Here's Another Great Y2J Experience!

Smackdown comes back from commercial and all of a sudden the lights go out and the Y2J Countdown starts!























The arena all of a sudden turns dark and the lights come back on again to major pyros!The lights come out and Y2J walks out and he has microphone in his hand and he starts to speak as he walks down the ramp.


It seems to me that Smackdown is becoming more than a federation, but more of a War Zone.Smackdown keeps getting more and more intense by the day.And you know what, I like it!This is more like the Smackdown I remember!Don't get me wrong I am not a fan of The McMahons, but I will admit this federation is better with there dirty asses around!But to get to my point.Welcome to the new better and more intense SMACKDOWN and the Y2J Bug will makesure it is something you all aren't going to forget!As you have noticed the McMahons have already made a RAW IS JERICHO card is up and you know what, I am in the Heavyweight Title match!Well I got one thing to say to that and I hope SCSA doesn't mind if I use his line "HELL YEAH"!This is the smartest things the McMahon family has ever done in there lives!I love the card and all but there is one thing I don't get........why isn't it the main event?And why on earth was Johnny Kaos in it instead of Sonic Youth?I am sorry to sound like a whiney bitch and all but what the hell are you smoking Vince?!Anyways, Jericholics the match will be a Three Way Cage Match between HBGAY,Pidgeon, and yours truly Y2J!!!Now it seems there are alot of fruit cakes in that match, except for me over here.Now to my opponent H-B-GAY, Shawn Mitchels!Shawn Michaels, is one of the greatest wrestler to step into the ring.But there is something that HBK lacks and that is the ability to kick ass!Why don't you enroll in Y2J's asskicking school and I will show you how to kick some ass by kicking your lousy ass!HBK, I have always had a problem with you, and it wasn't cause you were just a cocky son of a bitch!You were never a major threat to me, but you were one caniving man.You always start shit with evryone in that lockeroom.And you know what, you don't intimidate me one bit!HBK, you just haven't met your match yet until now!You are looking at the man that will kick your ass from turnbuckly to turnbuckle, chair to chair, and beer bottle to beer bottle, HELL I will just kick your ass 24/7!HBK, you might have kicked Sonic Youth's ass, but that was with the help of Raven and Drake Dayze so don't think that will happen on Raw!Because Raven will be in a match and Drake will be banged up from his Dumpster match so I guess your out of luck old timer.HBK, I am wondering, what do you think is bigger your ego or the spelling of your last name and its not Michaels, Shawn.I think its your ego.You think just because you beat Bret Hart for the WWF Heavyweight Title means you are gonna be the man that wins that 3Way match on Raw because it's a Cage Match and your the only one in this match that barely has any hardcore experiences.Unlike you HBK I had my share of Hardcore and Extremely dangerous matches, you had none!And everybody knows the man with least experience is most likely to lose.So HBK get ready to get your ass taken to school!Now to my second opponent on Raw, Raven!Raven, it seems you just love getting in that ring with me, don't you?Well Raven I kicked your ass once and it would be my pleasure to kick your ass again.Raven, I will say you were one tough customer my friend.I respect you Raven, but respect won't save you from the pain you are going to feel when I get my hands on you once again!Raven, like I said Raven I would kick your ass and I did with the help of the Jericholics out here!You see Raven I might not like pain but I can take pain and kcik ass too and I did just that!Raven, you lost because you made one stupid mistake.I know the feeling but that is what you have to watch out for when you afce me, even the smallest mistakes may give me the match.Raven, you never learn, that is your problem.You see I told you that when you let your emotions overcome you, you would regret it and you did!Raven, maybe if you learn from your lessons and get a freaking personayly maybe then you will have a chance of becoming the first man to wear the Smackdown Heavyweight Title in a long time!HBK and Raven on Raw Is War it will be one hell of a match!Raven, I know it will be either me or you leaving that arena with that heavyweight title and you can only hope its you and i can only hope its me but whatever happens I will say it right now , I am doing this for all my Jericholics all around the world!So Raven you better get ready for the toughest match in your rat infestation of a career!HBK, me and you haveyet to meet in the ring but I will have the privalage to kcik your ass in a cage match and after I beat your ass I will beat Raven's and then I take that Heavyweight Title from your reach.HBK and Raven get ready to receive the biggest Y2J Beating that Y2J as ever dished out to anybody!The Ayatolla As Spoken and oh yes after I kcik both your ass you will never ever forget the name of Y2J E..E....E......VER AGANE!!!

