Far Away



Chapter 1


“This is so stupid.  Why do I have to go all the way to England just so I can watch you and Dad get drunk off your asses with your friends?  It makes NO sense, Mom!” Jetta growled, crossing her arms in front of her chest, not believing what her parents were doing to her.  Didn't turning eighteen mean ANYTHING to them?  It always happened this way and she wondered what she'd done so horrible in her life to make them not trust her, their own daughter?  Their ONLY child.  It made no sense whatsoever, but there it was.


“Darling, honestly, it's just for a party.  Besides, we go every year.  If not for your schooling, you would have gone as well.” Jetta's mother replied, reaching out to fluff her daughter's hair gently.  “Now please, promise that you'll be on your best behavior?  You know the Radcliffe’s are among our dearest friends, darling.  You will be a good girl, now won't you?” Sometimes she forgot Jetta was an adult and tended to speak to her like she was still running around in nappies.


“Mom, when are you going to realize that I'm not your little girl anymore?” She asked softly, staring in the mirror, her reflection staring back at her.  Jetta had long, strawberry blonde hair that had more gold in it than anything with sparkling sapphire blue eyes.  She'd inherited her mother's hair and her father's eyes, which sometimes she wished she would've inherited her OWN looks.  “I know the Radcliffe’s are nice and everything, but why can't I just stay home?” If there was one thing Jetta did NOT like, it was flying, especially across the Atlantic Ocean.


“Because I promised Mrs. Radcliffe -Marcia- that you would come this year.  She is so looking forward to seeing you again darling.  Surely this one time isn't going to kill you.  Honestly Jetta, it's only once a year.” Cathleen said, a slight frown marring her features.  “It'll be a nice family holiday.  I miss England and I'd simply love to return home, with you coming along as well.  Have you finished packing?” She asked, suddenly steering the conversation in another direction.


Jetta grumbled, raking a hand through her hair, glaring over at her bag like it'd personally wronged her.  She hated flying and she hated her parents for forcing her to do this.  Cathleen had grown up in England with Marcia and Alan Radcliffe.  They went to school together and Marcia and Alan were sweethearts all throughout their years.  It was a little different compared to America, but Jetta was proud to be one.  She hated England because it always rained every time they went.  This time would be no different, she was sure of it.


As if reading her only child's mind, Cathleen smiled tenderly.  “Darling, I'm sure it won't be as bad as you're thinking.  It could be worse; we could always be traveling to Scotland.  Now there's a wet, dreary country.” Laughing softly, she walked out of the bedroom to leave Jetta to finish her own packing as well as overseeing the house-maids final list of tasks while they were away.  “We leave in ten minutes, Jetta!” She called back over her shoulder, high heels clicking as she walked.


“Damn!” She cursed, mumbling under her breath at her mother's overjoyed voice.  Didn't she realize her daughter did NOT want to do this?  “She doesn't care.” Jetta snarled and kicked over her bag, wearing a pair of jeans with a red top that hung over her right shoulder and it was long sleeved, cotton.  Her bangs were cut at an angle, covering most of her face, and were long as it cascaded down her back to hug her waist perfectly.  With a sigh, Jetta whipped out her cell phone and dialed her best friend, Kary's number, letting her know she couldn't get out of this predicament.


“England's not THAT bad.” Kary consoled, sounding disappointed that they wouldn't be spending the holiday together.  Jetta would be traveling and Kary was stuck at home, how unfair!  “Look at the bright side of it all Jet; you can meet some hot new guys.  Face it; American boys are just about all the same.  They're more interested in sports or business than anything else.  Maybe this trip won't be a total waste after all.” She said bracingly, trying to cheer her best friend up.


“This is such bull though!  I'm eighteen, Kary and they still think of me as their little girl!  God, I really was looking forward to spending the holiday with you too.” Jetta replied sharply, sighing heavily as she slid on her black, steel toed boots that went with the outfit perfectly.  She snorted when she heard Kary say that about the American boys and nodded.  “I have to agree with you on the boy issue.  American men all want sex, but then again, England boys are probably the same.” She rolled her eyes, not really looking forward to meeting an England moron who she would hardly understand due to how they spoke.


Kary snorted through the phone.  “Men are all the same, sex is all they're after.  But you'll be in Europe.  European men are supposed to be the best.” Her voice turned teasing for a moment then back to serious.  “Just try to enjoy yourself; at least you'll get to be somewhere new and exciting.  And you can call me whenever you need an ear.”



“Jetta, we're getting ready to leave, darling!”


Jetta groaned when she heard her annoying mother calling her and sighed, nodding at Kary's encouragement.  “Thanks sis, I'm going to need it.  I'll call you when we land.” She stated, sending her love and apologies once more before heading downstairs.  While she was on the phone, the butler, Michael, had come up to retrieve her bags, carrying them down to the limo for her that they'd be taking to the airport.  “This sucks.” She announced once she took the final step down the stairs, crossing her arms in front of her chest, lips pursed tightly together.


Cathleen exchanged looks with her husband, Richard, her own lips pursing.  “Would it hurt to at least try and pretend to get along?” She asked, clearly sounding annoyed with her daughter.


“We're not going to be gone that long, Jetta.” Richard added, helping his wife into her coat.  “Then you can come home and do whatever it is you young kids do these days.”


Cathleen stared at her daughter expectantly.


“Whatever, let's just get this over with.” Jetta muttered, loud enough for them to hear, and shot her parents a scathing look before storming out the front door and toward the limo.  Being rich definitely had its perks, but also low points because Jetta was always kept under a lock and key.  She thought turning eighteen would change that, but once again, she was sadly mistaken.


The ride to the airport was filled with a strained silence as was the actual flight.  Once the captain announced they were preparing to land, Cathleen glanced at Jetta.  She hid a yawn behind her hand, having fallen asleep on the long flight; though she knew jet lag would be catching up shortly.  “Are you tired dear?  We'll be met by the Radcliffe's chauffer and taken directly to their manor.  We'll go straight to bed, how's that sound?”


“Peachy.” Jetta muttered, her eyes never straying from the window, and buckled up when the bell sounded to do so.  She leaned back against her seat and mentally counted back from ten, taking in deep, sharp breaths, her eyes tightly shut.  The worst part about flying for Jetta was the take-off, due to the ear popping, and the landing because sometimes they did it rough.


Richard reached over to take her hand, squeezing gently.  He knew she hated flying and could understand why; he wasn't too fond of it himself.  He grunted when the landing was rough, not expecting anything less but hating it anyway.  He sighed in relief when they finally stepped down the ladder and his feet were on solid ground.  “Much better.”


Cathleen looked energetic, probably at being in her land of birth.  “There's Dick.” She said, waving at the familiar face.  “Shall we?”


“Cathleen, Richard how lovely to see you both again.” Dick greeted with a smile, kissing Cathleen's hand before bowing, shaking Richard's hand.  “And who might this beautiful goddess be?” He asked, staring over at the strawberry blonde, who did not look happy to be in his presence, though he pushed that to the side.


Jetta didn't say anything at first until her mother shot her a look, causing her to sigh with a roll of her eyes.  “Jetta Williams, I'm their very unhappy daughter who hates flying and I don't want to be here.” She ignored her parents scathing looks and crossed her arms in front of her chest.  What did they honestly expect, for her to be civil?


“Ah yes, well I'm sure we shall change your mind, my dear.  Shall we then?  Lord and Lady Radcliffe have been looking forward to your arrival all summer long.”


“Lets.” Cathleen shot her daughter a scathing look, linking her arm with Jetta's.  “Behave yourself.” She said softly.


Richard had to hide a smile behind his hand, coughing to cover a chuckle.  He returned his wife's scowl with an innocent look.  “Sorry sweetheart, something got caught in my throat.” He said, sliding into the car behind them.


Jetta smirked at her father, knowing he was snickering at what she said.  They had an understanding, not to mention the fact that Jetta was a full out, one hundred percent daddy's little girl.  Anything she would whim and plead for enough, she'd get, except her freedom.  That was due to her mother wanting to keep her under that lock and key and not even her father could stop that from happening.  They walked out of the airport, getting checked by security momentarily, and slid into the limo.  Jetta rolled her eyes as rain hit the pavement, knowing it was going to rain the entire time they were there now.


“Lovely weather, isn't it?” Richard asked cheerfully, ignoring his wife's scowl.  He loved her to pieces but he did also love to get a rise out of her.  “How's the weather been this summer, Dick?” His smile broadened when Dick announced it had reached as high as the mid-thirties.  “As much as all that? Good thing we brought our bathing suits, eh?”


Jetta was giggling on the other side of the limousine, shaking her head back at her father's jokes, knowing her mother could not stand his dry sense of humor.  “Oh yes, not to mention our sun block, towels, oh and did I mention that I love swimming in the freezing cold?” She snorted when her father chuckled while her mother just shook her head, refusing to look at both of them.  Like father like daughter, that's exactly what Cathleen was thinking and Jetta knew it, which made her grin.


“I do hope this weather subsides while you're here, Mr. Williams.  It's such a pity that you can never see the beautiful sunny day in England, truly remarkable.” Dick replied as he stopped at light, his windshield wipers on full blast since the drizzling rain had turned into an all-out downpour.


“I'm from England, remember?” Richard replied good-naturedly.  “I'm just too used to the American weather, I suppose.  When I first moved there I couldn't stand how hot it was, now I can't stand how cold England is.”


“You'll adjust darling.”


“I know. That's why I brought my Bermuda shorts and my tropical shirts.”


Jetta laughed more as she shook her head, loving her father more and more.  She often wondered why her parents moved to America, but never asked, knowing it was none of her business.  They had the England accents and she didn't, which made her wonder sometimes if she was adopted.  Though the unmistakable similarities between the three were far too much to even consider adoption.  She was theirs fully, blood and all.


“And here we are, My Lord and Ladies.” Dick announced, pulling up to the monstrous sized mansion that almost looked like a castle, causing Jetta to blink back at it.


“Question, are we visiting the Queen of England or is this some sort of joke?”


“This is the normal among the older families, Jetta.  We have a manor house as well though I'm afraid it's no longer in living condition.” Cathleen sounded sad for a moment before smiling brightly, slipping out of the limo.  “Marcia!”


“Just remember Princess,” Richard said, detaining Jetta for a second.  “You come from the same stock as these people.  That and they're friendly, they'll just seem odd.”


“No kidding.” Jetta muttered back at her father and raked a hand through her hair, her bangs falling over one eye, though she could clearly see through the thin strands as her mother hugged a woman.  She was beautiful with blonde hair and deep green eyes, her body clad in what looked like a deep burgundy gown and her hair was pinned up, looking truly like royalty.


“Richard, how wonderful to see you again, old chap!  How the blazes have you been?” Alan asked, his tone holding somewhat of a Scottish accent to it, but people had to listen closely in order to catch it.  He had black hair and deep blue eyes, wearing a black suit with a crisp white shirt beneath, a bowtie around his neck.  “It's been far too long.” He stated and walked over, pulling Cathleen in for a long embrace while Richard did the same with Marcia.


Again, Jetta wondered why in the Hell her parents dragged her along again on this trip.


“You look marvelous, Marcia.” Richard was saying as Alan complimented his wife. “I keep bloody wondering how Alan ever snagged you.”


Marcia laughed, a small blush creeping in her cheeks.  “I'm sure Alan wonders the same about Cathleen, you two are still nothing but rascals.  Oh- this must be Jetta!”


Cathleen beamed, motioning her daughter forward.  “Jetta, I doubt you'd remember Marcia and Alan.  But where is your son?”


“Business as usual.”


“Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Radcliffe.” Jetta greeted solemnly, not hiding the disdain in her voice, but decided to be civil toward these people.  She was stuck here so she might as well get used to it for the next week since that's how long they were staying.


“It's nice to meet you both.” She added when her mother shot her another scathing look and once again ignored it, crossing her arms in front of her chest.


“You're beautiful just like your mother, dear one.” Alan complimented with a soft smile, ignoring her tone of voice, and grabbed her hand as he pressed a soft kiss to the back of it.  “Shall we go inside?  It's awfully chilly out here and Samantha has dinner prepared for us in the dining room.  Our son should be along any moment.” He nodded at Dick before ushering their guests inside.


Chapter 2


“Of course he'd generally away from home what with work and all.” Marcia said airily, following behind with her arm linked through Cathleen’s.  “But this is supposed to be his little break. Tell me Jetta, how do you like our England so far?  Dreary country isn't it?” She laughed.   “It's wet, but a lovely place.”


“So wet Jetta and I decided to bring rafts, just in case.” Richard teased, winking at his daughter.  “Right, honey?”


“Sure dad.  I have the ores in my suitcase.” She replied with a smirk, causing Allen and Marcia to laugh along with them while Cathleen just stared at her husband and daughter in shock.  “England is...not America.  I like America better.” She replied, smiling when they both just nodded at her in understanding.


“America is a lovely place, but England is much more peaceful.  Not too much happens around here.” Alan consoled as they walked into the dining room, which was set for royalty and nothing less.


“I miss that.” Cathleen said wistfully.  “We're always hearing about something completely dreadful on the radio or telly.”


Marcia nodded sympathetically.  “I know we hear about a lot of things too.  Of course we have crime here as well, just not to the extent.”


“Everywhere in the world there's crime.  You have crime India for heaven's sake.  Of course you don't hear about it.” Richard put in, defending his new home, though he wasn't being rude about it.


“Very true.”


For the remainder of the evening, Jetta was forced to sit there at the dinner table, listening as the four bustled and talked about politics.  She finally stood up, excusing herself for the night, and headed upstairs to her staying room that their maid, Samantha, prepared for her.  She slammed the door shut in the maid's face, completely livid that she was forced to be here instead of in America, her home, with her friends, the people who cared most about her.  Ripping her clothes off, Jetta changed into a red nightgown before slipping into bed, wanting to wake up from this horrible nightmare.  Within moments, she was asleep, the rain glistening off her balcony bedroom window.




Jetta was woken up the next day by Marcia and Cathleen giggling like a pair of school girls, gushing over each other's dresses.  “Of course the party won't start until tonight but what a day!  Caterers, last minute decorations and of course making ourselves up.” Marcia chuckled from outside Jetta's doorway.  “I love that dress, Cat.”

“I adore yours.  Francine?”


“Of course. Should we wake Jetta?”


“Would you two just shut up?” Jetta growled through the door, her head pounding, and knew it was from jetlag.  She sighed when her bedroom door was thrown open and heard more giggling, wishing she was dead at that moment.  She'd pulled the comforter up over her face, hoping they wouldn't notice her, and growled when her mother pulled it from her.  “I want to SLEEP!  It's my damn vacation is it not?!”


“It is but we have things to do.” Cathleen said matter-of-factly.  “That and you've slept till past noon, up you get lazybones.”


“We have to go to the salon, dear. Sadie does the most wonderful things with hair, she's simply astonishing.  Of course you have to keep scissors out of her hands; she insists that short hair is the way to go.” Marcia clucked her tongue, opening the drapes.  “Jetta, would you like brekkie to be sent up on a tray, dear?”


“No, I'd like both of you clowns to get OUT of my room so I can sleep more and I'm NOT going to the salon with you yakking morons!   My hair is staying down and the way it is, you don't like it, send me a postcard and I'll stick it in my 'I don't give a shit' box, k?” Jetta snapped, standing up from her bed, and stormed into the connecting bathroom, slamming the door shut hard behind her before locking it.


Cathleen's hand flew to her mouth as she stared at the bathroom door, glancing at her friend to see the same look on her face.  “I'm sorry.  Jetta has the worst temper.” She apologized.


Marcia took a minute to recover before nodding.  “She's still a child; she'll grow out of it.” She assured her friend, patting her on the shoulder lightly before escorting Cathleen from the room.


Jetta growled when she heard that and held back from smashing the mirror with her fist, not believing what Marcia just said about her!  She was NOT a child damn it!  She was an adult and had been forced to come here!  Finally counting back from then, Jetta started her bath, since showers weren't accustomed in England, and slipped her nightgown and garments off before leaning back.  She knew she'd have to apologize later for her behavior, but at the moment, she could honestly care less.


Richard and Alan were lucky; they got to meander around the house.  The party was strictly a women's affair.  All they had to do was wear their tuxes and show up.  Richard excused himself from the billiards table to go check on Jetta later that afternoon when she hadn't come down.  He knocked lightly on the door before walking in.  “Jetta, honey, everything alright?”


Jetta sighed as she stared out the window, wearing a pair of black pajama pants with a white tank top, her hair in a ponytail, though her bangs still fell over her eye.  “I'm fine, daddy.  Just thinking is all.” She replied solemnly, pressing her forehead to the cool glass, missing Kary more and more.  She'd called and left a message, knowing Kary was probably with the gang, and wished she could be there having fun instead of her wallowing in her self-pity.  “I'm sure mother told you about earlier.”


Richard nodded thoughtfully.  “I'd rather be out playing golf than billiards but it's only for a short while.  Yes, your mother did tell me.  You were incredibly rude, especially in front of our hostess.” He didn't sound scolding, his tone mild.  “Though Marcia is a gracious enough woman to write it off to your jetlag and young years.” He smiled at her facial expression.   “Face it Princess, everyone older than you is going to see you as a child.  Especially your mum and me, we still see the angel in nappies.”


“I know, but it's really frustrating and this morning it was my jetlag.” She sighed heavily, looking down at the floor, wrapping her arms around herself.  “I had a massive headache and I felt like I was going to throw up when they barged in, sounding like a couple of banshees.  It just...angered me because I wanted to sleep for a few more hours.  You know what flying does to me, daddy.”


“Tears your head and stomach up the same as it does mine.” Richard nodded.  “No worries pet, I'm sure your mum will forget all about it.  She loves it here, Jetta.  She never wanted to leave.” He explained, sitting down on the bed.   “So this holiday means a lot to her.  Just try to tolerate it for a bit, alright?”


Jetta stared back into her father's blue eyes and nodded with a sigh, walking over and hugging him around the neck.  “Very well, I'll do it...for you.” She smirked when he grinned at her and kissed his cheek, living up to her Daddy's Little Girl part fully.  “I suppose I should start getting ready, huh?” She grumbled, not particularly fond of wearing dresses.


“Probably.” Richard pulled a face.  “I'm not looking forward to it anymore then you are.  It'll be a bunch of people, some I'll know, some I won't.  Stuffy men smoking cigars and women with talons for nails.” He sighed melodramatically.  “It's cruel being rich, let me tell you.” He smirked when she giggled.  “That's better.  You want me to send up the maid to help you dress?”


“No thank you, I can handle it.  You know how much I loathe being helped when it comes to dressing.” She replied, smiling at her father, and kissed his other cheek before pushing him toward the door gently.  “I'll see you down there in a few hours.” As soon as her father left after kissing her forehead, she sighed, thanking the stars she had at least ONE decent parent who was on her side.  Swallowing hard, Jetta walked over to her closet and opened it, groaning at the dress that stared back at her.  Getting in it was going to be a task in itself and she hoped she was prepared for it as she took it off the rack.


Cathleen stood in the dressing room, examining her dress.  She sighed, smoothing the material over her hips.  She would kill to have her younger figure back.  Not that she wasn't attractive, but age was finally catching up with her, as well as gravity.  Shaking her head with a laugh, she went to knock on Jetta's door, walking in after getting a muffled come in.  “Darling, do you need help?” She asked, watching as Jetta struggled with the gown.


“No, I'm fine, it just feels strange.” She replied and turned to face her mother in the gown, a shaky smile on her lips.  Her hair was down, shimmering from the bath she'd had prior to dressing for the ball the Radcliffe’s held every year, and smoothed her gown down her stomach.  It was a strapless flat taffeta dress that fit her every curve and flared toward the bottom, right at her thighs it seems, and went down, knowing if she didn't have heels on, it would cover her feet.  Black eyeliner outlined her eyes, bringing out the blue in them even further, and she had just a tint of dark pink eye shadow on along with clear gloss on her lips, her cheeks not needing blush since she had natural roses within them.  A dark pink stone shaped in a heart hung around her neck on a silver necklace and she had on a bracelet with a clip in her hair, pulling it away from her face, though her bangs angled, covering her other side.  She looked breathtakingly beautiful.


Cathleen studied her daughter, tears springing to her eyes.  “You look... so grown-up and beautiful.” She finally whispered, sounding as teary as she looked.   “I'd hug you but I'm afraid it'd ruin our dresses.” She was actually afraid Jetta would push her away.  She offered a watery smile.  “You look lovely, darling, simply lovely.” Then her smile grew mischievous.  “Your father is going to be busy tonight keeping all the young men away from you, I even think he brought his big stick.”


Jetta giggled when she heard that, smiling at her mother, and walked over as she hugged her gently, not wanting to wrinkle their dresses.  “You look gorgeous, Mom.  You haven't aged a bit with the pictures I've seen.” She grinned when Cathleen just blushed and shook her head before walking over to stare in the full length mirror.  “Do me a favor and let me have some fun tonight, please.  Just one night of freedom, Mom.” She pleaded staring at her mother through the mirror, her eyes mirroring what she was asking.


Cathleen looked taken aback.  Instead of scolding, she took a few minutes to mull over her daughter's words.  Finally, she clasped her hands before her, staring at Jetta through the mirror.  “I didn't realize I was that bad.” She said softly, apologetically.  “Of course dear, have a blast that is what you American young people say isn't it?”


“Yes Mom, it is and you're not that bad.  You're just...overprotective.” She smiled, touching her mother's face delicately, and looked back at the mirror as she ran her fingers through her long, angled bangs, nodding when she got them perfect.  “Well, I guess we should head down.” She suggested, turning around to face Cathleen, and cleared her throat.  She wanted to apologize, but in all honesty, now wasn't the proper time and even she knew that.


“We should, from the sounds of it everything is in full swing.” Cathleen agreed, beaming at her daughter.  She linked arms with Jetta and walked out of the room with her, feeling Jetta tense at the foot of the steps.  “Don't worry darling, just try to have fun.  Please, don't drink too much though.  You are of age here.” She smiled slightly, disappearing down the stairs and into the crowd.


Jetta smiled at her mother and took her words to heart, knowing for once she was free tonight, truly free.  With a deep breath, her hand pressed on the banister as she began slowly walking down the stairs, her heels clicking softly against the smooth rock steps.  She arrived at the first set of stairs and stopped, watching as everyone bustled about, talking and reminiscencing, truly having a great time.  She smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear, leaving the other side alone that covered her eye, and headed down to the party.


He had been talking with a few friends of his parents, being polite and answering their questions.  He honestly found it boring.  He was home to relax, not discuss work.  That was the crux of his chosen profession.  His passion more like it.  So he put up with it.  He felt that these people being friends would understand but apparently he was mistaken.  His eyes scanned the room, searching for a way out then landed on a woman he had never seen before.  He knew it was rude to stare but he couldn't help himself. Well, at least his mouth was closed.


A man walked over to her and took her hand, kissing the back of it, and she in turn kissed his cheek.  “Go on, daddy.  Go have a blast.” She winked, causing Richard to chuckle, and nodded before rejoining his friends as she took a glass of wine from the nearby waiter.  She walked around the room, seeing so many unfamiliar faces, and sighed, wishing somebody was there that was her age to talk too, somebody that wasn't thirty or older.  She snorted at the thought and took a long swallow of her wine.


As if a genie had granted her wish, a man around her age with dark brown almost black hair and startling blue eyes appeared before her, a glass of wine in his own hand.  “Hello.” He greeted, extending his free hand to take hers, pressing a kiss to the back of it.  “I don't believe we've met before?” He smiled at her then glanced over her shoulder, immediately setting down both their glasses.  “Dance with me?” He asked, looking over her shoulder still.  “Please, before these old women attack me.”


Jetta could only blink at this handsome man, who looked around her age, and decided it couldn't hurt as she nodded.  “Sure.” She softly said, allowing him to guide her to the dance floor, and was pulled into his massive arms, his strong body.  “I'm Jetta.” She said, introducing herself, and smiled when he spun her around before dipping her as the music flowed through the air.


Chapter 3


“That is a beautiful and very unusual name.” He commented, smiling as he twirled her again, catching her tightly when she came spinning back.  “Jetta... I like it.” He took one of her hands in his, his eyes lighting up when the music changed.  “Do you tango?” He didn't give her time to answer, just placed one hand around her waist, pulling her firmly to him and began to lead the dance.  “You sound American.”


“I am.” She replied, trying to move with him the best she could, and laughed when she tripped a bit, but not to the point of falling down because he'd caught her.  “Sorry, I'm not a very good dancer except what we were just doing.” She apologized softly, biting her bottom lip, a blush creeping into her cheek while the other was hidden by her hair.  Not to mention she was also blushing due to the fact that he'd complimented on her unusual name and it was.  Not very many girls back in American had her name and she liked it that way, she liked being different.


“You're a great dancer. The tango is easy.” He explained.  “It's a bit of a...” He bit the inside of his cheek, obviously searching for the words.  “It's a lover's dance; it's almost a war between two bodies.  Giving and...” He dipped her from the waist, his hands on her hips, moving her lowered upper in a semi-circle around him before slamming her up against his own muscular torso.  “Taking.”


Jetta gasped as she clutched at his shoulder blades, breathing heavily, her heart pounding in her chest.  Whoever he was took her breath away as she began tangoing with him, meeting him for every intense thrust and movement the dance produced.  It was almost as if everyone around them disappeared and all that was left was just the two of them in a hazy passion, a smile never leaving her glossy lips.  “You sound like you're from here.” She commented, spinning around to meet him before pushing him back in the dance, and then backing up when he came in to her once more.


“I am.” He chuckled, dancing across the room with her, people moving out of their path, most watching.  “I'm born and bred in England.  Though if I would have known there were women as beautiful as you in America, I'm sure I would have cursed my parents for it.” His smile broadened when she blushed, dipping her one last time as the song ended, her knee resting on his hip, his free hand just under the curve of her knee.  “Like I said, you are an excellent dancer.”


“Thanks.” She breathed out before slowly being lifted, running a hand through her hair and bangs, fixing them as she patted her chest.  “That dance is such a rush.” She commented, walking off the dance floor and toward the refreshments, grabbing a fresh glass of champagne and began downing it.  Perspiration had formed on her forehead due to the dancing and being so close to this man who'd swept her off her feet...literally.


“Careful there.” His voice echoed in her ear.  “Drink that too fast after dancing like we did and you're liable to make yourself ill.” He moved so he was in her line of view.  “You look hot.” He looked a bit warm under the collar himself.  “Would you care to join me in a walk outside?  It's not raining for once; English skies on cloudless nights are something worth seeing.” He extended his arm to her.


“Sure, I need some fresh air.” She replied softly, linking her arm through his own, and allowed him to guide her outside.  The weather was cool, but it felt wonderful against her heated skin as she closed her eyes, letting the wind blow gently through her hair before opening them fully.  “It is beautiful.” She admitted quietly, holding her champagne glass, swirling the liquid as she ran her fingers beneath her bangs, smoothing them over her eye once more.


“It is.” He agreed, looking at her rather than the sky.  He finally tore his eyes away to survey the sky, taking pleasure in being able to see the stars clearly.  “I don't get too many nights like this, how about you?” He asked softly.  “What's it like where you live?  Do you get to see the sky or is it blocked out by skyscrapers?”


Jetta giggled when she heard that and shook her head, taking a sip of her champagne.  “I live in America, Los Angeles to be precise if you know where that is.  We get some rain, but it’s mostly hot and humid, sticky sometimes even.” She shrugged her shoulders absentmindedly, smiling as she thought about her home, though right now she was enjoying the company of this strange man.  “What's your name?” She asked softly, turning to full face him, her blue eyes glistening among with the stars.


“Los Angeles.  I've been there.” He made a slight face.  “No offense, but a bit too much smog for my liking.  It was the first time I ever seen a blue sunrise.” He stared at her curiously when she asked his name, then a sudden smile lit up his face.  “My name is Daniel, Dan for short.  I prefer Dan but don't call me Danny.” He made a pained face.


“I won't, don't worry.” She assured him softly before turning back around to face the night sky, inhaling the scent.  She did love the smell after a rain storm, always did, especially in Los Angeles.  “Thank you for the dance and for dragging out of mind numbing boredom.” She giggled, winking back over her shoulder at him.


“No, thank you.” He whispered, moving to stand behind her, resting his hands lightly on her shoulders.  “For saving me. For some reason, the older ladies like to flock around me and mention their nieces, daughters or granddaughters.” He shuddered at the mere thought.  “Sometimes I think I should go into hiding.  So... are you in England for just a visit or to stay?” It was a casual enough question, or at least that's how it sounded.


“I'm only here for a week and then I'm going back home.” She replied, his hands burning on her shoulders as she slowly turned around to face him.  She watched as he took her champagne glass from her hand, setting it on the balcony beside them, and swallowed hard as his piercing blue eyes reached her soul, or so it felt like.  Her heart was pounding so hard and fast, she hoped he couldn't hear it as her back was pressed against the balcony ledge, his body blocking her from any means of escape.  Though at this point, that's the last thing Jetta wanted to do.


He murmured, his blue eyes searching her intently.  “I wish you were here longer.” His mouth was inches from hers.  “I'm going to kiss you, Jetta.” Daniel announced softly right before his lips found hers.  Her lips felt like a rose petal in full bloom, soft and delicate to the touch.  He was almost afraid of crushing her, though she tasted like the sweetest honey when those rose petal lips parted, granting him access to her inner recesses.


Her stomach instantly did a flip-flop, the butterflies erupting like a volcano in her stomach, but she couldn't pull away even if she wanted too, which she didn't.  Her arms snaked up his own, wrapping her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss even more as his arms encircled her waist.  A soft moan escaped her lips as she began moving her head from side to side, her heart feeling like it was going to leap from her chest at any given moment, and her hand began having a mind of its own as they ran through his hair, rubbing his neck gently.


Daniel took this as an invitation to continue with the kiss.  He pulled her closer to him so their bodies were molded together.  Through the gorgeous dress she wore he could feel her every curve.  Those curves were enough to drive a man wild; they were burning him it seemed.  A pleasurable burn.  He moaned softly, feeling her fingers brushing against his scalp, that alone sending jolts of electricity coursing through him.  His own hands were exploring her back, feelings her beautiful body beneath his gentle but firm fingertips and palms.


Jetta finally pulled out of the kiss, needing to breath as her chest heaved up and down, staring back at him with slightly swollen lips, her sapphire eyes wide with wonder.  “Wow...I've never been kissed like that before.” She finally managed to squeak out, her head spinning, and started thinking back to what her best friend told her prior to leaving America.  England men were more desirable and way different than American boys.  Jetta smirked, knowing Kary had been right.


Daniel's own lips were red and on the swollen side, his blue eyes a deep blue opposed to the usual light shade.  He cleared his throat before speaking, not wanting his own voice to come out a squeak.  “That was the best kiss I've ever had.” He admitted, meaning it.  He watched her smirk and cocked an eyebrow, wondering what was going through her mind.  “What are you smirking about, love?” He asked curiously.


“I didn't know I had that effect on men.  I guess I'm pretty damn good.” She stated with that ever present smirk, her eyes glittering back at him, and ran her finger slowly down his shirt covered chest.  He was wearing a light blue dress shirt with black pants, the top two buttons undone, showing off just enough chest to drive a woman crazy with wonder.  “Do tell me what are YOU thinking about, Daniel?” She asked coyly, her eye staring at him intently, the other covered by her hair though she could clearly see through the locks.


“I'm thinking that if you don't stop touching me, I'm going to kiss you again.” He said in that matter-of-fact tone of voice, quirking an eyebrow when her smirk broadened.  He stepped up and captured her lips in his again, this time lifting her up and setting her on the stone ledge, feeling her legs wrapping around him.  He groaned when he felt her hot little hands go back to his chest, capturing them between their bodies.  “You're driving me insane, Jetta.” He whispered between kisses.


Wrapping her legs around his waist was easy do to the fact that the lower half of her dress was loose.  She moaned against his mouth, the vibrating sensation only heightening hers more, and began unbuttoning his shirt one by one.  “Wait-wait, is there some place more...private we could go to do this?” She asked breathlessly, staring back at him pleadingly, wanting him more than anything, licking her swollen lips as her pink tongue gently snaked out to do so.


Daniel looked at her for a minute before glancing back towards the house which was in full-swing.  His eyes took in the landscape before settling on the small guest house just beyond the hedges.  He nodded, scooping her into his arms princess style, chuckling when she giggled.  “My lady.” He inclined his head at her playfully, walking with long, purposeful strides until they were inside the warm house.  He fumbled along the wall for the light, flicking it on before carrying her towards the couch.


