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Updated 06/22/2002

Pictures of Max updated 6/22/2002
Pictures of Max

Pictures from Wedding Updated 08/14/01
Pictures from the Wedding

Pictures from Mexico Updated 10/14/01
Pictures from Mexico
Pictures from Guatemala Updated 10/14/01
Pictures from Guatemala
Pictures from Kenya Updated 10/07/01
Pictures from Kenya

Pictures from Uganda Updated 8/22/00
Pictures from Uganda

Pictures from Ethiopia Updated 2/22/01
Pictures from Ethiopia

Pictures from Tanzania pdated 8/22/00
Pictures from Tanzania

Keep the following directions in mind when you go to each country's index...

You can click on the thumbnail picture to see a larger, clearer version. It may take some time for all of the pictures to download, so the loading may time out. All the thumbnails work! If you have problems you can right click on the problem image and select "Show picture" or "View Image" and your browser will try again. Even if the thumbnail doesn't show up you can still view the image.

Also, you MUST use the "Back" button on your browser after viewing an individual picture