker said, “I swear those two act like
kids sometimes…” Sara said, “There is nothing wrong with that…I seem to
remember someone I married a while back being the same playful way with me when
we were in the first and second year of our marriage…but…uh…he lost his playful
side and decided to get way to serious about work.” Mark said, “I can’t imagine
who that is…”
About that time, Kane
had his hands on my ass, my legs around his waist and me pinned against the
wall with his massive body…he hadn’t pulled his wrestling tights all the way up
yet, so his chest was left bare…Kane was kissing my neck with some fierce
kisses…I yelled… “Help…I’m trapped in a locker room with a Big Dirty Red
Machine Monster…”
I couldn’t help but
giggle…Taker and Sara heard it and was laughing at what I had said….I said,
“Kane…wait…you can’t do this.” Kane stopped and looked at me and said, “Why
not…you’re my wife.” I smiled and said, “I know…but if we do…you’re thigh
muscles will get weak before your match…you won’t be able to wrestle at
100%…and I don’t want that to happen…Taker would kill you and then me…”
Kane said, “C’mon…I love
it when you wear those leather shorts…You know exactly what they do to me…” I
said, “Oh yes baby…I know believe me…I can feel what they are doing to you…”
Kane said, “Oh really?” I said, “Well…I knew it was either your hard on poking
the crotch of my shorts or you found a new place to stick a really big gun…And
since I know you don’t carry a gun…it had to be the other one…”
While Kane held on to
me, he slid his hand down between us and as he readjusted himself…he couldn’t help
but run the second knuckle of his index finger right down the middle of the
crotch on my shorts…being sure to push with some pressure to get a reaction out
of me…and drive me hopelessly insane…He got a reaction…It was a cross between a
heavy sigh and a deep moan as I said, “Kane…” Kane smiled and said, “Sorry…I
didn’t mean to poke you…but I did mean to torture you…”
I said, “Wait!…there’s
another reason…These shorts are hard to get on…once they come off they aren’t
going back on.” Kane said, “That’s the whole idea…” I smiled and said, “No…you
can wait a couple of hours…then you can cut, ripe, slice or bite…what ever you
got to do to get these shorts off…I promise.” Kane tilted his head in that cut
way and said, “Okay Deal.” He kissed me a few more times for good measure and
we went back out into the dressing room…
Taker and Kane left for
their matches with the rest of the Ministry…Sara went with Taker…she was going
to be accompanying him to the ring…I was just sitting on the couch in the
Ministry dressing room watching all the matched go down…when the door swung
open…and Triple H, Batista and Ric Flair came walking into the dressing
room…And Triple H and Batista grabbed me…they drug me out of the dressing room
and quickly down to the ladies room…and locked the door…Triple H threw me on
the ground and I scurried to get to my feet and ran into the last stall and
locked it…I knew it wouldn’t hold with that much muscle coming after me…
Triple H was pretty
quiet about his stalking…the busted the door down and Grabbed me and drug me
out and pushed me against the wall…I started yelling and screaming, “LET GO OF
ME YOU ASSHOLE…FUCKING LET GO…” Triple H said, “You’re a feisty little slut
aren’t you…well I got something to shut you up…” He back handed me and I hit the
floor…I tried to move around the 3 of them, but it wasn’t any use…Triple H
said, “If you know what’s good for you you’ll shut your fucking mouth and not
say another word.” I didn’t feel like getting hit again and just stayed quiet…
Chapter 20
**Strong Sexual Content
& Strong Language**
Flair grabbed my feet
and drug me over to the stall column, and Batista grabbed my wrists and they
handcuffed my hands above my head…and then while Triple H forced my legs
apart…and moved my shorts out of the way, he forced himself into me…and I
wanted to scream cause it hurt so bad…Batista cut my shirt off and laid it next
to me…I had tears sliding down my cheeks and Triple H was grunting and
thrusting into me as hard as he possibly could…and he was getting more violent
with his thrusts…I wanted to scream so bad…I had never left pain like this in
all my life…Triple H’s imploring orgasm was about to hit…he pulled out and cam
on the Kane t-shirt I had on…
Triple H said, “At least
I know why the fucking freak married the whore…she’s a tight little fuck…Man
Dave try her out…see if you can get inside her…her cunt is tight.” Batista got
down and pushed in me as hard as he could…Batista said, “Shit…man…she’s fucking
tight…damn…you’d think after fucking the freak she’d be stretched out a
little…guess his face isn’t the only thing that got burnt in that fire…” Triple
h said, “Is that true Nina…Does Kane had a Burnt, shriveled up dick…huh…how can
you be married to a man who can’t satisfy your whore needs for cock…” I just
kept my eyes shut tight…I couldn’t look at either of them…
The tears kept pouring
out and Batista kept thrusting until he pulled out and cam on the Kane
shirt…same as Triple H…Before they left the bathroom…Triple H spread my right
hand out on the floor and stomped his steel toed boot covered foot on my hand
and I felt a few of the bones break…but I never made a sound…I knew if I did
they would make it worse for me…Then they just left me there…I looked down and
there was a pool of blood under me…I pulled my knees into my chest and laid on
my side…and cried…I couldn’t find my voice to yell...and soon the loss of blood
caught up with me…and I passed out.
