Not Enough
Deja stared up at the old,
weathered house; glad she was wearing sunglasses because it hid the shock in
her eyes. Forcing herself to look again, she appraised the Victorian styled
house with hopefully an unbiased eye.
It wasn't TOO bad, she supposed. Sure… it could use a fresh coat
of paint; that preferably wasn't that hideous shade of purple. The windows
probably needed replaced, she was fairly certain they were warped and shingles
were dangling from the roof; which undoubtedly leaked.
The front porch however, was enough to make her almost crack a
smile. It was in disrepair too but she could already see the balustrades
repainted, perhaps trellis' lining the ground before the porch for climbing
She turned to look at her husband, nodding. "It's
Shawn knew she was lying but managed a tight lipped smile anyway, reaching out to awkwardly wrap an arm around
her shoulder. "Not yet it isn't, but it will be, sweetheart." He
"Perfect." She echoed.
Shawn Michaels had met Deja through a
mutual acquaintance of theirs, which had been shocking enough as Shawn hadn't
thought Steve Austin had known a woman who wasn't a blond. Steve had set them
up on a blind date, at a bar no less, and they had hit
it off immediately.
Deja was funny enough to keep
his attention and firm enough to not let him get too cocky and lippy with her.
Which he had at first a bit annoying but as the night wore on, he found himself
respecting her no bullshit attitude.
Truthfully, Deja had found his
arrogance mildly cute at first, but she knew better than to let him think he
could get away with the cocky attitude, and everything she knew it would wind
up entailing. Lord knew he was good looking enough to have reason to be
somewhat arrogant; it was a damn shame, the man was gorgeous.
He had hair that was about as long as hers, cascading down past
his shoulders. It was a light brown, though she was fairly certain she could
detect hints of honey in those tresses that he hadn't bothered pulling back
into a tail but simply brushed and left loose.
He also had a five o'clock shadow, which normally she would have
found a turn off as she liked her men on the smoother side but… Everything
about Shawn seemed to simply scream at her that he wasn't her usual, and she
found that… refreshing.
Taller, lean and muscular with a tan that made her a bit
envious; a smile that melted her insides even though she'd never confess to it.
Though she had quickly noticed his mouth could go either way, it was both good
natured and a bit mean.
What had probably sealed the deal for Deja
were Shawn's eyes. She assumed they were hazel because sometimes they appeared
green, others a gray color; his eyes were constantly sparkling, drawing her in.
While it hadn't been love at first sight, it had definitely been
Shawn had felt pretty much the same way about her. She had a
sense of humor; seemed fairly intelligent and wasn't hard to look at by any
means. Of course, she had quickly established he wasn't getting away with his
usual cocky attitude and that had made her all the more interesting.
While his hair had natural waves too it, hers was straight as a
board; a silky, pliable board that he was immediately tempted to run through
his fingers but refrained because he had a sneaking suspicion she would have drenched
him with her beer.
Her hair matched her eyes, a dark brown that reminded him of
chocolate; warm. He had guessed that without the heeled boots she had been
wearing, she would have been maybe three inches or so shorter than him; and she
was lean.
All over, almost boyish in her figure; which was not something
he generally found attractive at all. Slim hips; flat stomach and well, in his
male chauvinist mind; he had juvenilely acknowledged her to be a table top.
By the end of the night however, she was the most stimulating;
beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.
It helped that she had refused his advances so far as sex went;
which were half-hearted to begin with as he hadn't wanted to scare her off;
though she had agreed on a second date.
Six months later, they had gotten married.
Shawn had made Steve his best man simply because it was Steve
who had introduced them.
It was within their second year of marriage that Deja had told Shawn the best news he had ever heard; second
to her accepting his proposal.
She was pregnant. They were going to have a baby.
Immediately, he had begun preparations for a nursery; wanting to
add on too their small ranch that was snugly settled on the outskirts of San
Antonio. If it were possible, they fell even more in love with each other
during that time.
Then tragedy had struck.
He had gone to help Steve round up cattle, as he did every year
simply because it paid rather well and he liked riding, and Deja
had gone along; planning on visiting with some of their neighbors while the
herders were out.
They had been a few riders shy so she had volunteered to go out
with them. At four months pregnant and still not showing, it hadn't seemed like
a big deal at the time. She could ride as well as anyone and knew her way around
the land.
Shawn hadn't been watching her when the accident happened. Deja and Steve had been working together to round up a few
stray mares when suddenly her mount –which had been a gorgeous American Paint-
reared; letting out a scream.
Steve had started letting out curses.
Shawn had turned in time to see Deja
trying to control the horse; which was now reared onto its hind legs.
Steve had shouted; letting out another round of curses.
The man they were all working for –Carl- had at this point drawn
a pistol.
With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Shawn hadn't
been able to do anything but watch as the snake shot forward; biting again.
It wasn't fear of a snakebite as
Copperheads –while venomous- were hardly ever fatal. It was what had happened
next that everyone had feared.
When the horse broke out into both a fury and a panic and began
trying to stomp it's attacker to death opposed to fleeing, Deja
had flown off.
The baby had been lost.
And it seemed their marriage had too.
At first, Shawn had blamed her for joining them instead of
remaining behind like she was supposed to. Then he had blamed himself for
allowing her to go when he had known better.
Then he had felt guilty all around simply because he knew it
hadn't been either of their fault and he hadn't been content to not lay the
But the damage had already been done. Tension reigned between
them for the better part of six months; their third year wedding anniversary
had come and gone without open acknowledgement from either of them.
It was perhaps that factor that had made Shawn start
contemplating the idea of moving. Their house was a constant reminder of what
they had lost. The unfinished nursery he had eagerly been working on; a basket
of baby clothes and blankets they had been given by Deja's
friend –and mother of three-, Larissa.
Even if the reminders were removed, the nursery converted into
something else; the feeling of what might have been would have lingered.
So he had started house hunting.
Outside of Texas.
He figured if they were going to start over and make the attempt
at saving their dissolving marriage, they might as well do it properly and
completely start new.
Deja had agreed.
Which is how they wound up in New England, with this house.
"It's a fixer upper but…"
"It's perfect, Shawn." Deja
said, injecting life into her tone. She loved her husband, honestly she did,
she just couldn't bring herself to stop mourning; fairly certain she had gotten
over the lingering resentment that he had blamed her for the loss of their
As if she hadn't blamed herself enough without his help.
"You sure, sweetheart?"
She smiled slightly at the hint of worry in his tone; turning so
they were standing pressed chest to chest and lightly kiss his chin. "It's
a project, which is exactly what we need. We can make this our house."
Relief flooded his face and Shawn gently cupped her cheeks in
his calloused palms. "We'll be fine, Deja, we're
going to work through this, together." He promised; feathering his lips
over hers.
After a moment, she pulled away; her head turning back towards
the house. "So do I get the tour?"
"Honey, I haven't even seen the inside yet." He
chuckled, his arm moving back to its comfortable place around her shoulders.
"The real estate agent will be here in the morning to give us the keys,
and the power and water should be on by then. So tonight…"
"Another motel?"
"Just one more." He
leaned his head down until it was resting against hers. "Then tomorrow
night, we'll sleep in our new bedroom, in our new bed."
"The movers will be here on time, won't they?"
"They had better or I'm not paying them a goddamn
dime." He scowled, remembering the trouble they had had with the company.
"Let's go before I give myself a heart attack or somethin'."
"Somethin'." She
repeated, shaking her head.
He snorted, swiping the keys from her back pocket.
Wrapping her arms around herself, Deja
turned back to the house; giving it one last look and nodded. This would work, he was right; they would make it work.
Jas Coleman did not like the old Morle
house, at all. As he was also the only realtor in the small New England town;
he had the sad task of trying to find a buyer for it. Over the years, a few
people had looked at the house; outsiders, people who didn't know the history
of the place.
When he had been contacted by a man from Texas who had seen the
listing on the internet, Jas had done everything he could to seal the deal.
Surprisingly enough, without even seeing the place, this Mr. Michaels had
bought the house.
Jas nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard tires crunching
on the gravel drive; whirling around with a hand over his heart. He managed a
shaky smile, walking forward with an outstretched hand as a handsome couple got
out of the vehicle. "Mr. Michaels?"
"Call me Shawn." The tanned man said with an easy
grin; tipping back the brim of his white Stetson. He reached out, accepting
Jas' hand in a firm shake.
"Well, Shawn, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. This is
your wife?"
"Deja." The woman next shook his hand, wearing a straw cowboy hat;
smiling as well though hers wasn't as warm as her husband's.
"Pleasure to meet you." Jas hesitated when she stepped past him; her eyes on the house
then regained his composure. "So, Shawn, are you ready to take possession
of the house?"
Shawn nodded; his smile remaining firmly in place though it now
seemed a bit tense. "We sure are."
"All the paperwork has been signed, you have the
deed…" Jas reached into his blazer pocket, pulling out a few keys and
passed the ring over; feeling relief coursing throughout him though he showed
no visible signs of it. "You are the proud new owner of Morle Manor."
"Morle Manor?" Deja echoed, turning around to stare at Jas. "Is that
what this place is called?"
Jas nodded, stifling his discomfort. ""It was, way
back when it was built, it's not really a manor but… the name stuck."
Before she could ask another question, a moving truck appeared
in the long drive.
"Ah, well, I'll just leave you two to sort things out. If
you have any questions, Shawn, you have my car."
Shawn shook his head, watching Jas walk to his car. "Was it
me or was he a bit anxious?"
"Too much coffee." Deja said dryly; holding her hand out
for the key. "I want to see the inside."
Chuckling, he passed it to her. "Impatient
She smiled slightly. "I just want a peek."
"Go on, sweetheart, go explore. I'll handle this."
Shawn said softly, returning her smile when she kissed him.
Hopefully, they were on the right track to getting their
marriage together again.
"Deja, where you at?"
"Hey mister, where do you want this?"
Shawn turned in what he didn't want to acknowledge was a parlor
but it was; frowning. "Just set everything in the living room, we'll sort
it out."
Nodding, the two men shuffled by him; carrying the mattresses to
their bed.
Frowning, Shawn peered up the stairs; resting his hand on the ornate
banister. "Deja?"
Deja was staring at the huge
claw foot tub in the master bathroom, a small notepad and pen in hand. She was
sincerely hoping she could get the bathtub clean because she was dying to test
it out; feeling that a nice hot bath would be heavenly.
"CLR…" She muttered, shaking her head and wondered;
not for the first time, just how long this house had stood empty. Dust coated
everything and she was grateful she didn't have allergies or she would have
probably had an attack just from opening the front door.
The house was going to need a lot of work, and that pleased her;
it meant her mind would be occupied for quite some time to come. She was taking
notes on what needed done and immediate cleaning supplies they were going to
have to buy if they didn't have them already.
Sighing, she continued her tour; arching an eyebrow when she
realized the second door in the bathroom –the one she entered being from a
bedroom- wasn't to a closet but…
"Oh wow…"
This must have been the master bedroom.
Déjà's jaw hit the floor when she seen the… bed. It was
gorgeously breathtaking, undoubtedly an antique and very valuable. Whoever had
left this behind… Who would leave this behind?
After a moment, she walked over to examine it in detail; taking
note of the detailed panels at the foot; guessing the wood was mahogany. It was
a type of four poster, though at the head of the bed;
it wasn't posts but a wall, a panel, that branched out into a type of roof of
sorts until it met the posts at the foot.
