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LK2000's Wrestling
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A-C Wrestler Moves

Tank Abbot
***Straight Punch

Joey Abs
***Off the Second Rope Somersault Neckbreaker
Off the Top Rope Moonsault Splash

Johnny Ace
Ace Crusher, 3/4 Facelock Drop
Pancake Toss into Ace Crusher, Pancake Toss into 3/4 Facelock Drop
Johhny Spike, Brainbuster DDT
***Leg Face Driver
Cobra Clutch Suplex

Trent Acid
Roaring Elbow, 360* Forearm Smash
Double Leg Slam
***Yakuza Kick, Snap High Kick
Acid Bomb, Face First Reverse Crucifix Powerbomb
Canadian Back Rack Powerbomb
Off Top Rope Splash with a 180* Side Twist
Slingshot Somersault Senton With Twist
Backflip Splash
"Full" Moonsault, Off the Second Rope Moonsault Splash
Off the Top Rope Moonsault Splash
Moonsault Plancha Suicida
Sprint across the ring into off the second rope Somersault Legdrop w/Twist
Blue Thunder Bomb, Belly to Back Suplex into Sit Powerbomb
Change of Direction splash
Boston crab
Bad Trip, Change of Direction Plancha Suicida with the victim laid on a row of chairs
Acid Lock, Back Mounted Full Nelson
DDT on the apron
Crucifix Powerbomb
Corner Running Double Knee Smash

Brian Adams
Canadien Back Breaker Rack
Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker
***Tilt-a-whirl slam

AKIRA aka Akira Nogami
Butterfly Suplex Hold, Underhook Suplex Hold
***Musasabi Body Press, Off the Top Rope Splash or Flying Splash
Dragon Suplex, Full Nelson Suplex

Jun Akiyama
Blue Thunder, Belly to Back Suplex into Sit Powerbomb
Elbow Smash
Front Headlock Body Scissors Hold
***Sterness Dust
Exploder Suplex 98'/Wrist-Clutch Exploder, Belly to Belly Pumphandle Brainbuster Suplex
High Angle Exploder Suplex, High Angle Belly to Belly 90 Degree Overhead Suplex
Exploder Suplex, Belly to Belly 90 Degree Overhead Suplex
Exploder off Apron, Belly to Belly 90 Degree Overhead Suplex off Apron
Overhead Face First Powerbomb on Ring Rope
Jumping Knee Smash
Apron Dive Knee Smash
Rolling Lariat, Spinning Clothesline
Running Corner Jumping Knee Smash
Kitchen Sink, Running Knee Smash to Stomach
Northern Lights Suplex
Diving Forearm Smash
Off the Second Rope Knee Smash

Amish Roadkill
Amish Splash, Corner Splash
Barn Burner, Fireman Carry into ¾ Facelock Bulldog Drop
Dirt Road Slam, Sidewalk Slam
***Amish Bomb, Flying Splash
Amish Elbow, Off second rope twisting elbow drop
Amistaker, Walking the ropes elbow drop
Springboard clothesline
Springboard legdrop

C.W. Anderson
Big right punch
Ferriswheel, T-Bone Suplex
Delayed Superplex
Fireman’s carry arm breaker
Shoulder stunner, sitting arm breaker
***Spinebuster slam
Swinging single arm DDT

Scoot "Black Nature Boy" Andrews
Cross-Armed Camel Clutch
Underhook Powerbomb
Reverse Powerbomb
Jumping Reverse Russian Leg Sweep
Cross Armed Iconoclasm, Cross Armed Reverse Crucifix Powerbomb
***Force of Nature, Stretch Body Slam Through Legs Piledriver
Figure Four Leglock
Turnpost Figure Four Leglock
Leg Lariat

Kurt Angle
Angle Olympic Slam, Whirling Fireman carry slam
Off the Top Rope Moonsault Splash
Belly to Belly Suplex
Off Second Rope Somersault Neckbreaker
German Suplex
Overhead Belly To Belly
Super Belly2Belly Suplex

