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Shiryu & SATO & Terry Boy vs. Jinsei Shinzaki & Taka Michinoku & Gran Naniwa 10/30/1994


Today's battle is between Kaientai DX, which includes Shiryu (Kaz Hayashi), SATO (Dick Togo) , and Terry Boy (Men's Teioh) vs. the team of Jinsei Shinzaki, Gran Naniwa , and Taka Michinoku. This looks to be a high flying classic!


Shiryu & SATO & Terry Boy all come sliding in the ring and a war breaks out. Ballons are flying everywhere. SATO throws Taka over the guardrail into the crowd. Shiryu plants Naniwa face first into a crowd seat. Terry Boy and Shinzaki battle to the very top of a scapelding. The pound each other. Naniwa and Shiryu are exchanging chops. Shinzaki walks on the rope and arm chops Terry Boy. Keep in mind there still on the scapelding! Shinzaki starts kicking Terry off. They battle in the second to the top part of the scalpelding. Shinzaki chokes Terry Boy and TB is hanging off the edge. Terry Boy does the same thing and Shinzaki is put in the worst position. After a little bit we get back in the ring. SATO and Shinzaki shouldeblock each other, but neither can knock the other one down. Shinzaki catches SATO in a perfect press slam. Shinzaki cross corner whips SATO , but SATO backflips off the second rope and gets a hiptoss. Shinzaki blocks a punch and throat thrusts SATO hard. They exchange some chops, throat thrusts, and headbutts. SATO finally dropkicks Jinsei outside. SATO does a quebrada backflip fake!! Shinzaki comes back and does the praying rope walk into a tremendous arm chop. Naniwa is tagged in. Shiryu in.

They do a lucha sequence with Naniwa getting a japanese armdrag and Shiryu getting a regular armdrag. Naniwa blocks a corner attack and gets a second rope facesmash. Shiryu ducks a lariat and Naniwa moves out of the way of a quebrada backflip, but Shiryu dropkicks Naniwa outside. TB and Taka in. They shove and chop each other. TB gets the advantage with a lariat and Taka rolls outside. Taka has a plan though. TB starts celebrating then Taka goes from behind and gets a springboard missile dropkick. Skip to(?) Naniwa getting surrounded and beated on. TB vertical suplexes Naniwa and Shiryu follows with a flying splash for a 2 1/2 count. Shiryu backbreakers Naniwa and SATO follows with a second rope moonsault splash, but Jinsei makes the save. SATO nails a german suplex for a 2 9/10 count. Kaientai DX nail a triple powerbomb on Naniwa for a 2 3/4 count. Naniwa !! Naniwa!! The fans are behind him. KDX stomp on Naniwa. Naniwa lariats Shiryu down. Jinsei press slams SATO and TB in succesion. Jinsei throws TB outside and irish whips him over the guardrail.

Shiryu blocks Taka's springboard splash with boots. Taka nails a sweet overhead belly to belly suplex and a german suplex for a 2 count that could have been a 3 if Taka hadn't let go! Taka dropkicks Shiryu outside and hits a Spaceman Plancha. In the ring TB powerslams Jinsei for a two. Jinsei blocks a flying attack with a thunderous throat thrust. Jinsei follows with a Praying Shoulderblock for a 2 9/10 count. Jinsei nails the Praying Powerbomb, but SATO makes the save. SATO and Shiryu throw Shinzaki and Taka into each other. SATO and Shiryu hurricanrana them both outside. They do stereo a tope` and somersault tope` on to each guy. That was awesome and the high five before was brilliant!!! In the ring TB full nelson slams Naniwa for a 2 9/10 count. TB and Shiryu double brainbuster suplex Naniwa and SATO follows with the mother of all flying sentons for the win.


The match was great in a fun sense, but there were still flaws. The match length and the clipping are questionable . There was not a enough spot building and the brawling was not needed either. Besides that the match was an awesome.