"Wow…" She repeated, pressing a hand on the mattress,
somehow not surprised to find it deliciously soft; almost begging her to lie
down. Shrugging, she eased herself onto the bed, feeling her body sinking into
the feather mattress comfortably.
Sighing contentedly, she folded her arms beneath her head;
closing her eyes.
Almost immediately she felt pressure on her body; frowning
slightly. It wasn't heavy or stifling; it almost felt like someone was hovering
over her. Feeling silly, Deja opened her eyes and
snorted, nothing; the feeling had even disappeared. Mentally chiding herself,
she shut them again.
Again, it felt like someone was hovering over her.
Again, she opened her eyes.
Piercing, fern green eyes were staring at her.
She blinked, shooting upright and stared at her husband who was
now standing in the bedroom doorway. "Shawn?"
"Sweetheart, I've been calling you for awhile now…" He
took in the bed with the same look of awe she was sure she had worn when she
first seen it. "You must've fallen asleep…"
"Yeah, maybe." She
said slowly, than shrugged. He was right, she probably had fallen asleep; which
would explain everything that she had just thought happened. "It's this
bed, it's so comfortable…" She patted the spot next to her.
Grinning broadly, he all but jumped onto the bed; automatically
raising his arm so she could sprawl on his chest. "I wonder why they left
this bed… it's got to be worth-"
"A shitload of money."
"They bought the old Merle place,
you can bet Jas didn't tell those two a thing about that- Hello." Viola
instantly stopped gossiping and smiled warmly at the pair who had just strolled
into the store. The very couple she had been jabbering about. It was hard not
to notice them. The town wasn't very big so usually strangers were noticed
right away.
The fact that this pair weren't just passing through but
apparently looking to settle in had made things even juicier. Of course, the
mere idea of anyone living in that house… it made Viola shudder.
"Can I help you find anything?" She asked politely,
trying not to stare.
"No thanks," Said the man; glancing down at his wife
who shook her head. "We're just lookin'."
"Well if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."
As soon as they disappeared into the aisles, Viola turned to her
friend and arched an eyebrow.
Linda shook her head.
"Was it me or were those old women a bit… nosy?" Deja asked as she and Shawn unloaded the contents of their
cart into the cab of the truck.
"All women are nosy, sweetheart." He teased, ducking
the broom she tried whacking him with. "Now honey…"
"Don't you now honey me." She
shot back with a grin, relinquishing her hold on the broom and allowed him to
put it in the truck. "It just feels like everyone is either talkin' or starin' at us."
"Now… that sounds paranoid." Shawn shook his head,
clucking his tongue at his wife. Though when a couple passed
by and openly stared at them, he sighed. "But you're right. Dej, we're new in town, it'll pass in a day or two."
She snorted.
"I'm going to run down the street to the hardware store.
You want to come with me or sit in the truck?" When she didn't immediately
respond, Shawn frowned; glancing over his shoulder at her. It took a moment to
realize she was staring across the street; following her gaze. "Oh Lord…
she found the bookstore…" He mockingly threw his hands heavenward.
"I'll meet you back here." Deja
replied, ignoring his smartass comment –used to them by now- and jogged across
the road.
Deja didn't have high hopes
when she had entered the bookstore. She was half expecting it to be a themed
store, like an all Christian retailer; as was something she noticed as a
mainstay in small towns. Or on the far end of the spectrum;
some beatnik store specializing in the occult and new age bullshit.
To her great delight, it was neither. It was just a bookstore.
Sure, it wasn't Barnes and Nobles but it would do until they actually went to a
She inhaled the familiar scent of pages as soon as she walked
in; sighing contentedly. Of course she had several boxes of her own books at
the house; but she had been meaning to buy some new ones; books she had never
read. Of course, with restoring the house; the chance to read was very likely
going to be slim to none…
"Help you find anything?"
Deja whirled around to find
a man with a nose threatening to poke her eye out standing right behind her.
"Um, no, I'm just looking."
"You're Deja, aren't you?"
She arched an eyebrow, surveying him coolly. "Mrs.
"Sorry." He popped his bubble gum, holding out a hand.
Not wanting to be too rude and make a bad impression –and only
because it would affect Shawn-, Deja reluctantly
shook his hand. Afterwards, she gestured towards the stacks before walking
away; rolling her eyes.
"So…" Hunter followed her. "How do you like town?
Bet it's a lot different from Texas, Jas said you were from San Antonio?"
"Outskirts, yeah." She muttered, picking a book at random and opened it; staring
without seeing at the words. Jas needed his ass kicked, running his mouth about
them to everyone.
She sincerely hated small towns.
"Seen the ghost yet?" He asked, leaning carelessly
against the shelf; staring intently down at her.
"I beg your pardon?"
"The ghost, Mrs. Michaels; that house is haunted."
Oh great. On top of the entire town being NOSY, now she had some
punk trying to FRIGHTEN her. "Well… I suppose I'll just have to call the
Ghost Busters, now won't I?"
"The…" Hunter frowned, watching as she walked past
him; trying to figure that one out. It struck him just as the bell over the
door dinged, informing him she had left. "Smartass…"
The moronic shopkeeper's words of the house being haunted were
quickly forgotten in the next week, she was so busy working alongside Shawn
trying to make the house livable.
The first room she tackled was their bedroom and adjacent
bathroom, she wanted a clean; comfortable place to sleep and bathe. Shawn,
being a typical man, had gone for the kitchen in hopes they could stop bringing
home pizzas and she might deign to cook.
After the first week however, they had to face the facts that
they weren't going to be able to live on their savings for much longer, not
with renovating a house draining the money.
"Shawn, I've been going over the budget…" Daija said hesitantly, a week and a half after moving in;
they were both sitting round the small; somewhat wobbly table they had found on
the back porch eating… pizza. "And…"
He held up a hand; gesturing for a moment to finish chewing his
food. "I know, sweetheart. I already spoke with Mr. McMahon down at the
mill and-"
"The mill?" She
"Well, not like 'mill' mill, it's basically a factory for…
dog food, but, for now, it's a paycheck."
Daija frowned, staring down
at her half eaten slice of pizza. Pizza had definitely become her least
favorite food as that's pretty much all they had eaten this week. She had made
the attempt at cooking the night before only to find out that the oven needed
replaced. "I can start looking in town."
Shawn shook his head. "No point, Daij.
I'd be working a forty hour work week, Monday through Friday and the mill is a
half hour away. We can't afford a second vehicle at the moment, sweetheart.
Besides," He smiled impishly. "If we're both gone off all week, when
will this house ever get done?"
Daija considered that, trying
not to smirk. "This is true."
"That and I want you to have a hot meal waiting for me when
I get home."
"I got your hot meal right here, darlin'."
He arched an eyebrow, a moment later her pizza resting against
his face. Groaning, Shawn peeled it away. "Smartass."
When Shawn started work, it was both with a mixed feeling of
relief and sadness that Daija felt when she was in
the empty house by herself. Whatever happened between them, she would never
deny that he had never shirked his duties of being the provider, taking the
'traditional' role of the husband quite seriously sometimes.
Now if he had actually came out and
said 'you should be a house wife', she would have not only flung pizza at him
but probably divorced him as well, solely on principal.
As reluctant as she was to admit it, Shawn knew his way around
her quirks and how best to get her to acquiesce to his wishes, or what he
thought would work out best for them. Sadly, he was usually right on the money
as well.
Today her project was straightforward. They had already swept
and cleared the layers of dust; now she was going through the house from bottom
to top and clean. Everything that couldn't be salvaged was going out to the
burn pile in the middle of the too large backyard, what could be would go to
the back porch to await refurbishment.
Armed with insecticide, cleaners; garbage bags and a broom, Daija headed down the steep cement stairwell that led to
the unfinished basement. The floor was hard,
packed dirt as were three out of the four walls; one shelf lined with shelves
that held dusty jars.
"Gross…" She muttered; reaching for the light switch,
holding her breath as it sputtered on; expecting it to blow. When it flickered
once then remained steadfast, Daija let out the
breath. "Thank God for small favors."
To put it mildly, the basement was creepy as hell. It was also
fairly cold; which she attributed to the dirt walls and the fact it was
underground. Pretending not to notice the huge, disgusting spiderwebs
that liberally decorated the ceiling; she got to work; heading straight for the
It wasn't until she had cleared all the cobwebs and dust until
she realized just what the glass Ball canning jars contained. At first, she
wasn't sure if she was seeing what she thought she was. Hesitantly, Daija carried a jar upstairs; setting it in the kitchen
She didn't bother attempting to pry open the horribly rusted lid
or seal off; just pulled her clawed hammer from the toolbox under the sink and
smashed the jar open.
She regretted it instantly.
A stench of formaldehyde and something else she didn't even want
to begin trying to identify wafted to her; causing Daija
to recoil with a hand clamped over her mouth and nose; gagging violently.
When her stomach had stop threatening to regurgitate the
contents of her sparse breakfast; she approached the sink; peering down.
What she saw made her flinch; moan disgustedly and dry heave all
at once.
She was fairly certain the thing sitting in clear; viscous fluid
in her sink was an embryo.
A baby.
It was almost like a cruel joke, Daija
reflected as she quickly stuffed the jars –she wasn't checking anymore
contents, she could hazard a guess at what was in them- into a garbage bag. The
irony of the situation wasn't lost on her. She had miscarried months before
they had moved in, so it made perfect sense to find a basement filled with…
It was a cosmic joke.
One she wasn't laughing at.
Whoever had done this, was a sick fuck
and she could only hope they were either dead or living in a nursing home
suffering full body paralysis.
She also mused on telling Shawn about this; just envisioning the
expression on his face. No, she couldn't do that to him. He would take it as
some sort of sign from above that they were cursed or something. Daija didn't believe in a god, Shawn did however.
No, it was best if she just got rid of all this… stuff, and kept
it to herself. Her husband was trying so hard to make this new life work for
them, she wasn't about to ruin it.
After putting the bag in the trash bin; in the middle of the
bags already in there, she returned to the house to retrieve a cigarette. Not a
habit she normally indulged but she kept a pack in the freezer just in case. Right now definitely qualified as a smoke moment.
She couldn't even look at her sink; sitting at the table with
her back to it. She had of course discarded of the… thing, with a pair of
gloves (that had been thrown away as well) and scrubbed the basin out with
bleach and scalding hot water.
But it wasn't bleach she was smelling.
It was still the formaldehyde.
"Hello? Is anyone home?" Joanie Laurer called through
the screen door; peering inside the dark house. She damn near jumped out of her
skin when a woman appeared suddenly; pressing a hand over her heart.
"Sorry." The woman said dryly.
"Mrs. Michaels?"
She nodded.
"My name is Joanie, I live a few
miles from you." Joanie greeted, attempting a friendly smile; though it
didn't come easily; especially since Mrs. Daija
Michaels looked grim. "I thought I'd come welcome you and whatnot…"
She held up her other hand; which had a small casserole dish in it.
Daija appeared to give it
thought before finally pushing open the screen; gesturing Joanie inside.
Joanie hesitated. "I'd rather not."
Daija arched an eyebrow.
"Superstitious I suppose. Would you mind?" She stepped
back; watching Daija silently follow her onto the
front porch. "It's just a ham and cheese casserole, nothing major. I
figured with the renovating, you and your husband might not have time to cook
or anything."
