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On this link, we have listed the stats of all our former TWF superstars.


King Kong Bundy 5 12 0 None Bundy was brought in as a bodygaurd for Travis Wakeman in the days of Wakeman Enterprises. He was let go after leaving WE and was assigned to SMW. After a short stint there, he moved on to an independent organization in Connecticut. September 2000
D.W.Jones 13 11 0 Hardcore (2) Jones is a former 2 time TWF Hardcore champion, winning the title from Crash at last year's Summerslam. He then formed a tough tag team combination with Albert known as Excessive Force. After the team split due to Jones being placed on the injured list with broken ribs, it was learned that Jones would be out for 6 months with the injury. So the TWF released him with an injury settlement. He now wrestles for the rival organization MFW under a different name. November 2000
The Headbangers 11 7 0 Tag Team The Headbangers are former TWF Tag Team champions and still hold the record of longest reign as champs(4 months). After their release, Thrasher wrestled in SMW for a few weeks before walking out on it. November 2000
Mideon 20 32 0 European Mideon was a strange competitor in the TWF. He became part of Sgt. Slaughter's Mercenaries and won the European title from Perry Saturn. He mysteriously disappeared from the TWF and hasn't been heard from since. November 2000
King Mabel 9 11 1 None Mabel was one of the biggest competitors in TWF history. He was brought in by Ted Diabiase and his most notable match came at King of the Ring 2000 when he took on "King T" Travis Wakeman for the TWF title in the "King of Kings" match. Although he lost, it was one of Wakeman's toughest challenges to date. After being released from the TWF, it is unclear where he went. November 2000
Lord Vincent Valentin' 12 6 0 None Valentin' was one of the best looking lightheavyweights in TWF history. He came extremely close to winning the lightheavyweight title 2 times. He was released due to no room on the roster but remains in SMW, hopeful of another oppurtunity. November 2000
Demon 4 2 0 None No, this isn't Demon from WCW. Demon's main purpose in the TWF was to fued with The Undertaker. And that's exactly what he did, setting fire to Undertaker's parents gravesite prior to Summerslam. This set up a casket match between the two in which The Undertaker destroyed Demon, eliminating him from the TWF forever. August 2000
Jean-Pierre Lafitte 5 6 0 None LaFitte came to the TWF as part of Sgt. Slaughter's group of Mercenaries. After a brief stint in the fed, he was assigned to SMW. After scouts didn't feel too great about his future down there, he left the promotion. October 2000
Jeff Jarrett 13 12 0 IC Jarrett was one of the best technical wrestlers the TWF has ever known. He is a former TWF Intercontinental champion and was once a member of Shane McMahon's Corporation X. Late last September, Jarrett struck a deal with WCW and won their Heavyweight title September 5, 2000
The Blue Meanie 3 15 0 None The Meanie wasn't very successful in the TWF. His best matches were with Stevie Richards but they were not much of a threat. After his condition became an issue, he was released. September 2000
Chaz 5 10 0 None Chaz had mild success in the TWF. He formed the team Lo Down late in the year 2000 and the team was in line for a tag team title shot. But then Chaz sustained a stinger in his neck and was told by doctors not to wrestle for a long time. So the TWF released him with an injury settlement. November 2000
Hardbody Harris 11 12 1 European Harris was in terrific shape. After Terri took him under her wing, he won the European title in August 2000. But after the losing the title, Harris did not have much of a role in the TWF and was asked to move to SMW. After refusing the offer, he was released. November 2000
Vader 4 2 0 TWF Title In Vader's short TWF career, he won the TWF title by defeating Travis Wakeman in the last man standing match at Summerslam. But after losing the title to The Rock, it was decided by the TWF executive committee that The Dungeon of Doom, which Vader was in, be removed and all members were released. September 2000
Kamala 1 4 0 None Kamala was another member of the Dungeon of Doom and was released after just a few matches, the most notable a loss to Test at Summerslam. September 2000
The Headhunters: Aztec & Machete 2 5 1 None The Headhunters were The Dungeon of Doom's tag team. They were brought in as a team that could stand in with The Acolytes. But that didn't happen as The Acolytes beat them badly several times and they were shipped out along with the rest of The Dungeon September 2000
Adam Bomb 14 12 1 Japan World Adam Bomb began his career as Travis Wakeman's right hand man in Wakeman Enterprises. He then won the Japan World title on a tour from another fed. But Adam Bomb decided to join The Dungeon of Doom when Wakeman Enterprises fell apart and left with all the others. September 2000
Zues 3 7 0 None Zues was the first ever personal bodygaurd for Travis Wakeman, introduced at the 2000 Royal Rumble. But after leaving Wakeman, Zues joined the Mercenaries which some say destroyed his career. After several consecutive losses, Zues went to SMW to fine tune his abilities. He was noticed by a scout for MFW and signed a deal with them, where he remains today. September 2000
Mr.ZeRb 0 5 0 None Mr.ZeRb was one of the first members with the TWF. He quickly formed an alliance with the Godfather in an attempt to become a "pimp". But after failing to show up for 2 straight shows and then not returning phone calls, he was released without notice. October 21,2000
Bulldozer 1 4 0 None Bulldozer was signed by the TWF in Sept. 2000 and was quickly recruited by The Big Boss Man. As the Boss Man taught him the ropes, he was coming into his own. But then he stunned officials when he walked out on the fed, saying his heart was not in wrestling. November 9, 2000
The Boogie Woogie Man 3 3 0 None The Boogie Woogie Man was signed as one of the promising prospects in the TWF. He even competed at the Survivor Series. But then he made an announcement that he was leaving the company shortly after joining saying he didn't feel he was being used to the best of his abilities. December 21,2000
Dean Malenko 25 19 3 Lightheavyweight Malenko had a great TWF career as a former lightheavyweight champion. The man of 1,000 holds was a great competitor who was made expendable after several roster additions. He left on a good note and soon joined rival WCW2 but we wish him the best of luck. April 6, 2001
"Just Joe" 1 4 0 None "Just" Joe started as a backstage guy who liked to start rumors to stir the pot with other superstars. But after he was forced into the ring, it was discovered that he had talent. He then lost 2 straight matches to SMW stars on Jakked and this hurt his career. He was recently assigned to SMW to further develop his in ring abilities January 2001
Blake Carter 4 2 0 None This former Army ranger began his career in the TWF as Colonel Carter. After some success, he was demoted to SMW which he looked at as a good oppurtunity. He won almost every match he was in down there and kept a positive attitude so the TWF brought him back in in November 2000. But he was said to be extremely unhappy with his status after he returned as he was only being used sparingly. So in a shocking turn of events, Carter was snagged by the MFW in January 2001. January 13, 2001
Kage 6 9 0 None Kage is someone the TWF is very high on. He came over from Japan Pro Wrestling in April of 2000 and had a great beginning to his career, winning his first 4 matches. He then experienced a dry spell, losing 6 of 7 matches and the TWF felt the SMW would help. He has been in SMW since June 2000 and is one of the top prospects there. The TWF is continually thinking of a way to get him back in the fed. June 2000
The Road Dogg 12 28 1 Tag Team (New Age Outlaws) The Road Dogg was released due to some personal problems that were affecting his work. But The Road Dogg will long be remembered as one of the best on the mic and for his days with the New Age Outlaws, considered by many to be the greatest team ever. January 6, 2001
Bloodshed 2 1 0 None Bloodshed was brought in to the TWF in January of 2001 and was used as the big man in Raven's Flock. But after several problems, he was let go about 1 month later. February 3, 2001
"Rhyno" Ryan Goode 0 3 0 None Ryan Goode came to the TWF in mid January in hopes of becoming a star in the lightheavyweight division. But after losing the first three matches of his career and realizing the lightheavyweight division was too crowded, he jumped to the rival MFW on February 20,2001. February 20, 2001
The Kat 1 2 0 None The Kat was introduced at Survivor Series 2000. She became the valet of Mike Norton in December 2000 but was released in a cost cutting move. March 2001
Anti-Patriot 0 3 0 None Anti-Patriot was only in the TWF for 1 month and used a "hate America" gimmick. He was Canadian and made it clear that he didn't like the U.S.. He immediately got on the bad side of Billy Gunn and challenged him to a Flag match at Wrestlemania 2. The match was added to Free 4 All the night before on March 24,2001 and a stipulation of "loser leaves the TWF forever" was added. Gunn won and ended the TWF career of the Canadian. March 24, 2001
The Godfather/Goodfather 24 18 0 Tag Team The Goodfather, formerly The Godfather, joined Steven Richards' hated group the Right to Censor in late 2000. He had mild success with the froup and his best days came as The Goodfather. The Goodfather became a tag team champion, along with Bull Buchanan, at Wrestlemania 2 only to lose the titles after his leader, Steven Richards lost a match to Shawn Michaels on the same night with the stipulation that RTC would be no more. March 27, 2001
Ivory 2 15 0 None Ivory was probably one of the most gifted women wrestlers in TWF history. But she became the female representative for Right to Censor and was released in late March 2001 after the Right to Censor disbanded. March 27, 2001
"Playboy" Scotty Prince 2 1 0 None Prince was an ego maniac who was brought in to compete in the March 2001 lightheavyweight tournament. He showed a ton of potential in the tournament, advancing to the semi-finals before losing. But the next day, the TWF purchased WCW and Prince was let go in a cost cutting move as many roster additions were expected. Rival organization the MFW showed immediate interest. March 27, 2001
Rikishi 13 23 1 IC Rikishi came in to the TWF with a huge future in front of him. He immediately won the Intercontinental title and won some big matches. He eventually teamed with fellow islander Haku and the two formed a very impressive team. But he soon disappeared from federation t.v. when the creative team ran out of ideas for him. He was considered as a candidate for the inactive roster but he wanted to seek employment elsewhere instead. April 10, 2001
Haku 2 2 0 None Haku was brought in at the Royal Rumble in 2001 as a mystery participant. After a brief stint teaming with Rikishi, he was released after complaining of not being used properly. April 20, 2001
8-Ball 2 1 0 None 8-Ball came into the TWF in early April 2001 and joined the powerful Team Georgia. But after management felt he still needed more time to get ready for the big time, he was assigned to SMW with full intentions of being back soon. May 8, 2001
The Outlaw 1 0 0 None The Outlaw had one of the shortest careers in TWF history. After making a big debut at Foul Play as the new member of Team Georgia, he got into a major argument with management which resulted in him demanding out of his contract. May 20, 2001
"Too Sexy" Brian Christopher 5 12 0 None Christopher was one of the best lightheavyweights in TWF history. He is best remembered for the tag team Too Cool along with partner Scotty Too Hotty. But after turning on Scotty, he joined the Reluctance of Society. After a couple successful months there, Christopher was caught in possession of illegal drugs at the TWF's Evil Intentions PPV. His contract was immediately terminated.

