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March 24, 2001

After some level of procrastination, we have finally kicked wedding preparations in to high gear. As I speak the last of the invitations are being printed and before you wake up Monday morning they'll be heading stateside. If you haven't already noticed, there is now a Wedding Annex to this website. Please check it out. Although there we've provided several ways to respond, we'd be grateful if you could take a second and fill out the on-line RSVP form while you're here. It'll save a lot of time for all parties.

I know I promised to write a bit more, but...well you's been busy here. Between getting the wedding website ready and fising up our new darkroom, there hasn't been a lot of time for writing.

I have, however, posted some New Pictures.

The first bunch of them is from a going away party we had for our friend Ritesh. He's a medical student that was doing some research for a semester here. At the party he gave us a little concert/demonstration of the tabla, a traditional Indian drum. It was pretty incredible. These two little drums produce a large variety of sounds. He gave us a lesson in classical Indian music, which turns out to be strangely similar to Jazz. The musicians trade solos based loosely around "standards".

I've also posted some pictures from Kim's field site, Asembo Bay. Make sure to check these out, as at least one of them is a really cool picture. I'll try to get Kim to write a little bit describing what's happening in each of the pictures and how it fits in with their research. My favorite is the guy with the GPS (global positioning system) jetpack contraption.

That's it for now...

I swear I'll write again soon.