My thoughts on WWF Monday Night Raw for April 9 on TNN at 9pm until 11 pm

Linda tells Vince im gonna cut youre grapefruits

This was from rockys smackdown which i cant see cause are rabbitears on the tv dont work two good and Jackson an hour away thats where upn is. Linda vinces wife she gonna make vince pay for putting her in the hospital and making out with trish status and stuff and mick foley maybe hell become comishioner again cause he gave linda grapefruit, foley he way better than stupid regal.

Vince meets good ol JR and says are you redie to work or not

So stupid vince he tells good ol jr that he need to come to his offace to get ready for work and i remember one time i had to go to principals office but it was cause i wasnt doing my work and i was nerviz and jr he look nerviz too i bet vince up to his old tricks again he so stupid and a jerk, vince youre a jerk you know.

Curt Angel he get beat by Kane in hardcore match and Undertaker he kick butt two

Curt angle he come out and make fun of boston red sox and im not a baseball person but i now angel not very nice to people of boston they not like no good yankees from new york but red sox maybe they should be red sux cause they havent won in like 88 years or so. Angel he talk about wanting a title match and he should he shut his big mouth cause threw hell fire and brimstones here comes Kane and he kicks butt and angel he find out that until big show he come in and cheat for angel but then he hits angel so i guess big show he want to win for him, stupid jerk. Undertaker he come out and kick big show butt, then the brothers the kick angel butt and Kane win the match. My brother and me we fight but not together but me against him cause he say wrestling is fake and its not hes stupid.  Match rating: 21

Good ol JR goes to vinces office and stone cold comes in two stupid jerk

Vince say he has a special video to play for good ol JR and stone cold he sit their with a big smile they trying to scare good ol JR and they show video from rockys smackdown where stone cold beet up his good friend good ol JR but why. I had a good ferend once his name was bobby but he and i had a fight cause he found new best ferend and i was reel mad just like good ol jr. Stone cold says i dont wanna be no hero and i never asked to be one and thats ok cause all the stone cold stuff i have i burned it in the compose heep behind the trailer you stupid jerk stone cold. You not my hero anymore, rocky and undertaker they my heros now and you turned your back on all of us and even good ol jr he was youre best ferend when you in hospital he only ferend you have and HHH he try to run you over with a car now he youre ferend i dont understand but you been poisend by vince he might be the devil but now you work for devil are you happy stone cold. You broke good ol jrs hart stone cold you stupid son of a witch with a b id say worse but my uncle he see my swearing last week and he say mark i now youre mad but no swearing on youre internet ok. jr says to vince you keep up this stuff and im gonna work for Shane i say great good ol jr go work in wcw cause vince he dont like you anyway and stone cold he sucks and hes stupid.

Crash and molly holly try to beet up Rhyno but Rhyno two tuff

Again this week the holly cousins they are spunkie but Rhyno he just two big and tough for little crash holly but the hollys they always try there best and in the end its not weather you win or lose but if you play hard sometimes. So rhyno he gonna beat up cute little molly again you stupid jerk but not today stupid rhyno cause he comes cousin hardcore to the resque and he beat up rhyno and he run away like a little girl bye rhyno you not gonna pick on the hollys nomore or else you gonna have to get hardcore and he almost as hardcore as Kane. Match rating : -9

Vince and his stupid princes Steph they worry about Linda cause hear she comes

Vince he worry about what Linda gonna do to his business and i say yeah linda gonna cut youre grapefruits hope you brought some extra underpants tonight stupid vince and my stupid brother he say vince hes gonna get a bobbit tonight but i dont now what he mean by that anyway linda says he to acolites and china and i say get those guys to go kick vinces butt and maybe stone cold and HHH two that wood be great match vince, hhh, and austin versis acolites and chyna i hope she gonna make the match tonite.

Spike dudley he get beet up and stupid comishioner regal he make jericho fight benwah

Spike dudley he got beet up by albert whos the prince of some country i dont now which one and justin and xpac and xpac he sucks cause i dont like him but also when i see him i always think i have to use the toilet i dont know why so sometimes i dont see him on tv cause my doctor he say its not good to hold it cause you could get sick. Dudley boys they need to beet up those guys and then stupid comishioner regal he say that jericho and benwah they cant be friends and they have two fight but i say leaf them alone why is he trying to ruin a new friendship and oh yeah on rockys smackdown hhh he screwed jericho and stole his intercontinintail belt and i hope regal is happy stupid jerk we need comishioner foley back he likes the pepull.

Undertaker he fights well its a big show and undertaker gives him last ride awesum

Cause big show he tried to beet up Kane earlier now his brother wants to beet up its a big show and big show hes tough and he fight good but hes no match for undertaker cause undertaker he kicks butt just ask curt angel and hhh they both got beet up two. Undertaker he gives its a big show last ride from the top turnbuckel and he gets the win cause big show he big and tough but he two slow and undertaker he rules and dont mess with his bike. Match rating : 25

Linda comes to the ring and shes gonna get vince and make him hurt

My stupid brother mike he says shes gonna cut his grapefruits in the ring but i say she cant really do it cause vince cant get naked on tv they dont do that in wwf only on his stupid naked pepull tapes they get naked. I say linda shes gonna make vince pay lots of money cause vince put her in the hospital and made her take drugs and did stuff with trish status like have sex and other stuff like on my stupid brothers dirty movies and she says good luck to shane in wcw and i cant wait im gonna watch the new wcw cause i used to watch it before two. Oh ok so now stupid vince he nows hes spit up a crick without a paddel and hes sorry he gets on his nees and says sorry to linda im sorry for being such a stupid jerk about everything but linda she say i dont wanna apologize i wanna git a devorce which is great cause vince you dont deserve linda she two good for you. Sometimes devorce its not always good though my cousint wilbur hes ben devorced 4 times and one time he didnt get to keep his trailer and he had to live with us for a couple months and i love him cause hes a cousint and all but sometimes he really smelled bad.