May 29, 2001
The Angel of Death 2 1 0 None After the TWF signed this mysterious man in April 2001, he immediatley made a name for himself. He carried a wheel trim at all times and hung around the rafters of arenas. He had notable fueds with Steve Blackman and Harper Bane which resulted in 2 very dangerous matches. But after management bent over backwards to try and help him, he still refused to give in to their wishes and was subsequently released. June 2, 2001
Jake "The Snake" Roberts 10 6 0 IC Jake Roberts came to the TWF in December of 2000 to fued with Stone Cold at War in the Winter. After that, he won the IC title and didn't lose it, defending it successfully several times. Unfortunatley, Jake announced on the June 6, 2001 RAW that he was abusing drugs. Admitting he needed help, Roberts gave up his wrestling career and the IC title. But first, he DDT'ed his manager Paul Bearer to draw a standing ovation from the crowd. Left for drug rehab on June 6, 2001
Shinza Sasaki 1 2 0 None After coming from the MFW in February 2001 as Scorpion, Sasaki used his real name but was never happy in the TWF, feeling he was being held down. So in early June, WCW2 inked him to a contract promising him bigger and better things. Signed by WCW2 on June 6, 2001
Billy Kidman 6 2 0 None Kidman had a short, yet successful TWF career. Signing a deal in February 2001, Kidman was supposed to be a cornerstone of the lightheavyweight division for years to come. But in his last match on the June 6, 2001 RAW, Ravishing Robert Wright came out and helped him, signaling his jump to WCW2 that same day. Signed by WCW2 on June 6, 2001
Cobra 1 1 0 None Cobra had a very short stint in the TWF. He was brought in as an old nemesis of Bahamut's with a lingering grudge. Bahamut had put him in the hospital for over a year after a Japanese death match in another organization and he was back for revenge. But Bahamut sent him to the hospital again after a No Holds Barred match on Free 4 All prior to King of the Ring. After this match, he had several contract disputes with management and was subsequently released. July 4, 2001
Jacquelyn 7 8 1 Women's Jackie is regarded as one of the toughest females to ever enter the business. She was the first ever TWF Women's champion and she defended that title successfully for 2 months before losing it. But she soon disappeared from TWF tv and became a casualty when the company signed several women to long term deals August 1, 2001
Justin Credible 3 5 0 None Justin Credible showed up in the TWF in the spring of 2001 and soon became part of the group X-Factor with Albert, Tori and X-Pac. After experiencing mild success, including pinning all 4 members of the New Breed at Foul Play, he got into a fight with X-Pac after the two lost a tag match on Free 4 All prior to Tidal Wave. Days later, he defected to WCW2 after signing a contract with them. August 11, 2001
Harper Bane 6 3 0 None Harper Bane originally signed with the TWF in January 0f 2001. Even though he came in as one of the hottest looking prospects in recent times, he decided to pursue other goals after just a few matches. He contacted the TWF in April 2001 about a possible return and after renegotiating, he was resigned. He defeated the Angel of Death in the brutal, first ever "Bed of Nails" match in a match that ended AOD's career. But the problems started with Bane again. He became hard to contact as he traveled overseas many times and after returning a few phone calls, he flat out disappeared and was subsequently released. August 21, 2001
Xstasy 1 1 0 Women's Xstasy only had 2 matches in the TWF and they both involved the Women's title. She began her career with a short program with Terri Gold and won the Women's title in her first match. She was then recruited by Vince to take out Chyna, who turned down a spot in his alliance. But Chyna was up to the task and beat Xstasy for the Women's title on the Free 4 All prior to King of the Ring. That was the last time she was seen on tv as the TWF came to the decision to part ways with her in September 2001 when the creative team ran out of ideas for her. Her wrestling career is far from over though. September 11, 2001
The British Bulldog 9 12 0 European The British Bulldog had a brief stint in the TWF which included winning the European title. But after Survivor Series in 2000, he was placed on the Inactive roster due to overcrowding in the company. He remained inactive for 10 months before the TWF finally cut ties with him, coming to the understanding that he didn't fit in their plans in the foreseeable future. September 25, 2001
Nurse Betty 2 1 0 None Nurse Betty was more of a valet to Electric Coma then she was a wrestler. She had 2 wins over Trish Stratus and displayed some wrestling abilities. But when Electric Coma was demoted to SMW in Sept. 2001, she was let go. September 27, 2001
Kai en tai 2 2 0 None As a tag team, Kai en tai wasn't really given a fair shake in the TWF. Funaki came to the TWF first and compiled a 13-18 record while winning the lightheavyweight title. Taka competed on a Japanese circuit before coming to the TWF in November of 2000. He only wrestled in 4 singles matches, losing them all. They were both placed on the Inactive roster in December 2000 but when a need for tag teams became apparent, the TWF optioned both men to SMW with a very real possibility of one day coming back. September 27, 2001
The Big Boss Man 18 31 2 Hardcore The Boss Man is a crafty veteran with a terrible mean streak. He was one of the very first Hardcore champions but at the age of 40, he was placed on the Inactive roster, opening the door for younger talents. But he was then sent to SMW in Sept. 2001 with an oppurtunity to end his career in the TWF. September 27, 2001
Mike Norton 11 17 0 European Mike Norton had a decent TWF career. He won the European title at Code Red in February 2001 and became the leader of the Reluctance of Society. But after his group fell apart in the Summer of 2001, he was sent down to SMW to free up roster space. September 27, 2001
Electric Coma 10 7 0 None The mysterious man was one of the meanest individuals to step foot in the TWF. He had 2 seperate stints in the TWF. The first was unsuccessful because of disagreements with upper management but after renegotiating his deal, Electric Coma returned at Foul Play in April 2001 by running over Mick Foley with a car. Electric Coma then joined Vince McMahon's Alliance and it looked like his career was ready to take off, especially after defeating Shawn Michaels on pay-per-view. But he soon fell out of good standing with Vince and slowly got eliminated from the Alliance. With no creative option for him, management sent him down to SMW, hoping he'll realize his talent there. September 27, 2001
Metallic Hangover 3 3 0 None Metallic Hangover was brought in as a prized free agent from another organization but it was soon realized that he was not ready for the style of the TWF. After just 5 matches, he was sent down to SMW in hopes of revitalizing his career and learning the tools necessary to come back to the TWF. September 27, 2001
Steve Corino 10 8 0 None Corino was one of those guys who made it big in ECW but was lost when they went out of business. Known as the "King of Old School", Corino brought his style to the TWF in December 2000 where he immediately had one of the best matches of 2001 at the Royal Rumble against Jeff Hardy. He later formed a tag team with Rhyno but when Rhyno decided to go on his own, Corino was lost. Frustrated by never being given the oppurtunities he felt he deserved, Corino announced his retirement from the squared circle in October 2001. October 12, 2001
Nuke 13 10 0 Hardcore

2 Times

2001 King of the Ring

Nuke had one of the most up and down TWF careers ever. He signed a developmental contract in November 2000 and was sent to SMW where officials expected him to be for at least 6 months. But after going 5-0 down there, they decided to call him up shortly after. He became a 2 time Hardcore champion, including winning the first ever Hardcore Hell match at Wrestlemania 2. In June 2001, he became the 2nd King of the Ring. But it did nothing for him. He went into a terrible slump after winning the tournament and was subsequently released in October 2001 as the TWF was in the process of freeing up roster space. October 12, 2001
The Brutile Bulldog 6 8 0 None The Brutile Bulldog had a very brief stint in the TWF. Coming over in March 2001, he immediately aligned himself with Terri Runnells. He had a lot of trouble deciding which direction he wanted his career to go in and settled on the hardcore division where he experienced mild success. He was given a 2 month period off for personal reasons but when he returned, he was notified that the TWF had nothing for him and was released. October 12, 2001
Tori 8 13 0 Women's Tori had a 2 year contract with the TWF that expired in November 2001. She was completely shocked when she was given a call and learned that that contract would not be revealed. After all, she is a former TWF Women's champion and the woman who ended Jessica Lopez' long reign as champ. She also managed X-Pac and was a member of the X-Factor group. But trying to trim down on their female talent, the TWF let her go in October 2001 by buying out the last month of her deal. October 12, 2001
Lord Apocolypse 3 2 0 None Lord Apocalypse came to the company in the summer of 2001 and had decent success as an intimidating force in the ring from the Hardcore Revolution. But he was let go in October 2001 for unspecified reasons, reportedly for a violation of company policy. October 12, 2001
Well Dunn 2 7 0 None Known as Too Buff in their MFW days, Steve Well and "Buff" Johnny Dunn were brought to the TWF in February 2001 but never experienced the same success that they had in their championship days there. With the TWF looking to add more tag teams and free up roster space at the same time, Well Dunn was made expendable. They were said to be going to WCW to look for work again. October 24, 2001
"The Real Deal" Danny Bryson 2 2 0 None Danny Bryson came to the TWF in mid August 2001 as a product from the independent circuit. He had a few matches in the TWF but fell out of favor early, after not living up to his scouting reports. In a cost cutting and roster reduction manuever, he was released in November 2001, just 3 months after being signed. November 8, 2001
Chyna 8 16 0 Women's Chyna was one of the most recognizable figures in the history of the TWF and arguably, the most dominating female. She became Women's champion in June of 2001 and never lost the title, instead giving it up in November of the same year when she chose to take her career to Hollywood. As part of her departing agreement, Chyna put a special clause in her contract that states she is welcome back in the TWF if and when she's willing to come back. November 22, 2001
The Scorpion 2 2 0 None Scorpion had a very short career, being brought in as part of the Edge-Christian fued in the summer of 2001 and acting as Christian's accomplice. But after losing a big match to Edge, he and Christian parted ways and he was left without a role and was subsequently released. November 25, 2001
The Bringers of Death

Tex Watson and Mike Stalker

3 6 0 None The Bringers came to the TWF as part of the invasion by the defunct organization, W.H.W.F.. They flourished in the Hardcore Revolution, dominating opposition. But when the HCR and leader Wally Willson aligned themselves with Vince McMahon to form the NWO, the Bringers of Death didn't seem to fit into the equation and left the TWF. They are rumored to be competing for a small company called the EWF. On a side note, Watson was 2-2 and Stalker 1-2 in singles competition. December 21, 2001
Tiana Taylor 8 4 0 None Tiana Taylor began her TWF career with an 8-0 record and won the first ever Queen of the Ring Tournament. She was a longshot to make the TWF after a rough childhood but finally reached her goal in May 2001. But after a losing streak and pretty much being taken off television, she was made expendable in the first series of roster cuts in 2002. January 5, 2002
Masato Tanaka 28 27 0 Lightheavyweight(3 times) As a member of the TWF since it's inception, Masato Tanaka was one of the most successful lightheavyweights in TWF history. He is best remembered for handing Weapon R his first defeat at the first Wrestlemania. It was for these reasons that he was kept with the company, on the SMW roster. January 5, 2002
Crash 23 32 1 Hardcore

(4 times)


Although one of the most successful wrestlers in TWF history, Crash hadn't been on tv in months and no creative angles were planned for him. Incidentally, he was sent down to SMW as a way to keep him active in case a spot opened up for him. January 5, 2002
High Voltage 3 2 0 None The TWF used signing this team as an experiment in the flailing tag team division. But when they signed a few more teams in late January 2002, this team became expendable and because of their high contract and salary demands, they were let go. January 24, 2002
Hells Angel 9 10 0 Hardcore Hells Angel came into the TWF as a former WHWF champion and immediately joined the Hardcore Revolution led by Wally Willson. He then joined the NWO when the two groups merged and won the Hardcore Title, ending the long reign of Strife. After the NWO got bigger and bigger, there soon became no room for Hells Angel and he was let go by the company. February 11, 2002
Mike "The Texan" Smith 7 15 0 None The Texan was a former Rodeo circuit competitor who came to the TWF at age 22 on the fourth of July in 2001. He started into a fued over "Texas Pride" with Eddie Guerrero that led to some epic battles, including a Texas Death Match at Survivor Series 2001. But after losing the battle to Guerrero, he was left on the back burner and in late February 2002, he came to TWF management personally and asked for a release from his contract. February 21, 2002
Weapon R 37 31 0 Lightheavyweight(3 times)

Japan Lightheavyweight


Weapon R is without a doubt the man who put Lightheavyweight wresting on the TWF map. He was the first ever TWF champion with a couple impressive reigns. He had some historic matches with Masato Tanaka and Yuji Matasamo and even had a reign as the Hardcore champion. But in Summer of 2001, Weapon R began to lose his step and fell further and further down the lightheavyweight ranks. On March 19, 2002, the TWF bought out the remaining 7 months on his contract to allow him to search for work elsewhere. March 19, 2002
The Leviathan 17 12 0 None The Leviathan was brought in from SMW at WrestleMania 2 to face Kane. The Demon of the Deep was one of the most imposing superstars in the TWF with one of the most intimidating looks. After a strong run, he was given the option to return to SMW for additional training which he refused so he was given his release. March 19, 2002
Tazz 29 33 0 European (2 times) The former wrecking machine of ECW and one of the toughest men ever in wrestling, Tazz had an extremely successful TWF career that included 2 European title reigns and was highlighted by a big fued with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. But in the spring of 2002, a bitter dispute over working dates with management took place and Tazz walked out on the final year and a half of his contract, which the TWF bought out. April 3, 2002
Ken Shamrock 36 25 0 European



Ken Shamrock had one of the most successful TWF careers on record as the moniker of the "World's Most Dangerous Man" fit him well. His highlights included a classic fued with Val Venis in the Summer 0f 2000 and bringing the UFC Title to the TWF. But after losing that belt to Travis Wakeman in February 2002, Shamrock left the TWF for a brief time only to come back at WrestleMania 3 as the guest referee in the Hardcore/UFC Unification match between Travis Wakeman and Rob Van Dam. But midway through the match, Shamrock attacked both me and tore his referee uniform off, showing a stunned crowd a t-shirt of rival organization the GWF, the company Shamrock had been secretly negotiating with in his absence. April 3, 2002
Steve Blackman 27 42 2 Hardcore(3 times) Blackman was one of the toughest men in TWF history. As a thrid degree balck belt in martial arts, he became a 3 time Hardcore champion. But a serious series of migraine headaches related to a neck injury forced him to call it a career early in late June 2002 after sitting on injured reserve for 3 months. June 30, 2002
Al Snow 30 31 1 Hardcore(2 times) Al Snow is one of the most colorful characters in TWF history. Winning the Hardcore title on 2 occasions, he's also one of the toughest. After a brief return to the company in March 2002 that included a great WM3 match with Drew Blood, Snow was asked to go down to SMW to be the new head trainer. Snow jumped on the oppurtunity and don't rule out the possibility of him returning to a TWF ring before he calls it quits. June 30, 2002
Cammie Copeland 7 6 0 Women's