Antifaz Del Norte
Catapult Somersault Senton
Running Leaping Corkscrew Plancha
Catapult Corkscrew Splash
Off the Top Rope Somersault Bodyblock with Twist
Somersault Plancha Suicida with Twist

Scotty Anton
***The Clap, Sharpshooter

Forearm Smash
Frog Splash
Sit Down Powerbomb
Whirling fireman carry slam
Release German Suplex
¾ Facelock Drop

Nobutaka Araya
Brainbuster Suplex
Off the Top Rope Moonsault Splash

The Artist (Prince Iaukea)
Torture Rack Fallaway Slam (?)
Northern Lights Suplex
Paisley Park, Reverse Suplex
***Off the Second Rope DDT

Kennichiro Arai
Backflip Splash
Headbutt Drop
Springboard Headbutt Drop
Flurry of Headbutts
Flapjack into Jawbreaker
Super Jawbreaker
Hanshin Tiger's Suplex Hold
***Blind Diving Headbutt, Flying Turning Headbutt Drop
Firebird Splash, Flying Somersault Splash

Satoru Asako
Camel Clutch

Milano Collection AT
Milano Collection AT
STF (F for fashion), Stepover-toehold-half/full nelson
STF w/ropes, Stepover-toehold-full nelson in ropes
***Paradise Lock, Entanglement Submission Hold
AT Lock, Chickenwing Armlock with headscissors
Rope Entanglement Hold
Emporio Armani Shoe, slingshot moonsault splash
Armani Express, slinghot moonsault into senton w/twist
Handspring Back Elbow Smash
Double Cross Legged Opponent on Knee Submission
Leg Split Hold, Legs Head Hold/Arm Pull Submission

Topè Suicida through Ropes, Diving Plancha Suicida through Ropes
Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker

A-Train (Prince Albert) (Albert)
***Derailer, Over the Shoulder Backbreaker
Ring Rope Inverted Powerslam
Baldo Bomb, Double Arm Sit Chokeslam
Big Boot
Canadian Back Rack into Neckbreaker
Jumping Kick
Off the Second Rope Reverse Splash
Hippo Swing, Giant Swing
Sit Down Powerbomb

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Driving Elbow Drop
Knee Drop
Hollywood Invine, Inverted Toehold(?)
***Stunner, ¾ facelock sit drop
Stungun, Ring Rope Clothesline Drop
Double Leg Slam
Thesz Press, Vertical Cross Body
Off Second Rope Driving Elbow Drop

Mike Awesome
Awesome Bomb, Powerbomb
Sit Down Awesome Bomb, Sit Down Powerbomb
***Running Awesome Bomb, Running Powerbomb
German Suplex
Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex
Top Rope Awesome Bomb, Top Rope Powerbomb
Kamikaze Awesome Bomb, Top Rope Sit Powerbomb
Top Rope Backward Sit Awesome Bomb, Top Rope Backward Sit Powerbomb
Awesome Splash, Frog Splash Catapult Shoulderblock
Flying Back Elbow Smash
Flying Clothesline
Springboard Plancha Suicida
Topè, Diving Plancha Suicida

Azrael (NWA Wildside)
Fireman's carry Sit Down Powerbomb
Fireman's carry Piledriver
Death Valley Driver
The Sacrifice, Backdrop Driver
Springboard leg lariat
***Frog Splash elbowdrop
Series of kicks to the head
Running bootscrape to victim lying in the corner

Buff Bagwell
***Blockbuster, off second rope somersault neckbreaker
Manhattan Drop, inverted atomic drop
Yellow Jacket, fisherman suplex
Swinging Neckbreaker

The Barbarian
***Kick of Death, Lunging Big Boot
Super Belly to Back Suplex

Mike Barton
Big Boot
Body Punch
***Barton Buster, Falling Foreward Powerbomb
Barton Spike, Chokeslam
Flying Leg Drop

Reverend Batista (Leviathan)
***Sit Down Powerbomb
Belly to Back Suplex to Uranage
Spinebuster Slam

