< (::: The First Victum :::)
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(:::The Day is beautiful the bee’s are buzzing, the birds are flying. As the camera flies from them noises to Honking horns, Brake squalling, and people having road rage issues. Yes it is none other then rush on in Los Angeles. We see a 2004 Red hummer sitting on chrome slowly going through the Traffic. That means the Cameras are following the one and only Billy “Big Money” Anderson. The Camera’s go in to his Red hummer as he drives down the freeway. Billy is wearing a blue cut off shit over a black dollar sign shirt, black jeans, black shoes, and has a Curve cologne cent on him.. As he drives he talks ot the camera:::)

Billy "Big Money" Anderson ladies and Gentlemen if you do not know who I may be let me introduce myself. My name is Billy “Big Money” Anderson I have came to the federation to take some names, kick some ass, win some hearts, break some hearts, and when its all said and done be one of the best wrestlers this federation has ever set eyes on. Now when I came to the Federation I sat down and I wrote down a bunch of goals that I was going to achieve.
He Stomps on the gas to get past someone on the other lane he gets up to about 80 then slows back down. He relaxes as he goes back to talking. Now my first goal was to introduce myself. Which I have already done. So now I guess it comes down to prove myself ot everyone so they can see what kind of man I am made of. I must say whoever I am going to fight they are going to be in a world of hurt. The first match of a company you have to bring everything to the table I don’t care if your Bill Clinton coming from the WWE. You are always going to have to prove yourself to every company you join. Now with me knowing this I plan on tearing up my appointed wrestler to fight for this.

Now when I say tear up I don’t mean to leave them with a pin. I mean I am going to make a Collision. This is going to be bigger then a car wreck in Los Angeles which I see everyday. Now the person I have heard about fighting his names is Xavier. Now Xavier I don’t know anything about you man and frankly I don’t give a fuck of what you think about me eight. I’m just going to tell you like this We both are on a ladder right? No matter what you say you will always be on this latter. It goes form Rookies, to Middle Class, to pro’s. Now in my heart I am a pro but to them guys we are rookies. So this means we have to bring it all out and put it on the table. That’s what I’m going to do and you’ll see what I am made of and the whole world will se what I am made of. I mean to tell you Behind this big money image my friends is what you call a beating machine. Because once I hear my theme music hit and my pyro’s go off I am in the zone. The zone of kicking ass and not taking shit form anyone or anybody. This Machine will never be turned off until I hear the bell ring for a pin or I see blood on your face.Thats all you need to know about the Machine in me.

Now you see this Xavier thinks he has me figured out. In his first interview he decided to call me bitch-cakes. Now let me tell you a little bit about this statement. 1. It shows how immature he is and how much growing up he has to do before he get serious 2. Following #1 will lead to cockiness 3. After being a cock for a while he will get a chip on his shoulder 4. He’ll get his shit knocked out of him when he mistakes his cockiness for flightiness and get clobbered in the ring. Billy Misses his turn off. He puts it in 4 high and goes through a deep median He gets on the service road as he heads to his house. He relaxes again as he continues to talk about Xaviers act. Man I can not believe I missed that oh well. Now Xavier you can second guess everything I may say in a interview or in a ride like this or even in that ring, but you will never second guess of what I am going to do in the ring. These words and everything like that with all the fancy languages about what you going ot do to the other person. It all don’t’ matter what matters is if you can back up everything you can say. I have all the up with the back so I am never scared about what my mouth si going to say that I may regret cause I always can get myself out of trouble. The only person I am worried aobut is you Xavier cause you have never missed with a man like me. Yeah you may have been bad enough to get on the Black list with Patrick Johnson but you are never bad enough to try to take me out cause your going to need all the ass with the bad to be a badass enough to beat me.

So Xavier Get Ready because You are the one that is going ot be down for the count.

Billy Pulls in to his back yard as the Camera fades.