He gets to the ring and walks up the stairs and enters th ring and starts to speak again.

Now there have been alot of misudnerstandings over the past few days about Smackdown because of constant changes of owners.And alot of people have been asking of what I think about it, well I don't really care who it is as long as I get to come out here and save all my Jericholics from the boredom of people like Triple H and Raven!But to get to my case there is one guy that just plain annoys just by hearing his name and that person is Dru Money!Money, where did the money in your name come from seeing from the rags you wear and your odor it doesn't seem like you have any money at all.Dru you are nothing but a bum who got lucky!You think your a thug, just like Tazz did now look at his midget ass he got fired after he thought he was Mr. Tough guy!Well Dru you andTazz were nothing but a bunch of dumb morons who thought that they were tough guys and now there is only one of you left.Isn't that just pathetic the thug got embarrassed by his boss.Dru you know what why don't me and you meet in this ring on next weeks Raw if I win the Three Way Cage Match, I will put it up against and if you still have your title then why not put it up for a 2 pin match.Well this the point the first person to get a pin gets the European Title and the second person to get a pin gets the Heavyweight Title.Do you accept Chimp Boy?Dru, I will give you props, you are a good wrestler for a bum.But your wrestling skills does not compare to mine.Dru, lets get one thing starigh though you are not a thug!You are just a wrestler now.Dru, I really hate for some reason I don't know why, but you just piss me off!Then we have British Bullshit!Hey Bulldog where ya been, you been getting high and drunk again!If you haven't noticed old man you are washed up!First off you bring shame to the westling world and you bring shame to human beings everywhere.BullDog your time as passed, you might be an Hall Of Fame but that was when you were at the top of your game, but you are the one who ruined his career when you got into drugs!Why don't you and Bret Fart go retire and give some other people their chances to shine!BullDog, you and I will meet sometime and trust me it won't be your night.Rock might have beat you but he forgot to kick your ass and I will do both to you!Oh and Hart where the hell have you been old timer?And Triple H I want your ass in this ring ass soon as possible!I don't care what kind of match and what is the stipulation, I just want you in that ring and finished what i started at Fully Loaded!Triple H if you don't answer to my challenge by the end of this week, not only will I be coming after you, but I will be after that slutty wife of yours!Triple H I advice you to get some body guards because when I find your ass, you won't have a second to run or retaliate because Y2J will not give you a second to breath after he gets his hands on you!Now at the moment alot of guys in the back are doubting Y2J's abilities and some of them are talking behind my back and saying shit about me.Now if you are a real man you would come out here and challenge me to a match of some sort, but none as yet to do so.No worry I have already picked my targets as you all see.Now one person I talked about is the British Bullshit!Bulldog, you are nothing to me except for ashame to wrestlers everyehere.Bulldog, you use to be one hell of a wrestler, but now just like HBK, your old and your washed up.Guys like you should retire and give the younger era of wrestling.You and Hogan have something in common, you always want the spotlight.But needless to say both of you do nothing to earn it!Unlike me and few others earn everything even if they have to risk their well being for it.But Bulldog one day I will meet you in this very ring and I will take out alot of anger out on your ass!

He drops the microphone and he walks backstage .After a RVD, HBK, and SCSA cut there promo's the camera cuts backstage.They go to the interview spot and Y2J is there and he looks straight at the camera snd starst to speak.