"Thank you." Daija looked
mildly surprised, finally smiling as she gratefully accepted the dish; feeling
how warm it still was and couldn't stop herself from inhaling. "Mmm. I'll just go set this inside."
Joanie nodded, waiting patiently. She folded her arms around
herself, looking around the porch and tried to pretend that it didn't feel like
below fifty when she knew for a fact it was in the eighties today.
When Daija reappeared with a cigarette
between her pale pink lips, Joanie offered another smile, pleased to see this
one returned. "So how are you liking it
here?" She asked politely.
"It's alright." Daija
shrugged. "I haven't had a chance to really have a look around, been busy
with the house."
"I can only imagine. It's been empty for almost fifty
"Wait, the last time someone lived here was… 1947?" Daija did the quick math; frowning slightly.
Joanie nodded.
"Do you… know anything about the place?"
She hesitated.
Daija sensed that and smiled
awkwardly. "One of the guys in town tried to scare me into thinking there
are ghosts here." She laughed, shaking her head. "While it does have
that haunted house look, it's not."
"Yeah, him."
"He's a moron," Joanie waved a dismissive hand.
"Don't take anything he says seriously. I think he gets bored living here
cause it's such a small town and feels like he has to stir something up every
now and then just for a chuckle."
Daija didn't laugh.
"The place has a history sure," Joanie shrugged.
"But this is New England, half the houses here are haunted. In the sense
that people like to gossip and make up wild tales, it's just been empty for so
"Considerin' how long it's been
standing empty, it's in remarkably good condition."
Joanie just shrugged again.
"I need money."
Shawn arched an eyebrow, staring at Daija
tiredly for a moment. "Jeez, no hi honey, how was your day?" He was
only half-teasing.
Daija wiggled her fingers,
trying not to smile at the exasperated look on his face.
Shaking his head, Shawn pulled his wallet out of his back
pocket; rifling through it. "I only have hundreds"
"That'll work."
Once Daija had stuffed the bill in her
own wallet, he held out his arms. "Now that I've paid you, can I at least
get a hug?"
"I'll have to consider it."
She looked so serious he actually believed her for a moment.
Growling, Shawn pulled his wife against him roughly; locking her arms at her
sides. "You infuriating wench. I work all day and can't even get a hug
when I come home?"
She began kissing the side of his neck; pressing her body
against his.
"Well… I can't exactly hug you." To make her point,
she wiggled her trapped arms.
"God save me from women…"
In the two weeks he had been working, Shawn had noticed a change
in his wife. She seemed… he wouldn't say happier, but not
quite so sad and angry all the time. She was also working like mad on
the house, he knew this because every night when he got home; there was always
several improvements and supplies set out for whatever next she was working on.
He just realized he was staring into the bathroom mirror without
really seeing; the faucet running; waiting on him to get around to washing his
"Shawn, dinner!"
"Comin' sweetheart!" Shaking his head, he began washing his hands.
After a quiet meal and a hot shower, Shawn was ready for bed. He
padded downstairs in just a pair of cotton pajama bottoms; sinking down to sit
on the bottom step; watching Daija.
She was standing on a ladder; doing something to the top of one
of the windows that adorned either side of the front door.
"What're you doin'?"
"Scrapin' this old paint off so I
can put a new coat on tomorrow."
"Daij, come to bed."
"I'll be up in a few, honey." She glanced over her
shoulder, smiling at him. "You go on up."
He didn't budge though, just watched as she meticulously worked.
"This weekend, why don't we go out? Get out of the house."
She hesitated for a moment, her shoulders visibly tensing before
laughing softly. "And do what?"
"I don't know. Maybe go… go…" Shawn tossed around for
something to do, then grinned. "Next town over is
an antique town; we could go have a look and see if we couldn't find anything
for the house."
Daija carefully maneuvered
herself around on the ladder until she was facing him. "That would be
wonderful, Shawn. Saturday then?"
He nodded.
He watched as she turned back around, wondering with a frown why
it felt like he just had to make an appointment to go out with his wife.
She wasn't aware Shawn had returned upstairs; intent on scraping
off the peeling and faded paint; her tongue planted firmly between her lips.
Bit by bit, the house was becoming… hers; she was driven to restore it, change
what she didn't like and claim it.
Except for the basement, after cleaning it; she hadn't gone back
down. Shawn was more than welcome to it.
An hour later when she had finished her task, Daija felt more awake than asleep; glancing up at the
ceiling. Undoubtedly Shawn was already fast asleep and wouldn't notice it when
she finally came to bed. Humming under her breath, she made her way to the
kitchen; snagging a glass from the strainer on the counter and turned on the
She was used to the first spout of rusty water; waiting
patiently until it ran clear before filling her glass. While sipping the cool
water; she stared out the kitchen window, the dim light from the moon showing a
bit of the backyard.
Which would be tomorrow's task. The lawn was in bad need of being mown and she wanted to get to
work weeding the overrun flower beds.
Just as she was about to flick off the kitchen light and
possibly go to bed, her attention was drawn back to the window. Frowning, Daija set down her now empty glass and moved to the back
porch door; opening it and crossed the old; creaking wooden floor to the screen
door that separated porch from outside.
"Hello?" She called quietly, fumbling for the light
switch. When her fingers finally scraped across it, she flicked it.
The bulb emitted a weak glow for a moment, made an odd sizzling
noise then popped.
"Great, just great." She muttered, pushing open the screen door and stepped outside.
She automatically wrapped her arms around herself. While not cold, it was
chilly. More so than she was used too. Narrowing her
eyes, Daija looked around before focusing on the spot
she could have sworn she had seen something.
It idly crossed her mind that she could have seen a deer, or
some other animal. Lord knew they were relatively close to a national park for
it to be entirely possible.
Before she could convince herself that it had simply been a deer
and nothing else, a motion to her left distracted her; her head swinging
automatically in that direction.
Daija took several backwards
Something green was glowing from under the darkness of one of
many trees that littered the yard. She would have instantly said it was a cat
if not for the fact that the eyes stood higher than her head and somewhat
"Who are you?" She demanded, inwardly cursing herself
for the somewhat shaky tone her voice had taken on.
Another flurry of backward steps when a man stepped out into her
He was one of the largest men she had ever seen, bigger even
than that moron Hunter from town. His face was pale, standing out in the
darkness that was closing in on them.
Daija opened her mouth to
holler for Shawn but nothing came out. Inhaling deeply, she tried again; this time a choked noise coming out. It felt like a hand was
wrapped around her throat; squeezing.
The man was steadily approaching, becoming more and more easier to see with every step he took. In her haze of
panic, it registered he was indeed much taller than she had initially thought.
Long hair cascaded over his shoulders and she was hazarding a guess it was
black; it was so hard to tell. When he was maybe a foot away, she could make
out his face.
He wasn't handsome in the traditional sense at all, definitely
not like Shawn. He was more rugged, his nose long and almost blunt at the end.
He wore a mustache and goatee combination that only made him look even more
intimidating if that were possible.
Lastly, she noticed there was a black teardrop beneath his right
The pressure on her throat stopped.
The man reached for her; his eyes narrowing.
"Darlin', you were probably half asleep and saw a deer or
something, maybe a large dog." Shawn said softly, adding a liberal amount
of brandy to the mug of tea he had made his wife before settling down across
the table from her; folding his hands before him. He had woken up out of what
he had thought was a deep sleep when he heard her screaming his name.
The terror in her voice had made him damn near have a heart
attack. He had scrambled out of bed and stumbled down the stairs, all but
flying out the backdoor.
After calming her down enough to get her inside, he had managed
to make out what had happened outside through her garbled speech.
Daija, much calmer now,
sipped the doctored tea and nodded. "You're right." She said softly,
knowing he wasn't but he looked almost as pale as she was sure she was.
"I'm just tired."
"No wonder, darlin', you've been running yourself ragged
ever since we got here." Shawn reached across the table to take her hand,
gently squeezing. "You need to get out of the house, Daij.
Why don't you go into town tomorrow?"
She really did not want to go into town, as there wasn't
anything there to hold her interest but nodded.
"Or maybe you could see if that woman, Joanie, could show
you the sights."
"Maybe." She agreed
Going out with Joanie had turned out better than Daija thought it would be. Once you got past her large,
muscular frame and somewhat nasally voice; she was really smart and funny. She
seemed to realize Daija had no interest in the small
town and suggested they go to a neighboring community that had several antique
As Daija was looking for things to
furnish the house with, she readily agreed to that.
Maybe Shawn was right, she mused as she surveyed a selection of
vintage lamps, maybe she was spending too much time in the house; practically
obsessing over it. But then again, what was wrong with wanting to finish a
project? Especially when that project happened to be their home?
"You alright?"
Joanie smiled when Daija faced her,
staring intently down at the other woman. "You looked like you were
spacing out there for a moment."
"I probably was." She admitted. "Just thinking
about an… episode we had last night."
Joanie didn't say anything, just looked politely interested.
"I could have sworn I seen something in my backyard… are
there bears around here?"
"Bears?" Joanie
echoed, frowning. "Well sure, but if it was a bear, you'd probably of been
Daija personally felt she had
been almost mauled but didn't say anything.
"Maybe it was a deer, we have plenty of those."
Daija managed a tight smile.
"Fancy seeing you here." Hunter peered over Daija's shoulder,
snorting when he seen what she was reading. "Researching your house,
"Isn't that what people come to the library for?" She
replied coldly.
"You could save yourself time and just ask anyone around
town, or me." He pulled out a straight backed wooden chair from the table
and carefully lowered his muscular frame into the seat. "I'd tell you all
about Morle Manor, Daija."
"Mrs. Michaels."
"Where's the Mister?"
Daija HAD been trying to sort
through old newspaper, deeds and everything else she could lay her hands on
without having to resort to asking for help (the librarian had given her the
same funny look most people did when they realized she was the new person
living at the old Morle place), but it was damn near
impossible to focus with this Neanderthal hovering. "Working."
She said flatly, pushing away from the table and began gathering up her books.
"Ah, down at the factory, right?" Obviously not put
off in the slightest by her less than welcoming attitude. "Yeah, that job
sucks. Bet he comes home, eats and goes to bed, don't he?"
She'd had enough. Not even bothering with putting the materials
away, Daija 'booked' it from the library, hoping
Hunter would take the damn hint.
He didn't. He soon was falling into step alongside her on the
sidewalk. "You're touchy, you know that?"
Exasperated, she stopped and whirled to glare at him; throwing
her hands heavenward. "What the hell do you want, boy?"
"Boy?" He sounded offended, both eyebrows raising. "Who the hell are you calling a boy,
Scoffing, she sharply turned away from him; her hair flying and
catching him across the face. Well at least when Shawn got home from work,
she'd have something to tell him besides how her latest renovations on the
house had went.
Such as she had gone antiquing for the first part of the day,
the second was spent being annoyed by a lumbering moron.
"Hey, I asked you a damn question!"
Daija had encountered a lot
of bonehead males in Texas when she was single, usually drunk and emboldened by
liquor. And Lord knew there wasn't a shortage of the sober variety of male
assholes in any part of the world.
So when Hunter actually reached out and gripped her wrist to
stop her from walking away so hard she was certain he was going to leave a
bruise; somehow, it wasn't surprising. "Look, I don't know about here but
in Texas, this is considered assault."
Scowling, Hunter let go.
Surveying him with a cool expression on her own face, Daija backed away.
When she got home, she caved into the desire to tremble in fear.
