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Kenta Kobashi vs. Toshiaki Kawada 1/17/00

Kenta Kobashi vs. Toshiaki Kawada 1/17/00 Source: Jujigatame Puroresu


Today's match is between Toshiaki Kawada and Kenta Kobashi. This match is Kawada's return from an arm injury he suffered in his infamous match with Misawa in 99'. 1/19/95 these battled to a one hour time limit. On 10/18/96 these two wrestled to another classic ***** one hour time limit. On 6/12/98 these two wrestled again with Kobashi winning after two Burning Lariats. This match is most likely to be there last big match vs. each other. Let the battle begin!


Bell! Kawada immediately running high kicks Kobashi down! They exchange chops. Out of nowhere Kawada DANGEROUS BACKDROPS Kobashi on his head! GAH! Kobashi rolls outside. Kobashi eventually gets back on the apron only for Kawada to lunging high kick him off the apron. Kobashi gets back on the apron, so Kawada ENZIGURIES him off the apron once again. Kobashi lays on the floor in pain. In the ring Kawada gets a one count. Kawada kicks at Kobashi and nails some vicious knife hand chops. Kawada runs through a Kobashi chop and knocks him down with another running high kick. Kobashi blocks a suplex and nails his hanging vertical suplex. Kobashi chops Kawada hard and they exchange slaps. Kobashi ends up getting the better of Kawada with some chops to the neck though. Kobashi nails a corner jumping knee attack. Kobashi follows with two running knee attacks to Kawada's stomach for a two count. Kobashi locks on a boston crab, but Kawada gets rope. Kawada comes back with kicks to Kobashi's left leg. Kobashi kicks Kawada in head though. Kawada blocks an irish whip with an arm wringer into the heel kick. Kawada follows up with his classic RUNNING CORNER HIGH KICK!!! Outside now Kawada throws Kobashi into the guardrail and follows with a running high kick that sends Kobashi over the guardrail! This is a Dangerous K beating!

Kobashi gets on the apron. Kobashi gets some chops, but Kawada fights back with a chop and some brutal kicks. Kawada then axe kicks Kobashi on the rope and enziguries him off the apron once again. Kobashi manages to Burning Lariat Kawada before falling outside! Kobashi gets a two count. Kobashi gives Kawada several chops to the neck and Kawada simply collapses! Kobashi solebutts Kawada and follows with a legdrop. Kobashi slams Kawada and goes up for the MOONSAULT! Kawada stops it though. Kobashi gets some more chops, slams Kawada, and nails a running legdrop. Kobashi goes up for the moonsault, but Kawada rolls away. Kawada kicks Kobashi and gets a high kick. Kobashi comes right back with a sleeper, but Kawada gets rope. Kobashi spinning back chops Kawada and reapplies the sleeper. KAWADA! KAWADA! KAWADA! Kobashi blocks Kawada from getting rope break twice. Kawada is FADING 1...2..kickout! Kawada blocks the Half Nelson, so Kobashi spinning back chops Kawada. Kobashi follows up with an awesome POWERBOMB for a 2 1/2 count. Kawada blocks the Half Nelson by grabbing the rope and then blocks a Tiger Suplex.

Kawada blocks a german suplex and destroys Kobashi with his TWISTING ENZIGURI! Kawada blocks a flying shoulder block mid air with a GAMENGIRI! Kawada gives Kobashi a step kick, a slap, a kick, and a spinkick because Kobashi blocked his powerbomb. Kawada nails his FOLDING POWERBOMB for a 2 1/2 count. Kobashi blocks a dangerous backdrop, so Kawada kicks him in the left leg. Kawada follows with a VERTICAL DANGEROUS BACKDROP! Ouch! Kobashi blocks another folding powerbomb with very sloppy rana. Kawada gets some kicks, but Kobashi catches one and gets some more chops. Kawada overwhelms Kobashi with chops, kicks, and knee lifts. Kawada ducks a lariat, arm takeovers Kobashi, and locks on the CROSS ARMBREAKER! Kobashi gets rope though. Kawada hits a third DANGEROUS BACKDROP, but Kobashi absorbs an enziguri kick right after. Kawada ducks a lariat, but Kobashi shoves off a gamengiri. They end up LARIATING each other at the same time. Kobashi covers for a 2 1/2 count. Kobashi RELEASE TIGER SUPLEXES Kawada and follows with his JACKNIFE POWERBOMB (Powerbomb into a Bridge) for a near fall. Kobashi gets ready for the lariat, but Kawada collapses! Kobashi lifts him up and gives him a close range BURNING LARIATOOH for the 1...2...3! The winner Kenta Kobashi. (18:31)


Great match! The moves, the pace, and the heat were great. There could have been more near falls. The finish seemed kind of flat compared to many other All Japan classics. The match should have probably gone longer. There was also a blown spot. Overall an awesome match though. I recommend getting it.

Rating: ****