2 Times

Cammie Copeland signed a deal with the TWF in early July 2001 and quickly became one of it's brightest female stars ever and one of the most beloved by the fans. She was a 2 time Women's champion and defended it as much as anyone. She also had a backstage friendship with Jeff Hardy although some say it was more than that. But just a year into her career, she decided not to sign a contract extension, saying her career interests were elsewhere. July 1, 2002
Faith 5 5 0 None Faith joined the TWF in late July 2001 as Cammie Copeland's best friend. She quickly turned on Cammie and aligned herself with Christian only to leave him in favor of her longtime friend. She then fell in love with Cammie's brother Edge. But before her career could take off like it should have, Faith inexplicably announced that she was leaving the company due to the way her departing friend Cammie was treated. July 10, 2002
X-Pac 25 56 1 European X-Pac spent 3 years in the TWF and will be remembered as one of the more gifted athletes of his time. His career included winning the European title and being a member of the most powerful group ever, the nWo. But in September 2002, he got a little too confident in his abilities, putting his career on the line in a match with Nemesis. It was a match he ended up losing and the last image of X-Pac in the TWF saw him being pummelled by his own friends in the nWo. September 3, 2002
"Too Hot" Scott Taylor 26 19 0 Lightheavyweight Scott Taylor will be remembered as one of the better lightheavyweights in TWF history. He started with the TWF's inception as he and Brian Christopher formed the team Too Much which later became Too Cool. But after he and Christopher had a falling out, Scotty 2 Hotty as he was known then went out on his own. But when he met Scott Steiner, he turned on the fans and became "Too Hot" Taylor. However, it was during this period that he enjoyed his most success after turning on his group, the New Breed. But in October 2002, management had no room for Taylor as it was determined that one lightheavyweight had to go and he was released in a roster reduction move. October 5, 2002
Francine 0 1 0 None Francine was brought into the TWF as the girlfriend of Nemesis but after a rocky relationship, she left him to join the nWo, something no one saw coming. But after the nWo was eliminated at When World's Collide, it left Francine with not much to do and subsequently, she was released with the remaining few months on her contract bought out for $135,000. In her one and only match in the TWF, she was defeated in a whip on a pole match by Jessica Lopez. October 5, 2002
Scott Cross 5 3 0 None Scott Cross came to the TWF in August 2002 as what was thought to be a prized find. He was fairly successful, competing only in dark matches. But when it was time for his push to tv, management decided he wasn't what they were looking for after all and he was abruptly released. October 7, 2002
Sean O'Doul 3 3 0 None Sean O'Doul came to the TWF in August 2002 as a big former bouncer from Ireland and quickly proclaimed his Irish pride in the TWF. This didn't sit well with the PrimeTime stars, especially Bradshaw who had a brief fued with him. But O'Doul's ride in the TWF was cut short after a rift with management and he was released in October 2002, just 2 months after what was supposed to be a promising career started. The TWF bought out the remainder of his 2 year, $315,000 dollar deal. October 28, 2002
"Original Bad Boy" Ahmed Walker 23 35 0 Hardcore Walker came to the TWF in November 2000 when he attacked Chris Jericho. It was later revealed that he and Jericho had some bad blood dating back to when they were both trying to make it big. After that fued dissolved, Walker joined Raven's Flock but soon realized that he was not a follower and he hooked up with Torrie Wilson and started to have a lot of singles success until she betrayed him and went to the Shane McMahon led WCW2. In late 2001, he won the Hardcore title but would only hold it 3 weeks before dropping it to Rob Van Dam. After sustaining a serious injury in early 2002, he was out of action until it was revealed that he wanted to explore other options and he was let go. He will be remembered as a great competitor. November 13, 2002
Perry Saturn 36 34 3 European Saturn was a long time TWF mainstay, joining the company when it started. He compiled a decent win-loss record and once held the European Title. He was also a member of Raven's Flock and later, teamed with Spike Dudley to form a successful duo. But in late 2002, with his contract set to expire in February 2003, Saturn and TWF officials negotiated a buyout of the remainder of his contract after it was determined Saturn no longer fit in the roster very well. November 24, 2002
The Body Donnas 4 7 0 None Skip and Kip came into the TWF as the personal trainers of Terri and were supposedly nuts about fitness, going as far as to create their own tapes. But after not being able to get many wins in the PrimeTime tag team division, they were not used on tv too much. Both men were very vocal in their complaints and on the second to last day of 2002, they were released. Had they stayed under contract until January 1, 2003, management would have been obligated to pay them a incentive bonus in their contract. December 30, 2002
Chris Michaels 14 15 0 None The brother of the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels, Chris has had 2 stints in the TWF. After being called back in the summer of 2002 to work the PrimeTime division, it seemed as though Michaels had finally learned the business well. But his role slowly began to dimminish as he fell out of favor with management before he suffered a partially torn ACL during a dark match in November. He wasn't seen back on television and after the injury healed, he was sent packing for a second time. January 12, 2003
Scott Hall 3 11 0 None Scott Hall came in with Kevin Nash to take out Vince McMahon's Hardcore Revolution but soon after, he sided with Vince to help reform the nWo, a trademark that was eventually lost to another company. Without the nWo, Hall floundered in the TWF before being injured at the hands of Masa Chono and the Great Muta in late 2002 on RAW. During his time out with the injury, he was let go with an injury settlement when it was decided that even healthy, there was no room for him. February 4, 2003
Mr. Perfect 13 12 0 Intercontinental One of the most fluid wrestlers ever, Perfect was a gem for his age in the TWF. He wore Intercontinental gold and was the most influential person in young Christopher Nowinski's career, guiding him to tag team gold. But on February 10, 2003, Perfect tragically passed away. He will remain in the heart of the TWF for an eternity. February 10, 2003 (died)
Molly Holly 7 10 0 Women's Molly Holly competed in the TWF for over 2 years and was regarded as one of the best female workers in the business. At Code Red in February 2001, she defeated Lita to win her only Women's title. She then went on to manage "High Octane" Damion West and Dylan Jansens but she faded from the ranks of the women's division fast and as the roster got bigger, she was let go. April 2, 2003
Ron Simmons 13 10 0 TWF World For the first couple years of his TWF career, Ron Simmons was one half of the mighty Acolytes along with Bradshaw. But once the roster split went into effect, the multiple time tag team champions were split and Simmons made the most of it by acquiring the services of Teddy Long and formed the controversial group Civil Rights. At War in the Winter in 2002, Simmons pulled off one of the great upsets in all of TWF history, winning a 6 man Gates of Hell match to become TWF World champion. But his reign was shortlived as he put not only the title but his career on the line the next month at the Royal Rumble and was defeated by The Undertaker, ending his career. Officially released on April 6, 2003
"Crazy Stick" Mike Marcellus 2 8 0 None Signed in November 2002, Marcellus came over as a former NHL hockey player. Trying to convert to a TWF superstar did not come easy and he got off to a sluggish start. After not fulfilling contractual obligations, he was let go 4 and a half months later. April 14, 2003
Kevin "Sledge Hamma" Sledge 2 8 0 None Sledge came to the TWF in December 2002 with an interesting story of a kid who'd gone from the streets to running his own wrestling school. But he never measured up to the stars of the TWF and was released in April 2003. April 14, 2003
Spike Dudley 9 27 0 None After defying the odds in ECW, Spike came to the TWF looking to do the same. But he never really got off the starting block and ended up sustaining an injury serious enough to keep him out until he was released with a settlement. May 3, 2003
"Universal" Al Laiman 5 9 0 None Albeit short, Laiman had a fairly successful TWF career as one of the most versatile superstars ever. But he approached officials in May 2003 with other career aspirations and a mutual agreement was reached for him to be let go from his contract. May 11, 2003
Terri Gold 14 16 0 Women's Terri Gold was one of the more successful women wrestlers in TWF history. As a former women's champion, she competed against all the top female stars. But the company ran out of room for her and with no creative direction, she was let go in the summer of 2003. June 19, 2003
Kevin Nash 10 18 0 None Nash came to the TWF as part of their version of the nWo. But after they disbanded, he became a big star on the RAW division. But at the age of 43 and with the salary he was making, he was let go with a contract buyout in June 2003. June 23, 2003
Mr. Wrestling III 2 6 1 None There was a mystery surrounding Mr. Wrestling III's identity for months and speculation mounted as to who it was. But on the July 7, 2003 edition of PrimeTime, it came out during a tag team title match when Val Venis revealed himself as Mr. Wrestling III. July 7, 2003
Breakdown 1 5 0 None A product of SMW, Breakdown came up along with Crazy Shane to form the Psych Ward in early 2003. But it became evident after a few months that he wasn't going to fit in any long term plans an officials informed him of his release later that summer. July 18, 2003
The Great Muta 23 17 0 Tag Team The Great Muta experienced quite a bit of success in 2 stints in the TWF. Along with Masa Chono, he won the tag team titles on PrimeTime and can also be remembered for helping form Extreme Japan 2000. But in the late summer of 2003, he decided to go to Japan and NJPW full time and work a less demanding shedule. August 29, 2003
Masahiro Chono 15 18 0 Tag Team The master of the STF, Chono was most successful in the TWF teaming with fellow Japanese superstar Muta. Together, they became TWF tag team champions. But in August 2003, he decided to go work for Tatsumi Fujinami and NJPW where the schedule would be much less demanding. August 29, 2003
Malice 4 6 1 RAW Tag team Malice never really lived up to the expectations officials placed on him when he was signed. He was initially the problem solving big man in Civil Rights but when Teddy Long kicked him out of the group, he resurfaced as a tag team partner of Triple H, whom he won the RAW tag team titles with. But after sustaining a serious injury in the match they dropped the gold, officials made the decision to buy out the remainder of his contract and let him go. September 4, 2003
Akasha 18 15 0 Women's

2 times

Perhaps the most dominant female in TWF history. Or was she? After an extremely successful stint in the TWF, Akasha was released when it was revealed that she wasn't a woman at all. October 1, 2003
Hawk 0 0 0 None Although he never had a singles match in the TWF, Hawk was trying to resurrect a career that involved him as one half of the greatest tag team of all time with his partner Animal. But fans of wrestling worldwide felt the shock of his untimely death on October 19, 2003. October 19, 2003 (died)
Hayabusa 17 19 0 Lightheavyweight One of the most electrifying superstars in the entire industry, Hayabusa helped bring the TWF's lightheavyweight division up and got it some respect as it's longtime champion. But a neck injury forced Hayabusa into an early retirement and left him temporarily paralyzed. October 19, 2003
Nova 5 10 0 Tag Team Even though Nova's TWF career was brought to an abrupt halt by a broken collarbone that led to his release with an injury settlement, he was part of one of the top young tag teams in recent memory, Evolution with Frankie Kazarian. October 19, 2003
ZeroEx 14 22 0 None ZeroEx was brought into the TWF as a member of the Hardcore Revolution and will be remembered as the superstar who wore kickboxing gloves. He was a national kickboxing champion and used it to his advantage in the TWF, in which he had 2 stints in. In February 2004, the company made the decision to let him go after not being able to come to terms on a new contract, a contract that had expired in December. February 29, 2004
Brock Lesnar 31 12 0 Universal

(2 Times)

Tag Team (2 times)

Won first Elimination Chamber match

2003 Wrestler of the Year

Easily one of the greatest TWF superstars ever, Lesnar came through the ranks of SMW after becoming an NCAA champion at the University of Minnesota. Upon his arrival to the TWF, he destroyed anything in his path. He decided to align himself with Travis Wakeman to form the 3rd version of Wakeman Enterprises, the most powerful ever. He won the Tag Team titles twice, once with Wakeman and once with Batista but will be remembered most for running roughshod on PrimeTime for nearly all of 2003, earning Wrestler of the year honors. But after losing the Universal title at WrestleMania 5 in somewhat of a screwjob, Lesnar gave up on the TWF to pursue other career goals. April 4, 2004
Spawn 20 17 0 Toughman Spawn came to the TWF a loner, but a monster of a loner. He quickly ran through everyone in his path on RAW before being befriended by Akasha to form the "Reign of Darkness", which made him even stronger, earning the Toughman title. But after dropping the title, he didn't do anything noteworthy until competing in the Hardcore Invitational at WrestleMania V in which his jaw was shattered. Doctors told him his career would never be the same again and his desire to compete slowly began fading away, prompting the TWF to let him go with a small settlement. June 4, 2004
Chris Kanyon 11 20 0 None Chris Kanyon is widely regarded as one of the most innovative superstars in the business and he came to the TWF using his many skills. He also competed as his old character from WCW, Mortis and was a member of The Chosen. But in July 2004, the TWF made the decision to let Kanyon go, feeling he had lost a step inside the ring. July 14, 2004
Goldust 20 27 1 None Goldust had 2 seperate stints in the TWF, the first leading to a Hollywood Backlot Brawl at WrestleMania 3 versus The Rock. Upon his return, he competed on the RAW/Rampage side of things where he just couldn't seem to rise to the top tier of the show, even with the lovely Jackie Gayda as his "director". After losing a Casket Match to the Undertaker at Anarchy Rulz, management felt the Goldust character had ran it's course and released him on good terms. August 17, 2004
Papa Shango 5 6 0 None Papa Shango was once a member of the Gates of Hell and his major fued was with The Undertaker, even having a PPV match against him. After a few months, the TWF let him go only to bring him back 2 years later with the upstart SlaughterHouse division. But the angle they'd set up for him there fell through the cracks and he was again released. August 25, 2004
Hypnosis 0 1 0 None Hypnosis was obtained in the purchase of the MOW and was thought to be one of the best lightheavyweights in the world. But he was only used in one match on SlaughterHouse before getting his release after sitting through several shows without being used. August 25, 2004
The Maximo's 2 3 0 None Jose and Joel Maximo were signed fresh off the free agent market when the TWF added the new SlaughterHouse division but a good team became of victim of numbers. With double digits in tag teams on the Slaughterhouse roster, management decided one team needed to go and unfortunately for the Maximo's, it was them. The thinking was that they could pick up an indy booking very quickly. August 25, 2004
Nathan Jones 23 16 0 None Nathan Jones came into the TWF billed as the Collossus of Bogo Road. After getting off to a great start, the 7 foot tall Australian terror was taken under the wing of Teddy Long and then Cyrus the Virus who added him to his Network Police as the Enforcer of the Law. But when he was defeated in August 2004 at MeltDown by Scott Steiner in which the Network Police was forced to disband, he was not seen on TWF tv again. November 7, 2004
Jason Cross 3 5 0 None The very athletic Cross was signed to take part in the opening of TWF SlaughterHouse. But he didn't do much and actually got an offer from a major promotion so he and the company amicably parted ways. November 7, 2004
Cyclone 3 8 0 Tag Team Cyclone, who was Brian Wohl with a mask, was brought into the TWF in 2003 to be the sidekick of The Hurricane. In a similar orange and black outfit, he teamed with Hurricane to form the Dynamic Duo and even became one half of the tag team champions with him. But in late 2004, The Hurricane decided to make a career change and get rid of the costume, going back to his real persona, Shane Helms and shedding the superhero image. After losing to Helms one on one, TWF officials decided the Cyclone character had ran it's course and he was released. December 18, 2004
Josh Prohibition 1 2 0 None Prohibition, one of the most recognized backyard wrestlers in the world, was brought into the TWF when SlaughterHouse was created, forming one half of the tag team, Youthanazia. But management felt the team just didn't have what they were looking for long term and they were both released. January 5, 2005
MDogg20 0 2 0 None Mdogg20, was brought into the TWF when SlaughterHouse was created, forming one half of the tag team, Youthanazia. But management felt the team just didn't have what they were looking for long term and they were both released. January 5, 2005
Rodney Mack 15 15 0 None Trained by the legendary Junk Yard Dog, Rodney Mack started with the TWF when they were running the mFw, which turned into SlaughterHouse. He was sent to Rampage as part of a trade and was picked up on a managerial basis by Crystal Carmichael, who used him as her muscle. The rugged Mack gave himself the moniker the "Michael Jordan of wrestling". He compiled an average win-loss record but in early 2005, he became expendable due to some additions to the roster and was let go. March 19, 2005
Kid Gundam 49 62 1 Lightheavyweight