Once that was out of her system, she set about to starting supper; anger once
more taking back over. Who in the blue hell did that cretin think he was?
She had finally found the Morle house
mentioned in a paper, dating back several decades ago when that troglodyte had
interrupted. It was like she was destined to not know the story about her own
house, even though there was apparently a town full of people eager to tell it
to her.
Sanity told her she needed to schedule a cat scan and an MRI as
soon as possible to see if there might be something wrong with her head that
was giving her hallucinations, a tumor perhaps. The feeling in the pit of her
gut –and truth be told, she considered that more reliable-, told her there was
something else going on.
Once a roast (hopefully it was a roast, she was a bit
distracted), was in the oven, Daija headed outside.
Right to where she had seen this… bear, or possible deer at.
There was no indentation in the ground, nothing looked
disturbed… After searching for signs that someone besides her had been there
for five minutes, she was forced to conclude Shawn had probably been right. She
had been half asleep and seeing things.
"Daija…" It was a whisper
that seemed to caress her ear; causing a shiver to wrack her body.
She turned on the spot, remembering something her grandmother
had once told her. If you heard someone call your name but couldn't see anyone,
or were quite sure you were alone, don't answer in case Death had come calling.
That was an old wife's tale, a superstition and she wasn't
But just in case, she kept her lips firmly pressed together and
hauled ass back inside.
Summer rolled into Fall and Fall
abruptly gave way to Winter, before Daija and Shawn
were ready for it. The worse of the house had been repaired, inside and out;
there was still plenty of work left to keep Daija
occupied throughout the cruel New England winter.
She still heard her name whispered from unseen lips; felt like
she was being spied upon when she knew she was alone and positively refused to
go down into the basement. Sometimes, Daija would
come downstairs in the morning to find the work she had done the night before…
Maybe she was losing her mind.
It was a possibility. Losing the baby, moving from Texas to
this… place, she had come unhinged or something.
"God, I hate this…" Shawn muttered as he bent down to
examine the chains wrapped around his tires.
Wearing a sweater and jeans beneath her heavy coat, Daija was jumping in place; staring down at him. "Everything alright?" She asked, watching her
breath steam before her face.
It snowed in Texas, well some parts of it, and they had gotten a
storm or two in San Antonio; ice storms more often than not, but they never
lasted long.
She was a pussy and didn't like the cold. They probably should
have retreated to Miami.
She'd take alligators over this freezing cold and constant snow
any day.
"Yeah, just not used to usin'
them." Shawn grunted, finally standing erect and flashed her a smile; his cheeks rosy red from the cold.
"Can't you call in?"
His smile broadened when his luscious wife wrapped her mitten
covered hands around his neck and pressed against him; his own arms going
around her waist. "I wish I could darlin', but McMahon would probably fire
me on the spot. He's a mean ol' bastard."
She hated Vince McMahon.
"But when I get home…"
"Hot chocolate in bed?"
"Maybe melted fudge…"
Daija began laughing; kissing
him on the mouth; feeling his own cold lips briefly against hers. "Shame on you, Shawn, now I'll be all hot 'n bothered
"Good, maybe that'll keep your pert ass warm."
"Maybe." She agreed.
Shawn went to work with a smile on his face.
Daija stared anxiously out
the window; rubbing her arms as she watched the rapidly falling snow. Maybe
three hours after Shawn had left for work, the light flurries had turned into
'white out' conditions. She had a feeling he wasn't going to be making it home
They had made a contingency plan in the very likely event this
happened. Not far from the factory was a gas station; antique store that also
sold some delicious maple syrup (Shawn had brought a very expensive, very small
sample of it home for her) and a cheap motel.
If Shawn couldn't drive home, he would stay at the motel and
call her to let her know he was alright.
Tonight was going to be one of those nights.
"Well… more hot fudge for me." She sighed, rubbing a
circle with the palm of her hand on the now fogged up window.
The old house had obviously been heated via an old fashioned
wood furnace during the 'good old days', but a heater had been installed. She
was guessing sometime in the early 80's. On the back porch was a full cord of
wood, some of it Shawn had chopped –Daija still went
into lust envisioning her husband bare from the waist up; his hair escaping a
low hanging ponytail; sweat glistening over his still tanned; muscular upper
torso and swinging that axe- and stacked, just in case.
So far, they hadn't had to use it, which she was especially
grateful as the wood furnace was in the basement. Though… considering how this
day was going, she wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if the heater went
down and she had to either freeze her ass off or venture down into the pit of
Hell, albeit an icy; dank hell.
As the kitchen was the warmest room in the house; Daija spent her day in there. There wasn't really much to
do anymore, not until they got around to pulling up the yellowing, peeling tile
at least (they were planning on replacing the boards that needed replaced and
then smoothing them for a wooden floor opposed to retiling), so she baked.
And mended some of Shawn's 'work' clothes, refusing to go out
and buy –or allow him to buy- new ones to replace the shirts and jeans.
Especially as they'd only wind up stained and torn within the week. So until
these were rags...
Even though she knew he wasn't coming home; the snow was already
two feet high from the looks of it, Daija made a
stew; not hungry in the least, just needing something to occupy herself.
To keep her mind from wandering too far… like a few feet to the
basement door.
She also pretended she couldn't feel the draft that was coming
from the gap between door and the floor.
"We're sorry, the number you're trying to reach is
unavailable at this time. Please hang up and try your call again later."
Shawn all but slammed the freezing to the touch phone back onto
the receiver; reaching out with numb fingers to rip open the phone booth door.
He turned up the collar of his Carhart as he quickly
crossed the icy; snow drift covered road; snow still falling rapidly.
Undoubtedly power was down at home and Daija was
huddled in their bed under a million blankets and wearing every article of
clothing she possessed.
Thinking wistfully of the melted fudge they had been joking
about only that morning, he unlocked his motel room door and slipped inside. It
was cold as hell in here too, but blessedly the icy wind couldn't touch him nor
the freezing snow bury him.
"Damn it…" He groaned from chattering teeth, flipping
on the heat.
Shawn was half right. Daija was in
their bed; layered under all their blankets and wearing two pairs of sweat
pants and sweat shirts, but they hadn't lost power.
In fact, the heat was cranked as high
as it would go and she knew it was working but she was freezing her ass off.
She wasn't asleep. She was curled up on Shawn's side of the bed;
his pillow clutched against her; his scent enveloping her. But as comforting as
that was, she still couldn't sleep. The house wouldn't let her, or whatever
besides them that resided here wouldn't let her.
Maybe she was letting her mind get a bit too imaginative these
days. Of course, the fetus' she had found hadn't helped, but she had probably
let it spiral. She was alone most of the time; it was only natural her mind
start to entertain her.
This was a bit much perhaps, but it was perfectly logical. Now
she was a bit afraid to be alone in her own, empty house. A house that she was
restoring because she loved it, even though she felt like it was…
Out to get her, maybe. Or at least scare her to death.
She was going crazy. That was a rational explanation to her
irrational fears.
"Shawn, your hand is cold, honey…" She murmured
tiredly; reaching down to push his hand off her bare thigh, feeling goosebumps breaking out over her skin. "Honey, warm
them up some before you get to-" A soft giggle escaped her when she felt
his knuckles brushing the back of her knee, a place she was especially ticklish
and he knew it. "Shawn…"
Daija rolled over
immediately; her eyes widening when she was almost immediately sucked into the
same fern green eyes she had seen her very first day in the house. Only it was
night, and the room was usually too dark to see anything.
Only, it wasn't dark and she didn't really recognize the room
once she managed to break eye contact. It was her room but it… wasn't.
It was daytime, that much was obvious from the sunlight pouring
in through the white lace curtains that adorned the windows. The bed was the
same she and Shawn slept in only much newer; the sheet underneath her soft but
at the same time, a little coarse; the pillows beneath her head felt like they
were filled with goose down.
She glimpsed the wooden, lacquered walls that were so different
from the wallpaper that now covered them but that was about as far as her
visual wanderings went; the man who was NOT her husband who was also currently
hovering over her; grunted to regain her attention.
"You have no idea how long I've waited for you…" He murmured, his voice husky; a low rumble that reminded her of
thunder across the open plains. It demanded your attention.
"Please, I-" Daija realized
she was nude, he was too; feeling his bare skin burning into hers as he shifted
ever so slightly; making her aware that he was resting between her legs;
hovering over her body. "Who are you?" She whispered.
He sighed softly; his breath odorless as it caressed her face.
He was just so large, that alone was enough to make her gasp for
air. He was twice Shawn's size, in breadth as well as height; shadowing her
petite frame easily. Pale, fair skin and long auburn; brown hair that cascaded
over his shoulders and brushed against her collarbone.
His face she couldn't even begin to describe. He had thin lips
that looked both sensual and cruel; emphasized by an auburn mustache and
goatee. His nose was long; blunt at the tip; strong looking. A
very masculine face, definitely not handsome by conventional standards but
still quite attractive.
It was his eyes however, that recaptured her attention; those
damn piercing eyes.
"Who are you?" She repeated hoarsely.
His thin lips curved in the barest, briefest hint of a smile; a
large hand (a hand that could very easily hurt her with even the faintest of
blows she thought fleetingly), reached up to trace the contour of her jaw and
chin. "You know me, Daija."
"Mark." His name fell from her lips, her mind hazy as
she struggled to figure this all out. "Mark."
Then he smiled.
How she knew his name was beyond her, Daija
did not know who this man was. If she had been able to wrap her mind around the
situation a little better, she would have assumed he had somehow planted that
information –his name- in her mind. Then she would have checked herself into
the nearest insane asylum.
"This isn't happening." She said loudly, forcing her
voice to rise past the breaking point. "You're not real."
Mark's response was to bend down and press his lips to hers; the
soft pressure telling her he was quite real. One large; work roughened hand
moved gently down her side; his palm skimming flesh before coming to rest on
her hip.
A strong scent of formaldehyde filled her nostrils, reminding
her sharply of the basement and all the embryos she had found carefully
preserved in those Ball canning jars. It took her a second to realize the scent
was coming from him like it was deep seated in his pores, it was his odor.
Mark's lips curved into a knowing smile, watching the horror and
comprehension dawning in her eyes. "You threw out my infants." He said, his grave voice at odds with the smile on his face;
green eyes wide. "My poor babies, you threw them away." He shook his
"Your- YOUR babies?" She echoed, shaking her head; nose wrinkling as the odor seemed
to grow stronger. "What did you do to them?"
He frowned, looking towards the window.
Daija followed his stare,
blinking as the sunlight seemed to only get brighter.
The light was beginning to eat at the room, obscuring everything
with its brightness…
"Daij, Daija,
come on baby… come on…" Shawn gently smacked his wife's pale cheeks;
frowning as he rested the palm of his hand against her forehead; she was
burning up though the rest of her body; her hands for instance, were freezing
to the point where she could have been an ice sculpture.
He glanced at the open window; frowning and looked back down at
his wife. She was breathing, that much he was certain of but she was freezing.
He piled blankets on her before wading through the snow that had flurried into
the room, leaving at least two feet near the sill.
Cursing under his breath, Shawn fought with the window;
struggling to close it and finally did; flexing his fingers as he turned to
survey the room and Daija. He had only made it home
after a long night in a motel room, the factory shut down due to the weather it
was now that bad. He had only made it home on a wish and a prayer, knowing the
good Lord above had been watching over him because the roads were treacherous.