Shawn, Shawn, Shawn, Shawn, it seems to me that somebody has got their G-String cut up there butt hole and it seems to be you.Shawn, do you really think I give a rats ass if you were a great wrestler in WWF or if you think I sucked in WWF?Well i can really givea flying rats ass cause that was in the past!This is the present and you know what Y2J is the hottest thing going in the WWF right now and I think the fans agree with me!Shawn, you came out to that ring today and gave everyone a boring ass lecture about your wrestling career.Shawn, never do that again for the sake of mankind!Now Shawn, do you think that for one second that you single handedly defeat Sonic Youth, cause everybody knows that Raven and Drake Dayze gave you that match!Unlike your ass I beat Raven and Vampiro single handedly in that ring and if you haven't noticed Raven and I are two of the top wrestlers in Smackdown and let me tell you raven is one tough customer!Oh and if you don't notice you washed up bastard I seem to be the man that brings all these people to there feet everytime they see me!I don't see them giving a damn when you bring your old ass down to the ring and keep on jibbering and jabbering your ass off!HBK you talk about how I spent most of my career in ECW and "down south" and don't forget you moron I was a rookie in ECW and look what kind of impact I left there!Hell HBK why don't you go try wrestling in barbwire, going through tables, then after that going to the House Of Hardcore and get your ass kicked around by Perry Saturn and Tazz!I don't think your ass would last long enough there to even get into that ring and wrestler an event!Shawn, I wrestled my ass off yo get to where I am today, unlike you.Shawn, you said alot of bullshit when you came out here today and the thing that I don't get is, you mistook me with The Rock.First off Shawn, I am not a two move moron!I have an arsenal of moves the inverted boston crab or The Walls Of Jericho and The LionSault are my finishing manuevers.HBK, I do way more moves than you!I have top rope moves, apron moves, counter moves, high risk moves, and power moves.All you ever do is a drop kick, body slam, crossbody, and the superkick, so I don't think you should be talking about the amount of moves other wrestlers have.Shawn, you shouldn't be so confident, cause I don't think that your restarded ass noticed that you got Raven in that cage too and I am telling you right now you will have your hands full and so will I.HBK, you really are a dumbass!I use to think your promos might actually get some ratings but after your last one, god help you!I can not believe how boring that was!It is always a shame to see a future Hall Of Famer go down in flames and I literally mean in flames because on Monday I am gonna light your ass on fire and burn your ass down!I will say though you gave some great advice to me unfortunatly it should have been directed to your ass because unlike you and Dean Malenko I am the man of a thousand and four moves!HBK, I will admit that you got some guts stepping into that ring knowing that you aren't going to get out of that cage before I do and that you are gonna get your face kicked in and get your brains bashed in!HBK you ask what makes me think I can beat you, simple, you suck, you suck, and pretty much you suck!And with the Jericholics behind me I will definatly walk out of raw the first Smackdown Champion in a long time!HBK, it seems to me that you have been talking out of your ass for a while now.And when you did your promo today, every last word you say came out of your ass!Shawn, you really think Y2J sucks don't you?Well I know why you think that, it's because you have lost your mind.Everyone knows that Y2J has made one hell of a name for himself cause if I didn't then how do all my merchandise get souled out the first they hit the stands?Old timer, maybe you should hang up your boots cause it seems that your brain is alittle wodled up, cause you still thinks this is the WWF and think taht you didn't lose a step.HBK, let me update you on your status, old,dumb,sucks at wrestling, and on the verge of getting the biggest Y2J Beating that I have ever dished out in my career!Now we Raven, Raven as yet to speak on the title match but I know his ass will show up and he will be harder to defeat than he was on Smackdown.Raven, I highly respect you as a wrestler, but when we get in that ring all the respect goes out of the window and it becomes ass kicking time!Raven, I am one of the few men who made you dislike pain.Cause all during the match you were enjoying it until I put the Walls Of Jericho on you screamed your lungs out and tapped out, and few men can say they made Raven tap out.This Monday, will prove to be one hell of a night for all of us and for especially the new Smackdown Champion, which I hope is me.Raven and HBK, get ready for the match of your careers cause I am gonna give all of you a run for your money.Raven, I will make you bleed this time around!And for you HBK I will makesure I especially hurt your boned up ass!The Ayatolla Has Spoken!

Y2J pushes the cameraman and storms way to his lockrroom and Smackdown cuts to commercial.