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A Site Dedicated To WWF's Lita

Welcome to my Lita Fan Page! Here you'll find all you ever wanted to know about Lita, pictures, polls, news and updates about Lita and the Hardy Boyz, Fan persepctives and write-ups, and personal pictures! Click the Lita TopSites Button to vote for me if you like the page, and please sign the guestbook- I'd love to hear what you have to say about the page! Have fun!

New Matt and Lita pics! Come see!

Lita is the WWF's sweetheart, the most beautiful and outgoing woman in the WWF and future-second-time-Women's WWF Women's Champ! She is an inspiration to every WWF fan because of her determination, skills, and great moves in the ring. She never gives up, never gives in, and always gets up. She captures the crowd with her wild and high flying moves alongside the Hardy Boys, who are always loved by the crowd as well. Lita has never let us down and always cheers us up! We love you!

This banner was made by me, Angel, for this site. Thanks for respecting my artwork, hope you enjoy it!

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Pages by Andy and Josh- check it out! Lots of Lita and Trish! (You gotta love her too!)