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ATWG - All Time Wrestling Greats

News for 02/10/2001
Welcome to the All Time Wrestling Greats. New layout, pretty cool eh?

HUGE Roster Update, New Wrestlers Added to the Roster include Team Canada, The one Billy Gunn and Goldberg.

Here's Sunday Night's Card, I know there isn't much time left for Rping, but oh well, do your best....

Main Event
For The ATWG World Title
Jeff Jarrett vs. Scott Steiner

Hardcore Title Match
Raven (c) vs. Chris Benoit

Tag Team Title Match
Hardy Boyz vs. LOD

Triple H vs. Billy Gunn

Bret Hart vs. Big Show

CEO: Ric Flair
President: Atsoshi Onita
Commisioner: Justice

Wrestler of the Month


Top Contenders

World Title
1. None
InterContinental Title
1. None
Canadian Title
1. None
Hardcore Title
1. None
Light Heavyweight Title
1. None
Tag Team Titles
1. None

Quote of the Week

None so far...

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