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The Begining Of A New Era

Detroit, Michigan

 7:30 pm


| - | It's a brisk, windy, Friday night. Often you would find yourself cooped up inside you're house, occupying you're time doing things such as watching TV, surfing the net or sitting down and reading the newspaper. Well tonight is an exception! Tonight, live in the Joe Louis arena in Detroit, MI - twenty thousand people have jammed themselves into the building to watch a little bit of NHL hockey! Amongst those people is one particular individual, that you wouldn't often find catching a hockey game. The newest star of Wrestlemania Entertainment, Brock Lesnar, has decided to enjoy himself with a little hockey action! A camera finds the new WME superstar, as he's entering the building. Lesnar gives his ticket to the man at the door and continues down the large hall. After purchasing a hot dog and large coke, 'The Icon' attempts to find his seat! Of course with all the millions that WME is worth and the cash it dishes out to its superstars, his seat is located right near the middle of the ice surface, and a few rows up - a perfect view of the whole rink! After the opening ceremonies and introductions and such, the puck drops. The game between the Detroit Red Wings and Anaheim Mighty Ducks progresses with a scoreless tie, heading into the third period. Obviously there have been some great plays and a few huge saves by Detroit netminder, Curtis Joseph! Early into the third period everybody jumped onto their feets as a fight broke out between Anaheim's Keith Carney and Detroit's Kirk Maltby. All the Detroit fans, including 'The Icon' Brock Lesnar went crazy as Maltby dropped Carney in a few punches! About mid way through the third period a cell phone started ringing. At first it was very faint, but Lesnar was able to hear it enough to answer his cell! |

..: || ~ 'The Icon' Brock Lesnar ~ || Hello?

..: || ~ 'Voice On The Phone' Unknown ~ || WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! You're a professional WME superstar and you have a debut coming up either on Slam! or Smackdown!. Shouldn't you be at the gym training? You do want to make a mark in you're first match in WME don't you? Where are you anyways?

..: || ~ 'The Icon' Brock Lesnar ~ || Robby! Rob, glad you could call. Buddy, chill out though! I'm at a Detroit Red Wings game right now, they're taking on the Anaheim Mighty Ducks. And yes I'm aware that I have a debut coming up, and yes I'm aware that if I win it will make a statement of what I'm really about. But no, I don't think I should be training! Tonight is my 'relaxing' night. Hell, I might even go catch a movie after this!

..: || ~ 'The Agent' Rob Lane~ || You're at a hockey game?! Ah man, why didn't you invite me then? You know I'm a huge Detroit fan!

..: || ~ 'The Icon' Brock Lesnar ~ || Well, I was going to see if you wanted to come, but then I decided not to. I knew you'd get all prissy about me going, and some how you'd end up persuading me not to attend the game. So, I came alone, and I'm having the time of my life! You shoulda seen the fight that Draper and Carney just got into, it was huge! Blood everywhere man, kind of like a mini-preview of what's going to happen to my first opponent who ever it will be.

..: || ~ 'The Agent' Rob Lane ~ || Brock, you sure as hell better be ready. Not only will you look bad if you lose your first match, but it will make me look bad as well.

..: || ~ 'The Icon' Brock Lesnar ~ || Yeah, yeah, I've got it all under control - but I gotta go now .. talk to you later..

..: || ~ 'The Agent' Rob Lane ~ || WAIT! Hold on a minu...

| Scene | - | CLICK. Lesnar turns off his cell phone and puts it back in his pocket. There is only about 5 minutes left in the game, and it's still scoreless. The game has been fantastic though, great plays and some big body checks! Red Wing defenceman Chris Chelios picks up the puck in his own end and sees Captain Steve Yzerman step out of the player's bench. Chelios feeds a pass to Yzerman, and watches him head in on a breakaway! Everybody in the arena stands up to watch 'Stevey-Y' on the break. Yzerman dekes one way and goes the other, and launches a backhand shot up and over J.S Giguere! YZERMAN SCORES, and the whole arena is going nuts! Even Brock Lesnar is up on his feet yelling and screaming in joy! The game finally gets back under way with only a few minutes left. As the clock wound down, Detroit was able to get an empty net goal and ended up winning the game 2-0! |

| Scene | - | After the game ends everybody in the arena starts to get up and leave. There is mass amounts of people filing out of the arena. Once again, the camera catches up with Lesnar outside of the arena, as he searches for his car. Finally 'The Icon' finds his way to his stretched Cadillac Escalade along with his chauffeur standing beside it. He opens the door and Brock steps inside the long-gated SUV. The chauffeur closes the door and walks toward the drivers door. He gets seated in and starts the engine as they begin to drive out of sight! |

