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It's Time......

It's Time......


[[ In EWA. "Wrestling's the game!... and... Chaos is the aim!" And the one man, to turn that hopeful ..thus far.. into reality for the EWA... IS.. "The Man They Call, Vader! And it has been... Going since 3 Weeks back!.. Where everything was.. And shall be forever.. Looked upon, in awe! As the EWA brought you "CHAOS" for its premiering 3 weekly shows. Where.. The Future Fortunes of Jamie Noble, Rob Van Dam, & AJ Styles were determined. And dealt proverbial "PAIN & AGONY".. From whence, No Man Dreams to Ever Suffer, from Vader! And for its 4th coming week... Where "Chaos".. Shall again rule the night! And Vader's "Path of Destruction".. Shall Continue On.. to rule all.. Extreme Wrestling Alliance! WHAT.. WILL BE.. THE FATE.. OF RAVEN!? Tune into Chaos, on March 9th '03, to find out!!! ]]


[[ The scene opens.. At the Time! The time just after the closing moments of EWA's Chaos show, from Las Vegas Nevada. Where we are still filming.. From the "City of Sin" as anyone and everyone knows... The real action in Las Vegas picks up at night. In the evening! We start panning... And we see the glitz.. and the glamour.. of Vegas by Helicopter skyline view, before zooming in upon an arena. In fact, the very same sporting arena... Where we just saw Chaos from. As we enter in now... Seeing Terri Runnels and Jonathan Coachman elegantly dressed and deck out for the Vegas atmosphere. ]]

Terri Runnels [--> Looking about her surroundings <--] Wow, can you believe the turnout we've had here Coach?

Jonathan Coachman: [--> Looking over a crowd of still jakked fans parading about over EWA's Chaos <--] No, Terri. Its simply WILD out here. And I guess.... Why wouldn't it be, since we're in Vegas.

Terri Runnels: Yeah. Vegas does have that effect, to bring 'the wild' out in a person.

Jonathan Coachman: I hear that Terri. I... really hear that.

Terri Runnels: Hmm. [--> Playfully nudging Coachman <--] Sounds like you've had quite the experience. Here.. In the "City of Sin." So, am I right Coach?

Jonathan Coachman: Me..? Heh..heh. [--> Tugging a bit nervously at his shirt's collar <--] Why'd you say that, Terri!?

Terri Runnels: Oh Coach, come on. It's me.... Terri. You can tell me, what happened.

Jonathan Coachman: Well.... Let's just say, that I lost a few things, that I wish.. I had the willpower not to lose, while here at Vegas.

Terri Runnels: Coach.. Don't tell me... You lost your shirt. At the casinos... did you?

Jonathan Coachman: Well........ I DID have a moment or two with some of the casino dealer ladies, where I wish I did.. Lose my shirt. Along with a few other mentionables..........

[[ Coach starts laughing. As Terri sighs. ]]

Terri Runnels: Oh, Coach. You never act mature.... Do you?

Jonathan Coachman: [--> Still giggling <--] Well, Terri..... No. But, after my experience at the slots, crap tables, and... the roulette wheel........ I've learned quite the lesson.

Terri Runnels: I'm almost afraid to ask..... But, what?

Jonathan Coachman: Well........... Let's just say 'Big Daddy' wasn't quiet the High Roller he thought he was. And well......... Won't be flying back 1st class on the local airlines outta here. Like he thought, he would. But rather....... Just chillin' his heels for a couple thousand kilometers.. on the Grey Hound bus. The ride home.

Terri Runnels: Oh....... Coach.

[[ Terri brings Coachman over and consoles the poor man with a single-handed hug, with Coach's head resting nice and snug on her cleavage. But too bad..... This moment does last very long, as another situation prevails. ]]

Sunny: What's the time!?

Big Van Vader: The time........ Is Vader. VADER TIME!

Sunny: What do you feel?

Big Van Vader: No Pain!

Sunny: And what do you wanna give out... To all those lucky to face you?

Big Van Vader: Plenty.... OF PAIN!

[[ Vader shrieks with laughter, as Coach quickly lifts his head, along with Terri pulling back.. As they take sight of Vader and Sunny, approaching their way. ]]

Sunny: Terri. Coach. [--> Smiling <--] How nice it is..... To see you both.