( 3 times)


Kid Gundam was the first ever member of the TWF and was with the company from August 2000 until March 2005. In those 4 and a half years, he became arguably the greatest Lightheavyweight of all time, winning the title 3 times. In addition, he won the Intercontinental title and had a great reign with it. But when the member who played him, Cory Rodriguez lost a battle with cancer, TWF officials decided the appropriate thing was to retire Gundam and induct him into the Hall of Fame. Gundam and Rodriguez will be remembered forever for their great contributions to the TWF. ***EDIT*** It was revealed in 2011 that Gundam's death was all a hoax and he returned to the TWF to face Jordan Rockwell at WrestleMania 12. Not only did he lose that match, he was also stripped of his spot in the Hall of Fame. March 31, 2005 (inducted into Hall of Fame)
Soul Reaper 5 4 0 SlaughterHouse tag team After being brought up through SMW, Soul Reaper went to SlaughterHouse where he and Grim Reaper formed a dangerous duo known as Hell's Henchmen. They won the tag team titles on SlaughterHouse almost immediately but after losing them, became a very mediocre team. He was drafted to PrimeTime in April 2005 but was never actually used. Officials thought of changing his name but after all was said and done, he was just let go. May 7, 2005
Alexandria Miran 21 17 0 Women's

2003 Women's Wrestler of the year

Alex Miran will be remembered as one of the better women's wrestlers the TWF ever saw. She had some memorable matches with many of the top females in the business, becoming the Women's champion and being voted the top Women's wrestler in 2003. Her character turned heel and formed an on again, off again partnership with Steven Richards. But shortly after agreeing to a one year contract extension, she was released when the Womens division started to get crowded. June 4, 2005
Hirohito 5 13 0 None Hirohito, aka Kenzo Suzuki, never worked out the way the TWF hoped he would. He spent the majority of his time in the TWF on a tag team with Aries known as War on America. But in mid Summer 2005, he was released. July 6, 2005
The Prince 15 18 0 None The Prince, who also competed as the Dark Prince and The Beast, which he had his most success as, never made the impact in the TWF that some thought he would. He was let go after a long absence from tv in July 2005 despite many efforts from officials to repackage him. July 6, 2005
Jackie Gayda 3 6 0 None Used basically as a filler for the Women's division, Jackie Gayda never developed the in ring skills she needed to have a successful TWF career. She had roles such as valeting for Shawn Stasiak and playing Goldust's "director" but by July 2005, there was just nothing left for her and she was let go. July 6, 2005
Shawn Stasiak 25 33 1 Rampage Tag Team Stasiak is a man the TWF was very high on for a very long time as he remained on the active roster a lot longer than most thought he would. Stasiak used the name "The Star" for awhile but he experienced his most success in tag team action, winning the former RAW tag team titles with Chuck Palumbo. Shortly after being transferred over to the SlaughterHouse division, he was released. July 17, 2005
"Mr. Mature" Oliver Worth 6 14 0 None Mr. Mature had two stints in the TWF, the first very brief. He was a superstar who tried to use the old school influence of wrestling, claiming "sports entertainment" has become tainted. During his second tour of duty, he was paired with Steven Richards, forming a group known as the Network Police. They were two men set on removing anything that wasn't wrestling related off of tv. But when they were forced to disband, Richards and Worth were only used sparingly. Finally in June 2005, Stephanie McMahon made a triple threat match just before the Anarchy Rulz pay-per-view. The catch was the losers would have to leave the TWF, her way of getting rid of underachievers. Derek Darko defeated both he and Sam Wilde, bringing Worth's career to an end. July 31, 2005
Sam Wilde 26 52 1 2001 New Year's Battle Royale winner Wilde may be one of the most memorable TWF superstars ever. Deeply religious, he came to the ring carrying a bible and wearing a shirt that stated "God is Good". His biggest claim to fame was winning the original New Year's Battle Royale, using his resolution to reinstate previously ousted Commissioner Rowdy Roddy Piper. But without a doubt, what he'll most be remembered for was being the first wrestler to admit he was homosexual. In July 2005, he was part of Stephanie McMahon's Losers Leave the TWF triple threat match and was pinned by Derek Darko, his TWF career ending at the same moment. July 31, 2005
Sychotic 6 12 0 None Sychotic came to the TWF as a backyard wrestler from Australia who many thought would take the Lightheavyweight division by storm. But other than an exciting series of matches with Akio, he was kept down in the division and in the late Summer of 2005, he approached officials and asked for his release. August 28, 2005
Terri 5 6 0 None A member of the TWF since it's inception in 1999, Terri served as a sultry woamn who knew how to get what she wanted. Mostly used as a valet, Terri is a woman who young ladies now look at as a role model as they try to crack into the business. With nothing for her on Rampage and a large influx of divas, the TWF and Terri decided to part ways after nearly 6 years. August 31, 2005
Rick Clark 13 25 0 None Rick Clark came to the TWF fresh off a stint in the Iraq war. But after a failed tag team with Chris Tirpak, he began to vent his frustrations with the American goverment, becoming an ally of Muhammad Hassan. But that pairing was split when Clark was sent to Rampage. He basically was a card filler on that division with most of his matches on Uprising and once officials felt that they had gotten all they could out of him, he was released. September 6, 2005
Akio 13 14 1 Part of Team Japan that won Inaugural Nation's Cup Akio was a flashy lightheavyweight who many insiders said was under utilized. He was never able to capture the lightheavyweight title despite coming very close. He will be best remembered for his "Japanese Mafia" group along with Tajiri and Sakoda along with helping Team Japan secure the first ever Nation's Cup. Many say he is now on the indy circuit and has made a name for himself in some Japanese films. September 23, 2005
Eddie Guerrero 49 68 1 IC

RAW Tag Team

One of the best pure wrestlers in the history of the business, Eddie Guerrero had a terrific TWF career, coming to the company shortly after it's inception in November 1999. He was always considered one of the top guys in the company, but many close to him knew of the personal problems he had. Still, he put on some of the best matches ever, winning the Intercontinental title and becoming one half of the RAW/Rampage tag team champions with his nephew Chavo. Eddie tragically passed away on the morning of November 13, 2005 at the age of 38. He will be remembered as one of the most beloved superstars ever. R.I.P. Passed away on November 13, 2005
Sakoda 6 14 0 None Sakoda started his career in SMW where he experienced mild success. He was brought to the main roster on PrimeTime mainly to fill the spot of one of Tajiri's bodyguards in a Japanese mafia group. He teamed with Jimmy Yang (Akio) to form a team that never really found a whole lot of success together. An idea was pitched around 2 different times to trun Sakoda into a spin off of the Mortal Kombat character Sub Zero but the plan was scrapped both times and finally, he was released in November 2005. November 19, 2005
Sable 4 2 0 None Sable was mainly used as a valet in her TWF career, most notably for Batista which culiminated in a match between he and Randy Orton over Orton's intimacy with Sable. She did have a rather intense fued with Crystal Carmichael as well. She was last seen in the TWF as the valet for Taylor Made but no one ever got word if they were romantically involved or not. She sat out the last few months of her contract as officials tried to come up with a new role for her but when they couldn't, she was released from her contract when it expired on the last day of 2005. December 31, 2005
Tajiri 27 54 0 Lightheavyweight Tajiri was a long time TWF superstar after coming over from ECW, enjoying plenty of success and establishing himself as one of the best lightheavyweights in history, even capturing the title. But he showed some desire to go back to his homeland in Japan and the TWF allowed him to go. February 8, 2006
Road Warrior Animal 5 2 0 Tag Team Animal had 2 stints in the TWF, one with his legendary partner, the late Hawk. After Hawk passed, he formed the New Road Warriors with Heidenreich and during his second tour of duty, he and Heidenreich won the tag team titles. The last time he was seen, he was bitten by a black widow spider. He recovered from the bite by decided to come off the road as a full time superstar in early 2006. February 8, 2006
Karam Ibrahim 13 13 1 Rampage Tag Team After winning the gold medal in the Salt Lake Olympic games, TWF officials were extremely high on Ibrahim. But he wasn't able to convert his ability on the amatuer mat into a TWF ring as quickly as had been hoped. He was released in early 2006 but was given a vote of confidence that someday, he would be back. February 8, 2006
Juventud Guerrera 3 13 0 None The majority of Juvi's lackluster TWF career was spent in SlaughterHouse where he is credited with helping form the group Mexico's Most Wanted. But in February 2006, it was decided he would no longer be needed with a growing X-Division and he was released. February 9, 2006
Justin Sane 26 60 0 Lightheavyweight Justin Sane was a longtime TWF member, serving a couple stints and was also known as Psymin. But he never achieved the level of success many thought he would. He won the Lightheavyweight title in a "Backyard Rules" match with Scott Taylor that no one will forget and as Psymin, he was a member of the group Anarchy, Inc. But for about the last year and a half of his career, he wallowed on Rampage, mainly being used on Uprising and with less than 2 months remaining on the contract he signed, he was let go. February 10, 2006
Bret "Hitman" Hart 12 8 1 Rampage Tag Team One of the greatest competitors of all time, Bret Hart attained great success in the TWF. During his first stint, he had several great matches with Steve Austin before disappearing for a few years. He came back in the Summer of 2005, accepting an open challenge from Kurt Angle. It all culminated in a great Ultimate Submission match between the 2 men at WrestleMania 7. On the April 21, 2006 edition of Rampage, Hart called it a career, citing health concerns. But not before making Angle tap out to the Sharpshooter when he tried to attack him from behind. April 21, 2006
Rome 16 12 0 None After a fast start, Rome, who came to the TWF billed as holding the middle eastern benchpress record, was a star on the rise who looked poised to be in the TWF for years to come. His most notable fued was with Muhammad Hassan and their heated rivalry culminated in a match at MeltDown in August 2005 which Rome lost. Many thought he was never the same after the defeat and he toiled on the midcard for several months before being released in July 2006 but officials are hopeful that he will be in the TWF at some point again, someday. June 2006
Marty Jannetty 10 20 0 None Marty Jannetty was brought into the TWF mainly to use his veteran knowledge of the business to help young stars. He experienced mild success on both Rampage and PrimeTime but after being taken by PrimeTime in the 2006 TWF Roster draft, he was released just a few weeks later after there was really no role for him at that time. Officials told Jannetty there would be a possibility of him holding a position within the company down the road. July 26, 2006
Rosey 10 7 0 Rampage Tag Team

TWF Tag Team

Rosey has to be considered one of the greatest tag team wrestlers in TWF history. Along with his partner Jamal, he formed one of the greatest tag teams in TWF history. But after the team was split by the 2006 TWF roster draft, there really was no role for him on PrimeTime and he was let go. August 17, 2006
Essa Rios 52 88 0 Lightheavyweight (3 times) Rios had 2 stints in the TWF, the first of which was very successful, including winning the TWF Lightheavyweight title 3 times. In his second stint, he was a member of the group La Familia on PrimeTime and along with his partners Super Crazy and Psychosis, the trio had some great matches. There are officials within the TWF who consider Rios the best lightheavyweight wrestler in the world. He was released in the early fall of 2006 after just floundering around the PrimeTime roster. He told officials upon being released that he would have no problem working for AAA or CMLL in his native Mexico. September 9, 2006
Orlando Jordan 15 17 0 None Coming to the TWF with both an amatuer wrestling and boxing background, Orlando Jordan was looked at as a huge future prospect. But he never really materialized the way officials felt he would and after a lackluster career on the PrimeTime division, he was released in the Fall of 2006. October 2, 2006
Crystal Carmichael 3 4 0 None Crystal Carmichael was brought in for a temporary role in the TWF but ended up turning it into one that lasted almost 4 years. She will be best remembered for managing multiple time tag team champions Jamal and Rosey, but after the split of that group, she was left with little to do and was let go just months before her contract was set to run out. October 2, 2006
Shane Thompson 43 37 1 Lightheavyweight

