Bye 8-1-2002
The sun is in my eyes
You're leaving me
You want to end the lies
That wrapped us up for so long.

You see me crying
You try to hide it but
You know I'm dying
WHy don't you care

Every day I saw your face
In the morning
Beside me. Clouded vision.
The sun was in my face.

But at least I thought I was happy
I'm an angel fallen from grace
So komake orange moon what do I do
When will your words not matter

My heart wants to tell the truth
My body just wants rough sex
And my mind won't let me fly
If I could go away

I'd take you with me
Just one day
I could make you stay

Komake orange moon
Shine in my eyes
I'll be with you soon
And try death on for size

It's like a dressing room accident
Got the shirt on
How much have you spent
On something you don't want -- can't take off.

It seemed so easy at the time
The day you told the truth
I spilled my kiwi lime
My bad, you're gone, see you around.

Wait how does that work
When you avoid me like the plague
I'm not cool like Captain Kirk?
What the hell did I say to you?

We had it so great, life was good
I was there for you
And you understood
But you read my eyes

I let my guard down a second
That slut from highschool
You saw her beckon
And now you're gone

She's so much better
Anyone's better than me
Komake orange moon go get her
I'll see you in hell bitch.

Oops 8-1-2002
Can you help me get outa my mind
this isnt what i asked for
since when is hte world blind
to my cries
get used to life cuz its vicious
so fuck you, you're just a body.
you find my actions suspicious
maybe you should check my pockets
what you say about murder
its a sin whats within
now who's the true hurter
so lets go lets begin
you grab the bottle i'll take the tire iron
twitch and crash and i'll kill you
make a splash in the rain
my life is a lie its not true
it cant be why did i do that
you understood and you cared
of course my savior's too late
i cant believe you dared
get close to me and you'll be sorry
you had friends, i couldnt
so thats why i never, i hardly
you talked to me, i wouldnt
i cant believe, you were the one
but now its done
and now i run
away from your death
you steal my breath

what 8-1-2002
what were you doing with me
i dont htink i deserved you
and i know all your friends agree
you just couldnt see the true
what i had inside
you wonder why i cried
you wonder why you died
and then i lied
there was a man with a gun
i heard you shout
you told me to run
bitch run bitch get out
sit down shut up fuck you
but hold my hand
tell me the words...i love you
whats wrong with this
violent kiss, unhappy bliss
i feel like im missing something
maybe because what i have is nothing
who needs that shit
just take a hit
i want to bite
turn out hte light
you cant see mee
i wanna be away from life
something great-followed by hell
whats in my hand, is that a knife
im sure it'll all end well
when the twister twisted
and the blister listed
the tears were misted
red eyes nad quiet sobs
you wanna get out
get lost in the mobs
hide your shout
whats with hate
you are second rate
banging on heaven's gate
and go to hell in the end
when you get a letter
from a go getter
its opena nd you better
let her wet her face
to wash off hte slut
shes not one inside
do you know what she hides
she's so scared
she's dead

Love Me Painful 8-1-2002
We can work it out
Dont hit me, don't shout
We can work it out
If you know what I'm talking about
You can learn some emotions
love sex
Like waves flooding oceans
hate sex
You shouldn't need potions
Just to go through the motions
I think something's wrong
Its been way too long
live no
You're just too strong
Way too strong
Can I get away from this
What's with the psychotic kiss
If life's so hit and miss
Explain why you never miss.
You know what I believe
I've got to leave
You think there's reprieve
I can't decieve
It's better out here
It's been a day since you were near
come back
It's been a day since a tear
Now it's so clear
I never should have been with you
Your name, what name, who?
But i'm on you like glue
THe sad thing, it's so true
It's been two days since
I saw my prince
Dropping subtle hints
Ruining peaceful moments
You'll take me back, I'm glad
I don't know what's inside, what's sad
Feel like I've been had
I must be mad cuz this is bad