[[ Sunny warmly greets the two. ]]

Jonathan Coachman: [--> Careful not to let his eyes stray too far from Vader <--] Nice to see... you too Sunny. But.......... It would have been better, if you weren't in such crowded company!

Big Van Vader: WHAT!? WHAT YOU SAY..... COACH!??!

[[ Vader wastes no time gettin' in.. up close and personal.. to Jonathan Coachman. Who litterally faulters under the fit massive mass of Vader. ]]

Jonathan Coachman: Eh...Eh...em. I wish to retract that.

Big Van Vader: You damn right, you wish to retract that. And you best....... Start over. And choose your words carefully. 'Cause you never know... Just how.. You'll be rewarded for what you do... and say today. This very minute.

Jonathan Coachman: [--> Gulps <--] I'd like to say... Congratulations on your victorious win tonight.

Big Van Vader: Down right nice of you, to say that Coach.

[[ Feeling Vader's breath beating down on him, from the closeness. They're facing at. ]]

Jonathan Coachman: Well......... I try.

Big Van Vader: So, do I... Coach. I try. I try... To provide the very best.. Of what I give, to all those suited to be squashed before Vader! I try........ No. [--> Shaking head <--] What's the word?

Sunny: 'Give.'

Big Van Vader: YESSS! [--> Flexing his shoulders <--] I give.... The greatest of Garuntees. For mutual investments. In fact......... The House of Pain. OWNED... By the Bank of Vader! GIVES.......... Its Customers, more than what they could... EVER BARGAIN, they could ever get! More for their Money! An absolute steal......... At the LOW... LOW INTEREST RATES, to Committ. All......... That's required, is their 'John Hancock' on the dotted line of a match contract............... And once signed! IT'S ON!!!!......... Immediate service! No other branch of business. Be it.. banking. Cable T.V. service. Long-Distance Savings on Cellular Phone Connection Fees. Car Dealerships.......... None. Offers that!

[[ Easing a little off of Coach. ]]

Big Van Vader: Because you see.......... Modes of Opperation, are simple. All one must do......... Is.. BE THERE, to get their just desserts! And rest assured....... In the Bank of Vader! YOUR TRUST.......... WILL GET YOU, to YOUR END! Speedy... Quick! With no hassels. Or bait 'n' switch..... dealings. What's offered to you.... Is what you get! Total Customer Satisfaction.

Terri Runnels: Don't you mean.... Total Customer Dissatisfaction. Considering... I'm not all too sure... Your customers enjoy the many entrees of PAIN ..served on your menu.

[[ Pushing Coach aside with just a whim, moving up to Terri. ]]

Big Van Vader: You saying,.......... People don't like my product?!

Terri Runnels: [--> Litterally bending backwards <--] Well... no. But I think you deliver a very fine product. Just one... I'd like to never experience.. personally.

[[ The look from Vader to Terri looks intense. ]]

Big Van Vader: You know what.... Terri?

Terri Runnels: Uh.... what?

Big Van Vader: I thank you, for your honesty. And I see........ You're right. My menu is.......... A Bit Bland!

[[ Walking up to Vader. ]]

Sunny: Vader.... Your brand. Is just fine by me. But, hey.....

[[ Soothing and warming up to Vader. ]]

Sunny: Any recipe......... Can be improved upon.

Big Van Vader: Yesssssssssss. You are right, Sunny. Ever the muse....... You entertain. And inspire me....... To greater heights.

[[ We see Sunny blush. ]]

Big Van Vader: And you know......... I will increase the benefits! [--> Pausing, to think <--] But... where? O' where.......... Do I instigate this? What platform? What venue? And to whom........... Do my next business, go to?

Sunny: You know....... Big 'V'. I think........... Something a bit.... HARDCORE, would suit your venue. And of course........ the platform. EWA CHAOS, of course. Within the Next Week. Should do, just fine.

[[ Looking entranced..... with joy at this. ]]

Big Van Vader: Tell me more..

Sunny: And as to whom........ The lucky recipient should be.