Jetta smiled as she was slowly set on the couch, smoothing her dress out while he went to close the door, and bowed her head.  “Good sir.” She giggled, the champagne working wonders, relaxing her more than what she probably should've been.  She looked around at the guest house and took a strand of her hair, twirling it around her finger as she finally turned her attention back to him.  “Daniel, are you sure you want to do this?” She asked wanting to make sure this is what he wanted, that he wanted her just as much as she wanted him.


Daniel stared at her intensely.  “Yes.” He answered honestly.  “But do you?  I don't want that champagne affecting your thinking.  I would rather not have you regret anything come the morning.” He said slowly, sitting down beside her.  He wanted her more than anything and it was with remarkable self-restraint that he hadn't jumped her by now.  Though he wanted her completely willing and her unaffected consent.


“Of course, I've only had two glasses.” She softly assured him with a laugh, shaking her head, raking a hand through it.  “Believe me; it takes a lot more than two glasses to get me drunk to the point where I won't remember anything, Daniel.  I want you, end of story.” She leaned back against the huge couch, gasping when it folded out into a bed, having jumped, not expecting it.  Now she was laying down, her head resting comfortably on a pillow in her dress, staring up into his intense blue orbs.


Daniel chuckled at the look on Jetta's face when the couch folded out, moving so he was hovering over her.  “I want you too.” He murmured, brushing his lips against hers.  He carefully laid out on her, mindful not to crush her with his weight.  He was on fire; just being close to her was setting him ablaze, something he couldn't recall ever experiencing before.  He raked his teeth over her lower lip, his hands skimming her sides, the heat from his palms burning through the thin material


Jetta moaned softly as she arched her body into his touch, her hair splayed all around her, staring up at him as he explored her gently, slowly, taking his time.  She slowly pushed him back and sat up, unzipping her dress before winking over her shoulder at him.  “I thought this might be easier for you.” She giggled, though it was a low, seductive tone, her voice laced with ecstasy.


“It might be.” Daniel replied huskily, moving around on the bed so he was kneeling behind her.  He dipped his head down, moving her long hair to the side and began to trail kisses down her neck.  His tongue flicked out, tasting her creamy skin as he trailed hot kisses down her spine then up and across her shoulders, nipping gently with his tongue.  “You taste like heaven.” He murmured.


Within minutes, their clothes were stripped off and their bodies came together as one, causing Jetta to feel more pleasure than she'd ever had in her life.  She couldn't believe how loving and caring Daniel was being toward her, feeling his every thrust, the power igniting her soul in flames.  Her head spun as she completely surrendered to him, knowing she could not fight off the amount of passion that was deep inside her heart.  She wanted this, craved this, needed this and she was getting exactly that.  Their groans and moans, sounds of ecstasy bounced off the walls, swirling them in a spiral as they toppled over the edge of insanity before finally falling asleep in each other’s arms, neither wanting to move.


Chapter 4


Richard listened as Cathleen and Marcia gossiped happily about the night before.  He ate quietly, glancing every so often at Alan.  Alan looked like he felt.  Hung over.  Well that would teach them to break into the good stash of Ireland's finest whiskey. 


“I wonder where Jetta got off too this morning...” Cathleen mused, sipping her tea. 


“Probably hiding from you lot.”


Her eyes slowly fluttered open as the sun streamed through the window, causing her to blink rapidly as she rubbed them with the back of her hand.  It took her only a moment to realize she was naked and pulled the blankets up to her chest, looking around as her eyes shot open.  A frown marred her features when she did not see her charming, England hunk anywhere in sight and sighed, figuring he probably had to leave after their sexual encounter.  The night streamed back through her mind, causing her to blush, her cheeks growing hot and reached down to pick her up dress.  How was she going to explain THIS to her parents?  The thought alone made her grumble as she pulled her dress back on, zipping it up, and tried her best to straighten her hair so it didn't like she just had the romp of her life the previous night.  With one final glance in the nearby mirror, Jetta headed back to the mansion, knowing her parents were probably worried sick about her.


Alan smiled weakly, finding that a bit amusing though he knew better than to really say anything.  He glanced between his wife and Cathleen but neither of them looked too keen on it.


“I wonder where our own bundle of trouble got off too...”


“Kids these days.” Richard snorted.


The glass screen door slid open, causing all four adults to whip their heads around to face the individual.  Jetta sighed when her mother instantly stood up and hugged her, knowing she was worried to death probably.  “I'm fine, Mom.  I was just out in the backhouse.  The party got to be too much for me last night so I decided to do some investigating and found it.” She explained, surprised by how easily the lie rolled off her tongue, and groaned when Cathleen just hugged her tighter.  “Mom, you're cutting off my air supply...” She gasped out.


“Morning mum, sorry I'm late...I…” Daniel walked in from the kitchen, his jacket tossed over his shoulder and promptly halted.


“No problem, darling.  Daniel, come here.  I doubt you'd remember her but...” Cathleen smiled down at Jetta.  “Sorry dear, I didn't mean to choke you.” She wrapped an arm around Jetta's shoulder, turning to face the others.  “Jetta...”




Jetta's eyes were as wide as potatoes as she stared at the man who took her to the heavens and back the previous night, feeling her stomach clench violently.  His name was Daniel, but he neglected to tell her what his LAST name had been!  Jetta felt sick to her stomach as she raked a hand through her messy hair, trying to take a few deep breaths to calm down.  “Hi, it's nice to meet you, Daniel.” She stated, walking over and extending her hand, her eyes never leaving his intense blue ones.


Daniel recovered quickly.  He had never expected to see her again.  He had figured she was just there with some friends for the party and would be gone by morning.  That was why he had left, to avoid the 'sorry but you were great' spiel.  “Jetta, a pleasure.” He murmured, raising her hand to his lips, his eyes never straying from hers.


Jetta immediately pulled away after his lips barely brushed against her knuckles, staring at all four of the adults, who all looked confused.  What the Hell was she supposed to say?  'I fucked your son and I'm sorry?'  No, that would not come off very good as she cleared her throat, raking a hand through her hair.  “If you'll all excuse me, I must go shower and get this hairspray out of my hair.” She laughed nervously before literally bolting out of the room.


“What in the world was THAT about?”


Dan stared after Jetta before turning his gaze almost accusingly on his parents.  “Who is she?”


“She's our daughter, Daniel.” Cathleen said, looking confused.


“The boy hasn't seen Jetta since she was barely out of nappies, you'll have to give them both some leeway.” Richard said to his wife, looking at Dan speculatively.  “You both look like you seen a ghost.”


“Of sorts, excuse me.” Dan nodded to them all before following after her.


‘This is not happening; this is NOT happening!’ Jetta kept stating in her mind, trying to push aside the memories of the previous night, tears burning her amber eyes.  She felt a hand grab her from behind, causing her to whirl around, and out of instinct slapped the taste right out of Daniel's mouth.  “Don't touch me!” She hissed angrily, a mean red handprint across his face now, and wrapped her arms around herself, beginning to tremble.  She could not believe she fucked her parents' best friend's son!  What was wrong with her?!


Daniel rubbed the side of his face, staring at her.  “What the bloody hell was that for?” He demanded.  “I didn't know you were Rich and Cat's daughter!” He said almost angrily.  He raised his hands and stepped back, giving her a bit of space.  “I'm sorry, Jetta. I really am. I thought you'd be leaving, I didn't want it to be awkward, not after the night we had.” He stared at her out of those intense blue eyes.


“Oh sure.  You just didn't want to face facts you fucked a stranger last night.” She replied heatedly, both of their voices low so their parents didn't overhear the conversation.  “God, I can't believe this.  I seriously can't believe this!  You and I...we...” She felt even more sick now as her face paled, clutching her stomach tightly with her hand.  This trip had just gone from bad to worse in two point five seconds.  “Damn it Daniel, what the Hell are we going to do about this?” She demanded finally, panic apparent in her voice.


“Do about what?” He demanded gruffly.  “We're adults and we made an adult decision last night.  You make it sound like I'm at fault here.  Forgive me, but I honestly believed you would be leaving in the morning.” Daniel looked at her, arching an eyebrow.  “You're not one of the lunatics are you?” He looked somber.  “You're a lovely girl Jetta, but if I see a headline with my name and yours on a magazine, there'll be hell to pay.”


“Excuse me?” She stared at him incredulously and started laughing, not able to help herself.  “I'm richer than you, BOY, so I don't need to tell the paparazzi morons that you fucked a stranger last night.  Oh wait, we're not strangers, we met when we were in diapers ALL those years ago.” She rolled her eyes in disgust, crossing her arms in front of her chest.  “Trust me when I say this, DANNY, I don't want nor do I NEED attention being brought on me for fucking you, k?  Since you're such a big shot actor, maybe you can remove the stick from your tight asshole and shove it down your damn throat!” She spat hatefully, her sapphire blue eyes burning with anger at him, and stopped from saying something else when a voice was heard downstairs.


“Danny, are you here, love?” Katie called out as she walked inside the mansion, after being greeted by Dick at the doorway, running a hand through her raven colored hair.


Jetta glared back at Daniel when she seen him cringe and knew that had to be his girlfriend.  “Perfect.” She muttered before turning on her heel and walking away.


“Bloody hell.” Daniel muttered shooting the door a glare like it had personally offended him.  Then he bowed, flashing Jetta a mocking smile.  “Since I have a stick in my ass from being a big shot actor, I'll leave you to attend the stick in your ass I'm assuming you were born with.  Enjoy your stay, Jetta.” He walked out of the room, not looking back and descended the steps halfway.  “I'm up here, love.  Give me a few minutes, I'm about to get a bath.” He flashed a smile, wondering what the hell she was even doing here.  He had made it clear he wanted a break from everything but his family and home.


Slamming her bedroom door shut hard, Jetta finally allowed the tears to spill down her cheeks, dropping to her knees, trembling from head to toe.  No, it didn't happen, it couldn't have happened.  Who was she kidding?  Was she THAT deluded or trying to kid herself?  Not only had she slept with her parents' best friend's son, but he had a girlfriend on top of it!!  Jetta couldn't take it anymore and fled into the bathroom, ripping her dress off as the zipper popped off the wall, and shoved her garments off before throwing them in the trashcan.  Violent sobs wracked her body as she turned on the water as hot as she could stand it and stepped in, beginning to scrub her skin until it was raw.


Daniel listened as Katie rambled on about some dress she was having designed for an awards ceremony, mentally counting backwards from a thousand.  How many times did he have to say he was a break?  He loved his job, he adored acting, but even he needed some time away.  Apparently that wasn't to be.  Fate was mocking him with both Jetta and Katie under the same roof, at the same time.  He smiled weakly when his mother invited them to tea, one of the maids scuttling off to fetch Jetta to join the adults.


Jetta had just stepped out of the bathroom when a knock sounded at the door, followed by a maid entering.  She was glad she had a robe on already or else she would've had to bitch slap the maid into the next millennium.  “I'm not attending and you can tell my mother that personally.” She stated before walking over to her vanity mirror, pulling the towel from her hair, and threw it on the ground before whipping out of her cell phone.  She was NOT happy to find she did not have service and chucked it in her bag, not believing her rotten luck.  “This fucking blows.”


Cathleen was up there in record timing.  “You will attend.  You were rude yesterday to Mrs. Radcliffe and by attending tea is a very good way of making amends.  Come on darling, we're only here for a few more days.  I see Marcia once a year; you'll never have to come here again.  Just join us for tea.” She pleaded, walking over to stare at her daughter.  A frown creased her brow.  “What is it?  What's wrong Jetta?” She asked softly, pushing a stray lock of Jetta's hair aside.


“Don't.” She ordered, standing up from the vanity mirror, and walked over to stare out the window.  “I am not attending tea with you and your friends, Mother.  I hate it here and it was bad enough that I had a rotten, lousy time last night at the party!  Just leave me alone before I buy my OWN plane ticket back to Los Angeles!” She threatened in a shout, not turning around to face her mother.  Over her dead body would she attend tea with the Radcliffe's, more importantly that scumbag, Daniel.


Cathleen backed away, her eyes pleading with Richard when he stepped in.  She knew Jetta was more responsive to her father, she'd always been a daddy's girl.


“Princess, what happened last night at the party to make it so lousy?” Richard asked, checking to make sure Cathleen wasn't standing outside the door in the hallway and snooping.  When he heard her voice echoing from the downstairs parlor, he shut the bedroom door, turning to face his daughter.


“Nothing you need to worry about, daddy.” Jetta sighed heavily, knowing she could not be angry with her father even if she tried.  She was NOT about to tell him that her and Daniel had sexed it up.  That would ruin his reputation with the Radcliffe's and she wasn't going to be responsible for that.  With a deep breath, Jetta turned around to face her father, knowing she had no choice, but to attend tea or else her secret would end up being spilled out.  “I will be down in ten minutes.” She murmured softly, her arms crossed in front of her chest.


Richard nodded, staring at her for a second before offering a smile.  He knew she was hiding something but didn't press.  Jetta would come to him when she was ready.  Unlike her mother, he knew better than to push.  “Alright, Princess.  Don't worry, I don't like tea either.  It tastes like lukewarm piss, but don't tell them I said that.” He made a face before walking out.


Jetta shook her head, a small chuckle coming from her lips as she saluted her father, agreeing wholeheartedly with him.  She then sighed and turned around, deciding on a black chiffon skirt that was cut in different angles and went two inches above the knee, nothing too sexy.  She pulled out a blood red off the shoulder top that was long sleeved and changed, slipping on a pair of two inch heels before putting her hair up in a messy do, a few tendrils framing her face.  With a sigh, she walked out, knowing this was going to be Hell to get through.


Daniel was sitting next to Katie, the only free chair for Jetta right next to him on the side of the table.  He had showered and changed into a pair of black slacks and a blue shirt, leaving the top buttons undone.  He sipped his tea, which his father had added a tinge of whiskey too, along with his own and Richard's: how else would it be bearable?  He listened to the women prattle, wincing when Katie started talking about that damn dress again.


Jetta walked into the room, all eyes turning to her, and raked a hand through her hair as she seen the only available seat.  Did the man upstairs really hate her THAT badly?  She sighed inwardly and walked over, taking it, smoothing her skirt out as she crossed her legs, and her arms folded in front of her chest, not believing she was being forced to do this.  The scowl on her face and her silence told the entire story.


Daniel shifted uncomfortably.  This was a BIT awkward.  His girlfriend on the right, his fling from the night before on the left.  Did God hate him?  He promised if he made it through tea without getting something dumped on him, he'd go pay ten percent tithe every week to the local parish church.


“Jetta, do you know Katie?” Marcia asked politely.


Chapter 5


“Who doesn't?  She's the famous actress that your son has been dating, am I right?” Jetta asked politely, a smile on her lips, and looked over at Daniel, who looked very uncomfortable to say the least.  “Nice to meet you, honey.” She stated, shaking Katie's hand right in front of Daniel before taking a sip of her tea, trying not to gag on it.  “Oh and great idea about the dress, I'm sure you'll REALLY knock ‘em dead with that one.” She giggled sweetly before winking over at her father.


Richard hadn't taken a very good liking to this Katie girl, she seemed snobby.  “I don't know... got a ways to go before you hit Emma Watson's status, don't you?” He asked politely.


Daniel snorted into his teacup, while Marcia and Cathleen looked horrified.  “Emma is a gem.” He said finally.  “Chit likes her jeans though.” He shot Katie a pointed look.


Jetta smirked, loving her father more and more before taking another sip of her tea.  “Whoever this Emma Watson is, I would love to meet her sometime.” She replied softly before taking another sip of her tea while Katie just sat there with a huge scowl on her face, huffing in disappointment.  “I'm sorry dear, did we say something to offend you?” Jetta politely asked, using the sweetest tone of voice she could muster up, completely ignoring Daniel.


Daniel was hiding a smirk.  “I could introduce you to her if you like.” He offered, staring at Jetta directly.  He knew she had to respond or risk looking extremely rude.  Though from his encounter with her this morning, he gathered being rude to people didn't faze her in the slightest.


“That would rock, thanks.” She replied with a grin, though on the inside she wanted to wipe that smirk right off of his face.  “Perhaps she could introduce me to some REAL men of England.” She smiled sweetly at Daniel, who scowled back at her before switching legs and sipping more of her tea.


“Isn't Rupert single?” Marcia put in.


“He is now.  He was dating one of the extras but didn't last.” Daniel said, looking at his mother.  “You know Rupe, Mum.  He's a bit on the flighty side.”


“Hmmm...What about Tom?”


“Has a crush on Emma.”


“Hmmm, this Rupert sounds interesting.  I think I'd like to meet him too, Daniel.” She'd turned her full attention back on him, a smirk curving her lips.  “Why don’t we go today?  I have nothing better to do and you can bring Miss Priss along too.” She grinned when he just gaped at her while Katie scowled more.


Both fathers had to keep from snorting in their own tea, not believing she just said that.  “What?  Did I say something wrong?”


“Rupe's in Scotland with Tom, Tom finally managed to convince him to give fishing a try.  If you don't mind roughing it for a few days, I'm sure we could go.” Daniel said finally. “I'll have to ring him of course.”


“I'll send for the chopper?”


“Mum... We could just take the ferry.”


“Last time you did that...”




“Danny, I can't go!  I have that photo shoot tomorrow!” Katie whined, glaring at his mother before turning her eyes back to his, grabbing his hand in her own.  “Please don't go!  I'll miss you too much!”


“Pity.” Jetta snorted before standing up, winking over at Marcia, who smirked back at her.  It was obvious the woman did not like Daniel's girlfriend.  A blind person could see that.  She walked over to her father and kissed his cheek.  “Thanks.” She murmured in his ear before heading upstairs to pack while Katie threw a fit with Daniel.


“Sorry love.” Daniel said, not sounding very sorry at all.  “But I'm going. I can't very well send the gel into Scotland looking for those two.” He walked Katie towards the door, planting a perfunctory kiss on her cheek.  “Dick will take you home of course.” He whistled when she stormed out, ignoring the disapproving look he received from one of the maids and headed upstairs, whipping out his cell phone.


Jetta came down a half an hour later, carrying a bag over her shoulder, having changed into a pair of jeans, leaving the shirt since it went well and changed into her black steel toed boots, leaving the heels behind.  She hated wearing them because they hurt her feet too badly.  She walked into the sitting room, where her parents were talking to Daniel's, and smiled.  “Thanks again for allowing your son to take me to Scotland.”


“Not a problem dear.” Marcia said graciously.  “It'll do him some good as well, give him some time away from the hustle and bustle of the social season.  Just try not to let Rupe and Tom harass you, they can be quite the pranksters.”


“Em will be out there too, she won't be the only girl.” Daniel promised Cathleen and Richard.


After they said goodbye to their parents and were on their way to the ferry boat, Jetta finally turned to Daniel, her eyes iced over.  “Just stay out of my way, Radcliffe.” She stated heatedly before turning to stare out the window, her arms crossed in front of her chest, not believing she'd slept with this attractive scumbag.


Daniel was still trying to figure out where he went wrong with Jetta, besides the girlfriend bit.  Not that he considered her to be much of a girlfriend, more like a publicity stunt thought up by his managers that had went a bit too far.  Sighing, he got himself Irish spring water, contemplating offering her one but figured she'd wind up tossing it at him.


Jetta could not believe he had a girlfriend and never told her about it.  Was he like that all the time?  Fucking girls left and right and then sending them packing after one night of pure ecstasy and mind blowing passion?  She snorted to herself, raking a hand through her hair, and felt tears sting her eyes.  She was really starting to like Daniel too, until she found out he was a lying, cheating rotten scumbag who played girls left and right.  With a sigh, she leaned her head against the cool glass of the window and watched the scenery go by, hoping they arrived at the boat sooner rather than later.


Daniel remained silent as well, contemplating how this situation had even... never mind, he already knew.  He'd seen Jetta, found her attractive and that was it.  He'd found plenty of women attractive but there had just been something special about her, something more.  He couldn't quite pin it yet, though he was doubtful he'd ever get the chance again.  He sighed and closed his eyes, hoping they reached the ferry soon.  He needed his mates to bring him back down to earth.


As soon as the car stopped and the limo driver opened her door, Jetta was already on her way to the boat, refusing to wait for Daniel, knowing her bags would be brought on by someone else.  She raked a hand through her hair and stepped on the ferry boat, looking around, and walked inside.  It was beautiful, something out of an oldies movie, and finally found her room.  It was obvious since her name was encrypted in a plate that hung on her door.  Rolling her eyes, Jetta walked inside, closing the door behind her and plopped down on the bed.


Daniel sighed, wishing he could for once travel like a normal, non-famous person.  He entered his room and dropped down on the bed, groaning when he heard his cell phone ring.  He took one look at it, seen who was calling and promptly stood up.  Taking determined steps and ignoring the incessant ringing, he walked out onto the deck, ignoring the curious looks he received and chucked the phone into the water.  He smiled.


Jetta had heard the footsteps and walked out, just in time to see Daniel chuck his phone into the water.  She snorted and shook her head.  Perhaps fame hadn't gotten to his head as much as she thought.  ‘He cheated on his girlfriend, he's a damn scumbag!’ She reminded herself mentally and walked down the aisle, deciding to grab something to eat just as the ferry began pulling away from the docking area.


“I wouldn't.” Daniel said from behind when she reached for something that looked like steak.  “It's fish... and they don't know how to prepare it.” He explained.  “If you're craving fish, just wait until we reach Scotland.  Tom is an awesome chef.” He stared at her, waiting for the explosion or cold indifference to occur.


“Well is there anything on this boat I can eat?” She asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest, avoiding eye contact with him at all costs.  That was how she'd gotten into trouble the previous night.  She'd end up falling head over heels for him again and they'd sleep together.  It wasn't going to happen, no matter how badly her body was screaming at him.


“Try the roast beef.” He said, trying not to smile at this small concession on her part.  “Steer clear of the pate as well...” He didn't think that one needed explaining and made a face, trying to figure out why they insisted on laying this kind of stuff out.  Wasn't it bad enough he had to suffer his own personal catering, they couldn't even feed him something good?  He was actually craving French fries.  FRENCH FRIES!  And all he was seeing was a lot of pate...rose shaped shit...on crackers.


“I think I'll wait.  That roast beef doesn't look too good.” Jetta grumbled, raking a hand through her hair, and walked away from him as she headed back to her room.  She gasped when she was grabbed from behind by the arm, staring into those intense blue eyes of Daniel's, and turned her head to the side when he went to kiss her.  “You have a girlfriend.” She reminded heatedly, trying to put her walls up, trying to be brave.


Daniel stared at her, the unwanted image of his 'girlfriend' coming to mind and swimming before him.  His nostrils flared for a second then a look of anger, regret and sadness welled in his eyes.  “We land in an hour.” He said gruffly, clearing his throat before stepping away from Jetta.  “I'm sorry.” He apologized with a half bow before disappearing back into his room.  He leaned back against the door, scrubbing a hand down his face.


Jetta just stood there for a minute, not trusting her legs as her knees began shaking, raking a hand through her hair.  Why did Daniel insist on doing this to her?  To light her body on fire and then not finish the damn job?  She growled and hit his door with her fist before storming into her own room, slamming the door behind her.  If he touched her again, she was going to take drastic measures and actually hurt him.  Laying on the bed, Jetta let the tears of frustration and hurt flow, not believing how deeply attracted she was to him already after just one night of passion.


Rupert was waiting at the ferry docks when the ferry finally arrived.  A knitted cap was jammed over his shaggy red hair, hands stuffed in his coat pockets.  “Bloody cold country this is!” He said by way of greeting when Daniel appeared on the deck.


“Oi Rupe!” Daniel flashed a genuine grin.  He slung his bag over his shoulder, waving off assistance with an irritated scowl.  He looked at Jetta briefly.  “You ready then?”


“Stay away from me.” She ordered quietly before walking off the ferry, smiling over at the redhead, and knew this had to be Rupert.  “Hi, I'm Jetta.” She said by way of greeting, extending her hand to him, a smile on her face as her blue eyes took in the country they were in.  “I'm really glad I changed out of that skirt I was wearing.”


“You'll be a lot gladder when Tom finishes with you.” He laughed, his eyes twinkling as he shook her hand.  “I'm Rupert Grint, one of Danny boy's best mates.” He slung an arm around Dan's shoulders playfully.  “Now that you've brought Jetta, Em won't feel so left out.  Tom keeps trying to get her to hook the bait.”


“Something tells me Emma isn't too keen on that.” Daniel replied, inwardly sighing.  This wasn't shaping up to be as much fun as he had originally thought.


Jetta was thinking the same thing as they walked away from the ferry, carrying her own bag over her shoulder, and followed them silently.  They arrived a few minutes later at a two story cottage, causing her to raise an eyebrow, and wondered if this is where they were going to be staying.  Her question was answered when a woman with long flowing hair came walking out with a man hot on her heels, raising another eyebrow, and couldn't help but smirk at their quarreling.


“Oh bloody hell Em, it's meant to be eaten.” Tom was saying, frustration evident in his voice.


“You chopped off its head!”


“What did you expect me to do with it?”


“Tom, Emma... when you're done, this is Jetta.” Dan put in, smirking when they both stared at him then at Jetta.


“Hi, sorry to intrude like this.” She apologized, walking over and extending her hand to Emma, shaking it before moving to Tom, doing the same thing.  “You all seem like a colorful bunch.” She commented, biting back a giggle when she watched as Emma glared at Tom while he did the same right back.  An eyebrow raised when a girl walked out that had long, flowing blonde hair, her blue eyes piercing.  “Who is that?”


“I'm Evanna.” The blonde said, nodding at Jetta before glancing at Daniel.  “You look like someone made you kip with your nanny, all depressed and moody.  Having issues?”


“Ev, you're astute as usual, I have been kipping with me nanny.”


Tom smirked.


Rupert pulled a face, glancing at Jetta.  “Don't mind us, we're just on a break.”


“A break?” Jetta questioned, raising an eyebrow, and shrugged as she waved it off, immediately walking over to the blonde.  “Hi, I'm Jetta.” She introduced since Daniel obviously didn't want too, and smiled when the woman accepted her hand.  “You have beautiful hair.” She complimented and grinned when Evanna began blushing, shaking her head with a giggle.


Daniel left the three girls alone and walked off with Tom and Rupert on the pretense of peering into the smoking house to have a look at the salmon.


“You shagged her.” Tom said in his blunt way.


“And she's hated me ever since.”




“You and Daniel know each other how?” Emma asked curiously, leading Jetta into the cottage.


“He decided to be a lying cheating scumbag and screw me without telling me had a girlfriend.” Jetta replied absentmindedly, causing both girls to stop dead in their tracks, staring at her in shock.  “What?  You can't tell me it hasn't happened before.”


Chapter 6


“Actually it hasn't.  That's not like Daniel to do something so absurd.  Emma, what's gotten into him lately?” Evanna demanded crossing her arms in front of her chest, feeling disgusted with their friend right now.


“I'm not sure, but something tells me it has something to do with Katie.” Emma replied, staring at Jetta with narrowed eyes, wondering why the girl would sleep with a total stranger.  “Do you sleep with men you don't know often?” She asked curtly.


Jetta glared back at her, flipping her hair over her shoulder.  “Of course not.  Do you?” She shot back defensively.


“If I were, I wouldn't bandy it about in front of people I've just met.” Emma said calmly.  “I know Daniel, he's one of my best friends, I would imagine he feels badly enough about it.  Though apparently he's a sucker for torture because he brought you with him and it's obvious you don't care a fig for him.”




“You didn't tell her about Katie?”


“I wasn't figuring on seeing her ever again.  It was... nice, I thought she didn't know who I was, nothing.” Daniel sighed, shaking his head.  “Katie is on her way out the door hopefully, I'm sick of this publicity bit.”


“She is a bit of a bint, isn't she?”




“You know; I don't appreciate your tone.” Jetta stated heatedly back at him, raking a hand through her hair hastily.  “Yes I did sleep with him, but how was I to know he was not only my parent's best friend's son, but had a girlfriend also?” She pursed her lips tightly together, crossing her arms in front of her chest.  “Or maybe you've already fucked him and you're too ashamed to say anything.” With that said, she left, causing Emma and Evanna to stare after her in shock.




“You know...” Emma began, obviously fighting to keep the anger from her tone.  “That bint needs to see past her own anger and realize it's not just Dan at fault.  You don't cheat on your... girlfriends.” She spat that word.  “And you don't hop in the cot with a stranger.  Like he knew who the bloody hell that tart was?”


“Is that my lovely Em's voice bitching someone besides me out?”


“That can change quite fast right now, Felton.”


Jetta was upset, angry, and wanted to claw that bitch's eyes out.  She shoved past Daniel and Rupert, her bag over her shoulder, refusing to stay somewhere she obviously wasn't wanted.  She was wrong in coming here and wanted to go back to Los Angeles, back to her home.  Whipping out her cell phone, she dialed her best friend's number, only to get a busy signal again.  With a growl, she snapped it closed and pushed it in her pocket as she crossed her arms in front of her chest, heading toward the ferry to take her back to England.  She hated it here, she hated his friends, she hated him!


Rupert chased after her, halting when she did.  The ferry long gone.  “It only comes once a week.” He explained apologetically, stepping aside when she tossed down her bag.  “Look, Jetta, whatever is going on with you and Dan is nobody's business but you're own.  It's obvious something was said between you and Em.  I'm not apologizing for her but I'm telling you that Em is like his older sister, she's not going to hear much against him.  Come on back to the cottage, it's getting dark and Scotland is a damn cold country to be sleeping outside in.”


Jetta looked back into his kind eyes, his red hair falling in his eyes, though she wasn't feeling the butterflies fluttering like she did when she stared into Daniel's.  “I wish he would've told me that sooner.” She grumbled, wrapping her arms around herself, and shivered when a cold wind began cutting through her off the shoulder sweater with her blue jeans.  Without a word, she picked her up bag, putting it over her bag, and followed him back up the hill toward the cottage.  If Emma said ONE word to her, she was going to come unglued and probably take half of Scotland with her.


Tom had Emma quite busy at the counter stuffing the inside of the fish with a mixture of herbs and butter.  “Just like that love, see, it won't be so bad now that you're hungry, eh?”


“Quiet Tom.” Emma laughed, making a face.  “This is so bloody slimy!”


“You tell me that a lot.”


“Dear god, don't you two ever quit!” Dan yelped busy playing a game of Chinese checkers with Evanna in front of a roaring fire, looking much more relaxed.


The door opened and in walked Rupert with Jetta in tow.  She didn't even look at anyone, except the one who came after her, and smiled at him softly.  “Would you show me to my room?” She quietly asked, not wanting to be around any of them at the moment, and proceeded to try calling her friend once more.  Again, no answer, just the damn busy signal.  “Damn it...”


“She's mad.” Evanna stated in an obvious tone to Daniel, moving her piece three spaces ahead, and smirked when she got one of his while going in her path.


“I'm aware of that.” Daniel said dryly, frowning and studying the board.  “Ev, why must you always beat me?” He sighed, nodding when Tom set down a pint of whiskey before him.  “Thanks mate.”


“Em's in a right fit, I think I should get her drunk too.  Apparently she wasn't aware fish had spines.”


Evanna giggled at Daniel and shrugged, setting up the game once more, and began first since she'd won. “You know, you should just tell her that it's basically over between you and Katie.  Maybe that will make her not mad at you anymore.” She suggested softly, bubbly, one quality that Evanna always had.


“Something tells me she'd like to hock an insult at me and slam the door in my face.” Daniel replied dryly.  “She... I don't know... she blew before letting me say anything to her.  She won't let me explain anything without acting like a bint, how do I explain?”


“Gag her?”


“Not helping, Tom. Go back to stuffing cod.”






“What the Hell is Cod?” Evanna demanded, giggling madly at all of them, shaking her head as her blonde hair bounced with every movement she made.  It went down just a little past her rear and was curly.  “Dan, you should just get up, go back there, take her by the arms and tell her everything even if she doesn't want to listen.  Though, you might want to hurry since Ron is back there with her.  You know how he is with women who are single.” She made a face, not needing to go into any more detail.


“I go up there and take her into my arms ten to one she's like to knee me in the bollocks.” Daniel made a pained face, one echoed by Tom.  He grimaced, thinking of Rupert. Evanna had a point.  Sighing, he stood up, letting Emma take his seat.  “Beat her arse Em.  I'm off to...”


“Get kicked in the bollocks like a bint.”


“Still not helping Tom.”


“Thomas!” Evanna scolded, shaking her head back at him, and began setting up the Chinese checkers again, moving her head back and forth with her bubbly personality.




“You going to be alright here or should we find a way to send you home?” Rupert asked, opening the bedroom door and stepping in.  “It's the only extra one we have.  Emma and Evanna are sharing and us guys will take the last room.”