| Scene | - | The scene opens back up. It's the next day, around 3 PM in the afternoon. We're live in the parking lot at the site of WRESTLEMANIA III! A car can be seen in the distance, speeding towards the cameraman. As it gets closer it can be noticed as a RT/10 2004 Viper, and it has music blaring from a 'pimpin' sound system! The car parks in an empty space and the driver hops out. The driver can be recognized as 'The Icon' Brock Lesnar! Lesnar grabs a duffel bag out of his trunk and heads towards the arena doors. He greets the security guards and enters the arena. Lesnar says a few hello's to the staff that is standing around, and he asks directions for the locker rooms. He gets directions and follows them down the long corridor. Finally he finds the locker room with his name on it, and he enters. A few minutes later the self proclaimed 'Icon' exits the room with some gym clothes on. He continues on down the corridor and makes his way into the gym. Lesnar starts his training. He uses some of the different machines, preparing himself. Preparing for his debut after Wrestlemania III. The camera fades out as Lesnar continues to lift more and more weights. |

| Scene | - | We return once again, to find Brock Lesnar still in the gym. He looks as if he's finishing his workout. He continues to lift some weights, as the cameraman waits for Michael Cole to appear at the scene. Finally Cole shows up in the gym area and she approaches Lesnar. Brock finishes his workout then wipes the sweat off, ready for an interview. |

..: || ~ 'MC' Micheal Cole ~ || Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here with the new WME superstar 'The Icon' Brock Lesnar. For the next little while I will be conducting an interview with Mr. Lesnar, mainly about his debut here in Wrestlemania Entertainment. Brock I thank you for you're time, can we begin now?

..: || ~ 'The Icon' Brock Lesnar ~ || It's my pleasure, but one thing, no idiotic questions. Period. I only answer to educated questions.

..: || ~ 'MC' Michael Cole ~ || Well, I have to ask you one thing. I'm sure you've seen the WME superstars in action so far and I must ask you - what do you think of them? Do they at all scare you, or pose a threat to your success in WME?

..: || ~ 'The Icon' Brock Lesnar ~ || Hell yeah! These people are scary .... things! I have heard horrible things about these people...I mean, have you ever seen wrestlers attack animals and cut them open, and then eat them? Or even bring a lion around with them, then have it brutally attack another man..? Well I can tell you one thing, what I have heard...its got me pissin' my pants - and if I continue to hear and see strange behaviour here I might not even show up! Nah, I'm just playing with you! WME Superstars has very unique talents , and I can tell you that it is very impressive to watch. I've never seen such characters. As to in the ring, I don't know their technique's, I don't know their style. - That's where they have an advantage over me. But then again, they don't know my style either - so we're at an equal advantage over one another. It should be interesting when I step in the ring with one of the WME superstars.

..: || ~ 'MC' Michael Cole ~ || Now Icon, it seems that this question has been asked about a million times, but I'm going to ask you anyways. WME is known to be the house of champions..and when you get a title shot - how will that affect you're style of wrestling... or will it at all?

..: || ~ 'The Icon' Brock Lesnar ~ || Yes it will, definitely. Think about it, I would have a chance to gain a WME championship belt; put some gold around my waist. It's my first - its EVERYONE'S first priority when they enter WME - an opportunity to put a WME title around my waist. Obviously with that being said, I would be fighting even harder and putting more into every move I do, trying to acquire that title. Adding a WME title to a matchup only makes a man more dangerous. Now with that being said, I'm sure Jericho and Rhyno will also be fighting harder at Wrestlemania III. So will Eddie Guerrero and Christopher Daniels, 2 Cool and Edge & Christian, everyone on the card. Mania' will be their opportunity to prove themselves, Well, when my first match comes it will be my opportunity to shine, I promise you I won't let it slip. In fact I have a quote from an Eminem song, that just so perfectly fits this situation...

Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?

..: || ~ 'The Icon' Brock Lesnar ~ || Wouldn't you agree that that line fits perfectly into this situation? I will have an opportunity... maybe not to seize everything I ever wanted - but one moment to prove myself in WME. You may think that I'm 'just another new guy', and I'm full of all talk; well you will learn that I can talk and walk. I don't care what it takes, but I will pull out all the stops to take you men down and rise up to the top! My debut match is a shot to claim a standing within the WME locker room. Anyone that doubts me, I will prove that I can wrestle in the same ring with them. I will prove that I deserve a spot within the ranks. I will establish myself in this business. I hope everybody is ready for me, and my era of PAIN! Be prepared, because Brock Lesnar is the Next Big Thing to hit the WME.

| Scene | - | With that 'The Icon' Brock Lesnar leaves the scene. The camera watches him walk out of the gym and down the long corridor. The camera turns back to Michael Cole who has a look of shock on his face. |

 | End Of Scene | - |