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The only thing we have in common...

It's only expected UCW superstars are compared to stars of other organizations. But how do they really feel about those comparisons? sat down recently with several UCW superstars to discuss with them this topic...


Interview with Acid caught up recently with World champion Acid to get his thoughts on Spring Showdown, aligning with Double X & Shane Shadows, Jimmy Guzman, his tenure in UCW, and many other topics...


Being the baby...

Anyone who is the youngest in the family can relate to Drew Jordan. Drew, at only 19 years old is the youngest superstar in UCW. We caught up with Drew recently to discuss with him this and many other topics...


Fan Fic?

Fan Fic is a word that seems to be associated with all celebrities now days. But none more prominent than those in the wrestling industry. caught up with several of it's superstars recently to get their thoughts on the rapidly growing obsession that is fan fic...


Like Father, like Son's...

When Walter Brown entered Pro Wrestling in 1966, he had plans for only a short career. Never did he think that 35 years later, he'd still be involved with this business. And that all three of his sons would be following in his footsteps...


On the Road again...

In this business, its often for wrestlers to develope strong friendships while travelling. recently caught up with all of its superstars to discuss with them the friendships developed on the road...


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