My thoughts on WWF Monday Night Raw for April 2 on TNN at 9pm until 11 pm

Steph challenges Trish

I don't like Steph, she is really a snot.  I mean she thinks she is a princes but she is not, just cause she has money and all does not make her better than everyone else.  Mr. Gibbens the guy who owns our trailer, he thinks he is better than other people sometimes and its not true, he is not better than us just cause he has money either except for maybe my brother, but he is stupid anyway.  Steph wants to have a match with Trish with belts and they will whip each other, its going to be fun cause now Trish can belt her right in the mouth like she deservz.  Sometimes when I misbehave I get the belt and it hurts so I hope the princes gets a good whipin.

McMahon talks bad about Texas

Oh great, now out comes Stephs special pop with all the money and he says Austin will come out later to explain why he lets all of us down and turned his back on everyone.  Then Vince takes a cowboy hat and makes fun of people from Texas and steps on the hat and ruins a good hat.  What a jerk he is, some nice people are from Texas like my neighbor Justin, he is from Texas and he was really mad at Vince.  I hope Vince gets beat up, and just as I wish, Rocky comes out and puts Vince in the sharpshooter and almost breaks his leg.  Rocky wants a rematch and Vince whines "okay okay please dont break my leg, you can have a match, but in a cage".  Cool Rocky gets to beat up Austin in a steel cage and get his title belt back, I cant wait!

Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, and Perry Saturn vs. Test and Acoloytes and they win

This match is the Radicals and they fight Test and Acoloytes and Radicals get their butts kicked.  Good cause they stole the European title from Test on Sunday and they deserve everthing they get.  Saturn wears a stupid hat.  Terri tries to cause trouble and Test pulls her into the ring but he dozsnt try to kiss her, thats what I would have done, shes hot but shes a troublemaker.  Test tries to slam Terri but her boyfriend saves her, I dont like Saturn, I like Test but he shouldnt beat up girls like that, I would have saved Terri and maybe she would be nice sometimes with me, you know.  So Bradshaw creams Saturn with his lariet and the good guys win.  Match rating: 6

HHH is angry cause he lost to Undertaker

Boo hoo, HHH.  You lost last night to Undertaker cause he rules and has never lost at Wrestlemania and you did, cry cry cry.   HHH says he will have more battles with Undertaker but you will just get beat again so why do you need to try.  Do not mess with Undertakers bike or you get the last ride HHH.

Steven Richards and RTC plan to destroy the Hardcore title

Im glad Kane won the hardcore title he rules.  Why does the RTC have to talk bad about the belt.  They are censers anyhow and they suck.  I watch Jerry Springer and they censer stuff all the time and it sucks, just like RTC.  Steven Richards, you cant have the hardcore title, Kane will kill anybody you have in your RTC.  Maybe you should let Ivory fight for it, since youre all a bunch of girls anyhow.

Stephanie vs. Trish but Regal attacks Trish but Jericho comes to help Trish

Steph got her licks in but it was cool when Trish smacked Steph on the butt with the strap, now she knows how it feels too, it hurts a lot.  Once my pop hit me with the strap 12 times and I could not sit down for 3 days, all I did was take a baseball from Jackie down the street, he didnt want it anyway.  So then the comishoner Regal comes in and hold defenseless Trish and Steph beats her up but thats not fair so Chris Jericho comes and chases Regal off. Good for Jericho but Regal since he is in power will probably make Jericho do some stuff he doesnt like, but Trish did win the match. Match rating: 4

Crash vs. Rhyno

Poor little Crash had no chance against the man beast Rhyno.  Rhyno is really tuff but he always beats up on women and I dont like it but my pop says sometimes you need to bring the women in line with a beatin but Rhyno doesnt even know Molly Holly and besides Molly is a good girl.  Why dont he pick on somebody his own size like Kane, I bet hed kick Rhynos butt all over the ring.  Rhyno youre going to get yours sooner or later. Match rating: -3

Debra asked about Austin and what he did

Debra says she dont know about what Austin did but how could she not, they are married.  I guess so cause sometimes my pop dont tell my mom stuff like where hes been all night and stuff like that so I guess I can believe that.

