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**...The poor quality camera, filming like a home video, races through the streets of what looks to be a borough of Queens, slowly passing by dirty streets…the night is dark and finally the camera arrives at a rundown home, the grass is brown, one window shattered, and a dim light is seen on the front porch flickering, but giving enough light for the camera to see what is happening inside….the camera has muffled sound, but begins to slowly zoom into a crack in the window, where a man is seen sitting on a chair and flipping through television channels, the floor is covered in pizza boxes, broken bottles, and empty beer cans, the television is muted, and the camera sound begins to pick up a conversation, the scene shows the man, yet nobody else seems to be in sight…**

::…The Voice…::Look at you, you sit here in filth, you have amounted to absolutely nothing, and as the world around you continues to flourish, you continue to live in a dumpster, you are a failure, and I cannot believe that I have to be a part of this disaster-filled, god for saken life

::…Justin Credible…::Shut up! You have absolutely no idea what I have been through, where I have come from, and I am perfectly happy sitting here, watching the television, and content in the life I have made for myself!

::…The Voice…::The life that you have made for yourself? Please, the life I would have made for you is something lavish, wining and dining, living a life of popularity and wealth, yet you are content in this, what is this? You know you were more, you could be more, you were a man fed with convictions, evil…yet now I am embarrassed to even be associated with the not-so incredible one

::…Justin Credible…::What do you expect me to do? I sit here, I watch this damn television and am embarrassed by everything that is currently going on, but I am nothing now, look at me! LOOK AT ME!

**…Justin gets frustrated and throws a beer bottle against the wall, shattering it, with beer spraying all over the already disgusting wall…**

::…The Voice…::Trust me, and I will return to all of your glory, everything you once were, and everything you should be…listen to me, get that appetite for destruction back, you once were a king, and now you are nothing more than a slob!


::…The Voice…::Ha Ha (creepily laughing) Remember that you are not crazy, you just do bad things! I am your friend, you need to trust me, you live in filth, yet do you want to know what is garbage, worse than you living like this?

::…Justin Credible…::You are not friend, and I do not do those bad things anymore, I am a changed man

::…The Voice…:: Garbage, my friend, garbage is the WWE, it has resurrected

::…Justin Credible…::Resurrected?

::…The Voice…::Yes you idiot! It means it has risen from the dead, and if you listen to me that is not the only thing that will be resurrected, your career to can rise from the dead, and the now mortal Justin Credible, will be an immortal legend once again!

::…Justin Credible…::My career, rise from the dead, I like the sound of that, tell me more about this WWE company

::…The Voice…::The champion is nothing more than a Justin Credible copy, a man that claims he is a hardcore legend, but you are not only a hardcore legend, my friend, you are…

::..Justin Credible…::THE HARDCORE IKON!

::…The Voice…::Exactly, you are finally starting to listen to me…finally are beginning to understand what I have been preaching for months, you have lived in solitude, now you must rise from these ashes, you must remember the good times, Justin, remember that you are a man who fears nothing, especially a champion that is nothing more than a PUNK!

::…Justin Credible…::A PUNK? Who is it!?!

::…The Voice…::Not just a PUNK, the punk, CM PUNK, they are glorifying a man who means nothing to the industry, you revolutionized hardcore, you brought extreme, you are that king of extreme, and with me by your side, we are unstoppable!

::…Justin Credible…::Unstoppable? I do not need you by my side…I am capable of madness by myself, I can be that man I once was, I do not need you!

::…The Voice…::Stop talking like a fool, believe me when I say that there is nothing you can do without me, I am the one that holds the key to all of your success! I can add that revitalization to you, I make you fearless, I make you a man, and I make you so much more

::…Justin Credible…::I DO NOT NEED YOU! I MADE MY OWN CAREER! I AM A MAN, I AM THE MAN, and whoever this CM Punk character is will understand that when I take over the WWER by myself!

::…The Voice…::You are weak, you are a frail man, ha, you cannot survive, look at you, and you are nothing!

::…Justin Credible…::I will prove to you, I am back, and I am better, I will show you and everybody else in my way, there is nobody that stands in my way, I DO BAD THINGS!

::…The Voice…::Yes, yes, yes, finally, it is that tortured soul that I once knew, feed upon me Justin, feed

::…Justin Credible…::SHUT UP! SHUT UP! (Slaps his face, and hits himself in the head repeatedly) I DO NOT NEED YOU

**…Justin shuts off the television and peers into the blank television screen, he begins to talk, however nobody else is in the background, his reflection is seen, deranged eyes, and an odd smirk on his face, Justin laughs, grabs the television, and the voice is revealed..**

::…Justin ‘The Voice’ Credible…::You have finally listened to me, and through everything I am by your side, together we will take over the WWER, and leave nothing but destruction in our path, everybody will need to watch out, everybody will need to be on watch, darkness is back in the WWER, and it is nothing that they have ever seen before, I can assure you of that, together we are more powerful than any one force, we are…

::…Justin Credible…::Let me take care of this…

::…The Voice…::SAY IT JUSTIN, PROVE TO ME THAT YOU ARE WORTHY OF MY HELP, prove that you are finally emerging from this hell, to wreak havoc, and create your own hell in the WWE…

::…Justin Credible…::we are not just the coolest, not just the best, WE ARE JUST INCREDIBLE!

**…The home video camera begins to pan out as the reflection in the television is scene, Justin gives another horrific laugh and screams at the television, seemingly screaming at whoever/whatever that other voice may be, he grabs an empty can on the ground and cuts his forehead, a single drop of blood drips down his face, and he swipes it with his finger, then lick it, all you hear from the person behind the video camera is sheer disgust…**

::…The Voice…::WHAT IS THAT NOISE? WHO IS OUT THERE! JUSTIN GET HIM, there is somebody spying on you, somebody trying to ruin your empire!

**…All that is seen from the camera is Justin getting up and racing toward the door, with blood still dropping down his face, the cameraman drops the camera, and it hits the ground and all that is seen is a couple of shrubs that have not been taken care of, the door is open and yelling is heard, the cameraman scurries off, as Justin breaks through the door…Justin picks up the camera and zooms in on his face, now the blood has covered his face…**

::…Justin Credible…::WWER I am here, and even though I am simply INCREDIBLE, I will show each of you, that you will want me to be CRAZY, because the bad things that I do, ha ha … well let us just wait and see!

**...The camera is shuts off, as the battery hits zero...and fades out...**