Shelton Benjamin
***Vicious Spinkick

Chris "The Crippler" Benoit (Wild Pegasus)
Benoit Hooking Clothesline
Diving Headbutt, Flying Headbutt Drop
Off the Top Rope Headbutt Drop Suicida
Off the Top Rope Legdrop
Off the Second Rope Legdrop
Flying Dropkick
German Suplex
Belly to Back Flipping Throw Suplex
Diving Plancha Suicida through the Ropes
Side Backbreaker
Dragon Suplex, Full Nelson German Suplex
Snap Suplex
Belly to Back Suplex
Gutwrench Suplex
Wild Bomb, Powerbomb
Ring Rope Front Suplex
***Crippler Crossface, (Crossface hold) Leg Arm Bar with side chinlock
Both Standing on Top Rope Suplex
Super Tombstone Piledriver
Super Gutwrench Suplex
Top Rope Powerbomb
Elevated Crab
Knife Hand Chop

Nick Berk
Frog Splash
Off the Top Rope Senton Suicida
Oriental Scorpion, Berk scissors his legs around the right knee of the victim and bridges back into a facelock
Texas Cloverleaf '02, Elevated Texas Cloverleaf
Octopus Hold
Grounded Octopus Hold
Around the World, Twisting Sunset Flip
Chimera Plex, German suplex...Dragon Suplex...Cross Arm German Suplex
Berk Driver
Berkoset, Underhook Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker
***Berkoset '02, High Speed Underhook Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker

Ric Blade
Shooting Star Press Suicida, Shooting Star Suicida (?)
Stepover heel kick
Series of kicks
Off the Top Rope Senton
Skytwister Press, Off the Top Rope Corkscrew Moonsault
Quadrasault, standing Moonsault followed up by a Moonsault off the first rope, then a Moonsault off the second rope and finally a Moonsault off the top rope
***Edge of the Blade, Cradle suplex through legs Piledriver

Big Bossman
***Bossman Slam, Sidewalk Slam

Big Show
***Showstopper Slam, High Elevated Choke Slam
Final Cut, Inverted Facelock into Elbow Drop
Inverted Powerbomb Throw
Knee Smashes in the Corner

Big Vito
***Skull Crusher, Swinging Spike DDT
Savate Kick
Flying Elbow Drop

Bam Bam Bigelow
***Greetings from Asbury Park, Over shoulder reverse piledriver
Flying Headbutt Drop
Bigelow Sault, Rounding Moonsault Splash
Press Slam

Steve Blackman
***Pump Kick, Snap Kick
Flying Snap Kick

Black Buffalo
Backdrop Suplex
Buffalo Driver, Double Arm/Underhook Sit Powerbomb
Leg Drop

Stardust Press, Off the Top Rope Somersault Splash with Twist
Twisting Slingshot Moonsault Plancha Suicida

The Blue Boy
***Meaniesault, Moonsault off the Top

***South of Heaven, Tiger suplex/Double Chickenwing Suplex

Booker T
Somersault Legdrop
***Houston Hangover/ Harlem Hangover, Off the Top Rope Somersault Legdrop
Scissor Kick
110th Street Slam, Double Leg Slam
Book End, Uranage Sidewalk Slam
Jumping Crescent Kick
Heat Seeker, Missile Dropkick
Harlem Sidekick, Leaping Straight Leg Sidekick

Big Bossman
Downward/Pushing Chokeslam
***Bossman Slam, Sidewalk Slam

Big Boot
***Clothesline from Hell, Lariat
Belly to Belly 90 Degree Overhead Suplex (referred to incorrectly as a Fallaway Slam)

Jay Briscoe
Yakuza Kick
Cross-legged STF
Stretch Plum
Vertical Suplex into a Michinoku Driver II
Muscle Buster
Sitout Front Suplex
Diving senton off the top rope
Cross Armbreaker
Oklahoma Roll
Death Valley Driver
Snap Dragon Screw legwhip
Snap Suplex
Half Nelson Suplex
Sitout front suplex off the top rope
***J-Driller, Underhook Piledriver

