Look my dad pisses me off when I think about him. It reminds me of the relationship of the father and slim. They didn’t get to talk at all, then there’s the difference between us. Eminem never met his father, but I wish I never did. Is it bad to have thoughts running through my head like this? I didn’t even care or miss. The time that we would have been together because I knew why he wasn’t around. It wasn’t because my momma didn’t let him have a sound. Or a word in my life that wasn’t the reason he didn’t come to me. He wasn’t there when I ripped my knee. When we played football on the concrete. It kinda pisses me off that he wasn’t there to help me get back to my feet. But the fag wasn’t around when I needed him at all so that’s why I don’t give a shit about him now. When he hears this rap up on the radio station he’s going to be like wow, what the hell did I miss out on with this kid? He lost me to my mom who put out the highest bid.

A father that’s a molester, worse then chester, or uncle fester. He did it for fun with a kid, now I blew my lid, got rid, of the hate and pain. Now this motha fucka don’t realize that I’m insane.

(Repeat chorus)

When I think about him I just wanna rip him apart, I hated him from the start Tear him to shreds without leaving a trace. But he’s such a bitch I bet he carry mace. He’s a fucken discrace, to my name he pisses me off tell I wanna put him straight in his place. My mom said to be the better person and not go near him anywhere, the guys got all gray hair. He looked at me when I was at the lake, it’s good for god’s sake. that he didn’t come near me or say a word, I knew he was scurrd. To look me in the eyes, I’d give him a surprise. But it’d be a left then a right, and he’d drop straight outta my sight.

A father that’s a molester, worse then chester, or uncle fester. He did it for fun with a kid, now I blew my lid, got rid, of the hate and pain. Now this motha fucka don’t realize that I’m insane.

(Repeat Chorus)

My dad is a punk who should be caught in a bar fight, and put in jail for the night. Now I know this may be odd, but it reminds me of my cuzin’s mom’s ex. She had a fag on her bed, now it’s been said. That homo’s say in pairs, so maybe they should both be pushed down the stairs. They should be both taken off this earth, cuz I hated my dad since birth. If I had a gun I’d pull the trigger and end his life, or even if I could do it with a knife. I’d do whatever it took to get this pain outta my head it’s springing around so hard inside, you’d be thinking I lied. But I’m telling the truth I got screwed in this game of life. God musta thought I could handle a lot cuz I got a crippled mom and a fag for a dad, but I didn’t turn out to angry or mad. Just a little pissy with him cuz he’s a fag, just like a gurl when she’s on her rag. He ended up the sucka, NOW I WANT YOU TO DIE MUTHA FUCKA!

A father that’s a molester, worse then chester, or uncle fester. He did it for fun with a kid, now I blew my lid, got rid, of the hate and pain. Now this motha fucka don’t realize that I’m insane.

(Repeat Chorus)

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