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The Following Role-play was written by the Buff Bagwell. This Role-play Layout was stolen and edited by Raven. The Views are neither influential, and neither aimed towards WWF, the long-gone WCW or the long-long-gone ECW. This RP will Contain scenes with Foul Language and views some people may find offensive and disturbing.

Buff Bagwell's Singles Record: 0-0

People Used:

read and find out

People Mentioned: Read it and find out

Titles Held:


People Mentioned:

Buff Daddy

The scene opens as we see Buff Bagwell walking down the hall still with a huge smile on his face, wearing a black shirt, jeans and his black sunglasses. As he walks past a monitor he sees DDP standing at the bulletin board, Buff stops and watches the monitor. He listens to DDP and when Page is done talking, Buff turns the monitor off and turns towards the camera and removes the sunglasses.

Buff" Well well well Page...You surprise me, Here I was expecting another talk from you about how I suck and how I don't belong in the main event..But I guess you've finally realised that do deserve to be in the main event, and allthough it came as a surprise for me to hear that im challenging for your title at Bad Blood, I gurantee you that I WILL be ready for our match and im gonna bring everything I've got to the ring, and im sure you're gonna do the same. But you know Page I noticed that you are more arrogant then anyone I ever met. You call me arrogant but maybe you should take a good look at yourself before calling others arrogant. Sure you try to cover it up by talking about how I deserve a title shot and so on, but then you call yourself the best World Champion that Raw has ever seen...I don't know about you Page but I think that's pretty arrogant.

Now I agree that you properbly are better then any of the former champions but you don't come out and say it yourself Page. You say that im full of myself when infact you're the one who's full of himself while im Mr. Humble himself. Confidence is a good thing Page but you're over confident, you don't think I've got what it takes to beat you and maybe you're right..but Im damn sure gonna try.

Now with that said I will admit that you are a good wrestler, Im not gonna deny that and you are the World Champion right now and I also agree that you are a tougher opponant then Jericho, Edge, Sting or Matt Hardy would have been. And you're also right that there IS a reason that you're holding the title and not me, and that reason is that you and Edge screwed me at King of the ring, you both knew that you couldn't take me one on one so you decided to team up and cheat me out of winning the title, THAT'S the reason that you're the champ right now and not me.

But all of that is history now, cause this Sunday at Bad Blood I finally get a one on one title shot. This is gonna be my third try for the World Title, but the first one on one match since the first two was the Elimination Chamber match at Backlash and the elimination match at King of the ring. This time it's different though, it's you Vs. me Page. One on one, no outside interference, no nothing. Just two men going at it to see who the better man is. Im gonna be working damn hard to make sure I don't walk out of Bad Blood empty handed, but im not doing it to gain your respect, I don't give a damn about having your respect Page. I've been in the WWF for quite some time and I've gone a long way since I signed the contract, but there's one thing that I've been missing...the one thing that would prove that im a top guy...I still haven't held any gold in the WWF, and I know im ready to finally get some gold around my waist.

I've got it all..Except some gold and when I take that gold from you this Sunday at Bad Blood Page, don't feel to bad about it.(Buff smiles). Cause if you work hard you will do well, you will finally earn my complete respect and you may earn a second chance to regain the gold. Cause you see, nothing would give me more pleasure then walking backstage after our match at Bad Blood at shove my newly won World Heavyweight Title in Sandmans face, and remind him that he could be champ if he had any control over his own actions. Nothing would make me happier then to be able to humiliate Sandman like that, well maybe it would be to shove the title in Edge's face cause he's done nothing but while about not getting a title shot ever since he heard I was getting one, so that would be pretty sweet too and not to mention the sheer pleasure of showing up to Monday night Raw with the title on my shoulder.

Cause you see Page, there's a lot of people who don't like me and they would hate to see me as the world Champion and I would love to be able to show all of those people who said from the start that Buff Bagwell was nothing, to show them that the man who they said couldn't do anything cause he was from WCW is now the World Champion..That would be awesome so you see Page, I have every reason to kick your ass at Bad Blood and that is excactly what I intend to do."

Buff Bagwell puts his sunglasses back on and walks on down the hall as the scene fades.

Buff is the stuff