It was freezing throughout the house, he knew the furnace must
have gone down sometime during the night and obviously Daija
was in no condition to venture down to the basement to get the wood stove
going. He wondered when this fever had set in as she hadn't had it the morning
Shawn knew he was going to have to leave her alone long enough
to go light the woodstove and have a look at the furnace, but he was reluctant.
He walked over to stand beside the bed; glancing at the snow that wasn't
melting on the floor. Cursing under his breath again, he scooped Daija into his arms, blankets and all.
Holding her against him was like plunging himself into an icy
lake; she was that cold and he almost dropped her from shock alone. After a
moment to settle himself from the shock; Shawn carried his wife into the
'guest' bedroom; kicking the door open impatiently.
It was one of the rooms they had cleaned but other than that… it
was barely livable. This room had two things in it that made him bring her in:
their old bed that they had brought with them from Texas and no snow on the
wooden floors.
After settling her in, he hauled ass downstairs and then down to
the basement; his numb hands fumbling with the grate to the woodstove. There
was a full cord of wood on the back porch but there was also a sizeable stack
down here against the far wall; near the shelf Daija
had cleared off.
It took him longer than he wanted to get the stove going,
knowing he would have to come down and check on it every hour and held out his
hands towards the flames; feeling the warmth washing over him. Shawn looked up
at the ceiling, knowing he needed to get back to his wife and spared a glance
for the furnace.
He should really have a look at it but the woodstove would have
to do for now, he knew there were ducts that connected to it and led to various
rooms throughout the house. He knew definitely because of the black soot that
had coated parts of the walls they had scoured.
"Fuck it." He headed back to Daija.
It was unbearably hot, sweat was literally pouring from her
forehead and she could feel the dampness beneath her back and that was not
comfortable. Nor was the hair that was sticking to her body.
"Shawn?" Daija whispered
hoarsely, feeling like the words were sticking in her very dry mouth and made a
face; rolling her tongue in an effort to build up saliva.
"I'm here, baby."
She became aware part of the reason it was so damn hot was
because he was holding her. They were both under what had to be each and every
blanket, quilt and comforter they owned; both of them naked; sharing their
mutual body warmth.
Shawn watched as she struggled to move, finally helping her push
away several of the blankets. He moved so he was kneeling on the bed; not
minding the warm air coming into contact with his perspiration slicked skin;
causing a somewhat cool chill to course over him.
"How… when…" Daija made a face; apparently suffering cotton mouth and trying to work
around it; her finally clear eyes meeting his; confusion in them.
"When did you…" She hesitated again, glancing around the room as if
realizing that they weren't in their bedroom; frowning. "What day is
"Saturday." He said
matter-of-factly, reaching out to place his palm against her forehead, then
slid it down to her cheek; nodding with satisfaction. "You're fever is
"Saturday… But that means…"
"You've been in and out of consciousness since Wednesday
morning, or at least, that's when I got home and found you in the bedroom… You
were burnin' up and yet… colder then ice…" Shawn
seemed troubled by the memory, watching his wife's face carefully. "The
window was wide open, there was at least two feet of snow on the floor…. That's
why we're in here."
A mixture of emotions warred on Daija's
face as she struggled to understand, aware Shawn was looking at her with
concern but she couldn't help it. Something was tugging at her mind, urging her
to remember and when she did… she gasped as if she had been doused with a
bucket of cold water.
The fearful yet oddly triumphant, hoarse tone his wife had
shouted another man's name made Shawn reel. "Mark?" He echoed.
"Darlin', who's Mark?"
"I- I… I don't know." Her face seemed to fall, shaking
her head. "A dream I had, I think…" Now it all made sense, she had
been feverish and hallucinating. Relief swept throughout Daija
and she managed a slight smile; reaching for her husband's hands. "I must
have broke out with fever sometime in the afternoon…
and… I don't know, I know I came up to bed and that
was it…"
"Well, you seem fine now." Shawn said doubtfully.
"You need some food and something to drink though,
you've got to be parched."
Now that he mentioned it, Daija did
feel like her throat was made out of sandpaper, nodding her agreement.
"And some clothes…" He smiled mischievously.
"I probably need a shower…"
"Or a sponge bath, I've been giving you one daily… you've
sweated so much I wouldn't be surprised if you've lost weight." He chided
teasingly, already up and on his feet.
Daija watched as he slipped
into the bathroom, hearing the tap and knew he was getting her a glass of
water. "Were you ogling me while I was sick and possibly dying, Shawn
"Mrs. Michaels… I was only doing my husbandly duty by
taking care of you."
Daija waited until he had
handed her the water and she had slaked most of her thirst before weakly
throwing a pillow at him with a scoff.
Shawn, feeling relieved and in an almost elated mood now that he
knew she would be alright, let it hit him square in the head and feigned
injury, dropping to the floor with a loud.
As he lay there, Daija's giggles
floated down to him causing a smile to spring to his lips.
Everything was going to be alright.
"So help me God, the first person that bugs me is going to
die a violent death." Daija promised herself as
she scouted the library, remembering all too well the last time she had tried
coming in only to be annoyed by Hunter, driven from her task.
It had been a few weeks since her sudden illness and she was
feeling so much better. Shawn had taken what time off he could in order to tend
to her, caring her for her better than any doctor could. With his gentle
nursing and time, she had eventually felt well enough to get out of bed. Little
by little, she had begun doing other things, taking it easy just so she
wouldn't relapse.
Making sure she wasn't going to be bothered, she headed for the
old albums that contained the newspapers, her fingers skimming the old leather
binding before reaching the years she wanted. Carefully, Daija
pulled each album from the shelf and headed to a semi-hidden table in a corner,
tucking herself away.
"Hey Daij, what're you doing
Daija had been sitting
motionless at the table with her chin propped on her fist, staring down at a
newspaper article she had read at least a dozen times, her eyebrows furrowed.
At the sound of Joanie's voice, she gave a start and looked up. "Um,
"I can see that." Joanie swept her long black hair
over her shoulder before sitting across from her friend, arching an eyebrow. "Old papers." She commented, reading the date
upside down. "45-47?"
"Researching, you know, about the house."
Joanie nodded, biting her pink lower lip hesitantly; still
staring at the papers.
"Is everythin' alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, fine. Just thinking."
"What about?"
"The house."
The way Joanie said house sent shivers up and down Daija's spine and she found herself wrapping her arms
around herself to fend off a sudden chill. "What about it?"
"What'd you find?" Joanie asked, ignoring the
"Nothing really... Just a mention of some
kind of clinic." Daija closed the album
shut and closed her eyes. "There has to be people still alive,
"Beg your pardon?"
"That were around back then. Fifty
years ago wasn't THAT long ago."
Joanie shrugged, tracing her finger along a knot in the wooden
table. "I suppose so... Daija, aren't you a
little... obsessed.... with this house? I mean, it's just a house after
"No, it's not 'just a house', it's... it was, it IS,
something more. I want to know what kind of clinic it was, who the doctor
was." Daija said firmly, her mind wandering to
the basement. What kind of 'doctor' stored fetuses in canning jars? Let alone
kept them as, as trophies?
Sensing she wasn't going to get any help from Joanie, she stood
Joanie stood up as well, concern on her face. "Daija,
let it go." She said softly. "Just let it go."
"I can't."
"The signs says closed!"
Hunter shouted, scowling as he stared down at his sandwich, wondering since
when people who came into bookstores couldn't read. "Closed, we're
"I want to talk to you."
He looked up startled, finding himself staring into the face of Daija Michaels. "What the hell do you want, Mrs.
Michaels?" He demanded sarcastically, remembering the last time he had
seen her. She had damn near caused a scene on the street.
"Morle Manor."
He scoffed, shaking his head as he stood up from the stool he
had been sitting on behind the counter. "I ain't talking to you about that
place. I TRIED to warn you but you blew me off, forget you lady."
"Please, Hunter?" She placed a hand on his muscled
forearm when he went to brush by her, staring up at him pleadingly. "I'm
sorry I was a bitch before, please. Tell me anything you know."
He stared down at her, frowning when he seen the fear in her
eyes and finally nodded. "Alright. Let me lock
the door and draw down the shades." He said softly, patting her shoulder.
"Just... have a seat."
Smiling just a little, Daija slid onto
another stool, looking around. The lights were off, the only light coming from
the slotted blinds at the windows. She had interrupted his lunch apparently,
salami, her nose wrinkled in disgust.
"Hold on, I've got to lock the back door." Hunter
called, his heavy footsteps thudding on the floor as he weaved his way expertly
through the stacks of books.
She waited in silence, her eyes scanning the shelves, not
wanting to admit how... scary, the bookstore was in the dark. There was just
something about shelves of old books in the dark, like something or someone
might be waiting in the stacks to lunge, to attack.
"Stop it," She chided herself, sitting up straighter.
"You're giving yourself the willies."
Another few minutes passed and Hunter hadn't returned yet.
Frowning, Daija slid off the stool.
"Hunter?" She called, staring at the back door he had gone through.
No answer.
Most likely, the giant ape was waiting for her, ready to give
her a scare.
Which she didn't need, she was actually pretty frightened enough
without adding his juvenile pranks to it.
Taking the longer route, Daija walked
by the shut windows, rounding the room as she approached the door. She kept
looking over her shoulder, half expecting some kind of monster to leap from the
pages of one of the many books and attack, the hairs on the back of her neck
"Hunter, are you alright?" She asked,
her hand on the doorknob. "This isn't funny, you're scaring me." She
tried to keep her voice light, scolding but couldn't keep a tremor from
escaping into her tone.
Bracing herself, she twisted the knob and pushed the door open.
The back room was littered with boxes of unpacked books, a desk
sat in the far corner, paperwork scattered all over it. The door, the back
entrance to the store, was shut. She reached along the wall beside her, fingers
fumbling for a light and finally felt it. She flicked it up.
Frowning, Daija flicked it up and down
several times, cursing when nothing happened. If this was some kind of joke on
Hunter's part, she was going to sue him for this pissant
bookstore and then burn it to the ground, preferably with him in it.
"Son of a bitch!" She
cursed when she finally took a step forward, tripping over something and threw
her hands out to keep herself from falling flat on her face. Grunting, Daija turned over onto her back and sat up, reaching out to
feel what she had tripped over.
"Oh shit..." She whispered, her fingers alighting on
what was unmistakably hair.
As if on cue, the lights flooded on.
Once her eyes had adjusted, she really wished the lights had
remained off, unable to keep herself from screaming at
what she saw.
Hunter was laying spread eagle on the floor, face down in a pool
of blood.
"Oh my God, Hunter!?" Daija dropped to her knees, not
reaching out to touch him; feeling her breaths coming in shallow pants.
"Fuck... fuck..." She began crying, staring
helplessly at his body; trying to imagine who could do this.
The tears came in great big sobs, racking her body as she buried
her face in her hands, unable to look any longer. It vaguely occurred to her
that whoever had done this could still be in the building but she couldn't get
herself to move, she was frozen in place.
After what seemed like an eternity, she pushed herself up,
careful not to touch him; wiping tears away with the back of her hands. Drawing
a shaky breath, she turned around, looking for a phone; she had to call for
No sooner then she had reached the desk when a heavy hand
clamped on her shoulder. Daija let out another ear
piercing scream as she was whipped around; beginning to cry all over again. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!"
Hunter's smirk was wiped clean off his face when she began
slapping him with both hands as hard as she could; catching her by the wrists.