Mark Briscoe
Jumping Knee Drop
Springboard Knee Drop
Springboard Leg Drop
***Cutthroat Suplex, One Arm Wrapped Inverted Death Valley Driver
Reverse figure-four leglock with ankle pick
Reverse Indian Deathlock
Texas Cloverleaf
Five Star Moonsault, Moonsault off the top rope
Shining Wizard with the victim hanging in the ropes,
Springboard Ace Crusher, victim is seated on the top rope
Tope atomico, sprints and vaults over the turnbuckle into a hilo to the floor!
Uranage Suplex
German Suplex

D-Lo Brown
***Sky High, Twisting Sit Down Spinebuster Slam
Top Rope Sky High, Both Standing on Top Rope Sit Down Spinebuster Slam
Slam twisted into a reverse bulldog
Lo’ Down, Deep Frog Splash
Rolling Step-Over Toe Hold Throw
Fallaway Slam (incorrect name) into Sit Uranage, Belly to Belly 90 Degree Overhead Suplex into Sit Uranage
D-Lo Legdrop
Jumping Leg Lariat
Running Sit Down Powerbomb

Bull Buchanan
Flying Clothesline
Off Top Rope Legdrop
***Scissor Kick

Love Bug
Double Hand Chop to Face
Fallaway Slam (incorrect name) into Sit Uranage, Belly to Belly 90 Degree Overhead Suplex into Uranage
King Crab
***Osaka Cutter, Inverted Facelock into 3/4 Facelock Sit Drop

"Classic" Colt Cabana
Fireman Carry Head Breaker (lands back of head on knee)
Powerbomb into Elbow Drop out of corner
Reverse Crossface hold
Tumbleweed, Off the Top Rope Somersault Legdrop with Twist
Merosault, 180 into a Moonsault Splash off the top rope
Capture Suplex
Running Corner Double Knee Smash
Super Rana
Frog Splash
Asai Moonsault, Slingshot Moonsault Plancha Suicida
Tornado Snap Suplex
Northern Lights Suplex Turnbuckle Smash
*** "Colt 45" Backbreaker, Underhook Over the Shoulder Backbreaker

Super Calo
Catapult somersault senton suicida
Off the Top Rope Shoulderblock with Twist
Super flying headscissors

Chris Candido
New Jersey Jam, Off second rope leg drop
Vertical Suplex
Super Rana
Plancha Suicida, Off the Top Rope Crossbody Suicida
Pescado, Catapult Crossbody Sucida
***Diving Headbutt Drop
Sit Down Powerbomb
Blonde Bombshell, Top Rope Powerbomb

Dos Caras
Sit Down Powerbomb
Off the Apron Powerbomb
Leg Split Hold, Legs Head Hold/Arm Pull Submission
Running Spinning Head Attack
Hammerlock w/Neck Submission
Inverted Surfboard
Diving Plancha Suicida through Second Rope
***Off the Top Rope Crossbody

Negro Casas
Scorpion Deathlock
Rolling Solebutt, Spinning Roundhouse Kick
Off the Top Rope Senton
***La Casita, La Magistral

Chris Cash
Dragon suplex, Full Nelson Suplex
Spider German suplex, Super Belly to Back Waistlock Suplex with legs locked in ropes
450 Splash, Off the Top Rope Somersault Splash
***Cash Flow, victim is placed in a Gory Special and then Cash flips them overhead by their neck into a faceplant
Withdrawl, delayed Crucifix with Arms & Legs Hooked into Reverse Face-First Powerbomb

John Cena (The Prototype)
Top Rope Dropkick
Running Corner Splash
***Proto-Bomb, Spinning Backdrop Suplex into Uranage

Chris Chetti
Double Springboard Moonsault Splash
Scissor Kick
Belly to Back Suplex into Powerbomb
***Amytiville Horror, Fireman Carry into Body Slam Piledriver Through Legs

Chilly Willy
Jumping Hip Attack
***Chilly Driver, Suplex into Body Slam Piledriver Through Legs

Masahiro Chono
Snap Belly to Back Suplex
Yakuza Kick
Samoan Drop
Headlock/Arm Hold
Cross STF
***STF, Stepover-toehold-facelock