“This is fine and I'll probably end up calling my parents tomorrow.  It's too late to call them now.” Jetta replied softly, looking around the room, which had a cozy feeling to it, even though it was bland.  She set her bag down on the floor and wrapped her arms around herself, staring out the window with a sigh.  How she longed for the busy streets and bustle of Los Angeles, California, her home, where she belonged.


Rupert was just walked out of Jetta's room, looking both confused and irritated, stopping when he saw Daniel.  “What happened between you two exactly besides having sex?” He demanded, crossing his arms in front of his chest, not liking the tears that were falling down Jetta's cheeks.  He was also blocking the entrance to her room, staring hardening at his friend.


“Besides the fact that she happens to be my folks’ best mates kid or the fact that my bint 'girlfriend'-” He laid heavy sarcasm on the word girlfriend.  “Showed up?” Daniel shot back, posturing Rupe's stance just as angrily.  “Now if you don't mind, I'd like to have a word with her without you playing guard dog, Rupe.”


“I'm sorry mate, but I can't let you in there.  She's really upset and I really don't want you to lose what's left of them bollocks.” He replied coolly, refusing to allow Daniel to upset Jetta further, and squared his shoulders when Daniel pushed him.  “Don't start, Dan.  You're not going in there.  I'm doing this for your own good.” A second later, Rupert was lying on the floor, blood spurting out of his nose courtesy of Daniel's fist plowing in his face.  “Damn it!!”


Daniel stared down at one of his best mates for a second before shaking his fist, making a 'god that hurt' face.  He felt a tad bit guilty about decking the guy he'd known for years but shrugged it off.  He rapped once on Jetta's door before walking in.  He closed the door behind him, staring at her.  “We need to talk.”


“Go away, Daniel.” She ordered gravely, having heard the thump outside the door, and sighed as she raked a hand through her hair.  “There is nothing to talk about.  I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses about why you slept with a complete stranger knowing you had a girlfriend.  KNOWING.  You're just like the guys back in L.A.  Thinking with your dick instead of your mind and heart.  Just get the fuck out, seriously.  You make me sick.” Her back was turned to him as she continued staring out the window, wearing a peach colored nightgown that was spaghetti strapped.


“So explain to me then why you slept with a stranger?  Just felt like having a quick fling -a one nightstand- before heading back to the states?” He challenged.  Daniel inhaled sharply, doing a series of breathing exercises to calm himself down.  “Jetta, fighting isn't doing us any good.  Why can't you just let me explain?” He asked softly, wishing she'd just shut the hell up and give him a chance.  Staring at her wasn't helping his concentration any either.  He wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and kiss her senseless.


“Because there is nothing for you to explain, Daniel.  You slept with me KNOWING you were already taken.  I slept with you because I wanted too and because we were both two consenting adults and-silly me-but I actually thought you were SINGLE.  I was wrong obviously or else I wouldn't be sitting in here wondering why I even let you touch me to begin with.” She explained, almost in a conversational tone, though there was a hint of hurt within it, though she tried with all her might to hide it.


“Are you always this cold towards everyone who’s made a mistake Jetta?” He asked wonderingly.  “Because if you are, you have to be the most lonesome person I've ever met.  People make mistakes and you haven't even heard anything from me.  You're expecting excuses, which I have none to give.  You're expecting lies.  I never lied to you to begin with and I wouldn't now.  But if hearing the truth is going out on a limb for you...”


“The truth?” Jetta laughed coldly as she spun around to face him, her eyes filled with hurt and remorse, and crossed her arms in front of her chest.  “The truth is you slept with a total stranger and CHEATED on your girlfriend.  I know you don't like her, but she's STILL your girlfriend and you STILL cheated and LIED to her.  That's a scumbag or whatever you call them around these parts of the world.  Back where I come from, if you cheat on your girlfriend with someone else, it means you're a loser and a class A asshole.  Believe me, I've been through enough in my lifetime to last me two and whatever that is going to come out of your mouth is going to be excuses and bullshit.  So just get the fuck out of my room because I'm leaving first thing in the morning and I'm going back home, where I belong.”


Daniel stared at her hard for a moment, finally crossing the room and gathering her into his arms.  After a second of her hitting him, he had her melting in his arms.  He stepped away, his blue eyes unreadable.  “You don't know anything about me either, remember that.  The only thing you know is you want me and hate me all at once.  Goodnight Jetta.” He stormed out of the room, stepping over Rupert's sitting form in the hallway.  A second later, the sound of the front door slamming echoed throughout the night.


More tears spilled down Jetta's cheeks as her knees gave out, hitting the floor, and wrapped her arms around her abdomen, coughing.  The feelings the man produced inside of her were enough to scare her shitless.  She took a few deep breaths to try to calm down before slowly standing; wrapping her arms around herself this time, and stared out into the dark night.  His shadow was outlined, she could clearly tell, especially since he was wearing white sneakers.  With a heartbroken sigh, she pushed away from it and lay down, not able to wait until the next day for that ferry to arrive so she could get the Hell out of this place.


Chapter 7


“Honey, are you alright?” Richard asked, poking his head into Jetta's bedroom.  He smiled when he spotted Kary sitting comfortably on Jetta's bed.  “Where's Jet?”


“Using the bathroom.” Kary replied, studying her fingernails and blowing on them.  She held out her hand, revealing baby blue nail polish.  “What do you think of this color?  It's you.” Richard disappeared before he got dragged into a conversation about make-up or something.


“Jet?  You alright sweetie?”


“No.” Jetta spat out through the door, tears streaming down her cheeks, and a second later more vomiting noises were emanating from the bathroom.  She slowly looked up, releasing her hair from her hand it was in, and felt more tears cascade down her cheeks as she stared at it.  She still couldn't believe it.  Standing up shakily, Jetta stared down at the object that sat on the bathroom sink, shaking her head as she gripped the sink with her trembling hands.  She was pregnant and Daniel was the father.


Frowning slightly, Kary got off the bed and walked into the bathroom, shaking her hands.  She forgot all about her fingernails when she seen what Jetta was looking at.  “What the hell?” She exclaimed softly, staring at the THING like it was an alien object.  “Jetta, please, please tell me that is NOT what I think it is.  Oh shit...” She stared at her best friend's face through the mirror.  “Honey...” She whispered, placing a hand on Jetta's back.  “Whose is it?”


“Daniel's.” She whispered out, placing a hand to her stomach, which had tightened suddenly.  She barely made it to the toilet before spewing again, groaning in dissatisfaction, not believing the mess she'd gotten herself into.  When she was finished, she slowly stood up, her eyes bloodshot, and started sobbing violently as Kary took her in his arms.  “What am I going to do?”


“HELLO!  You've only got a few options Jetta.  You can either get rid of it which we both know you'd never do.  Or you can send it to him, which we also both know you'd never do.  Then there's having the kid and hitting his ass up for child-support.  This is Daniel Radcliffe we're talking about, he's like England's richest guy or something isn’t he?  He wanted to screw around, make him pay for it now.”


“You're right.” Jetta whispered, slowly feeling the nausea disappear, and looked up into the kitchen as her amber eyes narrowed to slits.  “He is going to pay for cheating on his fiancée with me.” Jetta found out after mere minutes from being home that she was invited to Daniel and Katie's wedding, which was going to take place in a few short weeks.  She smirked, suddenly getting an idea in her head, and nodded before turning to Kary.  “I have to make a doctor's appointment immediately.”


“You know, I was reading Us Weekly and it says there's trouble in paradise.” Kary mused, walking out into the bedroom and tossing Jetta her phone.  “I wonder what's going on there, maybe he's gone catting around again and she busted him.” She smirked at the thought.  “You know, I simply HAVE to be there, I just have too.  I miss this and I will die.  That and you know you need your best girl around for moral support.” She flashed Jetta a grin.


Jetta smirked back at her friend, though she was dying inside, wondering what the Hell she was going to tell her parents.  More importantly, HOW she was going to tell them.  “Of course you can come, but I'm going to the one who humiliates him.  I'm thinking at their engagement party that's being held in two weeks.  I'm supposed to go there for a month and I think that's the perfect place I'll announce it.” She explained, smirking when Kary's eyes light up like stars.  “I'm not telling my parents so you can't say anything, promise?”


“No offense but why would I tell your mom anything?  She scares me.” Kary was a Beverly Hills girl, she was raised by the maids and trusted parents as far as she could throw them.  “Your dad is awesome though.  So my dear, I know you're only like two months along but while we're there, why don't we ask around about maternity stores and all that?  Baby advice, really drive it home?  You know what I mean?”


“You are positively evil.  No wonder you're my best friend.” Jetta replied with a giggle, hugging Kary tightly, and kissed her cheek before making that phone call to her gynecologist.  As luck would have it, she had it scheduled for that day and hung up after thanking the receptionist, Nancy.  They knew her well since she always kept up with all of her normal checkups and things of that sort.  She sighed heavily, raking a hand through her hair, and rubbed her stomach as tears stung her eyes.  It was no wonder she'd been so emotional as of late and it wasn't due to her period like she'd thought.  It was because of the unborn fetus growing inside of her.


“So, what do we need to pack?  Or maybe just go with nothing and max out the credit cards?” Kary mused, rifling through Jetta's closet.  “You know something sweetie, I think when you announce it, you should wear that blue dress you bought but never wore anywhere.  I don't understand it... the dress is sizzling and you'd look stunning in it...


She shook her head and glanced back over her shoulder.  “I'm excited, you know that?  You're having a baby which means Auntie Kary gets to spoil it!”


“Lord, I know you're going too and I hate you for it.” Jetta replied jokingly and shook her head when Kary just stuck her tongue out. “I already know I'm keeping it; my parents would shoot me if I got rid of it.  I just hope they can keep their cool when I finally reveal it in front of Daniel and everyone at the party.” She raked a hand through her hair and sighed, standing from the bed, and nodded when Kary pulled the blue dress out.  “Fine, I'll wear it to the party, I just hope I'm not showing by then because it's tight around the stomach area.”


“You look as skinny as ever so shut up.  You're only two months.  I know women who didn't show until they about popped.  And that dress will be absolutely...” Kary sighed, studying the dress.  “You know... I'm going to take you the best spas England has, maybe we should head to Paris for some major shopping as well, possibly Rome.  You got to look simply stunning, always, just to really rub it in.” She smiled at Jetta walking over to hug her.  “I'm sorry he's a cocksucker but thrilled for you all at the same time.”


“I know, I know.  Thanks.” She said, understanding what her friend was saying, and hugged her tightly.  “Come on, we have to go before we're late for this appointment.  My parents are still out shopping for last minute things and we already got you a plane ticket.  They said it was better to bring someone along for me to hang out with than to hear me complain and moan about being over there.” Jetta giggled when Kary grinned, hooking her arm through hers, and they walked out of the bedroom and downstairs toward Jetta's two-thousand and seven black Chevy Cobalt with black tinted windows.  In moments, they were on their way to the gynecologist to see if Jetta truly was pregnant like her test revealed prior.


“You should really just stick with limos.” Kary said, shifting uncomfortably.  “Especially in your condition, is driving even safe?  Better ask your doctor that.” She frowned slightly before catching the look on Jetta's face.  “Don't you laugh at me!  I'm being serious!” She folded her arms over her chest and mock pouted.  “You hurt my feelings... so, think it's a boy or a girl?”


“I honestly don't care what it is as long as it's healthy.” Jetta replied honestly, still laughing softly at her friend's questions.  They finally arrived ten minutes later and walked inside, making sure to put her alarm on the car.  After all, she didn't want anyone driving off in it.  After signing in, Jetta and Kary took seats in the waiting area, the news on the TV, and began talking about what was going to happen.  “I think I'll get my hair redone.  I was thinking about doing it paprika red with orange and blonde streaks throughout it.  What do you think?”


“Hmm…” Kary studied Jetta critically, cocking her head to the side as she considered it.  “I don't know about the orange...” She mused.  “What kind of orange we talking about?  If it's Milla Jovich orange, then hell no.  A muted but vibrant shade would look good.” She patted her own perfectly done hair absentmindedly, still studying Jetta.  “You could get it layered too, the way you wear it over one eye...with layers, you'd definitely rock the socks off that scumbag.” She smiled when Jetta chuckled.


“I think I have the perfect look I'll get done.” They talked for a little while longer before Jetta's name was called, causing her to take a deep breath before standing up.  “Come on, I'm not going alone.” She stated, extending her hand, and together they walked to the nurse, holding hands tightly.  “She's my best friend, she goes where I go.” She explained, looking at the nurse's scrutinizing look, and glared before being lead to the back.  After being weighed and checked out, Jetta and Kary were shown to a room and were now waiting for Doctor Snipps to arrive.


“You know, that nurse should be fired.  Honestly, you'd think they'd want someone to be as comfortable as possible considering where the hell they're at.” Kary scoffed, handing Jetta the small paper gown behind the curtain.  “Now remember dear, just the pants, you can leave your shirt on if it makes you feel more at ease.” She quoted from memory, her giggles cutting off when the door opened.


“Good afternoon, Jetta dear.  Kary.  Come on out so we can get this inspection underway.” Doctor Snipps stated, her hands already encased in latex gloves, smiling when Jetta hesitantly walked out in the hospital gown, her jeans unzipped slightly, but not off.  “Have a seat and we'll get started, Jetta.”


“Thank you, Marie, you won’t tell my mom and dad about this right?” Jetta asked hesitantly, biting her bottom lip, the nerves welling up inside her stomach.  “No dear, what happens between my patients and I, is nobody's business, especially when they are adults.”


“Besides Jetta, there's that whole patient-doctor confidentiality thing, like with lawyers.” Kary reminded to help assuage her friend’s nerves.  “Nothing to worry about, except if you're having twins.  Then we got problems.  Double midnight feedings, double diaper duty.” She was distracting Jetta while Doctor Snipps did her thing.  “Oh god, could you imagine it?  Double everything, but they'd look so adorable all dressed up alike and whatnot, don't you think?”


“No and if they are twins, he's going to pay TWICE as much for doing this to me.” Jetta vowed while the doctor pressed on her abdomen, trying not to think about what was going to happen in two weeks.  Though in all honesty, that's all she could really think about.  How was Daniel going to react when she humiliated him the way she was going too?  How would her parents react?  She sighed heavily, not even wanting to picture her mother's face, not to mention her father's.  After all, she wasn't called a daddy's girl for nothing.


“Um, Jet, honey you know I love you- but didn't you even think about using anything?  You're not supposed to have unprotected sex with a complete stranger.” Kary said quietly, looking at the wall over Jetta's head.  "Your mom is going to flip out, you know this right?  Your dad... I bet you anything he'll try to kill Dan then probably turn into one of those proud grandpas with the accessorized car with all that baby stuff and all, you know?”


“Kary, shut up!” Jetta snapped, her best friend clearly not helping, and groaned when she felt the morning sickness starting up again.  “I know my parents are going to flip out and I thought we did use protection!  Either we did and the condom busted or we didn't and now I'm suffering while he's playing the hubby type with that bitch fiancée Katie of his who SHOULD be the one pregnant!”


“It's official, you are exactly two months along, Jetta.  You should start showing within the next month or so, depending on how big this baby is going to be.  Everything looks fine though.  The baby is healthy and we'll know more when you come see me in three months.  Here.” She handed Jetta a book called 'What to Expect When You're Expecting'.  “This is the best book around when going through a pregnancy.  If you have any questions, it will give you the answers.  Now these,” She began, handing Jetta a bag full of items.  “Are vitamins and other brochures you can read on your trip to England.  You will be able to travel, but not after hitting the beginning of your third trimester, which will be your six or seventh month give or take.  Between those two months.  Other than that, you are free to go after you schedule an appointment to see me when you hit the fifth month mark.  Are there any questions?” She asked softly, knowing this was a lot for Jetta to take in.


Jetta shook her head, running her fingers down the book Marie handed to her, completely stunned by how much was involved in becoming pregnant.


Kary took over while Jetta obviously sorted all this in her mind.  She arranged the next appointment then guided her friend out to the car, even showing her support by driving, something she could do but despised.  “Jetta, sweetie, are you alright?” She asked softly, pulling out into the congested traffic, her eyes darting over quickly to study the woman she called sister.  “Honey, come on, talk to me.”


“I'm fucking screwed.” She slowly said, finally bursting out in tears as she leaned forward, crying so hard she could hardly breathe.  She began thinking back to that night and knew her and Daniel didn't use protection.  How could she have been so damn stupid?  It was irresponsible and now she was paying for it and paying dearly!  “That fucker is going to pay for doing this to me!  HE'S GOING TO REGRET EVER TOUCHING ME!!!”


Kary didn't say a word.  She knew better than to speak up when Jetta was pissed off like this.  It was best just to let Jetta blow off her steam by ranting and raving and THEN speak.  When they pulled into the long drive of Jetta's house, she twisted in her seat to stare at her best friend.  “I'm here for you honey, we're going to make everything okay.  We can't fix what's done, but we can make it work, alright?”


“The first thing we have to do is get ready to go overseas.  That means I need to get my hair and nails done, not to mention find shoes and jewelry to match that dress for the engagement party.” Jetta stated, calming down immensely, knowing it was the damn hormones that were causing her to go off the handle.  “I want to do everything today, my hair, the nails, everything.  Let's go while I still have energy left.” She didn't move to get out of the car, deciding to let Kary do the driving as they headed toward their favorite salon.


Chapter 8


Kary listened as 'Dragon Lady', their manicurist rattled on about some Hollywood premiere, glancing at Jetta who was getting a pedicure.  She perked up when Radcliffe was mentioned, something about him attending the opening with his fiancée, only a few weeks back.  She hesitantly looked at her friend, waiting for the explosion or something, quickly changing the subject.  “You know; I think this week I want you to do my nails in a pastel purple with some kind of oriental design on them.”


Jetta smiled over at her best friend sweetly, though that evil glint was in her blue eyes as she looked up at Dragon Lady with a nod.  Her nails were done in the same color blue as her dress with a spiral design on them in silver, outlined in black to bring it out.  They were perfect as she stood up, gazing at them, and walked over to grab some extra glue in case they fell off.  They never did, but it was just a precaution.  Also, it was a distraction from what she just heard about Daniel.


Kary shook her head and sighed, glancing at Jetta in exasperation.  “Why don't you just get them filled like I do?  You'd never have to worry about coming off providing you get them filled again every two weeks.” She already knew why Jetta didn't do it; they were a royal pain if she wanted to change the style of her nails.  She examined her own nails, waving them in Jetta's direction teasingly.  “You look fabulous, darling.” She said, imitating their old etiquette teacher's voice.  The same teacher who had retired after a week. Apparently Jetta had been a hopeless case.


“Thank you.  Now then, it's time to go shopping.” She proceeded to drag her best friend out of the nail salon, after using the bathroom to vomit some more, and headed to the mall.  She needed to get the perfect heels and jewelry, knowing only Kary could help her out with that.  They made small chatter, talking about the baby shower and how Kary was going to buy the baby its first outfit no matter if it was a boy or girl.  Jetta smiled, knowing Kary would be there for her through everything, including in the delivery room when the baby was finally born.  They arrived at the mall a few minutes later and parked, walking inside, and headed straight for their favorite shoe place to find the perfect heels to go with their dresses.  Kary had decided to wear dark pink, almost magenta.


“Think I can pull this off?” Kary mused, studying the heels.  “I don't know... pink isn't my color... well, maybe.” She smirked, blowing herself a kiss before laughing, making a face at Jetta.  “Vain, aren't I?” She linked their arms together.  “Honey, do you think you'll be alright doing this?  If you don't think you can go through with it, don't.  You don't have to tell him anything.  You could wait until the kid is eighteen and then say something, that'd hurt him just as bad.”


“No, I want to humiliate him the way he did me the day after we had sex and I found out he was taken and cheated on his fiancée.” She replied and snorted, not believing how coincidental everything was.  “Trust me; my mind is made up on doing this.  I have no regrets, no second thoughts.  Ooo look at these!” She squealed with excitement, holding up a pair of heels with blue glittering stones in a pattern on the sides, nodding.  “These are it.  These will go perfect with my dress.”


“They will!” Kary agreed excitedly.  Shopping was about the only sure-fire method of getting her mind off of whatever topic they were currently on.  She was a shop-a-holic.  “You are going to look dazzling, Jetta!  I can't wait to see you!  You know, the press is probably going to be lurking, you'll be on the cover of every major European magazine!” She fished out one of her numerous credit cards, charging both their shoes on it.  “My treat, I'm spoiling you and if you say no, I'm doing it anyway!”


Jetta laughed, knowing she couldn't talk Kary out of it, and shook her head as they walked out of the shoe store, each with a bag.  They're next stop was an expensive jewelry store and Jetta was looking for something specific.  She finally called over the sales associate working there, smiling at her sweetly.  “I'm looking for something that will match this dress.” She then handed the woman a printed copy of the dress and winked over at Kary, who was busy flirting with one of the male associate while looking at a stunning magenta necklace she had her eye on.


“Hmmm…” The woman began unlocking the counter, pulling out piece after piece of jewelry.  Beautiful diamond necklaces and earrings, topaz, obsidian, pearl; she brought them all out for Jetta's inspection.  “Then we have this...” She reluctantly opened a velvet case, showing off a sparkling blue diamond necklace on a silver setting, the plates of the setting so delicately down you couldn't even notice them.  “Does the Madam see anything she likes?”


Kary snorted.


Jetta's eyes were only for that diamond necklace she'd pulled out of the velvet case, nodding in approval.  “That one.  It's perfect and the color matches.” She stated, taking out her credit card, and pointed at the silver necklace that had the magenta stone hanging from it cut in the shape of a diamond.  “I'll take that too.” She glared when Kary went to intervene, telling her silently hell hath no fury like a pregnant woman scorned.  She smirked when Kary backed away and happily paid for the jewelry, getting the matching earrings and bracelets for both necklaces.


“You are such a wench.” Kary remarked dryly as they walked out of the store, their parcels firmly stored in their purses which they both had death grips on.  “You know... I think I know what we're getting next.” She looked across the lane to the lingerie boutique, laughing when Jetta rolled her eyes.  “A girl has to have sexy things under sexy dresses!  That and it's too good an opportunity to NOT somehow accidentally let Danny boy know how much he lost out on.”


Jetta rolled her eyes as Kary dragged her into Fredrick's of Hollywood, a famous lingerie store, and looked around at all the blues they had.  She smirked as Kary went venturing to the pinks and magentas while she searched through the blues, looking down at the color her dress was.  They had to match or it wouldn't work for her.  That was just the way Jetta was.  She finally found a set that looked perfect, nodding in approval.  It was a strapless cornflower blue lingerie that had thigh straps to a pair of panties and built in bra.  She found her size with ease and pulled it from the rack, smirking, and walked over to her best friend, holding it up.  “What do you think?” She asked coyly.


“I think someone may be in trouble.” Kary smirked, holding up a magenta colored strapless teddy with attached straps for her thigh high nylons.  “I found mine as well.  You know, I think we should issue a warning to the men of England, those UK chicks aren't going to have anything on us when we arrive.” She was arrogant but it was all a part of her charm, the cheeky grin she flashed showing she was only half teasing. Possibly.


“I don't think they'll know what hit them and I do hope Rupert is there.  He was really sweet; maybe I could introduce you two.” She suggested smugly, already knowing Kary was taken, but in all honesty, the guy was a class A loser in Jetta's book.  “I think we have everything we need and now I'm starving.  I want something greasy and fast, you?” She asked as they walked up to the registers, placing their items on it, and Jetta grumbled when Kary paid for them.  “You are gonna get it, chica.”


“I've so already got it.” Kary smirked, wrinkling her nose at the mention of greasy and fast.  “I'll make a small concession... for you, only because I love you to death.  Something fried.” She winked, holding onto Jetta's bag and humming as they walked out of the store.  “Mmm-Mmm-Mmm, some lucky son of a bitch isn't going to know what hit him if he gets a glimpse at what you're wearing or more importantly, what's underneath the dress.”


“Oh yeah, I'm sure a man would be really turned on with a pregnant woman in this…” She shook the bag for emphases, shaking her head as Kary frowned at her, their arms wrapped around their shoulders.  “But you are right about one thing...Daniel isn't gonna know what hit him, especially since I PLAN on showing him a glimpse of what's beneath my dress.” She giggled wickedly when Kary's eyebrow just rose as they walked out of the mall.


“See, I knew there was a reason I knew I loved you.” Kary chortled as they slipped into Jetta's car.  “Now answer this honestly for me. Are you going to be able to handle seeing him again?  With his slut fiancée?  I love you honey but someone mentions this guy and you totally go purple and practically have a fit.”


“I will be fine, Kary.  I know it's going to be hard, but when I see that look on his face after I announce to practically the world of his infidelity, it will definitely be the biggest achievement of my life.” Jetta replied softly, coolly, and nodded when Kary just gave her a worried look.  “Don't worry, I'll be fine.  I won't lose it and if I do, you'll be there to catch me.” With that said she pulled out of the parking spot and drove out of the lot, heading toward something greasy and fast, what she was craving.


Kary was silent, apparently thinking.  Which was uncommon because she was all action no thinking things through.  Finally, she voiced the thoughts going round and round in her mind.  “Jet, you given any thought to what'll happen after you do this?  You'll have reporters banging on your doorstep all the time.  A lot of people are going to wind up thinking you're just doing it for the attention; you ready for all that honey?  Should I buy us some guns?”


Jetta sighed as she gripped her steering wheel, lips pursed tightly together, and tears began spilling down her cheeks.  “Fine.  I won't tell him.  He doesn't deserve to know anyway.  He probably wouldn't even care.” She knew embarrassing Daniel in front of everyone wouldn't hurt as much as never having the chance to watch his son or daughter grow up.  They would go to the engagement party and wish the couple well and Jetta would never mention or utter a word about her pregnancy.


“Jetta, I'm not trying to upset you.” Kary said instantly, looking guilty at making her best friend -pregnant best friend at that- cry.  “I was only thinking about you and the baby; I don't want reporters or his crazy fans attacking you.  If you want to announce it, I'll make up the fliers and pass them out.  I'm with you no matter what you do.”


“I know Kary and you're right.  I don't want reporters all over me about this, especially this kid.  It didn't do anything so it shouldn't have to put up with their bullshit.” Jetta replied as they pulled into the drive thru to Taco Bell, and ordered their food before heading back to Jetta's house.  “Now, I just have to figure out how to tell my parents without revealing who the father is.”


“Hmm... Your mom is going to do the math on this.  She's not as dim witted as she pretends to be, she'll know it happened in England.  The only thing you got going for you is you and dipshit's eyes are both blue.  Who all did you hang around while you were there?” Kary demanded as they made their way to Jetta's room, taking the back stairs to avoid running into the parents.


“Just him and his friends...wait!” Jetta practically shouted it, immediately covering her mouth as they rushed into her room, and closed the door as she began going through the magazines she had a subscription too.  She immediately found the picture and pointed, tears forming in her eyes.  “Rupert.  Rupert has blue eyes.  I didn’t sleep with him, but it was around the same time frame.”


Kary frowned, staring down at the picture.  “You are screwed.  If this kid has blue eyes and red hair, they're going to assume it's Grint's.  The kid has brown hair and blue eyes; they'll think it's Daniel's.  Your best bet would be to tell the truth or not say anything at all.  You're an adult you could just rent a penthouse or something.  Couldn't you?” She blinked, staring at Jetta.


Tears began pouring down her cheeks as a frantic look came over Jetta's face.  No matter how much she wanted to deny it, she knew Kary was right.  Without a word, Jetta walked over and dialed a number, hoping he answered.  It was her good friend that she'd met while being over in England after the whole ordeal happened with Daniel and his friends.  “Matthew, it's Jetta.  I'm not so good, listen I need a favor...”


Chapter 9


Jetta didn't tell Matthew about the pregnancy, but she knew she'd have to sooner or later since she'd begin showing soon.  Not to mention she was constantly getting sick and Matthew as getting suspicious fast.  Kary's date was Robert Pattinson, very handsome and a complete gentleman.  Jetta knew they'd hit it off instantly as they sat in the limo, knowing in just a few short minutes, she would be standing face to face with the father of her unborn child.


Kary glanced over at Jetta, flashing a bright smile though she knew on the inside; Jetta had to be nervous as hell.  She had to admit, this English climate was agreeing with them both.  Jetta was looking radiant though that was probably from the pregnancy.  This was going to be one very, very interesting night.  “You alright?” She asked, leaning forward while the men discussed football, something about the Spurs.  “You're looking peaky.”


“I feel like I'm going to be sick.” Jetta whispered, taking deep breaths as she sucked it in and let it out, raking a hand through her hair.  She left it down, the beautiful necklace hanging around her neck, her dress clinging to every curve of her body.  She pressed a hand to her stomach and as soon as the limo stopped, she threw the door open and vomited, tears streaming down her cheeks.


“Jetta, darling, are you...” Matthew leaned over her, pressing a pocket handkerchief to his nose, his eyes wide.  “Darling, I really think you're too ill to attend this party.” He glanced at Robert who just shrugged then to Kary who wasn't even looking at him.  “You need to see the doctor, let me take you home and give him a ring, please?”


“I already know what's wrong with me, Matthew.” Jetta whispered back at him, taking the handkerchief, and wiped her mouth with it as she took another deep breath.  She'd run away from home, having left a note telling her parents she had to find her own way.  They were going to be at this party and she knew she'd have a confrontation.  Without a word, she looked back at Kary with tear filled eyes and stepped out, making sure not to step into the vomit, and wrapped her arms around herself.


Kary followed her best friend, waving off Robert.  She pulled a small bottle of perfume from her clutch, spritzing Jetta so she didn't smell of vomit.  Then she passed over a mint.  “No offense love, but you smell.” She said lightly, offering a smile. Taking a deep breath, Kary eyed the looming place before them.  “Breathe and remember I'm with you.  What's that phrase?  You ride, I ride.  If you're shooting up the place, I'm bringing the bullets?”


Jetta nodded as she stared back at the place and took a deep breath before walking inside, Kary, Matthew and Robert following.  She stopped as she looked around; spotting her parents, and felt her heart break at her mother's tears.  She knew they were because of her.  Ready to walk back out and toward the limo, Jetta froze when she seen Daniel and he was headed their way.


Daniel halted right in front of Jetta and Kary, nodding politely at the latter though his eyes were for Jetta alone.  “You look beautiful.” Were the first words out of his mouth.


“Smooth.” Kary murmured under her breath.


Daniel wanted to smack himself, that wasn't what he had intended on saying to her.


“Thank you.” She murmured in reply, her eyes staring into his, feeling her heart shattering as she pressed a hand to her stomach, growing pale.  She cringed when her mother shouted her name, causing her to bite her bottom lip, and grabbed Matthew's arm for support.  Here she was standing in the middle of the room with the man she was secretly in love with carrying his unborn child he did not know about and her parents that had no idea where she'd been over the past few weeks prior to this party.  Fireworks were about to explode and she knew it.


Richard beat his wife to their daughter, pulling Jetta into his arms.  He ignored Daniel, Kary, Matthew and Robert completely, just held his baby girl tightly.  “God I've missed you, princess.” He whispered, tears stinging his eyes.  He pulled back and looked at her.  “Something is different about you.”


“WHERE have you been?!” Cathleen screeched hysteria in her tone.  “You had me worried sick, Jetta!  How could you do that to us?”


Tears began pouring down her cheeks as she held her daddy close; knowing she'd worried him to death about leaving.  “I-I had to leave, daddy.” She whispered, feeling sicker by the second, completely ignoring her mother.  She hated being yelled at, especially when it was her mother, even though she knew she deserved it.  “I'm sorry...” Suddenly pulling back, Jetta rushed past them all and to the nearest bathroom, hating this morning sickness shit.  She couldn't wait until her first trimester was done and over with.


Kary watched wide eyed as Richard drug Cathleen off for a brandy, insisting she give Jetta a moment to compose herself.  That was followed by Daniel chasing after Jetta.  She started after them and groaned, hitching up the front and hauled ass.


“Jetta,” Daniel knocked on the door.  “Jetta let me in.  What's wrong?” His tone was laced with worry as he listened to the obvious sounds of her retching.  Finally, he squared his shoulder and rammed it into the door.  Two things happened. The door gave albeit reluctantly and he felt like he dislocated his arm.


Jetta screamed as she whirled around, wiping her mouth off, her blue eyes widened as she stared back at him.  She slowly backed up from him as he closed the door behind him, swallowing past the lump that'd formed in her throat.  Turning to the sink, she twisted the faucet knob, and began splashing cold water on her face.  It was a good thing she chose not to wear any makeup.