"Whoa there, Daij, it was just a joke!"
"You son of a bitch! I
t-thought you were d-dead!" She screamed, her
chest feeling like it was going to explode with how fast her heart was beating.
"You rotten, no good, son of a bitch!"
Hunter had fake blood running down his face and matted in his
hair; frowning when he seen just how upset she really was; feeling the beginning's of guilt and that 'you're a jackass' feeling
creeping up on him. "Look, I'm sorry, it was... a
bad joke. Please, calm down..." He grunted when she actually punched him
in his nose, beginning to honestly bleed now. "Fuck, Daija..."
He reeled away, cupping his injured nose. "I said I was sorry!"
"Sorry doesn't even begin to cover it you jackass! I came
to you for help and you pull this bullshit on me?" She screamed, tempted to begin whaling on him with something heavy, like
the baseball bat she had spotted tucked behind the door. "Fuck you!"
When she started to leave, he reached out and grabbed her wrist.
"I'll still help you, damn..." He used his free hand to grab the
bottom of his shirt, bringing it up to his nose, trying to stem the tide of
blood. "Christ lady, you got a mean hook."
"I don't want your goddamn help!" She hissed at him,
shaking him off of her. "I don't want nothin' from the
likes of you!"
Hunter followed her back into the main of the bookstore, still
trying to coax her into staying and profusely apologizing for what he had done,
but it did no good, Daija simply gathered up her
purse and stormed right out of the building.
"Nice going, Hunt." He sighed, watching her walk
across the street to her truck, shaking his head. "Real
good one."
When Daija got home, she had several
messages on the answering machine, frowning when she realized it was Hunter. He
kept apologizing for the first few and then began speaking about the history of
Morle Manor, which reluctantly got her attention.
The phone rang while she was listening to the messages,
automatically she reached for it. "Hello?"
"Look, I'm sorry, just-"
"Just tell me what you know already, moron."
Hunter sighed into the receiver. "Morle
Manor was built at the turn of the century, there was no history of anything
going on there until it's last owner, before you and
your husband."
"Yeah?" She began
winding the telephone cord around her fingers; feeling a pit of dread beginning
to build in her stomach, for the second time that day.
"Now, the last guy who lived there was a Mr. Calaway, he was a doctor of sorts."
"Of sorts?"
"He didn't actually have a medical degree or license to
practice but that didn't stop him either, if you get my drift."
Her thoughts drifted back to the basement, having a feeling she
knew where he had ran his practice, the images of those canning jars filled
with embryos dancing before her eyes. "What... what was his
Hunter made a noise of disgust. "That's the real sick part.
He was an abortionist, and we're not talking about the kind you have nowadays.
We're talking about back alley abortions."
"Coat-hangers, special 'teas', shit
that was more than likely to completely sterilize if not kill the woman."
Daija felt one hand flying to
her stomach, trying not to envision all the images lining up; bile rising in
her throat. "And... and he got away with this?"
"He was the town's dirty little secret, for awhile."
Hunter's answer came slowly, like he was reading as he went. "Now mind
you, there's no official record of any of this."
"Then how do you know?"
"Written account by one of the locals, who knew someone who
had gone to him because she had cheated on her husband... Wound up with an
infection. Oh damn..."
"She died, shortly after writing this."
"A book?"
"No, just a few pages, it's the 'Unofficial' town history,
you would not believe how much it cost me to get a copy, town officials don't
want this book out and about but... occasionally you can find one in
"Of course not, that would ruin the town's pretty,
picturesque image."
"Exactly. So the
woman wrote about going to see 'Dr.' Calaway and he
used the um, coat hanger method. She got one hell of an infection,
they took her to the Philadelphia hospital for an emergency hysterectomy and
died anyway."
"Charming, what happened to the good doctor?"
"I'll take that as sarcasm..." Hunter laughed.
"They shut him down, head honchos went out to the Manor and slapped him
with a hefty fine, a threat of jail time and then let him be. He never took
another 'patient', so far as I can tell. Mind you, I could be wrong."
She was silent for a moment, trying to understand. "Well,
as creepy as that is, I still don't understand why..." She hesitated, not
sure how to say it.
"Why people are terrified of that place?"
"Because Calaway was murdered in
that house and nobody has lived there since, local gossip is that it's
"What was the doctor's first name again?"
The phone dropped from her hand.
"Daija? Daija?" Hunter called, his voice sounding tinny through the
line; far off. "Mrs. Michaels?"
"Mark..." She whispered, running both hands through
her hair and turned in a slow circle, half expecting his ghost to be behind
her. After a moment, she glanced down at the forgotten telephone, picking it up
and placed it back in it's
cradle, ending Hunter's 'Daija?' quietly. "I
know who you are!" She called out to the empty house.
It was faint, but mocking laughter seemed to drift at her.
The basement was the last place Daija
had ever wanted to go but she had too, she simply had too. He had been
murdered, had he been murdered here in this house? She had a feeling he had
been, no doubt down here, where the worst of the vibes were. "I know
you're here." She called as she descended the steps; one hand braced on
the tightly packed dirt wall. "I know what you did."
As her foot stepped onto the floor, she closed her eyes; feeling
like something was passing through her. When she opened them again, the room
looked so much different.
It was cleaner, and tiled... The walls were... plastered, no
longer the dirt and the floor wasn't dirt either, it
was wooden, much like the rest of the house. In the center of the room was a
steel surgical table, a rolling tray beside it with a black velvet cloth draped
over the top; stainless steel glinting from it.
Slowly, Daija walked over to it,
picking up a scalpel. She stared at it for a moment before laying it back down,
turning around. Shelves of medical books, equipment... Her head was reeling.
"Do you have an appointment?"
She knew that voice, feeling goosebumps
breaking out all over her body as her feet kept on turning; halting when she
seen him. "Mark..." She whispered; the hair on the back of her neck
He was dressed in black slacks and a grey pullover sweater over
a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms, a neatly folded
lab coat draped over one arm. His hair was neatly pulled back and he almost did
look like a doctor. Except there was something... wild about
him, for all his proper dress; something willingly evil.
"Yes." He cocked his head to the side, studying her
out of thoughtful green eyes. "Mrs. Michaels... I remember now, you do
have an appointment, don't you?"
"What? No, no!"
"Don't be silly." He was shrugging his massive arms
into the coat; still staring at her. "This won't take to
long, you'll be up and about shortly, I promise."
He smiled reassuringly at her as he approached; the soft green
of his eye being replaced with venom. "Now now..."
Daija felt as if her feet
were rooted to the spot, unable to stop him when he took her by the hands and
pulled her unwilling feet towards the table; feeling material swishing about
her ankles. She glanced down to find she was in a plain cotton nightgown,
looking back up at him, panic overtaking everything but it was internal, she
couldn't force any words from her mouth.
"On the table."
Her body wasn't listening to her, it was listening to him! Daija's mind was completely her own but nothing else seemed
to be cooperating. She flinched as the cold from the steel table pierced
through the gown, easing herself back onto it. Her head rest on the table,
unable to do anything but stare upwards; unable to even cry at the helplessness
of her situation.
Mark was adjusting her legs into stirrups; his cold palms moving
to her ankles and then skimming upwards, pushing her gown past her bent
kneecaps; inhaling sharply as she was revealed to him. "Mmm..."
That low growl of approval sent a flush of unwanted desire
coursing through her, reminding her of their last encounter. How could... could
a spirit elicit such emotions in her? Fear, panic and lust
all at once?
"Shall we begin?" He asked, a hint of amusement in his
tone, caressing her inner thigh with his knuckles.
She shivered, uncertain just what was about to happen and just
closed her eyes. Movement from him made her stiffen, expecting to soon feel a
jab of a coat hanger perhaps; tears gathering beneath her closed eyelids at the
thought. She wasn't even pregnant! She probably never would be again... Her
chest heaved violently with emotion at that thought.
His hands were on her knees again, pushing them apart, her back
bowing off the table as she struggled with the compulsion to scoot down. Another
low chuckle from him sent another wave of... pleasure... through her, her body
warming at the sound of his voice.
Daija was in a sort of Hell,
waiting for the inevitable; knowing this would be painful, perhaps even kill
her. Could she die? Stuck in some sort of... ghostly illusion? She didn't want
to know. But on the other hand, she was aroused, not understanding it and very
ashamed of it.
All thoughts were forced aside when she felt his tongue; her
hips rising up almost violently.
The pain was there alright, but not like she had been expecting.
This was the pain of severe need, the burning of desire desperately needing to
be quenched. He tormented her, tasting and biting at her sensitive flesh until
she was crying for release, for an end of the torture.
When it felt like she couldn't take anymore, he was hovering
over her, forcing her to open her eyes.
They were in the bedroom again, only... it wasn't her bedroom,
but his.
"Help me, Daija." He
murmured against her lips, slowly filling her; his hands catching hers,
threading their fingers together. "Help me finish my work..."
Daija was arching her hips;
letting out a ragged moan when he was fully sheathed inside her aching sex.
"Yes..." She whispered. "Yes..."
He smiled.
Chapter 10
"I think I sold my soul to a ghost last night."
If Hunter was surprised by Daija's
greeting, he didn't show it. Instead he took another bite of his sandwich and
continued reading the newspaper, not budging from his spot behind his desk.
"So? I sold mine for this here sandwich." He raised it up, then frowned, looking at it. "I should ask for a
refund, it's a bit dry."
Scowling, Daija knocked it out of his
hand, ignoring his protest. "Look, this is going to sound incredibly
insane but-"
"You? Insane? Perish the thought, dear lady, perish the
thought." He turned his humor filled eyes up until he was looking into her
face, all traces of humor erased when he seen her. "What the fuck happened
to you?"
"Don't ask."
"Well I'm asking, you look about
two hours shy of becoming a zombie. Have you seen yourself, Daija?
You look like you've lost twenty pounds and ten years overnight."
She had seen herself, and all she had to say was thank God Shawn
hadn't noticed anything when he had left for work that morning. That might've
been due to the fact that she had been hiding under the blankets; pretending to
be asleep and he wasn't bothering her because he thought she was still
Her hair had turned grey and dingy overnight; her tanned skin
was now yellow and sallow; her cheekbones hollowed and her eye sockets... It
was like she had sat with a hair dryer propped against either eye all night and
they were shriveling. She knew what she looked like the living dead and smiled;
her lips cracking with the effort.
"Fuck..." Hunter looked disgusted as he plucked tissues
from a holder, passing them to her. "Your lips are bleeding now." He
watched as she blotted her mouth; trying not to openly look disturbed but the
changes in her WAS disturbing. "What happened?" He asked softly.
Daija didn't even know where
to begin, setting down in the chair opposite him and stared down at her lap.
"Mark." She said finally.
"Mark? As in Dr. I'm Insane Calaway?"
She nodded.
Now he wasn't one for really believing in ghosts. Sure, there
was something up with the old Morle house and he liked
to joke about it, but he wasn't sure he ever truly believed it was haunted.
When she had come to him for help, he had done it more for his amusement and
boredom issues than anything else.
But the sudden change in her appearance from yesterday to now
was enough to convert him.
He had briefly entertained the possibility that she was just
trying to get him back for his joke yesterday but... A person didn't lose all
that weight in one night, no damn way.
"You had better start from the top." He sighed,
leaning back in his chair.
Daija took a deep breath.
