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Brock Lesner
Drop HP to 72.
Brock's HP should be dropped as he is around 295lbs 6'4, yet has more HP then superstars such as, The Undertaker, Kane and Kevin Nash, which are all over 300lbs and are at least 6'10. With 72 HP, Brock stays a Big Superstar, but doesn't have too much HP, which most people that play agaist a Brock Lesner deck need.

Second Edition: Chris Benoit
Each time an opponent's body part takes 5 damage, you draw a page.
Text Error: (This happends when that body part takes 14 damage, 21 damage, and so on.)
This should be: (This happends when that body part takes 10 damage, 15 damage, and so on.)

Jeff Hardy
Change the second part of his special to: When Jeff Hardy plays a Drop move you get Crowd Support.
I agree that Jeff Hardy should have been changed, but by drawing a page rather than gaining attitude, page such as, Shirt Off! don't work as well. Gaining Crowd Support would benifit him in alot of ways. By playing it, you draw a page (like his special now) and if played with a move that connects, you gain 1 attitude (like his original special.) Players would also have the choice to use Crowd Support in conjusion with his ability to Autocounter for -1 pages. Not only would this also match the other memebers of Team Xtreme's ability to gain Crowd Support, but because of the added choice, it should encourage more people that use playbooks that have drop moves to use Jeff Hardy, which he uses in his real-life persona.

Lance Storm
Change text to: "Un-Americans" member rather than Member of the Un-Americans.

Second Edition: Lita
Text Error: Team XTream should be Team Xtreme (with no capital T).
Increase knowledge limit to 2 as No Way Out: Lita has a knowledge limit of 2 and this will enable her to play face cards such as That Was Three!.

Rob Van Dam
Add as a Hardcore Superstar, as Rob Van Dam is a multi-time and the last hardcore champion.

Second Edition: The Big Show
Remove him as a Member of nWo.

Drop HP to 68.
Add as a Hardcore Superstar, as Tazz is a multi-time hardcore champion.
Change his special to: Choose and ditch a page from hand rather than a random page from hand is ditched, as this can spoil a players strategy if a good page is randomly ditched.

Body Vice
Should count as Bear Hug.

Booker T's Knee Drop
Change method to agility. Knee Drops are agility.

Double Back Breaker
Should count as Back Breaker.

High Knee
Change method to strike. How is this move technical?

Pump Handle Slam
Change method to strength as it is a version of a Power Slam.

Shoulder Thrusts In The Corner
Should count as Shoulder To Midsection.

Spinning Powerbomb
Should count as Power Bomb.

Spinning Powerslam
Should count as Power Slam.

Stink Face
I would make this move insult your opponent, as this move is famous for insulting people and will be another page in the game that can insult.

Storm's Thrust Kick
Should count as Thrust Kick.

Taker Care of Business
Change method to technical and type to behind opponent as it is a standing version of a Dragon Sleeper.

Tombstone Piledriver
Change to an Undertaker and Kane Finisher. Because most people, if not everyone, thinks that Tombstone Piledriver should be an Undertaker and Kane finisher.

High-Flying Start
Change to: Play only if you are The Undertaker or you have no Agility limit.
As The Undertaker is famous for doing his awsome no hands plancha, this page would allow him to do that without changing his agility limit.