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Evil Will Reign Supreme: Chris Masters

All Good Things Must Come To An End

January, 07, 2005

(The scene open's at Chris Masters house, he is sitting in his bedroom on his bed, leaned forward, looking at the camera, he begins to speak)

Chris: Hello, people, what's up, since this could be my last week here in SCW, I have some people I'd like to address, the first person I'd like to address is Oleksa Drachewych, the man who made it all possible, if it weren't for you, Oleksa, chances are the SCW would not be here today, so thank you, the next person I'd like to say something to, is Mr. Oliver, I'd also like to thank you, because with out you the JWF would not be here either, the next person I'd like to thank is good ole' Jack, when I first came here Jack, you we're one of the people that helped me out if I remember correct, helped me get started, then after I left and came back, we we're in DA, so I'd like to thank you also, I'd like to thank Chad Evans, Axel Porter, Vixen Star, Crucified Angel, Fredrock, Acid Burn, Ryan Knight, the Foxx Sisters, and numerous others

(Chris get's up and walks out of his room as the camera follows him, he walks down the hallway, and into the living room, he sits down on his couch and begins to speak again)

Chris: but the person I'd like to thank most is the Mercenaries, when I came to SCW, It was the second federation I'd ever been in, and I didn't know much about the business, but when I came here, I looked around, and I saw the Mercenaries, and I knew that was it, I was staring greatness in the face, from then on I idolized, you seven, I wanted to be just like the Mercenaries, hell I even thought about trying to become a Mercenary, but thing's didn't work out that way, and I found out I wasn't as good as I thought, but in the back of my mind I still kept that goal in my mind, and as they say, all good things must come to an end, and now I have a Loser Leaves match against you Phoenix, see Phoenix, most of the time when I step in that ring it's one of two things, either it's strictly business, and I'm just there to get the job done, or it's because someones done pissed me off and is needing an ass kicking, but this is different still, when I step into that ring this Massacre, it's gonna be out of respect, respect for this business, respect for the ones who've helped me along the way, and respect for the Mercinaries, so at this Massacre, all I have to say is good luck, and may the best man win, and in case that's not me, it was nice knowing ya SCW, and it was a hell of a ride while it lasted.

(Chris just stares into the camera as the scene fades)

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