"Daij?" Shawn stood in the empty dining room, looking around. He
frowned when he didn't get an answer. Considering they lived a few miles
outside of town and they only had the one truck -which he used to get back and
forth to work- she sure did get around quite well. "Daija?"
The cracked basement door caught his attention, his feet quickly
carrying him into the kitchen, halting by the door. Daija
hated the basement, she point blank refused to go down
there unless she absolutely had too. He didn't know why she hated it, but...
Feeling a hesitation that he wasn't accustomed too, Shawn pulled
the door open the rest of the way.
Forcing aside the stupid fearful feelings he was suddenly
experiencing, he all but ran downstairs, damn near tripping over the last step.
"Daija? Honey, you down here?"
Surprisingly, she wasn't.
"Aw hell..." He sighed when he seen the old wood stove
was going, frowning as he crossed the dirt floor to it. The furnace was working
just fine, what the hell...
After adjusting the damper in the flue to smother the fire, he
wearily turned around. Maybe taking the rest of the day off to 'cut back on
hours' as McMahon had suggested hadn't been such a good idea. Lord knew they
could use the money but... he had wanted to spend some time with his absent
"Hello, Shawn."
"Who the HELL are you?"
"So... the man kept the um... fetus' of aborted
babies?" Hunter recounted, his
sandwich having long been thrown away; wishing he hadn't eaten the three bites
he had, they were bouncing around his stomach at the moment.
Daija nodded, rubbing her
tired eyes with her hands. "Yes, in canning jars. When we first moved in,
I found them while I was cleaning the basement and... I threw them out. It
"Somethin' like that. What I want
to know is just what was he keepin' them for?"
She considered that, finally shaking her head. "No, you
would have... had to of seen his... office." She shifted uncomfortably in
her chair, knowing she was talking like she was crazy but... "He had it
set up like he was a REAL doctor or somethin', you know? I didn't see the jars
then... Someone must have moved them."
"Oh yeah, old Jas Coleman did because he wanted to up the
real estate value." Hunter scoffed, shaking his head. "And this, um,
ghost... asked you to help him finish his work?"
"Yes... in a manner of speaking." She hadn't exactly
told him ALL of it, not about to recount she had had sex with a ghost; feeling
a trace of color flooding her sunken cheeks.
"Hmmm..." Hunter tapped his jaw while he considered
this. He knew he looked like nothing more than a giant lug, all muscle and no
brains, Lord knew he didn't help that opinion with his antics; crude mouth and
juvenile antics but he was anything but a dimwit.
One simply did not work in a bookstore and not have some sort of
That and as nobody really bought books that often, he had felt
compelled to read them himself, at least that way they weren't going completely
to waste. Some things he had found so interesting that he had actually had read
up further on the topic.
"You know... Nazi's used to do human experimentation."
"Human. An embryo is not human."
"Just... hear me out, okay?" Hunter stood up and began
pacing, trying to word the thoughts in his mind so they wouldn't come out
sounding stupid. "They did genetic experiments on twins,
they did sterilization experiments, a lot of different things. And it wasn't
just the Nazi's, but Japan did it too. Hell, the United States has done
"I'm going to assume you have a point."
"I do, I'm getting there. Calaway
fashioned himself a doctor, right?"
"Of sorts."
"And he kept the embryos?"
She was slowly beginning to see where he was heading with this.
"That's a bit... out there, don't you think?"
"Not really." Hunter was actually sounding excited as
he continued to pace. "What if he was? Experimenting on them, I mean?
Wouldn't that be fucked up?"
"More than a bit." She agreed dryly. Daija glanced at
her wristwatch, which was hanging loosely from her thin wrist, grimacing as she
took in her paper dry skin; how her veins were so prominent, the skin drawing
taunt over them and tendons. "I need to get home... I have to, to figure
out some rational explanation for-"
"Your new look."
"To give to Shawn."
He patted her shoulder awkwardly.
Shawn's truck was in the drive. Daija
frowned as she stumbled up the drive; feeling like her
brittle legs were going to snap in half. She was so tired, so damn tired, all she wanted to do was make it inside and collapse.
Sleeping on the wooden floor really didn't seem like such a bad idea really.
When she made it inside after what seemed like hours, Daija looked around for signs of her husband; her eyes
immediately darting to the tightly closed door. "Shawn?"
"He isn't here."
Whirling around was a bad idea as it made her lose her balance. Grabbing the doorframe to steady herself, she found
herself staring at Joanie. "What're you doin' here?" She demanded,
trying to sound calm and strong but her voice came out just as tired and weak
sounding as she felt.
Joanie's hazel eyes were pure ice as she regarded the smaller
woman, one side of her mouth curling up in a leer. "I'm here to help you,
of course." She said, her sweet tone at odds with
her eyes, with the inflection of the words. "Why don't we go down to the
basement, hmm?"
The basement was exactly as it should have been,
dirt floors; wood stove... There was just the matter of the swirling green
light that was thick like fog surrounding their feet.
"Mmm, he's here." Joanie inhaled deeply, a low moan
escaping her blood red painted lips. "Can you sense him?"
Daija just shook her head,
her tired mind trying to catch up with what was going on. Her vision was
blurring, her eyes ached so much. She just wanted to sleep.
"Come on, to the back room." Joanie wrapped an arm
around Daija's waist, helping her across the floor;
laughing in delight as the mist creeped up their
legs. "He's so pleased you're here, Daija."
Joanie let go long enough to grab a shelf that Daija
and Shawn had assumed was bolted to the wall and slide it to the side;
revealing a small stone door. "In we go."
"No..." Daija did not want
to go through that door, into the darkness that was sinisterly welcoming them.
"No..." She felt like if she crossed the thresh hold and went into
that room, she would never come out. And if she did come out, it wouldn't so
much be her and someone, something else.
"Yes, how on earth on we going to make you feel better if
we don't go in there?" Joanie said
reasonably, her arm slithering back around Daija.
"Besides, He's in there, waiting for you, don't you feel him?"
Whatever was in that room, Daija did
not want to know; letting out a muffled scream of pure terror as she was pulled
into through that door.
Chapter 11
Joanie was humming under her breath as she set up the alter, lighting each black candle slowly; the tiny
flames casting a dim, small glow over the centerpiece. The centerpiece was
simply a black bowl made out of stone; for the moment it stood empty.
She slowly turned around, her bare feet making no sound on the
black marbled floor and smiled down at the slowly coming too Daija. "You poor thing, you fell asleep." She
cooed, kneeling down besides the other woman and began stroking her now pure
white hair lovingly. "You're so tired, Daija,
aren't you? It'll pass though, I promise."
"Wha- why?" Daija croaked,
her throat feeling like it was on fire.
"Why? Now that's a silly question." Joanie scolded,
carefully pulling Daija into a sitting position; her
pale face composed peacefully. "I don't know if I can answer that really,
you'd have to ask Him. He sent for you, you know." Now she sounded
wistful. "When Shawn was looking for a home, he 'accidentally' stumbled
across the listing for this place. Coleman was so surprised when he got the
call, he'd never actually listed Morle Manor on the
internet, I did. I did because He told me too."
"You're insane."
"Hush now Daija, don't say mean things to me. I'm your friend,
I've always been your friend." Joanie scolded, placing a finger against Daija's cracked and bleeding lips; her forehead scrunching
as she frowned. "He needed a woman who had just known loss." Her hand
moved to gently pat Daija's stomach. "You were
perfect, and then you fell in love with the house, that was perfect too. He
really loves this house, and you've restored it beautifully. He fed your mind
and heart how the house should look and you did it!" She looked awed and
happy, positively beaming. "Such a lovely job you did too."
Daija was slowly becoming
more aware of her surroundings, how Joanie was now in just a black cotton
nightgown, so was she as a matter of fact. It felt light and cool against her
skin, she liked the feeling. "Where's Shawn?"
Joanie hesitated, glancing behind Daija's
head. "Now Daij, don't be mad, okay? I know you
love Shawn but honestly, this is for the best. You can't be with Him and Shawn
at the same time, it just isn't fair."
Scowling, Joanie scrambled to her feet; her eyes flashing.
"Don't yell at me! Can't you see I'm doing this for you? If He wanted ME I
would be so honored, but it's you He wants so I'm going to help you! Shawn will
be out of your life and then you'll be free, isn't that what you want? To be with Him?"
This with Him stuff was confusing; but then it dawned on her who
Joanie kept referring too. "Mark?"
"Yes, Him." Joanie
nodded, looking insanely happy again. "You did promise you'd help
him." She reminded as an afterthought. "And you even sealed the
Daija would have blushed if
she could; now aware that the green mist was enveloping her. "Where's
Shawn?" She demanded again.
Joanie pointed behind her.
Slowly, Daija turned on the floor;
gasping when she seen her husband. He was shackled to the far wall; his head
hanging down so his chin was resting against his chest. "Shawn!" She
began crawling towards him.
Shaking her head, Joanie got up; extending her arms out as if in
welcome. "It's time."
But Daija wasn't paying any attention
to her anymore, she was more focused on using Shawn's
jeans to pull herself upright. "Shawn, baby..." She managed to clasp
her hands around his neck; feeling her legs trembling violently under her,
threatening to give way at any moment. "Please, wake up..."
She tensed at that voice, that deep; dark baritone she knew so
well, only now it... it was so clear, so real and not just some voice in a fog.
She was afraid to turn around, afraid to see whatever unnatural means this
ghost, this spirit, had used to make himself earthly.
But she was compelled to turn anyway, gasping at the atrocity
that meant her eyes.
It was Joanie's body but it wasn't Joanie possessing it, it was
Joanie's hazel eyes were now his venomous green, staring at Daija hungrily. "My body is long gone, there's no way
to reclaim it." He said, raising Joanie's arm and stared at the blood red
painted fingernails, wiggling them with an expression of disgust. "But I
can... share another's body, like Joanie's, if she allows it."
Daija could only stare at him
in abject fascination, mingled with horror.
"But I don't want a woman's body." He/she continued
calmly, the oh so very masculine voice coming out of
the lipsticked mouth. "I want to be a man, not
this corporeal spirit form I now possess."
The words had an implied meaning and she grasped it immediately.
"No! You can't have him!"
Joanie's mouth formed a very un-Joanie like smirk, cold and
cruel. "You said you'd help me, Daija.
The words were like a caress, her eyes closing as she fought off
the memories. "I didn't know what I was sayin',
look what you did to me!"
"All temporary, I just needed enough of your... essence...
to allow me this." He/she gestured to his/her body, scowling. "Just enough to enable me to do what needs to be done."
She was still shaking her head no.
Ignoring her, Joanie or Mark, whoever It was, walked to the alter and stared down at it. "Science and the
occult, they've always gone hand in hand." It said thoughtfully. "I
only got into my... practice... because I needed fresh... samples."
"The babies."
It snorted. "They were nothing more than masses of tissue,
unwanted ones at that. But I wanted them, I NEEDED them. Scientists have always
experimented on humans, trying to prolong life spans, or make superhumans. I was looking for a way to come back. And I
managed it, by mixing them, science and what you would,
I suppose... call 'magic'."
When Daija looked towards It again,
she seen Joanie's hands adding something to the bowl on the alter,
a soft 'splash' telling her that whatever it was had mass, she felt like
throwing up; the stench of formaldehyde piercing her senses.
The green fog was climbing her body again; snapping her out of
the stupor she had been sinking into. She realized with a start that It was approaching her, the bowl in it's
hands; steam rising from the bowl.
