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WWF Rankings (April 14 - April 20 )

Well this week in WWF has been pretty uneventful one. The WWF bored me so much so that I can't remember hardly anything eventful that I watched. I am not getting Backlash or anything, so I'm not worried about PPV too much rankings wise. Let the rankings begin:

10. Trish Stratus

Yes Trish Stratus. She showed me a lot this week in her match with Molly Holly. Slowly she is starting to actually seem like an ok women wrestler unlike her WWF counterparts (LITA!). She deserves this spot simply because she had a good week.

9. William Regal

He was part of the best match of the week and he cut a great promo. His promos are just so cool. He acts so "bloody" mad. I myself have enjoyed the his feud with Spike. He had a good week, but he was not as good as say Guerrero or RVD. Their fued is bigger than his & Spike's.

8. Rob Van Dam

This week RVD aerial assault seemed more refreshing than usual. It was the same stuff he usually does, but for some odd reason the crowd seemed more into the match and spots than usual. It got me excited.

7. Eddy Guerrero

Latino Heat! Eddie Guerrero seems to be back! He was also involved in the match I mentioned twice already. He did a great job as well. What makes him better than RVD is that he got the win with the frog splash! I honestly wish I could see their Backlash match.

6. Bradshaw

A great week for him. I have not seen Bradshaw pushed in a while as a singles wrestler. Him being in the RAW main event helps for sure.

5. Chris Jericho

Not his best week, but still a good one nonetheless. His partnership with Angle seems to be a pretty good idea. He had a good match with HHH & Hogan. Jericho berating Hogan was also a good thing!

4. Undertaker

Undertaker has seemed better the last few weeks for some reason. His heel status is making him seem a lot better. The feud between Austin & Taker is an great one.

3. Steve Austin

The fans love him. His antics are just great. His promos are great. Him stunnering Flair is great. Austin had a good match on Raw as well. Austin vs. Taker!

2. Triple H

The champ always deserves a high rankings spot. Triple H played his role very well as usual. He did a good job in the Smackdown match. Triple H promos were good as usual. The way HHH nailed Hogan with chair was pure genius!

and finally...

1. Hulk Hogan

Hogan for some reason or another keeps getting more popular. The fans are loving it. HULKAMANIA continues to run wild. Smackdown was all about the Hulkster! He played his role to perfection. Could we see Hogan as the champ on Monday? That would be weird!

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