2003 Rookie of the year and Lightheavyweight of the year




Shane Thompson will be remembered as one of the most decorated superstars in TWF history. An SMW graduate, Thompson was in the TWF from 2001-2006. He was a member of PrimeTime his entire career, starting in the Lightheavyweight division, which he dominated. But he didn't stop there, winning the Intercontinental, Hardcore and Universal titles. He even main evented WrestleMania 5. He will probably most be remembered for his rivalry with Jordan Rockwell, which led to matches such as the first ever singles TLC match and many more. He was also a member of the group The Chosen with Christopher Daniels. Before leaving PrimeTime, he teamed with Alex Shelley and waged war on Hardcore wrestling, while capturing the entire thing on video. Thompson is a sure fire, first ballot TWF Hall of Famer. November 8, 2006
Trish Stratus 16 22 0 Women's (2 times) Arguably the most popular female in TWF history, Trish joined the TWF in February of 2000 and immediately became hated for charming Travis Wakeman and luring him away from Jessica Lopez. Trish would go on to manage Wakeman for most of her career in the TWF and fans will never forget witnessing the wedding of the two, live on Pay-Per-View. But in the ring, Trish was as good as it got, winning the Women's title on 2 occassions. She had great battles with Lopez, Mystical and Melina. She even took on Pamela Anderson at WrestleMania 3. But Trish indicated she had other career interests and in late 2006, she left the TWF, but she did so on good terms and was rewarded with a lifetime contract. November 8, 2006
Sylvain Grenier 14 23 0 None Sylvain Grenier was brought to the TWF after being noticed while working for a modeling agency. The French Canadian formed the team La Resistance with fellow Frenchman Rene Dupree, and the team experienced mild success. After becoming a singles star, Grenier aligned himself with the legendary Jimmy Hart and was a member of the Hart Family along with Max Ogden and Gene Snitsky. But after the group split, Grenier fell down the ranks on Rampage before the company parted ways with him in November 2006. November 9, 2006
Elijah Stone 3 10 0 None Stone came over to the TWF after the purchase of the M.O.W. and never really acheived much success as part of SlaughterHouse. He was thrown into a tag team with Jamie Noble and the two were able to pick up a couple victories together but officials didn't see much for them in the future and released them both. November 26, 2006
Jamie Noble 24 34 0 Lightheavyweight Jamie Noble began his TWF career in the Lightheavyweight division, winning the title and holding it for about 2 and half months in late 2003. But he would be released in 2004 after officials couldn't find a place for him. SlaughterHouse GM Jesse Steele decided to give Noble another shot not too long after that but Noble floundered along with his tag team partner Elijah Stone on SlaughterHouse and in the winter of 2006, they were both released. November 26, 2006
Nidia 2 3 0 None Nidia will forever be remembered as the first ever female winner of the MTV show, Tough Enough. But she never really got the chance to show her physical side in the TWF, mostly serving as the valet/girlfriend of Jamie Noble. She followed him to SlaughterHouse when Jesse Steele brought them both back after they were initially released but she again didn't get an oppurtunity in the Women's division, which is what she really wanted. Officials never saw her as much of a wrestler and in November 2006, along with Noble, she was again released from her contract. November 26, 2006
Grim Reaper 7 5 0 None Grim Reaper was brought into the TWF with very high hopes from officials. But he never materialized into the superstar many thought he would. He spent his entire career in SlaughterHouse and experienced most of his success as a member of a tag team along with a guy called Soul Reaper. He was released in December 2006 once the company had given up on him. December 21, 2006
Imminent Danger 3 4 0 None Brought in after the TWF purchased the M.O.W., Imminent Danger was always considered one of that company's best tag teams. Scott Wilson and Brian Webster always were out to give the fans their money's worth. But buried in a very deep and talented tag team division on TWF SlaughterHouse, officials made the decision to release the duo in late 2006. December 21, 2006
Molly Holly (SlaughterHouse record only) 1 3 0 TWF Women's Originally brought into the TWF as the cousin of Crash and Hardcore Holly, Molly Holly was a long tenured TWF superstar, winning the Women's title back in 2001. She is also widely considered the top female wrestler in the business. But the time came to trim the Women's roster in SlaughterHouse towards the end of 2006 and Molly was a casualty of that. December 21, 2006
Chae 0 0 0 None This former WCW Nitro girl had an extended stay in the TWF, serving as the valet to Chaos Wolf, which she excelled at. But after Chaos Wolf took on a much darker side and Chae was made expendable, which led to her release in January 2007. January 1, 2007
Rex Redford 7 11 0 None Rex Redford was signed to a developmental deal in 2005 after breaking through on the indy circuit on the east coast in 2004. He was called up to the Asylum in June 2006, but never really found his groove. At Starcade in March, he competed in the first ever Roles Reversed match, losing his roster spot to Tyrone Zorilla and being forced to go back to Asylum. March 18, 2007
Basham Brothers

Singles Records: (Doug 6-10; Danny 9-14)

32 22 0 Rampage Tag Team (2 times) The Bashams, Doug and Danny, spent nearly 5 years in the TWF, winning the Rampage Tag Team titles twice, their second reign being one of the most impressive on record for any title. Many officials regarded them as the best double team tag team the TWF has ever seen. With Victoria as their valet, the Bashams acheived their initial success on Rampage. Both men proved on many occassions that they could hang in singles action as well. But after losing the titles to the World's Greatest Tag Team in February 2007, they were held off tv for several weeks before the decision was made to let them go. April 17, 2007
Tanaka 2 5 0 Tag Team One half of the Orient Express, Tanaka, the martial arts expert, had one of the more impressive title reigns in TWF history, holding the tag team titles along with his partner Kato for nearly a calendar year. But in the Summer of 2005, officials took a look at Kato as a singles star and Tanaka was released. May 13, 2007
"The Lost Boy" Johnny Swinger 1 4 0 None Johnny Swinger spent most of his TWF career under developmental contract in SMW. When he got his shot on the main roster, he was paired with Gangrel to form The Brood. But the team never made much of an impact on PrimeTime and Swinger was let go. May 13, 2007
Mystical (includes GSE record) 15 10 0 Women's Mystical was brought in after the purchase of the GSE, and immediately got into an intense rivalry with Trish Stratus which resulted in many memorable matches, and Mystical's only Women's title. After holding the title for quite awhile, she seemed to disappear from TWF tv, used now and then on Uprising before finally being let go. May 13, 2007
Stacy Snow 6 14 0 Women's

2005 Women's Wrestler of the year

When Stacy Snow made her TWF debut, many took notice. She seemed to bring a new genre of fans along with her and after winning the Women's title and becoming Diva of the year in 2005, she seemed well on her way to being the top women's wrestler in TWF history. But 2006 was a bad year for Stacy, as she seemed to fall off the TWF map before being let go in the Summer of '07. May 13, 2007
Chris Benoit 76 69 0 IC

North American

Known as "The Crippler", Chris Benoit came to the TWF after competing all over the world, in every major promotion. Born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Benoit was a product of the famous Hart Family Dungeon. He went on to compete in Japan, where he made a name for himself as the Pegasus Kid. Idolizing Dynamite Kid, Benoit patterned himself after the former tag team legend. Once in the TWF, Benoit was for real. He had some great fueds with Travis Wakeman and Chris Jericho and he competed on Rampage, PrimeTime and SlaughterHouse. Benoit had just returned to Rampage from SlaughterHouse via the 2007 TWF draft at the time of his very unfortunate passing, which involved some very disturbing circumstances that the TWF has chosen not to discuss further. Passed away on June 25, 2007
Preston Knight 5 3 0 None Most of Preston Knight's career was spent in GSE. Officials in the TWF were high on him for the SlaughterHouse division and figured he could make a splash in the X-division. But when that never panned out, he was let go in the Summer of 2007. June 26, 2007
Damian Wretch 2 3 0 None Damian Wretch was obtained in the M.O.W. purchase, and spent his entire TWF career in SlaughterHouse. He never did anything noteworthy, and was let go in late June 2007. June 26, 2007
Dan Rodman 2 0 0 None Rodman was signed by the TWF in 2007 and they had high hopes for the big man. He was even drawing comparisons to Brock Lesnar. After a couple appearances on Uprising, both successful, officials discovered that Rodman didn't seem to be as into the business as they would've liked, and he was let go. September 8, 2007
Big Show 34 34 0 None The Big Show was part of the TWF from it's inception, and as one of, if not the biggest superstar in TWF history, he experienced plenty of success. In 2007, after several years away from the company, he was brought back with the launch of the TWF's 4th division, Badlandz. But at their first PPV event, he suffered a serious spinal injury in a match with Val Venis, forcing him into retirement. Officially released September 29, 2007
Dawn Marie 2 5 0 None Dawn Marie was once the first diva of PrimeTime, spending her entire TWF career there, mostly as the valet for Rene Dupree. Dawn always got a big reaction, whether it be positive or negative, but no fan could deny her incredible good looks. Dawn was let go after the turn of the new year in 2008 and left the company on good terms. January 7, 2008
Ron "The Truth" Killings 5 13 0 None Killings came to the TWF in 2001 and spent a brief stint on the roster, mostly as a tag team competitor. He was soon released along with his "K-Kwik" moniker, but when the TWF added Badlandz as a fourth division in 2007, he was brought back almost 6 years later. Killings had a few matches on Badlandz but again, officials decided he just wasn't what they were looking for and he was released. January 8, 2008
Mark Jindrak 18 29 0 None Mark Jindrak spent several years in the TWF and bounced around many of the rosters/divisions. As a tag team partner of Lance Cade, he probably experienced his highest success. After being released, the TWF brought Jindrak back in 2007 when they created TWF Badlandz. But after just a few matches, Jindrak was again let go when Badlandz officials decided to bring in some new, fresh talent. January 8, 2008
Jazz 20 29 0 Women's Jazz began her TWF career shortly after it's inception and quickly became one of the most feared female grapplers in the business. She used her skills to win the Women's title at WrestleMania 3 from Terri Gold. Her title reign lasted less than 3 weeks, but Jazz stood atop the Women's division for quite some time. After a successful run, she was shifted over to SlaughterHouse where she was mainly used to enhance the divas they had. Her contract expired towards the end of 2007 and officials chose not to renew it. January 11, 2008
Tyrone Zorilla 0 9 0 None Tyrone Zorilla began his TWF career under developmental contract in The Asylum, where he spent an extended period of time until winning the first ever "Roles Reversed" match, defeating Rex Redford which sent Redford back to Asylum and gave Zorilla an automatic spot on Rampage. But Zorilla was never able to make much of a name for himself, competing mainly on Uprising and sparingly on Rampage, where he never got 1 win. In early 2008, officials decided it was best for his career to let him go and pursue other oppurtunities. February 11, 2008
The Rock 43 48 1 TWF Title


Upon the TWF's inception, The Rock was easily one of it's top stars. The People's Champ was arguably the most popular superstar of his era and he was involved in some of the biggest matches in TWF history. He left the business to star in such movies as "The Scorpion King", "Gridiron Gang" and "Be Cool", among others, but made a shocking return on the TWF's 7th anniversary show, immediately climbing into the World title picture. But after a couple failed attempts to once again be king of the wrestling world, The Rock again shocked his fans, this time negatively. On the February 10, 2008 edition of Rampage, The Rock announced he was leaving the wrestling business for good and that he no longer wanted to try and live "past glory". February 23, 2008
Gabriel Cross 6 9 0 None Gabriel Cross lasted about a year in the TWF, competing primarily in the Lightheavyweight division. Cross was a black belt in judo and a huge supporter of MMA, trying to incorporate it into the pro wrestling world. He will be most remembered for nearly winning the Lightheavyweight title from Kenny Doane, along with an MMA rules match with Umaga. But in late March 2008, officials let Cross go, allowing him to pursue other goals in the world of Mixed Martial Arts. March 26, 2008
Taz 19 15 0 None After coming to the TWF from the GSE, where he made a huge name for himself. The street thug from Brooklyn struck fear inside his opponents with his brawling style and submission wrestling prowess. Taz had some great matches with Chris Masters, Edge and Money Mike, and was always considered one of the top wrestlers the TWF had to offer. But at WrestleMania 9, he decided to put his career on the line in a match against Jason Oliver. Most considered it a huge upset, but Oliver was able to outlast Taz and send his wrestling career into the abyss. May 16, 2008
Kid Kash 1 3 0 None Kid Kash was brought in to the TWF as part of the SlaughterHouse division but never really got out of the bx. He was only used sparingly and officials didn't see much use for him, so he was let go. June 10, 2008
Ric Flair 19 38 1 None Without question, the greatest wrestler that ever lived. Ric Flair spent several years in the TWF, and while he didn't achieve some of the success he did earlier in his career, the lessons that the superstars learned from the 16 time World champion were invaluable. To close out his career, Flair was honored by being the first active superstar elected to the Hall of Fame before being given the best sendoff that any wrestler ever on the June 12, 2008 edition of PrimeTime. June 12, 2008
Nick Mitchell 0 0 0 None Nick Mitchell, better known to TWF fans as "Mitch" of the Spirit Squad, was definitely the mouthpiece of the male cheerleader group. Often carrying around a cheerleader's megaphone, Mitch aided his teammates from the outside of the ring. After the group dissolved, Mitch was kept on the roster for quite some time while officials tried to come up with something else for him. But when they realized they never would, he was released. June 29, 2008
Mike Mondo 0 1 0 None Mike Mondo, better known to TWF fans as "Mikey" from the Spirit Squad, was often considered the annoying member of the male cheerleader group. When the group dissolved, he was kept on the roster for quite some time while officials tried to come up with something else for him. But in June 2008, they were forced to sever their relationship with him due to disciplinary reasons after Mondo received a DUI in Tampa, Florida. June 29, 2008
Johnny Jeter 6 24 0 None Johnny Jeter started his TWF career under developmental contract in SMW before being called up to the mFw after it's launch. He would later come to Rampage and join the hated Spirit Squad, a band of male cheerleaders. Jeter experienced mild success as a singles star, and some considered him a future multiple time champion. But after the Spirit Squad disbanded, there was nothing for him. He sat on the roster for quite awhile before officials decided to let him go. July 7, 2008
Masahiro Sasaki 22 7 2 None Sasaki was a staple in the mFw right after the TWF purchased it and he quickly became one of it's most exciting stars. After mFw morphed into SlaughterHouse, Sasaki was a top competitor in the X-division. But he always seemed to have his aspirations on competing in his homeland of Japan, and when his TWF contract ran out, officials released him so he could do it full time. August 1, 2008
Dustin Kash 9 10 0 Tag Team (2 times)

