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Name:Dan Sawyer
Match:Tristan Wolfe v.s Dan Sawyer(Land Mine Match)
Opponents:Tristan Wolfe
Title on the line:None
Roleplay Number:1
The Next Night!

Lust burns hotter than the fires of hell
Passion blinds me black as night.

A devil to buy my soul for sale
And grab my heart when I try to fight.

With piercing eyes of a color so deep
One word from your lips makes my heart beat fast.

The night passes by, no sign of sleep
Fearing each day might be my last.

Nowhere to run, no place to hide
Your touch on my skin burns hot as a flame.

I'd open my soul to let you inside
Give any price for you to call out my name.
If I had to choose between lust and death I think I'd rather die.

My body aches to breathe your breath
The price to pay is high.

.:Scenes open at Dan Sawyer's house, he has a smirk on his face, as if he didn't care he lost both of his titles, the room is very dark, then a light turns on adding defintion to the room, Dan is seen but not as normal as usal it seems the damage after ReBirth has caused him to have surgery on his face, he seems to look like WWE(c)'s The Undertaker, but not the bad ass, but the old one, the one who competed with Paul Bear as his manager, Dan Sawyer is seen laughing, and has a poster with Tristan Wolfe's face on it, seemed to be stapled to a dartbored. Dan Sawyer walks over to his old family photo, looks at it then places it back down, Dan is so messed up he has dumped all of his old friends, and made new oone who we shall meet later on in todays segment of the life of Dan Sawyer... :.

Dan Sawyer:Yeah I lost my titles to Jason Craven so what, I lost my titles to Syren and Tristan, It's not the end of the world, sure it the best i'v ever done but its not the end of the world.

.:Dan Sawyer walks over to his replica of the International title made for him by the HWA members as a token of there gratitude :.

Dan Sawyer:Yeah it's a funny thing they made this for me seeing as I am the most hated HWA member and disrespected athlete in the game!

.: Dan Sawyer walks over to his HWA Hardcore title replica and looks at it in a way like non other, and stops to think, then speaks :.

Dan Sawyer:Hmm. funny thing about all of the titles I have had they have all resented in Jason Craven either taking them or holding it with me such as...

.: Dan Sawyer walks over to his Tag Team title replica, and continues to talk about his title rein. :.

Dan Sawyer: the HWA Tag Team title, but that doesnt matter now, seeing as my new goal in the HWA is to become the HWA WORLD CHAMPION!

.: Dan walks to his couch and sits down, the song Rock Superstar by Cypress Hill faintly plays in the background :.

Dan Sawyer: but see now I have to face, Tristan Wolfe in a land mine match?

.: Dan starts to laugh and puts an evil smirk on his face as he stops laughing :.

Dan Sawyer: They are that crazy huh? After what I did to Syren and Tristan at ReBirth just last night, they are going to put me in a land mine match? That is some crazy stuff. I know one thing Keith won't like whats going to happen this Saturday, seeing as he finds Syren attractive, I might say, But see no one compares to my Taylor, her nice body, she has a dancers body, that Syren will never have!

.: Dan gets up and walks into a room full of paintings sent in by fans all across the world, painting with Dan Sawyer versious Evan Blane. :.

Dan Sawyer: Evan Blane you get a World Title shot? It's hard enough to believe you are still here after what I did to you, Oh yes Evan, you remember that night to first or second week it was, when the HWA had returned. We had are match, you got annilated.

.: Dan then walks over to a poster of Blue Thunder :.

Dan Sawyer: Blue Thunder? Congratulations on winning the World title, to bad that belt will be mine! You should be ready for what I have coming towards you, now it's time for you to walk around doing 360's always watching your back and front, side to side. Because I will be hunting for you, yes hunting you!

.: Dan Sawyer walks out of the room and enter the kitchen of his house :.

Dan Sawyer: Alex Mysterio... you want my old belt I see, we'll its won't be hard beating Jason Craven, now I know your just sitting there saying, hahaha you lost to him, well I lost because I was beaten from the match before, then directly after that I had to face him in a submissions match! Yes I enjoied it when I slapped the Halls of Sensation on him! Listening to him scream and cry like a little girl who dropped there cookie.

.: Dan Sawyer walks down a long hall way and begins to talk :.

Dan Sawyer: To my opponent Tristan I hoped you counted your clovers cause your going to need al the luck you can get!

.:Scenes fade to black as Dan Sawyer opens a door as you hear screams come from the room :.