Daniel could only stare at her, his mind racing to catch up.  A million and three thoughts swirled around his mind, trying to figure out what the bloody hell was going on.  “Jetta?  Talk to me.” He urged softly, closing the door behind him, leaning back against it to make sure it would remain closed, holding his arm. He knew, whatever it was, it was major.  “What's going on?”


“Nothing, I'm sick do you mind?” Jetta spat back at him, wiping her tears away, and finally shut the cold water off as she looked in the mirror.  She was horrified at the image that stared back at her.  Bags were under her eyes, dark circles, and she was extremely pale.  Was this part of the joy of being pregnant?  Jetta seriously doubted it as she sighed heavily, gripping the sink as her shoulders slumped.  “Don't you have a fiancée waiting for you, Mr. Radcliffe?”


“My tart fiancée is currently in one of the guestrooms with one of the male guests, I believe she's doing just fine without me.” Daniel replied coolly, plucking a hand towel off a marble rack and handing it to her.  He watched as she patted her face dry, taking in the change of her appearance.  This wasn't the woman he had met several months before.  “What happened to you?” He asked softly, his blue eyes liquid.


Jetta laughed out harshly, tears spilling down her cheeks, and slowly turned to face him.  “You sure you want to know?” She finally asked, knowing this was going to hurt Daniel, but she wanted him to feel the same pain she did when she found out he was taken after their one night stand together.  When Daniel nodded, Jetta shrugged as she stared straight into his blue eyes, her own cold.  “I'm pregnant...with Rupert's kid.”


His whole world shattered into a million, tiny razor sharp shards and it showed, for about a second. The hurt vanished from his eyes as quickly as it appeared.  “Well congratulations are in order then, aren't they?” He stormed out of the bathroom, leaving her there.  A second later his voice could be heard throughout the ballroom.  “I'd just like to say thank you for coming as well as offer my own congratulations to the soon to be daddy, Rupert!” He raised his glass in a toast.


Jetta blinked back at Daniel, her mouth open, not believing he just did that!  Kary spewed her champagne out while Robert patted her back and Jetta was frozen solid.  The press was getting involved no matter what, especially since Rupert was currently trying not to choke on his own drink he was consuming at that moment.  ‘God please don't let him point me out.’ She thought tears forming in her eyes as Kary quickly came to her side, along with Matthew who looked confused.


“What is going on?” Kary demanded, looking around at the mayhem.  She somehow got the impression something had seriously backfired in Jetta's face, especially when everyone was suddenly toasting Jetta.


Rupert appeared, his face flaming.  “Jetta, we need to talk.” He stated a forced smile on his lips as he steered her away from the crowd.  “Mind telling me what the bloody hell is going on?” He demanded once they were somewhat alone.


Tom and Emma were both wondering what the hell was going on themselves, both sporting identical bemused expressions.


“Nothing you need to worry about.  Just pretend like you know Rupert, please.” She begged him quietly, tears spilling down her cheeks as her parents came toward them.  Everything was happening so fast as she pushed away from Rupert when he just glared at her and knew she had no choice.  “SINCE DANIEL LIKES TO OPEN HIS DAMN MOUTH, I'D LIKE TO CONGRATULATE HIM BECAUSE RUPERT ISN'T THE FATHER OF MY UNBORN CHILD, HE IS!” Jetta then fled from the room, causing everyone to look at the man dumbfounded while Rupert went to console his date for the evening, which was Bonnie Wright.


“Oh bollocks.” Tom murmured when Daniel got stampeded.  Emma and him dived in, dragging their friend to safety.  Both from reporters and Katie.  “What have you gotten yourself into now?”




Knowing it was for the best, Emma slapped him.  “Calm down!” She ordered sharply.


“She told me it was RUPERT’S!”


“Well... in her defense, she was probably all out of order, as pregnant ladies are wont to be.”


Jetta stopped when she arrived outside and dropped to her knees, wrapping her arms around her abdomen as the tears and sobs racked throughout her body.  She felt a pair of arms lift her up and turned around, staring into her father's eyes.  “Daddy, I'm sorry!  I didn't know who he was until after it happened!” She cried out, gripping his shirt in her hands, and buried her face in his chest as she shook her head back and forth.  “I just found out, that's why I left!  I didn't know how to tell you and Mom!  Please don't hate me!!”


Richard stared down at his daughter.  His first reaction had been to rip some boy's to shreds but when Jetta had fled the scene, worry had taken over.  “Honey, you should have come to me, you know I love you no matter what.” He soothed, stroking her hair.  His mind was already racing, sorting out the consequences of this.  He could still hear Daniel's now presumably ex-fiancée shrieking to the press about what a lying dirt bag he was.


“He only told me what his name was!  He didn't tell me he lived here or who his parents were!  Daddy, I swear I wouldn't have done it had I known!” She sobbed harder, collapsing since her knees gave out, and doubled over as more tears poured down her face.  “I'm not getting rid of it and he's never going to see it either!  He didn't even tell me he was taken!  He just took what he wanted and that was it!  I hate him!” The hormones were taking over, mixing with anger, which wasn't a good combination.


Richard recognized what this was instantly and swallowed hard; getting the impression she was just like her own mother.  “Princess, he probably assumed you knew who he was or thought you didn't and wanted to keep it that way.  He was wrong for not telling you he was taken but can you really deny him his rights?” He stared down at her.  “Daniel would fight you in court about it and princess, there's not a court in the world who'd tell him he couldn't see his baby because he lied to you about his dating status.”


“He doesn't believe me anyway.  I told him it was Rupert's, which it isn't.  It's his.” She stated, standing up, and dusting herself off, wondering where Kary was.  She knew the press was probably bombarding them with questions and felt more tears sting her eyes as she shook her head, raking a hand through her hair.  “This is so messed up.  If I would've never slept with him, this wouldn't have happened!” She was angry at herself, angry at Daniel, angry at the whole situation and didn't know how to let it out.


“Well wishing you hadn't done something doesn't change the fact that you did it.” Richard said matter-of-factly.  “So let's get out of here and find a more suitable place for this conversation.  Your mother's been sedated so you don't have to worry about her.”


“It's a madhouse in there!” Kary shrieked, rushing out in bare feet, having kicked off her heels in order to run.  “Hell Jetta, we got to go, they're coming this way!”


Jetta's eyes widened when she heard the shouting of reporters and paparazzi coming at them and had to think fast.  Without a word, she grabbed Katy's hand in hers and ran to the limo, diving into it after pushing her inside, and slammed the door.  “DRIVE!” She screeched causing the driver's eyes to widen before peeling out of there just as reporters and everyone came barreling outside, practically running poor Richard over.


Richard had to haul ass to the side to not be trampled, watching as Jetta and Kary took off, feeling terrible for his princess.  He didn't have time to linger on it when some of the reporters turned on him, shouting at him for answers since he was Jetta's dad.  He took off as well, running and actually jumping a hedge.


“Whatever happened to calm and collected?” Kary demanded as she took a side road, cursing the English for driving backwards.


“I couldn't handle it anymore, Kary!  He fuckin' came in the bathroom and confronted me, demanding what was wrong!” Jetta shouted, gripping her hair in her hands, and started crying, pressing a hand to her stomach.  “I told him it was nothing, he didn't listen so I told him that it was Rupert's and he stalked out and proceeded to make the announcement about what I told him privately!  What was I supposed to do, Kary?!”


Chapter 10


“You could have told him the truth, in private.  Now you're going to be followed in about any country we go too, including home.” Kary said, glancing over at her friend and frowning.  “Don't cry Jetta, it's going to make you sick honey.” She drove in silence for a while, finally sighing.  “Okay, I have to ask it, why did you tell him it was Rupert's?  Especially without saying anything to Rupe?”


“I didn't mean too, but all the hurt came surfacing and my hormones reacted before I could.” Jetta replied lamely, raking her hands through her hair, knowing she'd have to disappear and probably change her entire identity.  “I can't believe I let this happen.” The tears began once more, shaking her head back and forth as the driver went to the hotel.  “Tell him to take us somewhere else, to another hotel, secluded.” She instructed, staring out the window, and could feel the nausea seeping through.


Nodding, Kary rapped on the window, lowering it enough to give the order.  She slumped back in her seat, her mind racing.  “How about first thing tomorrow we just leave England?  We'll find someplace nice to lie low throughout your pregnancy.  The last thing you need is a bunch of asshole reporters tailing you and making you miserable honey.  What do you say?” She glanced over at Jetta.  “Anywhere specific, but low key you want to go?”


“I'm doing this alone.” Jetta stated softly, not looking back at her best friend, and sighed heavily when Kary began arguing with her.  “Kary!” She shouted, staring at her heatedly.  “Listen to me, you have your own life to live.  You don't need to be by a pregnant woman.” Tears began falling down her cheeks.  “I need to do this alone, by myself...Please, just respect my wishes.” She said that last part in a whisper.


Kary didn't know what to say, she didn't have anything better to do so she'd never considered NOT being there for Jetta.  Finally, she managed a nod, tears filling her eyes.  “Fine.” She whispered harshly, trying not to cry.  She rapped on the window again, getting the driver to pull over.  “I love you Jetta, take care girl.” She flashed a shaky smile before slipping out of the limo.  Another rap on the hood of the car sent it going again, leaving Kary on the sidewalk.


Shaking her head, Jetta sniffled as she buried her head in her hands, wishing Kary was there for her right now.  ‘She's doing the right thing.’ She thought and leaned back in the seat, hoping this pregnancy would be easier than it seemed.  She knew it wouldn't be though, especially with all the paparazzi and reporters wanting to hound her into oblivion.  What a mess this was turning out to be!


Daniel was on the war path.  It had taken him only an hour to recover some of his wits.  He'd searched around for Jetta, sent out Tom and Rupert to find her and so far nothing.  Now he was beginning to get pissed.  He couldn’t believe she'd first try and say it wasn't his and then to announce it like she had!  Well, one good thing came from it.  He wasn't engaged anymore.  Maybe he owed her one.


Jetta finally arrived at a small hotel that was secluded and stepped out of the limo, sighing heavily.  She walked into the hotel and to the front desk, raking a hand through her hair, and dinged the bell to get someone to assist her.  “Hi, I'm looking to rent a room for the evening.” She softly said and groaned when the front desk clerk informed her that they were remodeling the building so none of the rooms were available.  With a heavy sigh, Jetta walked out of the hotel dejectedly and back into the limo, knowing the driver was probably running out of gas.  “Just go back to the hotel I was currently staying at.” She ordered and leaned back in her seat, jumping when the doors locked.


The window rolled down, showing a shock of red hair in the driver's seat.  “Hullo.” Greeted Rupert with a smile, looking at her over his shoulder.  “It took me awhile to let all that settle in.” He glanced in the rearview before pulling into traffic.  “Don't worry Jetta, I got me license.” He winked at her.  “I also own an ice cream truck, much easier to handle than this beast.  You alright love?  You look peaked.”


Jetta gaped at him, her eyes as big as potatoes, and tried the door, tears falling when she realized she couldn't get out.  “YOU BASTARD!  LET ME OUT RIGHT NOW!  LET ME OUT THIS INSTANT!” She shrieked, kicking the door as the panic quickly began setting in.  No, this couldn't happen, this WASN'T happening!  If Daniel got his hands on her… “LET ME OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW, RUPERT!!!”


“Sorry love but Daniel is worried about you, and the baby.” Rupert looked pointedly at her through the mirror.  “Nice one by the way, getting me best mate pissed at me.  Give a bloke some warning next time?” He turned off down the road that led back to the manor.  “He's upset you know, that you weren't going to tell him.  But... I think he's more upset that you took off leaving him panicking about you.” He was talking to her like this was a normal, everyday conversation.


“Rupert, please I didn't mean to involve you in this!  I'm sorry, okay?  I'm really sorry and I promise that if you let me out right now, I'll NEVER bother you again.” Jetta was saying whatever came to her head, trying to get out of this, and groaned when he simply shook his head back at her.  “RUPERT GRINT, YOU LET ME OUT OF THIS LIMO RIGHT NOW BEFORE I RIP YOUR BOLLOCKS OFF AND PUT THEM IN A BLENDER AND SERVE THEM TO YOU ON THE ROCKS!” She snapped, her hormones going insane, and groaned when the nausea began overtaking her.  Barely making it to the trashcan that was in the limo, she spewed, coughing as her entire body trembled.  “Fuck...”


Rupert frowned, cracking his window.  “You alright?  When we get back how about some crackers and Ginger Ale?  That might settle your stomach, or some plain toast.” He sounded concerned, turning down another lane, almost there.  “Jetta, do you need to lie down love?  You're too damn pale, is this normal for a first time pregnancy?” He had no clue about pregnancies, being fortunate enough to not have the equipment for it.


“This is called morning sickness, moron.” Jetta grumbled as she wiped her mouth off, leaning back against the seat as a cold sweat broke out on her face.  “Rupert, I can't see him...I can't.  I'll end up clawing his eyes out or killing him for doing this to me!” She started crying again, shaking her head as she gripped her hair in her fingers.  “I only involved you because he refused to leave me alone and I lashed out!”


“I don't know how things are done in the States, but here it's a matter of honor and responsibility to accept things like this.” Rupert said delicately.  “You won't claw his eyes out or kill him because that would mean prison and you really don't want to birth your babe in prison now do you?” He asked it but it was more of a statement.  “Calm down Jetta, everything will be alright.”


No, it wasn't going to be alright and Jetta knew it.  Daniel was going to kill her and then bury the body somewhere nobody would ever find it.  Tears began flowing from her blue eyes as the sobs tore throughout her body violently, not caring if Rupert could hear.  As soon as the limo stopped and the doors unlocked, Jetta bolted out of the door and began running for her life, not caring where she was going.  She knew she had to get away and fast before Daniel found out she had arrived.  Though then again, knowing Rupert, he probably already called him and that made Jetta tremble harder as she ran faster.


“Whoa-whoa-whoa, Jet.” Tom stepped out from behind a tree and gently caught her.  “If you're going to run at least do it in the right direction.” He scooped her up into his arms, grunting at her dress.  “Bloody thing... come on, let's get you inside, you look like you could do with a glass of wine.” He started for the door, which was now open, Daniel standing on the steps.


“NO!  LET ME GO!!” Jetta screamed, squirming, kicking, doing everything in her power to get him to release her.  She was wailing on his back, tears streaming down her cheeks as she shook her head back and forth rapidly.  “YOU HAVE NO RIGHT DOING THIS TO ME!” She didn't care how she looked right now, how she was acting.  She knew it was either this or facing her early demise and she was opting for running and having this baby on her own.  “PUT ME DOWN BEFORE I PUKE ON YOU, TOM!”


“Puke on me, I don't care.” He replied casually.  “I hate this suit anyway; you'd be doing me a favor.”


“Is she alright?” Emma came rushing out from behind Daniel.  “Tom, don't cart her around like a sack of scones!”


“She's a might heavier love, don't worry...I'm handling this package with care.”


“Bring her inside then.  The Radcliffe’s have vacated to their winter home for a while and Cathleen was taken to her hotel, sedated.  We got the place to ourselves and security is keeping the paparazzi at bay.”


Jetta was sobbing violently, coughing harshly, trying to get out of Tom's grasp, but it was like iron.  She was carted inside against her will as the door closed behind her, her freedom vanishing before her very eyes.  She was set down on the couch and immediately stood up, looking around at everyone surrounding her, and knew this wasn't good.  Taking a deep breath, Jetta jumped on the couch and did a backflip over it before bolting down the hallway, trying to get out of this house that was now her prison.


Before she'd gotten very far, Daniel had caught her, grunting when she struggled against him.  “Calm down Jetta!  Before you hurt yourself or the baby!” He said softly in her ear.  “Come on, calm down.” He held her patiently, waiting for her to stop trying to cheap shot him, making sure to keep his legs closed.  “Jetta, no one's going to hurt you!  Calm down!”


The energy was draining out of her quickly as she slowly stopped, slumping against him as the sobs tore through her, causing her body to tremble.  “Please, I'll do it by myself.  I don't need anyone.  I just want to get out of here.” She whispered pleadingly, coughing as she doubled over, her tears splashing on the floor below, dropping to her knees.  She was glad her dress flowed out after the waistline otherwise it would've split at the seam when she dropped to her knees.


“Do it by yourself?  And you think I'm a selfish asshole?” Daniel questioned, staring down at her with a quirked eyebrow.  “That's my child too Jetta, there is no 'by myself'.  You try to run off and deny me; I'll hunt you down and bury you in court.  You don't want to be with me?  Fine.  But you're not going to raise that baby by yourself, especially when I'm willing to help you.”


“No, you're engaged and a baby from another woman in your life is the LAST thing you need right now.” Jetta argued softly, not having the strength to yell at him right now, and stood up shakily, pressing a hand to her stomach.  “I need to lie down.” She whispered, slowly turning around to face him, and placed her free hand against the wall to steady herself so she wouldn't collapse.


He nodded, lifting Jetta into his arms and carrying her towards a bedroom.  “Just so you know, I'm not engaged.  She broke it off tonight, last I seen was her leaving with some bloke from Australia.” Daniel didn't sound upset about it in the slightest.  “Like I said, don't even try to keep me from my child.” He opened a door, stepping inside what was obviously a man's bedroom and deposited her in the middle of the bed.


Jetta stared back at him and pulled out a piece of paper, handing it to him.  “This is for you.  It's my first ultrasound and everything.” She quietly said, looking down at her hands as the tears began falling silently, not even bothering to wipe them away.  Her hormones were going crazy and she wasn't used to being this emotional.  Pregnancy sucked as far as Jetta was concerned and this was going to be a one-time only thing that happened to her.  If it wasn't, she was going to kill herself.


He stared down at the papers, shifting through them and smiled slightly.  Proof, he'd believed her words tentatively but here was the proof.  A tiny life was growing inside her, a part of him.  Daniel sank down onto the edge of the bed, his eyes scanning the papers over and over again.  Though the impression he got from Jetta was this sucked, being pregnant sounded like a bint.


“It was conceived the night of your parent's party.” She sighed heavily, not meeting his eyes, not sure what to do right now.  She wished Kary was there, she wished she was back at home in Los Angeles.  She wished she'd never come on this trip to begin with and started all of this garbage.  “I should've just stayed home.” She whispered, drawing her knees up, and buried her face in them as the tears kept coming.  No matter how hard she tried, they wouldn't stop and she couldn't control them, which scared her.  Was pregnancy really THIS emotional and complicated?


Daniel stared at her uncertainly, not sure what was expected from him.  From what he was told, she was a plethora of mood swings.  Finally, he coughed and pulled the kerchief out of his button hole, passing it to Jetta.  “Do you want something to drink?” He asked softly, not about to offer food, he didn't know if that'd piss her off or make her puke.  He didn't fancy either one when it came right down to it.


“When can I leave?” She asked, looking up at him over her knees with tear filled eyes.  She hated England and she didn't want to be around Daniel and his friends who probably hated her.  She couldn't blame them honestly, but what she needed right now was the comfort and safety of her bedroom and her daddy to tell her everything would be alright.  The thought made more tears sparkle in her eyes as she leaned back against the headboard, completely emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted.


Chapter 11


“You can leave in the morning if you have too.  But I'll expect reports and a due date so I can be there.  We'll also have to arrange for paternity to be established as well as custody.” Daniel said finally, looking at her calmly.  He didn't want Jetta to leave but he wasn't going to force her to stay either if she didn't want to be around him.  “Why can't you stay here with me?” He asked finally, wishing he hadn't as soon as the words were out of his mouth.


“What?” She replied, a confused look adorning her face as she blinked back at him, sniffling a bit.  “I-I don't know…” She finally said, looking down at the blanket, raking a hand through her hair.  “I suppose I'll have to move to this wretched country now since I'm having your baby, right?” She half joked, a small smile forming on her lips, and sat up a little bit more, staring at him.


“You don't have too.  I could move to... the States.” A pained look crossed his face as he said it.  “Or we could six month splits, which probably wouldn't go too well.” Daniel sighed, raking a hand through his hair.  “How do you feel about having my baby Jetta?  Is it really that hard on you?” He stared at her expectantly.


“I honestly don't know, Daniel.  I mean, we have a history, both good and bad.” Jetta sighed heavily, closing her eyes as she brought one knee up and bent it.  “I just never expected to have a baby this early in my life so yes it is hard on me.  As far as it being yours, I can think of others that would be worse to have.” She ran her hand across her flat stomach, knowing in a few months she would be showing.


“Well, I don't either of us were expecting a baby this early in life.” He reached out to place his hand on hers.  “Can you feel it yet or is it too soon?” Daniel asked softly, wondering how something as small as her was going to be able to house and deliver a baby, another person.  It was almost overwhelming and Daniel had to lean back to let the weight of it sink in a bit.


“No, it's only the size of your thumb right now, maybe a little bigger.  I'm almost three months.” She informed him softly, rubbing her hand up and down, sighing deeply.  “I know this sounds crazy, but I'm already in love with him or her.” Jetta flat out refused to call her unborn child it and if Daniel did, she'd knock his head off of his shoulders.


“I can imagine.” Daniel replied, staring at her stomach wonderingly.  “So when he or she does move, you're going to feel it.  Though she'll probably be small for me to feel yet...” He looked a bit depressed, finally shaking his head and standing up.  “This is my bedroom, it's the only one that's not occupied or made up.  Will you be alright?” Jetta looked tired and he intended for her to get a good night's sleep.


“Yes, I'll be fine.” She murmured softly, sighing when her stomach began growling loudly.  “I haven't eaten since yesterday.” She admitted quietly, moving off the bed, and walked over to stare out of the window.  It was a beautiful scenery, the sun just setting over the horizon.  It was one of those moments that Jetta wished she could capture forever and look at it whenever she wanted too, but knew that was impossible.  Pressing a hand to her stomach, she began rubbing it up and down, falling more in love with the life growing inside of her.


While Jetta was obviously distracted, Daniel stood up and pulled a cord near his bed.  It was an old fashioned method of summoning one of the staff but effective and not as crude as a telecom.  He walked over to the door, not surprised when his summons was answered almost immediately.  He quickly placed an order before leaning back against the door, watching Jetta.


The sun flowed through the window, lighting Jetta up in the beautiful gown she was still wearing.  The golden embers of her hair glittered along with the red, and she had a peaceful look on her face.  Jetta couldn't remember the last time she was this peaceful, even with everything that happened.  Also, she couldn't stop thinking about that night she shared with Daniel to make the bundle of joy that was currently growing inside of her.  No matter how hard she tried, Jetta knew she was in love and not just with her unborn child, but with Daniel as well, though she'd never admit it.


Daniel only moved from his watch when a light tap at the door indicated Jetta's food had arrived.  He took the tray himself and carried it to a small credenza, setting it down and lifting the silver warmer.  “Toast, crackers, broth, tea, some kind of clear soda...” He said softly, glancing at her.  “Jetta?”


“Hmm?” Jetta mumbled, blinking a bit, and tore her eyes from the window as she stared back at him.  The aroma of food entered her nostrils as she looked down at the tray and smiled a bit, patting his shoulder with her hand.  “Thanks.” She murmured, taking the tray over to the bed, and sat down on it as she chomped on some crackers before taking a sip of her clear soda.  “So...are they mad at me?” She finally asked with a heavy sigh, not meeting his eyes.


“Tom, Emma and Rupert?  No, should they be?” Daniel asked puzzled.  “Rupe's gotten over his shock at his almost unplanned pregnancy.” Here he offered a wry smile.  “Emma is just worried about you and Tom thinks you deserve an award; he has a sick sense of humor.” He made a face, apparently reliving what his friend had said.  “Is the food alright?  I can send for something else if you want.”


“It's fine, Daniel.” Jetta softly replied, taking another bite out of the food, and raked a hand through her hair with a sigh.  “I know your parents probably can't stand me right now and I don't blame them.  I'll try to find a place to stay out here until I have the baby and we figure out where to go from there.” She didn't look at him the entire time, biting her bottom lip, and closed her eyes as her emotions began erupting again.  “Sorry, I hate these damn hormones.” She grumbled, wiping her tears away.


“My parents don't hate you; they don't understand you, though mum says that could be the hormones.” Daniel assured her.  “You don’t have to find another place to live, you're more than welcome here.  I'll have a room fixed up for you if you want whatever you want.  Anything as long as you and the baby are comfortable.” He didn't know if he was being over-protective, unfortunately nobody had handed him a guide on what to do when you're the expecting father.


Jetta chuckled at what he said, shaking her head, and patted his hand gently.  “You're being overprotective and I find it cute.” She popped a cracker in her mouth and winked at him, knowing they could get along if both could set aside their ego.  It could happen; anything was possible at this point.  “As for the room, I'd like to have that backhouse where we-” She trailed off, a blush creeping in her cheeks, knowing she didn't need to say anymore.


“The guesthouse?  How do you want it fixed up?” Daniel was already reaching for the cord again, prepared to give instructions to begin preparations to make it hospitable.  As far as he knew, nobody had been in it but them since that night.  “Repainted, new carpets?  Furniture...There's a bedroom off to the back that'd work for a nursery....wait; did you say you found it cute?” He blinked, staring down at her.


Jetta couldn't stop herself even if she wanted too as she started giggling at him, shaking her head.  “Would you stop it already?  My god, you're worse than a damn mother hen!” She laughed at the look on his face.  “Or should I say father hen?” She laughed harder when he just scowled at her and took a long drink of her clear soda since she couldn't have any caffeine.


His fingers were wrapped around that cord though he didn't pull, just watching Jetta.  Finally, a grin cracked his face, looking a bit sheepish.  “I guess I am overreacting aren't I?” Daniel said finally, chuckling at the expression on her face.  He sat down in a chair next to the bed, watching her pick at the tray's contents.  “So you're three months along then?”


“Just about.” Jetta replied, popping another cracker in her mouth.  She rolled over to the other edge of the bed and stood up; stretching as she tried pulling the dress to fit her body though it was completely molded against her.  “Okay, I can't take this anymore.” She stated and unzipped it, kicking the dress aside and ran her hand down her sides as the garment beneath was in Daniel's vision.  She'd completely forgotten she had it on.


His eyes widened, taking her in appreciatively.  If he'd known what was underneath that dress, he might've suggested something more comfortable himself.  Then he mentally slapped himself for having that thought.  Down boy.  He cleared his throat, trying to tear his eyes away but it was harder than it should've been.  Speaking of hard...Daniel coughed.  “Would you like me to go and give you some um...privacy?” He asked hesitantly.


Jetta turned around and looked at him with a confused look before staring down at what she was wearing...or not wearing.  For some reason, she didn't scream or try to cover herself and simply shrugged, smiling sweetly back at him.  “You've seen me naked, Daniel.  Why would this bother you?” She asked, walking over and sat on the bed, popping a grape in her mouth.


Now there was a question he didn't really want to search for an answer too.  “I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable or anything.” Daniel said finally.  “I don't know...I didn't know if your body was already changing or anything...” He still couldn't look away from that lingerie or the beautiful body that accented it.  He knew he was being rude but it was something akin to a man who'd been dying of thirst suddenly seeing a bottle of water.


“I should start showing soon.” She softly informed him, leaning back against the bed, and closed her eyes as a yawn escaped her lips.  She was more tired than she thought as she opened them to stare back at him, looking curious.  “This doesn't bother you, does it?” She asked softly, biting her bottom lip as she smoothed the material over her slightly swollen stomach, though it was still flat for the most part.  “I mean; this is all I have since I really didn't expect to be staying here.”


“Define bother.” Daniel said automatically, regretting the words coming out of his mouth the moment he said them.  He wasn't bothered as in shy that she was half naked, no...That would've been the easier way out.  He was bothered in the other sense of the term, as in hot and bothered.  “No... It doesn't bother me, Jetta, whatever's comfortable for you.  Though I have shirts if you want to borrow one.”


Jetta bit her bottom lip when she heard what he said and slowly slipped from bed, walking over to him as she stared down into his eyes.  “I'd like a shirt to sleep in please.” She then walked away from him after giving him a sneak peek down her lingerie, and walked back over to lie in bed, yawning more as her eyes became heavy.  It'd been a LONG, emotional day and she knew carrying a baby on top of what happened was the reasoning behind her exhaustion.


It took Daniel a few seconds to realize Jetta had actually spoken.  Then about a minute to realize what she had said.  “Shirt, get you, I - I will get you a shirt.” He smacked himself openly, not believing he'd just butchered a sentence like that.  It wasn't like he hadn't seen a woman naked before, and she wasn't even naked!  He'd seen hundreds...yeah, thousands, he was...totally screwed.  Clearing his throat, he walked over to his closet, thinking all sorts of disgusting thoughts to try to control himself with.  Finally, he pulled out a navy blue button up.


Jetta was giggling uncontrollably back at him, watching him fumble with the silk blue night shirt.  “Daniel, you're shaking.” She pointed out, slipping from the bed, and walked over as she took the material from his hand, staring into his eyes.  “Relax.” She whispered softly, slipping the material over her head, and smoothed it down her curvaceous body since she was showing yet.  “There, is that any better?” She asked, placing her hands on her hips.


“No.” He answered honestly.  It was only making it worse.  If it were even possible, Jetta looked even more astonishing in his shirt then she had in the lingerie, now how messed up was that.  The way the silk material brushed against her even silkier thighs...those creamy, curvy...He was mercifully saved by the sounds of Tom outside the door.


“Emma wants to know if Jetta needs anything feminine items!”


Jetta smiled as she walked over and opened the door, the shirt going two inches above her thighs.  It almost looked like a dress on her, a bit baggy, but nothing she couldn't handle.  “No Tom, I don't need anything.  I haven't gotten those weird cravings yet.” She raked a hand through her hair and groaned when a picture of pancakes dripping in syrup flashed through her mind.  “On second thought...”


Tom was laughing when he walked into the huge black and white kitchen where Emma was busy squeezing lemons for juice.  “She's hungry for hotcakes, love.” He informed sweetly.


“Mmm sounds bloody excellent to me.” Rupert spoke up from the table where he was browsing an entertainment tabloid.


“I'm on it, anything in them?”


“Strawberries if you don't mind.” Jetta replied as she walked out, causing Rupert's eyes to instantly bug out at the sight of her.  She smiled at him sweetly before walking over to Emma and hugged her.  “I'm sorry about what I said.  I never meant it.  I was angry and confused about everything and I know you and Daniel are close.  Do you forgive me?” She asked softly, staring down into Emma's eyes, knowing she had to make amends in order to get along with these people.


Emma looked at Daniel who just nodded then to Tom who was making a 'get closer' motion and rolled her eyes.  “Of course I forgive you, forgive me for being such a cow?  And by the way, since you're now in the group, watch out for Tom, he's a slag.”


“You're a bint.” Tom shot back sweetly.


“Am I a dad or not?”


Chapter 12


Jetta laughed at Rupert and shook her head with a sarcastic heavy sigh.  “No, but I could make you one in about a year.” She winked at him and giggled when he visibly paled, shaking her head.  “He's fun to mess with.” She commented and popped a strawberry into her mouth that was freshly cut, winking at Emma.  “Do you want me to help cook?”


Daniel and Tom both stepped away.  They'd each tried offering that once before and a skillet to the backside had told them the answer was a definite no.


“Sure.” Emma agreed.  “Strawberries are in the fridge, if you wouldn't mind slicing them for me?”


Rupert blinked, looking at the girls, then to his mates, then back to the girls.  It was obvious he was wondering just what in the hell was going on here.  Was the world ending?


“Well hell...”


Jetta smiled sweetly and nodded, pulling the refrigerator door open, and took the rest of the strawberries out.  She started cutting them after pulling her hair up in a ponytail, humming softly under her breath.  She finished and gave them to Emma, who instructed her to sit down, not wanting Jetta to overexert herself.  She nodded without a word and sat down right next to Rupert, staring at him.  “Problem dear?” She asked sweetly.


“You realize you almost gave me a heart attack?  I thought I'd gotten drunk or something and that's why I couldn't remember anything.” He grinned at her, winking.


“How many kids out there do you have then Ruppie?” Tom asked curiously, smirking slightly as he and Daniel joined the table.


“Probably one for each night he's gotten himself pissed, eh mate?”


Rupert actually paled.


Jetta giggled as she elbowed Daniel in the ribs, causing him to grunt out.  “Be nice.” She softly scolded, raking a hand through her hair as the smell of pancakes floated through the air.  When it was finished, Jetta took half the stack and scooped whipped cream on it, half the container to be precise, and drenched them in heavy maple syrup.  Jetta wasn't kidding when she said she was craving breakfast.


