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Blood N Guts

bNg News

bNg News

March 15th - Hello, I have tried to recover the RPs from the boards because they will be down for 8 days, and I have just decided that we need to RP on the MSN site, so if you have yet to sign up there, then please do.

March 13th - PAIN is up! There will be no HARDcore again this week because Mase broke his wrist, I'm not sure if there will be one next week, but PAIN should make up for it, RP ASAP for next week's PAIN, the card is up! Also - I will be putting up Tuenge's thoughts on the MSN bNg site, special guest : James Ceno

March 11th - There has been a small change to the PAIN card, Christen The Killer will be replacing Alicia in the Flyghtweight Tournament Match, also be sure to sign up at the new bNg site :

March 7th - PAIN is up! Be sure to check out the PAIN card for next week! Once again, there will be no HARDcore!

bNg Message Boards

bNg Roster

bNg Champions

bNg PAIN Card

bNg PAIN Results

bNg HARDcore Card

bNg HARDcore Results

bNg Pay Per Views

bNg Platinumb

Tuenge's Thoughts

bNg History (Coming Soon)