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LK2000's Wrestling
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Super J Cup History

Super J Cup 2000'

  • Ricky Marvin vs. Cima - Cima wins with a Iconoclasm followed by a Mad Splash
  • Ricky Fuji vs. Sasuke the Great - Fuji wins by DQ
  • Naoki Sano vs. Suwa - Sano wins with a Tiger Suplex
  • Katsumi Usuda vs. Men's Teioh - Teioh takes the win with the Tornado Clutch
  • Onryo vs. Curry Man - Onyro wins with the Dead Man's Cradle
  • Gran Hamada vs. Shinya Makabe - Hamada makes Shinya tap out form a cross armbreaker
  • Kaz Hayashi vs. The Great Sasuke - Sasuke wins with his Thunderfire Powerbomb
  • Cima vs. Onryo - Cima hits his Iconoclasm/Mad Splash combo for the win
  • Ricky Fuji vs. Gran Hamada - Hamada nails a Super Tornado DDT for the win
  • Naoki Sano vs. The Great Sasuke - Sano KOs Sasuke with a roundhouse kick
  • Jushin Lyger vs. Men's Teioh - Lyger hits a shotei and an avalanche brainbuster for the win
  • Cima vs. Naoki Sano - Cima wins with a Cross Armed Iconoclasm/Mad Splash combo for the win
  • Gran Hamada vs. Jushin Lyger - Lyger wins with a shotei
  • Cima vs. Jushin Lyger -Lyger wins the J Cup after hitting two Avalanche Brainbusters

    Super J Cup 95'

    • Gran Naniwa vs. Damien 666 - Naniwa wins with a Hurricanrana
    • Maasaki Mochizuki vs. Shinjiro Otani - Otani with a leg lock
    • Sho Funaki vs. Ultimo Dragon - Dragon wins with a La Magistral
    • Masayoshi Motegi vs. Gedo - Gedo wins with the War Hold
    • Dos Caras vs. El Samurai - Caras wins with a Flying Crossbody
    • Hanzoh Nakajima vs. Chris Jericho - Jericho wins with a Lionsault Quebrada
    • Gran Naniwa vs. Jushin Liger - Lyger wins with a Fisherman Buster
    • Chris Jericho vs. Wild Pegasus - Pegasus hits a Super Tombstone Slam
    • Shinjiro Otani vs. Ultimo Dragon - Dragon wins with a La Magistral
    • Gedo vs. Dos Caras - Gedo takes it with the Gedo Clutch
    • Jushin Lyger vs. Ultimo Dragon - Lyger blocks a La Magistral for the pin
    • Wild Pegasus vs. Gedo - Gedo wins with a Diving Headbutt Drop
    • Non-tournament: Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Psicosis - Rey wins with a hurracanrana
    • Jushin Lyger vs. Gedo - Lyger wins the J Cup with his SUPAFISHAMANBUSTER!

      Super J Cup 94'

      • Dean Malenko vs. Gedo - Gedo wins with a powerslam
      • Shinjiro Otani vs. Super Delphin - Delphin wins with a Tornado DDT/Delphin Clutch combo
      • Taka Michinoku vs. Black Tiger II - Eddy aka Black Tiger wins with a Tornado DDT
      • El Samurai vs. Masayoshi Motegi - Samurai wins with his Samurai Bomb
      • Ricky Fuji vs. Negro Casas - Fuji wins with a Tiger Driver
      • Hayabusa vs. Jushin Lyger - Lyger wins with a Fishermans Buster
      • Gedo vs. Super Delphin - Gedo wins after reversing the Delphin Clutch into a cradle
      • Wild Pegasus vs. Black Tiger II - Pegasus wins after blocking a Flying Crossbody with an arm drag
      • El Samurai vs. The Great Sasuke - Sasuke wins after rolling through a Hurracanrana
      • Ricky Fuji vs. Jushin Lyger - Lyger wins with a Super Rana
      • Gedo vs. Wild Pegasus - Pegasus wins with a Powerbomb/Diving Headbutt Drop combo
      • The Great Sasuke vs. Jushin Lyger - Sasuke wins with a Hurracanrana
      • Wild Pegasus vs. The Great Sasuke - Chris Benoit aka Wild Pegasus wins the J Cup via a Super Gutwrench Suplex