They all could only stare at her, watching her devour the hotcakes.  And these weren't the thin little cakes either; Emma made them big and fluffy.  “How do you not gain weight?” Emma asked enviously.  “I eat like that and my thighs bulge out.”


“So does her arse.”


Jetta looked at all of them, half a hotcake in her mouth, and dropped it as she slowly swallowed, blushing.  “I...normally don't eat like this...I don't know what's wrong with me...” She quietly said, looking down, and bit her bottom lip as she pressed a hand to her stomach.  She knew why.  It was the little demon seed growing inside of her that her and Daniel produced together.  She wasn't eating for just her now, she was eating for two, and she had to get used to that fact.


Daniel studied her thoughtfully, cottoning on to what was wrong which a good thing was, he assumed.  At least he wasn't thick like Rupert could be when it came to anything but seducing the female sex.  “Love, you're feeding my baby in there, if that child is anything like me, you'll wind up eating enough to feed a platoon and we'll still love you anyway.”


“I'll love you forever.” Tom said, winking at her.


Jetta smiled at Daniel and shook her head at Tom.  “You belong to Emma and we all know it, Thomas.” She replied, causing him to scoff back at her while Rupert just muttered something under his breath.  She went back to eating, devouring the rest of her hotcakes, and leaned back against the seat as she looked down at her tiny stomach.  “Child, you're gonna end up giving your momma a heart attack with all this eating.”


Emma smirked, looking at her suave friend and shook her head.  “Tom doesn't belong to any woman; he's too much of a flirt.” She said, sipping her juice.


Tom mocked sadness, clenching his fist and placing it over his heart.  “You ladies are wounding me over here.” He pouted, sticking out his lower lip.


“Oh hell.” Daniel shook his head, exchanging looks with Rupert, both men rolling their eyes.



“I'll believe that one; he seems like the type who likes to explore different women.” Jetta commented, smirking when Tom blushed, and finally finished off her breakfast/dinner.  Her craving meal.  She sighed and stood up, walking over to the sink, and started doing them since Emma did all the cooking.  When she tried helping, Jetta shooed her out of the kitchen, smiling when Emma pouted, but it didn't faze her in the slightest.  After she was sure Emma wouldn't try stepping in, Jetta went to continue doing the dishes.


Daniel watched as one of the cleaning maids came in, Rosalie, and knew if Jetta wanted to finish dishes, she was about to have a war on her hands.


“Ducky, there's a dishwasher for that!” Rosalie said, chuckling and taking the dishcloth from Jetta.  “Let me just load them all up and they'll be done in no time with no fuss, leaves you free to run along now, lamb.”


Jetta started to argue and sighed when Daniel came jumped in, pulling her away from the sink.  “But Emma did all the cooking!” She protested, sighing heavily, and was pushed gently down on the couch with a soft plop.  “I know it's not a big deal, but I really wanted to help out.” Jetta grumped, sighing heavily when Daniel just chuckled at her, and shot him a glare.  “It's not funny, Radcliffe.”


“Actually it is rather amusing.” Daniel teased, laughing when she decked his shoulder and just swatted her hand aside.  “Jet, you're in a place where everything is taken care of, that's how they earn their salaries.  Rather expensive salaries I might add.  Besides, Rosalie can be quite a tiger if she doesn't get her way.  She's a bit of a mother-hen.”


“Great.” Jetta grumbled, folding her arms in front of her chest, a pout on her lips.  “At my house in L.A., we have maids, but we also do things for ourselves.  I can't stand just sitting around and not doing anything.  It drives me bonkers.” Jetta stated, raking a hand through her hair, and stood up as she rubbed her stomach.  “I'm gonna go get some fresh air, unless you have a problem with that, Your Majesty.” She joked with a snort and headed out of the room without a reply.


Tom was outside, sitting on a stone bench. He was hunched over his knees, staring down at the mosaic.  He sat upright when he heard footfalls on the terrace, flashing his customary smile.  “Hello love, tire of not being able to do anything for yourself?” He asked knowingly, winking at her, tapping a finger against the side of his nose.  “It's like that with these old manor houses and old families, not everyone does it though.”


“Thanks...” Jetta replied wearily as she slowly walked over to stand beside him, sighing as she looked out at the long strip of land the Radcliffe Manor sat upon.  “I hope I didn't offend you in there with what I said, Tom.  You do seem like a nice guy and I was just joking since Emma started it.” She explained, feeling like she had too, even though deep down she didn't.  Tom seemed like the jokester type.


Tom automatically waved her words aside.  “No worries Jetta, everyone knows me, easy going I am.  Besides, everyone knows what I'm like.  I flirt with them all but take home none.  I'm just a casual, looking for the right one kinda guy.” He flashed another smile, studying the land.  “I like Scotland better, damn wet country but it's more...I don't know...low-key?  It's nice.”


“Yeah, it was peaceful when we were there, even though all the shit that was happening.” Jetta sighed heavily as she raked a hand through her hair, placing a hand on her near three-month old stomach.  “God, I don't know what I'm going to do.  I never thought I'd be a mother this early in life.  I never thought anything like this could happen to me.” Tears started cascading down her cheeks, her hormones going crazy again at the thought of her childhood and early adulthood escalating rapidly because of this baby she was having.


Tom frowned slightly, scooting over on the bench to wrap a reassuring arm around her shoulders.  “Come on now, Jetta, it's not that bad.  Well...” He clarified at the look she gave him.  “It is, but it could be loads worse.  Dan's not a bad sort, he's just...got a lot of growing up to do, you know?  He doesn't know about living in the real world, he's been famous since he was eleven; the world just kind of gives him his way if you know what I mean?  Besides, you have friends here.”


“Friends?  No, Daniel has friends.  I have nobody here, Tom.” She stood up from the bench and wrapped her arms around herself.  “He already told me that I couldn't take the baby from him because he would make me miserable if I did.  I'm stuck now because of how popular he is no judge is going to deny him his rights, no matter what.  It sucks because I feel like I don't have any choices and feel very imprisoned here.”


“Hate to tell you this love,” Tom stood up.  “No judge would deny him his rights simply because he's the father.  If he was abusive, or likely to hurt the kid, then they would.  Other than that, they'd see no reason to deny him.  And just what are Rupe, Em and I?  The next-door-bloody neighbors?” He feigned being hurt.  “And here I thought we were getting on better than that, you're simply brilliant at crushing a man, Jetta, brilliant.”


Jetta sighed heavily as she wiped her tears away, slumping her shoulders as she folded her hands tightly together.  “I just wish I wouldn't have blabbed the truth until I figured out how to handle this better.  Now thanks to my big mouth, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.  You don't understand, Tom.  How could you?  You're not the one pregnant by such a powerful Hollywood icon as Daniel.” She sniffled a bit and closed her eyes, wishing Kary and her father was there at that moment to console her and help her through this.


“If I was pregnant by Daniel, I'd be wondering just what my parents weren't telling me.” Tom joked, trying to get her to smile though it obviously wasn't working.  “Dan's not a bad sort, he's just...spoilt.  You don't even have to be here in you don't want to be, he can't force you.  He can't make you do anything you don't want to do, except give him his rights as a father, just remember that Jetta.” He extended his arm to her.  “Want to take a walk with me?”


Jetta slowly turned around to face him and nodded, looping her arm through his, and smiled slightly when he made a funny face.  “You're a dork.” She commented, though a giggle showed Tom that she was appreciating what he was doing.  “Daniel asked me why I couldn't stay here with him and I just...I melted.  I foiled, I couldn't help it.  He looked so sad and I actually felt sorry for him.  How do you say no to someone who gives you irresistible blue puppy dog eyes?”


“I have no clue; I don't get his big blue puppy dog eyes.  Though I'm sure if he flashes them on me, I'll knock him out.” Tom replied pleasantly.  He led her down a gravel pathway, the sprinklers coming on though the spray didn't reach them.  “You love him then?” He glanced sideways at her, watching the expressions play across Jetta's face in the dim yard lights.  “Maybe what you need is a vacation, time away to sort things out.  Everything has just kind of been tossed at you, hasn't it?”


Jetta nodded, not able to deny it, and sighed heavily.  The truth was, she wasn't sure if she loved Daniel or not.  She barely knew the man and a relationship was based on more than just great mind blowing sex.  “I honestly don't know if I love him or not, Tom.  I barely know him and you're right, everything has been thrown at me.  Though I know if I even TRY to leave this place, he'll follow because he'll think I'm trying to take his child from him.  I just wish I didn't have to answer to him, that I had my independence back.  Sometimes I regret that night we shared in the back house.  Sometimes I wish I never laid eyes on Daniel Radcliffe.” She was tearing up again as she leaned her head against Tom's shoulder, sniffling quietly.


Tom hesitated for only a fraction of a second before enfolding her in his strong arms, stroking her back and smoothing down her hair.  “It'll be alright love, everything will work perfectly.” He soothed his breath hot against her ear as he comforted her.  “Why don't we fly out to Scotland?  Take in some nature, maybe some fishing.” His passion was fishing so his tone grew a bit eager.


“Fishing?” Jetta giggled as she wiped her tears away, clutching his arms to keep herself steady, and sighed heavily.  “I don't think traveling is the best thing for me right now, at least not until I talk to Daniel about it.  If I just take off he'll think I'm taking his child away from him and you know it.  Scotland sounds great though.” She smiled up at him tearfully and hugged him close before kissing his cheek gently.  “We'd better head inside before they send out the search party.”


Tom nodded, ever the gentleman and turned around, leading her back towards the manor.  “You don't have to talk to him about it, love.  All you have to do is tell him you're going on a vacation and you'll be in touch, it's not like the two of you are married or even engaged.” He smiled gently.  “Let me know if you change your mind, a spot of fishing is beginning to sound more and more like heaven to me.”


Jetta smiled more as she slowly turned around to face him, caressing his face gently with the back of her hand, and kissed his cheek.  “Thank you for being a great friend and listener, Tom.  I was wrong about you.  Good night.” She then walked inside, leaving him standing at the doorway that lead to the garden, where they'd taken a walk, and headed to Daniel's room.  She wasn't surprised to find him there, staring out the window, and knew he'd probably seen the exchange between her and Tom.  Without a word, she walked over and slid into bed, exhausted from the day's events.


Chapter 13


“Tom's a charmer, isn't he?” Daniel asked conversationally, turning from the window to watch her.  “How about something fresh to sleep in?” He strolled over to his huge walk-in closet, rifling around before returning with a football (soccer) jersey, tossing it to her.  “Are you really tired?” He stared down at her, his blue eyes-the eyes that could melt her so easily-unreadable at the moment.


Jetta raised an eyebrow up at him and shook her head, not taking the jersey.  “What's wrong with sleeping in this?” She asked, pointing to his silk blue shirt he'd given her earlier on.  She didn't like the tone his voice held either and crossed her arms in front of her chest.  “You were spying on me.  How typical.” She snorted, sliding from the bed, and raked a hand through her hair.  “No, I'm suddenly not tired anymore, Radcliffe.”


“Spying?  No, I wasn't spying, I was watching.” He clarified.  “I wanted to make sure you were alright, Jetta, is it that hard to believe?” He looked down at her, frowning slightly then looking at the jersey.  “I thought you'd want something fresh to sleep in, forgive me for thinking about you.” Now his own tone held a hint of sarcasm.  “What is your problem?  What did I do now?”


“YOU are my fuckin' problem, Daniel!” She shouted, her anger suddenly peeking her interest, and growled when he just narrowed his eyes back at her.  “I'm a prisoner here.  I do not want to stay here for the rest of my pregnancy!  I'd rather be back in L.A. with my TRUE family and let our kid come see you once a year or something like that!  I'm not going to be in your damn shadow for the rest of my life and neither is my child!” Her eyebrows were drawn together, her body tensed, and she was literally trembling with anger.  “I suppose you'd blow a gasket to find out that Tom wants to take me away for a few weeks to clear my head right?”


Daniel had to take a few seconds to digest all that.  Finally, he took a deep breath and addressed everything she'd just said in the order she'd presented it.  “You want to go to L.A., then go.  Be with your TRUE family if that's what you REALLY want.  OUR kid will NOT just see me once a bloody year; you can't do that to me.  It's my child as much as it is yours.  I don't WANT you living in my shadow either.” He took another deep breath.  “Tom wants to take you where?”


“That's none of your business.” She replied evenly, crossing her arms in front of her chest.  “My child is NOT coming to England except once a year and it will be for a week MAX.  I am the mother, I am the one who is going to be enduring all the pain, and I’M the one who is going to feel all the pain!  Therefore, I will decide WHEN and WHERE you will see our child, am I clear on that?  I swear, don't make this a war, Daniel because if you do, I will bring you down, Hollywood star or NOT.”


Daniel glared at her.  “Are you really that dense Jetta?  Do you honestly believe any judge in any country is going to allow you that all because you've got a grudge against me?  What makes you think you're even a fit mother?  You'd deny a child it's father simply because you were shagged-and shagged well-by a taken man!  You're acting like a bloody bint!  You want to fight me in court?  Fine, so be it.  The only thing you're bringing down is yourself because you can't see reason!”


Jetta felt tears burn her eyes as she squared her shoulders and glared hatefully back at him.  “Then maybe I should get rid of it once and for all so we don't have to battle over this.” She stated in an even tone, not ready to be a mother to be honest.  It wasn't too late either.  She had until the fourth month to get an abortion so the option was still open to her.  “I don't really want to have your child anyway since you're a controlling, manipulative, rich son of a bitch who couldn't have the DECENCY to tell ME who you REALLY were before you shagged me!”


“You're just as big a bitch as I am a bastard!  You HATED Katie.  You didn't give two fucks what she might feel about any of it, all you cared about was you felt like you were being used.  If you abort my baby Jetta, I'll make your life hell.  If you don't want it, just have it and give him or her to me.  Don't kill her.” He pleaded.  “I'll compensate you, whatever you want, just don't kill my child.” He stared at her, astounded that that thought could even cross her mind.


“You think I'd actually have this baby and give it to you?” She laughed harshly and shook her head, not believing what Daniel was thinking.  “Listen here, fucker I don't need or WANT anything from you.  YOU'RE the one who screwed up with Katie, NOT me!  You're the one who came onto me FIRST and initiated the whole thing, so don't you DARE blame this all on me, Daniel Radcliffe!  It takes TWO to tango sweetheart, and I've got news for you, I wasn't satisfied in the slightest, so you can take your ego and shove it up your ass!” She shouted at him, fire spitting from her blue eyes that suddenly iced over to almost black since sapphire was a dark color to begin with.


“I WASN'T blaming anything on you!  YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SAID YOU DIDN'T WANT THE BABY, THAT YOU COULD GET RID OF IT YOU SELFISH LITTLE BINT!” Daniel roared, completely outraged by now.  He wasn't generally quick to temper but Jetta had more than brought out his Ire.  “YOU'RE MAKING THIS ALL OUT TO BE ABOUT YOU WHEN ALL I WANT IS TO SEE MY CHILD.  You can't even see past your own hatred.  YOU'RE JUST LIKE YOU'RE OWN FUCKING MOTHER!”


Jetta gasped when she heard that about her mother and couldn't stop herself even if she wanted too.  A smack sounded a second later throughout the room and Daniel's cheek had a mean red handprint on it.  Tears of anger and hatred stung her eyes as she shoved him away from her, not knowing why he would say such a thing about her mother.  “YOU BASTARD!  YOU WILL NEVER SEE YOUR CHILD, YOU HEAR ME?!  NEVER!  YOU WILL NEVER SEE IT GROW UP, TAKE IT'S FIRST STEP, TAKE IT'S FIRST BATH, FEED IT A BOTTLE, NOTHING!  YOU ARE OUT OF MY AND MY CHILD'S LIFE FOR GOOD!  FUCK YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, YOU SELFISH SON OF A BITCH!” She screamed at him before running out of the room, tears pouring down her cheeks.


He chased after her, an angry handprint glowing on his pale cheek.  He caught her by the wrist at the foot of the steps, ignoring the shocked looks on Emma's, Tom's and Rupert's faces.  He also ignored Rosalie's 'Master Radcliffe!’.  “I don't want to be in YOUR life Jetta.  You're nothing but a bitter woman!  You're going to grow old and die bitter because you can't let the past go, you cling to it like it's your fucking security blanket!”


“Fuck you, Daniel!!  I do not cling to it!  You are a controlling bastard now let me go!!” She shouted at him, trying to wrench her arm free from his vise grip, tears pouring down her cheeks like two rapid streams.  “I hate you!!  I HATE YOU!!” She screamed, her eyes never leaving his, and kicked him in his shin as he released her.  She barely caught herself as she stumbled down a few steps, coughing as the sobs tore throughout her body, and landed on the first level of the steps.  “You will NEVER see your child or me again!  Good riddance, you bastard!” She then fled down the last flight of stairs.


Tom caught her on the final step, catching Jetta in his arms.  “Calm down love!” He whispered, staring at her wide eyed, his gaze moving to Daniel.  “She's pregnant you sod!  How could you treat the mother of your child like this, Dan?  What the ruddy hell has gotten into you lately?” He helped Jetta away from the 'sod', keeping a comforting arm around her.  “Are you alright love?”


“No, I'm not alright!  I want out of here!  I want to be as far away from him as possible!” She cried out, loud enough for Daniel to hear, leaning further into Tom's comforting arms as she sniffled.  “He doesn't even care about me; all he cares about is seeing the child that isn't even born yet!!  That's fine because I hate him and I never want to see him again!  NEVER!” She cried harder, allowing Tom to lead her wherever.


“What the bloody hell is going on, Daniel?” Emma demanded, following right behind his heels as he walked after Tom and Jetta.  Rupert trailing behind them.  “What did you do to her?”


“Besides tell her the truth?  That instead of hating me, she needs to let things go for the sake of the baby?  She wants to deny me my rights because she was fucking lied too!”


“Hormones mate.”


Jetta finally stopped as she turned and buried her face in Tom's chest, her tears soaking his shirt, her heart shattering like it did that day she walked inside the mansion and found out who Daniel really was.  “I'm leaving first thing in the morning.” She stated, slowly pulling away from him, and stared up into his kind blue eyes.  “Thank you, for everything.” She whispered and walked away from him and ran toward the back house, slamming the locking the door behind her before collapsing on the floor knees first.


Tom stalked right up to Daniel and leveled him with one punch to the face.  Shaking his fist, he glared down at his friend.  “I hope you're bloody happy.” He snarled stalking off in the direction Jetta had went.


Daniel held his nose, groaning when blood began gushing from it.  “Hell...”


Jetta crawled to the couch and pulled it out, collapsing back on it, and proceeded to cry herself to sleep.  She couldn't believe how cruel Daniel had been saying something so vile about her mother.  Sure, they had their ups and downs, but Jetta loved her mother and refused to have anyone badmouthing her, especially the likes of him.  She curled up in a tight ball, pressing her hand against her stomach, and wished she wasn't pregnant.  She wished she wasn't there, she wished she'd never laid eyes on Daniel Radcliffe.  With that thought in mind and the hope that she'd be home sometime tomorrow, Jetta went to sleep, heartbreaking tears flowing from her closed eyes.




Tom stared down at Jetta as she slept, watching her chest rising and falling evenly.  It had taken quite some time for her sleep to become gentle, not filled with tears or ragged sighs.  He glanced down at his hand, shaking his fist again and wondered briefly just how hard he had punched Daniel.  Hopefully hard enough to break the little git's nose.  That would be nice.  He smirked at the very thought.  The bastard more than deserved it.  Tom's thoughts strayed back to the woman before him, a smirk forming on his lips.  It was time.


Jetta felt a presence over her and slowly opened her eyes to stare at Tom.  Behind him was a man much larger, wondering who he was.  She gasped when a sharp pain emanated from her arm, causing her to look down.  The syringe to the needle had been drained and whatever Tom had stuck her with was now in her bloodstream.  Jetta's world suddenly went black as she closed her eyes, slumping in Tom's arms, not having a clue what was going on.


“That wasn't exactly supposed to happen.” Tom muttered, staring down at her.  He hadn't meant for Jetta to wake up and see him.  He glanced over his shoulder at his companion.  “Think she'll remember?” He got a half shrug as an answer and sighed.  He hoisted her over his shoulder.  “Well then, let's just get out of here then shall we?  We got places to go, lives to ruin...”


“The serum has already taken its effect.  Even if she could remember seeing you do that, she won't remember it in the morning.” His companion replied with a sadistic smirk, rubbing his hands together, an evil laugh escaping his lips as he watched Tom carry an unconscious Jetta out of the back house and toward their getaway car.




Daniel did not sleep for dick that night.  He spent most of it in the library, with the drapes pulled and the lights on dim, sipping brandy.  Emma and Rupert were in there as well.  Both for company as well as to bitch him out.  In the main though he tuned it out, just replaying everything said between him and Jetta.  He would apologize to her in the morning.  Yes.  That’s what he’d do.  He’d make her realize that they truly belonged together and finally tell her how he truly felt for her.  He loved her and it was time to stop being the stubborn man he was well known for.


However, Daniel didn’t realize he would never get the opportunity to apologize to Jetta because she was already gone.


Chapter 14


Jetta blinked as the sun streamed through the window, causing a groan to escape her lips as her blurred vision slowly came into focus.  She slowly sat up in the comfortable bed, stretching her arms above her head, and looked outside, leaning her forehead against the ledge.  She tried to remember what had happened the previous night or anything for that matter, but could not, which suddenly freaked her out.  She jumped out of her skin when the door opened, facing a man with icy blue eyes and bleach blonde hair, causing her to quirk an eyebrow.  What the Hell was going on and why couldn't she remember him?


A look of concern appeared on Tom's face as he walked towards her.  Behind him was a deaf, mute maid carrying a tray of strawberry pancakes.  “Jetta, love, are you alright?” He asked gently, setting on the edge of the bed, staring at her.  “You look peaked, what's the matter darling?” His tone was perfection.


“W-What's going on?  Where am I?  Who's Jetta?” She softly asked, fear clearly evident in her tone, and scooted away from him when he went to touch her.  Her entire body began to tremble as she drew her knees up, wrapping her arms around them, staring at him frightened.  She couldn't remember who she was or where she was, especially WHO this man was.  Was she going insane?


A frown creased his brow as he stared at her, his blue eyes full of worry.  “You're Jetta, that's your name.  You don't remember anything darling?” He sighed, rubbing his knuckles against his forehead, looking pained.  “The doctor did say it could happen...” He murmured, speaking more to himself then to her, his voice a low undertone.  “Do you remember...anything?” He asked hopefully.


“W-What happened?” She asked softly, her back now pressed against the headboard, tears building in her sapphire blue eyes.  Was she in an accident or something like that?  What was even crazier was that she could remember how to walk, talk, eat, everything, but all of her memories were gone, erased.  Did she not have a family?  Was this man her family?  She was so confused as they slowly slid down her cheeks.


Tom sighed, looking down at the blanket almost shamefully before meeting her eyes.  “We went off for a little getaway, one of our normal weekend things...We went rock climbing and there was a bit of a landslide.  You got hit in the back of the head and fell.  Thank god the baby wasn't hurt...” He took both her hands in his.  “Jetta, is anything coming back now?”


“Baby?” She breathed out, her eyes wide as potatoes, and ripped her hands out of his as she looked down, crying out when she seen her stomach slowly begin to poke out.  “WHAT IS GOING ON?!” She screamed, jumping off the bed, and backed away from him, scared to death now.  “Seriously, WHAT IS GOING ON?  Rock climbing?  NO NOTHING IS COMING BACK!!”


Tom held up both his hands in what was clearly meant as a pacifying gesture.  “I'll explain everything Jetta if you'll just calm down, okay?  Calm down.  You really shouldn't be getting overexcited like this; it's not good for you or the baby.” He stood up, waiting patiently.  His eyes showed nothing but concern for her, and patience.


Jetta bit her bottom lip, raking a hand through her hair, and stood where she was she slowly calmed down.  “I'm not moving an inch.  Just tell me what's going on, please.” She softly said, her voice trembling along with the rest of her body.  She was pitifully confused and felt around on her head, not feeling one bump.  Wouldn't she have one if she got hit that hard?  Unless she was out for months on end?  Then how would she have gotten pregnant?  Tears of confusion flowed down her cheeks as she wrapped her arms around herself.


Tom nodded, leaning against a waist high nightstand.  “You've been unconscious for two weeks, 4 days, six hours and,” He glanced at the watch around his wrist.  “Twenty-four seconds.” He sighed, raking a hand down his face, looking somewhat tired.  “As for the baby, we just found out -well, I did-about it when you were carried off in a chopper to the hospital.  We're engaged, you and I, we were going to have a June wedding.”


“E-Engaged?” She gasped and looked down at her left ring finger, seeing a beautiful sparkling sapphire stone staring back at her that was cut in the shape of a heart.  The heart was outlined in little diamonds and it was set on a silver band.  “H-How far am I along?” She asked, referring to the pregnancy, and rubbed her swollen abdomen as more tears poured down her cheeks.


Tom smiled his whole face lighting up at the thought.  “Three months.  I can't believe neither of us noticed, but then everyone was catching cold so we both assumed you had the flu.  How are you feeling?  Are you hungry?” He gestured to the tray of food.  “I had your favorite made, love.” He raised the tray so she could see the pancakes.


“Why can't I remember?” She softly asked, staring at her fiancé with confusion and fear in her eyes, raking a hand through her hair.  “It doesn't make sense.  Nothing does.  How could I not remember getting pregnant or engaged?  Do I have any family?” She asked hopefully; hope sparkling in her sapphire eyes as she stared into his.


“Darling, you have amnesia. It's from the rock hitting.” He leaned down and pressed his fingers getting to the back of her head.  “It hit the temporal lobe, the swelling was rather frightening.  You don't remember getting pregnant?” He looked wounded.  “I certainly do; I'm guessing it was the night we camped out under the stars.” His smile faded.  “No Jetta, your family...they disowned you.”


“Disowned me?” She echoed, tears forming in her eyes of even more hurt and heartbreak.  “But why?  What did I do to them?  What happened?” She knew she was asking a million and one questions, but that's what happened when a person had amnesia and couldn't even remember what their first name was.


“You didn't do anything darling.  It's them.  They didn't want us to be together.  They kept trying to control you.” He said softly, sounding like each word was costing him a piece of his heart, for hurting her the way he obviously was, even though he wasn't trying too.  “You're an adult and they refused to see you as such.”


Jetta couldn't take any more as she dropped to her knees and began sobbing violently, her entire body trembling.  She couldn't remember her parents and that was eating away at her insides.  She wrapped an arm around her midsection and shook her head back and forth, coughing as she heaved violently.  How could they disown her for falling in love and wanting a family?


Tom kneeled on the bed and wrapped his arms around her soothingly.  “Calm down love, it'll be alright.” He whispered in her ear, trying to comfort her.  “They'll come around; you're too beautiful and loving for them not too.  They'll see what they’ve lost and want it back, I promise.” He brushed the hair out of her face, searching her eyes.  “I love you.”


She bit her bottom lip, not sure if she should say it back, and sniffled as she raked a hand through her hair.  “It's going to take time for me to say it back after what's happened…Tom?” She said his name in a question, wondering if she was right or wrong since she couldn't even remember who he was. She hated amnesia.


“Yes, Tom. Tom Felton.” He smiled understandingly.  “Take all the time you need, Jetta.  I'm not going anywhere, I promise.” He hugged her gently.  “I'll be right here waiting, okay?” He released her and moved away from the bed.  “Do you need some time darling?  I don't want you to feel like I'm overwhelming you.”


“No, I'm fine, thank you...Tom.” She replied softly, slowly walking over and sitting on the bed, staring out the window.  Two weeks she'd been out.  Two weeks.  “Would it be too much to ask to speak with the doctor who watched over me?” She asked, biting her bottom lip when he simply stared at her.  “It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that I need to hear it from the doctor...”


Tom shook his head, offering a smile.  “It's not a problem, you just startled me.  Of course it's natural you want to talk to him.  Shall I ring him for you?  Or maybe we should set up an appointment?  I'm sure he'll be wanting to do a follow-up and see how you're doing.  Or we could even arrange a house visit.  It's up to you love.”


Jetta simply nodded back at him, an unreadable look on her face, and sighed heavily.  “Thank you for being so understanding.  Do you mind if I go take a quick shower?  Being out for two weeks has me feeling a bit grungy.” Her voice was low and quiet, timid even, afraid of saying something wrong as she bit her bottom lip, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.


Tom stared at Jetta for a long moment, and then nodded.  He sighed softly, raking a hand through his hair.  “Of course darling.” Was the soft answer.  His tone indicating that he understood why she was being timid.  Of course she was she didn't have any recollection of him.  His whole manner was that of an understanding gentleman.




The following day, Jetta seen the doctor who had took care of her from her accident and found out exactly what Tom told her.  She decided she would slowly get to know Tom and they would get married eventually.  She still couldn't believe what had happened, but also knew she was devoted to one man and that was Tom.  He was so great, so understanding and loving. 


The months flew by and before she knew it, Jetta went into labor and had a beautiful eight pound, 7-ounce baby boy.  They named him Ayden Michael Felton, since Tom was the father.  Two months after that, they were married in a private, small ceremony.  Ralph Fiennes and Alan Rickman were his best men while Katie Chung was Jetta's maid of honor.  She’d met Katie at her and Tom’s small, private engagement party he planned while she was still recovering from the pregnancy.  It was a nice ceremony with a tiny reception afterwards.  Jetta's heart was broken that she couldn't have her family there, but Tom kept reminding her that they hated her and disowned her for loving him. 


She still didn't understand it and probably never would.


Before they both knew it, three years had passed and Ayden’s birthday was coming around.  He was going to turn three years old.  Things weren’t the same since the pregnancy and Jetta didn’t know why as she stared out the window.  Tom had become…vicious and mean…treating her as if she were the stupidest person on the planet, when in reality, she was right most of the time.  However, Tom saw things differently and when Jetta would back talk him, she would receive punishment as he liked to call it.  The thought made her shiver as tears stung her eyes, wrapping her arms around herself.  For some reason, this didn’t feel right.  Being here, in this house with him, it didn’t feel like it was where she belonged.  She’d felt that way for the past three years, but never said a word to Tom for fear of getting punished at his hand.


On this day, it would be no different.


Tom walked into the nursery a few hours later, smiling slightly when he seen Ayden sitting quietly with a stack of blocks.  His eyes took in the child, studying him.  His own natural hair color was a brown so he wasn't too disappointed.  Blue eyes, the kid had blue eyes.  Anyone who didn't know any better would assume it was his, like Jetta for instance, even though Ayden was Daniel’s.  Nobody ever needed to know that though and it made Tom smirk, knowing he had won. 


Jetta was currently in the corner, scrubbing the carpet, down on her hands and knees with a scowl on her face.  “Ayden, how many times must I tell you not to paint in here?” She yelled, causing the baby boy to start crying again as he threw his blocks, clocking Tom right in the face.  Jetta didn't care, she was too angry at her son for doing this for the third time.


Tom held his face, groaning.  “Ayden, don't throw things.” He said softly, hissing between clenched teeth.  When he finally uncovered his face, he glanced in the mirror, spotting a bruise from where the corner of the block struck.  His gaze moved onto Jetta and the paint.  “Jetta, what in the name of god is Ayden doing with paint in here?  He should be at the bloody table!”


Jetta cringed when Tom yelled at her and sighed, continuing to scrub the white carpet.  White carpet, Tom's idea.  A stupid idea if she did say so herself, but thought better not too at the moment.  “I don't know, Tom.” She answered softly, quietly, biting her bottom lip as she dunked the sponge in the water and continued to scrub as hard as she could.


Tom growled softly.  “You don't know?  You SHOULD know, you’re his mother, Jetta.  I can't always be here to take care of things; I'm out earning money so we can have a decent life, remember?  Why are you even scrubbing that?  That's what the damn maids are for!” He rang for one, walking over to roughly pull her onto her feet.  “Woman, what happened?  You lose some more of that sodden you call a mind?”


Jetta cried out when he grabbed her, his grip iron, and felt the tears already burning her eyes.  “Tom please, I'm sorry…” She whispered, cowering from him as he began shaking her while yelling harder.  “I'm sorry!!  What do you want from me?!” She yelled at him, her entire body trembling from head to toe.


“I want you to stop being such a bloody bint!” He roared, dragging her from the nursery.  He flashed a reassuring smile at Ayden.  “Mummy will be right back.” He nodded at the maid who was coming, knowing the woman would tend to the child.  He hauled Jetta down to their bedroom, tossing her inside and slamming the door shut behind him.  “All you do is sit here all day long with Ayden and you can't even WATCH him!”