Sara had been looking
for me, since Taker’s match had finished…Kane was in a huge 10 man match trying
to win a shot at the title that Triple H was holding…so he wouldn’t be out of
the ring for a while…Sara walked into the ladies room…and when she walked
around the corner all she saw was blood and me…handcuffed to a bathroom
stall…Sara said, “Oh my god…Nina!” She ran over and touched my face…I moved a
little and opened my eyes…She said, “Don’t worry…I’ll go get Mark…”
Sara ran as fast as her
legs would carry her…when she busted through the Ministry’s dressing room
door…everyone was on their feet…and Mark ran over…Sara hadn’t noticed all my
blood all over her clothes…Mark said, “What the hell happened…Sara are you
okay?” Sara said, “Wait…stop…it’s not my blood…Its Nina…Someone has her
handcuffed to the stall in the bathroom…” Taker said, “Show me.” All of them
ran with her…and Taker thought he’d never seen so much blood in all his life
and became instantly nauseous at the fact it was me…
Edge ran and got some
help and they got the hand cuffs off me…Mark didn’t notice all the veins and
blood vessels that had been broken in my right hand…he grabbed my hands and
started to pull me to me feet…but I let out a blood curdling scream…and pulled
my right hand away from him…Mark grabbed me and picked me up…Sara waited for
Kane to finished his match by Mark had the ambulance back stage take me to the
Emergency Room immediately…
Once there…they took me
into surgery right away…When Triple H and Batista had thrusted into me…I tensed
up and they ripped my womb several times which was causing me to bleed so
much…when Kane found out he went completely silent…he stayed quiet until he
could be by my side…when I came out of surgery…the doctor, Mark and Sara,
explained what had happened…
Kane was furious…when he
found out who had done it to me…cause I had told Mark, before I passed out
again in the ambulance…Kane destroyed the waiting room in the ER…and then left
in a complete rage to kill Triple H, Batista and Ric Flair…Taker went with
him…leaving Sara with me…
I woke up once and
looked over at Sara…and whispered… “I lost the baby didn’t I?” Sara had huge
tears sliding down her cheeks and said, “I’m afraid so.” I cried a little but
kept it to myself… Meanwhile…Kane and Taker, almost literally broke every bone
in the bodies of the 3 men…
Chapter 21
**Same Warning**
In the few weeks that
followed my recovery…I was very withdrawn from everyone even Kane…I couldn’t
let him touch me, hold me, kiss me…nothing…If he touched me in the middle of
the night while he was sleeping…I’d slide out of be and take the hottest shower
I could…it was just a form of self torture…I just didn’t want to be touched by
anyone…I didn’t even let Sara touch me…
I knew it was really
hard for Kane…he tried to help me through it as much as possible…but in the
end…he was so frustrated with me…but he never really said it to me…I knew I
loved him…and I’d never stop and neither would he…but it was just a rough patch
at the moment…I had to over come all my fears before I could do anything else…
Now that I wasn’t
pregnant anymore…I started reading over some old spell books I had received
from my great grandmother once…and I decided to visit the 3 morons who’d hurt
be beyond belief…they had been laid up in the hospital for weeks…and couldn’t
move cause of the pain the Kane and Taker had inflicted on their bodies…
As it was the three men
were in a huge hospital room together…being watched over by they wives,
girlfriends…whatever…I walked through the doors…and as soon as Triple H saw the
black pupils of my eyes expand to my whole eye…even the white part…he knew they
were in trouble…My hair started flying up around my again…and there was no
breeze. The nurses and whoever the other ladies were that were taking care of
them came towards me…and I threw my arms out and towards the walls…and their
bodies flew into the walls…with a disgusting THUD!