"No, you can't have him." She rasped, trying to let go
of Shawn in order to defend him but she couldn't move her fingers, it hurt too
badly to unflex them, an almost arthritic pain. With
yet another start, Daija realized she was steadily
growing... older, by the minute.
"Daija, I need him. You and I, we
can be together, and it'll still be your husband's body. It won't be bad, I
promise you." It was saying, the voice coming in soft and then loud, like
a bad radio station. "And in a few moments, you'll have your youth back
again, I won't need it anymore, I won't need it to be the adhesive that binds
me to Joanie's body."
"Daija! Daija!"
Daija's rheumy eyes slowly
moved towards the stone door, unable to see more than a few feet away.
She heard crashing, a curse and something else... it was too
hard to make out.
She was so tired... so drained...
Chapter 12
"How's Shawn doing?"
Daija smiled wanly, popping a
chip in her mouth and crunched down on it. She was having lunch with Hunter at
the local diner, sitting side by side with him at the counter. A half finished
plate sat before her, hamburger and plain chips, the dill pickle on the side.
She pulled her Coca Cola towards her, taking a long pull from the straw.
"He's alright, he doesn't remember anything that
happened, thank God. He thinks I blew up the furnace, which is why the floor
caved in... in that spot."
"It could happen." Hunter said with a derisive snort,
having finished his plate awhile ago and reached for a handful of her chips. "How bout you? Have I told
you, by the way, that you are looking a LOT better?"
Shaking her head, she pulled a lock of hair away from her head;
studying it. Mixed in with the deep brown were now streaks of gray, she had
told her husband it was a new look she was trying out. But for the most part,
she felt like herself again. She looked like herself,
minus the hair issue... it was almost like she could pretend none of that had
ever happened. "You've only said it about three times since I walked in,
but go ahead and say it again."
"You're looking better."
She fell into silence again, struggling to remember what had
happened. She had woken to Hunter carrying her out of the basement; sweat and
blood pouring off of him. He had deposited her on the couch before going for
Shawn, somewhere between then, Joanie had gotten up of
her own accord and fled the house.
So far, neither she nor Hunter had seen Joanie and Daija was just fine with that. In
fact, she never wanted to see Joanie ever again, unless she was allowed to
shoot the other woman.
"How... how did you know something was wrong?" She
asked after awhile.
He finished scraping chips off his teeth, considering that.
"I didn't know something was immediately wrong, but I had found out Joanie
was invested into some interesting... activities and I wanted to warn
"What kind of activities?"
He smiled dryly. "You know, the kind where you resurrect dead
people, dabbling in the occult, that kind of thing."
Daija just shook her head.
"So you came charging down into the basement..."
"Because I heard you screaming something about Shawn."
"And then through that odd doorway."
"That door was small, I scraped
the hell out of my shoulders getting through."
"And knocked into... Joanie..."
"Or Calaway, whichever one it
"Made it spill that... shit."
"All over the place, it STANK." He grimaced at the
recollection and stared down at his plate, wishing now he hadn't eaten it all,
it wasn't settling very well."Then I got you out of there because it
honestly looked like you were dead or something. You started coming around once
we were out of the basement so I set you on your couch, went back down and got
your hubby out of there."
"Then I went for Joanie but she was already gone."
"And I got the hell out of there because the stench was making
me dizzy and it's a good thing too because I just got to the steps and the
floor caved in, thanks to your shitty furnace."
"So besides you and me, nobody knows just how damn close
this town was to having a sick ghost walking around in an actual body?"
Hunter began laughing. "Something like
Shaking her head, Daija slid off her
stool and patted him on the back. "I'll catch you later, Hunt, I'm going
to go home and spend some time with my husband."
"Sure, give him a kiss for me."
"Will do."
Shawn was holding his beautiful albeit a little gray, wife in
his arms, they were lying in bed, just enjoying being with each other. She had
been... quiet, the past few days and he couldn't understand why nor wrangle an
answer out of her when he would ask if anything was wrong. He had figured she'd
come to him when she was ready. "Yeah, darlin'?"
"I was thinking," Daija
rolled so she was laying on him, running her fingers up and down his chest and
noted with sadness that his tan was all but gone; he was becoming pale, just
like everyone else around here. "That maybe we should Texas another
Shawn was quiet for a long time, finally touching her hair to
get her to raise her head off his shoulder and to look at him. "I thought
you liked it here."
"I... do..." She had, even though she could no longer
feel the strange vibes in the house, it was still unsettling to be in it, maybe
because of everything that she had seen. "But I miss Texas, our friends...
The damn sun. I know you do too."
"Yeah... but... we got all this money invested in this
house, Daij. I don't think we can just walk away from
it." He replied quietly, running his hand down the small of her back.
"Not to mention we have to get the downstairs fixed."
"I know."
When she lapsed back into silence, Shawn closed his eyes,
wondering what had brought this on. Things were... different. She wasn't
obsessed with the house like she had been, she no
longer felt the burning desire to have it finished. But different in a good
way, he supposed. She was there, with him again, no longer distracted by
whatever it was that had for so long held her attention elsewhere.
It was like he had his Daija back
He did not and would not ever understand why she had felt the
need to streak her hair, she had told him it was supposed to come out a
silvery, shimmery color but... He still loved her, grey streaks and all.
"Daij, why don't we wait until Spring and then we'll talk about it again." He said
finally. "Everything that needs fixed downstairs will be fixed and if
we're lucky, we'll even have some of the tax money leftover."
Sensing he was giving serious thought about Texas, Daija smiled and kissed his collarbone. "We still have
the ranch, and I bet Steve would love to have you back working with him."
"And I could go back to work at Millie's."
"Are you sure you'd be able too, too handle being in the
She knew what he meant, her thoughts straying to the unfinished
nursery and nodded; smiling somewhat. "Maybe we could try again." She
whispered slowly, watching the confusion on his face fade into a smile.
Texas, they were coming home.
"Who pissed in your breakfast?"
Jas Coleman glared at Hunter before stabbing his eggs viciously.
"The Michaels put Morle Manor on the market, they left for Texas this morning."
Hunter arched an eyebrow, swallowing the remains of his coffee
and shook his head when the waitress went to refill it. Daija
hadn't said anything to him, but then again, with spring finally here, he
hadn't exactly been an easy man to find. He had been out and about, enjoying
the fresh air and the lack of snow on the ground. "Well, good for them, I
didn't think they were cut out for New England to begin with."
Jas sighed, shaking his head.
"So... you have to sell it again, huh? Shouldn't be too
hard, they did fix it up, right?"
"Restored it completely, the damn house is worth more than
what they paid for it." Jas actually sounded pained, grimacing. "IF I
can find a buyer, they'll make quite a tidy profit from the difference between
what they paid and what they can get for it."
"Mmm." Hunter
stood up, clapping Jas on the back. "Good luck with that."
Jas just kept muttering to himself.
"Goddamn son, you are pale!"
Shawn whirled around, damn near dropping the box he was carrying
when he heard the very familiar, very welcomed voice; grinning broadly. "I
know, I'm hoping a summer outdoors will fix
"Shit, I think we can work somethin' out." Steve
bounded up the steps, a broad grin on his face. "Need some help?"
Daija walked out of the
ranch, having just opened every door and window to start airing the place out;
laughing when she was picked up off the porch and twirled around. "Nice to
see you too, Steve."
"Honey, you two have no idea how borin'
it gets around here." Steve laughed, setting her down. "Heard you
were back... So I wrangled up some neighbors and..."
Shawn and Daija both looked towards
the open gate, neither too surprised to find their neighbors,
they're friends, driving through, horns honking loudly.
Steve's grin broadened if that were possible. "Daij, you best go get the coffee and food on, I have a
feelin' getting you two moved back in is going to be hungry work."
"I brought stew!" Larissa shouted as she slid from the
passenger side of her truck; holding the seat forward while her three kids
scrambled out, her husband ambling towards Shawn and Steve. Balancing a crockpot in her arms, she hurried up into the house,
leaving the children to play in the yard while the rest of the neighbors got to
work. "I'm so glad you came back."
Daija waited until Larrisa had set down the stew before hugging her best
friend tightly. "I missed you too."
"Alright, enough blubberin',
let's get some biscuits and gravy made up, some coffee too I reckon. And you
can tell me all about New England..."
Where did she even begin....?
It was pitch black behind the bookstore, which was nice as she
wasn't keen on being spotted. For a moment, Joanie fumbled over the top of the
door, her fingers finally stumbling onto a cold bit of metal. Smiling eagerly,
she unlocked the door; keeping a firm hold on the papers in her hand. '
After she had let herself in, she hurriedly locked the door and
turned around; throwing out her free hand to feel along the wall, flicking on
the lights. "Hello."
Hunter had been sitting at his desk in the dark, hands laced
behind his head; feet propped up on the desk. He nodded, eyeing the papers she
"I have them." Quickly, she crossed the room to set
the papers down. "It's all there, family trees of everyone in town. I also
put in the bid for Morle Manor." She met his
gaze, her smile wavering. "Did, did I do alright?"
Hunter's hazel eyes flashed fern green, slightly venomous color
before nodding. "You did perfectly, my dear." He rumbled,
his voice much different than the usual. It was deeper, a dark baritone. He
reached one lazy hand for the papers, examining them, a slow smile of wicked
glee crossing his face. "Beautiful, dearest,
Mark Calaway had been murdered by the
very townspeople who had come to him for years with their dirty, sordid
affairs; paying him to rid themselves or some young woman of the burden of
shame she carried.
Of course, he had probably signed his own death warrant the
night he had performed a late term abortion on some runaway young woman,
needing the near fully finished child inside of her for an experiment. He
hadn't known at the time that she was the daughter of one of the states's most prominent citizens.
To hide their shame, to hide the evidence of what they had
allowed to go on... the people from town had murdered him and destroyed his
office, leaving nothing but four dirt walls and a dirt floor behind.
It had been Joanie who had uncovered the secret door to his
alter chamber, it was Joanie who had snuck inside the
Manor over ten years ago to dig beneath the dirt and uncover the canning jars,
his babies, and put them on a shelf.
And it was Joanie who had gathered the necessary ingredients for
his resurrection and started the ritual, then allowed him to share her body to
finish it.
Originally, he had wanted Shawn Michaels body... then he would
have been able to keep Daija who he had almost loved,
she had been so easy to entice, to lure... so eager to help him with his work,
at least until she realized the price that would have to be paid.
But this would do...
Hunter, the idiotic fool who had rushed in to save the day... who had made Mark spill the contents of his alter bowl over
them both... He had sealed his own doom.
This wasn't the body he had wanted, but it was HIS body now and
it would do.
If he had too, he could always find a suitable replacement,
which... now that he thought of it, he was going to
have to do. Especially since by the time he was finished painting this town in
the blood of it's own
residents, Hunter Helmsley was about to become a very, VERY wanted man.
Joanie whimpered in delight when he stood up, closing her eyes
as he caressed her face with a small sigh of ecstasy. "Master..."
Scientists had spent years trying to prolong human's lives, make
them stronger, faster... He didn't want that. He just wanted to be able to come
back after death, he did not want to live out one life in the same body, not
when there was so many wicked, murderous things he wanted to do. He had
succeeded where they had failed, he had found the way
to bring himself back, to defy death.
One body however, was not going to be enough for what he had in
mind, for all the murderous things he had planned, he
was going to need several...
"Joanie... we have so much work to do..."