“I was watching him!!  I was trying to cook you a decent meal, asshole!” She shouted back at him, feeling a brief hint of braveness.  She paid for it.  Before she knew it, Jetta was sprawled on the floor, a scream escaping her lips and held the side of her face with her hand.  Tears instantly streamed from her sapphire blue eyes as she looked up at her husband through blurred vision, wondering what happened to her sweet loving Tom she met all those years ago.


Chapter 15


“Cook for me?  What do you need to do that for?  We have...” Tom trailed off, shaking his head as well as his hand.  He stared down at her, anger causing his nostrils to flare.  He crouched down beside her, raking a hand through her hair.  “I think we're just going to pack up and go on a vacation.” He said finally.  “Get you out of the house, something...you're not yourself anymore...” He was more or less talking to himself.


“I haven't been myself in years, Tom.” She whispered softly and scooted away from him when he went to grab her again.  “Don't touch me.  All you do is cause me pain anymore.” She started crying, her back pressed against the wall, her knees drawn up to her chest. 


It was true.  She hadn't been herself in years, ever since her accident.  No matter how much she wanted to admit it, Jetta knew down deep in her heart that she didn't belong here with Tom.  Her dreams were becoming more realistic as each night passed over the course of three years.  She had to find out the answers and knew in order to do that; she'd have to get away from Tom.


Tom looked crushed by her words, his face falling.  His features were akin to a broken-hearted school boy, pain in his blue eyes.  It was a look that had caused many a hearts to flutter and sympathy to rise in the coldest hearted of women.  He sat away from her, his knees drawn up, head down.  “I'm sorry Jetta.” He whispered solemnly.


Sighing sadly, he slowly rose to his feet and walked over to stand behind her.  He gave her some space and definitely didn't put his hands on her shoulders or arms around her waist.  He just stood there.  “I am sorry.” He repeated stubbornly.  “I'd do anything you asked of me to prove it Jetta.”


Jetta raised an eyebrow and slowly turned around to face him, her bottom lip trembling, and raked a hand through her hair.  “Do you know that party you told me about in England?” She asked, taking a deep breath when he stiffly nodded, his blue eyes piercing hers.  “I want to go.  I know I won't know anyone, but you seemed excited about it and I want to go, Tom.” She replied, remembering how thrilled Tom had been that one of his good friend's parent's was throwing their annual party.  Tom hadn't gone over the past several years due to the birth of their son and wedding, but now they had absolutely nothing standing in their way not to go.


Tom hesitated for a moment before nodding, taking both her hands in his and squeezing them gently.  “If that's what you want.” He said finally.  “I'll arrange for a nanny to come stay with Ayden, he stays here while we're out, that's my stipulation.  These parties tend to go on; it is the social season after all.  Agreed, love?”


“No.  I want Ayden to go with us.” She stated, releasing his hands, her lips pursed tightly together.  “The house nearly burned down the last time we went out, Tom!  I REFUSE to go without him!” She cried when Tom went to argue.  “Why don't you want him going with us?  Are you hiding something?” She demanded, crossing her arms in front of her chest, her eyes narrowed slightly back at him.  “I don't trust these reckless maids, Tom.  He goes, end of discussion.”


“I'm not hiding anything but we'll hire a professional nanny from London, I'll even have my mum come watch him.  You know how much she adores Ayden and you did say you wished they could get closer.” He reminded.  “This would be the perfect chance for that.  Plus, it gives us some time to fix things between us, don't you want that?”


“No.  Ayden is going with us to the party, Tom.  Your mother doesn't watch him well and you know it.  Remember last time?  She fell asleep smoking a damn cigarette and Ayden got into the knives and cut himself!  God, are you that dense not to remember your own son practically filleting himself?  He's going WITH us to the PARTY.  The invitation said nothing about not able to bring children.  If you want, I will call them and ask personally if it will make you feel better.  Bottom line, he's going and if you don't like it, then you can simply deal with it.” She then walked over to the closet and started looking through it, finally pulling out a strapless midnight blue gown.


“Then we're not going.” Tom said coldly.  “The social season is not for children.  There will be no other children his age; the youngest might be 16 at the least.  I can already tell you for a fact this will be a drunken charade by the time midnight rolls around and Ayden will NOT be going.”


“He's going and if you don't like it, then we'll go WITHOUT you, Tom!” She shouted back at him, her anger boiling overboard once more.  “You said you wanted to make it up to me, but yet you're still that controlling asshole that is NOT my husband!  Just leave me alone, Tom.  You make me sick, physically SICK!” She shouted and fled the room in tears, going to find her son, not trusting anyone around her anymore, not even Tom.


Tom growled, slumping against the wall.  Finally, when he'd calmed down, he set at her dressing table and pulled the stationary she never used to him.




It's not that I want to control you. I just wanted us to have some time together to find what we've lost. Is it so bad that after three years of being a trio, I want just a night alone with the woman who owns my heart? Things have changed between us and it's my fault, I know I've changed and not for the better. But I never stopped loving you and I do want to right things between us. If it's your wish, Ayden goes.


Love Tom


He left it on her table and went out for a walk.


Jetta sniffled as she read the note and sighed, raking a hand through her hair.  She knew Ayden had to go.  She didn't know why, but something inside of her was screaming at her she needed to bring him.  With a heavy sigh, Jetta began packing her things and curled up against the windowsill, wearing a peach colored nightgown.  Her answers were out there somewhere, some place and this party was going to open them up.  She kept having these dreams of blue eyes.  Blue eyes that weren't Tom's and weren't her sons.  No, they were completely different, kind and sweet.  She didn't understand and pressed her forehead against the window, breathing heavily.


“What's on your mind love?” Tom whispered in the dark from behind her, his arms snaking about her waist.  “You look like you're lost in thought.” He pressed head against hers.  “I'm sorry for fighting with you Jetta.” He sighed softly.  “I'm not doing so well at being a good husband.”


“You have to stop hitting me, Tom.  I can't take it anymore.  You break a piece of me off every time you do it.” She whispered heartbrokenly, tears falling, trembling in his arms, afraid his temper would flare and he would strike her.  “I'm scared of you and your touch isn't comforting anymore.” She slowly pulled away from him and wiped her tears away before walking over and sitting on the bed, looking down as she raked her hands through her hair.  “Sometimes I wonder if this is even who I am or where I'm supposed to be.  This doesn't feel right, Tom and...god I'm so confused.” She started crying, her head down.


Tom was quiet for a very long time, apparently thinking.  Finally, he cleared his throat, his voice sounding hoarse when he did speak.  “After the accident so many things were thrust on you Jetta.  You had so many questions that needed answers and you never got any of them.  There wasn't the time.  Not with Ayden on the way, us getting married, none of it.  You never found out what you needed too.” He rationalized, leaving out the part conveniently about what he did to her.


“Maybe it’s time I did then.” She replied softly, raking a hand through her hair, and looked up into his blue eyes that were unreadable at the moment.  “If my parents are at this party, then I’m going to talk to them and demand why they shut me out of their lives just because I fell in love and wanted a family.  It burns me up every time I think about it.”


“Don’t let it worry you, love.  I’m sure they’ll come around eventually.” Tom replied soothingly as he stroked her back, sighing when she just pushed his hand away.  He had grown to love Jetta over the course of the past three years and it was hurting him that she was pushing him away like this.  Then again, hitting her probably didn’t help.  He sighed heavily, raking a hand through his hair, and walked over to sit on the bed, staring up at her.  “If we’re going to this, the ferry leaves tomorrow at dawn.”


“Very well, I’ll be ready.” She replied softly, not looking at him, and walked over to her huge closet, trying to pick out some decent outfits for this trip.  She was having doubts about this already, but knew if she wanted answers, this was the only way.  Without a word, her back facing her husband, Jetta began packing, knowing little to no sleep would come on this night.




Three years.  It’d been three years and nothing.  He’d searched high and low for her and his son, but it always came to a dead screeching halt.  Daniel sighed as he stood at the window, watching as the small snowflakes began falling one by one, and took a sip of his brandy.  That’s all he ever did anymore was drink, especially since his parents kept badgering him about getting married and producing another heir to their throne.  He growled blue eyes iced over at the mere thought of finding anyone else.  He wanted Jetta, what was so hard to understand about that?


Rupert and Emma had helped him through this trying time, but even their comfort did not satisfy him.  He wanted to know where Jetta went and why she’d deliberately taken his son or daughter away.  So what if he cheated on his ex-girlfriend and fiancée?  He didn’t love Katie, never would, but the bitch just couldn’t understand that.  Was it no wonder why Daniel had gotten a restraining order against her after she tried seducing him the night after Jetta’s disappearance?  He sighed again, remembering that, and wondered where she could’ve gone that was so secluded to where he couldn’t find her.  He had hired the best detectives in the world, one per country.  He’d searched all the continents and nothing.  Not one damn clue came up to where she’d gone.  It was almost as if Jetta had disappeared off the face of the earth.


Daniel knew better though as he took another swig of his brandy, feeling the liquid burn down his throat, giving him feeling since he hardly felt anything anymore.  His eyes narrowed as he heard his mother going on about how Jetta’s parents would be arriving that following day for their annual party.  Closing his blue eyes, Daniel felt the tears burning them as he recollected what had transpired between him and Jetta that night three years ago.  He couldn’t believe how fast time had flown.  She looked beautiful in her gown, her hair, her lips, everything about her enticed him the moment his eyes laid upon her.  The more Daniel thought about it, the more he wanted her as he squeezed his hand around the glass, almost to the point of shattering it.  He knew better though.  If he shattered one more glass, his mother would have his head on a silver platter.


His thoughts drifted suddenly to his best friend, Tom, who had mysteriously disappeared around the time Jetta did.  Rupert and Emma informed him two months after that he’d gotten married and lived somewhere in Scotland.  Daniel wanted to go visit him so many times, but the mere thought of seeing Tom happy with his family and he with nothing…Daniel couldn’t do it.  It was cowardly, but with Jetta gone, he knew he wouldn’t last too long before completely breaking down to his best friend and that wasn’t going to happen.  He wondered what Tom’s wife looked like, if they had children together.


As if on cue, a knock sounded at the door, causing Daniel to sigh as he muttered out loud enough for whoever it was to hear, “Come in.”


Marcia walked in, closing the door behind her quietly, watching as her son loathed and stood at the window, a gloomy feeling radiating from his body.  She knew he was hurting and it hurt that she could do nothing about it.  “Dear, I just came to inform you on some news your father found out today.” She quietly said, causing Daniel to nod his head, acknowledging his mother.


“What news?” He asked gruffly, taking another sip of his brandy before slowly setting it down and turned around to face his mother.  Marcia had to stop as she took in her son’s appearance and sighed, her heart shattering in her chest.


“Daniel, you have to stop mourning over this girl and move on, dear.  I know it will be difficult, but there will be hundreds of eligible women tomorrow night at the-” She did not get to finish and gasped when Daniel completely lost his temper.


“I DON’T WANT ANYONE ELSE!!” He bellowed, throwing his glass of brandy into the fire, causing the flames to ignite and erupt in the fireplace as his blood boiled, blue eyes narrowed at his mother.  How could she even suggest such a horrid thing when he was feeling this way?!  “I will find her mother.  I will find her and my son or daughter even if it kills me!!” He shouted, causing Marcia to jump once more, not used to her son exploding like this in front of her.  “Now what the bloody Hell is your news?”


Marcia sighed heavily and lowered her head, biting her bottom lip, and folded her hands in front of her.  “Thomas and his wife are attending the party tomorrow night.  They shall be here in time.  Maybe your best friend can pull you out of this slump you’ve been in over that cheap hag.” She stated, knowing if Cathleen ever heard her talking about Jetta that way, she’d probably end up in prison for murder.  The thought made Marcia sigh sadly, but wasn’t going to hide how she felt about their daughter, especially after what she did to her son.


Daniel had enough as he locked eyes with his mother, causing a chill to race down Marcia’s spine.  Lifting one hand and pointing a finger at the door, Daniel growled out in his lowest, deadliest voice he could come up with. “Get out now.”


Without a word, Marcia nearly tripped over her own two feet as she scrambled out of there, knowing she’d stepped over the line with her son. 


Chapter 16


The following day, the Felton family stepped into their limo and was driven to Radcliffe Manor.  Jetta was staring out the window, wearing a beautiful satin midnight blue gown that hugged her curves nicely.  Having the baby didn’t stop Jetta from getting her figure back.  She sighed, pressing her forehead to the cool glass window, and took a deep breath.  The surroundings were very familiar to her, but for the life of her, Jetta couldn’t understand why.  A smile brightened her face when Ayden climbed on her lap, wanting to get a glance at what had his mother so fascinated.


Meanwhile, Tom was stewing in the corner, staring out the window with his blue eyes narrowed.  He couldn’t believe he’d allowed his wife to talk him into taking her here.  He knew the Radcliffe’s would probably blow a gasket when they saw her, which is precisely why he didn’t want Ayden with them.  Not to mention the fact that the minute Daniel would see Ayden, he’d instantly know that was his son.  Pinching the bridge of his nose, Tom sighed and popped an aspirin, hoping this visit didn’t destroy his entire plan.  If it did, he had his backup in Alan, who was standing by for the word to come in and take control.  If he had too, Tom would just erase Jetta’s memory again.  He refused to lose her to the likes of Daniel Radcliffe and snarled at the mere thought of it happening.


Jetta shivered inwardly upon hearing her husband’s snarl, knowing he wasn’t happy with her that she’d made them take Ayden with.  She didn’t know why, but something told her he had to be here.  Perhaps it was just her overprotective motherly instincts kicking into overdrive.  No, that wasn’t it and she knew it.  Something else was drawing her and Ayden here, but for the life of her, Jetta didn’t know why.  Wrapping her arms around her son’s waist, Jetta leaned her head against his and started thinking about her dream the previous night.


It was interesting to say the least and she didn’t understand any of it to be quite honest.  Not to mention it was sexual, very sexual, and didn’t involve her husband in any way, shape or form.  That scared her because Jetta could not remember being with any other man besides Tom.  They only made love every once in a great while and he was decent in bed, but it wasn’t mind blowing like this dream she had.  A small blush crept up in her cheeks as she closed her eyes, making sure her hair hid her cheeks from Tom, and started drifting back to it…




“Hello.” He greeted, extending his free hand to take hers, pressing a kiss to the back of it. “I don't believe we've met before?” He smiled at her then glanced over her shoulder, immediately setting down both their glasses. “Dance with me?” He asked, looking over her shoulder still. “Please, before these old women attack me.”


Jetta could only blink at this handsome man, who looked around her age, and decided it couldn't hurt as she nodded. “Sure.” She softly said, allowing him to guide her to the dance floor, and was pulled into his massive arms, his strong body. “I'm Jetta.” She said, introducing herself, and smiled when he spun her around before dipping her as the music flowed through the air.


“That is a beautiful and very unusual name.” He commented, smiling as he twirled her again, catching her tightly when she came spinning back. “Jetta... I like it.” He took one of her hands in his, his eyes lighting up when the music changed. “Do you tango?” He didn't give her time to answer, just placed one hand around her waist, pulling her firmly to him and began to lead the dance. “You sound American.”


“I am.” She replied, trying to move with him the best she could, and laughed when she tripped a bit, but not to the point of falling down because he'd caught her. “Sorry, I'm not a very good dancer except what we were just doing.” She apologized softly, biting her bottom lip, a blush creeping into her cheek while the other was hidden by her hair. Not to mention she was also blushing due to the fact that he'd complimented on her unusual name and it was. Not very many girls back in American had her name and she liked it that way, she liked being different.


“You're a great dancer. The tango is easy.” He explained. “It's a bit of a...” He bit the inside of his cheek, obviously searching for the words. “It's a lover's dance; it's almost a war between two bodies. Giving and...” He dipped her from the waist, his hands on her hips, moving her lowered upper in a semi-circle around him before slamming her up against his own muscular torso. “Taking.”


Jetta gasped as she clutched at his shoulder blades, breathing heavily, her heart pounding in her chest. Whoever he was took her breath away as she began tangoing with him, meeting him for every intense thrust and movement the dance produced. It was almost as if everyone around them disappeared and all that was left was just the two of them in a hazy passion, a smile never leaving her glossy lips. “You sound like you're from here.” She commented, spinning around to meet him before pushing him back in the dance, and then backing up when he came in to her once more.


“I am.” He chuckled, dancing across the room with her, people moving out of their path, most watching. “I'm born and bred in England. Though if I would have known there were women as beautiful as you in America, I'm sure I would have cursed my parents for it.” His smile broadened when she blushed, dipping her one last time as the song ended, her knee resting on his hip, his free hand just under the curve of her knee. “Like I said, you are an excellent dancer.”


“Thanks.” She breathed out before slowly being lifted, running a hand through her hair and bangs, fixing them as she patted her chest. “That dance is such a rush.” She commented, walking off the dance floor and toward the refreshments, grabbing a fresh glass of champagne and began downing it. Perspiration had formed on her forehead due to the dancing and being so close to this man who'd swept her off her feet...literally.


“Careful there.” His voice echoed in her ear. “Drink that too fast after dancing like we did and you're liable to make yourself ill.” He moved so he was in her line of view. “You look hot.” He looked a bit warm under the collar himself. “Would you care to join me in a walk outside? It's not raining for once; English skies on cloudless nights are something worth seeing.” He extended his arm to her.


“Sure, I need some fresh air.” She replied softly, linking her arm through his own, and allowed him to guide her outside. The weather was cool, but it felt wonderful against her heated skin as she closed her eyes, letting the wind blow gently through her hair before opening them fully. “It is beautiful.” She admitted quietly, holding her champagne glass, swirling the liquid as she ran her fingers beneath her bangs, smoothing them over her eye once more.


“It is.” He agreed, looking at her rather than the sky. He finally tore his eyes away to survey the sky, taking pleasure in being able to see the stars clearly. “I don't get too many nights like this, how about you?” He asked softly. “What's it like where you live? Do you get to see the sky or is it blocked out by skyscrapers?”


Jetta giggled when she heard that and shook her head, taking a sip of her champagne. “I live in America, Los Angeles to be precise if you know where that is. We get some rain, but it’s mostly hot and humid, sticky sometimes even.” She shrugged her shoulders absentmindedly, smiling as she thought about her home, though right now she was enjoying the company of this strange man. “What's your name?” She asked softly, turning to full face him, her blue eyes glistening among with the stars.


“Los Angeles. I've been there.” He made a slight face. “No offense, but a bit too much smog for my liking. It was the first time I ever seen a blue sunrise.” He stared at her curiously when she asked his name, then a sudden smile lit up his face. “My name is Daniel, Dan for short. I prefer Dan but don't call me Danny.” He made a pained face.


“I won't, don't worry.” She assured him softly before turning back around to face the night sky, inhaling the scent. She did love the smell after a rain storm, always did, especially in Los Angeles. “Thank you for the dance and for dragging out of mind numbing boredom.” She giggled, winking back over her shoulder at him.


“No, thank you.” He whispered, moving to stand behind her, resting his hands lightly on her shoulders. “For saving me. For some reason, the older ladies like to flock around me and mention their nieces, daughters or granddaughters.” He shuddered at the mere thought. “Sometimes I think I should go into hiding. So... are you in England for just a visit or to stay?” It was a casual enough question, or at least that's how it sounded.


“I'm only here for a week and then I'm going back home.” She replied, his hands burning on her shoulders as she slowly turned around to face him. She watched as he took her champagne glass from her hand, setting it on the balcony beside them, and swallowed hard as his piercing blue eyes reached her soul, or so it felt like. Her heart was pounding so hard and fast, she hoped he couldn't hear it as her back was pressed against the balcony ledge, his body blocking her from any means of escape. Though at this point, that's the last thing Jetta wanted to do.


He murmured, his blue eyes searching her intently. “I wish you were here longer.” His mouth was inches from hers. “I'm going to kiss you, Jetta.” Daniel announced softly right before his lips found hers. Her lips felt like a rose petal in full bloom, soft and delicate to the touch. He was almost afraid of crushing her, though she tasted like the sweetest honey when those rose petal lips parted, granting him access to her inner recesses.




‘Daniel.  Who is Daniel?’ She wondered to herself and looked down at her son, her eyebrows drawing together instantly at the scary resemblance Ayden and this dream man of hers had.  The same eyes and hair, even their noses.  She didn’t understand it as she peeked over at Tom, who was staring out of the window apparently in his own deep thoughts.


Another question Jetta had was about where she came from.  Tom told her she was born and raised in England with her parents, but in the dream, she said she lived in Los Angeles.  That was in the United States, that much she knew at least.  With another sigh, Jetta just stared down at her son, running her finger down his small cheek, a tear sliding down her own.  She was thankful it was turned toward the window so Tom couldn’t see and quickly wiped it away, more confused than ever.  Something definitely wasn’t right about this and she was going to find out.  The dream she’d had was too real to be just a dream and deep in her heart, Jetta knew she had to talk to this Daniel.  Where the Hell was she going to find him without her husband finding out?  The softest of groans escaped her lips as she leaned back against the seat, holding Ayden tighter against her. 


‘I will find out the truth, my baby boy.  I promise you that.’ She silently vowed, smiling down at him as he slept in her arms, and kissed his forehead gently so she didn’t wake him.  She then stared out the window and closed her eyes, allowing sleep to claim her body along with another dream…




<I>Sapphire blue eyes snapped open as she stared at the man who was in the back house.  She peered closer, getting a glimpse, and gasped when she seen it was her husband, Tom.  He was leaning over a bed, a needle in his hand, and she swallowed hard as she looked on.  She couldn’t believe this was happening, it was almost as if she was having an out of body experience.  The ghost of her was standing there, watching as Tom injected the needle into her arm, and felt the tears coursing down her cheeks as the scene unfolded before her.


Tom stared down at Jetta as she slept, watching her chest rising and falling evenly. It had taken quite some time for her sleep to become gentle, not filled with tears or ragged sighs. He glanced down at his hand, shaking his fist again and wondered briefly just how hard he had punched Daniel. Hopefully hard enough to break the little git's nose. That would be nice. He smirked at the very thought. The bastard more than deserved it. Tom's thoughts strayed back to the woman before him, a smirk forming on his lips. It was time.


Jetta felt a presence over her and slowly opened her eyes to stare at Tom. Behind him was a man much larger, wondering who he was. She gasped when a sharp pain emanated from her arm, causing her to look down. The syringe to the needle had been drained and whatever Tom had stuck her with was now in her bloodstream. Jetta's world suddenly went black as she closed her eyes, slumping in Tom's arms, not having a clue what was going on.


“That wasn't exactly supposed to happen.” Tom muttered, staring down at her. He hadn't meant for Jetta to wake up and see him. He glanced over his shoulder at his companion. “Think she'll remember?” He got a half shrug as an answer and sighed. He hoisted her over his shoulder. “Well then, let's just get out of here then shall we? We got places to go, lives to ruin...”


“The serum has already taken its effect. Even if she could remember seeing you do that, she won't remember it in the morning.” His companion replied with a sadistic smirk, rubbing his hands together, an evil laugh escaping his lips as he watched Tom carry an unconscious Jetta out of the back house and toward their getaway car.


“What the Hell?!” The ghost of Jetta shouted as she raked a hand through her hair, her eyes widened, not believing what she just witnessed.  She shakily walked over to the bed where her body once lay, and suddenly collapsed as the sobs racked throughout her entire body.  Was this real?  Did this really happen?  Was she losing her mind or seeing the truth she was blind too for the past three years?  Jetta always knew Tom wasn’t the father of Ayden, no matter what the man told her.  Had he been lying to her all this time?  So many questions ran through her mind as she slowly stood up and knew she had to wake up.  She had to wake up and piece this together before it drove her insane and she ended up in a mental institution. 


“Wake up, Jetta.  Wake up…” She cooed and felt the breath leave her body before collapsing and falling into darkness…




“We’re here, love.” Tom whispered in her ear, causing Jetta’s eyes to instantly snap open, and was glad there were no tears as she looked up at her husband.


With a phony smile, she caressed his cheek and nodded, yawning a bit.  “Thank you, sweetheart.” She murmured softly and looked down at their son, the fear gnawing away at her insides like a plague.  The limo came to a slow, easy stop and Tom was the first to step out.  He was instantly greeted by the Radcliffe’s as Jetta gathered the diaper bag and whatever else she would need for her son before slowly stepping out after Tom.


Alan and Marcia felt their jaws drop to the ground as they stared back at the woman who had their son in an uproar for the past three years.  They could not believe she was Tom’s wife and took a step forward, peering at the little boy that was in her arms.  It was their grandchild, the boy they never got to see after he was born.  Marcia wanted to rip this hag’s heart out, but instead used a few choice words.


“How lovely to see you again, JETTA!” She screeched that last part out, causing everyone to rush out of the house.  Daniel was the first, followed by Emma, Rupert, and Jetta’s parents Cathleen and Richard.


All Hell was going to officially break loose and Jetta backed away from all these people, none of them jarring her memory, and held her son close while her husband just stood there, looking very uneasy.  What the Hell was going on?


Chapter 17


“Who are all these people, Tom?” Jetta quietly asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence that surrounded them all.


 Ayden was cowering against her, his blue eyes wide with both fright and wonder, burying his face in his mother's stomach.  Jetta was positively dumbfounded and her own eyes told the entire story as she stared back at the man who had joined them a few moments ago.  Closing her eyes, those hypnotizing, breathtaking blue orbs popping into her mind from her dream she'd had and slowly opened them as the realization dawned on her.  A small gasp escaped her lips as she stared back at him, blinking repeatedly, and wondered if this was the same Daniel who had been in her dream.


Tom was staring at them as well, his already rather pale face paler than usual.  He flinched when Daniel's steely blue eyes met his own, jutting out his pointed chin.  “Daniel...”


Daniel's fist came flying.


Tom ducked it, remembering a scene like this from years ago, only it'd been him doing the swinging.  “Not in front of my son if you don't bloody mind!”


Jetta gasped, immediately pulling Ayden out of harm’s way, and held him as he began to cry.  “Ssshhh it's alright, my darling.  It's alright, Ssshhh mommy's here.” She cooed to him softly, sighing when the fiery red head man pulled Daniel off of him, and knew exactly who he was.  He was her dream man; the guy she couldn't get out of her mind.  Why had she been dreaming of him?  Had she known him prior to her accident?  Tears formed in her eyes as she stroked Ayden's hair, calming him down instantly, and looked up at everyone who was staring back at her.  “Tom, please tell me what's going on.  How do I know him?” She asked gesturing with her free hand toward Daniel, who stared back at her, completely dumbfounded himself.


“We used to spend time with him.” Tom said flatly, no lies in his eyes or voice.  That was the truth.


“Spend time?” Daniel roared.  “SPEND TIME?”


“Thomas Felton!” Emma shrieked, shocked beyond all belief.  “WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON?”


“Off-hand I'd say the cunt married Jetta.”


Tom was breathing heavily, looking at Jetta with a grim expression on his face.


“Why yes I did as a matter of fact…” She trailed off, not sure what to call the red headed man, and sighed when Ayden began tugging on her dress.  “It's alright, sweetheart.  Nobody is going to harm you.” She assured him softly and lifted him in her arms, stroking his hair once more.  “I don't know what is going on here and I really don't care right now.  Whoever is the owner of this house, will you please show me to our chambers so I may lay my son down for his nap?” Her voice was kind and sweet, yet timid all in one as she avoided eye contact with her husband.  Something definitely wasn't right and she had a feeling before this visit was over, she'd find out the truth.


“I'll be more than happy too.  Rupert, by the way.  Rupert Grint.” Rupert had no bloody idea what was going on or why Jetta didn't recognize him but he wasn't about to let up an opportunity to find out pass by.  He took her by her free arm and guided her and the toddler away from the trio, leaving Tom at the mercy of the quite literal wolves.


Tom was none too pleased about being blocked by Dan and Emma.  Even less so when he was ushered into a private room.  Shit was about to hit the fan to use an American expression.


“Thank you so much, Rupert.” She replied softly, smiling down at her son, who was falling in and out of sleep in her arms.  “He is quite exhausted from the long trip here.” She stated as Rupert pushed open a door, escorting her inside, and she stopped for a moment, taking in the room.  It was very familiar and for some reason, she knew she'd been here before.  Damn amnesia.  She sighed heavily and walked over to the bed, setting her son down, and kissed his forehead as she sat down, holding his small hand in her own.  “Sleep my precious baby boy.  I promise you, mommy will find out what's going on here.” She whispered to him and began humming a small tune, lulling him into a restful slumber.


Rupert leaned in the doorway, watching her.  He'd brought her to the room she'd stayed in before, only there were a few additions, such as an adjoining room and bath.  He closed the door behind him and gestured her into the other room, smiling gently at her.  “How have you been Jetta?” He asked softly, seeing the look in her eyes and knew she was struggling to understand what was going on.  “You don't remember me, do you?”


“No, I'm sorry but I don't.” She answered honestly, sighing as she raked a hand through her hair, biting her bottom lip.  “May I ask how you know me, Rupert?” She asked hesitantly, afraid she'd get hit or pushed for her troubles.  She cringed when Rupert took a step toward her, immediately putting her hands up as a defense.  It was nature to her to do so and she didn't care how it looked.


His eyes narrowed, a frown forming on his face at her reactions.  He smoothed down his red hair, inhaling slowly.  “You know me because I'm Dan's best friend.  He's the one who introduced us; you and Dan...have a bit of a history together.  What happened to make you forget us?  If I knew that I might be able to help you, Jetta.”


“I-I-I…” She stuttered softly, not sure what to say to him, and blinked when he mentioned Daniel.  With a heavy sigh, Jetta walked over to the window, and leaned her head against the sill, wrapping her arms around herself.  “I was in a horrible rock climbing accident about three years ago.  Thomas and I were engaged and I was around three months pregnant with my son.  I talked to the doctor and he diagnosed me with having amnesia.  I lost all memories from my childhood, but I remember everything up until the day I woke from being out for three weeks.” She explained softly, her heart clenching painfully in her chest at the thought of all her memories gone forever.  Not to mention the fact that she probably knew Rupert and everyone here prior to her accident because they obviously knew her.


“Rock climbing accident?” Rupert cocked an eyebrow.  “I find that rather hard to believe Jetta because when you came back to England with Kary, you knew you were pregnant.  In fact, you told Daniel I was the father when in truth he was-or should I say-is.  Whatever happened to you, don't believe any of it...not what you're being told by Tom because obviously it's not the bloody truth.”


Jetta blinked when she heard that and slowly turned around to face Rupert, tears forming in her blue eyes.  “How can I trust someone I don't even know?  Thomas is the father, I'm sorry to tell you that, Rupert.  We were engaged prior to my rock climbing accident.  And who is this Kary you keep referring too?” She asked, suddenly feeling her head swim, wondering what the Hell was going on.  Had Tom been lying to her all this time?  No, he wouldn't do that.  No human being could be THAT cruel, could they?


Rupert held up a finger before walking over to a flat computer, picking up the phone attached to it.  A second later a woman appeared on the screen looking tired.


“Rupe, what's up?” She yawned.


Rupert smiled at the woman, gesturing Jetta over.


Kary's eyes widened when she seen Jetta on the screen.  “JETTA!” She shrieked, completely beside herself.


Jetta jumped a foot in the air when the woman screamed her name, causing her tears to slowly start sliding down her cheeks.  This woman was familiar, very familiar indeed, but it was all fuzzy for Jetta.  “Hello, you must be Kary I take it?” She finally spoke, swallowing hard when the woman began to cry, and felt her heart break into a million pieces.  Looking up at Rupert, Jetta sighed and asked softly.  “What am I supposed to now?” She whispered frantically.


“What the fuck is going on Rupe?  What the hell is she saying?” Kary demanded, wiping tears away with the back of her hand.  “Jetta, it's me, Kary.  Your best friend!” At the politely bemused expression on Jetta's face, Kary disappeared for a moment.  She came back carrying a large picture and held it up.  It showed Kary and Jetta posing together, both with bright smiles and sparkling eyes.  “This was taken four years ago Jetta; you don't remember?”


Jetta looked at the picture and slowly brought her hand up; running it down the screen of the laptop the picture was on.  She closed her eyes and a flashback began, causing her to smile. 


It was her and Kary posing together for a camera.  They'd just gotten back from a Fredrick's of Hollywood shopping spree and were posing in their newly acquired lingerie.  Jetta was in powder blue that brought out her sparkling blue eyes while Kary decided on a dark magenta.  Their hair was teased up in curls and they had makeup on their faces. 


Jetta slowly opened her eyes as the tears began flowing down her cheeks, nodding a bit.  “I remember that.  We spent over 5,000 at the store.” She giggled watery and looked up at Rupert as the tears just kept flowing.  “But I don't remember anything else...”