2006 Rookie of the Year

Dustin Kash came to the TWF, competing on the PrimeTime roster, after a long and successful stint in developmental territory, The Asylum. There, he worked as Thumbtack Kash, but used his real first name, Dustin, after being called up. Dustin quickly formed a tag team with Sean O'Haire which would forever be known as the Blood Brothers, quite arguably the greatest tag team in TWF history. They held the TWF Tag Team titles on two occassions. Kash then went on his own after O'Haire was shifted to Rampage, but soon aligned himself with Joe Corey's ECW. He had a memorable match against Ric Flair at WrestleMania 9 where a win would have meant the end of Flair's illustrious career. But Kash lost the match and soon began to lose faith in his career choice and the ECW faction as a whole. On the September 10, 2008 edition of PrimeTime, Kash abruptly quit, leaving the wrestling business behind. September 10, 2008
Lenny Armstead 6 19 0 None Lenny Armstead was a standout in the TWF's defunct developmental territory, SMW, one of the best ever down there. But on Rampage, he wasn't much of a force in the singles ranks. The most noteworthy accomplishment he made was finishing as the runner-up in the 2007 Royal Rumble. He was finally let go in late 2008 after months of not competing at live events. October 20, 2008
Kato 14 11 0 Tag Team

2007 Up & Comer Award Winner

Kato came to the TWF as part of the Orient Express. With his partner Tanaka, the two held the tag team titles for nearly a year. But after releasing Tanaka, Kato was given a run as a singles star which included being a part of the ECW faction set up by Joe Corey. After that group began to dissolve, Kato was let go. November 12, 2008
Domino 3 2 0 None Domino came to the TWF on the PrimeTime division as part of the mildly successful tag team, Deuce N' Domino. The two portrayed a 1950's greaser style team with Cherry as their manager. But about a year after they debuted, a trade that sent Deuce to Rampage split the team up and Domino was lost in the shuffle. It was agreed by the higher-ups that he wouldn't succeed outside a tag team and thus he was let go. November 12, 2008
Daivari 12 22 0 Lightheavyweight Daivari came to the TWF along with Muhammad Hassan, both hellbent on getting revenge on anyone who "discriminated" against them because they were Arab-American. After a brief stint as Hassan's manager, Daivari began to compete in the Lightheavyweight division, where he excelled, winning the lightheavyweight title. But he will best be remembered for his fued with Carney after some vile words towards Carney's deceased daughter. Carney got revenge, winning the title from Daivari, and things were slowly downhill from there until Daivari was eventually released in late 2008. November 12, 2008
Chris Platoon 26 33 0 None Chris Platoon was introduced to TWF fans as a cancer survivor, a man given one last chance at life, hence the name of his finishing hold, "Last Chance". Platoon was a fiery competitor who would do anything to get a win, and he had success on both the PrimeTime and Rampage divisions. He issued the "Hall of Fame" challenge at WrestleMania 8 which was accepted by Rowdy Roddy Piper who defeated Platoon. But Platoon will probably best be remembered for having to kiss another man after losing a match at TWF Anarchy Rulz in 2007. November 12, 2008
Luyu Dawnstar 10 11 0 Women's Luyu Dawnstar became the first female Native American competitor in TWF history. Officials were thrilled with her when she first came in and she was given a chance to show what she could do in the ring quickly. On June 30, 2008, she defeated Mickie James to become Women's champion. This of course came after starting into a lesbian relationship with China Rose and they were the perfect love em or hate em duo. But in late 2008, officials decided to cut ties with both women and some say there was some sort of verbal disagreement that led to that. December 8, 2008
China Rose 1 3 0 None China Rose came in as a friend of Luyu Dawnstar's and basically served as her accomplice, only wrestling in a few matches. The two would go on to announce they were a lesbian couple, creating one of the most controversial issues in TWF history. But in late 2008, officials decided to cut ties with both women and some say there was some sort of verbal disagreement that led to that. December 8, 2008
Stacy Keibler 3 2 0 None During her lengthy tenure in the TWF, the very leggy, very beautiful Stacy Keibler always worked as more of a valet than she did in the ring. She managed Austin Pyromania and made up the other half of his 'corporation' when he became Austin Porteau. She resurfaced on Rampage after spending a few years in SlaughterHouse when M.X. Ogden dropped Candice Michelle in her favor. She was the pretty face of GeNext until Ogden decided to leave the business, forcing officials to cut ties with Stacy as well. March 6, 2009
Test 28 31 3 IC (2 times) Test, real name Andrew Martin, competed in the TWF for many years and was known as one of the most athletic big men, winning the Intercontinental title two seperate times. He also competed on Rampage, PrimeTime, SlaughterHouse and Badlandz. But Test's wrestling career, and more importantly, his life, was cut short when he was found deceased in his Tampa apartment in March of 2009. He will always be remembered for his contributions to the TWF and the wrestling business in general. May he Rest in Peace. Passed away on March 13, 2009
Ashley K. 7 19 0 Women's

2 Times

2006 Diva of the Year

Ashley K. was the first ever graduate of The Asylum, where she competed as Ms. America. She was brought to the Rampage roster in June 2006 as a female member of the Spirit Squad, where she would help the male cheerleaders to victory. But she made her mark in the ring as well, winning the TWF Women's title twice. In fact, 2006 was a great year for her as she won the Diva of the Year as well. She engaged in several great matches with Mickie James but by mid 2009, she was lost in the shuffle in a crowded women's division and was subsequently released. May 10, 2009
Devon Cage 15 6 0 SlaughterHouse Tag Team Devon Cage came to the TWF after the GSE folded and he competed exclusively on SlaughterHouse, where he attained quite a bit of success, winning the tag team titles along with Christopher Daniels. Daniels was supposed to go over to the "new" SlaughterHouse after it merged with Badlandz but officials decided they would have nothing for him and he was subsequently released. At last word, several independent promotions were chomping at the bit to book him. May 12, 2009
Deuce Snuka 3 1 0 None The adopted son of the legendary "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka, Deuce came into the TWF as one half of the tag team Deuce N' Domino. The team experienced mild success on the PrimeTime division before they were split up and Deuce ended up on Rampage. Trying to make a name for himself, he joined up with GeNext. But after a rift between the group's founders, Deuce found himself on the outside looking in when Jason Oliver threw him out of the group. He was never seen on TWF tv following that, but TWF officials did say they would consider bringing him back somewhere down the line. August 25, 2009
D'Lo Brown 39 40 0 None One of the original superstars in the TWF, D'Lo Brown enjoyed a very successful career that included some very entertaining matches and one of the best the TWF ever saw when he wrestled Dean Malenko in the infamous World title tournament at the Whiplash PPV event. He was also a member of the Civil Rights group led by Teddy Long, one of the most controversial groups in TWF history. D'Lo was released but brought back several years later with a second chance to prove himself. However, his second stint was short lived and he only competed in a few matches as officials seemed more intent on using him to help the road agents. D'Lo was let go in the Summer of 2009 but left on good terms. Ring of Honor was said to be interested in his services at the time. August 25, 2009
Aldo Corleone 10 7 0 None After a promising developmental career in Smoky Mountain Wrestling, Aldo Corleone was called up to the main roster and he immediately became one of the more intimidating superstars on the roster. But his career never took off the way officials felt it would. He is probably best remembered for being one half of the Canadian-Italian Exchange along with Rob Storm. He also fared very well in the January 2008 King of the Ring tournament, advancing all the way to the Rampage final before being eliminated. He was then sent to PrimeTime where he didn't do much to impress and in the late summer of 2009, he was let go. August 25, 2009
Ricky Ortiz 5 4 0 None Ricky Ortiz came into the TWF sporting a professional football background and a lot of promise. But when his "Ricky-0-Rally" towel didn't work out, neither did his career. His short TWF tenure came to an end after just 9 matches. December 9, 2009
Rosa Mendez 1 4 0 None Rosa Mendez came into the TWF to try and make a name for herself in the Women's division on Rampage, but struggled to make a name for herself amongst many other ladies. Her final defeat came at the hands of Gina Carano, who responded to a personal challenge from Rosa. Officials felt Rosa needed more work if she were ever to succeed in the business, and they offered to help her get there. She was said to be "weighing her options" at last word. December 9, 2009
Candice Michelle 1 4 0 None One of the most beautiful women to ever grace the TWF, Candice Michelle was used primarily as a valet, most notably to M.X. Ogden, whom she shared a very public relationship with. She went on to manage Eye Spy to the Rampage Tag Team titles. But after the team split and Ogden dumped Candice in favor of Stacy Keibler, Candice was devastated and her career was never the same. December 9, 2009
Umaga (formerly Jamal) 35 22 0 Tag Team

Rampage Tag Team

Umaga was unquestionably one of the most agile, athletic big men to ever set foot in a TWF ring. Coming from a long lineage of great Samoan competitors, Umaga surfaced in the TWF as one half of the Island Boys where he would become a Tag Team champion. Along with his partner Rosey, then known as Jamal, he again won Tag Team gold, this time winning the Rampage Tag Team titles. But in singles action is where he created the most havoc as the big bruiser Umaga. He had some great encounters with the likes of CM Punk, Nails and Mark Henry. In 2009, he was drafted over to SlaughterHouse where he was ready to make the biggest impact in his career. Tragically on Friday, December 4, 2009, Eddie Fatu a.k.a. Umaga, passed away of an apparent heart attack at the age of 36. Our thoughts and prayers will always be with you. May you rest in peace. Passed away on December 9, 2009
Tito Ortiz 2 5 0 None Tito Ortiz came into the TWF for a short lived career while his MMA career was on hiatus. His biggest match came against John Cena at MeltDown in 2008 before he would go on to align himself with Joe Corey. Ortiz acted mostly as an enforcer for "The Show" before re-signing with the UFC in the middle of 2009. Initially, he wanted to try and do both, but after a loss to Forrest Griffin at UFC 106, he knew he had to let go of the TWF to focus on becoming one of the biggest stars in the UFC once again. December 10, 2009
Trevor Murdoch 7 14 0 None Trevor Murdoch was part of a tag team with Lance Cade which experienced mild success, but never tag team gold. Originally, officials saw Murdoch as the strength of the team but as the years went by, they began to favor Cade. That left Murdoch witout much to do and 2010 started with his release. January 2, 2010
Charlie Haas 39 41 1 2004 Royal Rumble Winner Charlie Haas had a very respectable TWF career after coming in as a highly regarded mat technician. Haas was an amatuer wrestler for Seton Hall University when he was discovered and he came into the TWF with plenty of promise. After aligning himself with the Million Dollar Man, Haas easily experienced his most success and will always be remembered for winning the 2004 Royal Rumble. He also teamed with his good friend Shelton Benjamin and after defeating the Basham Brothers and ending their long reign as champs, the two coined themselves the World's Greatest Tag Team and they held the belts for 6 months. After the team split so the two men could try to achieve singles success, Haas wasn't really able to do that and he was finally released at the start of 2010. January 2, 2010
Traci Brooks 0 2 0 None Traci Brooks came into the TWF as the valet for Axl Irvin and was in his corner during one of his most successful periods in his career. Her last TWF appearance came when she was smashed in the corner by Umaga in a pre-meditated attack. She was kept on the payroll for years following the incident and officials continually tried to find new roles for her. Finally, they gave up on her in 2010. January 10, 2009
Mickie James 28 17 0 Women's

3 times

2007 Diva of the Year

Mickie James came into the TWF as Alexis Laree where she was the manager of Joe Corey. But she made it clear she wanted to compete in the Women's division and she became easily one of the most successful divas in history, winning the Women's title 3 times. She was also a role model for several of the younger female stars and will always be remembered for her fierce competitive spirit. She asked for her release in 2010 and reports were running wild that she was going to attempt a career in country music. January 2, 2010
The Mountie 0 1 0 None The Mountie had a very short-lived TWF career. He was brought in as an accomplice of Chris Jericho, using his "shock stick" to punish The Undertaker for "trespassing" in Canada at War in the Winter. That would lead to a match at the Royal Rumble which The Undertaker won. The Mountie left Albany that night in a body bag and has never been seen since. Was never under contract
Super Crazy 14 49 0 Lightheavyweight Super Crazy, long regarded as one of the best Mexican wrestlers in the world, came to the TWF and was a key cog in the Lightheavyweight division for many years. He won the Lightheavyweight title in July 2005 and held it for about 3 months. He also helped create the group "La Familia. The last few years he was with the company, he was used sparingly. In the Lightheavyweight title tournament in 2010, he made a first round exit, losing Max Moon. He was released 5 years to the day of his title win. July 11, 2010
Doink the Clown 4 2 0 None Doink the Clown spent a short official career in the TWF. Though he was used in one shot appearances a few times, he was brought in under contract in late 2009. His most prominent role was that of Shane Thompson's goon, even helping Thompson pick up a win at WrestleMania 10. But once that pairing dissolved, Doink was left on the outside looking in on most TWF events, finally being let go in the summer of 2010. Don't be surprised if you see the evil clown again someday, however. July 11, 2010
Lance Cade 13 26 0 None Trained by Shawn Michaels, this big Texas native came to the TWF under the name Garrison Cade, first competing in the old mFw. He became a member of the Rampage roster as part of a tag team with Trevor Murdoch. Together, they were a very formidable tag team for years as Cade began to draw comparisons to the legendary Barry Windham. Because of that, officials wanted to test him as a singles superstar. But he quickly began to disappear from television before aligning himself with a very bitter Rob Storm. Together, they claimed they were under-utilized and set out on a mission to prove to TWF officials that they needed to be a bigger part of their plans. Sadly, Cade passed away at the age of 29 on August 13, 2010. Passed away on August 13, 2010
Muhammad Hassan 26 20 0 None Easily one of the most controversial superstars in TWF history, Hassan, of Arab-American descent, accused pretty much everyone of being discriminatory towards his heritage when all along, it was just a ploy for him to get ahead. Hassan will probably be remembered for his stint as General Manager of Rampage but he had many great intense matches and fueds. After returning to the TWF after a long hiatus, Hassan "befriended" Sebastian Cain, only to later double cross him in a long, ongoing situation between the two men. It all culminated in a Loser Leaves the TWF match on the August 17, 2010 episode of Rampage, a match won by Cain. August 17, 2010
Fit Finlay 33 30 0 None The "Belfast Brawler" will forever be remembered as one of the toughest TWF superstars ever. Finlay had a very successful career and seemed to always be at the top of the ladder as far as title contenders went. With his trusty shillelagh, he won numerous matches. His in ring career ended in 2011 but he was kept on as a backstage agent with the company. February 16, 2011
Duke "Diamond Spider" Axe 6 6 0 None Axe started his career in The Asylum under the name Bone Collector. Some say he was promoted to the main roster too soon, but officials were ready to give him the opportunity. He showed flashes of becoming a star, including getting a pinfall victory over CM Punk on an episode of Rampage. But officials just didn't feel he was dedicated enough to the business and an abrupt decision was made to let him go. February 22, 2011
Shane Thompson (also includes 7-3 record as Turrican) 55 49 1 Lightheavyweight

