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Name- Chris Storm
Height- 5'8"
Weight- 218lbs
Record- 0/0/0
::{Disclaimer}:: This Layout was made by Justin for Chris Storm and should not be used without His permission.....!!::{Disclaimer}::!

Stone Cold is Back! What?! I said Stone Cold Is BACK!!



Chris Storm is waiting around in his dressing room waiting for Jonathan Coachman to come interview himself and Killa Kb about their triple threat match on aggression next monday night.Chris is in the dressing room playing Nwa/Smw aggression for playstation 2 and he's playing as Prince Serikaz in season mode trying to win the world title,Killa Kb walks into the dressing room with a blunt all lite up halfway smoked and then he passes it to Chris and he takes a few drags and continues playing his game.Just then a knock on the door is heard and then Jonathan Coachman walks into the dressing room with a camera man and a mic and then Chris Storm stands up with a pissed off look and then says something to Coach.

Chris Storm:What the hell coach you think you can walk your ass into the future tag champs dressing room and address as normal superstars?,let me tell you coach we are not normal superstars we are the damn superstars there is no one here that can stop us we see that Shane McMahon and Mil settled their differences in order to take out 2 extraordinary athletes that will take everything that the nwa has to offer and more.

Coach:Well im sorry about that Storm but i really wanted to low down on what you guys plan on doing about Shane and Mil and Shane Sarah Miller and Danika on aggression?.

Killa Kb:Look Coach those 2 ho's come out to the ring and talk about how superior they are and that my partner and I are going to have our careers killed by them,those ho's can just go back to their street corner because this match won't be for the weak at heart.

Chris Storm:Look as far as i know,we are going to walk out of aggression the new tag team champions because we know that Shane may be crazy but he will not withstand a match aganst me and Killa.I don't know very much about this Mil guy but he's nothing,i mean if Shane can beat his ass and i know that i can beat Shanes ass to a bloody pulp,now Shane you come out here with all your fancy gold titles and you expect to be respected,but you see your not respected one bit,you put your nose where it doesn't belong and that's what pisses me off about people,superstars wanting to make a name for themselves so they stick their nose in other people's business and Shane you may have the united states title and the mid west extreme title but that is nothing compared to what i have done in my career.I have done more then you have in my 2 years in wrestling then you have done in your whole life.Your european titles,hardcore titles and your united states title are nothing compared to my 8 world titles, triple gold titles, double gold titles and countless intercontinental and united states titles,but hey that's the past and this is now and on aggression Coach,i will teach Mil,Shane,Sarah and Danika a lesson because i will not be bested by second rate superstars who have nothing better to do then to be victims of the Twiztid Ryderz,we are here to claim gold,and on monday we take our first step into our mission of ridding the fed of useless talent such as our oppenents on aggression and claiming the tag straps all in one night,does it get any sweeter then that?.

Coach:Your plan sounds great but the only problem is that i don't think this will be as easy as you make it sound,the people you are facing aren't exactly pushovers,shane may not have accomplished alot in the wwe but in NWA/SMW he's a star and it's going to take alot to take out Shane and Mil,plus you also have to factor in the new Divas who also plan to do the same thing to you and Killa Kb that you plan to do to them.

Killa puts his cigerette put in the ashtray on the table beside the couch and then stands up and walks over to coach and starts to talk.

Killa Kb:Look Coach we've already stated the points of our game plan,we could care less about 2 divas because the fact is that they aren't even in our league,they may be women but the fact is that they have the potential to be a deciding factor in our match,i mean Sarah could pin Shane and we could lose or Danika could pin Mil and we could still lose.

Coach:What about if Danika or Shane Sarah Miller pin one of you guys?.

Chris Storm:Ummm Coach that won't happen because we are too good to get beat by 2 women i have never had anyone ask such a stupid question to the Pure Superstar himself,coach just shut the hell up and listen because we don't have much time or weed left so Killa is in a bad mood,plus i think he's on his last cigerette,so all you need to know is that we will give more information on our match when the time comes but were busy so if you don't mind your going to have to get the hell out of here now.Before i go i just wanna say that when monday comes around no one will be safe from the Pure Superstar Chris Storm.

Chris Storm and Killa Kb walk to a black car sitting inside the arena by the garage door and then they get in the car and rev it up as the speed off outside up the ramp and away from the arena.


:People Assassinated in NWA:

Chris Storm/Killa Kb

vs Shane Sarah Miller/Danika Helmsley

vs Shane McMahon/Mil