I stared at the three
for seconds and said, “não do vivo... e não do inoperante... as três almas dos
mens antes de mim sofrerão para todo o eturnity.”
(not of the living...and
not of the dead...the three mens souls before me shall suffer for all
With that said a large
white light appeared over the beds of the men…looking like a black hole…only it
was pretty much a white hole…they were helpless…after 5 seconds the whole
closed up…sending the 3 men into a zombified state to spend the rest of their
lives in bed or until I took the spell off (Which I really didn’t foresee
happening)…and the men were silent…I looked towards the women all huddled in a
corner of the hospital room and I walked over and stood before them…
I said, “Em um tempo de
3 segundos... você fêmeas não recordará nada mais então importar-se com estes
pacientes como você estava fazendo antes.”
(In 3 seconds time...you
females will remember nothing more then caring for these patients as you were
doing before).
After I said that the
ladies went back to what they were doing before and I made a fast exit…As I
walked up to the trees that lined the out side of Takers property…I knew he
would be angry with me…1 for leaving the Ministry without permission…and 2…for
leaving Kane……I looked through the trees and saw Kane walk out the door and sit
on the front steps…he had found the letter I left him…and was reading it…It
If you’re reading
this…then I’m gone…I have been struggling for the past few weeks…trying to
salvage and bring back what those 3 Monsters had taken from me…but it’s not
working…I’m not myself anymore…I’m just a shell of my former self…I love
you…but there really isn’t anything you, Taker or Sara can do to help…I have to
do it on my own…I know Taker will be upset at me for leaving the Ministry and
leaving you…
I know I’m breaking our
vows to always be there for each other…but right now…I don’t want to be
anywhere…you’re heart will always be my home…and I will always be with you
there…You’ll always be my husband and I’ll always be your wife…but I need
sometime right now…I don’t mean to hurt you…but I need to get myself to stop
hurting first before I can move on with my life…I promise…I swear…with God and
Faruza as my witnesses…as soon as the pain and hurt is over…and I’m fully
healed inside and out…I will return to you…but not until then…
I know I shouldn’t give
up…but I have no choice…I will be losing everything cause you’re not by my
side…and I hope you understand and can forgive me for leaving you like this…but
I knew if I said anything you would try to stop me…and I just need to run right
now…when I’m done running…I’ll be back to feel your arms around me and your
lips on mine…I’ll never take my wedding rings off, cause they will always
represent you and the love we have and I am forever Bound to you…I love you
with all my heart.
As soon as he put the
letter in his pocket and walked back in the house…I turned and walked away…I
had a particular song in my head as I was walking away from my life…my
husband…my love…
Sarah McLachlan
Full Of Grace
The winter here's cold
and bitter
It's chilled us to the bone
We haven't seen the sun for weeks
Too long, too far from home
I feel just like I'm sinking
And I claw for solid ground
I'm pulled down by the undertow
I never thought I could feel so low
And, oh, darkness, I feel like letting go
If all of the strength and all of the courage
come and lift me from this place
I know I can love you much better than this
Full of grace, Full of grace, my love
It's better this way
I said
Haven't seen this place before.
Where everything we say and do
hurts us all the more
It's just that we stayed too long
in the same old sickly scheme
and I'm pulled down by the undertow
I never thought I could feel so low
and, oh, darkness, I feel like letting go
If all of the strength and all of the courage
come and lift me from this place
I know I can love you much better than this
Full of grace, full of grace
I know I can love you much better than this
It's better this way
The End
Look for the Sequel...-
- Darkness Rises - -