Beautiful Girl 8-1-2002
Beautiful girl
nobody loves you nobody wants you
nobody cares if you die
go in ur room the camera will see you cry
think of suicide wanna take a ride think you can hide
beautiful girl
its your fate you cant escape
what made you think they cared, you dared
you're so scared
its the end of your life
full of strife

you suck 8-1-02 what are you doin why do i care
what makes you think you deserve air
hey i dont mean to stare but you're ugly and bare
whats with that hole whats inside
its your soul its hung up and dried
whats wrong with your mind
you could be happy and kind
but instead you're rotten and cruel
you got problems fucking ghoul

nope no care here 8-1-02
cry if you want to
die if you want to
but you know it wont help your case
you tell all there is
wait for him to bare his
but you know he never will

Ode to the End 7-30-02
Get the fuck up
Get the fuck out
And go fuck around
Go fuck the fuck around
Cuz your friends don't matter
They either like you or they don't
And it's probably the latter.
And what the hell do you really think you're doing?
You think you're in heaven when really it's hell.
Try to explain all the feelings you feel
And then you'll see -- FUCK -- life ain't so well.
So get the fuck up
And get the fuck out
Go fuck around
Go fuck the fuck around.
If life ain't heaven, what's the point of livin?
The whole damn place is so concerned with taking
So forget yourself, just keep up with the givin.
There's nothing wrong with living on an empty heart
Wouldn't it be great to have some friends
Maybe if you just shaped the fuck up
Don't sit back and take the life God sends
Except wait, you can't argue with him.
So cry and die and shrivel up inside
You know no one gives a flying fuck
As you go fragile-first down hte slip n slide of life
They're all hoping to see blood.
What the fuck made you think they cared in the first place?
You know they always do that thing
Without you and you scramble in post haste
Why don't you fucking die
When you kill yourself with suicide
Will they laugh at the smiley face scrawled in blood?
Good thing your true self can truly hide
Can't let anyone see your dark side.
But hey the best things are yet to come
You believe that shit? You know it ain't true.
Let your head hang low cuz you're fucking dumb.

Getting Dizzy Lizzy 8-3-02
Cuz you know how you are
And you know how life is
And you know something's wrong
When you eat your own jizz.

Everybody Everyone 8-7-02
It's ok to be messed up
Cuz everybody is
It's ok to be suicidal
Cuz everybody is
It's ok to have a deathwish
Cuz everybody does
You think you're alone
But I just want you to know
everybody feels it...
It's ok to kill yourself
Cuz everybody does
Once in their livetime
Everybody does
And you wanna follow the crowd
Cuz everybody does
Just remember...
It's ok,
Just because
Everybody does.

You 8-11-02
Can't you
Get over yourself
No one
Wants to hear about it
Why don't
You shut the fuck up
Did you
Really do all you said you did?
What's with
The look you're giving me
Your eyes
Make my heart chill
Your touch
Makes me feel ill
You talk
About yourself too much
Just give
Me the life I earned
I hurt
So much it's all your fault
Next week
Consistent theme

So? 8-11-02
What are you wearing to school
That's not very cool
You remind me of Mad Hatter
Laws don't really matter...
Who cares what they say
I don't follow rules anyway.

Dead Birds 8-11-02
Dead birds in my past
I didn't mean to hurt them
The flood swept through so fast
No time for goodbyes.

Wishing well run dry
Single bird calling
Somewhere in the sky
Far too high for my eyes

But I don't deserve the sight
A temporary cage
Held us all one night
Kitty learned to open doors

Now we're all flown free
'It was good while it lasted,'
Said the matre de
'Would you like some hors devours?

Please take the roasted pheasant
She didn't want to live
The taste will be quite pleasant
As suicide is sweet.'

The raging waters smile
Lean in to take a bite
A grinning crocodile
Snaps at the heart beat

It's over it's over it's gone
There's poison in the birdbath
And dead birds on the lawn
Innocence is lost

Kitty wanders in
Her fur is soft
Her thoughts are sin
And birds are dead at any cost.