[[ Walking about to and from the front of Vader. ]]

Sunny: Well I think........ It should be someone deserving. Someone who thinks... They are afflicted with true pain. But, really......... Have NO IDEA what true PAIN feels like.

Big Van Vader: Oh, indeed.

Sunny: And you know........ I haven't a better thought of who fits the bill more, than... [--> Smiling with a sly look <--] RaVen.

Big Van Vader: RAVEN......... The bird who claims to be of a solo flock. To be understood by no one but himself. The self-professed tortured soul........... Who lives in constant pain of oblivion, because he's invisible to the world. Oh............. The Injustice, to which Raven puts himslef through. The lust....... For which he doesn't have! Raven WISHES for pain! And fabricates......... Every doledrum moment to be that of a cancerous effect to his existance. But, no......... Raven is not afflicted with pain. Just conflicted... With what the thought of PAIN should feel like. [--> Pause <--] Raven you beat yourself up... To no avail. For you know not PAIN, to really feel how such a thing.. Will impact you. But, don't fret. Because......... Your Wish is about to be Fulfilled! Because to me......... I see a needy child, just out of bounds from getting that real TREAT. That chocolate chip cookie........ That mom puts away just from your hand's reach. That you want 'oh-so' bad to get....... That you settle for an imaginatory dream. Of actually having........... But, in your heart of hearts. You know, you have nothing.

Sunny: So, that's why...........

Big Van Vader: Christmas '03 shall come early for you Raven. You will get the GIFT... That keeps on GIVING. PAIN.............! Oh-so sweet......... Luscious PAIN! The stuff that your dreams are made of. That you torment yourself to finally have. But, will........ Compliments of Big.. Van.. Vader!!!

Sunny: Raven my dear......... Sleep tight, on that long road from Vegas. And to soothe those dreams......... 'Til you get what you most desire. Let this song, be your comfort.

[[ Suddenly, we see Harley Race enter in....... As he's accompanied with.. Bobby "The Brain" Heenan!?!? ]]

Harley Race: Ready.. Bobby, ole' pal.

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan: Oh, yes........ This one will be a beaut.

[[ Without any answer to what's happening here.... Bobby Heenan starts singing out the Roy Rogers song classic.. "Happy Trails" to Raven. ]]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan: Raven....... [--> Singing chorus <--] Happy Trails to You, until we meet again! - Happy Trails to You, Keep Smilin' until then.

Big Van Vader: 'Til its your PAIN DAY!

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan: [--> Continuing, the song <--] Who cares about the clouds, when we're together. - Just sing a song and bring, the sunny weather.

Sunny: Which'll say......... Your time has come. 'Vader Time' to You! Ravey!

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan: [--> Picking up cue <--] Happy Trails to You, 'Til we meet again.

*Verse Two*

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan: [--> Singing <--] Some Trails are Happy Ones, Others Are Blue.

Harley Race: Much like your body will be Raven......... BLACK 'n' BLUE, once you cross Vader's Trail! Heheheheh.

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan: [--> Keeping the song pace <--] It's the way you ride the Trail that Counts, Here's a Happy One for You.

Big Van Vader: Your Trail to PAIN will make you happy, Raven. But it'll also........ Be where your final ride take place. And Ends!

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan: [--> Singing up chorus again <--] Happy Trails to You, until we meet again! - Happy Trails to You, Keep Smilin' until then.

Sunny: Because its a garuntee..... You won't be smiling afterwards. At Chaos.

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan: [--> Continuing on with the song <--] Who cares about the clouds, when we're together. - Just sing a song and bring, the sunny weather.

Sunny: That'll look more like rain......... On your parade Raven.

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan: [--> Concluding the Song <--] HAPPY TRAILS TO YOU, 'Til.. WE MEET AGAIN.

Big Van Vader: Which isn't likely.......... Raven. Oh, no........... Not when... IT'S TIME! .....IT'S TIME!!................. IT'S....... VADER TIMEEEEEEEEEE!

[[ Vader makes the "V" signs with his hands shouting out, in a grinning sick sorta laugh..... as Race, Bobby, Sunny, Terri and Coach all look on from behind. As we close the scene here. After Raven's Special Little Tribiute *Goodbye* Song from Vader & Company. ]]


[[ Fade Out. ]]