A Love Poem by a Behaviorist
By James and Cookie

{James} How can the sight of you be perceived. You make me pant, my hands sweat, and my heart beat really fast. Your touch {Cookie} is like a hot poker to my sweaty skin {James} which fuses our body as one fleshy mass {Cookie} like that urban legend where hte people were having sex in the woods and got hit by lightening and their genitals fused together. {Amy} indeed... {James} That's not an urband legend. It happened in the darwin awards. It killed the girl but not the guy. When the guy become conscious though, he discovered a bear had begun eating his "mate" after it ate half her head it went away. He then painfully crawled toward the highway where he was found by a group of girl scouts. He was removed but his phallus, as reported by a nurse, looked like colliflower. {Amy} ewwwww... {Cookie} A lot of Darwin awards are urban legends. Unless they say validated by the award-master or whatever, there's no proof.