McMahon and Austin talk about what they did

Stone Cold comes out and asks the people if they want him to beat up Vince and I say great yeah kick his ass he tricked you Vince and now youre going to pay.  But then Austin says he wont do it and that he wont do what the people ask him to do anymore cause he doesnt care about the people anymore.  Well Stone Cold I just want to tell you somethin on the computer and I might get in trouble for saying so cause Im not allowed to swear but Fuck you Stone Cold.  I have tshirts and posters and figures and all kinds of stuff of yours and it was cause you were good and always beat up Vince and now youre his friend.  I hate your guts Stone Cold how could you turn your back on all your fans like that.  Was it for money Stone Cold or have you just been brainwashed Stone Cold?  Now im going to throw all my Stone Cold stuff in the trash where it belongs and I hate your guts and you suck two Vince.  My stupid brother I bet he likes you now cause he is stupid and hates Rocky and Jericho and people who are honest and good.  Maybe you can sell more shirts and stuff to him cause hes a sucker just like you Stone Cold.

Val Venis vs. Kane he wins and RTC beat him up but Undertaker comes out and they kick RTC butt

Val Venis and Steven tried to take the hardcore title from Kane but Kane is too tuff and Val Venis never beat anybody anyway even when he was a stripper he sucked too.  All of the RTC members tried to beat up Kane and even Kane cant beat up four guys but out came big brother to help Kane and they beat up RTC and RTC ran away like sacred little girls cause they suck.  My brother would probably never help me in a fight but he fights like a girl anyway, he cant even beat up my cousin Bernice, but shes fat like 300 pounds so maybe thats why. Match rating: 12

Triple HHH asks Regal where is Vince

HHH seems awfully mad and wants to talk to Vince, could he be angry cause he and Stone Cold used to fight all the time and now Vince likes Austin.  But HHH and Vince are family and did Vince leave HHH for Austin?  Usually family stucks together but my Aunt and Uncle had a divorce once and she called the cops and my Uncle was gone for two months, but hes back now.  I dont know, but if HHH is mad at Vince then Vince might have something to worry about.

Chris Jericho vs. Regal and Angle, Jericho loses but is saved by Benoit

That stupid Regal made Jericho fight more than one guy again and Jericho lost cause Regal is a very unfair comishoner, not like Mic Foley he was great.  So Jericho gets beat up but then Benoit comes out and chases Angle anyway cause he lost to Angle at Wrestlemania cause he got cheated.  Jericho and Benoit did not shake hands or nothing but I think they should team up and take care of Regal and Angle once and for all.  Match rating: -7

The One Billy Gunn loses to Xpac and gets beat up by Justincredable and Prince Albert

Billy trys his best but he cant beat three guys cause Xpac and Justincredable and Prince Albert cheat all match and the ref never sees any of it.  I think Billy was too happy for his girlfriend Chyna winning the womens title and was not ready but it doesnt matter cause Xpac and his gang were too much.  Why is Albert a prince anyway, I mean his pop is George The Animal Steele and he isnt a king or anything so what is Albert suppossed to be the prince of?  I think Regal may be prince of England or something cause he acts like it, Xpac is a scumbag. Match rating: -9

Shane talks at WWF NY about his mom and WCW

Shane has a real bad looking eye from that jerk father of his but Shane kicked a garbage can in his face so horray.  Too bad he didnt kick it even harder though. Shane tells everyone that his mom Linda is ok and thats great cause Vince is such a miserable person and she deserves better.  Shane loves his mom just like I do but sometimes she gets on my nerves especially when she wants me to wash my clothes and stuff.  Shane also says that the new WCW is going to kick Vinces ass and that will be cool and I am going to watch the new WCW when it comes out and show my support for Shane.

Rocky talks about how Stone Cold is sacred of him

I agree with Rocky, Austin you are sacred and thats why you had to have Vince help you.  Rocky is going to kick your butt tonight and get his title back and make you bleed in the steel cage. I hope Rocky has some backup though cause Vince is going to screw with him again I bet.  HHH seems pretty mad at Vince and maybe Rocky should talk to HHH, but theyve fought a lot and I dont know if I would trust HHH yet.  I fought Tommy Farcas 6 months ago and we beat each other up and we havent fought since but I still dont trust him cause he is a snot nosed punk with crap for brains.

Rocky vs. Stone Cold, HHH and Stone Cold beat up Rocky

Rocky had Stone Cold beat and Stone Cold even tapped out but Vince did it again damit. He screwed with the ref and the ref could not see that Stone Cold was beat and so HHH came in and got in Austins face, but then he atacked Rocky and all three of them beat up Rocky.  I was hoping Jericho or Kane or Undertaker would come and help Rocky but they didnt and I wish they did. Rocky got hit with the sledgehammar and was beat up bad and didnt get the title back like he should of and those three can suck balls cause I hate them all.  My stupid brother was happy that Rocky got beat up so I took a swing at him but we got caught fighting and pop hit us both with the belt just like Trish got hit.  Stupid brother! Match rating: -200

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