Rupert glanced at Kary, a hopeful smile on his face.  “How long till you can get here love?” He asked.


“I'm already booking my flight; I'm leaving in a half hour, via jet.  Shouldn't take too long...”


“Bring whatever you can; whatever you think will jog her memory.”


“Why don't you let Richard see her?  He might be able to do something.  I got to go, see you both in a few and keep her there for fuck's sake!”


Jetta watched as the screen went blank and sighed heavily, raking a hand through her hair.  “Who is Richard?” She asked, causing Rupert's jaw to drop to the floor, causing her to cringe in response.  “I'm sorry!  I don't know any of you!” She cried out, completely frustrated now and ran for the door, needing to find her husband to try to sort this out.


Rupert was quick to stop her.  “You're going to find Tom and let him take you from here?  That's what he'll do you know, he'll disappear you off again before you get any answers.” He stared down at her, feeling horrible at the helpless expression on Jetta's lovely face.  “Richard is your father, Jetta.  Your parents are here; they've been searching all over the bloody world for you darling.”


Jetta snorted when she heard that, her eyes suddenly lighting on fire.  “Searching for me?  Oh right, like they were REALLY doing that!  They banned me from their lives because they couldn't handle the fact that I'd fallen in love with Tom!  Why I don't know and I don't really care!  I don't want to see them!” She shouted back at him, causing Rupert's eyes to widen in shock by her words.  “Oh you didn't know?  Tom told me that they wanted nothing to do with me if I married him!  They threw their daughter away like I was a piece of TRASH!”


“Tom lied to you Jetta!  He lied!” Rupert was having a hard time from blowing up, his face and ears going bright fire engine red.  “The last time any of us seen you, you and Dan had just gotten into a fight over the baby and you stormed outside.  You were going to spend the night in the guesthouse,” Here he gestured out the window with his hand, emphasizing his point.  “And then leave in the morning.  Tom followed and we didn't see him for months and nothing from you until now!”


“What are you talking about??” She demanded her eyes widened at this rubbage Rupert was throwing at her.  “No, it's not true!  Ayden isn't Daniel's child!” She gasped when Rupert stared at her, causing Jetta to turn bright red in the cheeks, and lowered her eyes to the floor.  “It's not what it sounds like.  I don't know him; I just had a weird dream about him.” She groaned, biting her tongue.


“Probably because your memories are struggling to resurface.  Jetta, I don't know what Tom told you but that baby -Ayden- is Daniel's.  I could even show you footage of when you announced it; lord knows the paparazzi filmed so much that night...” He shook his head, looking weary though not tired.  “Jetta, I know you're not believing a word I'm saying, but it’s the truth.  Do you honestly believe a word Tom tells you?  Is that why you looked at him like he was a snake earlier?”


Tears began sliding down her cheeks again as she leaned against the wall, her knees shaking, and started crying as she buried her face in her hands.  “No, I know he's been lying to me.  Ever since I woke up, just something about him...I don't know.  He scared me in a way, made me feel like I was completely alone.  He told me my parents hated me for wanting to marry him and for having his baby.  He told me I had no friends, no siblings, no family whatsoever except him.” She couldn't believe she was opening up to this guy she hardly knew, but in a way, she did.  Jetta sighed, too confused and her head was starting to pound from all this thinking.


“You don't have any siblings but nobody abandoned you, Jetta, nobody.  I'm going to go out on a limb and assume Tom whisked you away that night you were supposed to be in the guest house.  I don't know what happened but obviously he did something to you, to your memory.  I don't know what but we're going to find out.” He promised, his eyes glinting with determination.  “We're going to figure this out Jetta.”


“What if we can't?” She whispered, staring back into his blue eyes, and sighed when he just pulled her into his arms and hugged her. 


Jetta started trembling, not used to being held or touched like this.  Tom was never one to show his emotional side, not to mention affection.  She sighed when he began stroking her back and actually snuggled into him while the tears kept falling.  Jetta just hoped and prayed Rupert could find a way to help her piece this together, to get her memories back somehow, even though it'd been close to three years since she'd woken up in a strange house with Tom and just his story.


“I need to talk to my parents.  I need to hear from them that they love me...and they're not mad at me...” She sniffled a bit, choking on her words.


“Sure thing love.” Rupert smiled slightly, staring down at her.  “Would you like me to ring for them and have them come up or go down to see them?” He glanced at the bed where Ayden was still asleep, catching the look on Jetta's face.  “How bout we ring them up here?  This way you won't be leaving Ayden with a stranger or alone and it's a bit more private.  How'd that be love?” Anything to make her feel more comfortable, he was going to do, no questions asked.


Chapter 18


“That would be lovely.  Thank you, Rupert.” She softly said, kissing his cheek, and walked out of the room toward Ayden's. 


Walking over, Jetta stared down at her son, smoothing down her gown she was wearing, and sighed as the water works began again.  A vision popped into her mind at that moment of Daniel as she stared at her son.  They were identical and that caused her heart to clench painfully in her chest.  Had Tom lied to her all this time?  Was Ayden really Daniel's?  She was very confused as she buried her face in her hands and silently sobbed.


Rupert sat with her in silence as they waited for her parents to come in.  When he heard them enter the other room, he helped her up and led her into the room, knowing she was anxious.


Richard could only stare at his princess, taking in the flighty way she stood and the look on her face, feeling enraged at whoever had done this to her.  He could also make out a faint mark along her cheek, blood boiling.  “Jetta?  Princess?” He held out his arms.


Jetta swallowed hard as the tears began sliding down her cheeks, looking back at Rupert, who nodded his head, letting her know it was safe.  “Are you my father?” She softly asked, watching the heart break form into his eyes instantly, and stepped back when he took a step forward.  The only person she mildly trusted at this time was Rupert, only because he talked her down and about what had happened.


Richard took a deep breath, halting in his tracks.


Cathleen didn't. She let out a low cry and tossed herself at her daughter, pulling Jetta against her in a tight embrace.  “Oh baby, darling, angel!” She kept whispering over and over again, hot tears beating down onto Jetta's head.  “My beautiful baby girl...” She wouldn't let Jetta go, afraid if she did, she'd lose her all over again.


Jetta groaned as this woman practically squeezed the life out of her.  “Can't...breathe…” She wheezed out, causing Rupert to instantly jump in, prying Cathleen's arms from her.  Jetta coughed a bit as she regained the air in her lungs, rubbing the back of her neck, and sighed as she stared back at her parents.  “Is it true you both banned me from your lives just because I fell in love and had a child?” She asked rather bluntly, causing Rupert to clear his throat.  She had to know and judging by the looks her parents were giving her, she knew Tom had lied to her, which caused her heart to shatter in her chest.


Cathleen and Richard exchanged looks, both glancing at Jetta.  Cathleen was the one who spoke first.  “Darling, you might've done a lot of things we didn't-fine, I-didn't agree with but we'd of NEVER, EVER disowned you. We love you more than life, you're our little girl.” She blotted away tears with the back of her hand.


“Rupert, what's going on?  Why is she with Tom?”


“Tom is my husband, father.” She answered him before Rupert could, causing her parents to gape back at her.  “I was in a rock climbing accident around three years ago while pregnant with Ayden, your grandchild, which is also Tom's, my husband…” She trailed off, her eyebrows drawing together and closed her eyes as more tears began to fall** It's not true is it.” It wasn't a question.  “Are you telling me my husband has lied to me all these years?” She started crying again, beside herself.


“That little sack of shit...” Richard growled.  “A rock climbing accident?  Jetta, you're not too fond of heights, why the hell would you go rock climbing?”


“And you were pregnant the night you disappeared darling, remember?  The whole world knew about it.” Cathleen made a face, recalling that night with ease, especially the cameras all focused on the emotional Jetta, exposing her angel’s pain for all to see.


“I'll kill him…” Richard was already heading for the door.


“No, you can't!” She cried out at her father, causing him to stop as she began trembling, the fear evident in her eyes and voice.  “Until we figure out what happened, you can't go after him...Father.  You can't!!  Rupert, do something please!!” She pleaded with him, completely frantic as the tears kept pouring.  “PLEASE!!”


“Rich, you're not helping any!” Rupert grabbed the older man and it took a great deal to pull him away from the door, forcing him to sit still in a chair.  “Look mate, let's get Jetta's memory back in order and THEN bust the cunt's balls, alright?”


“We're going to bust more than his bloody balls!”


Richard just nodded, looking at the floor, breathing heavily.  That little cocksucker was going to pay for whatever he did to Jetta.


Jetta gasped when she heard Ayden calling for her and instantly ran out of the room into his own, lifting him from the bed.  “I'm here, baby boy.  I'm here, Ayd.” She softly cooed, causing him to snuggle back in his mother's arms.


“Daddy?” Ayden's sweet voice asked, causing her to sigh as she blinked away her tears.  Ayden didn't miss them though as he brought his little hand up and wiped them away gently.  “Mommy sad?”


Jetta sighed as she just nodded, smiling sadly back at him as he snuggled back against her.  “It'll be alright, sweetheart.  Come on, there's some people I want you to meet.”


Cathleen was up in a flash, tears filling her eyes again when she seen Ayden.  “Oh my...” She whispered softly.


Now Richard was really going to kill that little fucker.  He'd taken three years from their family, three years that they could never get back.  He studied the child in Jetta's arms.  “He looks like Daniel.” He whispered his voice hoarse.


“He's a cute little bugger, isn’t he?”


Jetta bit back a sob as she kissed Ayden's forehead, knowing now more than ever that this was Daniel's child, not Tom's.  The more she thought about it, the more they both looked almost identical.  “Ayden, this is your grandma and grandpa.  Do you want to say hi?” She smiled when he snuggled further in her arms, cowering from them, and looked up at her parents through blurred vision.  “I'm sorry; he's a little shaken up...”


“Of course, that's understandable.  I'm surprised Marcia isn't up here...”


“Damage detail.”


“Oh yes...well that gives us more time to become acquainted doesn't it?” Cathleen approached Ayden with a smile on her face.  “Hello Ayden, can you say hello to me?” She asked softly, using the same voice she'd used on Jetta when Jetta was that age.


Ayden's big blue eyes stared back at this woman, blinking a bit in confusion, his little eyebrows drawn together, staring up at her in that adorable way.  “Hi.” He said softly, loud enough for her to hear, and looked back at his mother.  “Daddy?”


“Daddy is busy right now, baby.  We're visiting with these people right now.” She explained softly, not showing her surprise that Ayden was actually asking for Tom.  The little boy never acknowledged Tom or called him daddy so to hear Ayden say that was a huge shock for her.  She nodded when Ayden just smiled as he leaned his head on her shoulder.


“Hunwy, momma.”


“What're you hungry for champ?  Anything you want, we'll get.” Rupert offered, grinning broadly.  He snorted when Ayden stared at his red hair.  “Yeah, I get that a lot...”


“Jetta, what does he like to eat?” Cathleen asked softly, obviously aching to take her grandson into her arms but managing to restrain herself.


“His favorite is chicken strips with honey mustard sauce and French fries.” She replied softly, causing Ayden's eyes to light up at the mention of his favorite meal.  Being three years old, he was incredibly smart and alert.  She looked back at her mother, knowing she was dying to take him, and looked back at her son.  “Do you want to go with your grandmother to get some strips and fries?”


Ayden grinned as he looked back at the woman, blinking a bit, and nodded.  “Hunwy.” He extended his arms to Cathleen, causing Jetta to smile back at him, nodding to let him know it was alright.


Cathleen was in heaven, the smile on her face lighting up the haggard expression she'd worn for the past three years.  “Chicken strips with honey mustard sauce?  You know, we have some of those and I love them too.” She cooed, carrying Ayden out of the bedroom. Richard followed her hesitantly, not about to leave his grandson without some sort of protection, the three taking the servants stairs.  He knew Jetta would be in good hands with Rupert.


Jetta smiled watery as she shook her head, knowing her mother wasn't going to let her son out of her sight.  She groaned when another flashback hit her, causing her to drop to her knees, her head pounding.




“Darling, do you need help?” Cathleen asked, watching as Jetta struggled with the gown.


“No, I'm fine, it just feels strange.” She replied and turned to face her mother in the gown, a shaky smile on her lips. Her hair was down, shimmering from the bath she'd had prior to dressing for the ball the Radcliffe’s held every year, and smoothed her gown down her stomach.  It was a strapless flat taffeta dress that fit her every curve and flared toward the bottom, right at her thighs it seems, and went down, knowing if she didn't have heels on, it would cover her feet.  Black eyeliner outlined her eyes, bringing out the blue in them even further, and she had just a tint of dark pink eye shadow on along with clear gloss on her lips, her cheeks not needing blush since she had natural roses within them.  A dark pink stone shaped in a heart hung around her neck on a silver necklace and she had on a bracelet with a clip in her hair, pulling it away from her face, though her bangs angled, covering her other side.  She looked breathtakingly beautiful.


Cathleen studied her daughter, tears springing to her eyes. “You look...so grown-up and beautiful.” She finally whispered, sounding as teary as she looked. “I'd hug you but I'm afraid it'd ruin our dresses.” She was actually afraid Jetta would push her away. She offered a watery smile. “You look lovely, darling, simply lovely.” Then her smile grew mischievous. “Your father is going to be busy tonight keeping all the young men away from you, I even think he brought his big stick.”


Jetta giggled when she heard that, smiling at her mother, and walked over as she hugged her gently, not wanting to wrinkle their dresses. “You look gorgeous, Mom. You haven't aged a bit with the pictures I've seen.” She grinned when Cathleen just blushed and shook her head before walking over to stare in the full length mirror. “Do me a favor and let me have some fun tonight, please. Just one night of freedom, Mom.” She pleaded staring at her mother through the mirror, her eyes mirroring what she was asking.


Cathleen looked taken aback. Instead of scolding, she took a few minutes to mull over her daughter's words. Finally, she clasped her hands before her, staring at Jetta through the mirror. “I didn't realize I was that bad.” She said softly, apologetically. “Of course dear, have a blast.  That is what you American young people say, isn't it?”


“Yes Mom, it is and you're not that bad. You're just...overprotective.” She smiled, touching her mother's face delicately, and looked back at the mirror as she ran her fingers through her long, angled bangs, nodding when she got them perfect. “Well, I guess we should head down.” She suggested, turning around to face Cathleen, and cleared her throat. She wanted to apologize, but in all honesty, now wasn't the proper time and even she knew that.


“We should, from the sounds of it everything is in full swing.” Cathleen agreed, beaming at her daughter. She linked arms with Jetta and walked out of the room with her, feeling Jetta tense at the foot of the steps. “Don't worry darling, just try to have fun. Please, don't drink too much though. You are of age here.” She smiled slightly, disappearing down the stairs and into the crowd.


Jetta smiled at her mother and took her words to heart, knowing for once she was free tonight, truly free. With a deep breath, her hand pressed on the banister as she began slowly walking down the stairs, her heels clicking softly against the smooth rock steps. She arrived at the first set of stairs and stopped, watching as everyone bustled about, talking and reminiscencing, truly having a great time. She smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear, leaving the other side alone that covered her eye, and headed down to the party.




Jetta slowly opened her eyes, staring up at a concerned Rupert, and smiled when she took her hand as he helped her up from the floor, feeling horrible with how she'd treated her mother.  All Cathleen was trying to do was love her and she just took it for granted.  Sighing heavily, Jetta knew she had a lot of things and time to make up.


“Jetta, love, what's wrong?” Rupert demanded; worry lacing his tone as he crouched down in front of her, concern shining in his eyes.  “Jetta, what is it?  Are you hurt?  Headache?  Memory coming back?” He couldn't help her if he didn't know what she was seeing.  He stood up with her, still looking concerned.  “Jetta, what's going on in here?” He gently tapped the side of her head, cocking his own to the side.


“I just had another flashback of my mother.  I was in a gown and...” She swallowed hard, tears burning her eyes as she shook her head, sitting down on the bed since her knees had gone weak suddenly.  “I treated her badly, Rupert.  I never meant to hurt my mother that way.  God, was I really that much of a bitch?” She asked, more to herself than him, but it was out loud as she raked a hand through her hair.


“I don't know love, but she's your mother and she loves you no matter what happens.  That's the beauty of parents, unconditional love.” Rupert smiled reassuringly.  “As for the other question, yeah, you were a bit of a bitch but you were dealing with a lot so we all forgave you.” He chuckled at the look she shot him.  “You asked love!”


“I know I just didn't expect you to agree with me.” She softly replied, standing from the bed, and raked a hand through her hair as she looked around it more.  “I've been in here before.  This was the room in my flashback.” She said, again more to herself than him.  “Rupert, you have to help me find out what really happened.  First, I must tell you about Tom's friends who I think are involved.  Their names are Ralph Fiennes and Alan Rickman.  Do those sound familiar to you?” She got her answer at the look that formed in his eyes.


“Too right they do.  Ralph plays Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter movies and Alan plays Snape.  Both are a pair of bints.” Rupert said, trying not to snarl.  “They play the bad guys to Daniel's character on-screen and off.  Tom is in the movie too; did you know that?” He stared at her curiously, feeling like he was going to knock Tom's head around Exorcist style for all this.


“What is Harry Potter?” She asked, completely confused, knowing her husband never allowed her to watch any of the movies he did.  He said they were all nothing, just things he did for some money to keep their family above water financially.  It sounded familiar, but her memory wouldn't jog no matter how hard she tried.  “Where is he?” She suddenly asked, wondering where her husband was, and began to tremble when Rupert just shrugged his shoulders.  “I have to find him.” She stated and was out the door before Rupert could stop her.


Chapter 19


“Jetta, wait!” Rupert called, following her down the stairs.  He wasn't surprised that the guests had been cleared out, not surprised in the slightest.  He skidded to a halt right behind her when he seen Tom and Daniel having a go-round, bloodying each other up quite a bit.


“You didn't even love her!”


“Piss off, Radcliffe!”


“STOP IT THE BOTH OF YOU THIS INSTANT!” She bellowed, causing both of them to stop in their tracks.  She backed away instantly when Tom came at her, her eyes steely blue as she glared back at him.  “First thing in the morning, we're getting a divorce.  I don't know what you've done and I don't WANT to know.  All I know is that I'm getting a paternity test done and I'm going to make sure it isn't sabotaged.  I'm going to find out if you've been lying to me all this time and keeping me from the people who have loved me all along.  As far as I'm concerned, no matter what Tom…” She trailed off, taking her wedding ring off, wincing a bit with how tight it was, and threw it in his face.  “Our marriage is over.”


Rupert was laughing at this point, though he did move to block Tom from lunging at Jetta.  “Touch her Felton and I'll mess your face up worse that wot Danny boy did.” He threatened icily.


Daniel wiped blood from his lip.  “My son, Tom, MY SON and you DID this to not only to Jetta but to me!  You were supposed to be my best fucking mate!”


“Piss off.” Tom snarled, looking at Jetta.  “This is fucking ridiculous.  We've had a rocky marriage, but you know I love you Jetta, don't I always take care of you?”


“No, what you do is intimidate me and hit me when things don't go your way.” She corrected him, patting Rupert's arms, smiling reassuringly back at him with a nod.  “I want to know what you did, Tom.  I want to know what REALLY happened and where my memories REALLY went.  I had a dream you know...on the way here.  It was of you, Ralph and Alan.  It was dark, but it was in a room, some kind of small house and I was staring down at my sleeping form, my pregnant sleeping form while you injected something in my arm.  When I looked closer, it was a needle and syringe.  Is that what really happened, Tom?  Are the dreams I'm having recollections of what really transpired?” She asked, fat tears sliding down her cheeks as she wrapped her arms around herself, feeling the breath leave her body at the look in his own cold blue eyes.


“Jetta, love, I told you what happened.” Tom said patiently, ignoring everyone around them but her, his attention, his eyes firmly fastened on her.  His eyes were pleading with her to believe him, to trust in him again.  “I told you what happened, Jetta, I told you.”


“Told her a bunch of bloody rubbish!” Daniel snapped, not able to restrain himself.


“Let's sick the dogs on him.” Rupert said thoughtfully.  “Emma would love to see that.”


Daniel looked over at Jetta, his eyes drinking her in.


“You're lying to me, Tom.  You've been lying to me from the beginning.” She shook her head, backing away further when he went to grab her.  “TELL ME THE FUCKING TRUTH!  TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO ME!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs at him, sobs wracking throughout her body as she gripped her hair in her hands, the tears flowing like two rapid streams.  “TELL ME YOU SON OF A BITCH!  TELL ME WHAT YOU DID!!  YOU LIED TO ME ABOUT MY PARENTS AND YOU ISOLATED ME FROM ALL OF THESE PEOPLE BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T WANT ME FINDING OUT THE TRUTH!!  TELL ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW WHAT YOU DID YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!”


“I did nothing!” Tom shouted back, his normally pale face a bright red color, looking like he might have a coronary any second now.  “I didn't do anything you didn't want, Jetta!  You wanted to get away from Daniel!” His eyes were blazing, tone rising higher and higher.  “You hated him for what he fucking did to you, you even tried to get away but being pregnant got you in a bind.  You wanted a way out well I bloody gave you one!”


Another flashback suddenly hit Jetta, causing her to hit her knees on the floor because of how strong and powerful it was.




Tom was outside, sitting on a stone bench. He was hunched over his knees, staring down at the mosaic. He sat upright when he heard footfalls on the terrace, flashing his customary smile. “Hello love, tire of not being able to do anything for yourself?” He asked knowingly, winking at her, tapping a finger against the side of his nose. “It's like that with these old manor houses and old families, not everyone does it though.”


“Thanks...” Jetta replied wearily as she slowly walked over to stand beside him, sighing as she looked out at the long strip of land the Radcliffe Manor sat upon. “I hope I didn't offend you in there with what I said, Tom. You do seem like a nice guy and I was just joking since Emma started it.” She explained, feeling like she had too, even though deep down she didn't. Tom seemed like the jokester type.


Tom automatically waved her words aside. “No worries Jetta, everyone knows me, easy going I am. Besides, everyone knows what I'm like. I flirt with them all but take home none. I'm just a casual, looking for the right one kinda guy.” He flashed another smile, studying the land. “I like Scotland better, damn wet country but it's more...I don't know...low-key? It's nice.”


“Yeah, it was peaceful when we were there, even though all the shit that was happening.” Jetta sighed heavily as she raked a hand through her hair, placing a hand on her near 3-month old stomach. “God, I don't know what I'm going to do. I never thought I'd be a mother this early in life. I never thought anything like this could happen to me.” Tears started cascading down her cheeks, her hormones going crazy again at the thought of her childhood and early adulthood escalating rapidly because of this baby she was having.


Tom frowned slightly, scooting over on the bench to wrap a reassuring arm around her shoulders. “Come on now, Jetta, it's not that bad. Well...” He clarified at the look she gave him. “It is, but it could be loads worse. Dan's not a bad sort, he's just...got a lot of growing up to do, you know? He doesn't know about living in the real world, he's been famous since he was eleven; the world just kind of gives him his way if you know what I mean? Besides, you have friends here.”


“Friends? No, Daniel has friends. I have nobody here, Tom.” She stood up from the bench and wrapped her arms around herself. “He already told me that I couldn't take the baby from him because he would make me miserable if I did. I'm stuck now because of how popular he is no judge is going to deny him his rights, no matter what. It sucks because I feel like I don't have any choices and feel very imprisoned here.”


“Hate to tell you this love,” Tom stood up. “No judge would deny him his rights simply because he's the father. If he was abusive, or likely to hurt the kid, then they would. Other than that, they'd see no reason to deny him. And just what are Rupe, Em and I? The next-door-bloody neighbors?” He feigned being hurt. “And here I thought we were getting on better than that, you're simply brilliant at crushing a man, Jetta, brilliant.”


Jetta sighed heavily as she wiped her tears away, slumping her shoulders as she folded her hands tightly together. “I just wish I wouldn't have blabbed the truth until I figured out how to handle this better. Now thanks to my big mouth, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. You don't understand, Tom. How could you? You're not the one pregnant by such a powerful Hollywood icon as Daniel.” She sniffled a bit and closed her eyes, wishing Kary and her father was there at that moment to console her and help her through this.


“If I was pregnant by Daniel, I'd be wondering just what my parents weren't telling me.” Tom joked, trying to get her to smile though it obviously wasn't working. “Dan's not a bad sort, he's just...spoilt. You don't even have to be here in you don't want to be, he can't force you. He can't make you do anything you don't want to do, except give him his rights as a father, just remember that Jetta.” He extended his arm to her. “Want to take a walk with me?”


Jetta slowly turned around to face him and nodded, looping her arm through his, and smiled slightly when he made a funny face. “You're a dork.” She commented, though a giggle showed Tom that she was appreciating what he was doing. “Daniel asked me why I couldn't stay here with him and I just...I melted. I foiled, I couldn't help it. He looked so sad and I actually felt sorry for him. How do you say no to someone who gives you irresistible blue puppy dog eyes?”


“I have no clue; I don't get his big blue puppy dog eyes. Though I'm sure if he flashes them on me, I'll knock him out.” Tom replied pleasantly. He led her down a gravel pathway, the sprinklers coming on though the spray didn't reach them. “You love him then?” He glanced sideways at her, watching the expressions play across Jetta's face in the dim yard lights. “Maybe what you need is a vacation, time away to sort things out. Everything has just kind of been tossed at you, hasn't it?”


Jetta nodded, not able to deny it, and sighed heavily. The truth was, she wasn't sure if she loved Daniel or not. She barely knew the man and a relationship was based on more than just great mind blowing sex. “I honestly don't know if I love him or not, Tom. I barely know him and you're right, everything has been thrown at me. Though I know if I even TRY to leave this place, he'll follow because he'll think I'm trying to take his child from him. I just wish I didn't have to answer to him, that I had my independence back. Sometimes I regret that night we shared in the back house. Sometimes I wish I never laid eyes on Daniel Radcliffe.” She was tearing up again as she leaned her head against Tom's shoulder, sniffling quietly.


Tom hesitated for only a fraction of a second before enfolding her in his strong arms, stroking her back and smoothing down her hair. “It'll be alright love, everything will work perfectly.” He soothed his breath hot against her ear as he comforted her. “Why don't we fly out to Scotland? Take in some nature, maybe some fishing.” His passion was fishing so his tone grew a bit eager.


“Fishing?” Jetta giggled as she wiped her tears away, clutching his arms to keep herself steady, and sighed heavily. “I don't think traveling is the best thing for me right now, at least not until I talk to Daniel about it. If I just take off he'll think I'm taking his child away from him and you know it. Scotland sounds great though.” She smiled up at him tearfully and hugged him close before kissing his cheek gently. “We'd better head inside before they send out the search party.”


Tom nodded, ever the gentleman and turned around, leading her back towards the manor. “You don't have to talk to him about it, love. All you have to do is tell him you're going on a vacation and you'll be in touch, it's not like the two of you are married or even engaged.” He smiled gently. “Let me know if you change your mind, a spot of fishing is beginning to sound more and more like heaven to me.”


Jetta smiled more as she slowly turned around to face him, caressing his face gently with the back of her hand, and kissed his cheek. “Thank you for being a great friend and listener, Tom. I was wrong about you. Good night.”




When Jetta opened her eyes, she slowly stood up, blinking rapidly as she raked a hand through her hair, shaking her head.  “I didn't mean for you to take me away from everyone who loved me, Tom.  I - I loved Daniel...I loved him and you took advantage of my vulnerability!  I NEVER meant for you to do whatever it is you did to me, which I WILL find out!  I know Ralph helped you and I know that dream I had was real!  I don't know how, but I WILL prove it and your ass WILL be going to jail for taking THREE years of my life!!” She shouted at him, trembling from head to toe, wrapping her arms around herself when Rupert's hands placed themselves on her shoulders.  Little by little, her memories were coming back.


“Find out what?” Tom demanded coldly.  “Find out what exactly Jetta?  What is it you're supposed to be finding out?  That I took you away from a life you hated?  For giving you a chance to start-over?  Which you totally blew by the fucking way.  You wanted a way to escape Daniel and I gave it to you, now you're bitching?”


“No, what I wanted was a friend, not someone to take away my entire life and lie to me about every fucking thing for the past three years.” Jetta stated in a monotone voice, more tears sliding down her cheeks.  She was almost back, the fire in her soul burning, feeling more alive than she ever had in the past three years.  “Now for the last time, what did you fucking do to me, Tom?” She demanded icily, squaring her shoulders.


“I already told you.” Tom replied, sounding bored as he stared at her as if she were something mildly interesting.  “Now don't be stupid Jetta, get our son and let's go home, I've had enough of this bloody nonsense.  We're not the Americas, divorce isn't taken lightly here and I won't let you ruin me with some bloody scandal all because you're having a change of fucking heart.”


“I'm not going anywhere with you and Ayden isn't your son.  He's the spitting image of Daniel and you know it.  That's Daniel's son, not yours.  My heart doesn't belong to you, it never has, and it never will.” She then turned to Daniel, her insides doing flip flops, and raked a hand through her hair before clearing her throat.  “DADDY!!!” Within moments, Richard was at her side, causing her to wickedly smirk back at Tom, who looked VERY uncomfortable at the moment.  “You may do what you wish to him, daddy.”


Richard cracked his knuckles, advancing on the younger man.


Tom bolted for the door.  He had made it down the first two steps when he was greeted by Emma.  She was holding a bunch of leashes attached to some angry looking



“You have been a very naughty boy Tommy.” She said coldly, letting the leashes drop, a sadistic smile plastered on her face.


Chapter 20


Jetta didn't want to watch this as she turned and headed out of the room, toward the kitchen where she knew her mother was keeping Ayden occupied.  She smiled when she seen the honey mustard all over his face and grabbed a napkin, wiping it off, tears sliding down her cheeks before hugging him close to her.  She knew this was far from over with Tom, unless the dogs completely ate him alive, and kissed his head.  “I love you, Ayden.” She whispered as she carried him out of the kitchen, wanting to be alone with her son right now.


Jetta wasn't that lucky.  Daniel had cleaned himself up and was waiting for her when she walked by.  “I would like to see my son.” He said quietly, his eyes roaming hungrily over the child he had wanted so badly.  Tears sparkled in his blue orbs as he took in Ayden.  “He's so beautiful, Jet.” He whispered, unable to tear his eyes from the child.


Jetta stared down at her son, seeing him taking in Daniel, and was shocked when the boy reached for him, as if knowing this was his true father.  “He never did that with Tom.” She whispered as she reluctantly handed over Ayden, tears spilling down her cheeks as she kissed the top of Ayden's head.


“Daddy.  Daddy!” Ayden chirped happily, clapping his hands, and that was all Jetta could take as she dropped to her knees, the sobs tearing through her violently.  “Momma sad.” Ayden frowned, looking down at his distraught mother.


“Mummy is very sad.” Daniel agreed soberly, staring down at her head as he cradled his son close.  Three years he had lost with his son.  Three years.  His first thought was an irrational one, to take Ayden from Jetta through the courts.  Which he could probably do with no problem.  His second thought was much calmer.  He kneeled down carefully, looking at her.  “Jetta love, what's wrong?”


“I-I don't remember you.” She whispered softly, looking up at him through blurred vision.  “You've been in my dreams though.  It's so crazy that I know you, but it's only through dreams.” She stared back into his blue eyes before looking back at her son.  “Daniel, please don't take him away from me.” She pleaded.  “This isn't my fault, I don't know what's going on, all I know is that little by little, my memories are starting to come back to me.”


“I should take him away.” Daniel said gruffly.  “After everything you put me through before Tom whisked you off, but I'm not going too.” He added quickly, seeing the panic in her face.  “I just want you and Ayden, what I've always wanted Jetta.  Come on now, get up, let's get you to bed, how does that sound?”


Jetta looked back at him and slowly shook her head, taking her son from him, and kissed his forehead.  “What I put you through?  I don't even know what I did, but I do know one thing, this isn't about you or me.  It's about one person and its Ayden.  Try taking him away from me, I DARE you, Daniel.  I will take you through the cleaners, especially since my memories are coming back.  It's not my fault what happened, you can blame Tom for this shit, but don't you DARE stand there and tell me you should take him away from me.” With that said, she stalked away from him and up the stairs, not waiting for him to reply.  The nerve of him, the absolute NERVE!


Daniel sighed, there she went again.  One thing that hadn't changed, Jetta was still a snotty bitch.  Sighing again, he gave the orders that no one was to be allowed out of the house or in the house without his say so.  He trudged up the stairs, nodding as Rupert fell into step beside him.  “Like she never left, innit?”


“Too right.”


