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World Wrestling Championship Federation

welcome to the WWCF, this is the federation to have fun comeon in and join and have fun!!!!!!!


Rules and Regulations


Role Playing Board

Monday Night Slaughter

Friday Night Mayhem

Monday Night Results

Friday Night Results

Up Comeing PPV's




Listen Friday Night's card is up, so please check the card and see, so please roleplay for a match for Monday. We have only 26 wrestlers so far because the front office has fired some of the WWCF talent, so if any of you know anyone who would like to join then please give them the url, now we are allowing you you all to have as many wrestlers you want to your email, BUT you must handle them all, so you may have as many as you want, but if you dont roleplay as any of them then that one wrestler will be fired, thanks center>
World Champ:Kane

IC Champ:Triple H

Womens Champ:Lita

Tag Champs:The Outsiders

U.S. Champ: Scott Hall

Hardcore Champ:None