Lita she say good for you linda but this makes vince very mad at her

Linda was done and she was going home and Lita stoped her and say she was an inspurashion and she very happy and proud for linda but vince sees this and he tell lita you shut up cause tonight you gonna have to wrestle hhh, stone cold, and stupid princes steph and she gets to have the hardy boys and thats gonna be great but the hardys i hope they dont get beet up cause theyre smaller but they move fast and do lots of cool moves like jumping off the ropes and stuff and lita shes way better wrestler than princes steph.

Dudley boys they beet up justin and xpac and albert but then they get beet up too

Spike and dvon and bubba they were beating those guys up good and then justin he got 3d and dudley boys they won the match and then bubba looks at dvon and he say dvon go get some tables and so dvon he do that he got one table and stupid xpac hes gonna get the table but albert he throws little spike like 20 feet away from the ring and then justin saves xpac and albert he puts bubba into the table. Dudleys won the match but those guys theyre gonna pay for what they did to spike and to bubba. Match rating : -11

Vince he goes two find linda and hardy boys get exsighted about match

Good luck stupid vince i bet when you get home and talk to linda she says i still want a divorce you stupid jerk and i say great but vince you cant come stay with us like cousint wilbur did you gonna have to find a new house or trailer or something cause you gonna be busted and i cant wait. And hardy boys matt hes upset cause they could get beet up but jeff he say this is a good opertwonity to beet up stone cold and hhh cause they turned their back on the fans and stuff and lita i cant wait till she beets up steph but i hope she doesnt have two fight hhh or stone cold cause that could be troubel.

Chris Jericho and chris benwah they fight a little but they beet up Regal horray

So stupid regal says they cant be friends and they have two fight and then he makes himself ref for this match and he cheats like he dont count 3 when either benwah or jericho they go for pin and he waves to pepull but why pepull dont like you regal mik foley he was way better comishioner nobody likes you regal, stupid jerk. And the best part was so benwah and jericho they get sick of regal and they both beet the living crap out of him and it was great i hope regal never comes back now and linda she makes mik foley comishioner again cause vince he fired mik but it wasnt fair. Regal you suck and youre stupid and you got what you deserved. Match rating : 283

Good ol jr he says im glad for xfl and please watch xfl cause they play hard

I seen a little xfl its ok but its not like watching Southern Mississippe college games when they play that where brett farve is from did you no that? I like packer football but i dont have cheese in my head but i like farve cause he grew up in Mississippe same as me and i like saints football too i think they need an xfl team in mississippe like in Hattiesburg or Jackson or something they could call them the cajuns or the trailer park heros or something like that then id watch more xfl.

Edge and Christian they in wwf new york and they want to fight holly cousins

Okay well so what your 7 times champs of the tag teams but holly cousins theyre tough and theyre family and you two and rhyno you cant get hardcore like hardcore holly your pretty boys and holly cousins are gonna kick youre butt even molly she could kick your butt too but not rhyno hes too tough for molly and crash but not hardcore.

RTC they try to get raven to join them but raven says no way so he fights Val venis

Raven he said rtc your hipocrits and i dont wanna join you guys so val venis he says they have to fight so they do and the hole match the stupid rtc they cheat the whole time and the stupid ref he dont see nothin maybe vince he should fire the refs cause they never see nothin and i would not say thats doing a good job never seein nothin. Raven he gets beet cause all the rtc guys like goodfather and bull and steven they all cheat and val wins the match and stupid rtc we need better refs in the wwf and maybe raven he sould get tazz or somebody to help next time. Match rating : -34

Lita beats Steph but then stone cold and hhh beet up hardys and lita and use a chair

The hardys they were really doing great they were beeting up hhh and austin and they had a lot of chances to win but hhh and austin theyre stupid but theyre tuff and the match had both teams winning sometimes but then lita grabed steph and pulled her in the ring and steph sucks so lita she kicked her butt and beat her to win the match. After the match hhh and austin they beet up the hardy boys and espeshally matt hardy so lita she loves matt hardy and tryed to save him but hhh and austin they beat her up two with the pedagree and stone cold stunner and a chair. Rocky he cant come out cause hes suspended and Kane and undertaker they didnt come out either i wish they had cause those stupid jerks hhh and stone cold they beat up lita real bad and i like lita and so do a lot of other pepull even my stupid brother he say lita a real piece and if mik foley he was comishioner he wood fire hhh and austin and maybe even regal he wood say dont beet up lita but he got beet up so he couldnt say stop and vince and linda they both left they couldnt say stop and nobody say stop hurting poor lita but i did but they cant hear me cause they on tv but im still really sad i hope lita is going to be ok i think im gonna git her a get well card and maybe ill pass it around church on sunday too so she nows we love her in magee mississippe. Austin and hhh you gonna have hell to pay soon you stupid stupid stupid jerks. Match rating : -948

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