"Hate Me Now" by Nas blares over the PA, the fans climb to their feet to boo The Super Scot who is appearing on the rampway with his Eternal Championship drapped over his shoulder. Super Scot stomps down the ramp and climbs onto the apron and shouts at some fans before climbing into the ring. SS climbs to the top rope and scans around the whole arena and waits for his opponent The TripleCrown Kid.

A striking white light fills the arena as "Die For The Government" by Anti-Flag is played, accenting the two black pyros that explode either side of the stage as TripleCrown Kid walks out to loud boos from the crowd. He ignores the fans and continues into the ring, rolling in without so much as a glance towards the crowd, and hyping himself up for the match. TCK starts thing off with his quick agile movements. A few stomach punches leads to an irish whip and a backflip dropkick. TCK goes for the first pin of the night with a quick 1 count. Some more kicks to the stomach backs Super Scot into a turnbuckle where TCK follows. TCK lifts Super Scot to a mounted sitting position on the top turnbuckle, TCK then steps through the middle rope and quickly climbs the ropes. When he gets up to the top and sits on Super Scots shoulders and tries to utilise a top rope hurricanrana. Super Scot blocks the hurricanrana by placing his feet behind the ropes. TCK falls on his head hurting the high flying youngster. Super Scot then jumps off the second rope with an elebow drop, 1.2...TCK just manages to get his foot on the bottom rope. Super Scot, angry at the result begins to mouth off towards the referee while still keeping firm control of the match. Super Scot lifts TCK to his feet and suplexs him back to the ground, to then go on and leg drop him. 1.2...TCK just lifts his shoulder up in the knick of time. Super Scot again angry at the ref simply blows up at him this time. The ref backs off obviously intimidated by the 360 Etertal Champion, suddenly TCK from behind rolls him up 1.2...Super just kicks out, struggling to free himself. Super Scott puts in more angry stomps into TCK before lifting him up and irish whiping him. TCK comes running back and ducks a clothesline. TCK gets behind the Super Scot and struggles to lift him for a German Suplex. TCK gets up and motuhs off to the crowd, proud of what he just did. This gives time for Super Scot to recover and low blow him from behind. He then locks on a dragon sleeper slowling down the dare devil. Eventually Super Scot breaks the hold, and a slugfest begins. Super Scot after winning the punching war begins to run at TripleCrown Kid, but TCK back body drops him all the way out of the ring! The fans are astounded chanting "holy sh--!, holy sh--!" TCK smiles at the crowd, then runs towards the oppisite side of the ropes facing Super Scot. He bounces off them raising his speed before clearing the entire top rope and planching Super Scot. At the last second Super Scot moves out of the way as TCK smakes into the guard rail. Super Scot picks up the hurt TCK and rolls him into the ring, 1.2...TCK again puts his foot on the rope. Super Scot can't believe it, he gets up frustrated yelling at the fans before turning his attention again to the refferee. He pushes the refferee over before stomping on him, he turns to get TCK only then realising TCK was already standing up. A huge impacting Super Kick is then made by TCK flooring Super Scot in the middle of the ring. The TripleCrown Kid then climbs through the middle rope and looks around at the crowd. He then grabs the top rope and jumps up and off it, leaping high in the air front flipping. He then spins over extending his leg for the leg drop. He hits it!!...He just hit the Utopia of 360's Eternal Champion, he covers him but the ref is still hurt!!.. TCK after covering him for about 5 seconds gets up and tends to the ref. Super Scot quickly rolls out and grabs a steel chair from under the ring. TCK turns around to find Super Scot on his knees outside with his head under the ring. He goes to grab Super Scot but instead he recieves a swinging chair shot to the head. TCK drops to the canvas as Super Scot drops the chair and slides in the ring. The ref gets up as Super Scot slides into the ring and makes the cover...1.2.3.. Super Scot wins it!!

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