Cookie Cutter
Stranger in a strange land

Hey! It's me! I know this page sucks. I don't have much to put here right now. My name is Ananda... well no it's not, but I don't want to put my real name because I know my mom regularly searches the internet for her childrens' names just to see if they have websites they're not telling her about. Freak. Anyway, I live in Fairbanks, Alaska, AKA Hellonearth. It gets 90 in the summers, which I'm not complaining about, but then in the winter it gets -50. I guess I might not mind so much if this was my home town, but I just moved here from Soldotna which is a nice normal place in South Alaska... I miss it there! Anyway my parents are assholes for making me move and having no pity...

I have a puppy. His name is Twister. Did you know it takes approximately .4 years of begging until your parents finally give in? He's malamute and german shepard and boy is he dumb but he's the cutest thing ever, and hes so nice. Anyway I'll stop talking about htings you don't care about and let you get on with your life!