Jetta laid her son down and sung him to sleep before walking over to the window, tears pouring down her cheeks.  He had no right telling her something like that.  He had no right telling her he should take her son away from her.  That wasn't right and Jetta knew it.  She sniffled a bit, her entire world driven upside down, and looked out at the pasture to the guesthouse.  Somehow, she knew that was where her memories were taken from her.  She'd have to investigate, but not tonight.  Tonight, she was going to be alone with her son and tomorrow she'd figure everything else out.  “I'm sorry, but you don't say something like that to me about my son, Daniel.” She whispered softly, turning around to stare at her son, and walked over before sliding into the bed, kissing his small forehead.




“So what're we going to do?” Emma asked over brekkie the next morning.  Well, more like coffee and tea, none of them had an appetite.


“I'm going to kill him.” Daniel said calmly.  “I'm going to rip his damn heart out.  You saw her, she was skittish, since when is Jetta skittish?”


“You think he was-” Rupert didn't even like thinking that.


“Where is she?”


“Kary's here.”


Jetta groaned as the sunlight streamed through the window, hitting her face, and slowly blinked as she immediately turned away as she looked down at her son.  She smiled, running her finger down his cheek, and knew it had to be early as she stretched her arms over her head.  She was still wearing her gown and stood up, deciding she needed to take it off.  Before she could do that, a knock sounded at the door, causing her to instantly freeze in her tracks.  A moment later, it opened and she was clobbered with a tighter hug than what her mother gave her, causing her to grunt.  “You must be Kary...”


“Must be?  Honey, I AM Kary, no must be about it.” Kary walked in, heading straight for the bed where Ayden was rousing.  “Hey there sport, I'm Aunt Kary.” She smiled at him; the smile that usually melted hearts and beamed when he took to her like most males did, cuddling him.  “Jet, sweetie, there's a bag on the floor for you, goodies from home that might jog your memory, including a photo album.”


“Thank you...” She trailed off, watching as Ayden took to Kary instantly, and knew this has to be her best friend she'd had the flashback from.  Slowly walking over to the bag, she picked it up and set it in the corner, pulling an album out of it, and walked over as she sat on the bed beside them.  When she opened the first page, tears instantly formed in her eyes as she stared at her with her parents, remember when the shot was taken.  “Thank you.” She repeated, this time more genuine, and began looking through it slowly.


“Just keep browsing honey.” Kary advised leaning over to look at the next picture.  “Oh god... that was prom, remember that night?  Of course not...Anyways, you drank too much of the spiked punch and puked all over your date, he was so pissed and all we could do was giggle about it.” Kary bounced Ayden on her lap, smiling at him as he started talking to her.  “Emmy's sending up pancakes, you like hotcakes?”


“Momma, pancakies!” Ayden squealed, causing Jetta to smile back at him with a small nod.


She gasped when another flashback hit her, dropping the book, and groaned, making it feel like a thousand pictures were happening all at once in her mind.




“Jet? You alright sweetie?”


“No.” Jetta spat out through the door, tears streaming down her cheeks, and a second later more vomiting noise was emanating from the bathroom. She slowly looked up, releasing her hair from her hand it was in, and felt more tears cascade down her cheeks as she stared at it. She still couldn't believe it. Standing up shakily, Jetta stared down at the object that sat on the bathroom sink, shaking her head as she gripped the sink with her trembling hands. She was pregnant and Daniel was the father.


Frowning slightly, Kary got off the bed and walked into the bathroom, shaking her hands. She forgot all about her fingernails when she seen what Jetta was looking at. “What the hell?” She exclaimed softly, staring at the THING like it was an alien object. “Jetta, please, please tell me that is NOT what I think it is. Oh shit...” She stared at her best friend's face through the mirror. “Honey...” She whispered, placing a hand on Jetta's back. “Whose is it?”






“You should really just stick with limos.” Kary said, shifting uncomfortably. “Especially in your condition, is driving even safe? Better ask your doctor that.” She frowned slightly before catching the look on Jetta's face. “Don't you laugh at me! I'm being serious!” She folded her arms over her chest and mock pouted. “You hurt my feelings... so, think it's a boy or a girl?”


“I honestly don't care what it is as long as it's healthy.” Jetta replied honestly, still laughing softly at her friend's questions. They finally arrived ten minutes later and walked inside, making sure to put her alarm on the car. After all, she didn't want anyone driving off in it. After signing in, Jetta and Kary took seats in the waiting area, the news on the TV, and began talking about what was going to happen. “I think I'll get my hair redone. I was thinking about doing it paprika red with orange and blonde streaks throughout it. What do you think?”


“Hmm…” Kary studied Jetta critically, cocking her head to the side as she considered it. “I don't know about the orange...” She mused. “What kind of orange we talking about? If it's Mila Jovich orange, then hell no. A muted but vibrant shade would look good.” She patted her own perfectly done hair absentmindedly, still studying Jetta. “You could get it layered too, the way you wear it over one eye...with layers, you'd definitely rock the socks off that scumbag.” She smiled when Jetta chuckled.


“I think I have the perfect look I'll get done.” They talked for a little while longer before Jetta's name was called, causing her to take a deep breath before standing up. “Come on, I'm not going alone.” She stated, extending her hand, and together they walked to the nurse, holding hands tightly. “She's my best friend, she goes where I go.”




“It's a madhouse in there!” Kary shrieked, rushing out in bare feet, having kicked off her heels in order to run. “Hell Jetta, we got to go, they're coming this way!”


Jetta's eyes widened when she heard the shouting of reporters and paparazzi coming at them and had to think fast. Without a word, she grabbed Katy's hand in hers and ran to the limo, diving into it after pushing her inside, and slammed the door. “DRIVE!” She screeched causing the driver's eyes to widen before peeling out of there just as reporters and everyone came barreling outside, practically running poor Richard over.


Richard had to haul ass to the side to not be trampled, watching as Jetta and Kary took off, feeling terrible for his princess. He didn't have time to linger on it when some of the reporters turned on him, shouting at him for answers since he was Jetta's dad. He took off as well, running and actually jumping a hedge.


“Whatever happened to calm and collected?” Kary demanded as she took a side road, cursing the English for driving backwards.


“I couldn't handle it anymore, Kary! He fuckin' came in the bathroom and confronted me, demanding what was wrong!” Jetta shouted, gripping her hair in her hands, and started crying, pressing a hand to her stomach. “I told him it was nothing, he didn't listen so I told him that it was Rupert's and he stalked out and proceeded to make the announcement about what I told him privately! What was I supposed to do, Kary?!”


“You could have told him the truth, in private. Now you're going to be followed in about any country we go too, including home.” Kary said, glancing over at her friend and frowning. “Don't cry Jetta, it's going to make you sick honey.” She drove in silence for a while, finally sighing. “Okay, I have to ask it, why did you tell him it was Rupert's? Especially without saying anything to Rupe?”


“I didn't mean too, but all the hurt came surfacing and my hormones reacted before I could.” Jetta replied lamely, raking her hands through her hair, knowing she'd have to disappear and probably change her entire identity. “I can't believe I let this happen.” The tears began once more, shaking her head back and forth as the driver went to the hotel. “Tell him to take us somewhere else, to another hotel, secluded.” She instructed, staring out the window, and could feel the nausea seeping through.


Nodding, Kary rapped on the window, lowering it enough to give the order. She slumped back in her seat, her mind racing. “How about first thing tomorrow we just leave England? We'll find someplace nice to lie low throughout your pregnancy. The last thing you need is a bunch of asshole reporters tailing you and making you miserable honey. What do you say?” She glanced over at Jetta. “Anywhere specific, but low key you want to go?”


“I'm doing this alone.” Jetta stated softly, not looking back at her best friend, and sighed heavily when Kary began arguing with her. “Kary!” She shouted, staring at her heatedly. “Listen to me, you have your own life to live. You don't need to be by a pregnant woman.” Tears began falling down her cheeks. “I need to do this alone, by myself...Please, just respect my wishes.” She said that last part in a whisper.


Kary didn't know what to say, she didn't have anything better to do so she'd never considered NOT being there for Jetta. Finally, she managed a nod, tears filling her eyes. “Fine.” She whispered harshly, trying not to cry. She rapped on the window again, getting the driver to pull over. “I love you Jetta, take care girl.” She flashed a shaky smile before slipping out of the limo. Another rap on the hood of the car sent it going again, leaving Kary on the sidewalk.




It took around five minutes, but when Jetta finally opened her eyes, she slowly looked around the room before staring back at Kary.  “Kary?” She asked softly, tears forming in her eyes, and hugged her, finally remembering her.  “God I thought I'd never see you again!!  I'm sorry about the limo, I'm sorry I drug you into this mess!!  God, I'm sorry for pushing you away when I needed you the most!!”


“Hello Jetta, bout time you came to your senses.” Kary grinned, standing up with Ayden on her hip.  She wrapped her best friend in a one armed hug.  “We're going down stairs and getting my nephew some pancakies, and bring the damn bag woman.” She smiled reassuringly at the look on Jetta's face.  “How about you grab a shower and freshen up first?  I brought some of your old clothes...”


Jetta nodded and smiled as she kissed Ayden's forehead.  “Momma will be right down honey.” She assured him before Kary carted him off, smiling at her best friend teary eyed.  After the door closed, she got out of the gown, tossing it aside, and walked into the bathroom for a quick shower.  After that, she changed into a pair of jeans with a long sleeved red shirt since it was chilly out here in England.  England.  How she despised and loved it at the same time.  Dressed, Jetta grabbed the bag and headed downstairs, looking refreshed and hopeful for the future.


Chapter 21


Daniel was sitting at the counter on a stool with Ayden on his lap while Emma and Kary were flipping the 'pancakies', both laughing as Ayden shouted instructions.  “Radcliffe...” Daniel laughed when Ayden repeated it only it sounded more like 'Waddled', pressing his forehead to his son’s.  “We'll get it fixed sport, Waddled it'll be.”


“Can we get eggs with this?” Rupert asked hopefully, staring at his beautiful girlfriend in Emma.


“Sure Rupert, I'll make them.” Jetta said from behind, causing everyone to turn and stare at her.  She bit her bottom lip and looked down, clearing her throat, and hesitantly walked into the kitchen.  She was afraid one of them would lash out at her, especially Daniel, even though she was the one who had every right in the world to be angry at him or what he said to her.  She sighed, deciding it wasn't worth dwelling over it, and walked over as she kissed her son's forehead.  “Are you being good for your...father?” She asked softly, smiling when Ayden nodded, clapping his hands.  She'd never seen Ayden take to someone so well as Daniel and her mother.  Maybe the little boy could sense something she didn’t?


“Emma is trying to teach me how to make eggies in a basket but I'm afraid it's not working so well.” Kary said by way of greeting, gesturing to the stack of eggs and toast she had royally botched.  “You have at it.” She dropped down at the table, making faces at Ayden.


Daniel was handing Ayden pieces of the pancakies Emma had cooked, watching the boy devour them.  “You have an appetite sport.” He chuckled, sipping his orange juice.


“That's an understatement.” Jetta said before walking over to the stove, staring down at the eggs.  Tears formed in her eyes as she cracked one and put it in the pan, beginning to cook, something she loved doing.  Tom never allowed her to do it though because of all the cooks he had in his mansion.  With a shaky sigh, she watched the egg, remember the last time she cooked for Tom.  He threw the food in her face, cutting her cheek since the plate broke, and proceeded to backhand her across the same cheek.  She shivered at the memory and had to take a deep breath to calm down before flipping the egg over, deciding over easy would suffice.  “I-I can't do eggs in a basket...I'm sorry...”


“What're you sorry for?” Dan asked quietly. “I can't cook them either.  ‘Bout the only one of us who can is Emma, nothing wrong with that.”


“And that's only cause I'm bloody brilliant.” Emma put in with a cheeky grin.  “I can show you how to make them, not that hard Jetta.”


Rupert and Ayden at this time began a food fight.


“Ayden Michael, stop it!” Jetta scolded heatedly, causing the little boy to instantly stop.  She then proceeded to walk over and whacked Rupert in the back of the head with the spatula.  “Do not be teaching my son improper manners at the table, Rupert.” She ordered with a smile and then looked at her son sternly.  “No throwing food, understand?” She smiled when he nodded.


“Yes momma.” Ayden replied in that adorable, sweet innocent voice that melted her heart every time along with his big baby blue eyes.


“Good, now eat up.  Your cakes are getting cold.” She kissed his forehead before going back to finishing making the eggs, deciding she didn't want to learn how to cook eggs in a basket right now.  Her eyes fell on the bag as she turned the stove off and walked over to it, pulling out the photo album again.  She wanted to know more.  She wanted to know everything and to regain her memories.


Rupert grumbled, rubbing the back of his head with a scowl.  “That ruddy hurt.” He muttered, resuming eating.


“Ruppie, you'll live.” Kary said, her eyes fastened on Jetta.  She was praying that her best friend’s memory would come back to her soon, the full memory and not just bits and pieces of it.  This was killing her.


“I'm gonna go for a walk.” Jetta announced before walking out of the room, not waiting for anyone to reply.  She wanted to be alone right now as she headed outside in the backyard.  This was familiar as she closed her eyes, pressing her book to her chest, and sighed heavily.  The tears instantly began, knowing somehow that was the night Tom took her memories.  She looked up, seeing the guesthouse, and started walking toward it.  She had to find out the truth.  There had to be something in there that linked to what Tom and his goons did to her.  Breaking out into a run, Jetta dropped the album in the grass as she darted for the guesthouse, knowing maybe this would unlock more of her memories.


Daniel stood at the patio doors, watching her.  He could remember the first time he'd even laid eyes on Jetta.  He could remember it quite vividly actually.  A smile actually graced his lips briefly though it was gone just as quick as it had appeared.  He knew whatever she would remember in the guest house wasn't going to be good.  “Kary, why don't you take Ayden into the tearoom? Let him spend some more time with his grandparents.” He suggested softly.


Running up the stairs to the guesthouse, Jetta stopped as she stared at the door, swallowing past the lump that 'd formed in her throat.  This was it.  She took a few minutes to calm herself down before her hand landed on the doorknob and twisted it gently, pushing it open.  She took a step inside, flipping the switch on the light, and looked around.  So many memories hit her at one time, but only one stayed as she closed her eyes, allowing it to sweep her away.




“Do tell me what are YOU thinking about, Daniel?” She asked coyly, her eye staring at him intently, the other covered by her hair though she could clearly see through the locks.


“I'm thinking that if you don't stop touching me, I'm going to kiss you again.” He said in that matter-of-fact tone of voice, quirking an eyebrow when her smirk broadened. He stepped up and captured her lips in his again, this time lifting her up and setting her on the stone ledge, feeling her legs wrapping around him. He groaned when he felt her hot little hands go back to his chest, capturing them between their bodies. “You're driving me insane, Jetta.” He whispered between kisses.


Wrapping her legs around his waist was easy do to the fact that the lower half of her dress was loose. She moaned against his mouth, the vibrating sensation only heightening hers more, and began unbuttoning his shirt one by one. “Wait-wait, is there some place more...private we could go to do this?” She asked breathlessly, staring back at him pleadingly, wanting him more than anything, licking her swollen lips as her pink tongue gently snaked out to do so.


Daniel looked at her for a minute before glancing back towards the house which was in full-swing. His eyes took in the landscape before settling on the small guest house just beyond the hedges. He nodded, scooping her into his arms princess style, chuckling when she giggled. “My lady.” He inclined his head at her playfully, walking with long, purposeful strides until they were inside the warm house. He fumbled along the wall for the light, flicking it on before carrying her towards the couch.


Jetta smiled as she was slowly set on the couch, smoothing her dress out while he went to close the door, and bowed her head. “Good sir.” She giggled, the champagne working wonders, relaxing her more than what she probably should've been. She looked around at the guest house and took a strand of her hair, twirling it around her finger as she finally turned her attention back to him. “Daniel, are you sure you want to do this?” She asked wanting to make sure this is what he wanted, that he wanted her just as much as she wanted him.


Daniel stared at her intensely. “Yes.” He answered honestly. “But do you? I don't want that champagne affecting your thinking. I would rather not have you regret anything come the morning.” He said slowly, sitting down beside her. He wanted her more than anything and it was with remarkable self-restraint that he hadn't jumped her by now. Though he wanted her completely willing and her unaffected consent.


“Of course, I've only had two glasses.” She softly assured him with a laugh, shaking her head, raking a hand through it. “Believe me; it takes a lot more than two glasses to get me drunk to the point where I won't remember anything, Daniel. I want you, end of story.” She leaned back against the huge couch, gasping when it folded out into a bed, having jumped, not expecting it. Now she was laying down, her head resting comfortably on a pillow in her dress, staring up into his intense blue orbs.


Daniel chuckled at the look on Jetta's face when the couch folded out, moving so he was hovering over her. “I want you too.” He murmured, brushing his lips against hers. He carefully laid out on her, mindful not to crush her with his weight. He was on fire; just being close to her was setting him ablaze, something he couldn't recall ever experiencing before. He raked his teeth over her lower lip, his hands skimming her sides, the heat from his palms burning through the thin material


Jetta moaned softly as she arched her body into his touch, her hair splayed all around her, staring up at him as he explored her gently, slowly, taking his time. She slowly pushed him back and sat up, unzipping her dress before winking over her shoulder at him. “I thought this might be easier for you.” She giggled, though it was a low, seductive tone, her voice laced with ecstasy.


“It might be.” Daniel replied huskily, moving around on the bed so he was kneeling behind her. He dipped his head down, moving her long hair to the side and began to trail kisses down her neck. His tongue flicked out, tasting her creamy skin as he trailed hot kisses down her spine then up and across her shoulders, nipping gently with his tongue. “You taste like heaven.” He murmured.


Within minutes, their clothes were stripped off and their bodies came together as one, causing Jetta to feel more pleasure than she'd ever had in her life. She couldn't believe how loving and caring Daniel was being toward her, feeling his every thrust, the power igniting her soul in flames. Her head spun as she completely surrendered to him, knowing she could not fight off the amount of passion that was deep inside her heart. She wanted this, craved this, needed this and she was getting exactly that. Their groans and moans, sounds of ecstasy bounced off the walls, swirling them in a spiral as they toppled over the edge of insanity before finally falling asleep in each other’s arms, neither wanting to move.




“This is where it happened...” She whispered, her heart thundering against her chest as she ran her fingers along the couch that she knew pulled out into a bed.  This was where Ayden had been conceived, causing a small smile to spread across her lips.  This was actually one memory she wanted to treasure and keep forever.




“Think she's going to come back Jetta or Mrs. Felton?” Rupert asked quietly, joining his friend at the window.


“I'm hoping she's coming back as my Jetta.” Daniel replied, not sure how he felt about this stranger.  He wasn't even sure how he felt about Jetta to begin with, there was so much between them.  He knew he loved her but loving that woman was so damn hard.




Jetta felt a presence over her and slowly opened her eyes to stare at Tom. Behind him was a man much larger, wondering who he was. She gasped when a sharp pain emanated from her arm, causing her to look down. The syringe to the needle had been drained and whatever Tom had stuck her with was now in her bloodstream. Jetta's world suddenly went black as she closed her eyes, slumping in Tom's arms, not having a clue what was going on.




That one knocked Jetta for a loop as she stumbled back, her head pounding as the memory rocked her.  It was what she dreamt about.  Her eyes had shot open, staring up at Tom and Ralph before the darkness overtook her.  Tears began sliding down her cheeks as her heart twisted with pain, knowing it was true.  Whatever was injected into her that she'd dreamt about was the reason behind losing her memories.  She immediately got down on her knees and began looking, knowing Tom hadn't cleaned the mess up.  With a shaky hand, she reached under the bed and pulled out the object she found.  “No…” She whispered heartbrokenly, holding the empty syringe in her hand, and reached for the second object she found.  It was a needle.


After two hours of just staring at the objects in her hands, Jetta finally walked out of the guesthouse, not surprised to find Daniel waiting for her.  “Here.” She whispered, handing him the empty syringe and needle that Tom had used on her.  Without a word, she slowly walked past him and headed back to the mansion, needing to hold her son in her arms.  She felt so alone right now as the tears began falling again, rubbing her arm, the same arm that needle had been injected.  After all this time, Jetta finally knew the truth and yet, she felt even more heartbroken than before if that was possible.


Daniel stared down at the 3-year-old objects in his hands, frowning slightly.  This explained so much.  He didn't waste any time in getting on the phone, knowing the science of forensics had advanced far enough to most likely tell them what had been in the syringe.  He scowled after getting off the phone, taking a minute before placing another call.  He wanted Tom hunted down and dragged back.


Chapter 22


Later on that night, Jetta was in her room, sitting on the windowsill, looking over the pictures in the album when a knock sounded at her door.  Ayden was asleep in the next room with the door cracked open and she made sure his window and bedroom door was locked so only she could enter to see him.  She didn't even look up, the smell already lingering around her.  “Hello Daniel.” She softly said, not looking up from the album as she ran her fingertips down the picture of her and her father together.  She was around sixteen she'd guess, but then again, she was probably mistaken.


“Anything coming back?” He asked without preamble, setting down a silver tray on the bedside table.  “Mum sent up some tea and scones, you missed dinner.” He explained, pouring her a cup. He held it out then poured himself his own cup, sitting down on the edge of the bed, looking at the photo album.  “This jogging anything?”


“Yeah, little by little it's all coming back to me.” She replied softly, finally looking up at him, into his eyes.  Those damn eyes.  She took the cup of tea he'd handed her and took a careful sip, sighing as she leaned back against the windowsill.  “I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier about Ayden.  I know I treated you horribly about the situation and there's no excuse for it.  I'm sorry you missed out on three years with your son, Daniel.” She didn't look at him, opting for the window instead, and sighed as she took another careful sip of the honey flavored tea.


Daniel sighed, glancing towards the cracked door a slight frown on his face.  “I'm sorry I missed it too, but it's not our fault.  Tom...seemed to have had this planned.  The police are looking for him, Ralph and Alan now.  They're searching his home in Scotland.  You'll have to bear evidence against them though, you know that right?”


“What more proof do I need then what I gave you earlier, Daniel?” She softly retorted, taking a scone off of the tray he'd brought in, and took a bite out of it.  She'd missed dinner because she was too engrossed in learning more about her past and trying to unlock more of her memories.  “I don't think we'll need much more proof than that.  Oh, you might want to question this Katie girl.  I forgot what her last name was, but she was my maid of honor in our wedding.” She snorted.  “If you thought I was a bitch; you should meet her sometime.”


His stomach did a flip flop at that name and the color pretty much drained from his face though he forced an uneasy chuckle.  “Look, a syringe isn't going to prove anything other than I might have druggies over from time to time. You'll have to give your testimony if you want them locked away.” He raked a hand through his hair, unable to put this off even if he'd like too.  “Katie...by any chance...” He groaned, already knowing the answer.


Jetta stared back at him and sighed, already knowing she had to be part of this somehow.  “I'm going to take a stab in the dark here and say you know her.” She wasn't surprised when he just nodded and stared back out the window.  She groaned, a flashback suddenly hitting her full force as she fell from the windowsill, holding her head, and curled up in a fetal position.




Daniel was sitting next to Katie, the only free chair for Jetta right next to him on the side of the table. He had showered and changed into a pair of black slacks and a blue shirt, leaving the top buttons undone. He sipped his tea, which his father had added a tinge of whiskey too, along with his own and Richard's: how else would it be bearable? He listened to the women prattle, wincing when Katie started talking about that damn dress again.


Jetta walked into the room, all eyes turning to her, and raked a hand through her hair as she seen the only available seat. Did the man upstairs really hate her THAT badly? She sighed inwardly and walked over, taking it, smoothing her skirt out as she crossed her legs, and her arms folded in front of her chest, not believing she was being forced to do this. The scowl on her face and her silence told the entire story.


Daniel shifted uncomfortably. This was a BIT awkward. His girlfriend on the right, his fling from the night before on the left. Did God hate him? He promised if he made it through tea without getting something dumped on him, he'd go pay ten percent tithe every week to the local parish church.


“Jetta, do you know Katie?” Marcia asked politely.


“Who doesn't? She's the famous actress that your son has been dating, am I right?” Jetta asked politely, a smile on her lips, and looked over at Daniel, who looked very uncomfortable to say the least. “Nice to meet you, honey.” She stated, shaking Katie's hand right in front of Daniel before taking a sip of her tea, trying not to gag on it. “Oh and great idea about the dress, I'm sure you'll REALLY knock ‘em dead with that one.” She giggled sweetly before winking over at her father.


Richard hadn't taken a very good liking to this Katie girl, she seemed snobby. “I don't know... got a ways to go before you hit Emma Watson's status, don't you?” He asked politely.


Daniel snorted into his teacup, while Marcia and Cathleen looked horrified. “Emma is a gem.” He said finally. “Chit likes her jeans though.” He shot Katie a pointed look.


Jetta smirked, loving her father more and more before taking another sip of her tea. “Whoever this Emma Watson is, I would love to meet her sometime.” She replied softly before taking another sip of her tea while Katie just sat there with a huge scowl on her face, huffing in disappointment. “I'm sorry dear, did we say something to offend you?” Jetta politely asked, using the sweetest tone of voice she could muster up, completely ignoring Daniel.


Daniel was hiding a smirk. “I could introduce you to her if you like.” He offered, staring at Jetta directly. He knew she had to respond or risk looking extremely rude. Though from his encounter with her this morning, he gathered being rude to people didn't faze her in the slightest.


“That would rock, thanks.” She replied with a grin, though on the inside she wanted to wipe that smirk right off of his face. “Perhaps she could introduce me to some REAL men of England.” She smiled sweetly at Daniel, who scowled back at her before switching legs and sipping more of her tea.


“Isn't Rupert single?” Marcia put in.


“He is now. He was dating one of the extras but didn't last.” Daniel said, looking at his mother. “You know Rupe, Mum. He's a bit on the flighty side.”


“Hmmm...What about Tom?”


“Has a crush on Emma.”


“Hmmm, this Rupert sounds interesting. I think I'd like to meet him too, Daniel.” She'd turned her full attention back on him, a smirk curving her lips. “Why don’t we go today? I have nothing better to do and you can bring Miss Priss along too.” She grinned when he just gaped at her while Katie scowled more.


Both fathers had to keep from snorting in their own tea, not believing she just said that. “What? Did I say something wrong?”


“Rupe's in Scotland with Tom, Tom finally managed to convince him to give fishing a try. If you don't mind roughing it for a few days, I'm sure we could go.” Daniel said finally. “I'll have to ring him of course.”


“I'll send for the chopper?”


“Mum... We could just take the ferry.”


“Last time you did that...”




“Danny, I can't go! I have that photo shoot tomorrow!” Katie whined, glaring at his mother before turning her eyes back to his, grabbing his hand in her own. “Please don't go! I'll miss you too much!”


“Pity.” Jetta snorted before standing up, winking over at Marcia, who smirked back at her. It was obvious the woman did not like Daniel's girlfriend. A blind person could see that. She walked over to her father and kissed his cheek. “Thanks.” She murmured in his ear before heading upstairs to pack while Katie threw a fit with Daniel.




“That...fucking...BITCH!” She snapped, tears pouring down her cheeks, and looked up at him disbelief.  “She's your ex-girlfriend????” This was unbelievable, but it also would piece together why Katie was so friendly towards her when around Tom.


“My ex-fiancée more like it.” Daniel sighed, making a face, obviously not relishing even admitting that he was once engaged to that parasitic bint.  “That's what caused the problems with you and I.  You didn't take kindly to...me being a scumbag.  Katie took off after you announced your pregnancy and that was the last I seen or heard from her, mostly.  Every other month or so she calls or writes, testing the waters to see if I'll have her back.”


“I take it you don't?” She questioned, finally pulling her eyes away from the window to stare back at him, sighing silently in relief when he emphatically shook his head.  “I know I'll have to testify and all that.  He's going down, there's no doubt about it.” She slowly closed the book and set it aside before standing up, wearing a dark peach satin spaghetti strapped gown that went to her knees and clung to every curve of her body.


Daniel was quick to avert his eyes, a bit too late but better late than never right?  He let loose a string of silent curses in his head, not even about to go THERE, and definitely not so damn soon.  He wasn't about to lose her again by scaring her off because he couldn't keep himself in check.


Jetta didn't miss it as she walked over to him, staring down into his blue eyes, and the tears instantly began falling.  “It's so strange how I'm here with you right now.” She whispered, smiling a bit.  “I really thought it was all a dream that you didn't even exist, until I saw you again.  How did all of this get so out of hand, Daniel?” She asked, choking on her words, and swallowed hard.


“Me.” He said softly, which wasn't entirely true but he'd take the blame, if it meant starting over, minus the screaming and fighting, definitely.  “Because I was an arse.” He pressed his head against hers, not looking away from her eyes.  “When this is all over Jetta, I'd love to try and make a go of things with you love, if you'd let me.”


For the first time in three long years, Jetta genuinely smiled as she nodded in agreement.  She wanted a chance with him, a chance at true love, not a mockery of it.  Their lips were mere inches from each other’s and as soon as they softly connected, everything seemed to unlock in Jetta's mind.  Memories, hundreds, thousands of memories came flowing back, causing her head to sear with pain.  “FUCK!” She shouted, dropping to her knees, losing her breath as the tears flowed down her cheeks.  What happened between her and Daniel, what happened with her parents, the pregnancy, the party where she revealed it to him, everything came flowing back to her in an instant, causing her body to convulse and jolt.  Jetta screamed out, the pain was so great and her head was feeling like it was going to explode at any given moment.


Daniel was torn between helping her and rushing to the now screaming Ayden.  He rang for help as he ran to his son.  “Mummy's fine.” He soothed, stepping out into the room and kneeling down by Jetta.  He knew there wasn't anything he could really do for her besides just be there for her, help her when she needed it and wait.


After twenty minutes, which seemed like an eternity, Jetta's blue eyes suddenly shot open and looked up at Daniel and her son.  “Daniel?” She looked around and slowly sat up, her head now at a dull ache, and wrapped her arms around herself.  She gasped when her parents came rushing in and stood up, running into her father's arms.  “Daddy!” She slowly pulled back to stare up at him and then turned to her mother, tears sliding down her cheeks.  “I'm so sorry for treating you the way I have mom.  I never meant to hurt you or push you out of my life.  I just wanted a little freedom...”


Cathleen stared at Jetta for a moment, blinking and obviously trying to sort out what she had just missed.  She simply enfolded Jetta into her arms, holding her tightly.  She knew instinctively that she had her baby girl back.


Richard glanced at Daniel and Ayden, arching an eyebrow.


Daniel shrugged and remained quiet.  He knew how things had been between Jetta and her mother, he wasn't about to spoil this.


“I remember everything.  I remember.” She kept whispering, letting her mother hold her for the first time in years.  Slowly pulling away from him them, Jetta walked over and lifted her son in her arms, spinning him around in circles.  “I definitely remember you, Ayden Michael.” She slowly stopped and looked back at Daniel, tears burning her blue eyes.  “And you, I remember you, I remember everything.” She walked over to him and caressed his face with the back of her hand, her eyes boring into his own.  “I love you, Daniel.  I love you so much and I'm sorry for what happened between us.”


“Momma, Daddy...” Ayden chirped happily, leaning his head against his mother's shoulder, and took her hand, placing it on his.


Daniel smiled, feeling tears pricking his own eyes.  He pressed his lips to Ayden's head, his eyes never leaving Jetta's.  “I love you too, Jet.  I love you both.” He whispered.


It was a warm, fuzzy moment all over.  Richard was even holding Cathleen, something rare between them these days since they had basically all but fallen apart when Jetta had vanished.


“I was far away and it took some time, but I'm finally back.” She said, wrapping her arms around Daniel's waist, holding Ayden as they had a family moment.  Jetta was finally home where she truly belonged and it felt right unlike it had with Tom.


~Six Months Later~


Tom, Alan and Ralph were found in a hideout deep in the heart of Scotland.  There was a small trial and with Jetta's testimony, along with the syringe and needle, they were all three sent away to life in prison.  Jetta closed her eyes as the tears poured down her cheeks, knowing she'd finally got the justice she well deserved.  She watched as they carted off a screaming Tom, Ralph and Alan.  Katie, unfortunately, was found dead in the cabin and it was confirmed that Tom had slit her throat.  Jetta actually felt remorse for the woman, knowing Tom probably brainwashed her into this whole ordeal, especially after Daniel cheated on her with Jetta.


As they walked out of the court house, Jetta couldn't help, but smile, knowing she was back from her long journey.  It'd taken awhile, but with the support from her friends, family and new husband, Jetta wasn't far away anymore.  She was here today and looking forward to what the future held for her and her family.


The End.