2003 Rookie of the year and Lightheavyweight of the year




Regarded as one of the most talented TWF superstars of all time, Thompson garnered a ton of success in his career. His rivalry with Jordan Rockwell is the stuff of TWF legend but he also had some terrific title reigns. As an SMW graduate, Thompson came to the TWF looking to make his mark on the tag team scene with a partner known as Breakdown. But his 'Psych Ward' tandem only showed the true individual talent Thompson possessed and officials soon made the most of it, putting him in the ring with the likes of Rockwell, Dylan Jansens, Kid Gundam and many others. After a long hiatus under the mask of Turrican, Thompson returned to take on Carney at WrestleMania 10. He hung around the upper card of PrimeTime until he was placed in a match with a man making his debut, with his career on the line. On the October 22, 2010 edition of PrimeTime, Caleb Weber shocked the world and ended the illustrious career of Thompson. He was officially kept on the roster until his contract ran out. February 22, 2011
Johnny Hazard 15 10 0 Interbrand If rumors are true, Johnny Hazard is Nails without the mask. Or is he? Many believe that to be nothing more than a rumor. Hazard was introduced to the TWF while Nails was out of action following a Buried Alive match against Jordan Rockwell. Hazard was the exact opposite of the 'Hockey Masked Freak' however, fun and energetic and he will probably most be remembered for the group of women that flocked around him, those that he called The Harem. Hazard attained success in the ring in the TWF as well as having a 'hardcore' rivalry with Eddie Saint James. February 22, 2011
Dockland Destroyer 3 6 0 None One of the stranger superstars to ever set foot in the TWF, Dockland Destroyer came out of The Asylum. Led by the Yard Boss, he set out to bring destruction to the TWF. But, it didn't happen that way. He chose Nails as his first significant target which led to an Inferno match at the 2009 Royal Rumble. That match is memorable to TWF fans due to the fact that the Destroyer literally caught fire! The burns suffered kept him out of action for an extended period of time. He attempted a comeback but officials decided it was time to separate in February 2011. February 22, 2011
Cayden Cole 2 1 0 None A promising star from the University of Stanford, Cayden Cole arrived in the TWF at the Anarchy Rulz event in November 2010 along with PrimeTime's 'New superstar package'. Poised to lead a group of newcomers, Cole asked for a TLC match to show what the quartet could do at DoomsDay just a few months later. He failed to win that match and on an episode of PrimeTime, he cost Justin Gabriel the chance to be Lightheavyweight champion. A returning M.X. Ogden deemed these circumstances unforgivable and he relieved Cole of his duties. The TWF followed suit just days later, terminating his newly signed contract. February 22, 2011
The Highlanders (Robbie 1-3 & Rory 2-6 in singles) 12 18 0 Tag Team A very hot team when they hit the TWF scene in 2006. In early 2007, Rory and Robbie would stun the wrestling world by defeating the Blood Brothers to become Tag Team champions. But their reign would only last about 6 weeks and the momentum surrounding the Scottish team never seemed to return. For the next 4-5 years, they toiled around in the tag team division, rarely appearing on tv before officials finally let them go in 2011. February 22, 2011
Edge 104 81 0 European

IC (2 times)



5 times

2006 New Year's Battle Royale

Without question one of the top stars in TWF history. Edge was part of the inaugural TWF roster and would form a team with his best friend Christian. But as good as they were, Edge is remembered more for his trailblazing ways in the ring. There wasn't much he didn't accomplish. At the time of his retirement, he had held the Universal title more than any other superstar ever. He competed in the biggest matches and main evented WrestleMania on more than once occasion. Some of Edge's best and most memorable matches took place against his former partner Christian, Jordan Rockwell and Joe Corey. In the spring of 2011, after a nearly 12 year TWF career, injuries forced Edge to retire. But the mark he left on the industry is one that will never fade and one that will set the standard for all other superstars to reach. April 18, 2011
Cherry 3 2 0 None Cherry arrived in the TWF in early 2007 as the valet of the team Deuce N Domino. She helped the team to mild success but after they were both let go, officials saw something in Cherry as an in ring performer as she was much different than most divas we've ever seen. She was part of the tournament to crown an inaugural Femme Fatale champion but she never really blossomed in the ring the way some had hoped. She was let go on good terms in May of 2011. May 19, 2011
Douglas Williams 2 2 0 None U.K. wrestling sensation Douglas Williams was brought into the TWF as part of a tournament to reform the Lightheavyweight division in 2011. Officials thought he may be able to be a permanent fixture on the roster but he never really got that chance and in May 2011, he was let go. May 19, 2011
Mike Knox 8 6 0 None At 6 foot 6 and nearly 300 pounds, Mike Knox had the size to become a force in the TWF. But he seemed to get lost in the shuffle more than anything else as he was never put in a prominent position and never got himself noticed. In May of 2011, TWF officials cut ties with him, allowing him to continue his career elsewhere and perhaps return at a later time. May 19, 2011
Carlito Caribbean Cool 36 35 0 None Carlito came to the TWF in late 2004, spending nearly 7 years on the roster. Upon being signed, officials considered him a "guaranteed future World champion". Instead, Carlito competed in a rather mediocre career, never winning a title of any kind. His feud with Matt Cruz was possibly his most memorable but Carlito always seemed to feel he was better than he actually was. Later in his career, he teamed with his brother Primo but the two could not crack through into the top teams in the TWF. They went their separate ways and when they did, Carlito was not being used in any capacity, prompting officials to let him go in May 2011. May 19, 2011
Matt Taylor a.k.a. Taylor Made 38 78 2 None Matt Taylor debuted in the TWF in 2003 as a high school friend of the superstar he would be linked to his entire career, Austin Pyromania. "Koo Bear", as Taylor was known then, was a star flying under the radar until he had eyes for Jackie Gayda, who happened to be the girlfriend of Pyromania. This ignited a bitter feud between the two men. Later, they would be separated with Pyromania going to PrimeTime and Taylor taking on a "ladies man" routine. Taylor had the services of Devine, a lovely woman who would later become Ariel, Kevin Thorn's vampiress valet. Taylor never experienced huge success and his best matches seemed to be with Pyromania in his corner as his tag team partner, but he will be remembered for being one of the flashiest, most entertaining superstars the TWF has seen. July 26, 2011
Austin Pyromania 59 54 1 Toughman

Rampage Tag Team

On the day his best friend and long time rival, Matt Taylor, was let go, Pyromania was given his walking papers as well. But this was long after his heyday in the TWF squared circle. Pyromania debuted in the summer of 2002 with as much upside as any young star ever. He quickly made a name for himself when he won the TWF's Toughman title and in August 2003, he faced John Cena in a ladder match to decide the first ever King of Cable champion, which the Toughman title became, with Cena winning. Coincidentally, Cena was part of Pyro's other title reign as the two became Rampage Tag Team champions the following year. He also transformed into the "corporate yes man" known as Austin Porteau, complete with Stacy Keibler as his personal secretary. Pyromania's feud and partnership with Taylor Made is what defined his career, however. Both men were used sparingly towards the end of their careers and were let go in the summer of 2011. July 26, 2011
Gangrel 28 24 1 European

Tag Team


Gangrel was part of the initial roster when the TWF opened it's doors and will always be remembered as the first European champion in TWF history, defeating D'Lo Brown in Poughkeepsie, New York. He also won the Hardcore title and became one half of the TWF Tag Team champions with Edge before fading away. Gangrel returned to the TWF around the time of Kevin Thorn's arrival, joining him in his mysterious Requiem. Gangrel was used mostly as a thug to help Thorn win matches and attack superstars in the backstage area, etc. He and his partner Drusus had some success as a tag team, but once Thorn started to rise the ranks of the TWF, it became more and more clear he didn't need these men. July 26, 2011
Drusus 6 5 1 None Drusus came to the TWF with the purchase of M.O.W., one of the few superstars the TWF chose to keep. He would become Bloodhunt, joining Gangrel, Kevin Thorn and Ariel to make up The Requiem. He wrestled primarily as a tag team partner to Gangrel, but would also try to give Kevin Thorn the edge in matches with his interference, backstage attacks, etc. After Kevin Thorn began to rise the ranks of the TWF, it became apparent his vampire thugs were no longer an asset to him. July 26, 2011
Blade 8 14 0 None Blade never seemed to get off the starting blocks in his TWF career. Officials were always enamored with his potential, but he lacked the focus and drive it took to be a TWF superstar on a full time basis, toiling around the lower card of PrimeTime before being released in the summer of 2011. July 26, 2011
Nemesis 48 54 0 SlaughterHouse Undisputed Nemesis began his TWF career back in 2001 as Dr. William Birken, a former scientist who had his face literally destroyed by a bad chemical reaction. With his immense size of 7 feet tall and 300+ pounds, he donned a mask, got into the wrestling industry, and became the man TWF fans came to know as one of the most dominating superstars ever. But Nemesis may be remembered more for his colossal failures than anything. He was also a man who was constantly betrayed, never able to form trusting relationships, and that hurt his career. He was put in SlaughterHouse, the TWF's one time 3rd division, to became the face of the brand. He quickly became the SlaughterHouse Undisputed champion, the only title he ever won. Nemesis would come back to Rampage but never became much of a factor again. He hadn't competed in the ring for years before he was finally informed of his release as the TWF kept him on the roster in case of a comeback attempt. Finally, Nemesis and TWF officials admitted his time had come. July 26, 2011
J.J. "The Ram" Ramplin 38 40 1 2006 "Up and Comer" award

King of Cable

2 times

J.J. Ramplin was truly one of the more memorable stars the TWF ever came across. Starting in SMW, he graduated and came to the main roster of Rampage. Ramplin's matches with men like Jason Oliver and Ken Kennedy will be talked about for ages, but his crowning achievement was being the longest reigning King of Cable champion of all time, holding the title for over a year. Ramplin began to fade away towards the end of his 6 year TWF career and was never quite able to ascend the top of the TWF mountain that many thought he would. July 26, 2011
Matt Hardy 41 56 0 King of Cable Matt Hardy competed in the TWF just about longer than anyone else, close to 11 years. He started out in the tag team division with his brother Jeff where the two put on great matches for fans all over the world and later brought in Carney to their group known as Team Xtreme. Matt and Jeff always wanted to break off into singles competition and it was Mat who would arguably have success with that. A 1 time King of Cable champion, Matt would win the WrestleMania Jackpot at WrestleMania 11 but failed to cash it in when he tried at the 2011 Royal Rumble against Joe Corey. He was let go later in 2011 with the failed Jackpot match being one of the last he ever had. July 26, 2011
Samaiel 11 3 0 None Samaiel brought a style to the TWF that it had never really seen before. Able to adapt to any situation and not afraid of anyone, Samaiel's hardcore style led to a memorable match with the legendary Nails for WrestleMania 10 inside the Rose Bowl. But Samaiel's true calling in the WWE seemed to be as a hired gun, literally. Willing to do anything for some extra cash, many superstars called on Samaiel to do their dirty work, something he was more than happy to do. But that role would only take him so far and in July 2011, officials decided to part ways with him. July 26, 2011
Devon Wade 0 1 0 None Given the shot to be part of The Empire put Cris Henning and his partner Devon Wade in a great position. After working their way up in SMW, the duo debuted at WrestleMania 11 with a shot at the Tag Team titles. It was a losing effort, but Money Mike stood behind his hand picked team. However, at each turn, they failed him and everyone else and at Code Red: Wild Card, they, along with their manager Tiffanie, lost a 6 person tag team match that cost them their careers. Many felt Wade never got a chance to show his true potential. July 26, 2011
Todd Johnston 2 2 0 None Todd Johnston was a raw rookie but had a ton of physical ability. After discovering him at an independent show in Kentucky, officials brought him right onto the main roster of Rampage. But it was clear he had experienced too much too soon and the failed project was let go less than 6 months later. July 26, 2011
"The Chosen One" Nick Daniels 2 3 0 None Perhaps no superstar had ever debuted in the TWF with as much fanfare as this guy. Touting the 23 titles he had won around the world, many were quick to assume success would be quick to come in the TWF. But he quickly fizzled out after an undefeated start and after back to back TV losses to Christian, it was clear the TWF was too big for this guy, who will go down as one of the most overrated superstars of all time. July 26, 2011
Tiffanie 0 2 0 None Handpicked by The Empire, it was clear Tiffanie, and maybe The Empire, felt her "assets" were the answer to Cris Henning and Devon Wade's future success. Instead, she is widely blamed for their demise as getting in between the two men drove a wedge between the team that they could never remove. She went down with them at Code Red: Wild Card, losing a 6 person tag team match that earned her an immediate pink slip. July 26, 2011
Dylan Jansens 58 73 2/td> Lighheavyweight

