
Sunday 16th April
**Deadline = midnight ET on the evening of the 15th

Main Event
Sett + The Chosen One(c)
Kevin Conner + Kevin Hurts

Santana(c) v Anicka Swan

Layla Marie v Michael Diamond

Jason Knight v NightStalker

#1 contendership to Tag Team Titles
Thunder + Hollister v J-Bus + Meltdown


WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: Danny Starr (temp: Michael Diamond)
Current #1 contender: ????

TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: Sett + The Chosen One
Current #1 contenders: Kevin Hurts + Kevin Conner

X-TREME CHAMPION: Kevin Hurts + Santana (Co-Champions)
Current #1 contender: Anicka Swan / NightStalker

April 9th, 2006

Announced so far......

Michael Diamond(c) v Ron Royalty

Undefeated Streaks Collide!
Sett v Kevin Hurts

For the HWA Title number one contendership
The Chosen One v Kevin Conner

NightStalker(c) v Anicka Swan v Santana

Sett + The Chosen One
Jolly Roger + NightStalker

2 on 2 Street Fight
J-Bus + Meltdown v ????? + Santana

Welcome everyone to the HWA! To join us, leave your information on the BIOG Board! Thank you.


18/04/06 ~ As the roleplaying this past week was below par (and because there was a mix up with results writers), we are going to continue RPing for a further week with the same card. I am unable to write for these results, and hopefully James AKA Kevin Hurts will be co-ordinating them.

10/04/06 ~ Atmosphere results are now UP! Congratulations to all winners. RP output was slightly disappointed, hopefully that will pick up. Some more new debutants this week, welcome! SNS card will be up shortly. In the mean time, thanks to those who helped with results, and enjoy the read!

~ Neil

HWA's Wrestler Spotlight:
RP Form Guide:
over last 3 weeks

Anicka Swan

1) Night Stalker
2) Kevin Hurts
3) The Chosen One

19/03/06 ~ The Real Fighter Competition (below) is now into the second phase. Newest matches are right at the bottom. Archived results immediately below this.

Match One saw The Big Show easily defeat John Cena with 7 votes to 0.
Match Two Kurt Angle beat Chris Benoit, but by the lesser margin of 6 to 3
Match Three was the first involving TNA wrestlers, and Scott Steiner easily beat Jeff Jarrett 8 to 1 (Thank God).
Match Four saw Rob Van Dam beat Vince McMahon with a comfortable score of 7 to 2.
Match Five was the closest yet, JLB defeating William Regal by just two votes, 6 to 4
Match Six saw Hardcore Holly defeat Finlay 6 votes to 3
Match Seven saw Undertaker surprisingly only narrowly defeat Randy Orton 5 votes to 3.
Match Eight Monty Brown beat Sting by 9 clear votes to 0.
Match Nine saw HHH come from behind to beat Tyson Tomko 5 votes to 3.
Match Ten was the closest yet, with Kane beating Chris Masters, but only by 5 votes to 4!
Match Eleven had the same result, with AJ Styles squeaking a victory past Christian, 5 to 4. Match 12 saw Gene Snitsky defeat Hogan just 4 votes to 3.
Match Thirteen saw a large victory for Batista as he saw off Booker T 6 to 1.
Match Fourteen saw Shawn Michaels defeat Ric Flair 7 votes to 2.
Match Fifteen saw Samoa Joe finish off Chris Daniels 6 to 2.
Match Sixteen saw Bobby Lashley defeat Mark Henry 5 votes to 3.

Match One saw Samoa Joe defeat Shawn Michaels 8 to 5
Match Two saw JBL defeat Hardcore Holly by only 6 to 5
Match Three saw Kurt Angle defeat R.V.D 7 to 2
Match Four saw Bobby Lashley see off Scott Steiner, 6 to 4
Match Five saw Batista beat Money Brown, 6 to 3
Match Six saw Kane defeat AJ Styles, 8 votes to 2
Match Seven saw Triple H defeat Gene Snitsky 9 votes to 1
Match Eight saw The Big Show defeat The Undertaker 6 votes to 5

ROUND THREE (Quarter Finals):
Match One saw Samoa Joe defeat JBL 10 votes to 2
Match Two saw Bobby Lashley defeat Kurt Angle 6 votes to 5

Real Fighters Round 3

Who would win a REAL fight between these two?

  Current Results
Real Fighters Round 3

Who would win a REAL fight between these two?

The Big Show
  Current Results