Riki Choshu
***Riki Lariat, Lariat
Side/Backdrop Suplex
Sasorigatame, Scorpion Deathlock

Falling Inverted DDT
Springboard Adjacent Plancha
Inverted Facelock Backbreaker
***Unprettier/Impaler, Reverse Underhook DDT
Plancha, Flying Crossbody Suicida

Brian Christopher
Thrust Kick
Baseball Slide
Apron Suicida Sunset Powerbomb
***Hip Hop Drop, Flying Legdrop
Full Nelson Face Drop

CIMA (Shiima Nobunaga)
Shubain, Variation Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver
***Shubaingatame, Variation Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Submission
Corner Headscissors Turnbuckle Smash
Superkick, Thrust Kick
Perfect Driver, Crossover Leg Lift into Body Slam Piledriver Through Legs
Jumping Piledriver
Shoulder Jawbreaker
Face First Powerbomb
Pancake Toss into Mat Slam
Corner Running Double Knee Lift
Inverted DDT Leg Sweep
Double Boot Scrape
Catapult Somersault Senton
Rolling Abdominal Stretch
Japenese Leg Roll Butt Punch, Reverse Rollup into Butt Punch
Springboard Double Axehandle
Tornado Plancha, Running Corkscrew Catapult Cross Body Sucida
Inverted Spinkick
Topè Suicida Through Ropes, Through Ropes Diving Plancha Suicida
Tree of Woe Baseball Slide Dropkick
Mad Splash, Deep Frog Splash
Venus, Jumping Palm Thrust to victim seated on the top rope
Super Iconoclasm, Super Reverse Crucifix Powerbomb
Goriconoclasm/Cross Armed Iconoclasm, Cross Armed Reverse Crucifix Powerbomb
Iconoclasm, Reverse Crucifix Powerbomb

Byran Clark(Wrath and Adam Bomb)
***Meltdown, Pumphandle Over the Shoulder Powerslam
Apron Dive Somersault Attack
Atom Smasher, One Knee Kneeling Powerbomb
Flying Clothesline

Caprice Coleman
High Plancha Suicida
Tumbling Somersault Senton then Slingshot Moonsault Splash
Axe Kick
***Thermal Shock, 3/4 Facelock Drop
Press Slam into 3/4 Facelock Drop
Inverted 3/4 Facelock Drop
Falcon Arrow

Rico Constantino
Ricosault, Off the Top Rope Moonsault Splash
***Roundhouse Kick
Corner Kick Flurry
Other Kicks

Steve Corino
Northern Lights Suplex
***Old School Superkick, Thrust Kick
Leg Lariat
Fisherman Suplex, Arm & Leg Cradle Suplex with Bridge
Old School Expulsion, Twist into Swinging Neckbreaker

Asian Cougar
Cougar Clutch, Arm & Leg Submission
Somersault Pescado, Catapult Somersault Body Attack Suicida
YALV, Catapult Legdrop w/opponent draped on top rope

Justin Credible (PJ Walker)
That’s Incredible, Corkscrew Tombstone Piledriver
Super Tombstone Piledriver
Spinning DDT on mat
Sliding Dropkick
***Superkick, Thrust Kick
Leg Breaker Leg Drop
Sit Out Powerbomb out of corner
Off the Second Rope Driving Elbow Drop

Queenan Creed
***La Magistral
Inverted Facelock Brainbuster Suplex
Thrust Kick
European Uppercut

Jason Cross
Cross Star Press, Standing Shooting Star Splash!
Vertical Drop Brainbuster (apparently the BEST BRAINBUSTER IN NORTH AMERICA~!)
Dragon Sleeper, Inverted Facelock Hold
Dragon Suplex, Full Nelson Suplex
Frog Splash
Last Rites, Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker
Off the Second Rope Somersault Reverse Underhook DDT
***Crossfire/Shooting Star Legdrop, Shooting Star Press into an off the top rope legdrop

*** Denotes Wrestler's Finisher or Stongest Trademark Move