Tag Team


When the biggest names in TWF history are mentioned, this guy's is sure to come up. Working his way all the way from SMW, Jansens became a force in the TWF, starting the in the Lightheavyweight division. Jansens became a member of the old 4 Elements group, where he really started to make a name for himself. He was almost incapable of having a bad match and at the 2004 King of the Ring, he fulfilled his goal of becoming Universal champion, a title he proudly held. Jansens was a huge ambassador for the TWF, overcoming the death of his fiance before he got into the business and telling his story across several countries throughout the world. The last few years of his career were utilized for him to mentor some of the younger stars. When his contract was up, he was let go on good terms and his legacy intact. July 26, 2011
Gregory Helms 41 61 0 Lightheavyweight

2 Times

2008 Lightheavyweight of the year

Helms was a long term competitor for the TWF after they discovered him in 2001, a time when he was considered one of the most innovative wrestlers in the industry. He enjoyed great success in the TWF's Lightheavyweight division, where he also competed under the guise of his super hero alter ego, The Hurricane. He was a 2 time Lightheavyweight champion but was never able to do much outside the division. Later in his career, he was managed by his girlfriend, Velvet Sky, but after she dumped him, he was sparingly seen in a TWF ring before being let go in early 2012. February 12, 2012
Gail Kim (PrimeTime record only) 5 3 0 Women's (2 times) Gail Kim was once called the "female version of Rey Mysterio" and the TWF quickly took notice, first signing her in 2003. She would go on to become a 2 time Women's champion and easily one of the most recognizable female stars the company had ever seen. After dropping her second title in a battle royal, Gail Kim floundered on Rampage before competing on the short lived SlaughterHouse division. She came over to PrimeTime in 2010 and advanced to the final of the inaugural Femme Fatale title tournament, eventually losing to Maryse. Gail didn't really get past that on the PrimeTime division and was let go 2 years later. February 12, 2012
Maryse 5 3 0 Femme Fatale Maryse was signed to a TWF contract in order to compete in the inaugural Femme Fatale title tournament, which she went on to win. Maryse held onto the title for nearly 11 months before losing it to Eve Torres on PrimeTime. Maryse rarely competed following that match as news broke that she was not interested in wrestling anymore and wanted to launch her own clothing line. February 12, 2012
John Morrison (formerly Johnny Blaze; Johnny Nitro) 27 46 0 Intercontinental

2 Times

Many were surprised to here of the release of John Morrison, at one time one of the top stars in the TWF. The former 2 time Intercontinental champion is regarded as one of the best physical athletes to ever compete in the promotion. Morrison started his career as Johnny Blaze, then he went to Johnny Nitro, where he and Joey Mercury formed the tag team Hollywood Heat, which was managed by Melina, a woman Morrison had a rocky relationship with and whom many felt held him back in the TWF. Morrison's best performances in the TWF came in his matches with the World's Strongest Man Mark Henry, as the two traded the IC title back and forth. Many felt he would ascend to the Universal title, but that never came to fruition. February 12, 2012
Vladimir Kozlov 13 15 0 None Kozlov came to the TWF amid plenty of hype, endorsed by legend Jerry Jarrett. The former Russian Sambo champion was a handful in the ring and started very strong. But his career faded fast as he became too one dimensional in the ring and he ended up losing more matches than he won. February 12, 2012
CJ Lethal 6 5 0 None CJ Lethal spent years in the developmental area known as The Asylum where he would capture their Heavyweight title. Finally, he was promoted to the main roster and he never became the monster many thought he would. Standing over 7 feet tall, Lethal was often his own worst enemy. He finally enlisted the services of Jake Roberts and behind the legend, Lethal began to slowly rise through the ranks. But at TWF Code Red: Wild Card, Lethal was put into an impromptu match against Sting, a match he would lose. After the match, Roberts delivered his signature DDT to Lethal, a sign he was done with the big man. In turn, Lethal never appeared on TWF television again. February 12, 2012
Shelton Benjamin 57 57 1 King of Cable

4 Times

Rampage Tag Team

Million Dollar Title

Easily one of the most decorated stars in TWF history, Shelton Benjamin made the King of Cable title what it is today, winning it 4 times. His matches with both Joe Corey and M.X. Ogden are stuff of TWF legend and widely considered some of the best matches ever registered. Shelton was well on his way to becoming a main eventer, but took a sabbatical from singles wrestling to team with longtime friend Charlie Haas. Collectively known as the World's Greatest Tag Team, they won the Rampage Tag Team titles. After losing the titles to Eye Spy, the team split and they each tried to find their niche in the singles division again. Benjamin never really found the success he did earlier in his career and he became a rarely used mid-carder by the end of his career. February 12, 2012
Ken Kennedy 43 50 0 King of Cable

2008 Royal Rumble winner

TWF World (2 times)

The year 2008 could very well be remembered in the TWF as the "year of Kennedy". After overcoming the odds to win the Royal Rumble, Kennedy went on to WrestleMania 9 where he defeated Chris Masters to become TWF World champion. He would lose the title back to Masters 3 months later in a ladder match at Foul Play and what could have been the Year of Kennedy turned into a flash in the pan for the charismatic superstar. Kennedy fought for years to regain that main event status, but it wasn't to be. Kevin Thorn and Kennedy, who will be linked in time in the TWF for their ironic confrontations in the Royal Rumble match in several consecutive years, finally squared off on the Sept. 20, 2011 edition of PrimeTime in a WrestleMania Jackpot qualifying match. Thorn defeated Kennedy, which proved to be his final appearance in the TWF. February 12, 2012
Chavo Guerrero 46 68 1 RAW Tag Team

Lightheavyweight (3 Times)

Chavo Guerrero came to the TWF in July of 2002 and it didn't take long before he was united with his Uncle, Eddie Guerrero in a tag team known as Los Guerreros. Los Guerreros captured the TWF RAW Tag Team Championships in January of 2004. Most of his success came in his singles career as a member of the Lightheavyweight division. Guerrero would hold the Lightheavyweight Championship a total of three times. Chavo became lost in the shuffle of things when the TWF overhauled its Lightheavyweight division in 2010 and never was able to find his way back to the top of the division. February 12, 2013
Harry Smith 13 19 0 Tag Team The son of Davey Boy Smith had a solid run in the TWF, mainly competing in tag team matches. He formed a team with Tyson Kidd known as The Hart Dynasty. Harry Smith was never able to get things going in his singles career like he or officials had hoped and by the new year the TWF said goodbye to the son of the Bulldog. February 12, 2013
Paul Burchill 25 22 0 Tag Team Burchill spent several years with the TWF. He found success as a Tag Team Champion under the wing of William Regal before teaming with Rene Dupree as part of the group "The United Nations". When the U.N. separated it didn't turn out too well for Burchill who spent the remainder of his years with the TWF stuck in the low to mid card and wrestling on Uprising. February 12, 2013
Rene Dupree 42 49 0 Tag Team The French Phenom was a part of the TWF for many years since coming in with Sylvan Grenier as "La Resistance" in the early 2000's. Dupree primarily spent his career as a mid card/tag team wrestler. The highlight of his career came when he captured the Tag Team Championships back in 2003. When the TWF evaluated Dupree at the start of 2013, they decided his best days were behind him and cut ties with the Frenchman. February 12, 2013
Colt Cabana 8 6 0 Tag Team Colt Cabana made a name for himself on the indy circuit and came to the TWF with a lot of charisma. He enjoyed a Tag Team Championship reign with his friend, and Chicago native, CM Punk as part of the Second City Saints. But things went downhill for Cabana when he was separated from his tag team partner via the TWF Draft. Cabana was released from his TWF contract in early 2013 as part of a cost cutting measure. February 12, 2013
"The Masterpiece" Chris Masters 47 32 0 WrestleMania Jackpot @ WM8

TWF World Title (2 times)

"The Masterpiece" started out hot in his TWF career by becoming the youngest TWF Champion at just 24 years of age. Masters would go on to win the title once more before being drafted by the PrimeTime brand of the TWF. In his later years, Chris Masters couldn't seem to get back the success he enjoyed in his younger years and in 2013 he was released from his TWF contract February 12, 2013
Alba Rios 2 2 0 2010 Rookie of the Year As the first superstar signed to a TWF contract in 2010, Alba Rios found success early on by becoming the 2010 Rookie of the Year. Alba later aligned herself with The Empire, where she started a romance with TWF superstar, Carney. In late 2011, Alba became pregnant with what she claimed was Carney's child. When TWF PrimeTime returned in mid January 2013, it was announced that the paternity test proved that Carney was not the father and she had been quietly released from her contract several months earlier before the TWF went on hiatus. January 12, 2013
Silver Wolf 7 4 0 Lightheavyweight

2010 Lightheavyweight of the Year

Silver Wolf was signed to the TWF in 2010 in an attempt to give new life to the TWF's Lightheavyweight division. In his first year on the TWF roster, he became TWF Lightheavyweight champion and was awarded with the 2010 Lightheavyweight of the year award. Things started to slow down for Silver Wolf in 2011 and '12 though, and when the TWF reopened its doors in early 2013, they decided that they had seen enough from this once great lightheavyweight. February 12, 2013
Katie Lea 4 7 0 None Katie Lea arrived in the TWF along with her brother, Paul Burchill and that's the way she'll be going out because on the same day her brother was released, she was also sent packing. Katie spent the first portion of her career as a valet for Burchill and then for his tag team with Rene Dupree known as the United Nations. She then went to Rampage to compete in the Women's division on that show, where she experienced mild success. February 12, 2013
Beth Phoenix 5 2 0 None Phoenix was one of the more intimidating women that the TWF has ever seen, but she was never able to win the big one. In her final year of her TWF career, she was recruited by Jordan Rockwell to join his stable "Pain Syndicate" to fight back against The Empire. In 2013, the TWF decided that the time was right to release Phoenix from her contract as she had expressed that her heart wasn't in wrestling anymore. February 12, 2013
Kaval 3 11 0 None First competing in the TWF as Low-Ki, Kaval was brought to the TWF to compete in its lightheavyweight division, but by mid-2010, he had been drafted away from PrimeTime and sent to Rampage where he just could never get things going. At the start of 2013, the TWF decided it would be best to part ways with the once promising young star. February 12, 2013
Cosa Enigmatica 3 3 0 None This mysterious luchador made a name for himself competing for AAA in Mexico, but was mostly kept on Uprising during his tenure with TWF. He never grew into what the TWF was hoping for and in 2013 he was cut from the roster. February 12, 2013
Ezekiel Jackson 9 5 0 None Jackson spent a few years under TWF contract and things started out very promising for the big man, but injuries piled up and he was featured sparingly in the final months of his TWF run. February 12, 2013
Elijah Burke 12 11 0 Rampage Tag Team Elijah Burke came to the TWF along with Sylvester Terkay as the Knockout-Tapout Connection and together they found success in the tag team division. The duo would later become a part of Joe Corey's ECW faction where it became obvious to TWF officials that Terkay was the bigger star of the two and when 2013 came around they decided to terminate Burke's contract. February 12, 2013
Maria 0 4 0 None Maria rarely competed in matches during her tenure with the TWF, and the few times she did she came out with losses. She'll most be remembered as the ex-girlfriend of Matt Cruz. Maria spent several years by Cruz's side, but finally showed her true colors when she tried to cost Matt Cruz during his title defense at WrestleMania. February 12, 2013
Matt Morgan 5 6 0 None The powerhouse Matt Morgan had a long career as part of the TWF, spending several years in its SlaughterHouse division before being given the opportunity via the draft to move to one of the main shows. Morgan found himself in a successful stint alongside Travis Wakeman and Money Mike as part of The Empire. In a surprising move, when the TWF returned to air, it had announced that Matt Morgan had been released from his contract. February 12, 2013
Demolition 3 1 0 None Ax and Smash were signed to TWF contracts to take part in the invitational tag team tournament and though they didn't win it all, they were fairly successful in their short stint as TWF superstars. Upon re-opening in 2013, officials decided that Demolition were not in their future plans for the tag team division and the team was released from their contracts. February 12, 2013
Kelly 4 8 0 None Kelly was always a pretty face in the Women's division, but never stood out to TWF officials. By 2013, the TWF got tired of waiting and released her from her contract. February 12, 2013
Vance Archer 6 5 0 None Archer never lived up to what top TWF officials (or M.X. Ogden) had hoped for so in the same week that he was kicked out of Rising United, the TWF followed suit and booted Archer from the TWF roster. February 12, 2013
Tyler Reks 6 6 0 None Tyler Reks spent much of his career in the TWF as a member of the group "Rising United". Reks had some bright spots in his days with the TWF, but it wasn't enough for the leader of Rising United, M.X. Ogden, who booted Reks from the group. In the process, ending Reks' tenure with the company. February 12, 2013
Caleb Weber 6 3 0 None Weber came to the TWF in late 2010 looking for an opportunity and was given one by Shane Thompson. Weber initially impressed officials with his debut win that retired Shane Thompson and continued to show flashes of greatness but was never able to get his career to the next level and by 2013 TWF decided to move on without him. February 12, 2013
The Boogeyman 14 13 0 Rampage Tag Team

Part of 2009 Tag Team of the year

The Boogeyman will obviously be remembered as one of the more strange superstars to ever compete in a TWF ring, but even more so he will be remembered as one half of one of the most successful tag teams in TWF's history. Along with his tag team partner, Eddie St. James, The BoogeySaints became the longest reigning Tag Team Champions. Lasting nearly three years, they are also responsible for uniting the Rampage Tag Championships with the TWF Tag Team Championships. Once The BoogeySaints finally tasted defeat, the team crumbled and the last we saw of the Boogeyman, he was nearly destroyed at the hands of his former partner. February 12, 2013
Aniya Sky 2 6 0 None Aniya Sky came to the TWF with an impressive resume, having been a 3rd degree black belt in kenpo karate. That success didn't follow her into the wrestling ring and the TWF finally released her from her contract. February 12, 2013