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SATO & Shiryu & Taka Michinoku & Great Sasuke vs. Shinjiro Otani & El Samurai & Tokimitsu Ishizawa & Jushin Liger 7/14/94

SATO & Shiryu & Taka Michinoku & The Great Sasuke vs. Shinjiro Otani & El Samurai & Tokimitsu Ishizawa & Jushin Liger


Today's match is match between the top Junior Heavyweights of New Japan vs. the top of Michinoku Pro. On the NPJW side we have Shinjiro Otani & El Samurai & Tokimitsu Ishizawa & Jushin Liger. On the Michinoku Pro side we have SATO & Shiryu & Taka Michinoku & The Great Sasuke. This looks be to a high flying and insane match.


Liger and SATO start it out. Chants of Liger ring out. Liger gets a side headlock. SATO hiptosses Liger, but Liger comes back with flying headscissors. SATO does a quebrada backflip then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Liger. Team Sasuke pound on Liger in the corner. Team Sasuke do the KDX surfboard pose on Liger and the others don't looked pleased on Liger's team. Shiryu spinebusters Liger by the ropes. Taka nails a springboard kneedrop, SATO does a catapult somersault senton, and Sasuke follows with the same. Shiryu & SATO lock a piledriver type hold on Liger just to making fun. Taka in. Taka does a dropkick, but Liger is nowhere near. Liger tags in Otani!! Otani dropkicks Taka hard. Taka & Otani battle in the corner. Taka cross corner whips Otani and follows with a running forearm smash. Taka calls for it again. Taka cross corner whips Otani, but Otani Flair Flips on to the apron. Otani nails a springboard missile dropkick. Taka backflips off the top rope taking Otani by surprise then follows with a overhead belly to belly suplex. Taka dropkicks Otani and does a springboard backflip fake. Not a good idea. Otani is up when Taka is posing and makes him pay with another springboard missile dropkick.

Tag to Samurai. Samurai suplexes Taka in the ring then tombstone piledrivers him for a two. Samurai nails an awesome Samurai Bomb, but Sasuke makes the save. Samurai slams Taka by the corner. Liger, Ishizawa, Otani, and Samurai all nail off the top double stomps on poor Taka. Ishizawa (Kendo Kashin) snapmares Taka and locks on a rear chinlock!? This guy does not belong in this match. Sasuke comes in and stops the hold with a kick. Liger in. Liger release german suplexes Taka with ease. Samurai comes in. Samurai & Taka exchange chops until Taka nails a flying forearm smash!! Taka makes the hot tag to Sasuke!! Sasuke & Samurai do an awesome lucha sequence. Samurai japanese armdrags Sasuke, but Sasuke comes back with an off the second rope crossbody with a twist and a spinkick. Liger is in. Shiryu is in, but the Sasuke comes in after Liger tells him to bring it. Liger gives Sasuke a huge headache with a spot on rolling koppu kick. Liger throws Sasuke outside and powerbombs him on the floor!! Back in the ring Liger & Otani do a belly to back suplex/ flying elbow drop combo. Otani dropkicks and then spinkicks him in the face!! Ouch! Samurai in. Sasuke snap suplexes Samurai, snapmares him, and kicks him square in the back. Shiryu in. Samurai punches Shiryu in the stomach when he gets in.

Liger in. Samurai full nelson Shiryu and both of them backdrop a charging Liger. Shiryu armdrags Samurai off. Liger grabs Shiryu. Samurai chops Liger accidentally when Shiryu moves. Samurai & Liger chop Shiryu down, but he kips back up. Shiryu keeps kipping up. All of a sudden Shiryu spins around and everybody on both teams does the Japan bunny hop!! That was hilarious!! Ishizawa nails a corner spear and an enraged backdrop for a two. Shiryu comes back with a corner clothesline. Shiryu hip tosses then dropkicks Ishizawa outside. Let the trainwreck commence! Shiryu somersault topes` Ishizawa. Samurai topes` through the ropes on Shiryu. SATO somersault planchas Samurai. Liger planchas SATO. Taka no hand springboard planchas Liger. Otani springboard planchas Taka. Sasuke is the only one left! He does not disappoint with an INSANE tope` con hilo on Otani that causes him to go flying over the guardrail!!

Back in the ring Shiryu huracaranas Ishizawa for a two. SATO in. SATO powerslams Ishizawa, but Team Liger makes the save. Team Sasuke nail an assisted powerbomb then clear out Team Liger, but still only get a two count. Sasuke in. Sasuke nails the shoulderblock/ quebrada press combo on Ishizawa for a 2 1/2 count. Ishizawa comes back with an inverted ddt. Liger & Shiryu in. Liger levels Shiryu with a rolling koppu kick. Liger tombstone piledrivers Shiryu and Team Liger give him a triple diving headbutt drop!! Otani tells Liger to take care of Shiryu. Otani & Samurai & Ishizawa attack the other members of Team Sasuke. Liger puts Shiryu up top and nails the SUPAFISHAMANBUSTER the for the win.


An awesome match. The train wreck was sweet. Everybody did their share to make this match so great.

Rating: ****