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Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about The Fridge.

1. How does The Fridge stay in such great shape?
The Fridge stays in shape by eating right. His diet includes hot dogs, pizza and McDonalds. He also does daily crunches and can do over 100 of them.

2. How does The Fridge balance his family life with his professional life?
Since The Fridge practically keeps the EW afloat, the EW Championship Commitee passed a motion that states that approximately 50% of EW's matches will take place at Morby Arena, where The Fridge lives so that he can be with "Momma Jean" and still do what he loves.

3.Does The Fridge have any other jobs besides wrestling in the EW?
The Fridge is the highest paid wrestler in the EW, erning a 7 figure salary, however he wishes to pay for higher education for each and every one of his Magnets so he also works as a pizza delivery boy at New Orleans Pizza and also works at Elmira Bowl.

4. What education does The Fridge have?
The Fridge graduated from Elmira District Secondary School in 1999. He then attended Fridge's Wrestling School, where he taught himself how to wrestle.

5. What does The Fridge enjoy doing in his spare time?
As you can imagine, The Fridge has very little spare time. He attends many charitable functions, and visits his Magnets in the hospital, and kisses every baby in Elmira.
